Outbound Payments | Stripe API Reference (2024)

Use OutboundPayments to send funds to another party’s external bank account or FinancialAccount. To send money to an account belonging to the same user, use an OutboundTransfer.

Simulate OutboundPayment state changes with the /v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_payments endpoints. These methods can only be called on test mode objects.

Related guide: Moving money with Treasury using OutboundPayment objects




  • idstring

    Unique identifier for the object.

  • objectstring

    String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

  • amountinteger

    Amount (in cents) transferred.

  • cancelableboolean

    Returns true if the object can be canceled, and false otherwise.

  • createdtimestamp

    Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

  • currencyenum

    Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.

  • customernullable string

    ID of the customer to whom an OutboundPayment is sent.

  • descriptionnullable string

    An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.

  • destination_payment_methodnullable string

    The PaymentMethod via which an OutboundPayment is sent. This field can be empty if the OutboundPayment was created using destination_payment_method_data.

  • destination_payment_method_detailsnullable object

    Details about the PaymentMethod for an OutboundPayment.

  • end_user_detailsnullable object

    Details about the end user.

  • expected_arrival_datetimestamp

    The date when funds are expected to arrive in the destination account.

  • financial_accountstring

    The FinancialAccount that funds were pulled from.

  • hosted_regulatory_receipt_urlnullable string

    A hosted transaction receipt URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe’s money transmission licenses.

  • livemodeboolean

    Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

  • metadataobject

    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.

  • returned_detailsnullable object

    Details about a returned OutboundPayment. Only set when the status is returned.

  • statement_descriptorstring

    The description that appears on the receiving end for an OutboundPayment (for example, bank statement for external bank transfer).

  • statusenum

    Current status of the OutboundPayment: processing, failed, posted, returned, canceled. An OutboundPayment is processing if it has been created and is pending. The status changes to posted once the OutboundPayment has been “confirmed” and funds have left the account, or to failed or canceled. If an OutboundPayment fails to arrive at its destination, its status will change to returned.

  • status_transitionsobject

    Hash containing timestamps of when the object transitioned to a particular status.

  • tracking_detailsnullable object

    Details about network-specific tracking information if available.

  • transactionstringExpandable

    The Transaction associated with this object.

The Outbound Payment object


"id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX",

"object": "treasury.outbound_payment",

"amount": 10000,

"cancelable": false,

"created": 1680716009,

"currency": "usd",

"customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU",

"description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party",

"destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt",

"destination_payment_method_details": {

"type": "us_bank_account",

"destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc"


"end_user_details": {

"ip_address": null,

"present": false


"expected_arrival_date": 1680716009,

"financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI",

"hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "https://payments.stripe.com/regulatory-receipt/CBQaFwoVYWNjdF8xMDMyRDgyZVp2S1lsbzJDKOrhtqEGMgYgdA-GrKk6NZNsf-FXPEqqbHm44fwJ57pNybbkweviYUDJGYFOw4f9cAqpfvPKQZ6y0S2C5DYyRwmDs_36",

"livemode": false,

"metadata": {},

"returned_details": null,

"statement_descriptor": "payment",

"status": "processing",

"status_transitions": {

"canceled_at": null,

"failed_at": null,

"posted_at": null,

"returned_at": null


"transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"


Creates an OutboundPayment.


  • amountintegerRequired

    Amount (in cents) to be transferred.

  • currencyenumRequired

    Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.

  • financial_accountstringRequired

    The FinancialAccount to pull funds from.

  • customerstring

    ID of the customer to whom the OutboundPayment is sent. Must match the Customer attached to the destination_payment_method passed in.

  • descriptionstring

    An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.

  • destination_payment_methodstring

    The PaymentMethod to use as the payment instrument for the OutboundPayment. Exclusive with destination_payment_method_data.

  • destination_payment_method_dataobject

    Hash used to generate the PaymentMethod to be used for this OutboundPayment. Exclusive with destination_payment_method.

  • destination_payment_method_optionsobject

    Payment method-specific configuration for this OutboundPayment.

  • end_user_detailsobject

    End user details.

  • metadataobject

    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.

  • statement_descriptorstring

    The description that appears on the receiving end for this OutboundPayment (for example, bank statement for external bank transfer). Maximum 10 characters for ach payments, 140 characters for us_domestic_wire payments, or 500 characters for stripe network transfers. The default value is “payment”.


Returns an OutboundPayment object if there were no issues with OutboundPayment creation.


curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/treasury/outbound_payments \

-u "sk_test_26PHem9...U623DfE1x4sdsk_test_26PHem9AhJZvU623DfE1x4sd:" \

-d financial_account=fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI \

-d amount=10000 \

-d currency=usd \

-d customer=cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU \

-d destination_payment_method=pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2Cn1XtS23o \

-d description="OutboundPayment to a 3rd party"



"id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX",

"object": "treasury.outbound_payment",

"amount": 10000,

"cancelable": false,

"created": 1680716009,

"currency": "usd",

"customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU",

"description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party",

"destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt",

"destination_payment_method_details": {

"type": "us_bank_account",

"destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc"


"end_user_details": {

"ip_address": null,

"present": false


"expected_arrival_date": 1680716009,

"financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI",

"hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "https://payments.stripe.com/regulatory-receipt/CBQaFwoVYWNjdF8xMDMyRDgyZVp2S1lsbzJDKOrhtqEGMgYgdA-GrKk6NZNsf-FXPEqqbHm44fwJ57pNybbkweviYUDJGYFOw4f9cAqpfvPKQZ6y0S2C5DYyRwmDs_36",

"livemode": false,

"metadata": {},

"returned_details": null,

"statement_descriptor": "payment",

"status": "processing",

"status_transitions": {

"canceled_at": null,

"failed_at": null,

"posted_at": null,

"returned_at": null


"transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"


Retrieves the details of an existing OutboundPayment by passing the unique OutboundPayment ID from either the OutboundPayment creation request or OutboundPayment list.


No parameters.


Returns an OutboundPayment object if a valid identifier was provided. Otherwise, returns an error.


curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/treasury/outbound_payments/obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX \

-u "sk_test_26PHem9...U623DfE1x4sdsk_test_26PHem9AhJZvU623DfE1x4sd:"



"id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX",

"object": "treasury.outbound_payment",

"amount": 10000,

"cancelable": false,

"created": 1680716009,

"currency": "usd",

"customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU",

"description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party",

"destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt",

"destination_payment_method_details": {

"type": "us_bank_account",

"destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc"


"end_user_details": {

"ip_address": null,

"present": false


"expected_arrival_date": 1680716009,

"financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI",

"hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "https://payments.stripe.com/regulatory-receipt/CBQaFwoVYWNjdF8xMDMyRDgyZVp2S1lsbzJDKOrhtqEGMgYgdA-GrKk6NZNsf-FXPEqqbHm44fwJ57pNybbkweviYUDJGYFOw4f9cAqpfvPKQZ6y0S2C5DYyRwmDs_36",

"livemode": false,

"metadata": {},

"returned_details": null,

"statement_descriptor": "payment",

"status": "processing",

"status_transitions": {

"canceled_at": null,

"failed_at": null,

"posted_at": null,

"returned_at": null


"transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"


Returns a list of OutboundPayments sent from the specified FinancialAccount.


  • financial_accountstringRequired

    Returns objects associated with this FinancialAccount.

  • createdobject

    Only return OutboundPayments that were created during the given date interval.

  • customerstring

    Only return OutboundPayments sent to this customer.

  • statusenum

    Only return OutboundPayments that have the given status: processing, failed, posted, returned, or canceled.

More parameters

  • ending_beforestring

  • limitinteger

  • starting_afterstring


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of up to limit OutboundPayments, starting after OutboundPayments starting_after. Each entry in the array is a separate OutboundPayments object. If no more OutboundPayments are available, the resulting array is empty.


curl -G https://api.stripe.com/v1/treasury/outbound_payments \

-u "sk_test_26PHem9...U623DfE1x4sdsk_test_26PHem9AhJZvU623DfE1x4sd:" \

-d financial_account=fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI \

-d limit=3



"object": "list",

"url": "/v1/treasury/outbound_payments",

"has_more": false,

"data": [


"id": "obp_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2Cu5d5S1kX",

"object": "treasury.outbound_payment",

"amount": 10000,

"cancelable": false,

"created": 1680716009,

"currency": "usd",

"customer": "cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU",

"description": "OutboundPayment to a 3rd party",

"destination_payment_method": "pm_1MtaD82eZvKYlo2CtGr4OxTt",

"destination_payment_method_details": {

"type": "us_bank_account",

"destination": "ba_1MtaD62eZvKYlo2C8vwjm7bc"


"end_user_details": {

"ip_address": null,

"present": false


"expected_arrival_date": 1680716009,

"financial_account": "fa_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CYKM3DnUI",

"hosted_regulatory_receipt_url": "https://payments.stripe.com/regulatory-receipt/CBQaFwoVYWNjdF8xMDMyRDgyZVp2S1lsbzJDKOrhtqEGMgYgdA-GrKk6NZNsf-FXPEqqbHm44fwJ57pNybbkweviYUDJGYFOw4f9cAqpfvPKQZ6y0S2C5DYyRwmDs_36",

"livemode": false,

"metadata": {},

"returned_details": null,

"statement_descriptor": "payment",

"status": "processing",

"status_transitions": {

"canceled_at": null,

"failed_at": null,

"posted_at": null,

"returned_at": null


"transaction": "trxn_1MtaD72eZvKYlo2CmUu4Vs5c"






Outbound Payments | Stripe API Reference (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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