Preparing for Estate and Gift Tax Exemption Sunset (2024)

With a key exemption scheduled to be sharply cut after 2025, the window to make large gifts to your heirs may close soon. Now’s the time to review your plans and ensure that your wealth stays in the family.

ALTHOUGH IT WENT RELATIVELY UNNOTICED AT THE TIME, one provision of the landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has had a profound impact on many people who may have a taxable estate in the future. This law more than doubled the maximum that families can give their beneficiaries — either during their lifetime or as part of their estate — without incurring federal gift or estate taxes. In addition, the amount is indexed for inflation. As a result, for 2024, a single taxpayer can claim a federal estate and lifetime gift tax exemption of $13.61 million. Couples making joint gifts can double that amount.

This exemption has helped affluent families pass along substantial gifts tax-free. But the time for taking advantage of this benefit may be drawing short — it remains in effect only through the end of 2025. After that, the amounts are scheduled to return to 2017 levels in 2026. Adjusted for inflation, the single taxpayer limit would drop back to an estimated $7 million.

It's possible the current exemption will be extended or modified, notes Kevin Hindman, a wealth strategies executive at Bank of America Private Bank who also works with Merrill clients. “But right now, this is the law,” he says. “To make any changes, Congress would have to pass new legislation, and that may be difficult.”

That’s why you should probably start planning now to take full advantage of today’s higher exemption. “The closer we get to the sunset, the greater the urgency becomes,” says Timothy Herbst, a wealth strategies executive for Bank of America Private Bank. As you discuss your estate and gifting plans with your advisor, here’s what to keep in mind.

Who may be affected by the return to previous exemption amounts

Just about anyone with a potentially taxable estate could see an impact, notes Herbst. Remember that your taxable estate includes not only your investment portfolio, but also your home and other real estate, any stake you may have in a closely held business and, in some cases, your life insurance policy. “There has been considerable appreciation in real estate as well as many businesses in recent years,” Herbst says. “You need to take that into account when calculating the size of your taxable estate.”

Before committing to a specific amount to give, Hindman suggests you first take stock of your assets, income and living expenses, then project those numbers out for your expected lifetime. Any excess remaining after your projected lifetime expenses is what you have available to pass on now. “You need to have 100% confidence that you'll be totally fine from a financial standpoint after having made the gifts,” he says.

Preparing for Estate and Gift Tax Exemption Sunset (1)

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A more generous gifting limit — for now

The lifetime gift and estate tax exemption, which was more than doubled by the 2017 tax reform bill, should go up with inflation in 2025, then plummet to near-2017 levels in 2026 unless Congress steps in.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption was $5.49 million in 2017.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption was $11.18 million in 2018.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption was $11.4 million in 2019.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption was $11.58 million in 2020.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption was $11.7 million in 2021.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption was $12.06 million in 2022.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption was $12.92 million in 2023.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption is $13.61 million in 2024 and 2025.

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption is projected to be $7 million in 2026.

Note: 2025 exemption does not reflect a possible inflation adjustment; 2026 exemption is projected.

Not taking full advantage of the gift tax exemption before it drops in two years could result in a far smaller estate for your heirs.

If your current net worth is $50 million and you gift the full 2024 exemption now, your gift in 2024 is $27.2 million, your taxable estate at death is $22.8 million, your estate tax at 40% is $9.1 million, and the net to your heirs is $40.9 million.

If your current net worth is $50 million and you gift only the projected 2026 exemption now, your gift in 2024 is $14 million, your taxable estate at death is $36 million, your estate tax at 40% is $14.4 million, and the net to your heirs is $35.6 million.

Note: Assumes both members of a couple make gifts; death of both spouses in 2026; and federal estate taxes only. The federal estate tax is calculated using a series of brackets with a maximum rate of 40%. For simplicity, these numbers were calculated using a 40% flat rate.

How to leverage current gifting limits

The simplest strategy is a direct gift of cash, securities or other assets with a value up to the lifetime exemption. Keep in mind that you have other avenues for tax-advantaged gifting beyond that. You can, for instance, use the annual gift tax exclusion — $18,000 in 2024, $36,000 for couples — to make yearly gifts to as many people as you like.

“There are also what are sometimes called ‘free gifts,’” Herbst says. Those let you make a payment directly to a school to cover a child’s or grandchild’s tuition, or to a medical provider for health expenses, without incurring taxes. Neither “free” nor annual exclusion gifts count toward your lifetime gifting limit, and these rules are not slated to change in 2026.

How trusts can help you protect your legacy

Of course, you can transfer cash directly to children or other family members, but be aware of the potential drawbacks. “It’s the equivalent of writing a check for $13 million to a child, or to be divided among your children,” Hindman says. “That act can have life-changing implications, and not all of them may be positive.” One alternative you might consider is to create an irrevocable trust, permitting withdrawals based upon a schedule and conditions that you determine. This allows you to maintain a level of control over how and when the beneficiaries will receive distributions. “That’s a crucial part of the planning process — deciding what provisions will be built into the trust,” Hindman says.

For married couples, another type of trust that can be used is the spousal lifetime access trust, or SLAT. It’s designed to give married couples significant control and flexibility. One spouse can put the full lifetime exemption amount in a SLAT that’s set up to benefit the other spouse (and, after that, children and grandchildren, if desired). The second spouse can fund another SLAT to benefit the first, though the two trusts cannot be set up at the same time and cannot be identical. “If they’re constructed properly, SLATs can remove assets from a couple’s taxable estates while still giving them the benefit of the distributions,” Hindman says.

What assets may offer tax advantages if you’re gifting

When choosing which assets to gift or place in a trust, you may want to favor ones you expect will keep growing. When you gift assets using your lifetime gift tax exemption, the assets are transferred at today’s value, and there’s no tax to the beneficiaries. You can gift these assets using your lifetime gift tax exemption amount. “They are not only getting the benefits of the value of the asset today, but also all the appreciation it may experience in future years,” Hindman says.

He adds, “That’s true whether that’s an interest in a business that may be sold or go public, a high-growth portfolio or another kind of appreciating asset. In some cases, the future value might be considerably more than it’s worth today.” In addition, the IRS may allow you to discount the current value of an illiquid share in a business or a fractional interest in real estate, enabling you to gift an even larger amount.

Preparing for Estate and Gift Tax Exemption Sunset (2)

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A potentially costly gift

When you make gifts in your lifetime, you may want to consider the income taxes the recipient might face later. If your cost basis is low, you may be passing on a large future tax bill.

When you gift an asset worth $1,000,000 that you bought for $100,000, the gift recipient’s basis is $100,000, the value when the asset is sold in five years is $1,400,000, the taxable gain is $1,300,000, the capital gains tax is $260,000, and what’s left after taxes is $1,140,000.

When you gift an asset worth $1,000,000 that you bought for $900,000, the gift recipient’s basis is $900,000, the value when the asset is sold in five years is $1,400,000, the taxable gain is $500,000, the capital gains tax is $100,000, and what’s left after taxes is $1,300,000.

Note: Assumes 7% annual returns and a 20% capital gains tax rate.

Another consideration when you’re deciding whether to gift an asset now or leave it in your estate is future income taxes. This is especially relevant because with the sunsetting of the 2017 tax cuts in 2026, personal income tax rates also return to their previous levels.

On inherited assets, your beneficiaries may get what’s known as a step-up in basis to the market value at your death. With lifetime gifts, on the other hand, the beneficiary must use your cost basis. “If you gift assets with a low basis now, that could mean a big income tax hit on the next generation when the assets are sold,” Herbst says.

Instead, he says, you might consider giving them assets with a higher tax basis, while giving the assets with a lower tax basis directly to charity or using them to fund a charitable trust. This can also be a useful strategy if you’ve used up your gift tax exemption and are looking for other ways to reduce the size of your future estate. (For more on the tax advantages of donating appreciated assets, see “Making charitable giving more tax-efficient.”)

Why it’s important to start planning now

Two years may seem like plenty of time to adjust your estate plans. But unless you’re simply making large cash gifts, developing a new plan will involve detailed conversations with your advisors and estate planning attorney and careful drafting of documents, especially if a trust is involved.

“You need to think about how much you feel comfortable gifting and the structures that make the most sense,” Hindman says. “Remember, these trusts are irrevocable, so it’s especially important not to rush.” You will need experienced estate planning attorneys to craft the trusts, and as the clock ticks down toward 2026, those professionals are likely to be in great demand, Hindman notes.

The IRS has said that anyone who takes advantage of the current higher exemption won’t be penalized if the amount drops in 2026. “That gives us some comfort about doing something now,” Herbst says. “But these are complex issues, and determining what works best for a particular family will mean weighing many factors, from tax considerations to the ultimate goals of their gifting strategy.”

Whether your existing estate plan was created recently or some years ago, he adds, having a conversation with your advisor now can help you make better-educated decisions about your family’s future.

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Preparing for Estate and Gift Tax Exemption Sunset (2024)


Will the estate tax exemption sunset in 2026? ›

Since then, we have seen the exemption rise to $13,610,000 in 2024 due to inflation. However, on January 1, 2026, the exemption is scheduled to automatically reset (or sunset) to $5,000,000, indexed to inflation (approximately $7,000,000), unless Congress acts prior to then.

What will the federal estate tax exemption be in 2025? ›

The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption is $13.61 million in 2024 and 2025. The lifetime gift/estate tax exemption is projected to be $7 million in 2026. Note: 2025 exemption does not reflect a possible inflation adjustment; 2026 exemption is projected.

What is the federal estate and gift tax exemption for 2024? ›

Effective January 1, 2024, the federal estate and gift tax exemption amount increased from $12.92 million to $13.61 million per individual (a combined $27.22 million for a married couple), representing an increase of $690,000.

What assets are not subject to estate tax? ›

Most relatively simple estates (cash, publicly traded securities, small amounts of other easily valued assets, and no special deductions or elections, or jointly held property) do not require the filing of an estate tax return.

What happens to DSUe after 2025? ›

In short, the scheduled sunset of the applicable exclusion amount does not apply to the larger, albeit still unused, DSUE. Conclusion: When a spouse dies before 2026 and that deceased spouse's unused DSUE is ported to the surviving spouse, any unused portion of the top half of SDUE will not expire after 2025.

What will the tax brackets look like in 2026? ›

The TCJA decreased the tax rates and changed the brackets to which those rates applied. Under the TCJA, the tax rates are 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37%. On January 1, 2026, the rates return to their pre-TCJA amounts of 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%.

What is the sunset provision 2025? ›

Most of the tax changes in the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) expire (sunset) at the end of 2025. TCJA featured tax cuts and some tax hikes to help pay for it. Meanwhile, TCJA's massive tax cut lowering the corporate tax rate to 21% does not expire.

How to lock in estate tax exemption? ›

Shielding Assets from Taxes

A SLAT is an irrevocable trust that one spouse creates for the benefit of the other. The grantor spouse uses his or her gift tax exemption to shield the gift from taxes and, provided the trust is designed properly, its assets will be kept out of both spouses' taxable estates.

What is the generation skipping tax exemption for 2026? ›

The exemption amount is set to revert to around $7 million in 2026, indexed for inflation. The GST tax rate applies to outright transfers of property and certain other transfers of property to a trust. Generally, trust income or principal distributed to grandchildren are subject to GST.

How does the IRS know if I give a gift? ›

The primary way the IRS becomes aware of gifts is when you report them on form 709. You are required to report gifts to an individual over $17,000 on this form. This is how the IRS will generally become aware of a gift.

How much can you inherit without paying federal taxes? ›

In 2024, the first $13,610,000 of an estate is exempt from taxes, up from $12,920,000 in 2023. Estate taxes are based on the size of the estate. It's a progressive tax, just like our federal income tax. That means that the larger the estate, the higher the tax rate it is subject to.

How to avoid federal estate tax? ›

Let's look at some of the main options.
  1. Transfers and Gifts. One way to shelter your assets from estate taxes is simply to take the assets out of your estate by transferring them to someone else. ...
  2. Trusts. Another general method to avoid estate taxes is by setting up a trust. ...
  3. Family Limited Partnership. ...
  4. Real Estate Valuation.
Feb 9, 2023

Is clothing considered an asset in an estate? ›

In short, yes. Household items do have to go through the probate process as they are considered probate assets with no explicit or individual title. These assets (items like furniture, clothing, collections, artwork, jewelry, etc.)

What assets are free from inheritance tax? ›

Certain types of assets are also exempt, or partially exempt, from inheritance tax. In particular, pension pots are not treated as part of an individual's estate, and agricultural and business property can attract either 50% or 100% relief.

How to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property? ›

Here are five ways to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property.
  1. Sell the inherited property quickly. ...
  2. Make the inherited property your primary residence. ...
  3. Rent the inherited property. ...
  4. Disclaim the inherited property. ...
  5. Deduct selling expenses from capital gains.

What taxes sunset in 2026? ›

Bonus depreciation was also introduced as part of the TCJA. Business owners could claim an additional first-year allowance on qualifying equipment purchases. Bonus depreciation was as high as 100% at one point. This tax benefit is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2026.

Will portability go away in 2026? ›

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA, P.L. 115-97) temporarily doubled the applicable exclusion amount for tax years 2018–2025. Without amendment, the exclusion will revert to half of the inflation-adjusted amount in 2026.

What is the Massachusetts estate tax exemption for 2024? ›

Unlike the federal estate tax exemption ($13,610,000 in 2024) which is adjusted annually for inflation, the $2 million Massachusetts estate tax exemption is not indexed for inflation. Rather, the Massachusetts estate tax exemption will remain stagnant at $2 million annually, unless and until the law is changed.

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