Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (2024)

CEX.IO features soft MATIC staking with no lock periods and a high annual yield.Discover how MATIC staking works and how to start earning staking rewards withCEX.IO.

Choose a coin to stake

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (1)BTC

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (2)KAVA

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (3)AVAX

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (4)KSM

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (5)POL

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (6)DOT

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (7)XTZ

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (8)TRX

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (9)SOL

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (10)ZIL

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (11)FLR

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (12)ADA

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (13)ATOM

How many coins do you hold?


Estimated Annual Reward:

0 0

0.000000 0.00 USD

0.000000 0.00 USD

0.000000 0.00 USD

What is Polygon (MATIC)?

Polygon, previously Matic Network, is a platform that helps the Ethereum networkscale and improve infrastructure development by utilizing sidechains and differentlayer 2 (L2) solutions. Polygon connects Ethereum-based projects with Polygonscaling solutions, allowing developers to increase flexibility and sovereignty oftheir projects, and build new projects.

The platform uses the so-called Polygon SDK framework, providing developers accessto L2 solutions like Plasma, Validium, Optimistic rollups, and zero-knowledgerollups. All these L2 solutions are designed to multiply the transactionthroughput without compromising the security of associated blockchains. Polygonalso combines the Plasma framework with its own proof of stake (PoS) blockchainarchitecture known to ensure projects’ security.

Polygon has a native token called MATIC. It is mostly used to govern and securethe Polygon network and to pay gas fees within the Polygon ecosystem. MATIC tokenscan be staked to support the functionality of the Polygon network and earn stakingrewards.

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (14)

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (15)

What is Proof of Stake (PoS)?

Proof of stake is a system that allows blockchain networks to achieve distributedconsensus. Anyone can join proof of stake networks and lock a certain amount offunds to participate in staking, to secure the network and maintain consensus. Theindividuals who participate in staking can become validators to vote for upgradeswithin the network, or validate transactions and add them to the blockchain.

Typically, achieving consensus in a proof of stake network requires processingmany blocks, but the Polygon network uses a modified consensus mechanism toachieve consensus with every block. In the Polygon network, the consensus isachieved by committing checkpoints of Polygon blocks to the Ethereum network.

Polygon Staking Explained

Users can stake MATIC and earn staking rewards by being either a validator or adelegator. Validators run specific nodes to participate in the consensus of thePolygon network directly, verifying transactions and adding new blocks to theblockchain. If users don’t want to run their own node, they can delegate theirMATIC tokens to delegators and contribute to network security.

Validators earn staking rewards for bringing value to the network. If a validatorhas delegators, then earned rewards are distributed to delegators in proportion totheir contribution. Delegators increase the power of the validator. More power,more probability that the validator will be selected to become a block producerand earn staking rewards.

Polygon runs validator auctions periodically where anyone can replace the currentvalidator by proposing a higher stake. So becoming a validator may require asignificant number of funds and technical knowledge of running a node. That is whytoken delegation is considered a more affordable and easier option to startstaking MATIC.

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (16)

If you want to delegate your tokens to earn staking rewards, you usually need tochoose a validator on your own. Each validator acts independently from one another,and they may have their own commission rates for delegators. If a validator has a highcommission, it will significantly reduce the delegators’ rewards. When choosing avalidator on your own, it is also important to look at the “checkpoints signed ratio”which shows the validator's past performance. If the validator has less than 100%“checkpoints signed ratio,” it means validators distributed fewer rewards todelegators due to certain reasons. Staking rewards can be restaked and sent tovalidators to earn more staking rewards in the future. However, usually delegatorsneed to pay gas fees for that.

When delegators want to stop staking MATIC, they usually need to wait until the“unbond process” finishes. Unbond process refers to so-called unstaking when youremove your stake from the validator to claim your rewards. In the Polygon network,the unbond process usually takes 80 checkpoints, or from one day to several weeks.

Where can you Stake Polygon?

Polygon gained significant support from the crypto community, making MATIC one ofthe most popular assets for staking. A lot of staking providers allow cryptoenthusiasts to select validators and delegate tokens to them to earn stakingrewards. But MATIC staking can be much easier and more flexible if you stakecrypto with CEX.IO.

WithCEX.IO Crypto Staking, you don’t need to assess the offerings of different delegators, or pay gas feesto stop staking or restake your tokens. On CEX.IO, you just need to store MATICtokens in your CEX.IO balance to start participating in staking. No additionalactions are needed to earn staking rewards.

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (17)

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (18)

What are the Benefits of Staking MATIC with CEX.IO?

When you stake cryptocurrencies on CEX.IO, you can benefit from several featuresthat can make your staking even more flexible and easy.

Firstly, there is no lock period on CEX.IO, meaning your funds are not lockedwhile you participate in staking. It opens a lot of new opportunities for users.For example, you can:

Add funds to earn more staking rewards whenever you want

Withdraw staked assets anytime, without waiting a certain period when your fundsreturn from the staking node

Secondly, CEX.IO Staking features automated balance replenishment. Typically, youneed to restake MATIC tokens separately and even pay gas fees for that. On CEX.IO,staking rewards are automatically distributed to your CEX.IO balance. It allowsyou to earn more staking rewards with consecutive staking periods withoutadditional commissions.

Thirdly, CEX.IO Staking is an integral part of the CEX.IO ecosystem, meaning youcan benefit from top-notch security and numerous services while stakingcryptocurrency.

How to Stake Polygon on CEX.IO

CEX.IO strives to make the staking convenient for all users, regardless of theirtechnical knowledge, crypto experience, and starting capital. For that reason, weaim to make interaction with staked cryptocurrencies as simple as possible.

To start staking with CEX.IO, just follow a few simple steps:


Create an account on CEX.IO or log into your CEX.IO account.


Go to the Staking page —you will see a staking dashboard with all cryptocurrencies available for stakingon CEX.IO.


Click “Add funds” or “Buy” next to the MATIC token. If you click “Add funds”, yourwallet address on CEX.IO will appear for depositing funds in MATIC. If you click“Buy”, then a new page will appear where you can buy MATIC using your paymentcard.


Estimated Annual Reward*

Minimum Holdings

Reward Coin

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (19)


Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

0.5 KAVA

Reward Coin


Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (20)


Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

0.05 AVAX

Reward Coin


Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (21)


Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

0.05 KSM

Reward Coin



Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

10 POL

Reward Coin



Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings


Reward Coin



Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

10 XTZ

Reward Coin



Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

1000 TRX

Reward Coin


new Solana

Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

0.05 SOL

Reward Coin


hot Zilliqa

Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings


Reward Coin


Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (28)


Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

10 FLR

Reward Coin



Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings

10 ADA

Reward Coin



Estimated Annual Yield*


Minimum Holdings


Reward Coin


That’s it! After replenishing your MATIC balance on CEX.IO, you will automaticallystart participating in staking. Please note that you need to be verified todeposit and purchase cryptocurrencies.

You will earn staking rewards as long as you store MATIC tokens on your CEX.IObalance. Staking rewards are distributed once a month. You don’t need to claimyour staking rewards separately. Staking rewards will be automatically sent toyour CEX.IO balance at the end of the staking period.

What is the Polygon Staking Yield on CEX.IO?

Estimated annual yield (EAY) shows what potential yield you can earn for stakingcryptocurrencies on CEX.IO. Each cryptocurrency has its own estimated annual yieldthat depends on network and validator performance. If you want to find the currentestimated annual yield for staking MATIC on CEX.IO, then go to the Staking page oron the staking dashboard.

Please note that the annual yield is called estimated because there are a lot offactors that may affect potential staking rewards. It is the main reason whyestimated annual yield may be shown as a range or may differ from one stakingperiod to another. You can find more information about the reason that may affectthe estimated annual yield in thisblog post.

How to Calculate Potential MATIC Staking Rewards with the Earnings Calculator

If you want to find out what potential staking reward you can earn with thecurrent Polygon interest rate, then you can use our Earnings calculator. TheEarnings calculator can be found on theStaking pageand the staking dashboard.

To see your staking reward, you need to choose MATIC in the dropdown list ofsupported cryptocurrencies for staking. Then you need to enter the number oftokens you currently have or plan to have in your CEX.IO balance. After that, thecalculator will automatically calculate the estimated earnings you can get forstaking MATIC with CEX.IO.

The staking calculator shows the estimated amount of gain that will “accrue” for aday, month, and year. The amounts indicated in the calculator are approximatesince they are based on the current MATIC price and current estimated annual yieldthat may change over time.

Please note that if you deposit or withdraw funds from your CEX.IO balance, itwill also affect your potential reward. Potential staking rewards arere-calculated every hour, allowing you to join CEX.IO Staking whenever you wantand earn staking rewards even if stored stake-able crypto for only a few hours.

Choose a coin to stake

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (31)BTC

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (32)KAVA

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (33)AVAX

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (34)KSM

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (35)POL

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (36)DOT

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (37)XTZ

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (38)TRX

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (39)SOL

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (40)ZIL

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (41)FLR

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (42)ADA

  • Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (43)ATOM

How many coins do you hold?


Estimated Annual Reward:

0 0

0.000000 0.00 USD

0.000000 0.00 USD

0.000000 0.00 USD


May I deposit and withdraw MATIC using the Polygon network?

Yes. CEX.IO supports the Polygon network for MATIC transactions. You can find your Polygon wallet address on the staking dashboard, clicking on the “Add funds” button next to MATIC or going to the Finance page. There you need to click “Deposit” next to your MATIC balance and select Polygon network.

If you want to withdraw MATIC using the Polygon network, then you can also do it using the Finance page. Click “Withdrawal” next to MATIC, enter your amount, and destination wallet address. If you use the CEX.IO mobile app for transactions, then you can use guides about crypto deposits and withdrawals.

What are the Minimum Holding Requirements to Stake MATIC on CEX.IO?

Yes. CEX.IO supports the Polygon network for MATIC transactions. You can find your Polygon wallet address on the staking dashboard, clicking on the “Add funds” button next to MATIC or going to the Finance page. There you need to click “Deposit” next to your MATIYou need to store at least 10 MATIC in your CEX.IO account to start participating in staking. You can find information about minimum holding requirements for MATIC and other cryptocurrencies on the Staking page.

Please note that if the number of tokens in your CEX.IO account is below the required limit for staking, you will not earn staking rewards. You can deposit or buy MATIC anytime to start using the CEX.IO Staking service.

May I Use the CEX.IO Mobile App for MATIC Staking?

Yes. You can deposit MATIC using the CEX.IO mobile app to start earning staking rewards with CEX.IO Staking. In addition, you can use the CEX.IO mobile app for trading and purchasing MATIC using multiple crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat markets.

After receiving your first staking reward, you will be able to see in the CEX.IO mobile app how much you earned by staking MATIC. For that, you need to tap the “Wallet” menu and select MATIC in the list of cryptocurrencies. For more information about staked coins, you can use the staking dashboard on the CEX.IO website.

Polygon (MATIC) Staking Calculator — How & Where to Stake Polygon with No Lock Period (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.