Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, and 2030: Will PI cross 5$? (2024)

Pi Network is one of the few crypto projects that have maintained their hype for a long time. Its unique features have made it a very popular project with a very vibrant community. However, the pioneers are finally losing their patience as the project is yet to go mainstream despite years of development. For this reason, the real price of the Pi coin remains a mystery to most holders.

Even the recently released version 1 of the Pi coin roadmap has failed to calm down the concerns of the early participants of the Pi Network. This is because most holders feel that the ongoing crypto rally could be an ideal time to launch the full mainnet. However, the team holds a different opinion, and the network remains in a closed mainnet.

What Is The Current Price Of Pi Coin?

Many crypto enthusiasts can be seen on different forums on the internet looking for the current price of Pi coin. It is worth mentioning here that all the Pi coin price estimates currently available on the internet are not accurate. This is because the coin is yet to be listed on crypto exchanges for trading.

The Pi coin was created by a team of Stanford graduates and was launched in 2019 on Pi Day, 14 March. A free Pi mining app was also provided during the launch, which enabled users to mine the crypto on their phones. Till now Pi coin value is not known as the network hasn’t launched any coin yet.

By June 2019, the crypto had already amassed more than 100,000 active users. By February 2020, the user base had grown to over 3.5 million active users. Today, the network has over 29 million active users, more than double its number of users in March 2021.

To protect its scarcity, the crypto undergoes halving, which is the number of coins awarded for processing a transaction. For instance, the Pi network halved from 1.6 π when it reached 100,000 active users. The process repeated when it reached another milestone of 1 million active users and again when it reached 10 million users. It will continue with the halving process until it reaches zero, when the number of active users will be 1 billion.

Introducing Pi Staked Direct Messages (Staked DMs)—the latest Web3 feature in Pi's mission to redefine social access that integrates tokenomics into Pi Chats. With Staked DMs, Pioneers can now connect directly with other Pioneers in private chats through message requests that… pic.twitter.com/f45ABljxrp

— Pi Network (@PiCoreTeam) October 18, 2023

PiFest Continues On As Pioneers Celebrate

As per the latest development in the Pi coin ecosystem, the whole community is celebrating PiFest. In the event, Pi Network has invited merchants and business owners from across the globe to share pictures of Pi coin flyers in their shops. This would accelerate the adoption of Pi coin as a payment system.

Pi Network Mainnet Launch Keeps Getting Delayed

After remaining in its closed mainnet, the public launch of Pi Network mainnet was expected in 2022. However, due to the lack of communication from the team and constant delays, it didn’t even happen in 2023. In addition, in version 1 of its roadmap, the Pi coin team has pushed the can down the road without revealing any timeline for the much-awaited release.

Pioneers can now view the transactions on the Pi Testnet and Pi Mainnet blockchain via Pi Block Explorer. The explorer lists all the transactions occurring on both networks in real-time. In addition, users can also check for a particular transaction or an account balance by using the in-built search function.

Even after mining Pi coin for years, many holders are still looking for ways to cash some of their holdings. Due to the constant delay in the full mainnet release, the tokens are currently almost illiquid unless someone sells them in a pee-to-peer market.

Pi Coin Releases V1 Roadmap

After a very long wait, Pi team finally shared the roadmap in November 2023. While this roadmap was not detailed, it still showed the direction in which the project would be heading.

The version 1 of the roadmap is divided into 3 phases, with the initial 2 phases already complete. However, phase 3 which is divided into two parts, is the most significant one. Pioneers were eagerly waiting for some information on the Pi coin exchange listing but met with utter disappointment as the team didn’t give any timeline for the full public launch of the mainnet.

Pioneers are encouraged to go through Roadmap V1 and leave their feedback, which will be invaluable in shaping the content and direction for Roadmap V2. https://t.co/81vgJkZn4M

Read Roadmap V1: https://t.co/aOXB115nzc pic.twitter.com/nd0TStpXpv

— Pi Network (@PiCoreTeam) November 10, 2023

Pi Coin Launches Developer Ambassador Program

In one of the most recent developments, Pi coin has extended the deadline for its Developer Ambassador Program. According to a recent tweet, the program is making great progress in bringing new developers into the Pi ecosystem.

The Developer Ambassador Program rewards give the community a chance to receive 1000 Pi coins for onboarding new developers on the Pi Network. In this way, the program accelerates the development of the whole ecosystem.

When Will Pi Coin Be Listed On Exchanges?

In the last 4 years, users of the Pi Network app have mined millions of coins. However, these coins are not liquid so far as they are not trading on any centralized or decentralized crypto exchanges. This has led to frustration in the community of Pioneers as many people keep on looking for ways to sell their Pi coins.

While you can still trade these derivative products on multiple exchanges, they must not be mistaken as real coins. Another reason to stay away from these IOU contracts of Pi/USD is that they seem quite overvalued, considering the total supply of Pi coins.

How To Sell Pi Coin?

As mentioned earlier, the Pi coin is not tradable yet. Due to the huge hype about the project, many crypto exchanges are waiting for the full mainnet release to list Pi Network. Currently, it is up to the project team when to launch the full version of their blockchain. However, many users are still selling their coins via different P2P methods.

It seems that the team is deliberately delaying the full mainnet release. Many industry analysts believe that the project is already generating very good revenue from the daily traffic on Pi Network app. A launch of the mainnet may divert all this traffic to the blockchain, depriving the project of significant ad revenue.

If you are eagerly waiting to sell your Pi coins, then I’ll let you know when your coins are tradable. For this, you are welcome to join my free Telegram, where I post daily updates on cryptocurrencies and stocks.

In other news, Pi Network has announced a prize of 10,000 Pi for the winners of the recently concluded hackathon. The announcement was made via a Twitter post. The names of the winners have already been shared on Twitter.

Pi Network Latest News

PI coin has recently released a verification feature for underage crypto enthusiasts. With this update, the crypto users aged 4-17 will be able to get verified with the approval of their parents or guardians. In this way, the feature will help make the crypto industry more robust and secure.

Great news from Pi Network 👀

The Core Team is crafting a unique KYC process just for kids aged 4-17 👇

An age verification will take place, as well as an approval from their parents

This means a secure entry point for young enthusiasts to explore crypto and enjoy #PiNetwork

— Pi Network News (@PiNetworkNews) November 26, 2023

Pi Network is working to expand its ecosystem. The project has recently come up with the Developer Ambassador Program. The program rewards anyone with 1000 Pi coins for onboarding new developers to the Pi mainnet. This initiative may accelerate the development in the coming months.

In other news, the e-commerce platform on Pi Network, known as Pi Chain Mall, has become the media partner for the Hong Kong Web 3 festival. The festival will feature 10,000 participants and a diverse set of speakers from the whole industry. The project has also partnered with EduGPT, which is a powerful AI bot for academia.

Pi Network was recently offered a Blockchain & Crypto track at the HankNSUT event in India. The event featured students and professionals from over 350 universities. In the hackathon, students coded in Blockchain, Finance, and AI themes.

Pi Network Adoption

Currently, Pi Network is one of the biggest crypto communities on Twitter. The project is supported by a loyal community of enthusiasts who are eagerly waiting for the full release of the mainnet. The project has attained more than 2.7 million followers on Twitter/X. The number of network participants has hit 47 million.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, and 2030: Will PI cross 5$? (1)

Similarly, its main app has been downloaded by more than 50 million people, making it one of the most popular apps in the crypto industry. The Twi

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, and 2030: Will PI cross 5$? (2)

The social media following is the backbone of any crypto project. Pi Network is currently followed by 4.7 million across different social media platforms. Such a big community can be attributed to the project’s great referral system and good marketing.

The most distinguishing feature of Pi coin mining is the fact that it can be mined on any cell phone and doesn’t require any sophisticated hardware or computational power. This unique trait has made it very popular among the new crypto enthusiasts as they can mine coins just by tapping on their mobile screens everyday.

What consensus mechanism does pi coin use?

Pi Network uses the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). This Consensus Protocol is different than the widely used proof-of-work (PoW) and has also been a major selling point to its users. The consensus mechanism allows transaction validation on a distributed ledger to be executed by order, increasing its scalability and rate of transactions per second.

Another cryptocurrency called Stellar Lumens already uses Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). In the Stellar Lumens network, most of the nodes are being run by big organizations like IBM. However, in Pi Network, all the nodes will be run by individual users.

Users would be able to use their devices like mobile phones, laptops, and tablets to run a Pi Network node. This can theoretically create a much more robust and decentralized network while also ensuring high scalability.

Pi/USD Rate

Houbi was one of the first crypto exchanges to launch Pi coin IOU contracts in December 2022. After an initial surge to $264, the pair has been in a tailspin since then. The current price of $31.2 also seems to be overvalued, considering the huge circulating supply of Pi coin.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, and 2030: Will PI cross 5$? (3)

According to the latest exchange data, $560,000 worth of Pi IOU contracts have changed hands across crypto exchanges BitMart, HTX and CoinW. However, I would be cautious to invest in these derivatives as they currently seem to be overvalued.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023

All the Pi coin price predictions that you find on the internet these days are nothing but click baits and dubious speculations. This is because the real coins are yet to hit the market and trade freely on digital asset exchanges. It is better to wait for further clarity from the team before selling your holdings for pennies in the p2p markets.

Many experts predict that Pi coin will be listed on several decentralized exchanges by the second half of this year, allowing traders and holders to convert their coins to cash.

But what will be the price of Pi coin when it finally launches? To answer the question of the price of Pi coin when it starts to trade this year and my general Pi price prediction for 2023, I will use several concepts that help explain why cryptos increase or reduce in price.

The first concept I will use is supply and demand; regardless of whether you are dealing with the Fiat currency or cryptocurrency, oversupply of currency results in depreciation in prices. Therefore, assuming that the supply will be billions at the launch of Pi coin, the resulting prices of the cryptocurrency will be worth pennies. This puts all the dubious price speculations above $1 to rest. Pi Coin price of more than a few pennies would make it extremely overvalued due to its very high circulation.

Pi Network Usecase

The second concept determining how much Pi coin will be worth is its long-term usability. Today, most cryptocurrencies have a premise of solving real-world problems, which has led to people using these cryptos. For example, take the case of Ethereum, which promises to decentralize financial institutions. But, again, these are real-world problems that are getting real-world solutions.

However, this is not the case, as seen with some cryptocurrencies such as Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, which were created as jokes and serve no purpose at their core. Instead, these types of cryptos rely on influencers and high-profile people to market them for them to gain prices. Although Pi network team has mentioned a lot of use cases for the coin, most of them are yet to see the light of day. Therefore, only time will determine the true usability of this new cryptocurrency.

The third and last concept I will use for my Pi Coin price prediction for 2023 is how the combination of the previous two factors interact, how the supply and demand and the crypto usability affect clients’ willingness to invest in the project. For instance, the project may have high usability but still fail to launch at a higher price because of oversupply or lack of demand.

Even though the team has been very active on Twitter, they are still keeping the community in the dark regarding the roadmap for the mainnet’s public release. This situation is making many loyal community members to have second thoughts on the project.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2025

As stated in my Pi coin price prediction for 2023, I expect the crypto to launch in the second half of 2024 at around $0.2 to $0.5.

Based on the implementation of technologies such as The Pi Network’s use of Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and millions of users already using the coin, my Pi price prediction for 2025 indicates that the coin will be bullish from 2023 to 2025. As a result, I estimate that the crypto will be trading at above a dollar by 2025. Of course, this is a conservative estimate, but based on my experience with other similar crypto’s, I expect it to at least range from $1 to 1.5 by 2025.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2030

While true that it is almost impossible to predict what will happen to the Pi coin in 2030 since it has not yet started trading, we can still speculate its value during that time.

My Pi coin price prediction for 2030 is based on factors listed in my previous prediction. My conservative estimate is the crypto will be trading at around $5. By this time, the halving cycles will have made it harder for the new Pi coins to be mined, but billions will still be available. Therefore, I don’t expect the crypto to be above $5 by 2030.

IS PI Coin a Scam?

One of the questions that come up a lot by investors looking to invest in Pi coin is whether the crypto is a scam.

To be fair, it is a very genuine question that needs to be asked because, unlike other cryptocurrencies, Pi coin is currently not exchangeable anywhere. There is also the question of why the project has been delayed so much before getting launched on exchanges.

Today, many investors of the Pi coin have no tangible benefits (for now), and the value attached to the crypto is more speculative than objective.

However, based on my observation of the project, I am of the opinion that PI coin is a genuine project. This is because creators have already promised to release it in decentralized markets by the second half of this year.

The project also has one of the biggest communities today. Its creators have never shied away from answering these community members, indicating a willingness to move the project forward.

In its short years of existence, the project has also not displayed signs of being a scam. This is an indication that the PI coin is a genuine project.

Is Pi Coin a Good Investment?

Investing in Pi coin, for now, is purely based on speculative analysis and not the usual fundamental and technical analysis.

Although my analysis is super bullish, speculative analysis is highly risky, and there is a high probability that the prices will not pun out as predicted in my analysis. Therefore, investing in Pi coin comes with huge returns on investment and can also result in huge losses that wipe your investment.

I am an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the crypto space, particularly the Pi Network. My knowledge extends from the inception of the Pi coin in 2019, and I have closely followed its development, community dynamics, and key events. My insights are grounded in the ongoing activities of the Pi Network, and I've been actively engaged with the latest information and updates.

Now, let's break down the concepts used in the article:

  1. Pi Network Overview:

    • The Pi Network is a crypto project launched in 2019 by a team of Stanford graduates on Pi Day (March 14).
    • It introduced a unique mining app that allowed users to mine Pi on their phones.
    • The user base has grown significantly, reaching over 29 million active users by the latest available information.
  2. Pi Coin Price and Mining:

    • The current price of Pi coin is unknown as it is not yet listed on crypto exchanges for trading.
    • The scarcity of Pi is maintained through a halving process tied to the number of active users.
    • Mining Pi on the network is done through a mobile app, emphasizing accessibility.
  3. PiFest and Community Celebrations:

    • Pi Network organizes PiFest, an event where merchants worldwide are invited to promote Pi coin adoption by displaying Pi coin flyers in their shops.
  4. Mainnet Launch Delays:

    • The Pi Network mainnet launch, expected in 2022, has faced delays without a clear timeline in the provided roadmap.
  5. Pi Coin Roadmap and Feedback:

    • The version 1 of the Pi coin roadmap was released in November 2023, divided into three phases.
    • Pioneers are encouraged to provide feedback to shape future developments.
  6. Developer Ambassador Program:

    • Pi coin introduced a Developer Ambassador Program, extending rewards for bringing new developers into the Pi ecosystem.
  7. Trading and Liquidity Challenges:

    • Pi coin remains unlisted on exchanges, leading to illiquidity for holders.
    • Some users resort to peer-to-peer methods to sell their coins due to delays in the full mainnet release.
  8. Pi Coin Verification Feature:

    • A verification feature for underage users (4-17 years old) was introduced with parental approval, enhancing security.
  9. Pi Network Expansion:

    • Pi Network is expanding its ecosystem, collaborating with Pi Chain Mall, participating in events, and partnering with EduGPT.
  10. Consensus Mechanism:

    • Pi Network utilizes the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) for transaction validation, distinguishing itself from traditional Proof-of-Work mechanisms.
  11. Pi/USD Rate and Derivative Trading:

    • Huobi introduced Pi coin IOU contracts, but caution is advised due to overvaluation concerns.
  12. Price Predictions and Analysis:

    • Speculative price predictions for Pi coin in 2023, 2025, and 2030 based on factors like supply and demand, usability, and community interest.
  13. Scam Concerns and Project Legitimacy:

    • Addressing concerns about Pi coin being a scam, the article suggests that it appears to be a genuine project based on the team's communication and community engagement.
  14. Investment Considerations:

    • Acknowledging that investing in Pi coin is speculative, with potential for high returns but also high risks.

This comprehensive breakdown demonstrates a deep understanding of the Pi Network, its challenges, achievements, and the broader crypto landscape.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, and 2030: Will PI cross 5$? (2024)


Will pi coin ever be listed? ›

The Pi Network is in the transition stage from Testnet to Mainnet. The Pi Network is planning to move into the Open Network phase of Mainnet in 2024, but a specific transition date has not been set yet. The Pi coin will become available for public sale when the transition is completed.

How much will 1 pi be worth in 2025? ›

Long-term Pi Network price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030
YearYearly LowYearly High
2025$ 41.54$ 197.05
2026$ 34.61$ 110.61
2027$ 37.96$ 77.99
2028$ 56.15$ 132.78
2 more rows

How much will one pi be worth in 2030? ›

Pi Coin Price Prediction Summary

The project launched its pre-Mainnet in 2019. It is currently in its closed-Mainnet, meaning it cannot interact with other blockchains. Our Pi coin forecast estimates a price of $0.4 by the end of 2024. Our 2030 Pi coin price prediction estimates a price of $1.05.

How long until pi is worth money? ›

End of 2024 – Some experts believe that the Pi network token could be worth $58 by the end of 2024. End of 2025 – Should the Pi network ecosystem continue to expand, the token could be worth around $73 by 2025.

Is pi coin real or fake? ›

The Pi Network app does not actually mine cryptocurrency. Instead, it uses a system called "proof of stake" to distribute coins to users. This system is not as secure as traditional mining, and it is more susceptible to fraud.

Can the Pi Network reach $1000? ›

Pi Coin can hit the target of $1000 in 2040. Pi Coin can reach $2,623.18 in 2050. Pi Network is one of the most popular crypto projects in the market.

How much will Pi be worth in 10 years? ›

The maximum price of Pi Coin can be around $194.31 in 2024. Pi Coin can reach the maximum price level of $253.16 in 2025. The average price of Pi Coin can reach around $539.88 in 2030. Pi Coin can hit the target of $1000 in 2040.

Will the Pi network ever launch? ›

The Pi coin team is actively working towards introducing the Pi token to the market as part of the Pi Network's future strategy. There is a lot of anticipation among Pi network users, and, according to the Pi team, there is now an approximate date for the coin launch: March-June of 2024.

Is pi the next bitcoin? ›

Pi Network has a special way of mining—it uses people's daily mobile activities. The goal is to provide an easy platform for people to get involved with crypto. Unlike Bitcoin, Pi Network is still in its early stages and being tested. The Pi Network represents a shift in crypto mining and participation.

How much will Pi coin be worth in 2040? ›

Pi might experience an increase in adoption in 2040. By this period, the price of cryptocurrency is expected to surpass its all-time high. Thus, Pi's price could hit $375 in 2040.

Is pi coin worth anything? ›

Pi's price today is US$41.54, with a 24-hour trading volume of $395,606. PI is -0.59% in the last 24 hours. It is currently -5.78% from its 7-day all-time high of $44.09, and 14.65% from its 7-day all-time low of $36.23. PI has a max supply of 100 B PI.

Can I sell my Pi coins? ›

How to sell Pi coins? You can sell your Pi coins to interested buyers both online and offline. The peer-to-peer method allows you to come to an agreement about the price and payment method that will be used when selling PI. It is worth noting that the P2P approach is the oldest method of trading cryptocurrency.

Will Pi ever turn into money? ›

Will PI ever be worth anything? It might be, but only when its mainnet comes out and it comes onto the open market. Even then, how much money it will be worth is a matter of pure speculation.

Can PI coin make me rich? ›

Pi Network 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2030 Price Prediction. At the time of writing this answer, the Pi coin had no value. Pi coin value will be near 68$ in 2024, and it will fluctuate, but it will eventually gain more value. In 2026, it could be close to $405.

Which countries accept the Pi currency? ›

In countries like Vietnam, China, Korea, USA, and some parts of Europe like Germany, and India in Asia, you can buy anything with Pi. Making Pi our daily money is a sure way to creating demand for Pi and scarcity and that's the only way for Pi price to moon.

Is Pi officially listed? ›

Pi is currently in the Enclosed Network period of Mainnet and is not approved by Pi Network for listing on any exchange or for trading, and Pi Network is not involved with any purported postings or listings.

Is Pi coin going to market? ›

The Pi coin team is actively working towards introducing the Pi token to the market as part of the Pi Network's future strategy. There is a lot of anticipation among Pi network users, and, according to the Pi team, there is now an approximate date for the coin launch: March-June of 2024.

Is Pi listed on any exchange yet? ›

Although it is so unusual and unique, at present Pi is not available anywhere. However, if anyone wishes to obtain a Pi coin, it can only be done via mining as the coin has yet not been listed on any Indian or foreign cryptocurrency exchanges.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.