Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (2024)

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (1)

Original & Plant-Based Whole30

Why you can’t eat pancakes, tortillas, potato chips, or pasta during your 30-day elimination

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (2)Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (3)Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (4)

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (5)

What is the Whole30 Pancake Rule?

Since 2010, the Whole30 has included a rule that says, “Do not recreate or purchase baked goods, ‘foods with no brakes,’ or treats even if they’re made with Whole30-compatible ingredients.”

We called this the Pancake Rule,because in the early days, that was the food participants tried to create the most often. Back then it was just an egg and a banana smashed together into a pancake-like patty. Now, grain-free recipes are farmore elevated, featuring an assortment of alternative flours, and non-dairy milks.

Thanks to a few rules updates in 2024, you can now enjoy the egg-and-banana “recipe” on the Whole30. However, the Pancake Rule itself remains a cornerstone of the program, and plays an integral role in your Whole30 success. Here’s why you can’t recreate certain foods (not limited to pancakes) during your Whole30 elimination.

The history of the Pancake Rule, from co-founder Melissa Urban

This concept originated during my first Whole30 in April 2009. Barely a week in, I noticed myself scheming a way to recreate the sweet hit of my usual Dunkin Donuts Iced Caramel Latte. (Turbo-sized, with skim milk. Don’t judge.) I had been drinking one for breakfast for as long as I could remember, and I was really missing all 69 grams of sugar. After spending far too much time imagining the Whole30-compatible ingredients that could maybe give me a whisper of the same syrupy sweetness I was craving, I stopped and asked myself, ‘Melissa, what are you even doing?’

Up until this point, my Whole30 had already produced astonishing results. My energy was far more consistent. I no longer got hangry after two hours without a snack. I could actually remain alert and productive after lunch. And my sugar cravings (which had the intensity of a fire-breathing dragon) were significantly tamed. Was I really going to work this hard to recreate a drink that I know wasn’t serving me, and won’t even taste that good? Not wanting to mess up a good thing, I decided to learn to love my iced coffee black.

It was deeply unsatisfying—but only at first. By the end of the 30 days, my taste buds had dramatically shifted, my cravings had completely disappeared, and I never went back to sugar in my coffee. (Or my beloved Diet Pepsi, or those 10 p.m. pantry raids.) After this experience, I began to research the psychology of cravings and habits—and the Whole30 Pancake Rule was born.

“Was I really going to work this hard to recreate a drink that I know wasn’t serving me, and won’t even taste that good?”

The science behind the Pancake Rule

The Whole30 is designed for true habit change. If you want to tame your cravings, navigate stress without automatically reaching for food and alcohol, and confidently choose the foods that work best for you, the next 30 days can be a magical experience. But what are the chances of that happening if you continue to eat potato chips, French fries, cookies, and pizza for all 30 days? (Spoiler alert: Zero.)

The fastest way to negate the potential benefits of your Whole30 is to try to satisfy your cravings and recreate your favorite comfort foods with technically compatible ingredients.

Researchers have studied the role environmental cues like smells, sounds, visual cues, and taste can play in triggering cravings and relapses. They’ve discovered that for some alcoholics, smell cues alone may be enough to trigger cravings, and other environmental cues can elicit a conditioned response that likely play a role in relapses.

Many people come to the Whole30 report feeling addicted to sugar. Sugary, fatty, and highly processed foods light up the same reward centers in the brain as alcohol or nicotine, provoking a similar dopamine response in the brain. (Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that drives you to seek more of a reward.) This may make your food cravings vulnerable to the same environmental cues.

As such, the Pancake Rule assumes that during your Whole30, it will be much harder for you to reduce your cravings and change your habits if you spend all 30 days eating foods that look, taste, and smell just like the comfort foods you’ve been relying on.

In a June 2023 survey of more than 1,100 Whole30 alumni, 89% said the Pancake Rule played a significant role in their Whole30 success. Participants said embracing this rule helped them eliminate sugar cravings, break the cycle of emotional eating, and discover new coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety, and boredom.

“In a 2023 survey of 1,100 Whole30 alumni, 89 percent said their Whole30 would not have been as successful without the Pancake Rule.”

How the Pancake Rule helps you succeed

Embrace this rule and rack up the non-scale victories (NSVs)

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (6)

Recognize emotional eating

Gain awareness of your habits by eliminating the foods you’ve been automatically reaching for to numb, distract, or avoid your feelings.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (7)

Pick up new tools

Discover new, effective ways to relieve anxiety, self-soothe, navigate stress, and show yourself love.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (8)

Reduce cravings

Cravings are the number one reason participants come to the Whole30—and fewer cravings is one of the most common non-scale victories reported on Day 30.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (9)

Identify food sensitivities

Eliminating grain-free foods made from alternative flours (like cassava, almond, or tapioca) can reduce gas, bloating, and other digestive issues.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (10)

Eat more veggies

Eliminating bread, rolls, muffins, and other baked goods encourages you to add more vegetables and fruit to your plate.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (11)

Discover lasting food freedom

The Pancake Rule is the key to changing your habits and learning new tools to navigate stress and discomfort. This will serve you long after your Whole30 is over.

The Pancake Rule

Do not recreate baked goods, pasta, cereal, chips, or fries with Whole30-compatible ingredients. Here are the specific foods that fall under this rule.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (12)

Bread and other baked goods

All baked goods made from alternative flour. This includes bread, tortillas, wraps, crackers, pizza or pie crust, biscuits, pancakes, crepes, waffles, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, and brownies.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (13)


Pasta or noodles made from alternative flour.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (14)


Cereals made from alternative flour.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (15)


Potato, sweet potato, tortilla, plantain, taro, or cassava chips.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (16)

French fries

French fries (from white or sweet potatoes) or tots.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (17)

It’s time to change your life

You’re ready to break the cycle of craving, overconsumption, and the stress that usually follows. You’re ready to develop other techniques for self-soothing, showing yourself love, navigating pressure, and relieving anxiety.

We want to help you achieve all of those non-scale victories you’re after—eliminating cravings, improving digestion, increasing energy, sleeping better, alleviating pain, improving mental health, and feeling more self-confident.

The habit research built into the Pancake Rule is just one of the ways the Whole30 has changed millions of lives since 2009. Our welcoming community, library of free resources, thousands of delicious Whole30 recipes, nine Whole30 books, and hundreds of Whole30 Approved partner products are also here to support your journey.

Join our community and start changing your life with the Whole30. We can’t wait to hear your success story!

In a 2023 survey of 690 Whole30 participants, 94% of those with a goal of reducing cravings said they achieved that goal by Day 30.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (18)Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (19)Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (20)

Pancake Rule FAQs

Learn more about the Whole30 Pancake Rule with answers to these commonly asked questions

View All FAQs

This came from our first book, It Starts With Food, originally published in 2012. “Foods with no brakes” describes hyper-sweet/salty/fatty, calorically dense, nutrient-poor foods. These are foods that scientists have designed to make you overconsume, with all the pleasure and reward signals to keep you reaching in for more, but none of the satiety signals to tell you to stop. (Potato chips are a great example.)

That’s not really a question, but we know what you mean. The Pancake Rule eliminates baked goods, foods-with-no-brakes, and treats, even if they’re made with technically compatible ingredients. Remember, the program isn’t just about identifying food sensitivities. It’s about creating new healthy habits, and examining your emotional relationship with food. You may not turn to all of the foods that fall under the Pancake Rule, but we ask that you eliminate them anyway. Think about it this way—if you’re not that into pancakes, tortillas, or potato chips, it should be easy to avoid them for 30 days.

In general, if the food in question is just vegetables or protein, you’re in the clear when it comes to the Pancake Rule. That means your jicama taco shells, apple chips, zucchini noodles, or egg white wraps are A-OK. These aren’t recreations, they’re whole food substitutions for corn tortillas, potato chips, traditional pasta, and whole wheat wraps. The same goes for egg “muffins,” sweet potato “waffles,” or salmon “cakes.” The Pancake Rule isn’t about the shape of the food or what you call it. Meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato “frosting” is a delicious, kid-friendly Original Whole30 dinner.

You can cook veggies at home any way you choose; air fry them, pan fry them, roast them, or grill them, in whatever shape you want (including rectangles). Your homemade sweet potato spears aren’t the same as those deep-fried, 19-ingredient fast food fries we call out in the Pancake Rule.


Ron D, Barak S. Molecular mechanisms underlying alcohol-drinking behaviours. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2016 Sep;17(9):576-91.

Kozanian, O. O., Nedelescu, H., Kufahl, P. R., Mayford, M., & Weiss, F. (2022). Compulsive alcohol seeking and relapse: Central role of conditioning factors associated with alleviation of withdrawal states by alcohol. British Journal of Pharmacology, 179(17), 4330– 4343.

Katner SN, Weiss F. Ethanol-associated olfactory stimuli reinstate ethanol-seeking behavior after extinction and modify extracellular dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1999 Nov;23(11):1751-60.

G Di Chiara, A Imperato. Drugs abused by humans preferentially increase synaptic dopamine concentrations in the mesolimbic system of freely moving rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1988 Jul; 85(14):5274-5278.

Barnes TD, Kubota Y, Hu D, Jin DZ, Graybiel AM. Activity of striatal neurons reflects dynamic encoding and recoding of procedural memories. Nature. 2005 Oct 20;437(7062):1158-61. doi: 10.1038/nature04053. PMID: 16237445.

Smith K, Virkud A, Deisseroth K, Graybiel AM. Reversible online control of habitual behavior by optogenetic perturbation of medial prefrontal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012 Oct;109(46): 18932-18937.

Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program (2024)


Pancake Rule - The Whole30® Program? ›

During the 30-day elimination phase of the Whole30, the Pancake Rule asks you not to include: All baked goods made from alternative flour (bread, tortillas, wraps, crackers, pizza or pie crust, biscuits, pancakes, crepes, waffles, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, and brownies)

What is the pancake rule for Whole30? ›

Since 2010, the Whole30 has included a rule that says, “Do not recreate or purchase baked goods, 'foods with no brakes,' or treats even if they're made with Whole30-compatible ingredients.” We called this the Pancake Rule, because in the early days, that was the food participants tried to create the most often.

What is the first pancake rule? ›

The idea behind the first pancake rule is that it's okay if the first one doesn't turn out perfectly; it's a practice round for getting the cooking conditions just right. Once you've made the necessary adjustments, the subsequent pancakes are expected to turn out fantastic.

Are eggs ok on Whole30? ›

Foods allowed on the Whole30 diet mostly consist of minimally processed foods, including: Meat, eggs, and poultry: beef, veal, pork, horse, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, etc. Fish and seafood: fish, anchovies, shrimp, calamari, scallops, crab, lobster, etc. Fruits: fresh and dried fruits.

Why can't you have hummus on Whole30? ›

Whole30 bans legumes like chickpeas. Still, you can whip up a tasty chickpea-free hummus using avocados, cooked cauliflower, and a few other healthy ingredients. Try out this avocado hummus recipe and pair it with bell peppers or any other crunchy, non-starchy vegetable of your choice.

Why are french fries not allowed on Whole30? ›

While we recognize that potatoes are a real food, we also know that eating them in the form of fries and chips has turned them from “produce” into an adulterated commercial “product.” It's easy to find sweet potato, beet, or vegetable chips or restaurant fries that meet the Whole30 ingredient standards.

What is the pancake flipping problem? ›

Pancake Flipping is the problem of sorting a stack of pancakes of different sizes (that is, a permutation), when the only allowed operation is to insert a spatula anywhere in the stack and to flip the pancakes above it (that is, to perform a prefix reversal).

What is the first pancake quote? ›

You cannot mess up the first pancake because it's not supposed to be good. It's a sacrifice to the pancake gods to ensure the rest of the batch comes out.”

What is the first pancake syndrome? ›

Since 1982 we have studied a group of atopic patients who developed severe allergic symptoms immediately after eating foods prepared with wheat flour contaminated with various species of mites. This syndrome was designated as oral mite anaphylaxis (OMA) or "pancake syndrome".

What are the hardest days on Whole30? ›

Your week-by-week Whole30 Timeline
  • Days -30 to 0: Planning and preparing. ...
  • Days 1 – 7: Adaptation. ...
  • Days 8 – 14: Adoption. ...
  • (Interlude) Days 10-11: The hardest days. ...
  • Days 15 – 21: Smooth sailing. ...
  • Days 31 – 46: Celebration and reintroduction.

Can I eat bananas on Whole30? ›

What about bananas? Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don't eat” list.

Do you actually lose weight on Whole30? ›

The truth is, weight loss can be a natural byproduct of your Whole30, without tracking or purposefully restricting calories. You may lose weight naturally by eliminating alcohol, baked goods, soda, and other high-sugar foods.

Why are potatoes OK on Whole30? ›

But white potatoes are an accessible, nutrient-dense, whole food, and it was an easy call to bring them back into the Whole30 along with other starches and varieties of potatoes. They were added back into the program in 2014, with the exception of commercially-prepared fries or chips.

Can you have coffee on Whole30? ›

Here's their official stance on coffee: “Yes, you can have your coffee. You're welcome. You can drink it black, add unsweetened compatible nutpods, coconut milk, almond milk, or add cinnamon or vanilla beans to the brew.

Can you eat oatmeal on Whole30? ›

Since yogurt, cereal, toast, and even oatmeal are off the table, breakfast tends to be the toughest meal on the program. A few of us here at Greatist HQ completed the Whole30, so we can attest to that. Eggs get old — fast.

What is the one bite rule on Whole30? ›

After an interesting experience at Blue Star Donut in Portland, I posted my “One Bite Rule” on Instagram. I encourage you to read the whole post (and the experience that prompted it), but I'll summarize it here: If you get one bite into a less healthy treat and realize it's not worth it, stop eating.

Can you have maple syrup on the Whole30? ›

On Whole30, adherents must cut out all sweeteners including maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar, date syrup, monk fruit extract, and stevia. However, followers are permitted to use fruit juice as a sweetener.

What pasta can you eat on Whole30? ›

No pasta recreations are allowed on the Whole30, per the Pancake Rule. However, single-ingredient veggie “noodles” such as spaghetti squash noodles or spiralized zucchini noodles are compatible and easy!

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