Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (2024)

Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (1)

Name: Amotilus (Ammolite + Nautilus)
Exact Mountain Habitat: Underground Lake
Evolution: Raatilus by playing a Red Flute, Blootilus by playing a Blue Flute, Yletilus by playing a Yellow Flute, Acktlius by playing a Black Flute, and Whiltilus by playing a White Flute. Amotilus will evolve instantly once the appropriate flute is played, if it is in your party.
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (2)
Ability: Prism Shell / Shell Armor | Own Tempo
Base Stats: 45 / 50 / 70 / 50 / 70 / 30 (315)
Weight: 44.1 lbs.
Notable Moves: Bind, Withdraw, Mirror Coat, Reflect Type, Rollout, Ancient Power, Octazooka, Conversion, Endure, Terrain Pulse, Weather Ball, Twin Beam, Shell Smash, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Venoshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Leech Life, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Trick Room, Dig, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Skill Swap, Water Pulse, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute
Flavor: Amolitus is a Nautilus Pokémon with a spiral shell made of Ammolite, a colourful gemstone which has been claimed to be the most famous gemstone in Canada. It resides within underground ponds, despite it's typing, feeding of the beauty and shine of gemstones and rendering them as dull as a rock. It has quite the thing for pigments too, and when a Flute made from soot is played, the pigments that were used to make the flute react with Amolitus's body, causing it to evolve.

Name: Raatilus (Red + Nautilus)
Exact Mountain Habitat: Underground Lake
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (4)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (5)
Ability: Prism Shell / Shell Armor | Flame Body
Base Stats: 60 / 150 / 80 / 70 / 70 / 70 (500)
Weight: 195.8 lbs.
Notable Moves: Burning Jealousy, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Heat Wave, Temper Flare, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Bind, Withdraw, Mirror Coat, Reflect Type, Rollout, Ancient Power, Octazooka, Conversion, Endure, Terrain Pulse, Weather Ball, Twin Beam, Shell Smash, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Venoshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Leech Life, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Trick Room, Dig, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Skill Swap, Water Pulse, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute
Flavor: All of Amolitus's evolutions possess a very similar base look: Their ammolite shell, will still displaying some of it's beautiful colors, has now been mixed with the color that the evolution represents, and two long tentacles extend from the ones that make up it's mouth, with two tips being at the end of them. However, this is where the similarities end. Raatilus has several razor sharp spikes extending from it's shell, and the tips are jagged red daggers that can pierce through almost anything. Armed with a strive for the color red, Raatilus is the bravest of the lot, eager to go into the most dangerous of locations in search for food.

Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (6)

Name: Blootilus (Blue + Nautilus)
Exact Mountain Habitat: Underground Lake
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (7)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (8)
Ability: Prism Shell / Shell Armor | Damp
Base Stats: 60 / 70 / 70 / 80 / 150 / 70 (500)
Weight: 195.8 lbs.
Notable Moves: Flip Turn, Bubble Beam, Dive, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rain Dance, Snowscape, Scald, Surf, Waterfall, Freeze-Dry, Hydro Pump, Icy Wind, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Bind, Withdraw, Mirror Coat, Reflect Type, Rollout, Ancient Power, Octazooka, Conversion, Endure, Terrain Pulse, Weather Ball, Twin Beam, Shell Smash, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Venoshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Leech Life, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Trick Room, Dig, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Skill Swap, Water Pulse, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute
Flavor: All of Amolitus's evolutions possess a very similar base look: Their ammolite shell, will still displaying some of it's beautiful colors, has now been mixed with the color that the evolution represents, and two long tentacles extend from the ones that make up it's mouth, with two tips being at the end of them. However, this is where the similarities end. Blootilus has several sideways circles extending from the shell, and the tips are bright blue discs that can serve as handy wirecutters. Despite it's blue color, Blootilus is easily the most agitated one of the lot: It has attacked travellers and drained them of their water, because it is blue like Blootilus itself.

Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (9)

Name: Yletilus (Yellow + Nautilus)
Exact Mountain Habitat: Underground Lake
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (10)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (11)
Ability: Prism Shell / Shell Armor | Static
Base Stats: 60 / 80 / 70 / 70 / 70 / 150 (500)
Weight: 195.8 lbs.
Notable Moves: Rising Voltage, Electro Ball, Charge, Rain Dance, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Electric Terrain, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Electroweb, Magnet Rise, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Bind, Withdraw, Mirror Coat, Reflect Type, Rollout, Ancient Power, Octazooka, Conversion, Endure, Terrain Pulse, Weather Ball, Twin Beam, Shell Smash, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Venoshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Leech Life, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Trick Room, Dig, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Skill Swap, Water Pulse, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute
Flavor: All of Amolitus's evolutions possess a very similar base look: Their ammolite shell, will still displaying some of it's beautiful colors, has now been mixed with the color that the evolution represents, and two long tentacles extend from the ones that make up it's mouth, with two tips being at the end of them. However, this is where the similarities end. Yletilus has one huge crescent extending from it's shell, and the tips are large round circles that oddly resemble a full moon. By moving them in front of the crescent shape on it's side, people got to know the moon's phase.

Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (12)

Name: Acktilus (Black + Nautilus)
Exact Mountain Habitat: Underground Lake
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (13)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (14)
Ability: Prism Shell / Shell Armor | Moxie
Base Stats: 60 / 70 / 150 / 70 / 70 / 80 (500)
Weight: 195.8 lbs.
Notable Moves: Lash Out, Brutal Swing, Quash, Taunt, Thief, Foul Play, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Assurance, Snatch, Throat Chop, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Bind, Withdraw, Mirror Coat, Reflect Type, Rollout, Ancient Power, Octazooka, Conversion, Endure, Terrain Pulse, Weather Ball, Twin Beam, Shell Smash, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Venoshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Leech Life, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Trick Room, Dig, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Skill Swap, Water Pulse, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute
Flavor: All of Amolitus's evolutions possess a very similar base look: Their ammolite shell, will still displaying some of it's beautiful colors, has now been mixed with the color that the evolution represents, and two long tentacles extend from the ones that make up it's mouth, with two tips being at the end of them. However, this is where the similarities end. Acktilus's shell extends out further than the other Amolitus evolutions, both from the top and the bottom, making it resemble the maw of a dragon: The tips allow it to further camoflauge as one by resembling a dragon's tounge. It's known as "The False Dragon of Fear" in some areas because of the fact it scares people away by making them think it is a huge dragon, when in reality Acktilus is just hiding within the shadows.

Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (15)

Name: Whiltilus (White + Nautilus)
Exact Mountain Habitat: Underground Lake
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (16)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (17)
Ability: Prism Shell / Shell Armor | Cloning Genes (From Mustelone)
Base Stats: 60 / 70 / 70 / 150 / 80 / 70 (500)
Weight: 195.8 lbs.
Notable Moves: Expanding Force, Wonder Room, Stored Power, Tri Attack, Calm Mind, Psychic, Psychic Terrain, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Bind, Withdraw, Mirror Coat, Reflect Type, Rollout, Ancient Power, Octazooka, Conversion, Endure, Terrain Pulse, Weather Ball, Twin Beam, Shell Smash, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Venoshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Solar Beam, Smack Down, Earthquake, Leech Life, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rock Tomb, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Trick Room, Dig, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Skill Swap, Water Pulse, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute
Flavor: All of Amolitus's evolutions possess a very similar base look: Their ammolite shell, will still displaying some of it's beautiful colors, has now been mixed with the color that the evolution represents, and two long tentacles extend from the ones that make up it's mouth, with two tips being at the end of them. However, this is where the similarities end. Whiltilus a second head extending from the back, and even it's two tips are mouths themselves! As the master of metabolism, people once watched Whiltilus to see which foods had which tastes by watching where the food went, as each head has a different taste. Apparently, it does not get along well with Dodrio, as the Triple Bird Pokémon views it as a jealousy, as the heads always work together compared Dodrio's.

Name: Prism Shell
Effect: After using a Status move, this Pokémon's type changes to that move's type.
Permanent: Yes
Ignorable: Yes
Distribution: Signature ability of the Amotilus family.

Name: Ammolite Vortex
Type: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (18)
Effect: Ignores resistances and immunities.
Priority: 0
Flags: Protect
Distribution: Type Balm exclusive move: Requires Normal Balm (All of Amotilus's evolutions can learn this)

Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.