Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (2024)

Table of Contents


Pinterestis one of the best platforms for startups and small businesses. Remote handling of companies not only cuts down costs but also provides flexibility in the workplace. Hiring a Pinterest virtual assistant from a reliable source like Ossisto helps save costs and provides flexibility. Some of the valuable Pinterest management services will be looking to offer innovative solutions through a virtual assistant.

With the increasing remote work culture post-pandemic, virtual assistants grew in demand. Companies that are explicitly looking for a Pinterest personal assistant can get the best services from Ossisto at a reasonable price.

What is the Role of a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (1)

A Virtual Assistant Pinterest is a remote professional who handles administrative, business, and technical tasks. A Pinterest VA proficiently manages a Pinterest account and helps increase organic traffic to the business website. The primary objective is to employ Pinterest VA to increase business sales through a Pinterest account.

Here are a few roles:

1. Create Pins that Convert

The primary objective of a Pinterest personal assistant is to create theme-based Pins for your business. A virtual assistant in the role of a Pinterest manager can convert leads into clients with the help of unique pins. If you are unsure how to create pins, you must seek professional guidance. The best remedy for new businesses is hiring a Pinterest virtual assistant proficient in creating pins that convert leads into clients.

2. Conduct a Competitor Analysis

Another task that a Pinterest VA handles is analyzing your business niche’s competition. With competitive analysis, businesses can identify their potential competition. It provides insight into the correct strategy for promotion and design. A professional Pinterest VA can identify your direct and indirect competitors using organic research tools.

A structured competitive analysis provides the strength and weaknesses of your businesses concerning your marketing strategy. Brands must explore competitive analysis with the help of genuine Pinterest management services. Most online services also provide templates to do a self-assessment. Startups must explore these templates and see if it works or not.

3. Write Optimized Descriptions

Pinterest is the best platform to get traffic on desired blogs and websites. It figures out what kind of search engine algorithm displays on your pins. More than sharing beautiful pins, the secret is having an optimized pin with a scuttle description. With optimized descriptions of your pins, you are making them follow a search engine pattern.

A Pinterest virtual assistant is proficient in optimizing your Pinterest content. It puts the right ticks for your pin title and the right visual image. A professional VA knows the importance of keywords, and he knows how to include them.

4. Participate in Discussion Boards

Most businesses are unaware of the Pinterest discussion board; even if they know it, they do not value its importance. These boards are created by Pinterest users and permit others to add their pins. Businesses should explore this opportunity and add relevant pins.

A Pinterest VA explores these boards to brainstorm new ideas, hunt relevant pins and support other communities. It provides an opportunity for businesses to collaborate with other users. It expands your scope of discovering more clients. In addition, it also helps in planning and creating the right strategy to market your brand.

5. Schedule Posts

Scheduling posts is essential for Pinterest. It helps keep your content beautiful with consistent. A Pinterest virtual assistant can be employed to manage and schedule posts. It provides businesses with a roadmap to schedule, monitor and manage posts. A business Pinterest account can be used to schedule posts for the future.

Scheduling pins is an excellent strategy to keep consistency and plan things. With Pinterest management services you can schedule Pins up to 30 days in advance. You can also schedule 100 pins for future posting.

6. Plan Posts

Planning posts is akin to scheduling posts. Before scheduling pins, you need to do detailed research to plan which pins and positions you are planning for next month. Planning posts is a taxing task, and doing extensive research and planning the content may not be feasible. Ideas can come up, but you need a professional Pinterest assistant to implement them.

7. Evaluate Performance

Unless you know where you stand, you cannot improve your product or services. It is essential to do exhaustive research and analysis of what is working on Pinterest and what is not. Hiring a Pinterest VA provides the best professionals trained to perform performance evaluations.

All startups must use professional Pinterest services to do their performance evaluation. A Pinterest personal assistant has the tools and methods to evaluate competition in your niche. Once you know the competition, you can devise strategies to target potential clients.

8. Stay Current on Trends and Updates

As a business entity, you may not be aware of trending Pins and topics. Hiring a Pinterest virtual assistant keeps businesses updated on current issues, trends, and unique Pins. Companies using Pinterest to promote their business should track trending topics and use them in their upcoming posts.

How To Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Pinterest, with its visually appealing and dynamic platform, offers a unique space for businesses to showcase their products and services. This presents a lucrative opportunity for individuals aspiring to become Pinterest Virtual Assistant. If you’re intrigued by the idea of combining your organizational skills with a passion for Pinterest, this guide is tailored just for you.

1. Understand Pinterest Inside Out

Before diving into the role of a Pinterest Virtual Assistant, familiarize yourself with the platform. Understand how Pinterest works, the different types of pins, group boards, and the overall aesthetic that performs well.

2. Develop Your Skills

Sharpen your skills in graphic design tools like Canva or Adobe Spark. A Virtual Assistant Pinterest needs to create eye-catching pins that resonate with the brand’s identity and capture the audience’s attention.

3. Create a Professional Online Presence

Build a professional online presence to showcase your skills and attract potential clients. Create a portfolio featuring your best work, and highlight any relevant experience or training you’ve undergone. Platforms like LinkedIn and personal websites work well for this purpose.

4. Learn Pinterest Marketing Strategies

Familiarize yourself with Pinterest marketing strategies. Understand how businesses use Pinterest to drive traffic and sales. Stay updated on algorithm changes and trends within the platform.

5. Set Up Your Virtual Assistant Business

Establish your virtual assistant business. Set clear goals, define your services, and determine your pricing structure. Consider creating packages that cater specifically to Pinterest management and marketing.

6. Market Your Services

Use social media platforms, especially Pinterest, to market your services. Showcase your expertise by sharing valuable tips, creating relevant boards, and engaging with the Pinterest community. Leverage your personal network and consider running targeted ads to reach potential clients.

7. Network with Other Virtual Assistants

Join online communities or forums where virtual assistants gather. Networking can lead to collaborations, referrals, and valuable insights. Learning from others in the field can also help you refine your skills and stay updated on industry trends.

8. Build a Strong Client Relationship

Once you start working with clients, focus on building strong relationships. Communication is key, so be transparent about your processes, timelines, and any challenges you may face. Deliver quality work consistently to ensure client satisfaction and positive referrals.

9. Continuously Educate Yourself

Stay updated on the latest Pinterest features, marketing trends, and graphic design tools. Continuous learning will keep you ahead of the curve and make you a valuable asset to your clients.

5 Benefits of Hiring a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (2)

Pinterest is an incredible platform for growing your business. If used correctly, it can bring considerable traffic to your website, helping you build your brand. Companies can get going with the help of a Pinterest virtual assistant. Here are a few advantages of hiring a Pinterest Manager.

1. Saves Time and Effort

One of the most significant advantages of hiring a Pinterest VA is to cave in on time. Businesses can dwell on core marketing and management issues and leave Pinterest with an expert. A Pinterest personal assistant will assist you in all viable areas, saving time. A Pinterest manager is an excellent asset for managing and optimizing your accounts. In addition, you can send out monthly or weekly reports to measure and scale up your business.

2. Upscale Business Designing

Most businesses consider themselves designers. Or even worse, they don’t know how to design pins for business accounts. Hiring a Pinterest virtual assistant will give companies the skills to design pins. Apart from using Photoshop or Canva, Pinterest management services provide additional tools for creativity. Over time businesses can acquire great design aesthetics by working with Pinterest management services.

3. Managing Multiple Pinterest Accounts

Sometimes Businesses need to create multiple Pinterest accounts to promote brand offshoots. Brands with various Pinterest accounts for business must consider hiring a virtual assistant. A Pinterest manager can explore tools that help keep track of multiple accounts. Most companies struggle to manage multiple accounts. Those considering hiring Pinterest VA take the lead and grow and can focus better on business growth.

4. Organizing Pin Promotion Campaigns

Spending on a Pinterest assistant is better than setting aside big budgets for marketing. Investing in Pinterest pays off in the long term. A well-thought-off pin campaign is cost-effective and gives exceptionally positive results. A Pinterest VA helps brands design a supported pin campaign that goes well even after the campaign ends. In addition, the long-term benefit of a pin campaign helps to get appropriate branding, reposts, and click baits for your website.

5. Building Business Strategy

Making a visible brand is all about making the right strategy. Businesses cannot expect their brands to flourish by posting cute memes or pins on their business accounts. Every business account should follow a well-thought-out plan. A Pinterest VA draws out a tailored strategy for business growth.

Who Needs a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (3)

There is a lot that a Pinterest virtual assistant can do for all kinds of businesses. Suitable content creation, pitching, performance analysis, and messaging are a few everyday tasks done by Pinterest VA.

Ossisto’s Pinterest management services handle most of your business-related tasks associated with Pin content. We know the basics and the unique needs of Pinterest marketing. We do intensive and exhaustive research to build strong pins that give you an online presence to help your business grow. It would be best to have a dedicated full-time Pinterest personal assistant to manage content, schedule it beforehand, and have a responsive, proactive approach.

Who can use the services of a Pinterest virtual assistant? The answer lies in anyone who is using this platform and needs visibility. A few benefits are listed below.

  • Executives
  • Small Businesses
  • Leaders
  • Sales team
  • Attorneys
  • Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Photographers
  • Authors

Criteria for Evaluating a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (4)

Good Pinterest management services can niche down to bloggers and content creators to offer various services like social media management, copywriting, Pinterest strategy, and graphic creation. Pinterest strategy is workable with a virtual assistant. The most effective way to evaluate virtual assistants on Pinterest is by Performance.

Here are a few criteria for evaluating business growth

1. Experience with Pinterest

The Pinterest platform works differently from other platforms. To get things right, one must be proficient in making excellent pins with the proper optimization. Hiring a Pinterest VA provides you with the correct format and strategy. Professional VAs knows how to pitch your pins, and they keep an eye on trending topics. Ossisto is a renowned name for hiring experienced Virtual Assistants for all businesses.

2. Initiative

The initiative is required to push your brand forward. It is one of the essential criteria for evaluating the core competency of a Pinterest VA. Hiring a professional VA for Pinterest management keeps you ahead in the competition with added initiative. It provides more chances to find clients online than waiting for customers to find your brand.

3. Excellent Communication Skills

People with better communication skills have 50 percent more chances of success than those lacking effective communication—the ABCD of communication. Hiring a Pinterest virtual assistant can achieve Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity, and Diplomatic style.

4. Knowledge of Content Production and Scheduling Tools

Hiring VAs from reliable sources like Ossisto provides inherent knowledge of content creation and the correct pattern for scheduling posts. It takes much research to determine which content is trending or pins likely to make clients. Hiring a Pinterest VA from reliable Pinterest management services will help businesses.

5. Accepts Criticism in Stride

Startups may face criticism in their initial phase of business setup. Criticism can be genuine or purposely done to keep your brand out of competition. The complaint must be taken in s positive stride and look for loopholes to be covered. If it is without reason, reacting but explaining your point of view to your clients is not essential. Hiring a virtual assistant for pinterest helps businesses respond to criticism and improve brand reputation.

Using Ossisto to Hire a Pinterest VA

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (5)

The first step before hiring a Pinterest virtual assistant is to assess your business needs. Many companies are proficient in providing virtual assistants. However, doing a background check on the virtual assistant company before getting into business dealing is advisable. Another way is to post a job listing on job sites to look for freelancers. The process may be cumbersome, and getting the right candidate in this mode might be challenging. The best way is always to go for a reputable virtual assistant company proficient in getting you the right candidate.

Ossisto is a well-established, reputable, and reliable partner in getting your company the best Pinterest VAs. Here are the required steps to get the best services from Ossisto. To learn more about our diverse range of virtual assistant services, visit our Virtual Assistant Services page.

Step 1 - Describe your ideal prospect

Get in touch with our solutions consultant to identify your needs. List out points to see if we fit your requirements. If yes, we will send you an agreement and assign you a dedicated solution consultant. There is no need to rush into a contract. Once satisfied with our Pinterest virtual assistant service, give a partnership commitment.

Step 2 - We'll start looking

Meet the hiring team and select the most suitable pick from our pool of talented candidates. We will assess your need and look for the matching requirement of proficient Pinterest VAs. Our solution consultant will interview and help you choose the best candidate based on your requirements.

Step 3 - Choose from a pre-selected list

Evaluate all the pros and cons with our solution consultant. Look at your tasks, tools, and requirements, and be assured how we will help your social media site grow. Our Pinterest VA gives you a detailed report of merits and timeframe. We also have a pre-selected list for your ready reference. We believe in transparency, and there are no hidden costs or false promises.

Step 4 - Recruit your new Pinterest virtual assistant

Our solution consultant will interview and help you choose the best candidate based on your requirements. Our solution consultant stays in touch to provide a valuable service and guide you through our foolproof social media onboarding process. Ossisto’s Pinterest management services will keep our expert guidance tagged till you are satisfied with our services.

How much should a Virtual Pinterest Assistant be Paid?

Payment to any VA depends on his experience, work quality, and engagement term. Factors also include the hiring agency, level of expertise, local services offered, the degree of client they’re looking to work with, etc. Most Pinterest VAs start at $15 per hour and may easily average $40 to $60 per hour or more, with overtime expenses.

Are you Looking for a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (6)

Ossisto’s Pinterest virtual assistant can elevate your business to new dimensions. We provide virtual assistants for all companies that are better than AI modules. At Ossisto, we deliver Pinterest VAs in the form of professionals for all kinds of businesses. The company has the distinction of supplying over one thousand completed projects.

Pinterest is the best platform for startups, businesses, and entrepreneurs. The demand for a Pinterest VA is expanding with social media impact and technology upgradation. Startups looking to grow their sphere of influence must rely on an effective digital marketing strategy.

Virtual employees offer practical communication tools that can see details of transactions and records that AI modules may miss. Ossisto’s virtual assistant Pinterest is proficient with Google, Microsoft, and other popular suits. Here are some reasons to choose Ossisto services.

So, who are Our Remote Team Members?

Country Based location

Our Pinterest VAs has US, UK, and Indian contractors. The clients have proven and tested experience to help your business grow.

Completely Remote

With complete remote hiring, you can reduce the company’s costs. Ossisto’s virtual assistant remote hiring team specializes in candidates’ recruitment and assessment evaluation.

Get a Chaperon

Our team of experts will guide you all the way. We specialize in Healthcare Digital Marketing and our excellent results in virtual marketing assistants.


We don’t brag about our services. At Ossisto’s Pinterest management services, we let our clients speak for us.

Pinterest Virtual Assistant vs. Social Media Manager

Pinterest Virtual Assistant

A Pinterest Virtual Assistant is a specialist in harnessing the power of the Pinterest platform. They excel in creating visually appealing pins, optimizing boards, and implementing effective pinning strategies. Their focus is on leveraging Pinterest’s unique features to drive traffic, increase brand visibility, and engage with the target audience. If your business places a significant emphasis on Pinterest as a marketing channel and you seek expertise specific to this platform, a Virtual Assistant Pinterest may be the ideal choice.

Social Media Manager

A Social Media Manager takes a broader approach, overseeing a spectrum of social media platforms, including Pinterest. Their responsibilities encompass crafting a cohesive social media strategy, managing content creation, and engaging with the audience across various channels.

Social Media Managers work towards enhancing brand visibility and engagement on a wider scale. If your business aims for a comprehensive social media presence beyond Pinterest, and you value an overarching strategy that integrates multiple platforms, a Social Media Manager may be the better fit.

Choosing between a Pinterest Virtual Assistant and a Social Media Manager depends on your business goals, the importance of Pinterest in your marketing strategy, and whether you require a specialized or holistic approach to social media management. Understanding these distinctions will help you make an informed decision aligned with your specific needs.

Our Other Services

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (7)

1. Content Writing

We have developed content across industries with specialized blog services. We have a team of top-rated content creators across all niches. With thousands of satisfied customers and top-ranking content on the SERP, we at Ossisto are committed to delivering the best content-writing solutions.

2. Graphic Designing

At Ossisto, we provide comprehensive UI/UX services for websites and e-platforms. Supercharge your creative index with custom illustrations, presentations, digital ads, and graphic motion pictures. Put your brand in the best face for competitive acceleration and create a lasting impact.

3. Business Consulting

We are helping businesses grow across the United States and on four significant continents globally. Ossisto’s company consulting gives you the best business advisory and consultancy in the central business models. We proudly provide the best business consultancy to our clients, who speak volumes about our services.

4. Digital Marketing

Ossisto’s Digital marketing services provide performance services to businesses to access diverse media platforms. Our vast digital marketing experience gives our clients top rankings in the SERP. Along with social media marketing, we provide the best SEO and google ads results.

5. IT and Website

With Ossisto, you get the best It and website services. Whatever site design you need, wherever you are in the world, and whether you are a freelancer or a business owner, we will provide customized websites. Our vision is to enable SMEs to use emerging digital technologies best.

6. Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping involves identifying, classifying, recording, and summarizing significant transactions. Outsourcing accounts with Ossisto keeps you legally safe and on track in the fierce business competition. Apart from the legality of financial transactions, we give valuable analysis and help companies plan, decide, and record transactions.

7. Business Support

With Ossisto’s business support services, you get the best telemarketing, business delivery schedule, and logistics analysis. Your company can build an online presence with enhanced customer interaction with our business support.

8. Virtual Assistant

Ossisto’s virtual assistant will handle the tedious tasks and give you a much-needed break. Ossisto’s virtual assistants are trained professionals who make calls, book appointments, and manage accounts. In addition, our virtual assistants are trained to handle all routine tasks.

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Success Stories

Unlocking the potential of Pinterest with virtual assistants has become a game-changer for many entrepreneurs and businesses. In this blog, we showcase inspiring success stories that highlight the transformative impact of utilizing virtual assistants on the Pinterest platform. From skyrocketing engagement to driving substantial traffic, these stories illustrate how strategic integration of virtual assistance has led to brand visibility and growth.

Explore firsthand accounts of entrepreneurs who harnessed the power of Pinterest through virtual assistants, unveiling the tactics, tools, and strategies that propelled their success. Whether you’re a small business owner or a solopreneur, these success stories offer valuable insights into leveraging virtual assistants for optimal results on Pinterest, paving the way for your own success in the dynamic world of online marketing.

Discover the untapped potential of Pinterest with the stories of those who turned virtual assistance into a key driver of their success.


Pinterest has now become an excellent choice for growing businesses. It focuses on targeting audiences with a more precise scope to reach customers with minimum effort. Pinterest is also an economical option as compared to other marketing strategies. Pinterest management services have the potential for global reach and give equal opportunity irrespective of the company’s size.

The Pinterest virtual assistant is a new digital marketing executive role. It helps digital marketing teams optimize tactics, including e-mail marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing. As a result, Pinterest marketing is an efficient marketing medium that helps the business increase its market share by reaching the maximum number of potential customers.

Also Read – Must Have 15 Essential Virtual Assistant Tools in 2023


1. What is a Pinterest virtual assistant?

A Pinterest virtual assistant is a professional who remotely manages Pinterest accounts for individuals or businesses. Their tasks encompass content creation, pin scheduling, and boosting engagement.

2. What does a Pinterest virtual assistant do?

Engaged in various duties, a Pinterest virtual assistant curates pins, manages boards, optimizes descriptions, schedules pins strategically, and evaluates performance.

3. Why hire a Pinterest virtual assistant?

Employing a Pinterest VA can streamline tasks, amplify your Pinterest visibility, and capitalize on their adeptness in content creation, SEO, and Pinterest algorithms.

4. Is Pinterest virtual assistant legit?

A reputable virtual assistant Pinterest can substantially elevate your Pinterest approach. Exercise caution by selecting from trusted platforms or seeking recommendations to steer clear of fraudulent services.

5. How much does a Pinterest virtual assistant make?

The earnings of Pinterest virtual assistants fluctuate, contingent on experience, services, and clientele. Typically, they can earn between $15 and $50 per hour, with variations based on skill level and the intricacy of their responsibilities.

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Services Guide (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.