PayU India (2024)

Follow the standard PaymentsOS integration procedure, and then apply the relevant extra specifications in this section to integrate with PayU India.

API Version

Minimum required API version: 1.2.0

Payment Methods

The tables below lists payment methods that are supported through a server-to-server integration and through the PayU payment page.

Server-to-Server Integrations

The following table lists all supported payment methods through a server-to-server integration.

Payment MethodPayment Method Type
Airtel MoneyeWallet
Amazon payeWallet
American ExpressCards
ChallanBank Transfer
Dynamic QRBank Transfer
NetbankingBank Transfer
Ola MoneyeWallet
Pay ZappeWallet
UPIBank Transfer
VISA ElectronCards

Payment Page

The following table lists all supported payment methods available on the PayU payment page.

Payment MethodOnly for Requests
Airtel MoneyCharge
Amazon payCharge
American ExpressCharge
BNPL (buy now pay later)Charge
Dynamic QRCharge
Ola MoneyCharge
Pay ZappCharge
VISA ElectronCharge



The currency you specify in your PaymentsOS provider configuration, must be the same as the currency of your PayU India account.


The following table provides an overview of all supported and non-supported features.

PayU India (1)3DS 2.0 ExternalNo
PayU India (2)3DS 2.0 PaymentsOS-handledNo
PayU India (3)3DS 2.0 Provider-handledNo
PayU India (4)3DS 2.0 Self-handledNo
Level 2 and 3 DataNo
PayU India (5)Multi-seller PaymentsNo
Network TokensYes
PayU India (6)Payment FacilitatorNo
PayU RiskNo
PayU India (7)Pre-authorizationNo
PayU India (8)Retrieve Supported Payment MethodsYes
Retrieve Supported PlansYes
Statement Soft DescriptorNo
PayU India (9)Stored Credentials FlagYes
PayU India (10)Transaction Processing without CVVYes


The following table lists all supported requests.

Use the bodybuilder to create a sample request body for each request type.

  • Cards
  • eWallet
  • Bank Transfer
  • Payment Page

Supported requests for card transactions.

AuthorizePartial and multiple are not supportedAsynchronous
Capture Partial is supportedSynchronous
Charge Not ApplicableAsynchronous
Refund Both partial and multiple are supportedAsynchronous

Supported requests for bank transfer transactions.

Charge Not ApplicableAsynchronous
Refund Both partial and multiple are supportedAsynchronous

Supported requests for eWallet transactions.

Charge Not ApplicableAsynchronous
Refund Both partial and multiple are supportedAsynchronous

Supported requests for payment page transactions.

Charge Not ApplicableAsynchronous
Refund Both partial and multiple are supportedSynchronous
Void Not ApplicableSynchronous

Setup Procedures

The following table lists the setup procedures that are specific to this provider.

In the PaymentsOS Control Center, configure the following credentials:
  • Live credentials: In your PayU India account, , enter the merchant_key and merchant_secret(salt) keys you received from PayU India. You can also login to your PayU India merchant dashboard and grab the credentials from My Account -> System Settings.
  • Test credentials: For merchant_key use DGy1hY, for merchant_secret(salt) use uhd8H9Bh
Enable idempotency for all transaction types. Contact your PayU India account representative and request that idempotency is enabled for all transaction types.Required
In the PaymentsOS Control Center, create webhooks to be notified when a transaction changes its status.Required
In your PaymentsOS account, configure the payment currency you want to support.Important note: The currency you specify must be the same as the currency of your PayU India account.Required
In your PayU India account, enable the Standing Instructions payment method. Contact PayU India support for assistance.Optional
In your PayU India account, enable payment methods. Contact PayU India support for assistance.Optional
To invoke the new Standing Instructions (SI) consent flow for saving card information for recurring transactions, you must switch thenew_si_consent_flow field in your PaymentsOS provider integration totrue. Make sure to contact your PayU India account manager to ensure the field is enabled there as well.Optional

Integration Procedures

The following sections list the integration procedures that are specific to this provider.

Implementing a Recurring Transaction Flow with Netbanking

Card Transactions versus Bank Transfers

Recurring transactions are supported for both card transactions and bank transfers. Beware that the request bodies you must construct may differ, depending on whether the recurring transaction is for a card transaction or a bank transfer. Those differences are specifically mentioned in the explanations that follow.

Of course, you can also use the BodyBuilder to generate the sample requests shown in the steps below, including an explanation of all fields. For card transactions, choose the Cards payment type. For bank transfers, choose the Bank Transfer payment type and select the Netbanking payment method. Make sure to include optional fields in the output (for both card and bank transfer transactions).

A recurring transaction flow allows you to charge your customers a specific amount for goods or services, on a pre-arranged, recurring schedule. Examples include regular payments such as vehicle insurance, janitorial services, and subscriptions or dues.

In a recurring transaction flow, customers authenticate themselves only once (when initiating their first transaction) and give you permission to automatically deduct the payment from their credit card or bank account. For card transactions, this first step also means that your customers agree to having their card information stored so that the information can be used in the recurring transaction. No authentication is required for subsequent transactions.

Step 1: Save a Customer’s Card Information (Cards Only)

For card transactions, start by implementing logic for saving a reusing a customer’s card information with PaymentsOS, as explained in Saving the Token.

Step 2: Create a Consent Transaction (Initial Charge Request)

The very first Create Charge request is also known as a Consent Transaction. When initiating this type of transaction, shoppers agree to be automatically billed for the service in the future, so they will need to authenticate themselves either by entering an SMS authentication code that was sent to them, or via an authentication page.Note that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has mandated that shopper’s card information cannot be saved for future transaction. These new Standing Instructions(SI) instruct that so to enable recurring transactions, you must associate a shopper with a network token after receiving their consent, and subsequently delete their card information from your records. To enroll shopper’s in this SI flow, you will need to send SI indicators in your charge request (you can use the BodyBuilder to generate sample requests, after which we will do the provisioning of a network token for you. You will also need to switch the new_si_consent_flow field in your PaymentsOS account to true, and ensure that this feature is also activated on the PayU India side. Contact your account manager for more information.

Step 3: Ensuring a Successful Consent

After initiating the consent transaction, you must validate that it was successfully setup. To do so, check the response of the consent transaction’s Create Charge request and validate the values of the following fields in the provider_data object are as follows:

provider_data.additional_information.payment_sourceMust be SIST
provider_data.external_idMust not be empty
provider_data.additional_information.network_token_provisionedMust be true
provider_data.additional_information.network_token_si_updatedMust be true

Important Note

If all fields listed above pass the check, a successful network provisioning has been completed and can be used for recurring transactions.If one of the fields did not pass the check, the consent was not successfully created, and recurring transactions will fail. Note that a non-recurring charge may succeed even if the consent setup fails.

Step 4: Create Customer

After successful provisioning, you can proceed to Creating a Customer and associating the shopper with a token. Please refer to the Reusing Card Information section for more information.

step 5: Delete PAN

The final step would be to delete the shopper’s card information.

Recurring Transactions with Card or Bank Transfers

Card Transactions

To trigger an SMS-based (zero-redirect) authentication step, pass in "zeroRedirect":"1" in the provider_specific_data object (just beware that SMS-based authentication is only supported if you have a legal entity registered in India). Simply omit this parameter to redirect a customer to an authentication page instead. Also pass in a cof_transaction_indicators.card_entry_mode field with one of the following values:

In addition, pass in fields holding more information (such as amount and interval) about the periodic payment. Here’s an example of all fields you need to pass (for an explanation of all fields, create a sample request using the BodyBuilder and refer to the Fields Overview table):

{ "cof_transaction_indicators": { "card_entry_mode": "consent_transaction", }, "provider_specific_data": { "payu_india": { "additional_details": { "si_amount": "1.00", "si_cycle": "ADHOC", "si_end_date": "2021-07-21", "si_interval": 1, "si_start_date": "2020-12-03", "zeroRedirect": "1" // Omit to redirect customers to an authentication page } } }}

If you initiated an SMS-based (zero-redirect) authentication request, then you will need to send us the SMS code entered by the customer in order to proceed with the transaction flow. See Handling Zero-redirect Authentication Responses. For a flow in which you redirect customers to an authentication page (which is triggered if you did not initiate an SMS-based authentication request), implement the flow as explained in Redirecting Customers to an Authentication Page.

You will need to validate in the response of the Create Charge the fields of the provider_dataobject as indicated in step 3. The response will also include a cof_transaction_indicators_transactions.cof_consent_transaction_id field— make sure to store this ID, since you will need it when initiating a pre-debit notification request (explained in the sections that follow).

Bank Transfers

Recurring bank transfers are done through Netbanking. The underlying infrastructure for collecting recurring payments is e-NACH (Electronic National Automated Clearing House). e-NACH is a robust, secure and scalable platform built by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to facilitate interbank, high volume electronic transactions which are repetitive and periodic in nature.

When creating a consent transaction for Netbanking, pass si: 1 in the payment_method.additional_details object to indicate this is a consent transaction. Also pass the customer’s bank code in the payment_method.additional_details.bank_code field, as well as fields holding additional information (such as amount and interval) about the periodic payment. Here’s an example (for an explanation of all fields, create a sample request using the BodyBuilder and refer to the Fields Overview table):

{ "merchant_site_url": "", "payment_method": { "type": "untokenized", "source_type": "bank_transfer", "vendor": "netbanking", "additional_details": { "bank_code": "KKBKENCC", "si": "1", "si_amount": "1.00", "si_customer_account_name": "RADHANATH SIKDAR", "si_customer_account_number": "xxxxxxxx", "si_customer_account_type": "SAVINGS", "si_cycle": "ADHOC", "si_end_date": "2021-07-21", "si_interval": 1, "si_start_date": "2020-12-03" } }, "reconciliation_id": "123456789987655" } 

Bank Codes

See Supported Bank Codes for Recurring Netbanking Transactions for a list of supported bank codes.

The response of the Create Charge request will include two important fields:

  • redirection.url: This is the url to the bank’s authentication page, to which you must redirect your customer so that they can authenticate themselves and approve the recurring payment. Make sure to setup the redirection flow, as explained in Redirecting Customers to an Authentication Page.

  • provider_data.external_id: This is an ID that is used to identify the consent transaction. You will need to pass this ID in all subsequent recurring payments, so make sure to save it in your own backend system.

Step 3: Implement the Recurring Transactions (Subsequent Charge Requests)

After having obtained your customer’s consent for the automatic payment, you can go ahead debit your customer’s credit card or bank account at periodic intervals. To do so, implement the schedule at which to deduct the payment and invoke the Create Charge request at each due date.

Card Transactions


If you do not have a local entity in India and your business is classified as software, digital goods or gaming, then you can register for an OPGSP flow with PayU India. For more information, see Implementing an OPGSP Flow.

Before initiating a recurring transaction, you need to initiate a pre-debit notification. This notification informs the customer by SMS that their card is about to be charged. Please contact your account manager for the details of the API you need to invoke. Just make sure to have the consent transaction ID at hand (you received this ID in the cof_transaction_indicators_transactions.cof_consent_transaction_id field in the response of the consent transaction), since you will need it when initiating the pre-debit notification request.


The process of sending a pre-debit notification may be subject to change. Please be in touch with you account manager to remain up-to-date regarding possible changes.

On subsequent Create Charge requests, you can optionally pass a cof_transaction_indicators.cof_consent_transaction_id field holding the ID identifying the initial request in which the customer consented to using stored payment credentials for processing the payment. Also pass a cof_transaction_indicators_transactions.card_entry_mode field with one of the following values:

  • recurring_subsequent_transaction: A transaction in a series of transactions that use stored card information and that are processed at fixed, regular intervals.

  • cof_merchant_initiated_transaction: Used for unscheduled card-on-file transactions, initiated by you (as the merchant).

Optionally, pass in a provider_specific_data.payu_india.additional_details.pre_debit_id field holding the ID that you passed in the invoiceDisplayNumber field of the pre-debit request API.

Here’s an example (note that you do not need to pass a CVV code for a recurring transaction):

{ "cof_transaction_indicators": { "card_entry_mode": "cof_merchant_initiated_transaction", "cof_consent_transaction_id": "3715246843" }, "payment_method": { "token": "f78cbf5b-0e23-44e0-be11-2081791d9501", "type": "tokenized", }, "provider_specific_data": { "payu_india": { "additional_details": { "pre_debit_id": "1234" } }

Bank Transfers

In the request body of all subsequent Create Charge requests, make sure to pass an payment_method.additional_details.si_external_id field with the value of the ID identifying the consent transaction. Also pass pass recurring: 1 in the payment_method.additional_details object, to indicate that this is a recurring transaction. Here’s an example:

{"payment_method": { "type": "untokenized", "source_type": "bank_transfer", "vendor": "netbanking", "additional_details": { "si_external_id": "11744444053", "recurring": "1" } }}


It can take up to 2 days to receive the final status (Succeed or Failed) of the recurring transaction. PaymentsOS will inform you of a change in the transaction status through a webhooks notification.

Implementing a Non-recurring Transaction Flow

Non-recurring flows are used for single, one-time, transactions. Customers must authenticate themselves per transaction, either by entering an SMS authentication code (for card transactions only) or through an authentication page.

Saving Card Information in Non-recurring Transactions

If you wish to save your shopper’s card information for future usage, yet you do not wish to implement a recurring transaction flow, then you will need to request your shopper’s consent but not pass the SI parameters in your Create Charge request. After this step, you will need to proceed to Creating a Customer followed by invoking the Create Payment Method with Network Token API, and ultimately deleting the PAN.

Card Transactions

To redirect customers to an authentication page, simply omit the provider_specific_data object when invoking a Create Charge request. Make sure to setup the redirection flow, as explained in Redirecting Customers to an Authentication Page.

For SMS-based (zero-redirect) authentication, pass in "zeroRedirect":"1" in the provider_specific_data object when invoking a Create Charge request.

{ "provider_specific_data": { "payu_india": { "additional_details": { "zeroRedirect": "1" // Omit to redirect customers to an authentication page } } }}

If you initiated an SMS-based (zero-redirect) authentication request, then you will need to send us the SMS code entered by the customer in order to proceed with the transaction flow. See Handling Zero-redirect Authentication Responses.

Bank Transfers

For a one-time bank transfer, you can use either regular Netbanking or a UPI flow.

For more information about using a UPI flow, see Implementing a UPI Flow.

When using Netbanking, pass a payment_method.vendor field with a value of netbanking. In the payment_method.additional_details.bank_code field pass the code of the bank from which the transfer should be made. You can fetch a list of all supported bank codes using the Retrieve Supported Payment Methods API request. Also make sure to setup the redirection flow, as explained in Redirecting Customers to an Authentication Page.

Here’s an example request body:

{ "merchant_site_url": "", "payment_method": { "source_type": "bank_transfer", "type": "untokenized", "vendor": "netbanking", "additional_details": { "bank_code": "AXIB" } }, "reconciliation_id": "40762342"}

Handling Zero-redirect Authentication Responses

Zero-redirect authentication refers to a process in which shoppers authenticate themselves directly on your website using an SMS code, without being redirected to their bank’s site for verification.

The Bank Identification Number (BIN) of a shopper’s card determines their eligibility for zero-redirect authentication. If eligible, then the response of the Create Charge request will include an sms_submission_url and sms_resend_url URL.

Not eligible for zero-redirect authentication?

If the shopper is not eligible for zero-redirect authentication, then you will not receive a sms_submission_url and sms_resend_url URL in the response of the Create Charge request and you will need to direct your shoppers to an external authentication page, as an alternative authentication option.

The response of the Create Charge request will include a redirection object with a url to which to redirect the shopper. The url is always returned by the Create Charge request, also if the shopper is eligible for zero-redirect authentication.

Here’s a sample response of the Create Charge request with an sms_submission_url and sms_resend_url URL

{ "provider_data": { "provider_name": "payu_india", "raw_response": "raVVKdDcrcWMrOHJKdVRDN2xpZnRpL0cycUt0QU5", "external_id": "403993715517799596", "additional_information": { "transaction_status": "sms_confirmation_pending", "sms_submission_url": "", "sms_resend_url": "" } }}

Invoke a POST request to the sms_submission_url to send us the SMS code entered by the customer. In the request body, pass in the sms_confirmation_code:

{ "sms_confirmation_code": "123456"}

Invoke a POST request with an empty body to the sms_resend_url URL to resend an SMS code to the customer, if sending the SMS code to the sms_submission_url URL failed.

SMS (Zero-redirect) POST Request Responses

When creating a successful POST request to the sms_submission_url, the response body will always be empty.

A request sent successfully to the sms_resend_url URL will return the number of resend attempts left:


If any of the POST requests failed, then PaymentsOS returns an error object with more information about the error that occurred.

Redirecting Customers to an Authentication Page

Both recurring and non-recurring transaction flows require that customers authenticate themselves. In a recurring flow, this is required only once (during the first transaction); in a non-recurring flow this is required for each transaction.

If you require customers to authenticate themselves on an external authentication page, then implement a redirection flow to redirect customers to that page.

Important Note

The url of your site to which customers are redirected after completing a transaction, will also include a transaction status (see step 9 in Implementing a Redirection Flow). You should only use this status for providing customers with additional information about the transaction. Do not use this status for determining the final transaction status. To determine the final transaction status, you must solely rely on the status received in the webhook notification.

Implementing a Payment Flow with Installments

If you allow your customers to pay with installments, simply pass an installments object in the Create Charge request and include all required installment information.

{ ... "installments": { "number_of_installments": 3 }, ...}

Showing Customers Available Installment Options during Checkout

If you configured different installment plans in your PayU India account, then you can fetch those plans and display the various installment options in your checkout page when a customer initiates the payment. To do so, call the Retrieve Supported Plans request. Make sure to pass the transaction amount and currency for which to fetch the available plans as query parameters.

Supported Currency

Only INR is supported with the Retrieve Supported Plans request.

The response of the Retrieve Supported Plans request will include for each plan, a place code representing the number of allowed installments for the specific plan. You should pass this code in the provider_specific_data.payu_india.additional_details.code field in the request body of the Create Charge request , like so:

..."provider_specific_data": { "payu_india": { "additional_details": { "code": "EMIA12", ... } } }... 

Also make sure that the value you pass for installments.number_of_installments matches the number of installments allowed by the plan selected by the customer. For example, a plan code of EMIA12 (as in the example above) indicates that 12 installments are allowed, so you should pass installments.number_of_installments accordingly:

{ ... "installments": { "number_of_installments": 12 }, ...}

Implementing an OPGSP Flow

If you do not have a local entity in India and your business is classified as software, digital goods or gaming, then you can register for an OPGSP flow with PayU India. After doing so, make sure to pass an invoice_id in the Create Charge request (this is required), as well as the shoppers permanent account number (pass in additionalDescription1) and the shopper’s date of birth (pass in additionalDescription3).

{"provider_specific_data": { "payu_india": { "additional_details": { ... "additionalDescription1": "AAAPZ1234C", "additionalDescription3": "22/08/1972", "invoice_id": "1234", ... } } }, ...} 

Once the payment has been completed, you need to upload a copy of the invoice to your PayU India control panel.

Implementing a UPI Flow

UPI (Unified Payments Interface) is an instant real-time payment system facilitating inter-bank transactions. The system works by instantly transferring funds between two bank accounts.

There are two types of UPI flows you can implement:

  • collect flow: In this flow, a shopper completes the payment through a UPI-enabled app using a so-called Virtual Payment Address (VPA). The VPA is a unique identifier that you must generate in order to send and accept money via UPI. When you pass the identifier in the payment flow, the shopper will receive a notification in their UPI-enabled app (such as Google Pay) which they can then click to complete the transaction.

  • intent flow: In this flow, you display the checkout screen within a user’s app (the term intent refers to an Android intent which is used for launching a screen within an app). Shoppers can then select their payment method of choice in the checkout screen in order to complete the transaction.

Using the Bodybuilder

When using the BodyBuilder to generate sample requests, make sure to choose the Bank Transfer payment type and include optional fields in the output.

UPI Collect Flow

To implement a UPI collect flow, simply pass the vpa identifier in the body Create Charge request. Optionally, also pass a upi_type with a value of collect (if you do not pass the upi_type, the flow will default to a UPI collect flow). Here’s a sample request body:

 "merchant_site_url": "", "payment_method": { "source_type": "bank_transfer", "type": "untokenized", "vendor": "UPI", "additional_details": { "upi_type": "collect", "vpa": "abc@icici" } }, "reconciliation_id": "40762342"}

UPI Intent Flow

To implement a UPI intent flow, pass a upi_type with a value of intent in the body Create Charge request (do not pass a vpa field, since this will result in an error when doing so in combination with an intent flow). Here’s a sample request body:

 "merchant_site_url": "", "payment_method": { "source_type": "bank_transfer", "type": "untokenized", "vendor": "UPI", "additional_details": { "upi_type": "intent" } }, "reconciliation_id": "40762342"}

The url that you must open in the app’s screen is then returned in the provider_data.additional_information.upi_linking_url field in the Create Charge request’s response body. Here’s a sample response (truncated for brevity):

{ "id": "664c66b4-b6f3-419c-92ca-9bc9f4b88a99", "created": "1602771647476", "reconciliation_id": "378", "payment_method": { ... }, "result": { "status": "Pending" }, "provider_data": { ... "additional_information": { "upi_linking_url": "upi://pay?pa=payu%40indus&pn=company&tr=11364592317&tid=378&am=1.00&cu=INR&tn=UPI" } }, "redirection": { ... }, "amount": 100, "provider_configuration": { ... }}

Implementing a Recurring Transaction Flow with UPI Autopay

UPI AutoPay is an extension of the UPI platform that enables recurring payments for bank transfers. It allows customers to set up e-mandates for regular payments such as subscriptions, utility bills, and insurance premiums. It is available for both the UPI Collect Flow and the UPI Intent Flow. To implement it, you first need to set up the consent transaction. In order to do it you just have to include specific parameters in the additional_details field of the Create Charge request body. Below is a sample request for the consent transaction:

{ "merchant_site_url": "", "payment_method": { "source_type": "bank_transfer", "type": "untokenized", "vendor": "UPI", "additional_details": { "upi_type": "collect", "vpa": "abc@icici", "si": "1", "si_amount": "1.00", "si_cycle": "ADHOC", "si_end_date": "2021-07-21", "si_interval": 1, "si_start_date": "2020-12-03", "si_billing_date": "FORTNIGHTLY", "si_billing_rule": "EXACT", "si_billing_limit": "BEFORE" } }, "reconciliation_id": "40762342"}

Important Note

For the UPI Collect Flow the vpa field is mandatory.

After the initial consent transaction, here’s an example of the Create Charge request body for subsequent recurring transactions:

{"payment_method": { "type": "untokenized", "source_type": "bank_transfer", "vendor": "UPI", "additional_details": { "si_external_id": "11744444053", "recurring": "1" } }}

The recurring parameter is used to indicate that a particular transaction is part of an ongoing, scheduled payment cycle. By setting the recurring parameter to 1, you are explicitly informing the system that this transaction is not a one-time payment but a recurring one. The si_external_id parameter represents the unique identifier for the consent transaction that was established during the initial setup of the recurring payment. This ID is returned as provider_data.external_id when the initial consent for recurring payments is granted. It must be included in subsequent transactions to link them with the original consent, ensuring they are processed under the recurring mandate.

Implementing Installments with a Subvention EMI Scheme

Subvention EMI (Equated Monthly Installments) is a scheme offered by several banks that allows you to pay the full or partial interest amount on installments, instead of charging this amount to your shoppers. This, in turn, allows you to offer your customers the option of paying in interest-free installments, or in installments with a reduced interest amount.

Which banks offer a Subvention EMI Scheme?

A subvention EMI scheme is not offered by all banks. Please contact your PayU India account manager for a list of banks offering a Subvention EMI scheme.

To know the total interest amount that is charged to you, invoke the Retrieve Supported Plans API request. The interest amount is returned in the provider_data.emiAmount field. Here’s a sample response:

[ { "configuration_id": "e8426525-2e22-4157-a925-4bdccda6e8bf", "configuration_name": "payuindia", "provider_id": "cca51d5b-6bc9-4bb3-844a-70850d687a1b", "provider_name": "PayUIndia", "plans": [ { "type": "installments", "code": "EMIA3", "number_of_installments": 3, "provider_data": { "transactionAmount": 100, "paybackAmount": 0, "loanAmount": 100, "emiAmount": 33.33, "additionalCost": "0.00", "emiBankInterest": "13", "bankRate": "10", "bankCharge": 10, "amount": 33.33, "tenure": "03 months", "cardType": "credit card", "emiValue": 34.06, "emiInterestPaid": 2.17, "bank_name": "AXIS", "bank_code": "7" }, ... }] 

To subvent the interest for your customers, pass the full or partial transaction amount in the installments.subvention_amount field of the Create Charge request.

{ "installments": { "number_of_installments": 3, "subvention_amount": 33.33 }, ...}

Implementing a Challan Payment Method Flow

Challan is a payment method that allows shoppers to pay for their purchase when completing the transaction, or at a later stage. When implementing the Challan payment method, you must redirect your shoppers to an external page as you would with any asynchronous transaction flow. However, unlike a typical asynchronous transaction flow, shoppers do not finalize the payment on the external page. Instead, they are presented an invoice that holds all information they need to pay either through their internet banking portal or at a brick-and-mortar bank branch.

Invoice Expiration Period

By default, the invoice expires after 30 days. Any payment received after the invoice expires, will be automatically refunded.

If desired, you can request to change the invoice expiration period to less than 30 days. Contact your account manager for more information.

Use the BodyBuilder to generate a sample request (select the bank transfer payment type, and then select the Challan payment method).

Supported Bank Codes for Recurring Netbanking Transactions

Bank Code

Bank OF Baroda


Central Bank of India


City Union Bank


Deutsch Bank


Equitas Small Finance Bank


Federal Bank




IDBI First Bank






IndusInd Bank


Indian Overseas Bank


Kotak Mahindra Bank


Bank of Maharashtra


Punjab National Bank


PayTm Payments Bank


RBL Bank


State Bank of India


Tamilnad Mercantile Bank


Ujjivan Small Finance Bank


Axis Bank


YES Bank



You can use the following PayU India test card for testing:

Card numberExpiration dateCVVCard Type
4854 4601 9876 5435Any future date123Debit/Credit Card
5123 4567 8901 2346 (recurring payments)Any future date123Debit/Credit Card

To test both an SMS-based (zero-redirect) authentication request and an authentication step through an external authentication page, use the following codes:


For an SMS-based (zero-redirect) authentication request, pass one of the test codes when invoking the POST request to the sms_submission_url to which you send the SMS code.

To test an authentication step when using an external authentication page, grab the redirect URL from the Charge Request response body. This URL will redirect you to an authentication page created for testing purposes by PayU India, in which you can enter one of the test codes. Bear in mind that you will only be redirected to the test authentication page when initiating a test using test credentials.

PayU India (2024)
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Article information

Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 5984

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.