Online:Trials and Tribulations - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) (2024)

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Quick Summary: written by Talyyn, not checked

Walkthrough: written by Talyyn, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked


  • 1 Quick Walkthrough
  • 2 Detailed Walkthrough
    • 2.1 King Emeric's Attack and Setbacks
    • 2.2 Investigating the Imperial Camp
    • 2.3 The Hall of Heroes
      • 2.3.1 Frandar Hunding's Blessing
      • 2.3.2 Divad Hunding's Blessing
      • 2.3.3 Makela Leki's Blessing
    • 2.4 Entrance to the Chamber of Passage
  • 3 Notes
  • 4 Bugs
  • 5 Quest Stages
Find out what the Imperial Magus-General is planning.
This quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction:Daggerfall Covenant
Objective:Hall of Heroes — Help King Emeric defeat the Imperials at the Hall of Heroes.
Quest Giver:High King Emeric
Location(s):Hall of Heroes
Prerequisite Quest:Storming the Garrison
Previous Quest:Striking Back
Next Quest:To Walk on Far Shores
Reward:Heroes' Hatchet
HighLeveled Gold
XP Gain:High XP

King Emeric addresses his soldiers

After their defeat at Bangkorai Garrison, the Imperial forces retreated south, and King Emeric believes they will make their last stand here at the ancient temple known as the Hall of Heroes.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to High King Emeric.
  2. Investigate the Imperial encampment.
  3. Enter the Hall of Heroes and talk to the Keeper of the Hall.
  4. Find the burial chamber of Frandar Hunding and earn his blessing.
  5. Find the burial chamber of Divad Hunding and earn his blessing.
  6. Find the burial chamber of Makela Leki and earn her blessing.
  7. Talk to the Keeper at the Chamber of Passage.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

King Emeric's Attack and Setbacks[edit]

At the entrance to the ruins of the Hall of Heroes, King Emeric can be found speaking with the Lion Guard accompanying him. When you arrive, he is very glad to see you and talking with him starts the quest.

"I was wondering when you'd wander up! I knew you wouldn't let me get all the glory.
Of course, I wouldn't have wanted to take any action until you were with us regardless, but I like to pretend. Anyhow, how in Oblivion are you?"
I'm doing fine, Your Majesty. How are you?
"I feel strong. I'm ready to spill some Imperial blood. This will be remembered as the place where the Imperials made their last stand in Bangkorai.
Despite my advisors' concerns, I decided I had to be here and lead the charge myself."
Are you sure that's safe?
"Bah! Are you trying to coddle me now too? I command you—put aside your concerns.
This isn't even going to be a real contest. Each of my soldiers can take ten of theirs, and you can take a hundred. So … can we get on with this?"
Yes. Of course. I'm yours to command. (Ends conversation)

Once the conversation with King Emeric is completed, you will have to wait and listen to his speech detailing his plan to fight the Imperials. His speech will take an unexpected turn…

Emeric is captured by Septima Tharn

High King Emeric: "All right everyone. This is it. No one is allowed to die until they're taken down at least a dozen enemies. Kill as may as you can. The only exception is the Magus-General—she's mine, and mine alone."
Septima Tharn: "Good speech, Emeric. I can't believe you still fancy me after all these years. Let's get reacquainted then, shall we?"
High King Emeric: "Overconfident as ever, I see! I'm not afraid of you, Septima …."
Lion Guard: "To arms! Defend the King!"
<A pool of pale blue magic coalesces around her.>
Septima Tharn: "You will not!"
<The Lion Guard squad falls down dead. Dark magic surrounds King Emeric as Septima walks up to him.>
Septima Tharn: "I think we need to spend so alone time, Emeric. Come, let's find a quiet place …."
<Purple shackles bind the King's wrists and both disappear in a ball of light.>

After this Scout Nadira will approach, wanting to know what just happened to the King. You can explain and then ask her if she has any idea where he was taken.

"Zeht's tears! What has befallen? Who has slain everyone? Where's the king?"
The Imperial Magus-General killed them and took the king captive.
"O Merciful Mara! Please say this isn't so! I knew the king should not have come! Why should he risk his life this way?
What will we do now? Someone has to go after him!"
I will. Do you know where she might have taken him?
"No. I mean … I have scouted out all this area from the ridges above. The Imperial encampment is just over the hill, and then this temple—the Hall of Heroes—it goes on forever.
She might have taken the king anywhere in all that space."
Where do you suggest I start looking?
"The encampment. There has been much activity there in recent days. The Imperials have been going in and out of the temple. I have even seen the Magus-General herself.
Perhaps if you search the encampment, you will find some evidence of her plan."
I'll go search the Imperial encampment then.

She will suggest that you search the Imperial camp up the stairs just ahead.

Investigating the Imperial Camp[edit]

The Imperial camp, is filled with various soldiers from the Seventh Legion who appear to excavating the ruins, with particular focus on the interred bodies. Within, the camp there will be three documents you can find which can be pieced together to understand Septima's plan for King Emeric. The first letter can be found in a tent to the right from when you enter the camp. It is some notes on the Spirits of the Hel Shira, addressed to Septima which implies the spirit guardians of the Halls are now under Imperial control.

The second document can be found within an excavated tomb carved into the western wall, it is sitting on top of the grave slab. The document is an order directed to a Centurion Bodenius which demands they keep looking for a way to open a "Chamber of Passage" no matter the number of deaths inflicted on their troops.

The final document can be found on table on the next tier up, near the stairway. It from Septima and warns her soldiers to stay away from the Chamber of Passage, which she has successfully breached, as well as the implication it is a place of potent magic.

After collecting the clues, you will realize your best bet in tracking down Septima and King Emeric is to find the chamber within the Hall of Heroes. The entrance will be south of the third clue, up another flight of stairs and through a tunnel before reaching the door.

The Hall of Heroes[edit]

Once you have entered the hall, you may see the daedra (consisting of harvesters and banekin) as well as soldiers digging around. But close to the entrance, there will be a man hiding nearby. This is the Keeper of the Hall and should be spoken to for information of how to reach the Chamber of Passage as well as what has happened to the Hall.

"Look! Another live one! Oh, sorry. I should speak more quietly. Don't want to disturb the dead … or the Daedra crawling all over this place.
I find them very distasteful. Not right for this place. Not right at all."
Who are you?
"Me? I'm the Keeper of the Hall. I am guardian of the gate between here and there, between this place and the next.
The living don't belong here. I'm supposed to keep them out, but I seem to have failed at that."
Are you talking about the Imperials?
"Yes. Especially that cruel, twisted lady—Septima Tharn, I believe she is called. She has broken all the rules. I told her as much. I did. But she would not listen.
When she leaves, I do not think I will invite her to come back."
Do you know where I can find Septima Tharn?
"She's in the Chamber of Passage, but it is a forbidden place. You must get special allowances to go there.
This is the heroes' hall. You will have to convince them to let you pass."
All right. Where do I find these heroes?
"Oh, they're scattered all over this place. Everywhere. Getting them to talk is the hard part. They're quiet types; been dead for centuries.
Frandar Hunding might listen. You'll just have to do some convincing. You have Tu'whacca's blessing though."
I'll go look for Frandar then.

Before you leave you have the option to ask him additional questions.

Frandar Hunding's Blessing[edit]

From the entrance of to the Hall, Frandar's burial chamber can be reached by going south in the next room then heading into the smaller chamber on the western wall. As you approach his resting place, his spirit will appear and you can speak with him to start your first trial.

"I know you... your spirit, but you belong in this place no more than the others, the invaders.
Why do you come here? Why do you disturb my rest?"
I need to get into the Chamber of Passage.
"Of all the places in this temple you do not belong, it is there you belong the least.
But I sense that where the others have come to violate the chamber's sanctity, you have come to restore it. I will give you my blessing if you prove worthy."
How do I prove myself worthy?
"The invaders have taken my scrolls—four sacred writings from the Book of Circles. They describe the principles one must master in the various seasons of life.
Recover the scrolls, place them on the appropriate pedestals, and earn my blessing.
I'll find and return the scrolls to their pedestals.

There will be four scrolls you will need to be collected, one can be found in the burial chamber while the other three can be found in the chamber outside. These scrolls will be the Mastery of Devotion, Mastery of Discipline, Mastery of Sacrifice, and Mastery of Wisdom.

Once you return with the scrolls you will be required to place them in the correct order. The order can be determined from figuring out the clues, or simply brute-forcing the combination, as the scrolls will just disappear in a puff of red smoke before reappearing in your inventory if it is incorrect. To place the scrolls, approach a pedestal and interact with it, the following dialogue will appear:

"<This pedestal is meant to hold a scroll.>
Place "Mastery of Devotion"
Place "Mastery of Wisdom"
Place "Mastery of Discipline"
Place "Mastery of Sacrifice"

(As each scroll is placed, that option will disappear from the subsequent pedestals.)

You should speak with Frandar can clarify what order this is:

"The scrolls speak of the principles of Wisdom, Discipline, Sacrifice, and Devotion, and the seasons of life in which I mastered these principles.
Place them in the proper order in which they were mastered."

If you have the persuasion passive, you can learn an additional clue.

[Persuade] I'm here to help cleanse the Temple. You could at least give me a hint.
"Look to the passing of time, to the order of the sun, stars, and moon for understanding."

What Frandar means is that the order can be determined from the dates. These dates are marked in the first line of each scroll, in the form of "In the season of life in which I marched beneath the [Month]."

Scroll Placement Order

ScrollMonth Mentioned
DisciplineRain's Hand
DevotionSun's Height
WisdomHearth's Fire
SacrificeFrost's Fall

With these references to the Tamrielic calendar, the order can be worked out. The earliest month goes on the leftmost pedestal and so on.

In order from left to right, the scrolls should be placed: Discipline, Devotion, Wisdom, Sacrifice

Once you place them correctly, there will be a flash of light and Frandur will say, "Very well. You have my blessing. Now you must seek my son's spirit. Speak to Divad." before disappearing.

Divad Hunding's Blessing[edit]

You will have to find Divad Hunding's burial chamber next. His chamber from Frandur's can be reach by going east until you reach as second chamber then going into the small room to the south. As you approach, Divad's spirit will appear. You must speak with him to learn about your next test.

"I sense great determination in you, living one, but very few of the living are foolish enough to trespass in these hallowed halls.
Even fewer are foolish enough to seek entrance into the Chamber of Passage. This is your intention though, is it not?"
Yes, and your father has given me his blessing.
"Then you have already achieved in life that which gave me great difficulty.
My father's influence, though, was only one aspect of what guided my life's purpose. In truth, it was my mother's role, the sacrifice she made, that defined my destiny."
What sacrifice did your mother make?
"When Emperor Hira's soldiers came to arrest me, they struck my mother and she was slain. It wasn't until that moment I embraced the way of the sword.
To earn my blessing, light the braziers in the chamber above in the colors to honor her sacrifice."
All right. How do I light the braziers?
"You'll find the braziers are already lit. You must simply cycle through the colors on each brazier to match the memory of my mother's final moments.
It's getting the colors in the correct order that matters."
How do I know the order of the colors?
"Turn and observe the moment of my mother's sacrifice. Remember it as I do. Take it into your heart and light the fires of my memory."
I'll light the braziers in the colors of your memory.
"Honor my mother's sacrifice and you will earn my blessing"

Divad Hunding and his mother

After you finish speaking with Divad and leave the conversation, a spectral image will have appeared behind them. Observe the four figures and their colors closely, which are as follows:

FigureFlame Color
Divad's Mother pleadingWhite
Kneeling DivadBlue
Pointing Female SoldierGreen
Male Soldier with AxeRed

The adjacent image shows their placement in regards to each other.

Color order of Braziers (Green is out of view)

When you go back to the larger room, the four braziers will be lit with a green flame and a spectral image of the pointing female soldier will be hovering over all of them. Take the opportunity to clear the room out of enemies. To change the flame's color, interact with the brazier and it will cycle through four different colors with a different figure hovering over each.

As you walk out of the corridor from Divad Hunding burial chamber, the placement will be the same as in the above picture. Therefore, starting from the closest brazier to the burial chamber entrance and going counterclockwise:

The order is: Blue (Divad)Green (Pointing Soldier)Red (Soldier with Axe)White (Divad's Mother)

Once you have successfully order the brazier's flames, a bright light will appear and you will hear Divad saying "Thank you for honoring my mother's memory. You have my blessing. Now you must seek out Makela Leki."

Makela Leki's Blessing[edit]

The third blessing comes from Makela Leki, the Sword Saint. To find her burial chamber, from the brazier room, head east down the passage until you reach the next chamber. Then go into the small chamber in the north wall. Makela's spirit will appear as you approach her remains, she must be spoken with to learn about the next trial.

"It takes a brave soldier to enter the Chamber of Passage, but courage alone is not what defines a warrior.
One has already breached the chamber without my blessing, but you come behind seeking just that, do you not?"
I do. I seek to stop the one who went in there.
"And by seeking our blessing, you show that you deserve such an honor.
The one who breached the chamber—this Septima Tharn—she has strength, courage, and even wisdom, but she lacks an essential quality of a true Ansei."
What quality is that?
"The answer is the key to my blessing.
You will find several impressive swords in this chamber. They are only symbols of ideals, but bring me the blade a true sword-singer would wield, and I will grant you entrance to the Chamber of Passage."
I'll choose the appropriate sword then.

After finishing the conversation, four different swords will appear on the table in the burial chamber. They are as follows: Sword of the Magus-Lord, Sword of the High King, Sword of the Saint, or Simple Training Sword. You can interact with the swords to see their descriptions:

The swords (starting from top left corner and going clockwise) Training Sword, Sword of the Saint, Sword of the Magus-Lord, Sword of the High King

Sword of the Magus-Lord
<Forged in the ancient Crystal Tower in Summerset, this magical blade was a gift from Auriel to one of his most powerful battlemages.>
Take the Sword of the Magus-Lord (Gives you the Altmer Blade)
Sword of the High King
<This thrice-forged Orcish steel blade was a gift from Mauloch himself to the conquering Orc King, Nargi gro-Barok.>
Take the Sword of the High King (Gives you the Orc Blade)
Sword of the Saint
<A gift from the Tribunal to Saint Nerevar, this Dunmer blade was infused with Vivec's near-godlike power.>
Take the Sword of the Saint. (Gives you the Dark Elf Blade)
Simple Training Sword
<This is a simple blade used for training.>
Take the Simple Training Sword. (Gives you the Redguard Blade)

Once you have selected a blade, you can return to Makela for her inspection.

"You must think as a sword-singer would. Which blade would be most suitable for a warrior who has achieved mastery of his or her technique?"
I believe I have the correct blade.
"Very well then. Which blade is it?"

If it is the incorrect blade she will push you back while saying "That is not the blade a true sword-singer would wield. Try again."

However, if you give her the Training Sword the following will happen:

<Give her the Simple Training Sword.>
"Well done. A true sword-singer would select the Training Sword because it is the swordsman, not the sword, that matters. You understand true humility.
You have my blessing. You may enter the Chamber of Passage."
Thank you. (She will then disappear.)

Entrance to the Chamber of Passage[edit]

With blessings from three Redguard heroes, you are now authorized to enter the Chamber of Passage. When you reach the entrance, the Keeper will be there waiting for you where he will admit you are allowed to enter but will then ominously wonder if you are ready for what's in there.

"Heroes, gods, Imperials … who's in charge here? You. You've earned the blessings of the heroes, but blessings will only get you through the door.
Are you really ready for what lies on the other side?"
I don't know. What lies on the other side?
"Something no mortal's ever seen, until that nasty woman went in there, of course … and who knows what she might have done to the place …?
I guess you'll be finding out soon enough though"

Once you have completed the quest, you will receive gold and the Hero's Hatchet and are able to start To Walk on Far Shores by continuing to speak with the Keeper.


  • The notes that must be read in the camp don't appear before starting the quest.
  • Despite picking up the notes and removing them from their location, they are not added to your quest items.
  • The scrolls won't exist in the ruins before reaching the related objective.
  • The braziers are reset to default if you re-enter Divad's room and come back.


  • The dead Lion Guards' health bars will still appear full. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Trials and Tribulations
Finishes QuestJournal Entry
Before we attack the Imperials, the king is making a final speech. I should listen to what he has to say.

Objective: Listen to the King's Plan

Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn appeared, killed King Emeric's Lion Guard soldiers and captured the king himself. I should speak to Scout Nadira to ask if she knows where they've taken the king.

Objective: Talk to Scout Nadira

Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn has captured King Emeric. I should search the Imperial encampment for clues as to what she's planning.

Objective: Search for Clues to Septima's Plan

Hidden Objective: Septima's Plans: 0/3

Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn has captured King Emeric. Clues I found suggest she's been working to reach a mysterious place in the temple known as the Chamber of Passage. I should enter the temple and search for this place.

Objective: Enter the Hall of Heroes

Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn has captured King Emeric and signs suggest she's taken him to the Chamber of Passage within the Hall of Heroes. I should speak to the Keeper of the Hall to ask what he knows.

Objective: Talk to the Keeper of the Hall

Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn has captured King Emeric and taken him to the Chamber of Passage within the Hall of Heroes. To enter the chamber, I must speak to heroes' spirits and gain their blessing. I should begin with Frandar Hunding.

Objective: Find Frandar Hunding's Burial Chamber

Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn has captured King Emeric and taken him to the Chamber of Passage within the Hall of Heroes. To enter the chamber, I must speak to heroes' spirits and gain their blessing. I should begin with Frandar Hunding.

Objective: Speak to Frandar Hunding

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. To earn Frandar Hunding's blessing, I must collect scrolls and restore them to pedestals in his burial chamber.

Objective: Collect Scrolls from the Hall

Hidden Objective: Scroll: 0/4

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. To earn Frandar Hunding's blessing, I must place the scrolls on the proper pedestals in his burial chamber.

Objective: Return Frandar's Scrolls

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. I should speak with the spirit of Divad Hunding.

Objective: Find Divad Hunding's Burial Chamber

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. I should speak with the spirit of Divad Hunding.

Objective: Speak to Divad Hunding

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. To earn Divad Hunding's blessing, I must light the four braziers in colors to honor his mother's sacrifice.

Objective: Light the Braziers in the Proper Colors

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. I should speak with the spirit of Makela Leki.

Objective: Find Makela Leki's Burial Chamber

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. I should speak with the spirit of Makela Leki.

Objective: Talk to Makela Leki's Spirit

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I need the blessing of heroes' spirits. To earn Makela Leki's blessing, I must bring her the most appropriate sword for a sword-singer.

Objective: Bring the Correct Sword to Makela Leki

To enter the Chamber of Passage and rescue King Emeric from Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn, I've earned the blessings of the heroes' spirits. Now I must simply find the entrance to the chamber.

Objective: Find the Entrance to the Chamber of Passage

Online:Trials and Tribulations - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) (12)Imperial Magus-General Septima Tharn has captured King Emeric and I must enter the Chamber of Passage to rescue him. I've earned the right to enter the chamber, but I should speak with the Keeper of the Hall first.

Objective: Talk to the Keeper of the Hall


* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.

  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
Online:Trials and Tribulations - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) (2024)


What is the order of the trials and tribulations in eso? ›

The correct order to place the scrolls from left to right is: Discipline, Devotion, Wisdom, and Sacrifice.

How many in a trial in ESO? ›

Trials are instances for large groups (12 members) of characters that can be accessed by traveling to the physical entrance.

What is the easiest trial in ESO? ›

11 Aetherian Archive

The Craglorn trials are considered the easiest, so if players are beginners it's worth trying this one out before going into the tougher selections. That being said, it's vital to have good communication with the group as well as some powerful DPS' as they are the key to succeeding in this trial.

What is trial eso? ›

Trials are long 'raid'-like dungeons featuring many bosses and difficult enemies throughout a large location. Trials are designed for groups of no more than twelve and feature normal and veteran difficulties.

Can you solo trials in ESO? ›

What ESO Content can't be played Solo? There is only very little content that can't be soloed in ESO. For example all the 12 Player Trials can't be soloed.

How do you get through trials and tribulations? ›

Since adversity will come to us all, consider the following ideas to help face trials and benefit from them.
  1. Rely on Christ. ...
  2. Rely on Others. ...
  3. Let Adversity Make You a Better Person. ...
  4. Live with Integrity. ...
  5. Be Patient. ...
  6. Keep an Eternal Perspective.

What is the most popular trial in eso? ›

The Sanctum Ophidia Trial is the highest-rated Trial in the Elder Scrolls Online base game owing to its beautiful scenery and great boss fights. The Serpent is the endboss for this Trial and requires teamwork and good coordination between players to beat.

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What About Polygamy? Characters can marry more than once, but are restricted from overly-exploiting marriage by two factors. First, the benefits of marriage only apply when wearing one of the Rings of Mara. Because rings are limited to two slots, the potential bonuses are limited.

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The Leveling Doesn't End

Once you reach level 50, you will begin leveling as a Veteran. You acquire Veteran Ranks the same way you obtained the first 50 levels, and you still gain skill and stat points for each Veteran level.

What is the easiest ESO solo class? ›

Templar. The Templar is one of the easiest classes to play in The Elder Scrolls Online, making it the perfect choice for ESO Beginners and Solo players.

What is the most fun class for beginners in eso? ›

These are the best classes in order of strength and simplicity for new players getting started in The Elder Scrolls Online.
  • Sorcerer.
  • Templar.
  • Dragonknight.

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The Nightblade is the best class in ESO PvP in Update 42 Gold Road Chapter. Buff with more damage, survivability, and resource sustain, the Nightblade hits the holy trinity of damage, survival, and mobility.

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Try Out ESO Plus for Free to Enjoy Unlimited Crafting Storage, DLC Access, & More. Welcome the arrival of Gold Road with access to DLCs such as Scribes of Fate, Scions of Ithelia, and more with an ESO Plus™ free trial!

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Navigate to the Free Play page. Select your platform. Download the game for your desired platform. Create an ESO account and play!

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The ESO Plus Free Trial is live from now until Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 10:00AM EDT. During the trial period, you can enjoy the following ESO Plus benefits with no credit card required and no strings attached: Full access to over 20 DLC game packs—new zones, quests, dungeons, and more.

What is the tombs and tribulations quest? ›

Tomes and Tribulations is the ninth main quest within Hogwarts Legacy; where you briefly return to Professor Fig, as you reveal the exploits of your traveling through the Forbidden Section of the library. This page is part of IGN's full Walkthrough for Hogwarts Legacy.

What are the trials and tribulation? ›

: difficult experiences, problems, etc. the trials and tribulations of starting a new business.

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Where To Get Order's Wrath. Steadfast Hammer and Saw — A crafting site located on High Isle south of Steadfast Manor for crafting the Order's Wrath set. You or someone else will need to own the High Isle chapter to access this location. However, you can “attune” the crafting stations with crafting writ vouchers.

What is Cadwell's Almanac? ›

Cadwell's Almanac is a system that allows you to track your progress through the storylines of the two other alliances that were not chosen during character creation.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.