Parishes: Hatton | British History Online (2024)

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HATTON Manors Church Advowson Charities


Acreage: 1,303.

Population: 1911, 1,524; 1921, 1,504; 1931, 1,947.

The parish of Hatton consists of the village of thatname with the townships of Shrewley and Beausale tothe north-west and north-east respectively. It is anundulating district, the height varying from 300 to410 ft. One or two small rivulets flow through theparish on their way to the Avon.

The subsoil throughout the district is Keuper Marl,the surface more or less gravelly. A considerableportion is pasturage, but some cereals and roots aregrown.

The first-class road from Warwick to Birminghamruns through the parish in a north-westerly direction andforms part of its boundary. There is also a branch roadto Rowington and Beausale, and other roads connectthose just mentioned, starting from the 'five ways'.There is a railway station in the parish on the junctionof the G.W.R. lines to Birmingham, Warwick, andStratford. The Warwick and Birmingham Canal alsopasses through Hatton. The railway cutting throughShrewley is a very fine and imposing example ofengineering skill.

Part of Haseley Park is in Hatton and there areseveral small patches of woodland, the largest beingNewland Wood. In former times the woods of Hattonwere of some extent and value. In 1086 the woodlandat Shrewley was 1 league long and ½ league broad, (fn. 1) andthere were 2 furlongs at Beausale. (fn. 2) In 1572 a disputearose between Robert Burgoyne and the inhabitants ofHatton and Beausale as to the wood called Shortwoodnear Beausale Heath. It had belonged to the nuns ofWroxall, and Burgoyne claimed it as part of Wroxallparish. It was, however, really in Hatton parish andthe parishioners had always been accustomed to havewood for the repair of their tenements and the churchfrom it. (fn. 3) The controversy about Shortwood broke outagain in 1600 (fn. 4) between Job Throckmorton and Burgoyne, and another wood called Manold and a tenement called Westwood Trees or Westle Trees werealso involved. It was said that 'the tenement seemethto be a very ancient tenement, because of the ancientmanner of building of the same'. The general opinionseemed to be that the wood and tenement were inHatton, though since the time of Robert Burgoyne'scoming to dwell at Wroxall they had been encompassedin the perambulation of Wroxall. Job Throckmorton,as lord of Hatton, also laid claim to certain closes whichlay in the manor of Honiley. In the course of depositionsmade in the suit it was stated that in old time Hattonmen in their perambulation went with their bannersby John Blyke's ground to the Callowe Cross and soto the Gunney House or Gunnehouse.

There was a large common in Shrewley in 1628 with'many hundred trees therein, whereof the inhabitantstake great benefit in time of mast'. (fn. 5)

The Vicarage was built at the cost of the parish forthe Rev. Thomas Nelson (1749–57) with local bricksand stone from Rowington and Hornton. It was enlarged in 1785, when Dr. Parr became vicar. (fn. 6)

About 300 yards south-west of the church is a smallfarm-house facing north, evidently once considerablylarger; it was perhaps the original Hatton House. Theground plan is rectangular. The middle bay of thefront is of ashlar and is the back of a large chimneystack with an 8 ft.-wide fire-place, with an entrance andlobby east of it. It is gathered in, above, to a broadchimney-shaft of thin bricks, treated with V-shapedpilasters on the front and ends. The outer doorwayhas an elliptical head: the inner has a four-centred headand an ancient nail-studded door. The room with thefire-place has an open-timbered ceiling: probably thewhole dates from about 1540–50. The east and westbays are brick-faced, except the gable-heads in the front,which are of 17th-century timber-framing. They haveboth been much altered, but some old ceiling beamsremain. There are many excrescences on the groundto the west and south of the house, where formerbuildings existed.

The present Hatton House to the east is modern.

'Little Nunhold' about a mile to the south is a mid-to late-17th-century house showing square framing inthe north end. The front is covered with rough-castcement.

Beausale has no village, and of the houses scatteredabout the parish none is of great age. The largest,Beausale House, is an 18th-century building of redbrick with stone angle-dressings and square-headedwindows with key-blocks. On the roadside west of itare two barns, farther north a cottage, and ¾ mile south-east a farm-house, all preserving some timber-framingof the 17th century.

The village of Shrewley is on a triangle of roads, andnear the south-east corner of the triangle is a cottage of17th-century timber-framing with a tiled roof andplain central chimney-stack.

The Durham Ox Inn, about 3/8 mile to the south-west, is a modernized building containing 17th-centurybeams, &c. inside.

'Pinley Hill', ½ mile south of Hatton station, is a17th-century house that has been considerably enlarged in modern times. The middle part of the northfront has a gabled wing with timber-framing to theupper story and gable-head, and a framed porch. Theentrance door has ornamental strap hinges fastened onthe face but disused. An old central chimney-stack hasa cross-shaped shaft set diagonally.

Dr. Samuel Parr was presented to the curacy ofHatton by Lady Trafford. He enlarged the parsonagehouse, and, settling there in 1785, remained until hisdeath in 1825. He had been a master at Harrow andhead of Colchester Grammar School, and for someyears after coming to Hatton took a limited numberof pupils. In 1820 he wrote a solemn protest in theparish prayer-book at Hatton against the omission ofthe name of Queen Caroline from the liturgy, and hewas appointed her chaplain. He lived on very friendlyterms with his parishioners, and gave the villagers adinner to celebrate May Day. (fn. 7)

Edward Henry Barker, the classical scholar, lived forsome years (1810–15) with Dr. Parr at Hatton. (fn. 8) Many of the essays in his Classical Recreations werewritten at Hatton and dedicated to Dr. Parr. EdwardForster (1769–1828), the writer and publisher ofseveral illustrated editions of standard authors, e.g.Don Quixote and The Arabian Nights, was a friend ofDr. Parr, and lived for some time at Hatton. (fn. 9)


It is possible that 2½ hides in 'Altone'held in 1086 by Nigel de Albigni representthe later manor of HATTON. (fn. 10) The landseems, however, to have passed very soon after to theEarls of Warwick, and to have been given to HughFitz Richard, called also Hugh de Hatton, (fn. 11) as itundoubtedly formed part of the 10 fees which Hughheld of William, Earl of Warwick, in 1166, by theold feoffment. (fn. 12)

Hugh gave the church of Hatton to the priory ofSt. Mary of Monmouth, a cell of the BenedictineMonastery of St. Florent, Saumur, founded t. Henry I,and this gift was made with the approval of his wifeMargaret and his sons William and Richard, for loveof Margaret's son Robert, prior of Monmouth. (fn. 13) Hugh,soon afterwards (in 1142), founded Wroxall nunnery,of the same order, upon his manor of Hatton, and hisendowment of Monmouth priory was apparently transferred to Wroxall, for he gave the nuns the church ofHatton and land there. (fn. 14) William his son succeededHugh, and his son Richard gave the nuns of Wroxallland in Hatton. (fn. 15) Richard was succeeded by his brotherHugh son of William, who made a grant of land inHatton in 1202 (fn. 16) and died before 1221. (fn. 17) Dugdalestates that his heirs were his two sisters, Margery wifeof Osbert Clinton, and later of John D'Abitot, andMaud wife of Stephen de Nerbon. (fn. 18) According to apedigree given in a suit of 1284 Hugh had threedaughters, Margery de Clinton, Maud, and anotherMargery, and the manor was divided between them. (fn. 19) It was further stated that the shares of Maud and thesecond Margery passed respectively to the prioress ofWroxall and the prioress of Pinley and others; butMargery de Clinton's descendants claimed the wholemanor. As wife of John D'Abitot she claimed to beHugh Fitz William's heir in 1221, when she grantedland called c*ntilowe to Roger de Cherlecote. (fn. 20) Thomas de Clinton, son of Margery, (fn. 21) held the manorin 1242. (fn. 22) He was afterwards knighted, and he gaveHatton to his younger son James. (fn. 23) Sir Thomas andhis sons John and James mortgaged it to Sir HamoL'Estrange. The first payment became due in 1268, (fn. 24) and apparently was not paid, for Sir Hamo tookpossession and sold the manor next year to Sir Williamde Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, and his wife Maud. (fn. 25) John Clinton grandson of Sir Thomas tried in 1284 torecover the manor from the earl, but failed, as theearl professed to claim only the third which had beenallotted to Margery de Clinton, while John claimedfrom him the whole manor. (fn. 26) In 1288 John gave uphis claim to the whole manor to the earl. (fn. 27) The manordescended with Warwick Castle until the forfeiture ofJohn Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and appearsto have passed in 1554 with Haseley manor to MichaelThrockmorton. (fn. 28) Michael's grant of Haseley toClement Throckmorton in 1554 included land inHatton (fn. 29), and in 1573 Clement died seised of the manorof Hatton. (fn. 30) From that time the manor descendedwith Haseley. In 1937 Mrs. Lant was owner of themanor.

Hugh Fitz Richard, the founder of the nunnery ofWroxall, gave to the nuns the land late of Aytrope inHatton, and all the lordship of Hugh between the twobrooks there, and other land held by many othertenants, with the right to hold courts and otherprivileges. (fn. 31) This grant was confirmed by Roger,Earl of Warwick, Hugh's overlord, by Pope Alexanderin 1163, and by King Edward III. (fn. 32) Hugh's descendant Richard son of William de Hatton made a furthergrant of land to the nuns. (fn. 33) The prioress in 1284claimed view of frankpledge and gallows in Hatton. (fn. 34) At the Dissolution the nuns' manor of Hatton includedland in Beausale, Honiley, and elsewhere. (fn. 35) Theprofits of the court held in 1547 amounted to 23s.,and 10s. was received as the farm of a messuage calledthe Great House. (fn. 36) Land in Hatton was granted withthe site of the priory in 1544 to Robert Burgoyne andJohn Scudamore. (fn. 37) Courts for this manor were heldwith those of Wroxall, and a series of rolls fromEdward III to Henry VIII is preserved at the PublicRecord Office. (fn. 38)

The prior and convent of Studley also held someland in Hatton, by gift of John de Studley, and ofRobert de Freynuse, and this was confirmed to themby the king in 1328. (fn. 39) John son of Eva and Amicehis wife gave the prior half a virgate of land in 1262and Henry de Long Ichinton and Juliana his wifegave a messuage at Hatton in 1271. (fn. 40) At the Dissolution the priory was receiving rents of 40s. fromland at Hatton. (fn. 41)

The Prior of St. Sepulchre of Warwick held someland at Hatton (fn. 42) for which courts were held with theprior's manor in Warwick. (fn. 43) At the Dissolution theprior's estate in Hatton brought in 22s. 6d. yearly. (fn. 44)

The manor of BEAUSALE was held before theConquest by Edwin the sheriff. In 1086 it was heldby Wadard of the Bishop of Bayeux as ½ hide, andGerold held it under Wadard. (fn. 45)

Dugdale states that it came shortly after the Conquestto Hugh son of Richard, lord of Hatton, (fn. 46) and passedto the Clintons. Thomas de Clinton held Beausale withHatton in 1242, (fn. 47) and this manor of Beausale passedwith Hatton manor to the Earl of Warwick. (fn. 48)

Thomas de Charlecote, lord of Haseley, bought ofRobert de Houland all his land in Hatton andBeausale, (fn. 49) and in 1261 Thomas de Clinton, lord ofBeausale, granted to Thomas de Charlecote a bankbetween Charlecotes wood and the great assart ofClinton, in order that Charlecote might make a brushwood fence upon the bank. (fn. 50) Thomas de Charlecoteobtained a further grant, probably at about the sametime, from Sir Roger de Beyvile of the homage andservice of all the men of Beausale in the fee of Beyvile, (fn. 51) and other grants from John de Odeston and Agneswidow of Ralph Poce of properties at Beausale. (fn. 52) TheCharlecote estate passed with Haseley manor to Guy,Earl of Warwick, in 1301. (fn. 53) These estates were joinedto the Clinton's manor of Beausale, and descended withHatton. (fn. 54)

SHREWLEY was held before the Conquest by Toli.In 1086 it formed part of the estate of Hugh deGrentemaisnil (fn. 55) and it passed with the rest of his lands (fn. 56) to Robert, Earl of Leicester. Shortly after the Conquestthe earl appears to have granted Shrewley to Ernaldde Bosco, who gave land there to the nuns of Pinley,and the grant was confirmed by the earl. (fn. 57)

Apparently the manor of Shrewley afterwards cameby some means into the hands of the king and it appearsto have been part of the fee of which Henry I enfeoffedWigan, his marshal. Wigan seems to have forfeited it,but it was restored to his son Ralph, who held it bythe service of Marshalsey. (fn. 58) Ralph paid relief for hisestates during the years 1163–5. (fn. 59) The nuns of Wroxallheld part of the serjeanty in 1198, (fn. 60) and in 1206 Ralphlost a suit against the Abbot of Reading for commonrights in Shrewley. (fn. 61) He died about 1215 when hiswidow Aubrey received dower in his land. (fn. 62) Hissuccessor was William son of Wigan, who was deadin 1221, when the land in Shrewley was delivered tohis nephew Master Henry de Waltham. (fn. 63) It appearsthat Henry was acting as warden of Ivo son of WilliamWigan, (fn. 64) though he made gifts of land at Shrewley bothto the nuns at Pinley and at Wroxall, (fn. 65) and he heldShrewley until his death in 1235. (fn. 66) In July of the sameyear Ivo apparently came of age and the king took hishomage for William Wigan's land in Warwickshire. (fn. 67) Ivo, who took the name 'de Shrewley', was dead by1242, when his cousin Peter, son of Thurstan brotherof William Wigan, obtained seisin of all Ivo's landsin Warwickshire, on payment of 40 marks. (fn. 68) Therewas, however, considerable doubt as to whether Peterwas the true heir, for by an inquisition it was foundthat Peter was 25 years old before Thurstan marriedhis mother, and that Thurstan and William had asister Lucy who had a son named Ralph. Ralph's sonGodfrey claimed Ivo's estates and the jurors left it tothe king's discernment to decide who was the trueheir. (fn. 69) In the event Ivo's land was divided betweenthem in 1242, two carucates in Shrewley and Wilebyfalling to Peter's share and other land in Wilebyto Godfrey's. (fn. 70) Peter had already in 1237 given toWilliam de Lucy a carucate in Shrewley, (fn. 71) whichbecame a separate manor. (fn. 72) There is no furtherreference to Peter in connexion with Shrewley, andby 1251–2 the serjeanty had passed to John deShrewley. It had become much subdivided, and thepart held by John in demesne was only 1 virgate ofland, the rest being held under him by the Lucys andthe nuns of Pinley and Wroxall. (fn. 73) Fulk de Lucy triedto set up a view of frankpledge and to put up gallowsat Shrewley, infringing John's prerogatives as lord ofthe manor. In 1284 Fulk was forbidden to exercisethese rights. (fn. 74) John died before 1302, when hisdaughter Maud was lady of Shrewley. (fn. 75) Helisencewidow of John had dower in the manor, but was deadbefore 1309 (fn. 76) when Maud, then widow of Walter deCuly or Curly, sold the manor to Sir John de Dufford. (fn. 77) Sir John sold it in 1312 to Philip son of Philip deGayton, but this was done without the King's licenceand Philip had to pay a fine of 10 marks for pardon. (fn. 78) Philip died at his manor of La Grave in January 1316, (fn. 79) and his brother Theobald, who was his heir, died a fewdays after. Philip's heirs were his sisters Juliana wifeof Thomas Murdac, and Scholastica then widow ofGodfrey de Meaux. (fn. 80) Though Theobald had neverhad seisin of the land, a third of the manor was assignedto his widow Margery, who was in October 1316 wifeof Henry de Valence. (fn. 81) Half the manor was assignedto Scholastica, and the remainder to Juliana. (fn. 82)

Scholastica's moiety (fn. 83) passed on her death in 1353 toher son Sir John de Meaux, (fn. 84) by whom it was sold in1356 to Nicholas and William, sons of Roger Fililode. (fn. 85) This was done without the king's licence and in 1364,William then being dead, Nicholas paid 40s. for pardon,and for licence to hold the manor for his life withremainder to William's heirs. (fn. 86) Nicholas died in 1381,when the moiety passed to William's grandson Johnson of John Fililode. (fn. 87) Custody of the manor duringJohn's minority was granted in 1387 to Giles deFililode (fn. 88) his uncle. John died while still a minor in1400, and the manor passed to Giles. (fn. 89) On Giles'sdeath in 1420 the keeping of this part of the manorwas granted to Geoffrey Borell, Giles's heir being hissister Katherine widow of John Blyke, said to be aminor aged 16. (fn. 90) This was clearly a mistake; she wascertified as of full age in 1424, (fn. 91) and died in thefollowing year, when Shrewley passed to her sonRichard Blyke, then aged 28. (fn. 92) Richard was succeededin 1465 by a son of the same name, (fn. 93) who held also aslessee the land belonging to the nuns of Pinley, anddied in 1491, when his son Humphrey succeeded. (fn. 94) Peter Blyke died in 1524 leavinga son John then aged 8, whosemarriage had been bought ofPeter by John Whorwode ofCompton, co. Salop, for one ofhis daughters. (fn. 95) John Blykeapparently acquired the Lucys'moiety of the manor (see below),for in 1561 he sold the wholemanor to Clement Throckmorton of Haseley. (fn. 96) From thattime the manor descended withthat of Haseley (q.v.) until atleast 1757. (fn. 97) In 1850 the manor was said to belongto Mrs. Ann Chattaway. (fn. 98)

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The second coheiress of John de Shrewley, Julianawife of Thomas Murdac, was executed for the murderof her husband in 1321. (fn. 99) Her land in Shrewley,which included a pasture called Birymore, was forfeitedto the king, (fn. 100) and was granted to Edmund de Bretaigne. His grant was probably annulled, as it wasreported in 1340 that he had wasted the land, (fn. 101) and in1349 it was granted to Henry, Earl of Lancaster, andbecame part of the Duchy of Lancaster. (fn. 102) Under theduchy the land was held by the Lucys. (fn. 103) Their interestin Shrewley began in 1237 when Peter son of Thurstansubinfeudated to William de Lucy part of his serjeanty,consisting of a carucate of land and a fishpond there. (fn. 104) William's widow Maud held this carucate and 3½virgates in Shrewley in 1251, (fn. 105) and it had passed to hergrandson Fulk de Lucy of Charlecote by 1265, whenthe tenement included a mill. (fn. 106) Fulk died about 1302and Shrewley manor passed to his son William. (fn. 107) William paid a subsidy in Shrewley in 1332, (fn. 108) and tenyears later his widow Elizabeth had a grant of thismanor for her life from her son Sir William Lucy. (fn. 109) In 1402 it was settled upon Thomas Lucy, (fn. 110) whodied seised of it in 1415. (fn. 111) It descended with Charlecote (q.v.) until 1525, (fn. 112) and may perhaps have beensold by the Lucys soon after to the Blykes, as John Blykesold the whole manor in 1561 to Clement Throckmorton. (fn. 113)

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It has been seen above that Ernald de Bosco gave tothe nuns of Pinley a carucate of land at Shrewley.Henry de Waltham gave the nuns half a virgate therein 1226. (fn. 114) Ivo son of William de Shrewley gave themcommon pasture in his land in Shrewley in 1235. (fn. 115) Fulk de Lucy disputed this right in 1271, and SirWilliam de Lucy in 1335, but in each case the prioressmade good her claim. (fn. 116) Robert de Thayndon gave thenuns a tenement in Shrewley which Ralph son of Wiganhad given him, (fn. 117) and in 1349 Thomas son of Richardde Tyttesnor gave a plot of land called Peshammesnewlond which he had by gift of John Tony ofRowington. (fn. 118) At the Dissolution the nuns were receiving rents of 7s. from tenants in Shrewley. (fn. 119) The estateat Shrewley was granted with the site of Pinley Prioryto William Wigston in 1544. (fn. 120)


The parish church of HOLYTRINITYwas rebuilt in 1880, except the west tower,which dates probably from the early 16thcentury. The modern part consists of a chancel, clearstoried nave, north and south aisles, north vestry andnorth porch, in the style of the late 13th century.

The tower (10¼ ft. north to south by 8½ ft. east towest) is built of ashlar in one unbroken stage with achamfered plinth and diagonal buttresses right up tothe string-course of the embattled parapet. The archway from the nave has responds of two orders, the innerrounded, with a very wide fillet, the outer hollowed,continued in the two-centred head and having mouldedcapitals at the springing. Above it are the lines ofa high-pitched gabled roof of the nave and of a laterroof of low pitch that only just cleared the arch. Inthe south-west angle is a stair-vice with four-centreddoorways. The west window is of three cinquefoiledlights and vertical tracery in a two-centred head withan external hood-mould: this is enriched with crocketsand has grotesque stops, the southern horned like a ram.The window also has an embattled transom, belowwhich the lights have cinquefoiled heads. Below thesill is a plain string-course outside. The north andsouth sides have rectangular loop-lights to the secondstory and square buttresses flush with the east wall.An 18th-century gallery doorway in the south wallhas been filled in. The bell-chamber is of differentstone, a yellower kind, and is probably later than thelower part. The windows are of two trefoiled lightsand a plain spandrel in a two-centred head.

The font has an ancient bowl that was originallyround but has been cut in the lower half to an octagonto fit a modern stem and base; it is probably of the 13thcentury.

There are six bells, recast in 1885, and a sanctusbell of 1809. (fn. 121)

The communion plate includes a cup and coverpaten and tankard of 1739, a salver of 1669, andtwo large candlesticks of 1696, all given by Mrs. JaneNorcliffe in 1745.

The register of burials begins in 1538, that ofbaptisms and marriages in 1589.


The church of Hatton was given byHugh Fitz William to the priory ofSt. Mary of Monmouth, (fn. 122) and afterwards to the nuns of Wroxall. (fn. 123) The rectory wasappropriated to the priory and was farmed for £12 atthe Dissolution. (fn. 124) The nuns found a priest to sayprayers at Hatton, and to take burial services, &c.,as required. (fn. 125) After the Dissolution the church wasserved by a curate. (fn. 126) It was stated about 1550 that thechurch had been robbed of everything worth takingaway. (fn. 127)

The advowson was not included in the grant toMichael Throckmorton, but the rectory was leased in1574 to Katherine Throckmorton (fn. 128) widow of Clement,and from that time the Throckmortons, and later theBromleys, presented to the church and claimed theadvowson until 1757. (fn. 129) Bacon in 1745 states thattrustees nominated the clerk that the owner of Pinleyfarm mansion house appointed. (fn. 130) In 1831 Mrs. Bakerwas patron; (fn. 131) she died about 1849 and the advowsonseems to have passed to her niece Margaret Trafford,who assumed the name of Southwell and in 1879was succeeded by her nephew Edward SouthwellTrafford. (fn. 132) After his death it was held by trustees, butwas acquired, in about 1909, by Alfred Hewlett, (fn. 133) andpassed with Haseley (q.v.), with which it is now united.

The rectory remained in the possession of theThrockmortons until 1703, (fn. 134) when Lady FrancesThrockmorton conveyed it to Hugh Jones and CharlesSaule. (fn. 135) In 1719 William Norcliffe conveyed it toFranklin Miller and Arnold Warren. (fn. 136)

There was a chapel at Beausale in the 13th century,in honour of St. John the Evangelist. It was endowedby John D'Abitot, with the consent of Margery deClinton his wife, with all his land in the field calledRykenylesbury, and the land held by Martin the millerof Beausale, and the moor between the fishpond andthe mill, and other land, including 6 acres whichMargery had bought from Maud her sister. (fn. 137) It passedwith the manor of Beausale to the Earls of Warwick,and in 1328 the king presented to the chantry in thechapel as guardian of the heir of the earl. (fn. 138) Thomas,Earl of Warwick, apparently granted it to the collegeof St. Mary of Warwick, (fn. 139) but in 1398 the kinggranted the wardenship of the chapel, then known asCocouchirche or co*keuchirche, to Thomas Knight,who had been expelled from a prebend in the Collegeof Warwick. (fn. 140) The Earl of Warwick presented JohnVerney after Knight's death. (fn. 141) Before 1501 the socalled parish church of co*kkowe Church was in ruins,and the site and cemetery had been applied to profaneuses. There were no inhabitants who could rebuild it,and the king gave the site, with 40s. payable to therector and warden of the church, to the College ofWarwick, in exchange for certain glebe belonging tothe church and an undertaking by the Dean andChapter to keep a mass every Friday in the collegiatechurch for the king's soul. (fn. 142) The college was receiving£4 in rent from Cuckow Church at the Dissolution, (fn. 143) and in 1545 John Coppe had a lease of a messuageand a close called Ruytons Bury, or Rounde Table,lying in Beausale, being co*ckowe Church Land. (fn. 144) Theearthwork at Camp Hill, Beausale, (fn. 145) is still known asthe Round Table and may be the site of Rykmersbury,mentioned by Rous (fn. 146) as a depopulated village.


Edwards Coat and Gown Charity.William Edwards by will dated 29 Jan.1722 gave certain premises in Stonely,Ashoe, and Warwick to provide six poor widows of thehamlets of Hatton, Shrewley, and Bewsall with coats andgowns every other year, any residue to be laid out inBibles to be given to the poor. Owing to an increaseof rents it was directed by an Order of the Court dated28 July 1818 that the number of coats and gownsshould be increased as required and after the distribution of the Bibles any surplus should be applied for thebenefit of the poor of the parish of Hatton includingthe hamlets of Shrewley and Bewsall. The income ofthe charity now amounts to about £80 per annum,derived from the rent of property in Kenilworth andLeek Wootton and from stock held by the OfficialTrustee of Charitable Funds in trust for the charity.

Jane Baker by will proved 19 March 1849 gave tothe churchwardens and overseers £500 3 per cent.annuities upon trust to apply the income in the purchase of coals to be distributed among the poor ofthe parish. The legacy is now represented by £500Consols.

Jane Norcliffe by will dated 20 Feb. 1748 bequeathed £100, the interest to be laid out in bread anddistributed among the poor of Hatton. Owing tovarious reasons the legacy eventually amounted to £400and is now represented by £411 9s. 2d. Consols.

Throckmorton's Charity. By an indenture dated27 May 1652 certain lands and hereditaments atHatton and Shrewley, the gift and feoffment of Catherine Throckmorton, were conveyed to trustees upontrust that the rents and profits should be employed inand upon the repair of the church at Hatton and therelief of the poor and impotent persons of the parish.The endowment now consists of property at Hattonlet at an annual rent of £31 10s. together with stock,the whole producing an annual income of about £33.

The above-mentioned charities are regulated by aScheme of the Charity Commissioners dated 15 June1909. The Scheme appoints a body of six trustees toadminister the charities and provides for the applicationof the income of the charities, viz. One moiety of thenet income of Throckmorton's Charity to be paid tothe vicar and churchwardens for the repair of the parishchurch. The remaining moiety, together with the netincome of the charities of Edwards, Baker, and Norcliffe, to be consolidated under the title of HattonConsolidated Fund and after payment of a yearly sumof £6 to the vicar for the purchase of Bibles, &c., forpoor persons, to be applied for the general benefit ofthe poor in accordance with the provisions containedin the Scheme. The total income of the charitiesamounts to about £140 per annum.

The Rev. Thomas Jackson by will proved 4 April1870 gave to the minister and churchwardens £100,the interest to be distributed in coal to the poor of thethree hamlets of Hatton. The dividends, amountingto £2 14s. 4d. per annum, are so distributed.

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