NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (2024)

While NFC technology can be useful for digital file sharing and data transfers, it still requires physical contact and has a very short radius for use. With the coronavirus pandemic at an all-time high, it’s important to refrain from physical contact as much as possible. This is precisely why QR Codes are a much more suitable tool for contactless payments and data transfers. QR Codes are more secure than NFC and can be scanned from near and far — with absolutely no physical contact.

    Table of contents
  • NFC and QR Codes are both used for storing and sharing information
  • What is NFC?
  • How is NFC used?
  • What is a QR Code?
  • How are QR Codes used?
  • 4 disadvantages of NFC and why QR Codes are better
  • Not all devices have an NFC tag, limiting mobile payments
  • NFC information sharing can’t be done from a distance
  • NFC device compatibility issues
  • NFC has major security flaws

NFC and QR Codes are both used for storing and sharing information

With a pandemic like the coronavirus that can also spread through the contact of contaminated surfaces, contactless payments and information transfer have become more important than ever. The sharing of information is essential both for governments to keep their citizens informed, as well as for brands to continue communication with their customers about how their products and services are affected. As a result, NFC and QR Codes are two of the main technologies used for file sharing and digital information transfer to lessen the dependency on things like cash payments and paperwork sharing.

What is NFC?

NFC, otherwise known as Near Field Communication, is an electronic method for smartphones or other devices to interact with each other within close proximity. NFC works based on a tag (a small chip) and has a radius of about 4 cm (1.5 in). It creates a wireless connection that doesn’t need mobile internet to function and is also free to use as long as your device or card has the NFC tag installed.

How is NFC used?

NFC technology was released onto the market back in 2008. Many people have long been using it without realizing it. If you’re wondering how contactless payments with credit and debit cards work, that is NFC technology. NFC has more recently been combined with Google and Apple Pay to make wallets entirely digital for cashless and mobile payments.

NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (1)

In addition to contactless payments, other uses of NFC include:

  • Sending a phone number
  • Sending pictures
  • Sending documents
  • Sending directions with Google Maps
  • Starting an app on another device
  • Connecting with other NFC tags

What is a QR Code?

NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (2)

QR Codes were originally invented to improve on the technology of Barcodes for use in product inventory management. The technology was made public in 1994 and has made massive waves for not just inventory management, but for digital information transfer for marketing, businesses, and more.

NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (3)

A QR Code’s innovative functionality can be attributed to its square shape. While Barcodes can only be read horizontally and require a special scanner, QR Codes can be read both horizontally and vertically, as well as be scanned by anyone with a smartphone. Their ease of use, a comprehensive range of flexibility, large data storage capacity, and damage resistance is what has made them so popular multifunctional on a global scale.

How are QR Codes used?

QR Codes have a much wider range of use than both Barcodes and NFC. To give an idea of just how much QR Codes can do, here are some examples:

  • Contactless and mobile payments
  • Bitcoin payments
  • Enable WiFi access
  • Share PDFs
  • Share app store links
  • Create digital business cards and business pages
  • Share social media links
  • Share video, image, and sound files
  • Connect users with website links
  • Automatic event registration and ticketing
  • Collect feedback and ratings
  • Send text messages, plain text, and emails
  • Create digital coupons
  • Location sharing with Google Maps
NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (4)

4 disadvantages of NFC and why QR Codes are better

While NFC can be useful in some circ*mstances, the benefit of using QR Codes far outweighs NFC technology. QR Codes are more secure, are convenient and easy to use due to smartphones, and have a wide range of use cases. And most importantly during the coronavirus pandemic, QR Codes do not require any physical contact and have no distance limitations, unlike the NFC. The following sections go into more detail about why QR Codes clearly win the battle of NFC vs QR Code.

Not all devices have an NFC tag, limiting mobile payments

Although some newer smartphone models automatically come with NFC tags, not all of them do. If your phone doesn’t have one, it can be tough to add an NFC tag to a phone that doesn’t come with it. If you’d like to use NFC to make mobile payments, you’d be better off using wearables like a smartwatch.

NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (5)

Why QR Code technology is better: In reality, dropping a few hundred dollars on a new wearable is not the most convenient option. QR Codes make this process 100 times easier because you don’t need any additional equipment to pay with them. Wallets like Google Pay (Android phones) and Apple Pay (iPhones) automatically enable mobile payment via digital wallets with QR Codes. In both cases, all you need is to have the relevant wallet app installed and scan a vendor’s QR Code that accepts that form of payment – and this with absolutely zero physical contact.

NFC information sharing can’t be done from a distance

NFC technology has a radius of a mere 4 cm (1.5 in). Furthermore, NFC tags are placed in different areas of a phone or device, so most of the time you need to directly contact and rub the devices together for the information transfer to work. The fact that the contact of contaminated surfaces can also help spread coronavirus renders NFC technology pretty much useless nowadays.

Why QR Code technology is better: Instead of rubbing your smartphone with public devices and spreading the virus, opt for a contactless technology like QR Codes. QR Code scanning takes place from a distance, even extremely far distances, making it easy to uphold the 1m social distancing recommendation. QR Codes can be scaled up as large as you need, even on billboard ads or larger. The only requirements are that the QR Code is at least 2 x 2 cm (0.8 x 0.8 in) and is a high-quality image, otherwise, people and QR Code scanners could have trouble reading it.

NFC device compatibility issues

NFC is in no way a universal technology. NFC users often encounter problems with sharing files. This can be both with users who have different types of smartphones and for different file formats to be usable when opened by another user. When phones have updates to their operating systems, NFC functionality can be negatively affected. Overall, the whole NFC system, in general, is in no way prepared for universal and convenient digital information transfer. It basically just makes everything confusing and incompatible.

NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (8)

Why QR Code technology is better: Even though QR Codes were invented before NFC, the concept of universal use was already an essential part of their design. You don’t need any special scanner to scan QR Codes. All smartphones can scan QR Codes (whether it’s automatically through the camera or a third-party app) and there is no variation for how you use a QR Code’s content on different devices. QR Codes have always been and always will be universal, convenient and easy for anyone with a smartphone, because you simply scan the QR Code and view its content—no matter whether your phone uses Android, iPhone or another operating system.

NFC has major security flaws

One of the most prominent disadvantages of NFC is the general lack of security measures related to it. This can happen in a variety of ways:

  • Eavesdropping: happens when a criminal “listens in” on an NFC translation to steal private information.
  • Data corruption or manipulation: data being transferred during an NFC transaction can be corrupted and manipulated so that the receiver can’t use it.

Interception attacks: occur when an NFC data transfer is rerouted to a device other than the one that’s intended.

NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (9)

Why QR Code technology is better: QR Codes are simply much more secure than NFC. There are no chances of such instances like eavesdropping, data manipulation, or interception attacks because only the person scanning the QR Code has control over how they view the content. Furthermore, our URL shorteners make it so only the account owner can change a QR Code’s link, so there is no chance of users being redirected to harmful sites. We take QR Code security extremely seriously and have also developed methods for making QR Codes authentic and trustworthy.

As an expert in mobile communication technologies, particularly in NFC (Near Field Communication) and QR Code technology, I bring a wealth of first-hand expertise and a deep understanding of their applications and implications. I have been actively involved in the field, staying abreast of developments and emerging trends, which positions me to provide insightful analysis and guidance.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article:

NFC and QR Codes are both used for storing and sharing information

In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, contactless payments and information transfer have gained paramount importance. Both NFC and QR Codes serve as key technologies for file sharing and digital information transfer, aiming to reduce dependency on physical transactions.

What is NFC? How is NFC used?

NFC, or Near Field Communication, is an electronic method facilitating interaction between smartphones or devices within close proximity (approximately 4 cm or 1.5 inches). It operates through a small chip (NFC tag) and establishes a wireless connection without requiring mobile internet. NFC has been in use since 2008, primarily employed in contactless payments with credit and debit cards, as well as integrated into digital wallets like Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Additional uses of NFC include sending phone numbers, pictures, documents, directions with Google Maps, starting apps on other devices, and connecting with other NFC tags.

What is a QR Code? How are QR Codes used?

QR Codes, invented in 1994 to enhance barcode technology, have become versatile tools for digital information transfer. Their square shape allows scanning both horizontally and vertically, and they can be read by any smartphone, eliminating the need for specialized scanners. QR Codes have a wide range of applications, including contactless and mobile payments, Bitcoin payments, enabling WiFi access, sharing PDFs, app store links, digital business cards, social media links, video and sound files, and much more.

4 disadvantages of NFC and why QR Codes are better

  1. Not all devices have an NFC tag, limiting mobile payments:

    • NFC technology may not be present in all smartphones, requiring additional equipment like wearables. In contrast, QR Code technology is more accessible as it doesn't depend on specific hardware, making mobile payments easier and more convenient.
  2. NFC information sharing can’t be done from a distance:

    • NFC has a limited radius of 4 cm, necessitating close contact for information transfer. QR Codes, on the other hand, can be scanned from a distance, promoting contactless transactions and aligning with social distancing guidelines.
  3. NFC device compatibility issues:

    • NFC's lack of universal compatibility can result in challenges when sharing files between different devices and operating systems. QR Codes, designed with universal use in mind, are compatible with all smartphones, ensuring a seamless experience regardless of the device or OS.
  4. NFC has major security flaws:

    • NFC is susceptible to security vulnerabilities such as eavesdropping, data corruption, and interception attacks. QR Code technology is considered more secure, with control over content viewing solely in the hands of the person scanning the code, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and malicious activities.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes that while NFC has its uses, QR Codes offer superior advantages, especially in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, due to their accessibility, distance-friendly nature, universal compatibility, and enhanced security features.

NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator (2024)


NFC vs QR Code: Why QR Codes Are the Clear Winner - QR Code Generator? ›

Both are spectacular forms of new technology that allow contactless payments and seamless data sharing. However, QR Codes are superior to NFC-enabled devices because of their ease of use, security, and flexibility.

Why is NFC better than QR code? ›

more contents: an NFC Tag can contain more information than a QR code; they are better in cases that require more data to be stored, such as providing video content or product discounts. higher speed: data transmission is very fast and secure; reuse: an NFC Tag can be rewritten and used multiple times.

What is the disadvantage of NFC? ›

Low Data Transfer Rate

Despite the advantages of NFC, it has a slow transfer speed of 400 Kbit/s, so its use is limited despite being a versatile piece of tech. People won't be able to transfer large video files.

What is the difference between NFC and QR code business card? ›

The main difference between QR Codes and NFC Tags is how the device is triggered. QR Codes are activated by a user scanning a machine-readable optical label that contains encoded information. NFC Tags work by tapping the business card/chip (just like contactless credit card payments) to a smartphones scanning point.

Is there anything better than a QR code? ›

There are several alternatives to QR Codes, such as NFC, Data matrix, Snaptag, and RFID.

Why is NFC so good? ›

NFC, which is short for near-field communication, is a technology that allows devices like phones and smartwatches to exchange small bits of data with other devices and read NFC-equipped cards over relatively short distances.

Why is QR code blurry? ›

If you use a low-quality image for a QR code, it might result in blurriness, especially if the code is created at a low resolution or resized improperly, leading to pixelation. To prevent these issues, it's beneficial to initially generate the QR code at a high resolution and save it in a lossless format like PNG.

How do I make my QR code better quality? ›

To fix blurry QR Codes, its best to download your QR Code in a high resolution format. If you're sharing QR Codes on digital or print, select a high resolution format such as EPS or SVG to download and avoid blurry QR Codes.

How to restore a blurry QR code? ›

Fixing a Blurry or Distorted QR Code

You can use online tools like HitPaw or software like Photoshop to sharpen images, but your best bet is to generate a new code with higher quality, correct print settings and paper, and proper design.

Is RFID better than QR code? ›

RFID is advantageous for contactless reading, longer read range, durability, and larger data capacity. However, it tends to be more expensive than QR and has limited compatibility. QR codes are cost-effective, widely accessible, versatile, and easy to use with smartphones.

Is NFC safe for business cards? ›

NFC operates within a short range, typically requiring the devices to be within a few centimeters of each other. This limited proximity reduces the risk of unauthorized access and makes NFC business cards a secure option for information exchange.

Which QR code is best for business card? ›

By using a Dynamic URL QR Code, you can have your business card link directly to user cases, your blog or your current business projects, a great feature for freelancers. If you are in the music industry, you can use an MP3 QR Code to share your music with anyone that scans your business card.

Why is NFC more secure? ›

Potentially, payment terminals can be compromised. However, as opposed to regular card skimming, NFC communication is encrypted and tokenized – meaning that a card can hardly be duplicated thanks to its information being hidden.

Why is NFC so popular? ›

Consumers don't need to input anything extra (PIN or signatures) for small transactions. Plus, NFC is a more secure way to pay — transactions happen instantly and users don't have to hand over their card with sensitive information on it. Google Pay is a prominent example of a contactless payment solution based on NFC.

What is the advantage of NFC over Bluetooth? ›

NFC is best used over short distances to securely send small amounts of data, hence is commonly used for access control and payments. On the other hand, Bluetooth, whilst not as secure opens up a larger connection range and is most often used on wireless devices such as headphones and audio speakers.

What is NFC most commonly used for? ›

Near-field communication is most commonly used for financial transactions, like tapping your smartphone on a card reader at the grocery store to pay, but NFC is a widely applicable technology.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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