Paul and Mary's favourite Bake Off recipes | Baking (2024)


Chocolate roulade, pork pie with quail's eggs, tarte au citron: Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood choose their all-time favourite recipes from The Great British Bake Off

Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood

Sun 20 Jul 2014 03.00 EDT

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Mary Berry's Fraisier

Series 3, technical challenge

Here, a whisked egg sponge cake is split and deeply filled with strawberries and a luxurious kirsch-flavoured crème mousseline – crème pâtissière enriched with butter instead of whipped cream. The top is finished with a thin layer of marzipan and piped chocolate decorations.

For the sponge
free-range eggs 4 medium, at room temperature
caster sugar 125g
lemons 2 unwaxed medium, finely grated zest
self-raising flour 125g
unsalted butter 50g, melted and cooled

For the crème mousseline
milk 600ml
vanilla pod 1, split open
free-range eggs 4 large
egg yolks 2, at room temperature
caster sugar 180g
kirsch 1 tbsp
cornflour 100g
unsalted butter 150g, at room temperature, diced

For the syrup
caster sugar 75g
lemons juice of 2 medium, strained
water 70ml

To assemble
strawberries about 600g, medium
marzipan 200g
dark chocolate 200g, melted

You will need: 1 x 23cm springclip cake tin or loosebased, deep, round cake tin, greased, floured and the base lined with baking paper; a strip of acetate [can be found online] to fit inside the tin; a large piping bag fitted with a 2cm tube.

Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4. To make the sponge, put the eggs, sugar and lemon zest into a large heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Whisk using a hand-held electric mixer until the mixture has more than doubled in volume and become very thick, pale and mousselike. To check that the mixture is at the right stage, lift the beaters from the bowl – the mixture that falls off should leave a distinct ribbon-like trail on the surface.

Sift two-thirds of the flour onto the mixture, then gently fold in with a metal spoon. Sift the remaining flour and fold in gently to retain as much air as possible, but make sure all the flour is incorporated. Gently fold in the melted butter.

Pour into the lined tin and bake for 25–30 minutes until pale golden brown and the sides of the cake shrink away from the tin. Cool the sponge in the tin for 5 minutes, to allow it to firm up a bit, then carefully turn out onto a wire rack (the sponge is delicate). Leave to cool while you wash the tin.

To make the crème mousseline, bring the milk and vanilla pod just to the boil in a wide saucepan. Remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, kirsch and cornflour in a bowl just until smooth and creamy. Remove the vanilla pod from the milk, then pour through a sieve onto the egg mixture, whisking well. Pour the mixture into the washed saucepan, set over a medium heat and stir constantly until the mixture boils and thickens; this will take about 4 minutes. It's important to keep stirring to avoid the custard going lumpy. Keep stirring for a minute over the heat to make sure the mixture will be thick enough to pipe, but take care that it doesn't catch on the bottom of the pan. Stir in the butter.

Allow to cool slightly, then pour into a shallow dish. Press a disc of dampened greaseproof paper onto the surface, to prevent a skin from forming, then chill for at least 1 hour until cold and set firm.

To make the syrup, put the sugar, lemon juice and 70ml water into a small pan and heat gently until the sugar has completely dissolved, then boil for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool.

Roll out the marzipan on a worktop lightly dusted with icing sugar to make a thin disc 23cm across. Keep chilled until needed.

When ready to assemble the cake, slice the cold sponge in half horizontally to make 2 thin, even discs. Place the strip of acetate around the inside of the tin so it will fit snugly between the side of the tin and the sponge (or line the tin with clingfilm or parchment-lined foil). Set one sponge disc, cut side up, in the tin and brush liberally with the syrup. With the back of a spoon, gently squash the edges of the cake down so that they are pushed directly against the sides of the tin.

Choose 12 strawberries of the same height and cut them vertically in half. Arrange pointed end up on top of the sponge layer, cut side against the acetate, making sure the berries fit snugly next to each other.

Spoon about two-thirds of the crème mousseline into the piping bag to start off with. Pipe a spiral over the sponge base in the tin to cover completely; pipe between the strawberries to fill all the gaps. (Add the remaining crème mousseline to the piping bag when there is space.)

Set 3–5 strawberries aside for the decoration, then quarter the rest. Spread these over the crème so it makes the filling about 2.5cm higher. Pipe another spiral of crème on top of the berries and smooth until level with a palette knife.

Set the other disc of sponge on top, cut side up, and brush with the rest of the syrup. Gently press the top sponge layer down onto the crème so that the assembled cake is firmly pressed against the acetate all round. Lay the marzipan disc on top, then chill well.

Make some decorations from the melted chocolate [or buy ready-made decorations if you prefer]. To serve, remove the acetate-wrapped cake from the tin, then gently remove the acetate. Set the cake on a plate and finish with the reserved strawberries and chocolate decorations.

From The Great British Bake Off: How to Turn Everyday Bakes into Showstoppers (BBC Books, RRP £20)

Paul Hollywood's olive breadsticks

Series 4, signature challenge

Makes 36
strong white bread flour 1kg
salt 20g
fast-action dried yeast 20g
tepid water 800ml
olive oil 4 tbsp
pitted green olives 1kg, well drained
fine semolina for dusting (optional)
baking sheets 3, lined with baking paper

Put the flour into the bowl of a large freestanding electric mixer fitted with a dough hook. Add the salt to one side of the bowl and the yeast to the other side. Pour in three-quarters of the water and begin mixing on slow speed. As soon as the dough starts to come together, slowly add the rest of the water, still mixing.

Turn up to medium speed and mix for 5–8 minutes. The dough should now be wet and easy to stretch when pulled. Add the olive oil and mix for a further 2 minutes, then add the olives and mix with your hand or a spoon just until evenly distributed in the dough.

Grease two 2–3 litre square plastic tubs or containers with oil. Divide the dough equally between the tubs and cover with clingfilm. Leave on the worktop until the dough has at least tripled in size – about 1 hour. Towards the end of the rising time heat your oven to 220C/gas mark 7.

Heavily dust the worktop with flour, plus some semolina if you have it, then carefully tip the dough from one of the tubs on to the floury surface. The dough will be very loose and flowing, but don't worry! Rather than knock it back to deflate, you should handle it gently to keep in as much air as possible. Dust the top of the dough with flour, then gently stretch it out with your fingertips to a rough rectangle about 25cm x 36cm x 1cm thick.

Starting at one long side, cut the dough rectangle into about 18 strips using a large knife or pizza wheel-cutter. Lay the strips, spaced well apart, on the lined baking sheets – 6 strips to each sheet.

Place in the heated oven and bake for 10–15 minutes until golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Meanwhile, shape and bake the second batch of breadsticks. Store the baked breadsticks in an airtight container for up to a week.

From The Great British Bake Off: Everyday (BBC Books, RRP £20)

Mary Berry's chocolate roulade

Series 2, technical challenge

Totally irresistible, this dessert is made from just a few ingredients: chocolate, eggs, sugar and a little cocoa powder plus double cream for the filling. The joy of the sponge is that it tastes rich yet is not heavy – there's no flour or butter in the mixture, so it's rather like a baked chocolate mousse.

Serves 8
dark chocolate (39% cocoa solids) 175g, finely chopped
free-range eggs 6 large, at room temperature
caster sugar 175g
cocoa powder 2 tbsp

For the filling and finishing
pourable double cream 300ml
icing sugar for dusting

You will need: 1 x 23 x 33cm swiss roll tin, greased with butter; non-stick baking paper.

If you are worried about breaking the yolks when separating the eggs, crack the whites into a cup first, then tip them into the bowl one at a time. This will ensure that you don't get any bits of yolk in the whites, which would prevent your whites from whisking to maximum volume.

As you roll up the sponge, don't worry if it cracks – that is quite normal and all part of the charm of a home-baked roulade.

Line the base and sides of the buttered tin with non-stick baking paper. If you make a small diagonal snip in each corner of the paper, it will help fit the paper snugly into the corners of the tin.

Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set it over a pan of steaming hot but not boiling water (don't let the base of the bowl touch the hot water). Leave to melt, stirring occasionally. Remove the bowl from the pan of water and stir until the chocolate is smooth, then leave to cool for about 15 minutes or until just warm. Preheat the oven to 180C/gas mark 4.

Separate the eggs, putting the whites in one large mixing bowl and the yolks in another; set the yolks aside. Whisk the egg whites with an electric mixer on high speed until they stand in stiff peaks. If you turn the bowl upside down, the whites should be stiff enough not to fall out.

Put the sugar into the bowl with the egg yolks and whisk using the electric mixer (no need to wash it) on high speed for 2 to 3 minutes or until very thick and pale in colour, and the mixture leaves a ribbon like trail on itself when the whisk is lifted out.

Pour the cooled chocolate into the yolk and sugar mixture and gently fold in with a wooden spoon to blend evenly. Add 2 large spoonfuls of the whisked egg whites to the chocolate mixture and stir in gently to loosen the mix, then fold in the remaining egg whites using a large metal spoon. Take care not to knock out the air you have just whisked in.

Sift the cocoa powder over the top and lightly but thoroughly fold it in with the metal spoon. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and gently move the tin around on the worktop so the mixture finds its own level. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until risen and the top feels firm and slightly crisp when pressed gently with a finger. Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin; the sponge will fall and crack a little as it cools.

Lay a large piece of non-stick baking paper on the worktop and dust it lightly with icing sugar. Turn the sponge out onto the paper, then carefully peel off the lining paper. Whip the cream for the filling until it just holds its shape.

Spread the cream over the sponge, leaving a clear edge of about 2cm on all sides. Using a sharp knife, make a shallow cut along one of the short edges. Roll this cut edge over tightly to start. Use the sugar-dusted paper to help continue the tight rolling by pulling it away from you as you roll. Finish with the join underneath, then lift onto a serving plate or board using a large wide spatula or 2 fish slices.

From The Great British Bake Off: How to Bake (BBC Books, RRP £20)

Mary Berry's coffee and walnut Battenburg

Series 2, Technical challenge

The original pink and white Battenburg cake was made to honour the marriage of Queen Victoria's granddaughter to Prince Louis of Battenberg in 1884. This cake is a delightful change, but still in keeping with tradition.

Makes 1 small to medium cake
unsalted butter 100g, softened
caster sugar 100g
free-range eggs 2 large, at room temperature
self-raising flour 100g
baking powder ½ tsp
ground almonds 50g
vanilla extract a few drops
milk 3 tsp
coffee granules 1½ tsp
walnuts 25g, chopped

For the coffee butter icing
icing sugar 100g
unsalted butter 40g, softened
coffee granules ½ tsp
milk 1½ tsp

To finish
white marzipan 225g
icing sugar for dusting
walnut pieces about 5 small

You will need: 1 x 20cm square, shallow cake tin, greased; non-stick baking paper.

To help you roll out the marzipan to the correct size to wrap the assembled cake, cut 2 pieces of string – one that is the length of the assembled cake and one that will wrap all the way around it. Use these as measuring guides.

Brush off any crumbs from the marzipan and worktop before wrapping the cake, to be sure that the outside of the cake will have a smooth, neat finish.

Preheat the oven to 160C/gas mark 3. Cut out a rectangle of baking paper 28cm x 20cm. Fold the paper in half widthways. Open out the paper and push up the centre fold to make a 4cm pleat. Line the base of the tin with the paper, making any adjustments to ensure the pleat runs down the centre of the tin.

Put the soft butter, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder and ground almonds into a large mixing bowl and beat with a wooden spoon for 2 to 3 minutes or until smooth, slightly lighter in colour and glossy looking.

Spoon slightly more than half the mixture into a separate bowl and add the vanilla and 1½ teaspoons of the milk. Mix well, then set aside. Stir the coffee with the remaining milk until it has dissolved (no need to heat the milk), then add this to the first bowl of mixture together with the chopped walnuts. Spoon the vanilla mixture into one half of the tin and the coffee-walnut mixture into the other half.

Level the surface of each half with a knife. Be sure that the pleated paper divider is still straight and in the middle. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until the sponges are well risen and springy to the touch and have shrunk slightly from the sides of the tin. Take out of the oven and cool in the tin for a few minutes, then run a round-bladed knife around the inside of the tin to loosen the sponges and turn them out onto a wire rack. Peel off the lining paper and leave the sponges to cool completely.

Trim the crisp edges off the cooled sponges using a serrated knife, then cut each lengthways into 2 equal strips. To make the butter icing, sift the icing sugar into a medium bowl. Add the butter. Stir the coffee and milk together until the coffee has dissolved, then pour into the bowl. Beat everything together with a wooden spoon until soft and smooth.

Lay a vanilla sponge strip and a coffee-walnut strip side by side and use a little of the butter icing to stick them together. Spread a bit more icing on the top. Stick the remaining 2 strips together with icing. Lay these on top of the icing on the other 2 strips, placing them so they will create a chequerboard effect on the ends. Spread a bit more icing over the top of the assembled chequerboard.

Roll out the marzipan on a worktop to make an oblong that is the length of the cake and sufficiently wide to wrap around it (use the pieces of string as your measuring guide). Lay the iced side of the cake on the oblong, positioning it so when you lift up one long side of the marzipan it perfectly covers one side of the cake (this way the join will be neatly in the corner). Reserve a teaspoonful of the icing and spread the rest over the remaining 3 sides of the cake (not the ends).

Roll the cake over in the marzipan, pressing to cover it neatly. Brush the corner join lightly with water and press it to seal. (Try to avoid touching the marzipan with wet fingers.) Turn the cake over so the join is underneath. Trim a slim slice from each end of the cake to neaten and show off the chequerboard effect. Smooth the marzipan over with your hands so their warmth will give it a smooth finish.

While the marzipan is still soft, crimp the edges by pinching the marzipan between your thumb and first finger at a slight angle and at regular intervals. Score the top of the cake with long diagonal lines using a sharp knife. Sift over some icing sugar to lightly dust the top, then lay the walnut pieces down the centre, securing with the reserved butter icing.

From The Great British Bake Off: How To Bake (BBC Books, RRP £20)

Paul Hollywood's Camembert and quince flatbread

Series 3, signature challenge

Incredibly quick to cook in a heavy pan on top of the stove. Paul suggests eating these with a fresh green salad.

Makes 16
strong white bread flour 500g
table salt 10g
fast-action dried yeast 1 x 7g sachet
lukewarm water 320ml
Camembert 200g
quince jelly 150g
vegetable oil

Place the flour, salt and yeast in a large free-standing electric mixer with a dough hook attachment. Start the machine running on low speed while you gradually pour in three-quarters of the water. Leave to mix for a minute, then add the rest of the water. Turn the mixer speed up to medium-high and leave to mix for about 7 minutes to make a shiny, smooth dough.

Alternatively, mix together the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, then gradually work in three-quarters of the water with your hand. Give the dough a good mix for a couple of minutes, then knead on a lightly floured worktop for about 10 minutes until the dough is shiny and smooth.

Tear or cut the cheese into small pieces, and break up the quince jelly. Add to the dough and gently incorporate by hand, mixing the cheese and jelly evenly into the dough. Place the dough in an oiled bowl and turn to coat with oil, then cover with clingfilm and leave to rise at room temperature for 1 hour until doubled in size.

Tip out the risen dough onto a lightly floured worktop and punch down (knock back) to deflate. Divide the dough into 16 portions. Roll each portion of dough into a ball, then roll out each ball to a rough disc about 12.5cm wide using a floured rolling pin (feel free to experiment with size and shape, just make sure they are cooked all the way through!).

Heat a heavy frying pan over a high heat. Very lightly oil the pan by wiping it with an oiled piece of kitchen paper. Cook the discs of dough, one at a time, for about 2 minutes per side until they look cooked and have a good bit of colour on them. Eat warm.

From The Great British Bake Off: Everyday (BBC Books, RRP £20)

Paul Hollywood's iced fingers

Series 2, Technical challenge

It's becoming increasingly difficult to find these old favourites. Don't let the recipe disappear – make them at home. Once iced and filled with cream and jam, eat as soon as possible.

Makes 12
For the dough
strong white bread flour 500g
fast-action dried yeast 2 x 7g sachets
caster sugar 50g
unsalted butter 40g, softened
free-range eggs 2 large
sea salt flakes 10g, crushed
milk 150ml, lukewarm
water 140ml

For the icing and filling
icing sugar 300g
water 32ml
whipping cream 200ml
strawberry jam 1 x 400g jar, warmed and sieved, then cooled

You will need: 2 baking sheets, lined with baking paper; a piping bag; and a small plastic bag.

Use a large mixing bowl because all the ingredients for the dough are added at the same time and mixed by hand. Before the dough is kneaded it is massaged in the bowl. To do this, use your hand to gently work the dough up and down so it becomes smooth.

When dividing the dough into pieces, you can weigh them to be sure they are all about the same. This is what professional bakers do. Each piece should weigh about 70g. Use a ruler to ensure all the fingers are the same length.

If necessary, rotate the baking sheets towards the end of the baking time so all the fingers are evenly coloured.

Be sure the icing has set before adding the cream and jam, and handle the fingers gently. Otherwise the smooth finish could be spoiled.

Put all the ingredients for the dough into a large mixing bowl with 100ml water. Mix together with your hands until a dough is formed. Slowly work in 40ml more water and massage the dough in the bowl for about 4 minutes.

Tip the dough onto a lightly floured worktop and knead well for 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic. Return to the bowl and cover with a damp tea towel or clingfilm. Leave to rise for 1 hour or until at least doubled in size.

Tip the dough out onto the very lightly floured worktop again and divide into 12 pieces. Roll into balls and then into 'fingers' about 12.5cm long.

Divide the fingers between the baking sheets, leaving plenty of space around and between them to allow for spreading. Leave to rise, uncovered, for about 40 minutes or until doubled in size. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 220C/gas mark 7. Bake the fingers for about 10 minutes. Separate the fingers and leave to cool on a wire rack.

For the icing, sift the icing sugar into a bowl. Gradually stir in 32ml cold water to make a thick paste. When the fingers have completely cooled, split them open lengthways, not cutting all the way through. Dip one side of each finger into the icing and smooth it with your finger. Leave to set on a wire rack.

Lightly whip the cream until thick and place in the piping bag. Pipe a generous line of whipped cream into each finger. Spoon the strawberry jam into a small plastic bag and snip off one corner. Pipe a delicate line of jam onto the cream in each finger. Dust with icing sugar, if you like.

From The Great British Bake Off: How to Bake (BBC Books, RRP £20)

Mary Berry's tarte au citron

Series 2, Technical challenge

This can be left beautifully simple, with just a sprinkling of icing sugar or given the professional finish by caramelising a generous dredging of icing sugar using a blowtorch. Serve the tart on the day you make it, warm or cooled to room temperature.

Serves 8
For the pastry
plain flour 175g
cold butter 100g, cut into small cubes
icing sugar 25g, sifted
free-range egg yolk 1 large
cold water 1 tbsp

For the filling
free-range eggs 5 large
double cream 125ml
caster sugar 225g
lemons 3 medium, finely grated zest and juice (you need 150ml juice)

To finish
icing sugar for dusting

You will need: 1 x 23cm fluted, deep, loose-based tart tin; non-stick baking paper; a baking sheet; baking beans.

To make the pastry, put the flour, butter and icing sugar into a food-processor. Pulse briefly until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk and water and process until the ingredients stick together in clumps.Tip the mixture onto a lightly floured worktop and gather it into a ball with your hands.

Knead the pastry just 2 or 3 times to make it smooth. (If your butter was a bit soft, the pastry might be too. If so, wrap it in greaseproof or non-stick baking paper and chill for 15 minutes before proceeding.)

Lay a piece of non-stick baking paper on the worktop. Remove the base from the tart tin and lay it on the paper. Using a pencil, draw a circle on the paper, 5cm bigger than the tin base or twice the rim height. Dust the base of the tin with flour.

Place the pastry ball in the centre of the tin base. Flatten out the ball of pastry slightly, then roll it out, on the base, until it meets the edge of the pencilled circle all around. As you are rolling out, turn the pastry by turning the paper.

Gently fold the pastry surrounding the tin base inwards so it is on the base. Carefully lift the tin base off the paper and drop gently into the tin. Ease the folded-over pastry into the corners and up the sides of the tin, pressing the overhang lightly over the rim of the tin.

Press the pastry evenly into the flutes so that there are no air pockets or wrinkles. If there are any cracks in the pastry case, simply press them together to seal. Lightly prick the pastry base with a fork, but not quite all the way through. Place the tin on a baking sheet, cover loosely with clingfilm and chill for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6. Remove the clingfilm, then line the pastry case with non-stick baking paper or foil and fill with baking beans.

Bake blind for 12 to 15 minutes or until the pastry is set, then lift out the paper or foil and beans. Carefully trim the excess pastry from the sides using a sharp knife, holding the knife at a sharp angle and slicing away from you.

Return the empty pastry case to the oven to bake for a further 10 to 12 minutes or until it is a pale gold colour and completely dry. Leave to cool on a wire rack while you make the filling. Reduce the oven temperature to 160C/gas mark 3.

Break the eggs for the filling into a large bowl and whisk together with a wire whisk. Add the rest of the filling ingredients and whisk until well combined. Transfer the filling mixture to a jug. Pour into the cooled baked pastry case and bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the filling is just set but with a slight wobble in the centre. Leave to cool slightly, until the pastry seems firm enough, then remove the tart from the tin and transfer to a serving plate. Dust with sifted icing sugar before serving.

From The Great British Bake Off: How To Bake (BBC Books, RRP £20)

Paul Hollywood's pork pies with quail's eggs

Series 2, technical challenge

Just perfect for a picnic or a party, these little pies have a secret centre. As with all pies it's important to take care when assembling, to be sure that the pastry is well sealed so all the tasty juices can't escape during baking.

Makes 6
For the pastry
plain flour 200g
strong white bread flour 40g
unsalted butter 50g
lard 60g
salt 1 tsp
boiling water 100ml
egg 1, beaten, to glaze

For the filling
onion 1 large
boneless pork loin 300g

unsmoked back bacon 100g
parsley small bunch
quails' eggs 6
salt and black pepper
chicken stock cube 1
boiling water 100ml
leaf gelatine 1 x 7g sheet

You will need: 1 x 15cm and 1 x 20cm round cutter; a 6-hole muffin tray.

Preheat the oven to 190C/gas mark 5. Sift the flours into a mixing bowl. Add the butter and rub into the flour with the tips of your fingers until the mixture looks like fine crumbs. Make a well in the centre.

Put the lard in a pan and heat until it melts; remove from the heat. Add the salt to the boiling water and stir to dissolve, then add to the lard and stir to combine. Pour the hot lard mixture into the well in the flour. Using a wooden spoon gradually mix the flour into the liquid. Keep mixing until a dough has formed.

When the dough is cool enough to handle, tip it onto a lightly floured surface and work together quickly into a ball. If the dough is still a bit lumpy, leave it to cool slightly and then work it for 1 to 2 minutes longer, though it's vital to use the pastry while it is still warm and pliable because once it cools the fats begin to harden and the pastry is likely to crack.

The dough should be glossy and still warm to touch. Roll it out to 3mm thickness. Using the 20cm cutter, cut out 6 rounds for the pie cases. Cut out 6 rounds with the 15cm cutter for the lids. Line the holes in the muffin tray with the 20cm rounds, pressing them gently over the base and up the sides without stretching the dough. There will be an overhang. Chill the lined muffin tray and pie lids while you make the filling.

To make the filling, finely chop the onion, pork, bacon and parsley. Mix together and add some salt and pepper.

Test the mix by taking just a teaspoon, shaping it into a mini burger and frying for a couple of minutes on each side until cooked through. Taste and add more seasoning if needed.

Soft-boil the quails' eggs by gently putting them into a pan of boiling water and simmering for 2 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and put the eggs under cold running water for 1 minute. Drain the eggs and peel immediately.

Spoon about half of the meat mixture into the pie cases, dividing it evenly. Place an egg in the middle of each and top with the rest of the meat mixture.

Brush the edge of each pastry case with beaten egg. Place the lids on top and press the edges together to seal. Trim the edges, if necessary. The easiest way to decorate the edge of the pies is with the back of a fork, as shown. You can also crimp the edges with your fingers.

Using a piping nozzle, make a steam hole in the lid of each pie, then brush with beaten egg. Bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. When the pies are cooked, remove them from their tin and allow to cool.

Dissolve the stock cube in the boiling water. Soak the gelatine sheet in a little water, gently squeeze out the excess water then whisk into the hot stock. Pour a little of the stock mixture into the hole of each pie.

Leave to cool overnight or in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.

From The Great British Bake Off: How to Bake (BBC Books, RRP £20)

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  • Baking
  • The Observer
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  • Mary Berry
  • Paul Hollywood
  • The Great British Bake Off
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Paul and Mary's favourite Bake Off recipes | Baking (2024)
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