PayPal Fees for Receiving Money: Everything You Need to Know (2024)

A key part of running your own business is determining how you will collect payment from your customers or clients. In assessing the payment platforms available today, PayPal remains one of the most popular free platforms. However, “free” is the operative word, as despite PayPal not charging monthly fees or a fee for setting up an account, using PayPal inevitably involves fees being charged when receiving payment.

If you’re trying to decide whether or not PayPal is the right platform for you use to receive payments for your work, the following guide presents everything you need to know about PayPal fees.

PayPal Account Types: Personal vs. Business

PayPal offers two types of accounts to their customers: a personal account and a business account. The account you use depends on your specific needs, but if you’re using PayPal for business purposes, then you are required to set up a business account.

Personal Account

A personal account is only meant to be used for personal transactions, i.e. between friends and family members. Because these accounts are meant for uses like gifting money or repaying a friend for lunch—not billing a customer for a product or service—personal accounts are not subject to additional fees when making a purchase, beyond credit card processing! In the past, some PayPal users took advantage of this fee-free receipt of funds by marking certain commercial transactions as “personal,” however as of July 2022 this feature can only be used with a Personal account.

Business Account

As a business owner selling products or providing services and billing clients via PayPal, you will need to open a PayPal business account. With a business account you can send invoices under your company name and accept debit, credit, or ACH (bank transfer) payments (with applicable fees based on the payment method). Business accounts can add up to 200 employees to the account with different levels of access, add a customer service email address, and access additional features such as PayPal Checkout to improve customer experience.

Because we’re looking at PayPal from a business perspective, we will be focusing the remainder of this article on PayPal fees for Business accounts.

An Overview of PayPal Business Fees

When you use PayPal to collect payment directly from clients or collect payment via invoicing software integrated with PayPal, you should be prepared for any fees that might accrue and be deducted from your payout. As the recipient of funds, you are responsible for all PayPal fees. Fees for receiving money are typically a percentage of your transaction total plus a fixed fee. PayPal fees vary by payment type, currency received, and whether the transaction is domestic or international.

If you issue a refund for a commercial transaction, whether a full or partial refund, there are no fees to issue the refund. However the fees you were charged when receiving the payment will not be returned to you.

Payment Processing Fees

Fees will vary depending on your specific type of PayPal payment. You can use the following table to determine the fees for any given transaction (current as of December 7, 2023):

Payment TypePercentage of Amount FeeFixed Fee (USD*)
PayPal Checkout/Guest Checkout3.49%$0.49
Pay with Venmo3.49%$0.49
Credit or Debit Card2.99%$0.49
QR Code transactions2.29%$0.09
QR Code (via third party integrator)2.29%$0.09
Send/Receive Money for Goods and Services2.99%No fixed fee
Other Commercial Transactions3.49%$0.49
Store Cash8.00%No fixed fee
Donations2.89% (+1.50% for international transactions)$0.49
Charity1.99% (+1.50% for international transactions)$0.49
Alternative Payment Methods (APM)2.59%$0.49
Alternative Payment Methods (APM) through Invoicing2.99%$0.49
PayPal BalanceSee PayPal Balance Terms and Conditions for complete list of associated feesSee PayPal Balance Terms and Conditions for complete list of associated fees
PayPal Here (in store, card present, or QR code)2.70% (+1.50% for international transactions)No fixed fee
PayPal Here (keyed transactions)3.50% (+1.50% for international transactions)$0.15
PayPal Online Card Payment Services (Advanced Credit + Debit Card Payments)2.59%$0.49
PayPal Online Card Payment Services (Advanced + Pro)2.89%

Additional monthly fees apply

PayPal Online Card Payment Services (Virtual Terminal)3.09%

Additional monthly fees apply

Payflow Pro (Payment Gateway)No transaction percentage fee, but monthly fees apply$0.10
PayPal Zettle (card present + QR code)2.29%$0.09
PayPal Zettle (manual card entry transactions)3.49%$0.09
PayPal Payouts2% up to maximum fee capNo fixed fee
PayPal Payouts (using API)No transaction percentage$0.25
Micropayments4.99% (+1.50% for international transactions$0.09

*Visit PayPal’s merchant fees guide to see fixed fees in other currencies.

Per the table above, the majority of business-related transactions will have a PayPal fee of 3.49% + $0.49. However, all fees are subject to change per PayPal’s merchant fees guide. For transactions that involve currency conversion performed by PayPal, a currency conversion spread of 3.00%-4.00% will also be included. This amount is also subject to change and will be disclosed to you during the transaction.

PayPal Fee Calculator Find out exactly how much PayPal charges per transaction

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Chargeback and Dispute Fees

Not all transactions are smooth sailing, so be prepared for unexpected fees that may result from buyers disputing charges or reversing transactions through their card issuer. These fixed fees vary by the currency received, but here is what you can expect from USD transactions:

Settlement Fee TypeAmount (in USD)
Chargeback Fee$20.00
Standard Dispute Fee$15.00
High Volume Dispute Fee$30.00

Consumer Fees for Buying/Selling Cryptocurrency

As cryptocurrency is a unique form of virtual transaction, the associated fees are much more varied. Review this chart for what fees to expect with any crypto transactions:

Transaction Amount (USD)Percentage of Amount FeeFixed Fee (USD)
$1.00 to $4.99No percentage fee$0.49
$5.00 to $24.99No percentage fee$0.99
$25.00 to $74.99No percentage fee$1.99
$75.00 to $200.00No percentage fee$2.49
$200.01 to 1000.001.80%No fixed fee
$1000.01+1.50%No fixed fee

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How Can I Avoid PayPal Fees?

PayPal charges these fees to cover credit card processing fees, international transaction conversions, and to charge for use of their platform. The fees will vary depending on where the money is coming from (domestic or international), the total amount billed, the payment method, and the type of PayPal account. No one wants to pay extra fees, and those percentages can really add up for high value transactions. Here are four ways to reduce the amount or even avoid PayPal fees when receiving money for your business:

1. Bill Them to Your Client

A common way to negate PayPal fees is by passing them on to your customer or client, but this can get tricky in terms of ethics and legality. Per PayPal’s user agreement, you agree to not surcharge your clients for transaction fees. This makes it a breach of PayPal’s terms to charge the fees to your client, however, there is a workaround.

If you do opt to charge your clients to help cover associated fees, do so by labeling it as a “handling fee” and charging the same fixed amount to every client for every transaction. This is something you might see in a local coffee shop, where they charge a fixed fee for credit card transactions under a certain amount. For example, if a customer purchases a small cup of coffee for $3.49 using a credit card, the coffee shop may tag on an additional $0.50 charge to account for the processing fee. Thus the customer pays $3.99 plus tax for their cuppa joe.

2. Mark Fees as Deductions

PayPal fees that you pay for business transactions can be marked as deductions for your business taxes! While this doesn’t eliminate the fees, it does decrease the amount you’ll owe in taxes later on, which will benefit your bottom line. You can keep track of your write-offs in an expense report, or by choosing Tax Preparation software that enables you to quickly categorize your transactions as you go, and auto-generates expense reports and pre-fills IRS tax forms so you can maximize your business tax deductions.

3. Opt for an Alternative Payment Method

While PayPal is a popular option for collecting payment for your business, if you want to completely avoid PayPal fees, the only real way is to forgo PayPal altogether and opt for an alternative payment collection method. When you set up direct deposit with your clients using a banking platform like Lili, you don’t have to worry about any processing fees, meaning you keep every penny of that hard-earned cash. As well, Lili offers the ability to accept domestic wire transfers fee-free, giving you even more flexibility in terms of payments methods you can offer your clients!

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DON’T Use a Personal Account for Client Transactions

You may see other blogs recommending that you use a Personal account for business transactions to avoid the merchant fees, but this is against PayPal’s Terms of Service and can result in your account being limited or locked if you attempt it. It’s best to adhere to PayPal’s Terms of Service and avoid any risk to your PayPal account.

How to Calculate PayPal Fees

You can easily calculate the fees that will accrue on any PayPal transaction with this formula:

(Invoice Total x Percentage Fee)/100 + Fixed Fee

Example 1:

You send an invoice to a client for $500, to be paid via credit card using PayPal Guest Checkout.
The percentage fee for receiving money via PayPal Guest Checkout is 3.49% of the total amount, which is $17.45.
The fixed fee for receiving money via PayPal Guest Checkout is $0.49.
Your total fees for this invoice come out to $17.94.
After deducting fees, you will earn $482.06.

If you want to ensure you will earn your total billed amount after fees are deducted, you will need to calculate the total fees in your original invoice amount plus an additional amount to account for the percentage that will be taken from the new invoice total. You can use this formula to calculate what you should charge in order to receive a goal amount:

(Total Received + Fixed Fee) ÷ (1 – (Percentage Fee/100))

Example 2:

You want to receive a total of $500 from client who is paying using PayPal Guest Checkout.
The percentage fee for receiving money via PayPal Guest Checkout is 3.49% of the total amount.
The fixed fee for receiving money via PayPal Guest Checkout is $0.49.

(500 + 0.49) ÷ (1 – (3.49/100))
(500.49) ÷ (1 – 0.0349)
(500.49) ÷ (0.9651)
= 518.5887

To cover PayPal fees for a $500 invoice paid using PayPal Guest Checkout, you should bill $518.60.

Just keep in mind that it is against PayPal’s user agreement (and also illegal in some states) to charge your clients and customers for transaction and processing fees, so this must be worked into your rates from the start.

How PayPal Fees Work with Lili

Whether you use PayPal or another payment processor, payment fees are a part of doing business. Credit card fees in particular are unavoidable, but it’s important to know what other fees are involved and which of those can be reduced or avoided so that you maximize your cash flow.

When you connect your PayPal account to Lili (done in a few simple steps), there is no fee to transfer money from PayPal to Lili (using a Standard withdrawal/transfer). That way, you can move all of the money collected via PayPal to your business checking account, and use it to operate your business. Whether you need the funds for your business expenses, or you want to set aside funds for tax payments, or you’d like to add to your savings account and earn 4.15% APY–having a Lili account means having all of the features you need to streamline your business financial operations, so you can focus on achieving success!

PayPal Fees for Receiving Money: Everything You Need to Know (2024)


PayPal Fees for Receiving Money: Everything You Need to Know? ›

In most cases, for sales within the United States, PayPal has a flat fee for receiving payments: 2.9% + $0.30.

What are PayPal fees for receiving money? ›

In most cases, for sales within the United States, PayPal has a flat fee for receiving payments: 2.9% + $0.30.

How much does it cost to receive payment via PayPal? ›

Receiving domestic transactions using PayPal Online Card Payment Services
Payment typeRate
Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments1.75% + fixed fee
Website Payments Pro – Hosted Solution1.75% + fixed fee
Virtual Terminal3.60% + fixed fee

How do I avoid PayPal fees when receiving money? ›

How To Avoid PayPal Fees
  1. Setup A Business Account. By setting up a business account through PayPal you will have reduced fees. ...
  2. Request To Be Paid As “Friend or Family” ...
  3. Apply For Lower Fees. ...
  4. Deduct PayPal Fees From Your Tax Returns. ...
  5. Use a PayPal Alternative.
Aug 30, 2023

Do I have to pay anything to receive money from PayPal? ›

You never pay any upfront fee as a seller or to receive funds. Ignore scammers that send fake Paypal emails telling you that you need to pay an upfront fee to verify/upgrade to a business account/or any other reason to accept a payment.

Why is PayPal charging me a fee to receive money? ›

To stay in business, the company needs to make some form of income off of its services. To do this, PayPal charges a fee for most transactions that go through its system. And in most cases, these fees are charged to the person or company receiving the money.

How to receive money on PayPal without fees? ›

If the payment method is a PayPal balance, bank account, or Amex Send Account, there is no fee; if the payment method is another card, the fee will be 2.90% + a fixed fee.

How much does it cost to receive $500 on PayPal? ›

How do I calculate PayPal fees? Example 1: You send an invoice to a client for $500 to be paid via PayPal Checkout or Guest Checkout. The fees for receiving money via PayPal Checkout/Guest Checkout are 3.49% of the total amount plus a fixed fee of $0.49, which comes out to $17.94.

What is the limit on PayPal receiving money? ›

Users with personal PayPal accounts can receive a maximum of $10,000 in one transaction and cannot exceed $60,000 weekly. If you haven't yet verified your account, the best way to get a higher PayPal limit to receive money is to do this as soon as possible.

Does PayPal charge fees for friends and family? ›

You can make a personal payment to anyone in the US for free if you use your bank account or PayPal Balance. If you use a debit or credit card, there will be a small charge for your payment.

How do I avoid a 3% fee on PayPal? ›

How to avoid PayPal fees
  1. Use the "Friends and Family" option. When sending money through PayPal, you have the option to use the 'Friends and Family' category instead of 'Goods and Services'. ...
  2. Receive payments in the same currency. ...
  3. Offer local pickup or delivery options. ...
  4. Use other payment methods if possible.
Sep 7, 2023

When someone pays you through PayPal, how do you get the money? ›

To accept the money, you must open an account with PayPal and confirm your email address. After that, you can receive money when someone pays to your email address or mobile number. You'll receive a message through the app letting you know you have money available.

How much is the PayPal fee for $3000? ›

If the amount you're sending is up to $3000, you will be charged with 4.4% of the amount plus a fixed fee. The percentage level decreases as the transaction amount goes above $3000.

Do you have to pay fees to receive money on PayPal? ›

As the recipient of funds, you are responsible for all PayPal fees. Fees for receiving money are typically a percentage of your transaction total plus a fixed fee. PayPal fees vary by payment type, currency received, and whether the transaction is domestic or international.

What is needed for PayPal to receive money? ›

With PayPal, you receive money when someone pays to your email address or mobile number. Once that happens, we'll send you a message letting you know you have money available. To accept the money, you must open a PayPal account, confirm your email address, and confirm a Visa credit card or a US bank account.

What is the 4.99 fee on PayPal? ›

PayPal offers two different payment methods for international money transfers, and each has its own fee structure. When sending money directly to another PayPal account, PayPal charges 5% of the transaction with a minimum fee of $0.99 and a maximum fee of $4.99. This assumes the transfer is funded by a PayPal balance.

Does PayPal charge a fee for friends and family? ›

You can make a personal payment to anyone in the US for free if you use your bank account or PayPal Balance. If you use a debit or credit card, there will be a small charge for your payment.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.