Nodes | Elasticsearch Guide [8.15] (2024)

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Any time that you start an instance of Elasticsearch, you are starting a node. Acollection of connected nodes is called a cluster. If youare running a single node of Elasticsearch, then you have a cluster of one node.

Every node in the cluster can handle HTTP and transporttraffic by default. The transport layer is used exclusively for communicationbetween nodes; the HTTP layer is used by REST clients.

All nodes know about all the other nodes in the cluster and can forward clientrequests to the appropriate node.

The performance of an Elasticsearch node is often limited by the performance of the underlying storage.Review our recommendations for optimizing your storage for indexing andsearch.

Node roles


You define a node’s roles by setting node.roles in elasticsearch.yml. If youset node.roles, the node is only assigned the roles you specify. If you don’tset node.roles, the node is assigned the following roles:

  • master
  • data
  • data_content
  • data_hot
  • data_warm
  • data_cold
  • data_frozen
  • ingest
  • ml
  • remote_cluster_client
  • transform

If you set node.roles, ensure you specify every node role your cluster needs.Every cluster requires the following node roles:

  • master
  • data_content and data_hot

Some Elastic Stack features also require specific node roles:

  • Cross-cluster search and cross-cluster replication require the remote_cluster_client role.
  • Stack Monitoring and ingest pipelines require the ingest role.
  • Fleet, the Elastic Security app, and transforms require the transform role.The remote_cluster_client role is also required to use cross-cluster search with thesefeatures.
  • Machine learning features, such as anomaly detection, require the ml role.

As the cluster grows and in particular if you have large machine learning jobs orcontinuous transforms, consider separating dedicated master-eligible nodes fromdedicated data nodes, machine learning nodes, and transform nodes.

Master-eligible node
A node that has the master role, which makes it eligible to beelected as the master node, which controls the cluster.
Data node
A node that has one of several data roles. Data nodes hold data and perform datarelated operations such as CRUD, search, and aggregations. A node with a generic data role can fill any of the specialized data node roles.
Ingest node
A node that has the ingest role. Ingest nodes are able to apply aningest pipeline to a document in order to transform and enrich thedocument before indexing. With a heavy ingest load, it makes sense to usededicated ingest nodes and to not include the ingest role from nodes that havethe master or data roles.
Remote-eligible node
A node that has the remote_cluster_client role, which makes it eligible to actas a remote client.
Machine learning node
A node that has the ml role. If you want to use machine learning features, there must beat least one machine learning node in your cluster. For more information, seeMachine learning settings and Machine learning in the Elastic Stack.
Transform node
A node that has the transform role. If you want to use transforms, theremust be at least one transform node in your cluster. For more information, seeTransforms settings and Transforming data.

Coordinating node

Requests like search requests or bulk-indexing requests may involve data heldon different data nodes. A search request, for example, is executed in twophases which are coordinated by the node which receives the client request — the coordinating node.

In the scatter phase, the coordinating node forwards the request to the datanodes which hold the data. Each data node executes the request locally andreturns its results to the coordinating node. In the gather phase, thecoordinating node reduces each data node’s results into a single globalresult set.

Every node is implicitly a coordinating node. This means that a node that hasan explicit empty list of roles via node.roles will only act as a coordinatingnode, which cannot be disabled. As a result, such a node needs to have enoughmemory and CPU in order to deal with the gather phase.

Master-eligible node


The master node is responsible for lightweight cluster-wide actions such ascreating or deleting an index, tracking which nodes are part of the cluster,and deciding which shards to allocate to which nodes. It is important forcluster health to have a stable master node.

Any master-eligible node that is not a voting-only node maybe elected to become the master node by the master electionprocess.

Master nodes must have a directory whose contentspersist across restarts, just like data nodes, because this is where thecluster metadata is stored. The cluster metadata describes how to read the datastored on the data nodes, so if it is lost then the data stored on the datanodes cannot be read.

Dedicated master-eligible node


It is important for the health of the cluster that the elected master node hasthe resources it needs to fulfill its responsibilities. If the elected masternode is overloaded with other tasks then the cluster will not operate well. Themost reliable way to avoid overloading the master with other tasks is toconfigure all the master-eligible nodes to be dedicated master-eligible nodeswhich only have the master role, allowing them to focus on managing thecluster. Master-eligible nodes will still also behave ascoordinating nodes that route requests from clients tothe other nodes in the cluster, but you should not use dedicated master nodesfor this purpose.

A small or lightly-loaded cluster may operate well if its master-eligible nodeshave other roles and responsibilities, but once your cluster comprises morethan a handful of nodes it usually makes sense to use dedicated master-eligiblenodes.

To create a dedicated master-eligible node, set:

node.roles: [ master ]

Voting-only master-eligible node


A voting-only master-eligible node is a node that participates inmaster elections but which will not act as the cluster’selected master node. In particular, a voting-only node can serve as a tiebreakerin elections.

It may seem confusing to use the term "master-eligible" to describe avoting-only node since such a node is not actually eligible to become the masterat all. This terminology is an unfortunate consequence of history:master-eligible nodes are those nodes that participate in elections and performcertain tasks during cluster state publications, and voting-only nodes have thesame responsibilities even if they can never become the elected master.

To configure a master-eligible node as a voting-only node, include master andvoting_only in the list of roles. For example to create a voting-only datanode:

node.roles: [ data, master, voting_only ]

Only nodes with the master role can be marked as having thevoting_only role.

High availability (HA) clusters require at least three master-eligible nodes, atleast two of which are not voting-only nodes. Such a cluster will be able toelect a master node even if one of the nodes fails.

Voting-only master-eligible nodes may also fill other roles in your cluster.For instance, a node may be both a data node and a voting-only master-eligiblenode. A dedicated voting-only master-eligible nodes is a voting-onlymaster-eligible node that fills no other roles in the cluster. To create adedicated voting-only master-eligible node, set:

node.roles: [ master, voting_only ]

Since dedicated voting-only nodes never act as the cluster’s elected master,they may require less heap and a less powerful CPU than the true master nodes.However all master-eligible nodes, including voting-only nodes, are on thecritical path for publishing cluster stateupdates. Cluster state updates are usually independent ofperformance-critical workloads such as indexing or searches, but they areinvolved in management activities such as index creation and rollover, mappingupdates, and recovery after a failure. The performance characteristics of theseactivities are a function of the speed of the storage on each master-eligiblenode, as well as the reliability and latency of the network interconnectionsbetween the elected master node and the other nodes in the cluster. You musttherefore ensure that the storage and networking available to the nodes in yourcluster are good enough to meet your performance goals.

Data nodes


Data nodes hold the shards that contain the documents you have indexed. Datanodes handle data related operations like CRUD, search, and aggregations.These operations are I/O-, memory-, and CPU-intensive. It is important tomonitor these resources and to add more data nodes if they are overloaded.

The main benefit of having dedicated data nodes is the separation of the masterand data roles.

In a multi-tier deployment architecture, you use specialized data roles toassign data nodes to specific tiers: data_content,data_hot, data_warm,data_cold, or data_frozen. A node can belong to multiple tiers.

If you want to include a node in all tiers, or if your cluster does not use multiple tiers, then you can use the generic data role.

Cluster shard limits prevent creation of more than1000 non-frozen shards per node, and 3000 frozen shards per dedicated frozennode. Make sure you have enough nodes of each type in your cluster to handlethe number of shards you need.

If you assign a node to a specific tier using a specialized data role, then you shouldn’t also assign it the generic data role. The generic data role takes precedence over specialized data roles.

Generic data node


Generic data nodes are included in all content tiers.

To create a dedicated generic data node, set:

node.roles: [ data ]

Content data node


Content data nodes are part of the content tier.Data stored in the content tier is generally a collection of items such as a product catalog or article archive.Unlike time series data, the value of the content remains relatively constant over time,so it doesn’t make sense to move it to a tier with different performance characteristics as it ages.Content data typically has long data retention requirements, and you want to be able to retrieveitems quickly regardless of how old they are.

Content tier nodes are usually optimized for query performance—​they prioritize processing power over IO throughputso they can process complex searches and aggregations and return results quickly.While they are also responsible for indexing, content data is generally not ingested at as high a rateas time series data such as logs and metrics. From a resiliency perspective the indices in thistier should be configured to use one or more replicas.

The content tier is required. System indices and other indices that aren’t partof a data stream are automatically allocated to the content tier.

To create a dedicated content node, set:

node.roles: [ data_content ]

Hot data node


Hot data nodes are part of the hot tier.The hot tier is the Elasticsearch entry point for time series data and holds your most-recent,most-frequently-searched time series data.Nodes in the hot tier need to be fast for both reads and writes,which requires more hardware resources and faster storage (SSDs).For resiliency, indices in the hot tier should be configured to use one or more replicas.

The hot tier is required. New indices that are part of a data stream are automatically allocated to the hot tier.

To create a dedicated hot node, set:

node.roles: [ data_hot ]

Warm data node


Warm data nodes are part of the warm tier.Time series data can move to the warm tier once it is being queried less frequentlythan the recently-indexed data in the hot tier.The warm tier typically holds data from recent weeks.Updates are still allowed, but likely infrequent.Nodes in the warm tier generally don’t need to be as fast as those in the hot tier.For resiliency, indices in the warm tier should be configured to use one or more replicas.

To create a dedicated warm node, set:

node.roles: [ data_warm ]

Cold data node


Cold data nodes are part of the cold tier.When you no longer need to search time series data regularly, it can move fromthe warm tier to the cold tier. While still searchable, this tier is typicallyoptimized for lower storage costs rather than search speed.

For better storage savings, you can keep fully mounted indicesof searchable snapshots on the cold tier. Unlike regularindices, these fully mounted indices don’t require replicas for reliability. Inthe event of a failure, they can recover data from the underlying snapshotinstead. This potentially halves the local storage needed for the data. Asnapshot repository is required to use fully mounted indices in the cold tier.Fully mounted indices are read-only.

Alternatively, you can use the cold tier to store regular indices with replicas insteadof using searchable snapshots. This lets you store older data on less expensive hardwarebut doesn’t reduce required disk space compared to the warm tier.

To create a dedicated cold node, set:

node.roles: [ data_cold ]

Frozen data node


Frozen data nodes are part of the frozen tier.Once data is no longer being queried, or being queried rarely, it may move fromthe cold tier to the frozen tier where it stays for the rest of its life.

The frozen tier requires a snapshot repository.The frozen tier uses partially mounted indices to storeand load data from a snapshot repository. This reduces local storage andoperating costs while still letting you search frozen data. Because Elasticsearch mustsometimes fetch frozen data from the snapshot repository, searches on the frozentier are typically slower than on the cold tier.

To create a dedicated frozen node, set:

node.roles: [ data_frozen ]

Ingest node


Ingest nodes can execute pre-processing pipelines, composed of one or moreingest processors. Depending on the type of operations performed by the ingestprocessors and the required resources, it may make sense to have dedicatedingest nodes, that will only perform this specific task.

To create a dedicated ingest node, set:

node.roles: [ ingest ]

Coordinating only node


If you take away the ability to be able to handle master duties, to hold data,and pre-process documents, then you are left with a coordinating node thatcan only route requests, handle the search reduce phase, and distribute bulkindexing. Essentially, coordinating only nodes behave as smart load balancers.

Coordinating only nodes can benefit large clusters by offloading thecoordinating node role from data and master-eligible nodes. They join thecluster and receive the full cluster state, like every othernode, and they use the cluster state to route requests directly to theappropriate place(s).

Adding too many coordinating only nodes to a cluster can increase theburden on the entire cluster because the elected master node must awaitacknowledgement of cluster state updates from every node! The benefit ofcoordinating only nodes should not be overstated — data nodes can happilyserve the same purpose.

To create a dedicated coordinating node, set:

node.roles: [ ]

Remote-eligible node


A remote-eligible node acts as a cross-cluster client and connects toremote clusters. Once connected, you can searchremote clusters using cross-cluster search. You can also syncdata between clusters using cross-cluster replication.

node.roles: [ remote_cluster_client ]

Machine learning node


Machine learning nodes run jobs and handle machine learning API requests. For more information, seeMachine learning settings.

To create a dedicated machine learning node, set:

node.roles: [ ml, remote_cluster_client]

The remote_cluster_client role is optional but strongly recommended.Otherwise, cross-cluster search fails when used in machine learning jobs or datafeeds. If you use cross-cluster search inyour anomaly detection jobs, the remote_cluster_client role is also required on allmaster-eligible nodes. Otherwise, the datafeed cannot start. See Remote-eligible node.

Transform node


Transform nodes run transforms and handle transform API requests. Formore information, see Transforms settings.

To create a dedicated transform node, set:

node.roles: [ transform, remote_cluster_client ]

The remote_cluster_client role is optional but strongly recommended.Otherwise, cross-cluster search fails when used in transforms. See Remote-eligible node.

Changing the role of a node


Each data node maintains the following data on disk:

  • the shard data for every shard allocated to that node,
  • the index metadata corresponding with every shard allocated to that node, and
  • the cluster-wide metadata, such as settings and index templates.

Similarly, each master-eligible node maintains the following data on disk:

  • the index metadata for every index in the cluster, and
  • the cluster-wide metadata, such as settings and index templates.

Each node checks the contents of its data path at startup. If it discoversunexpected data then it will refuse to start. This is to avoid importingunwanted dangling indices which can leadto a red cluster health. To be more precise, nodes without the data role willrefuse to start if they find any shard data on disk at startup, and nodeswithout both the master and data roles will refuse to start if they have anyindex metadata on disk at startup.

It is possible to change the roles of a node by adjusting itselasticsearch.yml file and restarting it. This is known as repurposing anode. In order to satisfy the checks for unexpected data described above, youmust perform some extra steps to prepare a node for repurposing when startingthe node without the data or master roles.

  • If you want to repurpose a data node by removing the data role then youshould first use an allocation filter to safelymigrate all the shard data onto other nodes in the cluster.
  • If you want to repurpose a node to have neither the data nor master rolesthen it is simplest to start a brand-new node with an empty data path and thedesired roles. You may find it safest to use anallocation filter to migrate the shard data elsewherein the cluster first.

If it is not possible to follow these extra steps then you may be able to usethe elasticsearch-node repurpose tool to delete anyexcess data that prevents a node from starting.

Node data path settings



Every data and master-eligible node requires access to a data directory whereshards and index and cluster metadata will be stored. The defaultsto $ES_HOME/data but can be configured in the elasticsearch.yml configfile an absolute path or a path relative to $ES_HOME as follows: /var/elasticsearch/data

Like all node settings, it can also be specified on the command line as:


The contents of the directory must persist across restarts, becausethis is where your data is stored. Elasticsearch requires the filesystem to act as if itwere backed by a local disk, but this means that it will work correctly onproperly-configured remote block devices (e.g. a SAN) and remote filesystems(e.g. NFS) as long as the remote storage behaves no differently from localstorage. You can run multiple Elasticsearch nodes on the same filesystem, but each Elasticsearchnode must have its own data path.

When using the .zip or .tar.gz distributions, the settingshould be configured to locate the data directory outside the Elasticsearch homedirectory, so that the home directory can be deleted without deleting your data!The RPM and Debian distributions do this for you already.

Don’t modify anything within the data directory or run processes thatmight interfere with its contents. If something other than Elasticsearch modifies thecontents of the data directory, then Elasticsearch may fail, reporting corruption orother data inconsistencies, or may appear to work correctly having silentlylost some of your data. Don’t attempt to take filesystem backups of the datadirectory; there is no supported way to restore such a backup. Instead, useSnapshot and restore to take backups safely. Don’t run virus scanners on thedata directory. A virus scanner can prevent Elasticsearch from working correctly and maymodify the contents of the data directory. The data directory contains noexecutables so a virus scan will only find false positives.

Other node settings


More node settings can be found in Configuring Elasticsearch and Important Elasticsearch configuration,including:

  • network settings

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Nodes | Elasticsearch Guide [8.15] (2024)


How many master nodes should I have? ›

Three dedicated master nodes, the recommended number, provides two backup nodes in the event of a master node failure and the necessary quorum (2) to elect a new master.

How to decide the number of nodes in Elasticsearch? ›

How many nodes should an ElasticSearch cluster have?
  1. each node is one host (either physical or virtual)
  2. three node is best as if you have one fail node you will still have your cluster running.
  3. if you only have one node and three virtual machine in same host then if your physical host die your cluster dies.
Apr 12, 2020

What is the difference between master nodes and data nodes? ›

Data nodes store the data, and participate in the cluster's indexing and search capabilities, while master nodes are responsible for managing the cluster's activities and storing the cluster state, including the metadata.

How do you verify CPU level of node? ›

Use the kubectl top node command to get the CPU usage of all nodes. Get the list of pods running on the node and their CPU usage by running the following command. Replace the node_name with the actual node name. Check the requests and limits for each pod on the node with the Kubectl describe node <node_name> command.

How many nodes for high availability? ›

The most common size for an HA cluster is a two-node cluster, since that is the minimum required to provide redundancy, but many clusters consist of many more, sometimes dozens of nodes.

What happens when master node goes down? ›

Whenever master node under kubernetes fails, the cluster still remains in an operational mode. It doesn't affect pod creation or service member changes. If worker node fails, master stops receiving updates from worker node.

What is the minimum master nodes in Elasticsearch? ›

There are at least two data nodes. Every index that is not a searchable snapshot index has at least one replica of each shard, in addition to the primary. The cluster has at least three master-eligible nodes, as long as at least two of these nodes are not voting-only master-eligible nodes.

What determines the number of nodes? ›

The total number of nodes in an atom is determined by subtracting one from the principal quantum number ( n ).

What is the maximum node count in Elasticsearch? ›

Evaluation of node specifications and the number of nodes
SpecificationsMaximum number of nodesMaximum storage space per node
General scenario
2 vCPUs and 4 GiB of memory10120 GiB
2 vCPUs and 8 GiB of memory10240 GiB
4 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory20480 GiB
2 more rows
Jan 18, 2024

How do you know if a node is master or worker? ›

By default all other nodes without a role should be the worker nodes. Also if you need a bit more information about your nodes you can call kubectl get nodes -o wide . The node which api-server , kube-controller-management and kube-scheduler running on is the master node.

Can we have multiple master nodes? ›

1. I am wondering if it is possible to have multiple master nodes to share a single cluster? The answer here is yes, but you will need to increment the port each time it's installed.

How do I get rid of master node? ›

Removing an unreachable master node from the cluster
  1. Go to the Overview tab on the Cluster Configuration page.
  2. Under the Nodes section, select the node to remove.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Select the Force check box to force the removal of the node even if the node cannot be reached.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the operation.

How do I check the status of nodes? ›

Determining the status of the node
  1. Open an SSH session on the host.
  2. Type the cluster get_node_statuses command to determine the status of the node.

How do you calculate node level? ›

The topmost node of a binary tree is the root node. The level of a node is the number of edges along the unique path between it and the root node. Therefore, the root node has a level of 0. If it has children, both of them have a level of 1.

How do I check nodes usage? ›

To monitor node resources, use the command kubectl top node . This will display CPU and memory usage for each node in your Kubernetes cluster.

How many master nodes are required in Kubernetes? ›

This includes, for example, the master nodes — a Kubernetes cluster typically has 3 master nodes, and if you have only a single cluster, you need only 3 master nodes in total (compared to 30 master nodes if you have 10 Kubernetes clusters).

How many nodes should I have in Kubernetes? ›

The total number of nodes required for a cluster varies, depending on the organization's needs. However, as a basic and general guideline, have at least a dozen worker nodes and two master nodes for any cluster where availability is a priority.

What is the recommended node count in Kubernetes? ›

More specifically, Kubernetes is designed to accommodate configurations that meet all of the following criteria: No more than 110 pods per node. No more than 5,000 nodes. No more than 150,000 total pods.

Why does Kubernetes need three master nodes? ›

A 3-node cluster will have a quorum of 2. If one node fails, the etcd cluster can keep working with its remaining two nodes.

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