OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (2024)

Too often neglected, the OTIF, DIFOT, service level or fill rate is the primary indicator in Supply Chain in my opinion. It can be a source of joy as much as a source of stress, especially when the product is out of stock. This creates frustration for both business and customers, which is why it is important to measure the best way we can.

(OTIF, DIFOT & Fill rate step-by-step tutorial videobelow)

Table of Contents

Triangle of supply chain performance

How to have a profitable Supply Chain? The answer may seem obvious: improve the level of service for your customers while minimizing inventory levels as well as production costs.

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (2)

It seems obvious, yet on the ground, it is more complicated. In order to help you, we will focus on the service level: how to measure it and how to improve it. (no matter your industry).

Measure your customer service level

Whichever your position in the Supply Chain, it is imperative to measure your service rate to improve your performance and your customer satisfaction.

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (3)

You will always measure this rate between a seller/supplier and a customer via 3 main approaches :

  • Quantity or volume
  • Quality
  • Lead time
OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (4)

Differences between availability rate and service rate?

Let’s start with an example between Coca-Cola and Walmart. Walmart was number 1 in distribution (before being overtaken by Amazon), and has very large supermarkets, mainly in the United States. It naturally distributes Coca-Cola products in stores, but also on its website for home deliveries.

First, you have the Coca-Cola factory, which will deliver to the Walmart warehouse where pallets of Coca-Cola products are going to be stored. The first step in measuring the level of service is to measure the percentage of service between these two players, therefore the percentage of quantities delivered, the level of quality, and the level of lead time.

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (5)


If Walmart orders 100,000 bottles, but Coca-Cola can only deliver 90,000 within the time limits, then we have a service rate of 90%.

Then, the Walmart warehouse will receive orders from its stores. The same formula applies to measure the service rate with the 3 axes: quantity, quality, and lead time.

Next, we want to assess the level of service impacting the customer that arrives in the Coca-Cola department at the Walmart supermarket. In this situation, you won’t be able to calculate a service rate because the customer will not order in advance. You will just “take a picture” of the current situation to see if the product is available or not. We call this metric the fill rate, which is 100% (available) or 0% (not available).

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (6)

Finally, the customer can choose to order directly from the website. Here again, the customer will not order in advance. We can therefore only measure whether the product is available or not. When the product is available on the website, it’s usually related to warehouse availability.

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To summarize: when we have an order, we can refer to the service level according to 3 points (quantity, quality, lead time). If we do not have an order, we must rely on the availability rate, either 100% if we have at least 1 product, or 0% if it is out of stock.

Quantity ? Value ? Volume? Weight?

This is a question people often ask me.

Usually, companies work in terms of quantity (I use this standard in my Excel example), but it depends on your industry.

The important parameter to consider is the price difference, the difference between the selling price and the cost price. If you have very large price differences, you can work in terms of volume, especially if you are selling/supplying raw materials. If you work in distribution, my recommendation is to work in selling price (or cost price/purchase price if you work in the industry).

Remember that our goal is to increase revenues and profits. So working with service rates that use product value ​​will allow you to give more importance to the products that generate the most income.

Calculations and examples on Excel

Let’s calculate these indicators in Excel with concrete examples. You can download the full Excel below:

Availability rate : calculations on Excel

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (9)

We will only measure the availability rate of active products. If you have discontinued SKUs (end of life products or end of collections), they should not be part of the calculation because you cannot guarantee the availability of discontinued products to your customers (eg. product 7)

  • If the available stock > 0 then Availability rate = 100% (example Product 1)
  • If available stock = 0 then Availability rate = 0% (example Product 2)

To have the total availability rate, you must calculate the average of all of these products (therefore removing the discontinued products). I also recommend using an ABC classification.

Service level : calculation on Excel

The formula of the fill rate or service level is a bit more complex than the previous one. We always have the same catalog of 10 products, with the quantities ordered and the quantities delivered. We will get the percentage of quantities delivered (DIF = Delivery In Full) by dividing the quantities delivered by the quantities ordered.

Fill Rate = DIF (Delivery in Full) = %Quantity = Qty supplied / Qty Ordered
Example Product 2 : 100/200 = 50%

If you have a case of 0 quantity ordered, then: Service level = 0% (Use of the IFERROR formula on Excel to avoid errors on this case)

The overall service rate is not the average of the service rate by item. It is calculated with the total quantity supplied and ordered (so it is weighted by the quantities).
Example below : DIF Total = 1205/1625 = 74%

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (10)

If you want to go into more details and measure the entire level of service, you can add the quality (DOQ) and lead time (DOT).

DOQ Calculation :

To calculate the DOQ (Delivery On Quality), you have to gather the quality problems, which are generally declared at the time of delivery. These are the non-compliant products, and they are calculated by dividing them by the number of products delivered (only products that we can check). Once again, the overall DOQ is weighted by the quantities.

DOQ ( Delivery on Quality) = %Quality= 1 – Qty supplied with quality issues / Qty Ordered

DOT Calculation :

As for the DOT (Delivery On Time), you must check if the suppliers’ commitment has been kept. Therefore, you gather the quantity of products delivered on time, and you divide them with the total quantity of products delivered in order to obtain a percentage ratio.

DOT = Delivery On Time = OTD = On Time delivery= Quantity delivered on Time / Quantity supplied
Exemple product 6 = 500 /580 = 86%

OTIF (or DIFOT) Calculation :

Finally, to get the OTIF (On Time In Full) or DIFOT (Delivery In Full, On Time), or the total service level, you will multiply each ratio (quantity, quality, lead time). You just need to multiply the 3 indicators between them.

Example total 10 items : 74% x 90% x 78% = 53%

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (11)

Keep in mind that the most important calculation is related to the quantities delivered (DIF). You can add more metrics related to the quality and lead time if you want the service rate assessment to be more precise.

Full Supply Chain dashboards

You are generally required to work with a lot more products than in my example, or even several brands. In order to see more clearly and to measure its performance, it’s important to create Excel dashboards like the ones I propose in SCM Metrics via different templates and complete dashboards.

5 tips (and mistakes to avoid) to boost your service level

1) Pay attention to the quality of your data

You have to be careful with the quality of the data in your product catalog. This means ensuring that the product codes are correct, indicating whether they are active or inactive. If you get it wrong from the start, your calculations will be wrong.

You should also be careful with your stock by doing inventories frequently. If the data related to your stock are false, so will be your calculations.
For the orders, everything must be recorded, even those relating to products out of stock. Moreover, you have to be transparent with your suppliers and customers. Sharing information is essential in order to maintain good communication between all parties.

Finally, it’s important to have a maximum of historical results of your service rates to be able to understand trends, analyze and continuously improve your processes.

2) Do not target 100% service rate and fill rate

It’s impossible to reach 100% service rate for 100% of your product all the time. It would be a disaster for the profitability of your business. Sales and marketing departments tend to insist on having a 100% uptime rate, however, this is unrealistic.

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (13)

When you have low stock, you will increase your service rate easily. However, above a certain level, it will lead to over-stock (you will be forched to make promotions or to throw away).
If you want 100% service rate you need infinite stock which is impossible. You will then have to find the right balance in order to ensure your profitability.

3) Focus 20/80

To get the right balance, you need to have different goals per product. For example, make sure you get the best service rate for your bestsellers (A CODE), and set the service rate for slow moving products (C Code) lower.

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (14)

In order to define these objectives, I advise you to perform an ABC classification in order to define your priorities. You will find all the necessary information on the ABC method here.
You should also consider including the level of uncertainty of your product to target different service level. See all about ABC XYZ analysis here.

4) Automate your reportings

I see a lot of people in companies spending too much time measuring and updating dashboards when they should be spending that time on analysis and optimization.

You have 2 solutions:

  1. Extract your data from your ERP or software (SAP, Sage, Oracle, AS400, JDA …) then calculate your indicators automatically in Excel before making the right decisions and acting on your ERP (Orders, parameters, etc.)
  2. Prepare a mockup on Excel with all your indicators. Once the process has been tested and validated, develop these KPIs on your ERP or BI software (Power BI, Tableau, Qlik, MicroStrategy, etc.)
OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (15)

You need to start your Monday with ready-to-use data, rather than struggling every week for hours to update your Excel charts.

5) It’s ok to have shortage, just relax and take a step back

My last advice, but not the least, is to put into perspective as your service rate is concerned. I see a lot of stress generated by this indicator, whether it is in teams, between customers and suppliers or even between departments.

In my opinion, it’s important to perform well but not at the cost of your professional and personal well-being. Do your best, be methodical and factual, and don’t add the extra pressure to yourself.

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (16)

The field of supply chain is very stressful in general, no matter the job. If you want to keep performing well, you must keep having fun at work above all.

Now it’s up to you to put all the advice in this article into practice in order to improve your service rate and ultimately your profitability. You will find my downloadable Excel by clicking on the button below.

Download the Excel Kpis template

Download the OTIF-DIFOT-Service Rate Excel just below and start tracking this strategic KPI :

Download the EXCEL

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If you want to go further, learn and master the best Supply Chain metrics and become an Expert with my new program SCM Metrics
Join SCM Metrics below :

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Articles and tools on the same subject :

10 KPIs for your Supply Chain
10 Ways to Optimize your Inventory

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (18)

Edouard Thieuleux

Founder of AbcSupplyChain | Supply Chain Expert | 15 years experience in 6 different countries –> Follow me on LinkedIn

OTIF - DIFOT - FILL RATE : Calculation & Formulas In Excel (2024)


How do you calculate OTIF in Excel? ›

But in general the formula is the number of deliveries made on time and complete divided by the

How is OTIF rate calculated? ›

In a supply chain setting, OTIF stands for "On Time In Full." It is a metric that is used to measure the success of a company's delivery process. OTIF can be calculated by measuring the number of deliveries made on time and in full by the total number deliveries.

How do you calculate Difot percentage? ›

DIFOT shows how often the customers gets what they ordered when they want to receive it. It can be calculated by dividing the number of DIFOT deliveries by the total number of deliveries. You then can multiply by 100 to get the DIFOT expressed as a percentage.

How do you calculate fill rate? ›

How do you calculate fill rate? You can calculate fill rate by dividing the number of orders that were shipped by the total number of orders placed and multiplying the sum by 100.

What is OTIF formula? ›

The on-time, in-full formula is simply the percentage of all deliveries that are shipped on time and in full. The formula is: (Orders delivered on-time / Total # of orders shipped) * 100. You should aim for OTIF to be at least 95% if you want to compete with leading companies in the supply chain.

What does Difot stand for? ›

Delivered In Full On Time (DIFOT)

Delivered In Full, On Time (DIFOT) or On Time In Full (OTIF) is a measurement of delivery performance in a supply chain and measures how often the customer gets what they want at the time they want it.

What is a good fill rate? ›

A good fill rate percentage is as close to 100% as possible.

The average company's fill rate is between 85-95%, which means some products may be out of stock, or there was more demand than anticipated. Striving for a 97-99% fill rate should be among the goals of any warehousing team.

How do you calculate time delivery rate in Excel? ›

- We have formula OTD % = (On time delivery / Total PO's ) *100. (ex : Lets say vendor1 having 15 purchase order and they are delivering 10 PO's On time and another 5 as Late delivery. So, OTD %=(10/15)*100 = 66.66%.

What is line fill rate? ›

Line fill rate is the percentage of order lines completely filled out of the total number of order lines. An order line is any individual line item on an order bill. As an example, you could have 8 orders out of a total 16 order lines. Once multiplied by 100, this gives you a line fill rate of 50%.

How do I calculate hours worked in Excel? ›

Calculate the total weekly hours and pay

Write each day of the week in its own row, then create a new cell label titled "TOTAL." The cells next to this one display the total number of hours worked and pay received for the week. You can apply this by using the function "=SUM(E2:E8)" to calculate total hours.

How do I calculate hours worked in Excel using 24 hour clock? ›

To add up more than 24 hours:
  1. In cell B2 type 12:45, and in cell B3 type 15:30.
  2. Type =B2+B3 in cell B4, and then press Enter. ...
  3. To display the time as more than 24 hours, select cell B4.
  4. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, choose Format, and then choose Format Cells.

How do I calculate time and a half overtime in Excel? ›

If you are paid time and a half for overtime, you might enter "=A2*1.5" to calculate the overtime pay rate.

How do I calculate hours on Excel? ›

Calculate hours between two times: =TEXT(B2-A2, "h") Return hours and minutes between 2 times: =TEXT(B2-A2, "h:mm") Return hours, minutes and seconds between 2 times: =TEXT(B2-A2, "h:mm:ss")

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.