Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

23 Special Prices On These Special Homes -For These Special Days i OAKLAND TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1939 BUSINESS QPPCRTUXmiS HOMES FOI SALE 34 HOUSES. FINISHED WANTEI 41 HOMES FOR SALE 13 DUPLEX, FLATS APARTMENTS (Continued) HOMES FOR SALE (Continued) 4i (Continued) Another Cem! EXCELLENT references; pay $50 to 1100; modern residence. ME rritt 4S Income and Home Small apartment house; Income (100, srid owner's apartment; $30.

20 rooms. 1's and 4's; In 313. J-IVE or six rooms, Bleely furnished; (end district; responsible tenants. HI gate 6452. 14350.

41 Continued! AT 927 Alice Avenue. Broadmoor diatrict. San Leandro 5 rooms, snow-white stucco very modern: near schools, transportation; open for inspection until sold. Owner. $2150 a rooms and porch; large lot; on High Street, eemtbusiness.

This is an exceptionally good buy for the future; terms. Miller. 4316 East 14th New home ef I rooms, well planned; two 'bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and nook; plank floors; climber edge linoleum, corner sink: lots of tile In kitchen and bath; fleer furnace: very at $2250 That's the Full Price this horn. 4-room atucco, good condition, garage. Terma to suit.

hurry. Might trade. B. Frederick 4712 East 14th Street come $185 and owner's apartment; 2500. Ellis Realty Company, (I 11th Street.

(ConUnutg). picture framing business, s- tabllshtd II years; selling aooeuni health. Box M1M. Tribune. feuntaia) lunch, equipment with knotty pin Inter- standout building on mala, highway near Sap Leandro: doing business: nleely living quarter: bargala at 10 Robey.

42 Esst 14th bCAUI I Shop jtioaern; -chrome furniture; booths: established business! goe4 location: showing ale, profit; other Interest eem-T nels sacrifice: small nsy? AA tractive and well finished; detached garage; let (0x100. LAKE district 2 flats (II rooms) both rented: (8500. GL encourt 4H31 evenings only. Wanted To "rent or least, fully equipped chicken ranch with modern home in Bay district. TR Inidad 2352.

4 ROOMS or flat; city trains: responsible couple; (25-130 by November 1. MErrltt 1511. Sunday morning. Night or Box M1T602I, Tribune. Priced at $4750 MODERN apartments.

street: it uitvale 7040. Including cost of F.H.A financing. near Lake Six I's. one 2. furnished: steam heat; 2U monthly; 111, (00.

Con-. eiqer Home. Ollrnm, 339 17th. OL encourt 4414 Phone for appointment lor inspection. San Francisco transportation; easy walking distance.

i 1 a z-Dungaiow Duy Modern. 4. and room ai Joining; 4 garages; 550 141, 1420 S5th Avenu Open. TEmplehar 45S2. will handle, 8W eetwood $441.

1504. 35 PROFESSIONAL LOCATIONS rarK douii District, 133( (Jle ITnll nue; new two I WW FR uitvale I47(. Park Bakery and Restaurant: ruiiy eqnippea; nice Business; establish years; owner ha ether Intereets; $20o will handle, balaac DIMOND district 1 rooms, modern, with laboratory; designed for dentist, suitable also for doctor, architect, photographer, heat In-oluded, (15. ANdover (771. terms.

Box P77854. Tribun-BUTCHER shop, well established la 1101 Foothill Boulevard SWeetwnnd 6300 A White Stucco Two Years Old excellent ntighborhoadu modern equipment; rent $20; full prle fc only I860. Rebev. 4622 Xsst 14th. 36 BUSINESS LOCATIONS well established.1 showing A COMPLETELT furnished effle good profit: low overhtaa: goo distriot.

Everything gees for $1200. Rnbev. 4632 Esst 14th. buTHER tor fully qmppe mar with telephone service. 111.

to op desk space. (7.60; mall, msag. is itiza Teiegrapn Dl AlC Attractive offices. DUrAIXU uiuili reasonable; ket; rent reaionabl. 1401 Qrv, Berkeley.

BL'tCHER shw; ateady trade; mosf- We have been ordered to sell this beautiful (-room home Immediately. Full basem*nt and rumpus room with fireplace and central heat. Owner la leaving town and has consented to sacrifice it cashed out, This home is modern as tomorrow and in that perfect Laurel-Hopkins district. It takes about 1300 to handle but, Oh what a Full price only $5500. Seeing Is believing.

E. A. Robey 4622 East 14th. ANdover 1121. Office open Sunday.

steam tor, elevator service; 1121 Washington. DOWNTOWN ground floor offlcea northern exposure, steam heat; 15th Street; 120 up. 359 17th Street OROCER! Attractive eorner store, Solano Avenue, just vacated by Safeway: near eat chain store i blocks iwav: good location: lo rent. Leary, owner; FRultvale (S33W, Press Building Offices for rent in this well-located downtown office building: handy to air trains, cars Courthouse and Postofflce: all outside rooms and reasonable re a tali: Investigate. Press Bulldlnr.

401 12th Street STUDIO Hard wood floors: sunny: piano: overlooking Iih4 Lake. OL encourt mi. SeTkn office rooms, downtown; 1400 feet entire 2nd floor; STi. 17th Street. WEBSTER, 1614 4-room front unfurnished apartment, heat, hot water, refrigeration; suitable doe-tor's office or business Offices For Rent Peslrsbl suites at rooms In the Tribune Tower for rent er lease.

All outside rooms with plenty of light and sunshine. Tribune Tower, Franklin at llta Street. Oakland. TITLE SEARCH SAVE $10. Pacific Title Richfield Building; HI gate 262S.

C- LOTS FOR SALE si What Have You? Four modern flats, -block Sean Roebuck store. Bank' loan $8000. Income $102.60 at low rentals, ART Five view Iota near Claremont Hotel; clear. Will assume. Business building opposite Bank of America, East Oakland.

All rented: Income $142.80. Bank loan $7760; will take country. Downtown store building; Income $80; naar courthouse; 13000 loan. 100 feet off Lakeshoro Avenue; only vacant let in this live district Pair modern flats: main street; fine renting district Income 88M, Fin furnished apartment building, near Oakland Hotel, 14 units; income 1483 50 6 loan: $15,000 payable $128 month. 'Downtown business building all leased to substantial tenants paying over 4 net on $100,000.

Want large ranch; this typ of property rarely offered tor exchange. The owners of- the abev all mean business, broker co operation solicited. W. Whit -s. i Pollard White 1549 San Pablo HI gat TTDO extra-nloe anartment building, 10 units; Income $568 month.

Will aeeept elear propertle as part faymtnt Mr. Dunoan, i gat 110. ALAMO 14 aorea walnuts, house, garage, wall: beautiful setting; want Income or heme for part. box hujji, jrieune OLymple 6.159 location, close to Lake; five-room bungalow, extra lot for mall apartmsnt or ranch. Ownfr, Bargains Home and Income Clear 4-4's and 4-room home In rear.

Ineom $220 per month. Trad for horn. Clear Bungalow Court stucco homes, lot 60x150. Want a hem In the country. Ask for Mr.

Chambers, 1421 Franklin; TBmple har T27J. Bargain Will exchanun doubl lot, four-bedroom for Walnut Creek acreage. Owner. Euclid Avenue, RerVelev. tioULbsn LD Creek Summer home, Want Eastbay property.

333 17th Street. HI gat 4343. CLEAN, well located stores 'and apartments; net vr )0 on $17,500. Want smaller. HlgaU '8008.

CONSIDER clear lioni as part pyi ment on duplexes, flat and apartments. Gllinm, iit 17th. OLsn-ceurt 4414. CLEAR lot to trade on 'improved property, Metropolitan Realty, 1800 Webster. ranches, "vry '4esorlptln, for city, specialise in exchanges.

Consult for action. Metropolitan Realty, 1300 Wehtter. MODERN anywhere. Grafton Sbbert, 311 Seventeenth. OAKMOriE lot, hear end of Purk Boulevard car; trad (or East Oakland horn and assume.

FR uit-vale 0449, OL encourt 9042. tXilii biiulVviri "li.l-roun! 'd'wall-Ing. Want smaller home. 831 17th Street. HI gate 8343.

STORE, suitable anything; bin rooms; San Pablo Av hue; furnished; worth $6500: price today under $5000; accept any offer or trad. 1073 finth Street. STORES, main artery; well-rehled. Want bunaaUw. clear for clear, WAkT huiise heedlitg lie- pairs; have good lota for exchange.

Metropolitan Realty, 1300 weiisier, 4T "AtRES. TOO feet nville Htu-hwav: mixed fruit and some garden soli eight-room hem, Implement hd, barn, etc.) well, springs, lot of tools, imple ments, electricity; fin opportunity for highway business or subdivision, Want city property! Metropolitan i-teaity, mm weoster. OCHE. house, well, elec trlclty excellent level land; ssie. email oown payment, automobile, what have you.

Balance $11 month. Owner 29787 Baumberg Avenue. Hfty ward. i 1 1 i ni I777T7: 777777 three; five garages. 420 Lee, off Urand Avenue: easy loan, $8800, Want horn for equity.

Metroool- itan Realty, wenster 4 rooms, rented to Btft-miopi ribo oontrscts, seconas; consider lots, cheap bouse, Mrirri Kin rritt 3f7n me. renten InO: loan payable iss.io monthly, in eluding taxes. Interest and payoff want vacant er country, jueiro 'ally. 1300 Webster, ACHES, altar lot, ES. clean nar Antosi want altar lot oultv In Piedmont home or Walnut Crk property.

TWjIn imnw win. 6-ROOM Colonial, corner; loan taiOO, Want vaeant lot er ranch prop erty, metropolitan negity, jv Webster. $2500. DEEP of trust, payable $26 monthly, Including Interest 6. What have youf Metrcpolltsn Realty.

1300 Wehster 3600 Clew Santa, Crux mountain rancn, want uaaiuay; mignt assume. (59 17th Street; GLsncourt $488. 5i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES vvNwywvveevvvwvweeeii 9 APARTMENTS, (2600, 40 rentals; -rant (160: lease: clear (260. $450, 14 room housekeeping; nicely furnlshsd; rent I2(. $2650, classy hotel, transient.

(400, 7 room, boarding: term. $1000, room, apartment. -Grocery, school itore, (1(00) $80 day: Lake- district; apartment (550, grocery, 4 rooms; sacrifice. $1100, hamburger) business center, uptown: booth, stools; swell. $700; lunch, 13 stools, 3 rooms, fine eauluinent: rent $20; highway.

Be Mltttienej, 14th Blret AuromoDiie ramr anop completely equippea; oar-gain; a department ranted! also automobile tire department: building 60x60. Phone, Owner, FR ultvale cabins, la'tesi typ atatlon; pleasant living quar. tor; busy town, all-year high" J. way; consider Knapp, 339 17th Street; OL encourt Oil-Al'AUTMENTH. atucco 14 modern two') nicely furnished) Incom over $400: outetandlng bargain) (2500 handles.

Spsrper's, 1540 Bart Room 300. APARTMENTS, 14 roomai 1-ycar reasonable price, ai gate 1941. APPLIAKCE store, grossing store, grossing mnth, 86 mni-Bin: sno; center; Illness. a 1 Franklin. EXCRAR6ES bkawd new, artistic two" bedroom home; large living room: In Lafayette Manor.

Ownr forced to aell or trad on account ef Illness. FR ulU vale 8028,7. i lor: fin ment on BAR, DE 41 A big I. with rumpus mom. In a nest of all new homes.

Near busses, red trains and schools. See this one lie 4 buy. R. R. Hunt tSCl Foothill at Seminary SW eetwood 6200 Near Tech High Sunny corner; 6 "rooms, near Telegraph Avenue: $1750, terms: 4t 48th Street.

HTJ mboldt New Six Room 1 bedrooms: newest fea tures: rumpus room: double garage: $6250, terma. 2(21 94th Avenue, near Foothill; schools. New da km ore Colonial Large level lot. tile bath: stall shower. Beautiful kitchen and breakfast room; basem*nt: double garage; $8200.

PI edmont 7725J. Near College and Broadway 6-room modern stucco bungalow; convenient Rockrldge School and Tech High. Price 15600. Mrs. Tuttle with Ina M.

8chmid, HU mboldt 4744. (333 rooms. large lot; argaln. Pru- litn street. Near Montgomery Ward on 28th Avenue; 3 bedrooms, sleep ng porch; double garage.

FR tilt vnle (II, encourt 8842. NKW; Elegant Home: hole dis- trict: large, beautiful rooms; (5250: so why be someone's ten ant livening, rn uitvale imj NEAR Conlidge 4 roome 12150. fine lot, AN dover 70x115; bargain, 1231. Only $4950 Ry owner, English i five rooms; breakfast bssem*nt; all unu atucco room: suaJly spacious: neativ lannscanea two fish ponds. Fraser furnace Immaculate inside and nut: a real bargain.

Open today. 10538 Breed Avenue. Open 1-5 Daily 5401 Arbor Avenue North Oakland, 4 bedrooms, newly 41 renovated; near San Francisco trans pnrtation, shopping; only $5500 terms. Mrs. Fotheringham, PI ed timnt UK rritt 4100.

Open Today 1632 8ind Avenue 84500 F.H.A.; 2-bedroom Colonial deep, level lot; all up-to-date con venlences; plenty of tile; bathroom neater, pullt by the Mlnney Co. On $1750.00 Don't miss me; let me be your Ham and 'Eggs; four rooms; good condi tion inside and out; good location See Norrls Stephen J. Williams 3706 Telegraph: Piedmont B538. Old Home Seven roortis. needs -renovation good location near Lake Merrltt: lot 80x 100; full price $1100, Call 6336 Foothill.

Open Sunday $2500 Down piettyx new Colonial and garage, big corner Int. 168th Avenue. 1 Mock above Foothill. ahernoons: 684 room stuooo; perfect; furnace: basem*nt: double-- garage; $52611 HU nibolrU tofp, Boulevard, $5350 Modern 0 rooms, breakfast room; full basem*nt, laundry; shown week-day afternoons. Grace S.

Rhorer 3f21 Monklim Street: AN-dover 1774 Piedmont District Sacrifice splendid six-room two-storv house, with three garagse; reconditioned, ready to move Into; near San Francisco, Piedmont trains; In wide, tree-lined street; 3786 Howe; open Sundayl 13860. Hi mhftlflt 0S6H Piedmont Looking for a 7-room, t-bathroom bungalow, with view and They are rare but we have it! Key at office. Alexander Allen Piedmont 3627; evenings, Piedmont 2110. PIEDMONT, a big beautiful white roloninl; four liedrooitis, three batlia, like new, that the owner Is very anxious to sell. See It to day at 791 Highland at Shcrldnn PICTURE a white stucco bungalow In Claremont district; three bed rooms, double garage; large garden: near schools and Iranaimrlns tlon; only $5500.

Call Mrs, Snyder, HU mboldt 0518. I'l EDMONT Modernued six -room; Grand Avenue: transportation schools, shopplngi $6000. Owner, or, ymnlc 7807. PARK Boulevard District: tiroom atucco house on Wllllngtnn, near business section; only $5250. PI J- mont lijimw, mrerrnt PIEDMONT Hills; charming new California stucco; 8 bedrooms.

2 baths, lovely lot. Owner, FRult vale (10n2.I. i'l EDMONT Lovely Italian 4-b(f room, main a sutie; most aesiraeie mention, rr; mpienar sbss. PIEDMONT sacrifice, 3 bedrooms redecorated; Key trains; owner, OL ympic ROCKKIDOM 6 room tucco. attractive Interior central furnace, breakfast room, rumpus room: lovely yard, garage: near golf course, schools, snonnmg, transportation; $6250, terms.

Owner. 64o Vlrmor Avenue. OL ympic 1473, San Leandro Bargairr big lot ex Beautiful rees. Near sportatlon R. R.

Hunt Foothill at Seminary SW eetwood 5200 Evenings TR Inidad 2303 sacrifice! by owner, room stucco. 2 bedrooms, sewing room, breakfast room, nice kitchen, living room, basem*nt! large yard nsar everything. 3924 Nevll Btfcef. Seminary, 2736 Owner transferred; 6 large rooms, den: F.H.A,; 40x126 near- train. shoDuih aw trict a a 1 i sacrifice, $4000.

SPANISH home, 4 3 baths: modern: beautifully landscaped: cost -saerlf le $13,600. Open 1-4, 6000 Rockrldge Boulevard, a 1 a 4: one uij ympic a44, SEMINAR? district, north of East i jti. h'iuuiii iiivqcrfi iiucvv, iui 37x160: $500 down; big discount for cash. Peter. 4724 East 14th.

SACRIFICE: owner, dream home; garden; make 1744 $4th Ayenne OL encourt 9977. $400 dash 2815 Montleello Avenue, lg room 7861 Weld Street, l-room, $4350. Balance monthly payments. A. A Thiol.

331 17th 8trt.HI gat 1113; nu miioiqi vei i. $330.00 llown 5-room and garage; til ink and bath; modern to the min i i. only I block off Foothill on 17Jr Avenu. HOMES FOR SALE (Continued) KM jbl 1 11 a 1 jfjtoS. Shatter Avenu CL stucoo: garage TJ open dally.

V'- aentiai JJ w1 Hlgate 4343. eVIvk large rooms, $LL I illusive district. garden, fruit 'ieVjfi schools ansVtrau H111 F.H.A loin for Better terms. AN 6127 4 A 20 KR uitvale 7500 Open. 5506 Telegraph Avenu.

OLympIc 3 Bedroom, $3750 Near Fruitvale, above Foot hill; reconditioned; large tnt; $500 down. US month. Ruddock. 1646 Hopkins; rtnver Mil. $uu v.asn, or (Sou on Terms small lot 36x100; le rated at 1U5 60th Avenue Write ownYr, Glenn HUlli ue HUlli, Fnlsnm.

Box Jll. stucco: Juaquln Miller Heights; view; large living room, sun room, 2 baths; fruit; trees, shrubs. Owner, ar Sylliowe, eorner Mountain Boulevard. Mandana Completely recondi-tloned, 6 large rooms, breakfast room; attractive garden, fish pond, aviary and roae bushes. Call owner for appointment, FRultvale Oil'ijl.

$100 Down, $27.50 Month New Two-Bedroom hom*o C. R. Tisher, Builder Foothill TR Inidad' 6611 $JouO $300 cash, $25 monthly; good rooms, run Basem*nt: near Shredded Wheat Company. QLen unurt 6755. PI edmont 7H60W.

ROOMS, garage; double-frontage lot: near bus line and school. Piedmont 1387; evenings, FR Mil vale 9250J. 44 66TH Street, 83o 6-room bungalo 2 garages; 2070, week 22730, terms. OL ympic flays. $400 DOWN Flv room ru CIS, basem*nt, garage; Pablo.

$2800. 6885 Ian HOMES WANTED A SMALL home, East Oakland; need not be In Al condition; may take furniture, too: must have posses sion 30 days; cash. Phone AN dover 6111. cash, no delay East Oakland nomes, large yams; near aononis, furnished, unfurnished. Robey 4622 fiast 14th.

AN dover 1128 CASH buyer for homes, lots, flats, L. B. Frederick, 4718 Bast 14th FR uitvale 7600, CASH buveis for flats, duplexes 0 apartmente. Arthur Guard. 869 HI gate 7238 or FRultvale 8267W.

CAsi-t buyers tor North Oaklan Lake district Call aLOhcqqrt MIlriT hnve F.uhI Oakland horn a once; buy furniture also: pay cash FR uitvale 6036, days. WANTED' Income property, homAi Eastbay district fo or lots Eastern buyers: write Oeder In vestment Company, 712 Larkin, San Francisco Callforn PORTLAND couple have cash (o home; In any oondltlon. Bo CU0Z36, Tribune. 42 BUSINESS PROPERTY A Brick Corner Three stores; market; creamery beauty parlor; five lurnislie apartments; refrigeration; steam heat; all rented: lot 78x141), Jihows net on Investment. Radford, IL encourt 8751-11278.

eduuu, Ka-ivuiuzeu shop, two good flats. Shaw AL a meda 0128. CORNl-JR 2 main arteries: 3 store nil rented; good lnoome; consider home part payment flllmm, 3.19 17t OLencnurt 8414 Caraga xceiient ror (Alameda). Plant and L- xhaped lot; 32,000 square feet; sell whole or part. Owner.

1718 Webster Street. UAVISt't'AjHT Corner store. 6 rooms, Ji'JuU; take lot, fi: uitvale it Pays 7 Net on $10,000.00 new, corner eervloe station, leased to big corporation 10 years. Tenant lays all repairs. A care rree.

auuiiu nvestment. A. P. Pollard, White A Pollard, 1540 San Pablo: HI gate 7700. tan 5 Stores Leased East Oakland; all rented: good tenants; paying 10 net.

See Wlllard W. White While ft Pollard, 1540 San Jnhln; HI K'Uc 7700, 6-Room House, $295(T rented to gift shop; three bedrooms; consider trade; 11022 38th Avenue. Magennla, ME rritt 8575. 43 DUPLEX, FLATS APARTMENTS At $4350.00 You will admit for flats or Income this property Is a bargain; eight rooms; double sleeping porch; ex cellent location: particular "Bar gain Norrls with Stephen J. William 3708 Telegraph; Piedmont 6533, Attractive Income 21 apartment, fine building, Ineom $13,060 year, $72,600.

24 apartments, 17 net. Incom 19700 year. i Mr. Garrett (Evening ABhbrry 10232). Highland Realty Co.

HI 'gate 1587. A Extra Nice, 10 Units No vacancies; close In, near stores; 1-6, 1-3, 7-4's, pin a yery attractive Colonial cottag: Income $655 per month: 'excellent net return on investment Mr. Duncan, HI gate 6410. Attractive Duple? Good Incom. 8 not on Investment 2728 East 11th Street, off 27th Avenue.

Owner. ALAMEDA 1M l-" flats, furnished; hardwood floor In part; garage; fin location income $60; prlo $3800; term: $600 down, less for cash, ot might trad. ALamofla I31V A BARGAIN Two beautiful bunga- low tor $6750, heart ot Albany; term, Mr. Pig. Ollm'm, 839 17th.

OI, encourt 8414. BARGAIN 4-6's, modern: Lakdls- trlet; term. Artnur upara, 809 17th Street: HI gate 7283. CLAREMONT" district Cfifhef di- nle (tticeoi two large 4': good Clllmm, 338 17th, ul encourt Income: CLOSE in Nlh apartment, furnished; even I', two 8': $10 monthly; low taxes; $9100, terms, si i eto 4SiL 41 i t.tllTT1IT1t i Off Iltn TTU PIHHMIl ww a fr.r.v.flAlSIT nair atucco flata. bJooki f.ik: rood Income: t'i spec tlon.

HI gate 812, HI gate 3761. Flat Two bedroom ea-h. 60x100 foot lot Must Ton minute to town, (Evening. SW eetwood $582). Day, HI gate 1569 mmm Incomtt Home II room.

bath; at odd boarding, rooming builnss; full price 1600 cash above $5500 loaned; broker 0' operate. Owner, 409 East 14th. 62nd Street, 417 near College Avenue Stucco 5 rocms, hardwood doors; tile sink and bath; full basem*nt, cemented: only 1(000; ytfj. fjm Grove TWO don't Key 540 1 43 Buy ev 44 44 4 (rf i Boulevard nfleld Ave- rooms SEMINARY district aeartment. 4 3's; near trains: monthly lneeme 197.

so: price 11(00. UL encourt M2. daytime. KhAL Income 1 7-roum rus- five-room flais. Lake district.

netting 12: goofl condition: sac rificing for (6150. TKmplebar "$2750" Industrial district: corner duplex, I rooms each; extra fin olumbing recessed tubs and showers; double garage: needs nalnt and saner miss this good Investment. Set uurney. White Pollard Pan Pshlo HI gate TT00 UNITS. 48 room 11 finest condition.

Let ua prove to your saiisractinn tne Best value in the city; $23,000 loan. b. An od- portunity awaits you If you have casn shove the loan. Mr. Stein hebel, 4021 East 14th Street.

MAMeAAewrVWaeVlrMrVVWiiWWwVVWVA FLATS, APARTMENTS WANTED --r -r BKAUTlfH'L large horn dewn pa meni ror inoome property, am eley 7031. BERKELEY Only $4650 an immaculat i-reom honi with breakfast room, plenty ef work apace, nice garden; near San Franoisco trains and shopping; don miss mil one. mono Mr. Mel en wit Mason-McDuffle Company, BE rke oiov danv: tb ornwall 8466 eve nlngs. OPEN for Inspection today, son Btreet $8000, now moaern.

TH ornwall snect any time. Ji260 Nlc looking six-room atucco sun room, basem*nt: level lot; Roe near Grov; chanc for fin buy; requires about $1500 cash to handle. PI edmont 7060. weweeeeeeei SAN LEANDRO COLLIER Drive, 998 Six room stucco, double garage: large rear garden, new lawn; open $-9, afternoons. SW eetwood 2001.

ALAMEDA BAY Street Lovely t-roomi completely lot 60x160; landscaped: $8500. Rlohsrdsons, AL a-meda 4784. "Fernside" $300 Down R-room Monterey Colonial; F.H.A. loan; air conditioned heating, basem*nt, oak floors. Travere, 1404 Park Street.

Al, aniens 43Z1, $250 Down, $30 Month 82500 full nrlce'torS room home one bloclt to Park Htreet: large lot with fruit trees; plenty basem*nt 1174 Park Avenue, ALameda 12W "near the Bay" 8 -room bungalow; nice yard; well kept: near schools, trans- l.orlation. I r. 1517 rnrit street. eeeeeefeMwwwww 44 ORINDA WANTED OR1NPA or Moraga Private party want IV acres: must be level and have torn trees. TEmplcbar 3l4.

44 HAYWARD acres; ment, chard 8-room: chioken equip garage, well, barns, or fin view. Shaw, 151 Ca tro. Special Hayward Buy $10,500: 23 acre: elevated; fin view: 2 miles from center of town; acre aprioot. balance suitable for fruit or vines; all level except 10 acre rolling: house 8 rooms, electricity, city water, good well, harns and outbuilding; had trees; priced to sell, tie Mr, Hutchison, White Pollard. 1540 San Pablo; HI gate 7700 garage, tf acre; pooLshrub beryi.

wall. tit, watettu just outside city limits: cash, ttt tiade. 794 West A Htreet Heywsr' ywsfl EL CERRlYb 44 ACRE, divided Into I half acres; inoome home en eacu. Land sultabl court or apartment alt; appraisal $4600. Consider cash offer.

833 Pomona Avenue, California Colonial New. laras rooms; near schools, busses; largs iot $400 cash, $27.50 month. Llncks. $17 Ban Pablo. 44 ALBANY 6-ROOM, Ilk new; Includ ing electric refrigerator ana washing machine, circulating heater; $3260, asy term.

Open Sunday, (46 Adam Street, Albany. RUSSELL Gin 44 HAYWARD dlstrlet-Livl lot. $36 up; fae 4se. ii oatro, land. 1 UFAvim 4(3 ODERN flv rooms; iurnaesi lot Sparhawk, Thomlon 180x126.

Mr. Road. 46 WALNUT CREEK wwwesveswwwM An sere mixed rnnma and bath, good wall, tank, mall chicken houa, $2000. acre young bearing walnut, inter) with bearing grapes; good oil, $660 pr i acre young walnut, ViW $1000. F.

A. Marshell, Realtor- Banlt BtiHdlpg, Tys'liHt CfeeW ACRE lovely homeatte. on paved highway: alo In: oak trees! term. PI edmont. 7248W.

45 COUNTRY LARD 10 ACRES: snrlcots. BDls. cherries: all Improvement, houses. Less than 1160 pr acri lckns foreeg sale. Owner.

1158 Fast 14th Street. id ACRLH, excellent "Imilii- lngs; $8000, Federal Land Fank tic home; hardwood, con. ffrsA crete basem*nt: four. garage ana store ouuaing on lot 83xllt; $5808; terms, Cadwell Realty Ce 4631 J'jOCL see 147 Addl a fauou; six room WW renovated. Call 3842 to In 9 spna.

4.131. AN Al 5 A Commuter? 3483 Mldvale, near Hopkins Modern I and. 6 rooms; separate lots: schools, stores, theaters: mske offer. new homes. 235 107th Avenue.

rge lot; erneons. A LO ELY 6-room stucco home; nook and garage; hardwood floors throughout; freshly painted: new lawn and shrubs. 4196 Mira, off Foothill. PI edmnnt 1040. AA- $1500 3-room cottage, large lot: close to all conveniences: lots of shrubs and flowers.

Miller. 4815 East 14th Street; FR uitvale 704O. ATTRACTIVE Berkeley, newly renovated, i bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, nook; near school, transportation, park; (8700. 2275 down: Tit Inidad 1378. A New Colonial Five large rooms; Oakmore district; stall shower; unfurnished social hall: central furnace; (6200, F.H.A.

terms. QLencnurt 8761-4878, At 1.1950 Reduced from $4450, new and large on fine lot; want action. (Evenings, SW eetwood 3562). Davs, HI gate ltlti7. alaMEBa: ihlhi ment; new roof.

ALameda 2827. 6 rouins, baso-Bryan-Moblad, RY owner, sacrlfloe equity fine F.H.A. financeo Borne, or will trade; fine view; garden, flowers, trees. 8015 F.ast 27th 8trt; FRultvale 0783W. BRAND now five rooms, social hall; very attractive; unequauen view; near trains, shopping, sohools; sacrifice.

Owner. 2985 7Sth and Open 1-5. BEAUTIFUL. H-acre lot. s-rdom house.

2-car garage; marine view, nines setting. $3000. Piedmont evenings, A3 hherry 6an. BUDOF.T terms on three-bedroom on level lot; nice sue rooms, nsse-ment; 84260. Mcintosh, OLen-cniirt 8119, evenings.

'Riiny-ulow. rooms: lovely yar ely near Cleveland cnoot, run pruo $4750. HIgata 1003. GLencourt 4831. Close In Location Attention, Doctors! Just 2 blocks from the Lake nn Mon-teclto Avenue.

Grand old home 4 delightful bedrooms large sleeping porch; harrtwonrt mrnugnnui; nenu ifullv built and-In excellent condl linn Price 87950. For a iioolnt men call Mrs. Sheldon, piedmont 4173W. HUmholdt 4744. Close Dimond District Five extra large rooms, breakfast rnnm.

tile alnk. til bath, floor fur nace, fine condition, corner lot, close transportation, schools, shops $4500, $900 cash. $32 month. Ralph Pressnaii. ain nover uii DIAIUWIJ UISll'lOl D-1'UU corner stuoco; hardwc floors, range, linoleum; I rnffe, floor furnace; nev painted: transportatl dTmond 5-i'ooni, rdwood ra wly on, schools, shopping: 84600.

2636 Montana, owner. ANdover 1461. DIM6ND District beau- $2750. qffordf 3512 Hopkins. Folks, I Lire Upstairs and I Don't Like These Flats They are In good condition, new roof, new paint on outside; 6 rooms Np and 6 rooms down.

Drive out and see me at. No, 928 fifth Street after 4 p. please, tliHt's when I'll be home, or you can phone me during the day at OL ympfcc 0ii75. Sure I'll trade. Five Rooms, $2500 ,2881 Eastman Avenue, near Allendale: nice neighborhood; lot 3(1x118.

Mitchell, 2960 East 14th; FRultvale i 4073. FIVE-rjom English; just completed by owner; Broadmoor Park; San Francisco transportation. (38 Dut-ton Avenue. San Leandre). FOUR double garage; $1860; mortgage $1460, $18 per month, 1310 82nd Avenue, Owner.

FfltJlTVALE 5 and 3 -room rear 82750. Mecum, 2802 Foothill GRAND Lake bungalow; 2 bedrooms, den with wall bed: garage. $6000. OLympIc 4030, Piedmont 87W. GAHUfcH fUreet.

2800; large home, renovated; suitable for rooming; near, campus. FTVUrTvigg 04TVvj Home ihPPer 4bL Shattuck Avenue to tJUf Marin. Ideal family 4-hd-JJgJ room home, built to Eastern standards. Stone foundation; view, 'near schools, transpor-tatlon. AS hherry 067s.

nopKins, io Sacrifice 4 well arranged rooms; garage; $3900; new roof. F.H.A.; transportation; schools Just Like Rent Six rooms besides breakfast: bungalows central heating; garage; basem*nt: 4627 Wslnut Street (fine district): close to everything, less than $4000. A real bargain. Easy terms. FRultvale 1303W.

LOT 4oxllo; nine -room home; hardwood: full basem*nt; furnace, Instantaneous water heater; guaranteed new roof: 83500. terms. Cadwell Realty 8683 Prove. Havenscourt Gorgeous whit stucco, 5, redecorated: furnace! land scaped yard, large lot: open; a bargain. 3433 tn Avenue, District A very beautiful home 12 rooms, bathsi close to all transportation; lot Hl(lil9(l' outstanding bargain suitable for boarding, rooming house, R.

V. Dell 3868 Oranfl Ayenne! TW Inooks 0802, IVM." A 'A-iAl'-K lm uisrricr snap, $t3u Three large bedrooms, breakfast room, sun deck. Urge basem*nt, garage, gas furnace. Snlendld condi tion. This steal.

TE mplsbar LONELY big corner lot with t-rooi stuceo bungalow: estate property to be sold, ff Mr. Harrington. 2816 Park Boulevard, ME rritt 4100, ME rritt 11 ss, venings1 MONTCLA1K rustic home, trees, (Our real small 440i fteoms, furnished: creeg; run price, 2700: down payment. HIT mbold evenings. Hllmhnldt 8644.

Modern Five, redecorated, near fruitvale Avenue, twn-cnr garage, basem*nt, Cashout (Xvanlngs, 8)W eetwood I5J.) Pays, HI tat 1H7. et.Ti i -v in r. iVKV flf Plans. ITl AVenu. 23M 10th iHll showers, lar VTy 1550 down.

Open aft TR inidad 8323. ern refrigeration; reasonaoi rentj $395, terms, HU mboldt $511. EAUTY shop, modern, best equip ment; good location: HI gate 2892. gEAUTT hopL excellent business, location: wnr retiring; 41. TR Inliled 1300 COFFEE shop, and a gonj an; tool, booths, welkin frlgW atr box; fountain actually deing $80 day; a night er Sunday f.

laC0. 15 stools, booths, frgllr $1800; halt cash. Classy little Coffee; wopdrlul business; $550. Hamburger, beer; no Sunday; $350. F.

E. Allen Exclusive JUa taursnt Broker, 208 12th Strt at -Harrison. aiMai clean stock; pleasant living uartrs: lew rant. Christ mas trad ghlad. Sell on In-' v.

Owner. Box M182100, Tribune. COMBINATION de lleattssen, gra oery, fountain, bakery, win, ttoer; moneymaker; (aoriflc; trial. 1701. Telegraph CABINET shop, established yearn retiring: fufvr qulpod.

dad 8088. As Delicatessen Fully equipped: modern fix urea; bustnes 1ltr(t; Very rood terms: 1322 solan Avenue, oppotlt fh Oak Theater. UCATESSEN, established trad; ood location: reasonably priced. good SW eetwonri AfiV4 tvninn FOUNTAIN, sandwiches; beautifully equipped; refined neighborhood! saerlf loei small a handles, sparber', 1540 San fahl FOUNTAIN sandwiches':" $28 dallyl thatr: $38 rnti 10 stools; trma, grutto for iuw'looatioav. "229 Telegraph, Grocery, Fruit, unlverslt sal.

Pr livery i vegetable; clOM to Ity. Sacrifice oulcli Prlnelpal only. De-servlre. truck In. livery ervlce, f-iuMPn.

am noerry nes GROCERY, "be ins, VAV1UB1VV neignoorneaq leeanen; three liv ing rooms; owner igtd sell fop fSoO. worth double: good living rron 4Pviment Broadway. nel'glborhoor's lo r5 profit $1(0 lovelji apartmenti olean tok letrl rtfrigergtloni only $360. parber', ilia Ssa Pablo, Room 808. neighbor tore, Hopklng aistriat: nicely furnlliud living quarters: Ideal for coupl: won lat lonf.

only $37t. 4005 Hnnklns OROCEfeY: no fixture to buyi invenioryi avenges ja oaiiy; rar OUDortunltv. Pearson, Invastmani tn ti1(i a 1 11 1 I V0 A Ut 4 HftFVluA fttaflort. BUmni. ment enow oompiets txeept nsnn 4 iooi; priced at invtniory.

twa meat win been well established; everything new In eluding star flxturesi owner re- i tiring. 108l 28rd Street, Richmond. GAS station, four pumps; grease hoist, steam a 0 garage; money-maker. IJtR Avenu, ipartmfnt GARAGE, with lease; wonderful lo cation; tin pusinesij agoutis. VTl uitvale 0717.

uxiuuu.ni. neiiiuornooa: xurnisnea iivina; quarter; rental 115. I68S, 3 8 16th. i (1AM station, witli lin gs garage, lease. Owner.

TH mnlebar 4414. HAM )UJWER, "hot dog stand; mobile row and larg lohooli $4 required: snug place. 16(1 Madl- snn, iiA.uaunjH,H, lanawicnes, snanesj 11 stuala; neat apot: clearing Terms. neamer, nar rrangnn. rental; moneymaker for couple: small cash.

3706 Telegraph. HAMBURGER; uptown ver'ier; plenty oppertunltyi rlflcing) -X4gqTt-rmI-Jt -Httm- HAMBUROER luhch, Imall placa With good income: Ideal for couple; OJi ly (373. Innulre 4qo; Hopkin. RISERS. Hobs, 1, lunches; cloi ear $8 davi small down.

ISth. LUNCH rouiii, established; all'wLU railroad trade; lady- depends en hired help, need rant; lew rent with three furnished living rooms; cheap for quick sale. 1791 7th Htreet, 1 ltllNCHEi, been heavy foof Iraf lie; food equipment; priced right, deal for couple; make offer. Pear Invsstpiept Co, 1418 Brea- UVnCH, $2.0 'day; lovely apartment; couple; established M24; terms. Benmer, 1727 franklin, -UADVS sportswear and dress" (hop: nl.t.

1 1,1 location. TWinoaks 1433 MAN I'VACTURINO plant needs ie-, Haiti offic associate! guarantee $160 month; share profits; (JloOti. Sparber's, 1640 Ban Pablo, Boom PAHTNEI Jwantd In devlopmnt Of nmvan nil field Aneele-t County; well now drilling; fmail Investmant n(ry faoJt ill 8 rrlhuna. Top RiiUT lunch; la go San Trrtelco waterfront: saorl- c. $3500.

Hoiman, "15 ltn. POOL ha OOL hail, lunch, beer; busy down-town location; clear month! term. 390 12th. WHI'HAn'J' ieq etc, i three beethsi Ideel place l-e couple; apgrtmeni rear; BOing -3H Uf $560. 4711 East 14th Street.

RESTAURANT for lent. fn, enqlpped; on block ships a. HI gat ,0 1 21 for appnlntm mi. RESTAURANT. A 1.

1 ve mane in retlrnlg) tak it over. i04 lege. Sandwich Well established whole route for sale. Colnsf 1 nesst steady custoniis. Ffi 0 1 Tr rhmi c.

e-. Ssrvica Pnlns over will make le: cnly; bv nr.r; AA 5 Rooms Hopkins District Stucco, neat and clean; living and dining rooms hardwood floors; 2 bedrooms, cabinet kitchen, laundry room; garage, storage building in rear; large 50-foot lot; 2 blocks to cars, stores, schools, etc. $3150 Terms 4005 Hopkins A Furnished rooms, close to Southern Pacific and local stores, schools, redec orated in and out like new; furniture and furnishings carefully selected; owner for business reasons must have SI50 rssh at once. Says let everything go.as It stands for only $3550. You must see It; a chance of a life-time.

The keys are at 4005 Hopkins Teu can have possession at onco. Stop Paying Rent E3 Modern 5-Room Modem tip-to-date bungalow, In excellent residential district, near best of schools, San Francisco transportation and shopping. Excellent view of Bay Bridge, etc. Don't fall to see home. Kasy terms.

E. A. Robey A Co. Kaet 14th ANdover 112 Artistic Lake District $5(00 for quick sale. 8-room.

modern throughout. bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch, breakfast room, oentral heating plant, cement basem*nt two-car garage. frontage, level lot. beautiful shrubs and lawn. Small payment down.

Oakland Avenue HUmholdt 4S28. Built Hi Years Modern four-room white rustic built less thai. 2 years, with all the latest features ef homes selling for' $4500; level lot, nice back yard; close to srnooi, transportation, outnern ra- rmc; excellent new home district, Easy terms, Might trade, B. Robey Co. 4822 Bast 14th Street ANdover 1128 A 6-room Home Furnished, too.

Clean and neat, all large rooms. Price only $3550. lerms; might trade. Located near S8th and Locksley, L. B.

Frederick 4040 Telegraph ffcympli- (I57.i A Furnished 5-Room Rustic Lroveiy family hame, sunny corner. all hardwood floor, fireplace, circu lating heater: nicely furnished throughout; goofl neighborhood; near schools, shopping, very small down payment to responsible party. Better nurry to w. Larkln inns irontniii. Another Steal! 5-room strictly modern bungalow.

Furnace; large lot, garage; lnh scaped garden, front and back; Jus like a little park; lovely location In Fruitvale. Only $3950Terms Vanderkar. FrnJKnle Avenue. A Bia Six Ideal hom*o for growing family; near Oakland High, grammar school; lovely bedrooms, fins tils bath: large living room; all hardwood floors: extra well bulltt $4750, asy terms. Regan 8264 Udfiklns.

n.W' A Big Redact tion Lakeahore Highland! home; three bedrooms, sun room. breakfast room, double garage. Every desired convenience, cars, trains, schools, etc, Better call now, won't 'last Near Hopkins and High; modern 4-room bungalow, double garage. Call at 8921 Unrtlrlna. iMilhv.i, 141 Attractive New Colonial East of Oakmore Avenue Terrace; two tile baths; social hall; perfect marine view; rumpus room; double garage; near transportation; (735v.

GLencmirt 6128, daytime; A Don't Buy until you have aeen the two large room houses: view and large 1st at 8th Avenu and Cherokee; open dM'ft. A North Oakland Completely modernised hom*o, till Cororiado; double ararag. vlaw. transnnrta. tion, schools; open Sunday.

gT7mhndt 4304. AA- $3850 Ideal blah, 6 rooms, powder room, basem*nt furnace; ga rage; school, transoorta- tion; bargain; opea 7)6 $th AATtRACiTtVE l-rooin stuoco' 4814 Broakdal at Hlgk deubl garage; win traae; ope. Mr. Oarrett. HI gate 1667 A a-YEAH-old, 5-room JVuCV stucoo; service hall, tile flJL I bath, tile alnk kitchen; JSI many bullt-lns; 40xl0u; TjT lawn and shrubs; t-ear ga-rage.

Owner, by appoint-ment. SW eetwood 8780. yv A $300 Down 9 VeNWWwVVMwVrVrVVBMAeAeVkA Bin 50 feet, tree covered, double frontuge lots In upper Fruitvale 1 for only $600; cash, terms or trade. Can you beat this? Mr. Helmke.

4700 East 14th Street FR uitvale 7244, FR uitvale 214S.M El Portal Village 50-foot lots, $100, $200. $300! $25 down, $5 to $10 per month; see this attractive home village: better climate; no flty taxes. 173rd Avenue and Foothill For Sale or Trade Lot 40xl32V4: near Southern Pacific, on S4th Avenue. Inquire 1705 9Cth Avenue. Lot Bargains $000 Lot 35x100 on 75th Avenu ear Foothill.

12100 Vi acre, nice level view lot, some oak trees; near Orlnda Country Club $5000 A court site; 25,000 sjjiiare feet on ESt 14th. near Sem- Smith, ORInda 0081 or GL encourt 33'JS evenings. FidiT.WoodJnt I.AKH District B0xl25; Jiiyne, be-tween 271-285. Owner, GL en- coiirt Owner Must Sell In Beautiful Rockrldge, nearly level lot, gorgeous view. Plans for J-bedroom house and contour map thrown Sacrifice.

AS hberry 0679, Principals only, OVER i-acre, 184x233. room for three houses. Must be sold quickly. Less than $400 a lot. 31101 Redwood Road, ANdover 8611; evenings, AN dnycr 7235.

OAKMORE Highlands lot, also Pierson Street lot Owner, SW oet- wood 38,15. PIEDMONT lot on Scenic; beautiful view; $1000; by owner. HU m- holdt 7481. $200 LEVEL lot; one block to bus, near school; sewers In and paid for; restricted district. 74 Mountain Boulevards SW eetwoed 6920; evening, SW eetwood ft728.

$350 CLEAR Tot, 35xl20 near Hlgh- land Hospital, call Alisa warsnan, Tl mnlehar 7100. $350 Near TooUiill Boulevard. In- quire 1931 90th Avenue. 40 LOTS WANTED wwwMMiWMWneyweeeeMMWe EAST Bay subdivision; I to 850 houses for immediate building. Box P66381, Tribune.

41 HOMES FOR SALE A Close in 5 rooms and nook; spare in basem*nt for rumnus room: new furnace and automatic water heater; detached snrage; nice yard; restricted dis trict Only $345C; terms A. Hansen 2612 Hopkins Vs Just Completed t. 7- 4900 Cochrane Avenua Panoramic marine view; charming five rooms, double garage; modern architecture: sunny Rockridga cor ner; $6950, F.H.A. -r- S881 IrfarEarMo Qrlv S.x roomed English cottage; socle 1 hall; unusual studio bedroom; priced to KeiW uwner-Buuaer. H.

L. Crocker OLympIc 805- A Berkeley Steal Open. 5-room modern, furnished, All for $88.60, Tralni, schools, shopping. Restrict ed. 1008 Ordway.

OLympio $156 6bwn 2 hedrooms: hardwood floors; floor furnace) close to all conveniences: this la a real bargain. FRultvale) 29S0 Bast 14th. A Small Payment Down $2750 Seminary Avenue district, 4 room with small house in rear, tVyckoff. 2627 Seminary, ATTRACTIVE bargain, surrounded by beautiful homes, 227 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont. Open after-oona.

OLympio 48S2. 1S37..

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.