On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (2024)

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On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (1)

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Sensors (Basel). 2019 Mar; 19(5): 1158.

Published online 2019 Mar 7. doi:10.3390/s19051158

PMCID: PMC6427610

PMID: 30866518

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Bluetooth is an important technical standard for short-range and low-power wireless communication. The home automation and entertainment (HAE) systems often make use of Bluetooth technology to link different Bluetooth devices and form Bluetooth networks. The security concerns of the HAE systems are raised due to massive deployment of the Bluetooth devices. The Bluetooth standard mainly depends on the secure simple pairing (SSP) solution to protect the Bluetooth devices. Hence, we investigate the SSP solution according to the Bluetooth standard v5.0. The contributions are threefold. (1) A formal security model is proposed to evaluate SSP’s association models and authenticated link key. (2) We formally analyze two SSP protocols and present the security requirements for basic cryptographic modules in these SSP protocols. (3) We discuss the typical SSP applications in the HAE systems. Our results are useful to not only evaluating and designing the SSP protocols but also enhancing the security of the HAE systems in which the Bluetooth access is available.

Keywords: Bluetooth standard, Secure simple pairing, Cryptographic protocol, Security model, Authenticated link key, Home automation and entertainment

1. Introduction

Owing to the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), the home automation and entertainment (HAE) systems simplify the controls of different home appliances and enhance their convenience, safety, and comfort via either wired or wireless communication. The idea of HAE emphasizes that multiple home appliances could be controlled by a single controller via a home network. We see that Bluetooth [1] always provides the private wireless connections and the confidential data transmissions among home appliances because the Bluetooth services maintain ubiquity, reliability, and interoperability. In fact, how to integrate Bluetooth into the HAE environments has drawn a great deal of attention and become a hot topic in the research community. However, the Bluetooth devices may leak confidential data and the adversary may monitor the Bluetooth channel during the communication procedure. Hence, Bluetooth security is very important when the Bluetooth services process sensitive information in the HAE systems.

According to latest Bluetooth standard v5.0 [2,3], it provides five different security features. That is, pairing, bonding, device authentication, encryption, and message integrity. We outline as follows.

  • Pairing: Establishing shared keys among Bluetooth devices paired.

  • Bonding: Establishing a trusted bonding relationship between two Bluetooth devices relying on pairing.

  • Authentication: Verifying that the same key exists between two Bluetooth devices.

  • Encryption: Keeping messages confidential.

  • Message integrity: Verifying that messages are not forged.

From the technical perspective, pairing is the first and important step to ensure Bluetooth security, because the function of pairing is to establish a shared link key and the link key is the master key for other Bluetooth mechanisms. Currently, Bluetooth standard v5.0 [2,3] preferably supports secure simple pairing (SSP) to provide the function of pairing. SSP can prevent passive eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. There are four association models of SSP depending on IO capabilities of devices, i.e., numeric comparison (NC), out of band (OOB), passkey entry (PE), and just works (JW). SSP must use one of these association models to complete the pairing procedure. Actually, four association models form four different SSP protocols, i.e., the NC protocol, the OOB protocol, the PE protocol, and the JW protocol.

The main goal of our research is to address the security and the privacy of SSP in Bluetooth standard v5.0. This paper is part one, which focuses on the security of SSP and its HAE applications. We formally address the security of the authenticated link key generated by SSP. That is, we mainly focus on the security of the NC and OOB protocols. Some result of the PE protocol is presented directly. We do not specially discuss the JW protocol, because the JW protocol is the same as the NC protocol except that it does not defeat MITM attacks. We also investigate how to integrate the typical SSP applications into the HAE systems. Part two of our research will focus on the privacy issue of SSP in Bluetooth standard v5.0.

1.1. Related Work

Much attention has been devoted to the SSP security in four association models along with a wide utilization in Bluetooth technology. Lindell [4] proposed that the PE protocol would leak password by eavesdropping attack on a legitimate conversation or an active attack on password-protected devices, which may cause MITM attacks. Haataja et al. [5,6] proposed MITM attacks might be implemented as follows. (1) The adversary forges information during IO capabilities exchange and forces device to use the JW protocol. Padgette et al. [7] also discussed this vulnerability. (2) Legitimate users are misled to select a less secure option instead of using a more secure OOB channel. Sandhya et al. [8] and Phan et al. [9] all explored basic security properties required by SSP, i.e., known key security, key control, perfect forward secrecy, key-compromise impersonation, unknown key-share attack resilience, MITM attack resilience, and offline dictionary attack resilience. Barnickel et al. [10] showed that the PE protocol leaks passkey to any adversary eavesdropping and is vulnerable to MITM attacks if the user uses the same passkey twice (or a fixed passkey is used). Albahar et al. [11] enhanced the JW protocol to prevent MITM attacks by adding a question and answer phase to ask both Bluetooth devices about IO capabilities. Gajbhiye et al. [12,13] overviewed security issues that may result in MITM attacks on Bluetooth devices and improved SSP with the delayed-encrypted input-output mechanism to defeat MITM attacks. In addition, they also gave the simulation and the security analysis of the NC protocol. Sun et al. [14] showed that the PE protocol is vulnerable to MITM attacks, once the host reuses the passkey. Lonzetta et al. [15] examined the Bluetooth’s risks in the smart homes and their countermeasures, where SSP is suggested to take place of legacy personal identification number (PIN) authentication to avoid PIN cracking attacks.

Despite a great deal of analysis of SSP’s vulnerabilities and countermeasures up to now, there is little formal analysis of SSP in different association models. Bellare et al.’s formal works [16,17,18,19,20,21] gave us a great inspiration to formally prove the security of the SSP protocols. Formal verifications of the NC protocol and the OOB protocol using ProVerif were proposed in [22]. Yeh et al. [23] presented the weaknesses of SSP, that is, the adversary could exploit the public keys exchanged in SSP protocol to carry out MITM attacks because the public keys are not authenticated. Benin et al. [24] addressed secure association for devices whose association process is vulnerable to MITM attacks and formally proved that their new message recognition protocol satisfies their security definition. Lindell [25] presented a rigorous proof that the NC protocol for device pairing in Bluetooth standard v2.1 is secure of non-triviality, correctness, and privacy.

Customers raise security concerns due to the massive deployment of the Bluetooth HAE systems. Health monitoring system [26] needs to transfer private health data. Wearables [27,28] store and share many sensitive data. Bluetooth smart analyzer [29] is related to users’ indoor location. Home smart lock systems [30,31,32,33,34] provide access to the door only for the authorized users. IoT-based emergency and disaster relief system [35] needs to share private data to different service providers. Voice operated room automation system [36] involves both connection of personal devices and transmission of private data. Bluetooth-based indoor localization systems [37,38,39] must prevent forgery and substitution attack by malicious users. All above HAE systems adopt the Bluetooth services to provide transmission and storage functions for sensitive information. Hence, it is indispensable to provide the rigorous analysis of the SSP security.

1.2. Our Contribution

SSP negotiates the authenticated link key for the pairing Bluetooth devices and employs the NC, OOB, and PE models to prevent MITM attacks. In this paper, the contribution of the SSP security and its HAE applications can be summarized as follows. Firstly, we develop a formal security model to evaluate the security of both the authenticated link key and the NC, OOB, and PE models. Unlike previous work, our security model is applicable to the formal analysis of all SSP protocols. Secondly, we mainly analyze the NC protocol and the OOB protocol under our formal security model and present the security requirements for the basic cryptographic modules in these protocols. Above results will contribute to not only the improvements on the SSP protocols but also the design of their basic cryptographic modules. Thirdly, we explore the typical SSP applications in the HAE systems and propose three principles for SSP, when the security promise is the necessity for the HAE systems. In addition, we compare the related SSP protocols in the aspects of the security and the efficiency and design the SSP implementation plans for the HAE systems.

To our best knowledge, it lacks the formal security model, which can evaluate all SSP protocols under the Bluetooth systems. However, in practice, the highly secure level of the cryptographic protocol must provide the security proof in the formal security model. A substantial contribution of our research is a formal security model for all SSP protocols, which also can be reused to evaluate the similar protocols in future Bluetooth standard. And the security proofs of the NC protocol and the OOB protocol demonstrate that the formal security model can be effectively applied. Although SSP has been used in many HAE systems, no literature gives the tutorial rules about how to deploy SSP. Note that the implementation costs of SSP are expensive for devices. Our principles for SSP aim to fill in gaps and provide the Bluetooth engineers with meaningful guidance.

1.3. Notation

The standard notation as in Table 1 is used throughout the rest of the paper. Some notation will be defined locally near its first use, and other notation will be used without further definition.

Table 1

Description of notation.

Π1NC protocol
Π2OOB protocol
ΠAny one of Π1 and Π2
ΠiA, BBluetooth device A’s Πi instance run with Bluetooth device B, where i ∈ {1, 2}
ΠA, BBluetooth device A’s any Π1 or Π2 instance run with Bluetooth device B
BD_ADDRBluetooth address
X or BD_ADDRxBD_ADDR of Bluetooth device X
IOcapXIO capabilities of Bluetooth device X
btlkA predefined bit string
(SKx, PKx)The Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) private-public key pair of Bluetooth device X
DHKeyDiffie-Hellman key
LKLink key
NxNonce (unique random value) generated by Bluetooth device X
rxRandom value generated by Bluetooth device X
CxCommitment generated by Bluetooth device X
VxConfirmation six-digit number on Bluetooth device X, which is only used in Π1
ExCheck value from Bluetooth device X
acxDecision in X’s instance, where acx ∈ {true, false, *} and * denotes no decision yet made
P256()/P192()Used to compute DHKey. If both Bluetooth devices’ hosts and controllers support secure connections, P256() is used; otherwise, P192() is used
f1()Used to generate commitment value Cx
f2()Used to compute LK from DHKey and random nonces
f3()Used to generate check value Ex
g()Used to compute six-digit numeric check value Vx
Prob(E)Probability of event E occurring

2. Secure Simple Pairing

2.1. Overview

SSP consists of five consecutive phases in the following.

  • Phase 1: Public key exchange

  • Phase 2: Authentication stage 1

  • Phase 3: Authentication stage 2

  • Phase 4: Link key calculation

  • Phase 5: LMP (link manager protocol) authentication and encryption

The NC protocol and the OOB protocol respectively employ different mechanisms in Phase 2. Nevertheless, other phases are totally the same. And Phase 5 is responsible for authentication and generation of the encryption key. We will omit Phase 5, because Phase 5 is treated as an independent security mechanism and we do not investigate the security of Phase 5.

2.2. Numeric Comparison Protocol

The NC protocol Π1 is illustrated in Table 2. Any pair of Bluetooth devices A and B can authenticate each other and negotiate a LK after a run of Π1.

Table 2

Numeric comparison (NC) protocol.

Protocol Π1
Pre-protocol exchange: Devices A and B exchange their Bluetooth addresses A and B as well as their IO capabilities IOcapA and IOcapB and a predefined bit string btlk.
Phase 1: Public key exchange
  1. The initiating device A generates its own private-public key pair (SKa, PKa) and sets aca = *. Here, the private-public key pair is generated only once per device and may be computed in advance of pairing. And then, the device A sends PKa to the non-initiating device B.

  2. Similarly, the device B generates (SKb, PKb), sets acb = *, and sends PKb to the device A.

  3. The device A computes DHKey = P192(SKa, PKb) = SKa⋅PKb or P256(SKa, PKb) = SKa⋅PKb. The device B computes DHKey = P192(SKb, PKa) = SKb⋅PKa or P256(SKb, PKa) = SKb⋅PKa.

Phase 2: Authentication stage 1 for NC
  1. The device A selects random Na and sets ra and rb to 0.

  2. The device B selects random Nb and sets rb and ra to 0. The device B further computes Cb = f1(PKbx, PKax, Nb, 0), where PKbx and PKax respectively denote the x-coordinate of the public keys PKb and PKa. Then, the device B sends Cb to the device A.

  3. The devices A and B exchange their Na and Nb.

  4. Upon receiving Nb, the device A checks if Cb = f1(PKbx, PKax, Nb, 0). If the check fails, the device A sets aca = false and aborts the protocol execution.

  5. The device A computes Va = g(PKax, PKbx, Na, Nb) and displays Va. Similarly, the device B computes Vb = g(PKax, PKbx, Na, Nb) and displays Vb.

  6. User checks if Va = Vb and confirms on each end. If user confirms ‘yes’, proceed the following phase; otherwise both the device A and the device B set aca = false and acb = false and terminate it, respectively.

Phase 3: Authentication stage 2
  1. The device A computes Ea = f3(DHKey, Na, Nb, rb, IOcapA, A, B) and sends Ea to the device B.

  2. Upon receiving Ea, the device B checks whether Ea = f3(DHKey, Na, Nb, rb, IOcapA, A, B). If check fails, the device B must set acb = false and abort the protocol execution. Otherwise, the device B accepts the integrity of the device A and sets acb = true, computes Eb = f3(DHKey, Nb, Na, ra, IOcapB, B, A), and sends Eb to the device A.

  3. Upon receiving Eb, the device A checks whether Eb = f3(DHKey, Nb, Na, ra, IOcapB, B, A). If check fails, the device A must set aca = false and abort the protocol execution; else the device A accepts the integrity of the device B and sets aca = true.

Phase 4: Link key calculation
  1. The device A computes LK = f2(DHKey, Na, Nb, ”btlk”, BD_ADDRa, BD_ADDRb).

  2. The device B computes LK = f2(DHKey, Na, Nb, ”btlk”, BD_ADDRa, BD_ADDRb).

2.3. Out of Band Protocol

Phases 1, 3, and 4 of the OOB protocol Π2 are same as those of the NC protocol Π1 in Table 2. However, Π2‘s Phase 2 uses the OOB mechanism instead of the NC mechanism in Π1’s Phase 2. The OOB mechanism in Π2 is shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Out of band (OOB) mechanism.

Protocol Π2’s Phase 2
Phase 2: Authentication stage 1 for OOB
  1. The device A sets ra = rand1 and rb = 0 and the device B also sets rb = rand2 and ra = 0. Here, rand1 and rand2 are random numbers.

  2. The device A computes Ca = f1(PKax, PKax, ra, 0), where PKax denotes the x-coordinate of the public key PKa. And the device B also computes Cb = f1(PKbx, PKbx, rb, 0), where PKbx denotes the x-coordinate of the public key PKb.

  3. The device A sends A, ra, and Ca to B through the human-aided OOB channel. And the device B also sends B, rb, and Cb to A through the human-aided OOB channel.

  4. Upon receiving B, rb, and Cb, the device A resets rb to the received value and if Cb ≠ f1(PKbx, PKbx, rb, 0) the device A sets aca = false and aborts the protocol execution. If step 3 received and B’s IO capability does not indicate OOB authentication data present set, set ra = 0.

  5. Upon receiving A, ra, and Ca, the device B resets ra to the received value and if Ca ≠ f1(PKax, PKax, ra, 0) the device B sets acb = false and aborts the protocol execution. If step 3 received and A’s IO capability does not indicate OOB authentication data present set, set rb = 0.

  6. The device A selects random Na and the device B selects random Nb.

  7. The devices A and B exchange Na and Nb to each other.

3. Security Model

In the following, we propose a formal security model to evaluate the SSP protocols. Our formal security model generally simulates the networking of the Bluetooth devices and catches the potential attack behaviours when an SSP protocol is run over public channels. Our formal security model can slightly be adjusted to fit any particular deployment model. Of course, it is suitable for the Bluetooth applications in the HAE systems.

3.1. Background

We adapt the idea of the secure key exchange definitions [16,17,18,19,20,21] to our setting. Although the basic ideas are similar, there are some of fundamental differences between our model and the classic model for key exchange.

Firstly, the Bluetooth devices do not interact via remote channels, such as Internet channel. Therefore, the users are able to carry out a short numeric comparison, monitor the OOB procedure, or enter the passkey through the Bluetooth devices. This feature can be used to prevent the adversary from carrying out the traditional MITM attack. In the following, we respectively model the numeric comparison and monitoring the OOB procedure as part of the NC protocol and the OOB protocol.

(1) For the NC protocol. Each Bluetooth device participating in a key exchange holds a local public ‘comparison variable’. This variable is public in the sense that the adversary can read its value as his wish. Moreover, the comparison variable can be generated and showed only once in any instance of the NC protocol. The user, therefore, can compare the number and respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ only once. Obviously, multiple comparisons have more limited use in practice and alert the possible attack.

(2) For the OOB protocol. The adversary is able to only listen to the messages in the OOB channel. The adversary is not allowed to inject, modify, and delete messages over the OOB channel.

Secondly, SSP does not have public-key infrastructure or secret setup information. This is in contrast to the classic shared secret setting, where each pair of parties hold a shared secret key. Despite this, SSP is supposed to be secure in the presence of both active adversary and passive adversary.

Thirdly, the classic model for key exchange focuses on the adversary to learn the secret key that one of the parties obtains at the end of a protocol execution. Comparatively, our model requires the adversary only succeeds if he not only learns the ink key but also passes the authentication procedure of the association model according to Phase 2 in each protocol execution.

In our setting, we assume that each Bluetooth device at most runs one instance of the protocol at the same time. That is, we only allow each Bluetooth device to run many instances sequentially. It makes no sense to allow a single Bluetooth device to run many instances simultaneously. The reason is that each Bluetooth device has only one interface for displaying the comparison variable and the OOB channel such as near field communication (NFC) and therefore always is unable to run two or more instances simultaneously.

3.2. Adversary

Assume that the adversary can fully control the Bluetooth network system. During the protocol execution, the adversary has the ability to not only passively eavesdrop the messages exchanged by the Bluetooth device but also actively inject, modify, and delete messages of the Bluetooth device. The adversarial power is modeled by giving the adversary oracle access to the protocol instances that are run by the Bluetooth devices. The oracles provided to the adversary are as follows:

(1) Init(A, B): This call initializes the partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A for Π. Without loss of generality, we always assume A is the initiating device and B is the non-initiating device in the following discussion. If an instance for the device A or the device B is already run, then the Init oracle does nothing; else the Init oracle starts the instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A as a new protocol execution.

(2) Send(ΠA, B, M) or Send(ΠB, A, M): When this Send oracle is called, it sends the message M to the device A’s ΠA, B or the device B’s ΠB, A. The output of the Send oracle is whatever message ΠA, B or ΠB, A would send after receiving the message M under the current progress of the Π’s execution. The adversary can carry out MITM attacks on the protocol executions by calling the Send oracles.

(3) Execute(A, B): When the Execute oracle is called, a complete protocol execution between the partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A is run. The output of the Execute oracle is the protocol transcript, i.e., the complete series of messages exchanged by the protocol execution. This oracle simulates the adversary’s ability to passively eavesdrop on the protocol executions. For a secure protocol, the adversary should learn nothing from such oracle calls.

(4) Reveal(ΠA, B) or Reveal(ΠB, A): This call outputs LK that the device A’s ΠA, B or the device B’s ΠB, A generates at the end of this protocol execution. If the device A’s ΠA, B or the device B’s ΠB, A does not generate LK, the Reveal oracle outputs a null. This oracle allows the adversary to learn the link keys from previous executions. This Reveal oracle simulates the improper exposure of link keys. To achieve the security, the protocol needs to ensure independence of different link keys generated by different protocol executions.

(5) Test(ΠA, B) or Test(ΠB, A): This call is used to define the security of the protocol and does not simulate any real adversarial ability. To answer the query, the Test oracle flips a fair random coin b and returns LK if b = 0 or else a random key with the same bit length of LK if b = 1. Note that this random key is chosen independently of the protocol executions. The adversary is only allowed to query the Test oracle once. We require the adversary to guess the random bit b according to the Π’s executions.

3.3. Defining Security

The security definition of the SSP protocols is composed of two basic components: correctness and authenticated link key security. We begin by stating the correctness requirement.

For Π, correctness is viewed as the customary requirement properly given honest Bluetooth devices. If any partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A communicate without adversarial interference (that is, the adversary never invokes the Send oracle to both ΠA, B and ΠB, A), then ΠA, B and ΠB, A accept each other at the end of the protocol execution (that is, aca = acb = true). Accurately,

Definition 1 (Correctness).

An SSP protocol Π is correct if, given any Bluetooth device A and any Bluetooth device B, any polynomial time protocol experiment executed by partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A succeeds with overwhelming probability. Here, the polynomial time protocol experiment is successful if and only if aca = acb = true at the end of the run of instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A and the Bluetooth device A and the Bluetooth device B are legitimate.

It is a challenge to propose a unified security definition for Π, because Π may use NC, OOB, or PE in its Phase 2. Our idea is to divide the security definition into two subparts, i.e., authentication security and link key security. Moreover, although Π perhaps employs different association models in its Phase 2, our security definition merely focuses on the result of authentication processes.

We now define what it means for Π to be secure. Assume that the adversary 𝒜 did not query Reveal(ΠA, B) or Reveal(ΠB, A), where the instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A are partnered. Formally, we say that the adversary 𝒜 succeeds if the following two conditions are all fulfilled:

Condition 1. Both ΠA, B and ΠB, A finally accept each other, i.e., aca = acb = true.

Condition 2. The adversary 𝒜 calls Test(ΠA, B) or Test(ΠB, A) and then outputs a bit bguess. If the bit bguess is equal to the fair random coin b in the Test oracle, then the adversary 𝒜 succeeds; else the adversary 𝒜 fails.

The adversary 𝒜’s advantage is defined by:

Adv(𝒜) = |2Prob(𝒜 succeeds in achieving both Condition 1 and Condition 2) − 1|.


Explanation. Intuitively, an SSP protocol is secure if the adversary 𝒜 cannot distinguish real link keys from random ones. This means that the Bluetooth devices can securely use their link keys to establish secure channels. For more discussions on this issue, we refer to see [16,17,18]. Due to the SSP protocols, we demand that the adversary 𝒜 correctly guesses the fair random coin b in either the Test(ΠA, B) oracle or the Test(ΠB, A) oracle, if and only if both ΠA, B and ΠB, A accept each other. The reason is that the Bluetooth user will reject the paring result and at least one of ΠA, B and ΠB, A does not output the link key if ΠA, B or ΠB, A unsuccessfully finishes. Moreover, the user should find this abnormal case and terminate the subsequent Bluetooth communication. In addition, the adversary 𝒜 can always correctly guess the fair random coin b in a Test(ΠA, B) or Test(ΠB, A) query if he queried Reveal(ΠA, B) or Reveal(ΠB, A) before. This is a trivial case. Hence, the adversary 𝒜 is only said to have succeeded if these Reveal oracles were not queried.

Let n or 1n be the security parameter. A real-valued function f: N → [0, 1] is negligible if for every polynomial p() there exists an integer N such that for every n > N it holds that f(n) < 1/p(n). In the following, we denote an arbitrary negligible function by negl. We define the notion of authenticated link key security as follows.

Definition 2 (Authenticated link key security).

For an SSP protocol Π, the adversary 𝒜 starts with a learning phase allowing the polynomial time queries of the Init, Send, Execute, and Reveal oracles for any pairing Bluetooth device. The adversary 𝒜 then enters into an attack phase pursuing with a Test oracle query. The adversary 𝒜 provides the partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A related to Bluetooth device A and Bluetooth device B, where the Reveal oracle is not queried to the instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A. Now, the adversary 𝒜 calls Test(ΠA, B) or Test(ΠB, A) and then outputs a bit bguess. The SSP protocol Π is secure for authenticated link key if there exists a negligible function negl such that

Prob(𝒜 succeeds) = Prob(𝒜 submits ΠA, B and ΠB, A and his bit bguess such that aca = acb = true and bguess = b) < ½ + negl(n),


where aca and acb are the decisions in the partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A, b is the fair random coin in the Test oracle, and n is the security parameter of Π.

Definition 2 does not show an obvious way to prove the SSP protocols secure. Our trick of the proof is to classify the active adversary and the passive adversary and respectively prove the intermediate security results of the SSP protocols under the active adversary and the passive adversary. We can use these intermediate security results to deduce the final security results of the SSP protocols, which satisfy Definition 2. The detailed analysis is in the following.

In the learning phase of Definition 2, it is clear that the Send, Init, and Reveal oracles queries are active behavior, however, the Execute oracle queries are passive behavior. Hence, the adversary 𝒜 further can be divided into the active adversary 𝒜1 and the passive adversary 𝒜2 as follows.

(1) Active adversary 𝒜1: As Definition 2, 𝒜1 must send at least one fabricated message to ΠA, B or ΠB, A. Here, 𝒜1 can use the Init and Send oracles to realize it during the learning phase.

(2) Passive adversary 𝒜2: As Definition 2, 𝒜2 never sends any his own fabricated message to both ΠA, B and ΠB, A during the learning phase. In fact, 𝒜2 functions just like a wire, even he can invoke the Init and Send oracles.


Consider an SSP protocol Π under Definition 2. Let E1 denote the event that the active adversary 𝒜1 submits the partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A such that aca = acb = true. Let E2 denote the event that the passive adversary 𝒜2 submits the partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A, calls Test(ΠA, B) or Test(ΠB, A), and outputs the bit bguess such that bguess = b. We have

Prob(𝒜 succeeds) = Prob(𝒜 submits ΠA, B and ΠB, A and his bit bguess such that aca = acb = true and bguess = b) ≤ Prob(E1) + Prob(E2).



According to Definition 2, it holds that

Prob(𝒜 submits ΠA, B and ΠB, A and his bit bguess such that aca = acb = true and bguess = b) ≤ Prob(𝒜1 achieves aca = acb = true and bguess = b for ΠA, B and ΠB, A) + Prob(𝒜2 achieves aca = acb = true and bguess = b for ΠA, B and ΠB, A).


Since the passive adversary 𝒜2 never sends any his own fabricated message to both ΠA, B and ΠB, A in the learning phase, both aca and acb in ΠA, B and ΠB, A are always true at the end of the protocol execution. It further means that

Prob(𝒜 submits ΠA, B and ΠB, A and his bit bguess such that aca = acb = true and bguess = b) ≤ Prob(𝒜1 achieves aca = acb = true for ΠA, B and ΠB, A) + Prob(𝒜2 achieves bguess = b for ΠA, B and ΠB, A).


Note that we do not demand the active adversary 𝒜1 guessing the fair random coin b in the Test oracle. We now obtain the Equation (3) and complete the proof of theorem. □

Theorem 1 tells us that the analysis of authenticated link key security can be simplified as two independent games, i.e., G1 and G2. We explain them as follows. The game G1 under any Π plays with the active adversary 𝒜1, who uses the Init, Send, Execute, and Reveal oracles and tries to modify the message(s) between any partnered instances of Π during the learning phase. In the attack phase of Definition 2, the goal of the active adversary 𝒜1 is to provide his fabricated instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A, which successfully pass the authentication procedure of Phase 2 and Phase 3 in Π. Comparatively, the game G2 in the learning phase of Definition 2 interacts with the passive adversary 𝒜2, who never modifies the messages between any partnered instances of Π. The goal of the passive adversary 𝒜2 is to distinguish the link key of a partnered instances ΠA, B and ΠB, A from a random key.

4. Correctness of Results

4.1. Correctness


As described in Table 2 and Table 3, Π1 and Π2 are all correct under Definition 1.


Assume that any Bluetooth device A and any Bluetooth device B under Π1 are legitimate and the adversary does not interfere the Bluetooth devices’ Π1A, B and Π1B, A. In Π1’s Phase 2, Π1A, B should successfully check Cb = f1(PKbx, PKax, Nb, 0), and then the user should confirm ‘ok’ due to Va = Vb. Then, in Π1’s Phase 3, Π1A, B and Π1B, A respectively set aca = true and acb = true because Π1B, A confirms Ea = f3(DHKey, Na, Nb, rb, IOcapA, A, B) and Π1A, B confirms Eb = f3(DHKey, Nb, Na, ra, IOcapB, B, A). Therefore, Π1 is correct according to Definition 1. For Π2, we can get a similar result for any partnered Π2A, B and Π2B, A, i.e., aca = true and acb = true. Those complete the proof. □

4.2. Authenticated Link Key Security

Assume that the Diffie-Hellman key over the group G is generated by the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The well-known Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption [40] states that the Diffie-Hellman key is indistinguishable from a random element in the group G. The DDH assumption is formally defined as follows.


Let gen(1n) be a parameter generation algorithm that outputs the description of a group G, its generator P ∈ G, and its order q. We say the DDH problem is hard relative to G if for all probabilistic polynomial time algorithms D there exists a negligible function negl such that

|Prob(D(gen(1n), a⋅P, b⋅P, ab⋅P) = 1) − Prob(D(gen(1n), a⋅P, b⋅P, c⋅P) = 1)| < negl(n),


where a, b, and c are randomly chosen in {1, … , q}.

We say that a keyed function H1(k, ) is the Diffie-Hellman keyed pseudorandom function if H1(k, ) is a keyed pseudorandom function when its key k is a Diffie-Hellman key in a certain group G. We formally write it in Definition 4.


Let gen(1n) be a parameter generation algorithm that outputs the description of a group G, its generator P ∈ G, and its order q. Let H1(k, ) be a keyed pseudorandom function using Diffie-Hellman key if for every probabilistic polynomial time distinguisher D* there exists a negligible function negl such that

|Prob(D*(gen(1n), a⋅P, b⋅P, H1(ab⋅P, )) = 1) − Prob(D*(gen(1n), a⋅P, b⋅P, R()) = 1)| < negl(n),


where a and b are randomly chosen in {1, … , q} and R is a truly random function.

Note that a rigorous pseudorandom function receives a uniformly distributed input. Therefore, it does not necessarily suffice for Definition 4, that is, a random element of G is not necessarily a uniformly distributed bit string. We also need two standard assumptions [40] for the cryptographic hash functions as follows.


Let gen(1n) be a parameter generation algorithm that outputs the description of a group G, its generator P ∈ G, and its order q. Let a and b be randomly chosen in {1, … , q}. Let H2(ab⋅P, ) be a message authentication code (MAC) function using Diffie-Hellman key if for every probabilistic polynomial time algorithm A there exists a negligible function negl such that

Prob(A(H2(ab⋅P, )) outputs (x, h) such that h = H2(ab⋅P, x) and x ∉ Q) < negl(n),


where Q denotes all H2(ab⋅P, ) oracle queries asked by A and n is the security parameter of H2(ab⋅P, ).


Let H3() be a collision-resistant function if for every probabilistic polynomial time algorithm A* there exists a negligible function negl such that

Prob(A*(H3()) outputs (x0, x1) such that H3(x0) = H3(x1)) < negl(n),


where n is the security parameter of H3().

To reduce our security results, we firstly require proving three security facts for Π, Π1, and Π2 as follows.


Assume that P256() and P192() in Π satisfy the DDH assumption as in Definition 3 and f2() and f3() in Π are the Diffie-Hellman keyed pseudorandom function as in Definition 4. Let 𝒜2 be the passive adversary as described in Section 3.3. Then, Π1 and Π2 under the passive adversary 𝒜2 are all secure according to Definition 2.


We know that the passive adversary 𝒜2 during the learning phase in Definition 2 does not send his own fabricated message to both ΠA, B and ΠB, A. Therefore, the passive adversary 𝒜2 can collect the transcripts of the protocol executions including those of ΠA, B and ΠB, A. And then, to violate the security of Π, the passive adversary 𝒜2 during the attack phase in Definition 2 must strictly depend on correctly guessing the fair random coin b in the Test(ΠA, B) or Test(ΠB, A) oracle. That is, for any passive adversary 𝒜2 interacting with the Bluetooth device A and the Bluetooth device B, the secure Π should satisfy that

Prob(𝒜2 succeeds) = Prob(𝒜2 submits ΠA, B and ΠB, A and his bit bguess such that bguess = b) < ½ + negl(n).


Recall that Π1 and Π2 have totally same Phases 1, 3, and 4. The only difference is that Π1 uses the NC mechanism in Phase 2 and Π2 uses the OOB mechanism in Phase 2. However, the passive adversary 𝒜2 does not exploit the weaknesses of these mechanisms, because they have no use of the Diffie-Hellman key. Moreover, both Π1‘s Phase 2 and Π2‘s Phase 2 finally output the random numbers Na and Nb as the inputs of their subsequent phases. Therefore, in the view of the passive adversary 𝒜2, Π1 and Π2 are same. Based on this observation, we can conformably present the formal proof for Π1 and Π2. The formal reduction for them is as follows.

Let 𝒜2 be a probabilistic polynomial time passive adversary and let δ1 be a function such that

Prob(𝒜2 succeeds) = Prob(𝒜2 submits ΠA, B and ΠB, A and his bit bguess such that bguess = b) < ½ + δ1(n).


We demonstrate that δ1 is negligible by presenting a DDH problem distinguisher D1 with the same advantage δ1. The distinguisher D1 receives (a⋅P, b⋅P, K) and attempts to determine if K = ab⋅P or K is a random element in the group G. The distinguisher D1 simulates Π’s ΠA, B and ΠB, A in the following:

Π’s Phase 1. When the passive adversary 𝒜2 calls the Send oracle to the Bluetooth device A for the public key, the distinguisher D1 sends PKa = a⋅P to him. When the passive adversary 𝒜2 calls the Send oracle to the Bluetooth device B for the public key, the distinguisher D1 sends PKb = b⋅P to him. Here, the passive adversary 𝒜2 should honestly resend PKa to the Bluetooth device B and PKb to the Bluetooth device A, because the passive adversary 𝒜2 does not modify any message.

Π’s Phase 2. The distinguisher D1 acts exactly like the Bluetooth device A and the Bluetooth device B would.

Π’s Phase 3. The distinguisher D1 uses its K as the Diffie-Hellman key. That is, the distinguisher D1 computes Ea = f3(K, Na, Nb, rb, IOcapA, A, B) and Eb = f3(K, Nb, Na, ra, IOcapB, B, A) and sends them.

Π’s Phase 4. Like Π’s Phase 3, the distinguisher D1 computes LK by f2(K, Na, Nb, ”btlk”, BD_ADDRa, BD_ADDRb).

When the passive adversary 𝒜2 queries Test(ΠA, B) or Test(ΠB, A), the distinguisher D1 chooses a random bit b and replies with LK if b = 0 and with a random number with the same bit-length of LK if b = 1. Finally, the distinguisher D1 outputs 1 when the passive adversary 𝒜2 outputs bguess = b.

In the view of the passive adversary 𝒜2, above simulation by the distinguisher D1 is exactly a Π’s execution, when K = ab⋅P. Hence, we know

Prob(D1(gen(1n), a⋅P, b⋅P, ab⋅P) = 1) = ½ + δ1(n).


When K is a random element in the group G, the parameters Ea, Eb, and LK are calculated using the random element K instead of ab⋅P. Let δ2(n) be a function such that the passive adversary 𝒜2 outputs bguess = b with probability 1/2 + δ2(n), where δ2(n) is the advantage by exploiting Ea, Eb, and LK. We show that δ2 is a negligible function and argue it by contradiction. Assume that δ2 is a non-negligible function. We can construct the distinguisher D2 to tell keyed pseudorandom function using Diffie-Hellman key from truly random function. The distinguisher D2 generates its own (SKa, PKa), (SKb, PKb), and DHKey and simulates the Π’s execution. In the distinguisher D2’s simulation, the keyed pseudorandom functions f3(DHKey, ) and f2(DHKey, ) or the truly random functions are used to compute Ea, Eb, and LK. If the truly random functions exist, the passive adversary 𝒜2 outputs correct guess with probability 1/2. If the keyed pseudorandom functions f3(DHKey, ) and f2(DHKey, ) are given to the distinguisher D2, it is the same as the case of the distinguisher D1 with the random K. Hence, in this case, the distinguisher D2 outputs correct guess with probability 1/2 + δ2(n). This implies that the advantage of the distinguisher D2 is a non-negligible function δ2(n), contradicting Definition 4. Hence, δ2(n) must be a negligible function. Now, we further have

|Prob(D1(gen(1n), a⋅P, b⋅P, ab⋅P) = 1) − Prob(D1(gen(1n), a⋅P, b⋅P, K) = 1)|
= |½ + δ1(n) − ½ − δ2(n)| = | δ1(n) − δ2(n)|.     


According to Definition 3, we know that δ1(n) is also a negligible function due to the negligible function δ2(n). Thus, we conclude that Π1 and Π2 under the passive adversary 𝒜2 are all secure for authenticated link key. □


Assume that as defined in [25], f1() is the computationally-binding non-malleable commitment scheme and g() is a computational 2-universal hash function. Let f3() be a MAC function as in Definition 5. Let 𝒜1 be the active adversary of Π1 as described in Section 3.3. Let E3 denote the event that 𝒜1 submits his Π1A, B and Π1B, A such that aca = acb = true. Then, Prob(E3) is negligible.


Using the Send oracle, the active adversary 𝒜1 perhaps generates his own fabricated PK’a, PK’b, N’a, N’b, E’a, and E’b and sends them instead of PKa, PKb, Na, Nb, Ea, and Eb to the corresponding Π1A, B and Π1B, A. Two cases need be considered as follows.

Case 1. The active adversary 𝒜1 alters the message(s) in Π1’s Phase 1. Let the output of the function g be l-bit length. Let E31 denote the event that g(PKa, PK’b, Na, N’b) = g(PK’a, PKb, N’a, Nb) and either PKa ≠ PK’a or PKb ≠ PK’b or both, where the active adversary 𝒜1’s PK’a, PK’b, N’a, and N’b are sent by calling the Send oracle(s) during the run of Π1A, B and Π1B, A. In [25], Theorem 4.1 proves that Prob(E31) = 2−l + δ3(n), where δ3 is a negligible function.

Case 2. The active adversary 𝒜1 only alters the message(s) in Π1’s Phase 2 or (and) Phase 3. Let E32 denote the event that the active adversary 𝒜1 sends N’a ≠ Na or N’b ≠ Nb or both to the corresponding Π1A, B and Π1B, A and aca = acb = true after Π1’s Phase 3. Let δ4 be a function such that Prob(E32) = δ4(n). We demonstrate that the function δ4 is negligible by presenting a forged MAC generator GT with the same advantage δ4. The forged MAC generator GT receives the description of the MAC function f3(DHKey, ) and further attempts to at least generate new Mac pair (x, h) such that h = f3(DHKey, x). The forged MAC generator GT simulates Π1A, B and Π1B, A as follows.

1. The forged MAC generator GT performs the same operations as the Bluetooth device A and the Bluetooth device B in Π1’s Phase 1 and Phase 2. That is, the forged MAC generator GT randomly chooses (SKa, PKa) and (SKb, PKb), sends PKa and PKb, and computes DHKey in Π1’s Phase 1. And then, the forged MAC generator GT randomly selects Na and Nb and sends Cb, Na, and Nb in Π1’s Phase 2.

2. The forged MAC generator GT observes that the active adversary 𝒜1 sends his own N’a or (and) N’b instead of Na or (and) Nb to the corresponding Π1B, A or (and) Π1A, B. Here, 𝒜1 can implement it by calling Send(Π1B, A, N’a) or (and) Send(Π1A, B, N’b).

3. In Π1’s Phase 3, the forged MAC generator GT computes and sends Ea = f3(DHKey, Na, N’b, rb, IOcapA, A, B) or (and) Eb = f3(DHKey, Nb, N’a, ra, IOcapB, B, A). The forged MAC generator GT observes that the active adversary 𝒜1 sends his own E’a or (and) E’b instead of Ea or (and) Eb. And then, based on receiving N’a or (and) N’b, the forged MAC generator GT checks whether E’a = f3(DHKey, N’a, Nb, rb, IOcapA, A, B) or (and) E’b = f3(DHKey, N’b, Na, ra, IOcapB, B, A). If all are correct, the forged MAC generator GT sets acb = true and aca = true; else it sets at least one of acb and aca is false.

4. In Π1’s Phase 4, the forged MAC generator GT acts as the Bluetooth device A and the Bluetooth device B.

In the view of the active adversary 𝒜1, the forged MAC generator GT constructs a perfect simulation of the run of Π1A, B and Π1B, A. When aca = acb = true, the forged MAC generator GT obtains at least one new MAC pair without using f3(DHKey, ), i.e., ({N’a, Nb, rb, IOcapA, A, B}, E’a) or ({N’b, Na, ra, IOcapB, B, A}, E’b). Because f3(DHKey, ) is a MAC function, δ4 is a negligible function due to Definition 5.

We know that the event E3 needs that the message(s) of Π1A, B and Π1B, A must be modified by the active adversary 𝒜1 and at the same time Π1A, B and Π1B, A still have aca = acb = true after Π1’s Phase 3. Nevertheless, 𝒜1 in the event E31 needs to change either PKa or PKb or both in the corresponding Π1B, A and Π1A, B to satisfy the comparison procedure of Π1’s Phase 2 and 𝒜1 in the event E32 changes the message(s) of Π1A, B and Π1B, A except PKa and PKb. Hence, we have

Prob(E3) Prob(E31) + Prob(E32) = 2−l + δ3(n) + δ4(n).


It implies that Prob(E3) is negligible in the security parameters l and n. □


Assume that f1() in Π2 is the collision-resistant function as in Definition 6. Assume that f3() in Π2 is the MAC function as in Definition 5. Let 𝒜1 be the active adversary of Π2 as described in Section 3.3. Assume that 𝒜1 is not allowed to modify Π2‘s messages {A, ra, Ca} and {B, rb, Cb} transmitted over the OOB channels. Let E4 denote the event that the active adversary 𝒜1 submits his Π2A, B and Π2B, A such that aca = acb = true. Then, Prob(E4) is negligible.


The active adversary 𝒜1 should fabricate at least one message to his submitting Π2A, B and Π2B, A and the decisions of both Π2A, B and Π2B, A still satisfy aca = acb = true. Let us analyze the behaviour of the active adversary 𝒜1. For Π2A, B and Π2B, A, 𝒜1 may modify the message(s) transmitted in Π2’s Phase 1 or Phase 2. Note that if the active adversary 𝒜1 wants to modify Π2’s messages in both Phase 1 and Phase 2, he should firstly pass the authentication procedure in Π2’s Phase 2. We therefore do not consider this case. Now, we need to consider two cases as follows.

Case 1. In Π2’s Phase 1, the active adversary 𝒜1 modifies Π2A, B’s PKa or (and) Π2B, A’s PKb. Let the event E41 denote that the active adversary 𝒜1 only uses the Send oracle to transmit his PK’a = (PK’ax, PK’ay) instead of PKa to Π2B, A and Π2B, A‘s acb is not false, where PK’a ≠ PKa. We know that Prob(𝒜1 modifies message(s) of Π2A, B or (and) Π2B, A in Phase 1) ≤ Prob(E41) according to the design of Π2. In Step 5 of Π2’s Phase 2, the Bluetooth device B receives ra and Ca from the Bluetooth device A and sets acb = false and aborts the protocol execution if Ca ≠ f1(PK’ax, PK’ax, ra, 0). It means that, if the event E41 holds, we obtain two different inputs {PK’ax, PK’ax, ra, 0} and {PKax, PKax, ra, 0} for the collision-resistant function f1 such that Ca = f1(PKax, PKax, ra, 0) = f1(PK’ax, PK’ax, ra, 0). Due to Definition 6, we have Prob(E41) = δ5(n), where δ5(n) is a negligible function.

Case 2. For Π2A, B or (and) Π2B, A, the active adversary 𝒜1 only modifies the message(s) in Π2’s Phase 2 and Phase 3. Let E42 denote the event that the active adversary 𝒜1 sends N’a ≠ Na or N’b ≠ Nb or both to the corresponding Π2B, A and Π2A, B and both acb and aca are true after Π2’s Phase 3. Clearly, Prob(𝒜1 only modifies message(s) of Π2A, B or (and) Π2B, A in Phase 2 and Phase 3) ≤ Prob(E42). Let δ6 be a function such that Prob(E42) = δ6(n). Using a similar trick in case 2 of Lemma 2, we reduce that δ6 is a negligible function by using Definition 5.

To conclude the proof, we have

Prob(E4) ≤ Prob(𝒜1 modifies message(s) of Π2A, B or (and) Π2B, A in Phase 1) + Prob(𝒜1 only modifies message(s) of Π2A, B or (and) Π2B, A in Phase 2 and Phase 3) ≤ Prob(E41) + Prob(E42) = δ5(n) + δ6(n),


where both δ5(n) and δ6(n) are negligible functions. This completes the proof. □

Combining Theorem 1 with Lemma 1, Lemma 2, and Lemma 3, we can directly obtain the following results of Π1 and Π2 under our security model.


Assume that P256() and P192() in Π satisfy the DDH assumption as in Definition 3 and f2() and f3() in Π are the Diffie-Hellman keyed pseudorandom function as in Definition 4. We have

  • (1)

    Π1 is secure for authenticated link key, if f1() is the computationally-binding non-malleable commitment scheme, g() is a computational 2-universal hash function, and f3() is also a MAC function as in Definition 5.

  • (2)

    Π2 is secure for authenticated link key, if f1() is the collision-resistant function as in Definition 6 and f3() is also a MAC function as in Definition 5.

5. Comparison Analysis of Related Protocols

In this section, we analyze the security properties and the efficiency of the NC protocol and the OOB protocol in Bluetooth standard v5.0 by contrast to three related SSP protocols [12,13,23].

5.1. Security Properties Comparison

The improved NC protocol proposed by Yeh et al. [23] uses PIN number instead of confirming the displayed numbers to prevent MITM attacks. The improved NC protocol proposed by Gajbhiye et al. [12] uses the signature mechanism to confirm the pairing devices. The SSP protocol with delayed-encrypted IO (SSP-DEIO) proposed by Gajbhiye et al. [13] delays the exchange of encrypted IO capability until Phase 2 to overcome from the problem of capturing the IO capability of the pairing devices. Table 4 shows the security comparison among our results and above three SSP protocols. Here, ‘Yes’/‘No’ represents that the protocol can/cannot defeat the corresponding attack. As shown in Table 4, our NC and OOB protocols show better security properties against passive eavesdropping and MITM attacks. More important, these properties have been strictly proved by the formal security model.

Table 4

Security properties comparison among related protocols.

ProtocolPassive Eavesdropping AttackMITM Attack
Our NC protocolYesYes
Our OOB protocolYesYes
Yeh et al. [23]NoYes
Gajbhiye et al. [12]YesYes
Gajbhiye et al. [13]YesYes(except for the JW model)

5.2. Performance Comparison

We compare and implement all the SSP protocols under the same experiment platform. We know that the NC protocol requires the user to carry out a short numeric comparison and the OOB protocol needs the user to monitor the OOB procedure. Due to the uncertainty of human factors, we omit the performance of these user-device interactions in all the SSP protocols.

5.2.1. Computation Cost

Experiment Platform

(1) Experiment environment: The basic cryptographic algorithms are executed in Windows 10 64 bits, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20 GHz 3.19GHz, 8.00 GB RAM.

(2) Cryptographic tools: Python 3.6.6 cryptography toolkit PyCryptodemo.

Parameters and Algorithms

Several parameters are involved in the different SSP protocols. Based on the security assumption of our formal security model in Section 4 and Bluetooth standard v5.0, these parameters and their corresponding algorithms are shown in Table 5.

Table 5

Experimental parameters and algorithms.

ParameterCryptographic AlgorithmDescription
PKx and SKxECDH_KeyECDH key-pair generation
DHKeyP256() 1DHKey computation
NxRand128-bit pseudo-random number generator
CxHMAC-SHA256SHA-256-based MAC
VxSHA-256Cryptographic hash algorithm
ExHMAC-SHA256SHA-256-based MAC
LKHMAC-SHA256SHA-256-based MAC
Signature 2HMAC-SHA256SHA-256-based MAC
XOR value 3XORExclusive or
Encrypted information 4AES-256_EncAdvanced encryption standard (AES) encryption algorithm with 256-bit key
IO capability and other information 4AES-256_DecAES decryption algorithm with 256-bit key

1 P192() and P256() are optional and we take P256() for an example here. 2 Signature is only used in the enhanced NC protocol proposed by Gajbhiye et al. [12]. 3 XOR is only used in the improved NC protocol proposed by Yeh et al. [23]. 4 Encrypted information/IO capability and other information are only used in the SSP protocol with delayed-encrypted IO (SSP-DEIO) proposed by Gajbhiye et al. [13].

Table 6 shows the total computation operations of five SSP protocols. Figure 1 depicts the differences of the computation time cost between these SSP protocols.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (2)

Comparison of computation time cost.

Table 6

Computation cost of each protocol.

ProtocolComputation Cost
Our NC protocol2ECDH_Key + 2P256() + 2Rand + 8HMAC-SHA256 + 2SHA-256
Our OOB protocol2ECDH_Key + 2P256() + 2Rand + 10HMAC-SHA256
Yeh et al. [23]2ECDH_Key + 2P256() + 4XOR + 6HMAC-SHA256
Gajbhiye et al. [12] 4ECDH_Key + 4P256() + 2Rand + 6HMAC-SHA256
Gajbhiye et al. [13] 4ECDH_Key + 4P256() + 2Rand + 8HMAC-SHA256 + 2SHA-256 + 2AES-256_Enc + 2AES-256_Dec

5.2.2. Communication and Storage Cost

To evaluate the communication cost, we consider the transmitted data in each protocol execution. Figure 2 shows the communication cost of all the SSP protocols. In the aspect of the storage cost, we only calculate the long-standing value existed in all phases of the SSP protocols. Figure 3 compares the storage cost of all the SSP protocols.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (3)

Comparison of communication cost.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (4)

Comparison of storage cost.

6. Security Applications in Home Automation and Entertainment

Bluetooth has been widely used by the HAE systems due to its flexibility of networking and diversity of connection. Figure 4 shows a typical Bluetooth-based HAE system. On the one hand, users via Bluetooth enable automatic control of multiple household items, including lights, washing machines, thermostats, smoke detectors, cameras, door bells, locks, and more. On the other hand, Bluetooth connects various home entertainment devices such as TVs, media players, gaming consoles, and virtual reality wearables, and makes smart entertainment a reality. However, the HAE systems are susceptible to all kinds of attacks such as traffic eavesdropping, MITM attacks, and session hijacking. Bluetooth specially maintains the SSP solution to protect its service. Clearly, the SSP solution is possible to prevent the attacks existed in the HAE systems, when these systems are built on the Bluetooth technology.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (5)

Bluetooth-based home automation and entertainment (HAE) system.

6.1. Integration Frame

To secure the Bluetooth-based HAE systems, the SSP solution must perfectly be integrated with the HAE systems for the strong cryptographic security. We therefore propose an SSP frame for the HAE scenarios. The SSP frame suggests how to correctly apply SSP in the HAE systems. The SSP frame is presented as follows.


SSP is the basic security component when networking the HAE systems.

Before sensitive communication, the security link should be established among the home appliances in the HAE systems. This security link requires using the crucial pairing and bonding protocol in the SSP solution. As shown in Figure 5, if two appliances in the HAE system need to establish a security link in actual system implementation, they need select SSP as the secure pairing solution. In more detail, both appliances generate their own public-private key pairs and exchange necessary messages. Then, users can choose appropriate association model of SSP to pair their appliances based on their IO capabilities and our security results in Section 4. For example, if the OOB data are available on each pairing appliance and a strong security for authenticated link key is needed, users could select the OOB protocol to pair their home appliances. Users then use Phase 3 in Figure 5 to confirm the integrity of appliances. Here, to secure subsequent services, the link key is perhaps established by the SSP protocol. The link key would be used as a master key to complete sequent authentication and encryption.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (6)

A secure Bluetooth-based HAE system using secure simple pairing (SSP).


SSP can be used to prevent unauthorized users in the HAE systems, when the unauthorized user is a threat.

The HAE systems always demand that all home appliances are authorized. It implies that the HAE systems must prevent MITM attacks from malicious appliances. Under our formal evaluation, the NC protocol and the OOB protocol in SSP prevent MITM attacks. More important, to defeat MITM attacks, users only need to perform the simple operations such as comparing two numbers and monitoring the OOB procedure. Based on Theorem 3, the probability that adversary succeeds in carrying out a MITM attack should be negligible.


SSP can be used to provide the data protection for the HAE systems.

Many home appliances in the HAE systems process a large amount of private sensitive data. The link keys generated by the SSP protocols are advised to encrypt and authenticate those data. This suggestion is supported by our formal proof of the SSP protocol. Specifically, the link key generated in Phase 4 of the SSP protocol can be used as a master key for sequent authentication and encryption. Owing to Theorem 3, the NC and OOB protocols have been formally proved to satisfy the authenticated link key security. Hence, the secret key can be securely derived by the link key. If the private sensitive data are encrypted by the secret key, the adversary is uneasy to obtain the private sensitive data in the HAE system.

6.2. Case Research

6.2.1. Smart Lock

The smart lock system is implemented in houses, lockers, and boxes for postal applications, etc. Users’ mobile devices connect with the physical locks via Bluetooth wireless communication. This system helps people to lock and unlock the door automatically, particularly the disabled and elderly people. People can not only control the state of lock but also monitor the malicious intruder using his automation system. Since the smart lock system is an important line of family security, it must ensure that only authorized user has access to the door. The smart lock need adopt Principle 1 and Principle 2. Principle 1 assures users that their mobile devices are able to setup the security links with the target locks. Principle 2 prevents the malicious intruder, who may exploit the appliances in the system. Figure 6 shows the implementation design of smart lock under the OOB protocol. The authorized users pair and bond a smartphone with the smart lock by the aid of the OOB protocol. When a user wants to unlock the smart lock, he should start the smart lock app in his smartphone and start the NFC function to transfer NFC information to the smart lock. Smart lock reads the information and verifies to determine if open the door. Here, NFC plays a vital role in the smart lock system.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (7)

Implementation design of a smart lock system using near field communication (NFC).

6.2.2. Sport and Fitness Wearables

Figure 7 shows four sport and fitness wearables, namely bioharness, smart training shoes, heated jacket, and sport monitor. The personal sensitive data are usually stored on wearables. The data protection is important, because the data on wearables are apt to be tracked and eavesdropped by an adversary. Fortunately, users easily pair their sport and fitness wearables with smartphones by easy SSP operations. Hence, the sport and fitness wearables need satisfy Principle 1 and Principle 3. As shown in Figure 8, the user‘s smartphone is paired with his wearables in order to analyze and process the sport and fitness data in smartphone. The user can choose the NC protocol to establish a link key for the transmission of confidential data.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (8)

Four sport and fitness wearables: (a) Bioharness; (b) Smart training shoes; (c) Heated jacket; (d) Sport monitor.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (9)

Smart wearables implementation using NC protocol.

6.2.3. Smart Nursing

As shown in Figure 9, the home appliances in the smart nursing system contain body sensors that record health data to report physical condition such as blood pressure and pulse rate, temperature and humidity detectors that assist to maintain a livable home environment, and intelligent emergency and disaster alarms that help people send rescue information in time, etc. We can see that the smart nursing system involves the transmission of private data and the access of personal authorized home appliances. Hence, this system needs to prevent malicious users from tampering commands and provide data protection. It means that Principle 1, Principle 2, and Principle 3 all fit the smart nursing system. As shown in Figure 10, various appliances choose the NC or OOB protocol to pair and bond with the center controller according to their individual needs.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (10)

A smart nursing system.

On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (11)

Implementation design of a Bluetooth-based smart nursing system.

7. Conclusions

We propose a formal security model for the SSP protocols. The NC protocol and the OOB protocol are evaluated by our security model. Our results show that both the NC protocol and the OOB protocol are secure if their cryptographic tools meet the cryptographic assumptions, i.e., the DDH assumption, the Diffie-Hellman keyed pseudorandom function, the MAC function, and the collision-resistant function. Our research confirms that the SSP solution ought to be implemented in the HAE applications. The NC protocol and the OOB protocol promise more security guarantee under the HAE environments because the security of its authenticated link key is formally analyzed under our security model.

Although the PE protocol is not analyzed, we claim that the results in Theorem 2 and Lemma 1 are also applicable to the PE protocol. However, we do not know the security result when the PE protocol plays with the active adversary. One difficulty is to formalize the passkey in the PE protocol, because the passkey is not generated by the security algorithm and is entered by the user. Formal analysis of the PE protocol is our future work.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.-Z.S.; methodology, D.-Z.S.; validation, D.-Z.S.; formal analysis, D.-Z.S.; investigation, L.S.; writing—original draft preparation, D.-Z.S. and L.S.; writing—review and editing, D.-Z.S. and L.S.; supervision, D.-Z.S.; funding acquisition, D.-Z.S.


This research was funded by the National Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 61872264.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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On Secure Simple Pairing in Bluetooth Standard v5.0-Part I: Authenticated Link Key Security and Its Home Automation and Entertainment Applications (2024)
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