Node JS Web Development and Its Advantages - TatvaSoft Blog (2024)

Node JS Web Development and Its Advantages - TatvaSoft Blog (1)

As per the stats 30 million websites are created using Node.js code. A lot of companies are making efforts by vying their products to users. Node.js has been a consistent supporter in building web applications and interactive websites too. Many companies like Amazon, Netflix, eBay, Reddit, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and PayPal have already seen results by using Node JS. Node.js is a go-to technology framework for developers because it has some of the most sought-after features and also because Node js development company is capable of offering multiple advantages.

So, if you are someone who wants to know the capability of Nodejs and its substantial contribution to web development then keep reading. This blog post will address Node.js from the grass-root level and give you all types of necessary insights about Node.js, its advantages, node.js developers’ perks, and so on. So, firstly let’s start with what is Node Js in basic?

1. Overview of Node JS

Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source JavaScript runtime environment that enables developers to run JavaScript code outside of a browser. There are many large firms, such as Netflix and Uber, that employ Node.js, a popular lightweight web framework for novices.

When you think of JavaScript, you usually associate it with web development. There was no method to run JavaScript outside of a browser until Node.js came along. Node.js is the best programming language for writing backend servers and databases since it allows you to run the code as a separate application rather than something that can only be tested in a browser environment.

Other application platforms typically make a different option than Node.js.Threads are commonly used to scale web application/ mobile applications to occupy the CPU, however, Node.js avoids them due to their inherent complexity. Single-thread event-driven systems are said to have a small memory footprint, high-performance fast throughput, better latency under load, and a simpler programming style.

It’s a standalone JavaScript engine with extensions that are good for general-purpose programming and focus on application server development.

2. Understanding How Node.js Functions?

Node.js is an open-source platform mostly preferred to use as a backend language. It is quite easy to work with Node.js: Node.js accepts requests from clients and sends responses all while working with a single thread. Threads are used by Node.js to handle the I/O operations and requests. Thread is a set of instructions for the server to execute. Threads can run in parallel on the server-side web in order to provide data to multiple clients. Node.js is a single-threaded event loop language. With a single thread, it can handle multiple tasks/requests without blocking it for one.

Node.js works on the concept of asynchronous and non-blocking I/O. Let us see how each one works for Node.js functions.

Node.js as Non-blocking i/o

Node.js with non-blocking works with multiple requests without blocking the thread for a single request is referred to as non-blocking I/O. External systems, such as files and databases are interacted with by I/O. Generally, Node.js does not work with multiple threads because it is a single thread and cannot handle the CPU work. Node.js is not used for CPU-intensive work such as calculations or video processing.

Asynchronous Type

Asynchronous means that a callback function is being executed in the background. A callback function will be executed as soon as a response is received from another server or database. Because node.js is built on an event-driven architecture, callback functions are called immediately after a task is completed. Instead of working with the request, the single thread sends it to another system, which resolves it and makes it available for future requests.

Node.js also adds Libuv- an open-source library function for operations. Libuv has two extremely essential features that are event loops and thread loops. By using these, Node.js functions can become easy to execute and simple.

3. Features of Node JS

Node JS is an open-source server-side programming language discovered by Ryan Dahl. It functions on the V8 javascript engine; The prime function of Node JS goes as per the events and hence it is known as an event-driven, non-blocking server that creates all types of front-end apps. The architecture is push-based but allows easy slip into the development of all types of applications. The following are some of its salient features

  • Its nature is asynchronous or non-blocking with microservices architecture.
  • Cleaner and more consistent source code.
  • It’s simple for a JavaScript programmer to use Node.js to create back-end services.
  • Nodejs has open-source libraries and a large ecosystem.
  • It’s simple to use and can work best for prototyping as well as agile development.
  • It offers services that are both quick and scalable.
  • It works in a single-threaded nature and is still significantly faster in the development process.
  • Synchronous Code Execution refers to the execution of code in sync.
  • You can create SASS, Service, and Desktop Platforms at the same time.

4. Advantages of Node JS

Node.js has many advantages that make businesses opt for it. Let’s see in detail the advantages that Nodejs is capable to offer:

4.1 Flexible Developers

Developers use Node.js because it allows them to effortlessly scale their real-time applications in both horizontal and vertical orientations. During the application’s scalability, you may also add more resources.

4.2 Top-Notch Web Apps:

You can design a web app with PHP or Node.js, and both will take the same amount of time. However, when it comes to building chat apps or gaming apps, Node.js is far more preferable due to faster synchronization. For Node.js programming, the event loop also prevents HTTP overload.

4.3 Comprehensive Suite:

Node JS development works on the V8 engine which is an innovation of Google. Because NodeJs uses an event loop to handle all asynchronous actions, it functions as a fast suite, allowing all operations such as database reading and writing, network connections, and file system access to finish swiftly.

4.4 Simple to Understand and Program:

NodeJS uses JavaScript, which makes it simple to learn and code. You can quickly learn and build the application using NodeJS if you are a front-end developer with a decent understanding of JavaScript.

4.5 Caching’s Benefits:

Node allows you to cache a single module. The first module is cached in the application memory whenever it is requested, so you don’t have to re-execute the code.

4.6 Streaming Data:

The HTTP request and response are given separate treatments in NodeJs.They are data streams, therefore processing a file at the time of loading will lower the overall time and make the data present in the form of transmissions. You may also stream audio and video files at breakneck speeds.

4.7 V8 Engine

Node.js works on the V8 engine which is a Google-developed JS engine that converts JavaScript code into machine code for faster execution of processes. This will in turn reduce the response time and you will be rapidly responding to all the concerns. Also, Node.js’ single-threaded event loop model makes it simple to handle multiple concurrent user requests without creating additional threads and thus using fewer resources.

4.8 Highly Expandable

Node.js is known for being highly extensible and that means it can be extended and used to customize and extend features in order to meet the project-specific needs.

4.9 Long Term Supporting

Every major release of Node.js will be actively maintained for the next 18 months after it enters LTS status (long-term support). There will be no new features added to the existing version at this time, but the team will handle all bug fixes and security updates.

5. What Type of Applications Can We Build Using Node JS?

Node.js software development for the web majorly focuses on the server-side javascript development of web applications. The Javascript developers can develop all types of web applications. This is because they know how NodeJS functions in the whole Javascript ecosystem will make it smooth and high-performing. Some web applications need heavy computation for small services, hence the architecture becomes complex to fit in real-time applications. Software development in Node js has built empires of many small and large businesses. These types are as follows.

5.1 Robust Technology Stack

JavaScript appears to be one of the most widely used programming languages. As a result, according to the number of downloads and reviews by Node JS web developers, the use of Node.js continues to expand. Developers gain the full-stack JavaScript benefits while using Node.js for the backend:

  • Sharing and repurposing code
  • Productivity and efficiency
  • Performance and speed

You’ll get access to a community where you may learn and grow. The Node.js development team can produce exceptional software as a result of its speed and flexibility. Additionally, the expert developers of frontend JavaScript can easily transition to server-side development.

5.2 Microservices Scalable Technology

When it comes to microservice architecture, Node.js is a popular choice among developers. This form of microservices opens up the possibility of future scalability. It’s due to the smaller modules compared to a solid core, which limits adaptability. As a result, incorporating microservices into smaller existing units is a more accessible option than integrating features into a fully working program.

5.3 Consistent JSON Supportive Apps

With JSON support, Node.js is a popular choice among developers. Node.js also benefits from the JSON communication format, which it implements differently than other backend technologies. JSON is used by Ruby on Rails and PHP, nevertheless, Node.js does not convert binary models. As a result, Node.js with Javascript can be particularly effective when developing RESTful APIs for NoSQL database support, such as when dealing with microservice architecture. This form of microservices opens up the possibility of future scalability. It’s due to the smaller modules compared to a solid core, which limits adaptability.

6. Companies That Use Node JS For Web Development

There are many companies that have shown breakthrough changes within the business of web development just by using Node JS for their business. Since the benefits of Node JS have been helpful for multiple businesses to get ahead of peers. So, these companies are listed here to bring more trust and confidence in this technology.

6.1 Netflix and Node JS

The first one on our list is Netflix. It has been the most revolutionizing application developed in this technology era. Netflix is the world’s finest and largest video streaming application that includes movies and series released worldwide. Also, with a humongous number of subscribers like 81millions this app has been a turning point for many businesses. Imagine the space required by its servers and the data it stores. It’s gigantic.

Yet, if you see its interface, it tells a different story altogether. Not everyone knows that Node.JS has a huge contribution to the development of the interface of Netflix. The software engineers at Netflix decided to use Node JS for their user interface which made the application faster, high-performing, modular, and especially lightweight (in spite of so much content on its server). As per the internal sources of Netflix they believe that after the use of Node Js their solution has become blazing fast with load time reduced to 70%.

6.2 Uber and NodeJS

Uber is a transportation network firm that is best known for its taxi-hailing app. The corporation revolutionized transportation forever by implementing a new business model. Uber is now available in 85 countries and over 900 cities around the world with over 14 million journeys completed every day.

Uber was one of the first firms to use Node.js in production with a vast matching system developed on the platform. As a result of the tech option of adopting Node, Uber’s app significantly enhanced its performance, processed information rapidly, increased the application’s operational speed, and faults could be resolved promptly without requiring a restart.

6.3 LinkedIn and Node JS as a Web Framework

LinkedIn is a professional social networking site that focuses on career development and networking. It is currently available in 24 languages and has over 675 million members in 200 countries and regions throughout the world. The server-side of LinkedIn’s mobile app is powered by Node.js. The new mobile app is 20 times faster than the previous Ruby on Rails-based version, has higher speed, and uses less memory. Furthermore, resource consumption was considerably improved, resulting in a ten times reduction in the number of servers required to run the mobile app.

7. Reasons to Use NodeJS For Your Next Development Project

7.1 Project Code Sharing through Node Package Manager

The NPM (Node Package Manager) of Node Js allows for easy sharing of project code/ application code. NPM modules are one of the main reasons why a web app development firm uses Node.js. It’s impossible to share anything even when you are utilizing other frameworks.

7.2 Continuous Assistance.

Once there is a release in Node.js, it actively supports for the next one and half years once it is added to as Long-Term Support. At the same time, no new features can be discovered to be compatible with the current version of Nodejs. The development team is responsible for all security upgrades and bug patches.

7.3 Rapid

Since Google’s V8 engines support it, Node.js is lightning fast. It compiles the JS code into the native device and helps it run faster than other web development services. That is why, in today’s world, every company is hiring more and more Node.js developers.

7.4 Cost-Effective

You must think that Node.js is costly and the reason behind it is that it is multi-tasking. Node.js web app development does not necessitate a large financial commitment. According to surveys, companies who use Node.js web development require less computational power to host their websites.

7.5 Streaming Data

High-end I/O management would be required for accomplished software development. With web frameworks that treat HTTP0 replies and requests as entire data objects, this becomes more problematic.

7.6 Real-Time Web Apps

It is advantageous for developers that wish to make their tasks easier when developing real-time apps such as chat and gaming apps. The real-time web app is suitable for web programs that require a non-blocking and event-based server, and Node.js provides this. Organizations are aware that this will expedite their operations.

8. Conclusion

Undoubtedly, NodeJS has shown some transformational changes within businesses and that makes it a popular choice among developers. There is the scalability that is beyond the expectation of Node.js offering but the utilization demands are for a wide range of mobile and web applications. It is a sort of technology that operates with minimal effort. It is majorly based on Javascript and hence full-stack developers with knowledge of both front-end and backend can help you develop all types of web applications. Node.js is ideal for building streaming web apps, data-intensive server-side applications, and microservices. Node is a common language that builds the scalable framework for many organizations because it is built on Chrome’s V8 engine, uses asynchronous execution, and operates on a single thread event loop runtime environment.

Node JS Web Development and Its Advantages - TatvaSoft Blog (2024)


What is NodeJS and its advantages? ›

Node. js is a JavaScript run-time environment built on Chrome's V8 engine, not a framework or library. It enables server-side execution of JavaScript code. Node. js is also an open-source platform, allowing greater freedom to develop real-time network applications.

Is NodeJS good for Web development? ›

Productivity. NodeJS delivers a highly productive platform to developers and helps them create robust web applications. It is an event-driven, single-threaded environment, making it ideal for developing real-time applications such as video streaming and chat.

Why use node for React? ›

With the combination of Node and React, developers don't require learning complex back-end languages like Python or Ruby. They can use Node for server-side development and React for front-end code building without switching between frameworks and programming languages. And it saves resources, money, and time.

What are the advantages of NodeJS over other server-side languages? ›

js is non-blocking and offers async functions, it can handle several tasks at once. Because the procedures are frequently handled in a single thread rather than queuing, they speed up server tasks. Applications created with Node. js are scalable and have a higher performance level.

What is NodeJS best used for? ›

Web Servers: Node. js is ideal for building fast and scalable web servers that handle numerous simultaneous connections with high throughput. Real-Time Applications: It excels in real-time applications like chat applications, online gaming, and live collaboration tools, where real-time data updates are crucial.

When not to use NodeJS? ›

Node. js doesn't support multi-threaded programming yet. It is able to serve way more complicated applications than Ruby, but it's not suitable for performing long-running calculations. Heavy computations block the incoming requests, which can lead to decrease of performance .

Is NodeJS frontend or backend? ›

Node. js is sometimes misunderstood by developers as a backend framework that is exclusively used to construct servers. This is not the case; Node. js can be used on the frontend as well as the backend.

Which js is best for web development? ›

As per the State of JS 2022 survey, here are the 8 best JavaScript frameworks for front end development in 2024.
  • React. React, also known as React. ...
  • Angular. Angular is an open-source framework by Google for building dynamic single-page web applications. ...
  • Vue. js. ...
  • Ember. js. ...
  • Preact. ...
  • Svelte. ...
  • Backbone. ...
  • Alpine.
Apr 29, 2024

Which framework goes best with NodeJS? ›

7 Best NodeJS Frameworks
  • Express is the most popular and minimalistic web framework for NodeJS. ...
  • Fastify is a lightweight web framework for NodeJS built on top of Express. ...
  • NestJS is a progressive framework for NodeJS for building server-side applications with JavaScript and TypeScript.
Nov 6, 2023

Why do people prefer node JS? ›

Node. js is still relevant for web and app development due to its lightweight and efficient nature, cross-platform compatibility, and large active community. It is faster than other server-side technologies and ideal for building real-time applications. Node.

Can I use React without Node? ›

You don't need Node to run a React project. You don't even need a browser. React gives you a language to describe a user interface (UI).

What should I learn first, Node or React? ›

While React is undoubtedly a powerful front-end library, mastering Node. js first opens up a world of opportunities that will enhance your overall development prowess. Here are three compelling reasons to prioritize Node.

What is the disadvantage of NodeJS? ›

Single-Threaded Limitations

Concurrency Issues: Node. js operates on a single-threaded event loop, which can be a limitation for CPU-intensive tasks. Although it excels in handling I/O-bound tasks, heavy computation can block the event loop, impacting performance.

Why is NodeJS good for web development? ›

js stands as a reliable and efficient choice for developers. Its speed, scalability, rich ecosystem, and code reusability make it an invaluable tool in creating modern web applications. Node. js's versatility is evident in its real-world applications, from web APIs to microservices and real-time applications.

What is better than NodeJS? ›

Java is a strong alternative to Node. js in terms of security. It has many libraries, commonly-used security algorithms and protocols that developers can easily integrate into their code. If you are building an enterprise-level or medium-sized application, this gain could be a real win-win.

What is the main function of NodeJS? ›

As an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications. In the following "hello world" example, many connections can be handled concurrently. Upon each connection, the callback is fired, but if there is no work to be done, Node.js will sleep.

What is NodeJS and how does it work? ›

Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It is a popular tool for almost any kind of project! Node.js runs the V8 JavaScript engine, the core of Google Chrome, outside of the browser.

Why is NodeJS so good? ›

Node. js is still relevant for web and app development due to its lightweight and efficient nature, cross-platform compatibility, and large active community. It is faster than other server-side technologies and ideal for building real-time applications. Node.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.