Nestle Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy (2024)

Nestle Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy (1)

Nestle Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy

Nestle is one of the largest companies in the world in the drinks, food and snacks industry. The Swiss company, though renown worldwide for its chocolate, has successfully transformed itself into a truly global force in the food industry with expansion to other areas of the industry such as baby foods, beverages and frozen foods. Currently, the company which owns more than 2,000 brands employs around 340,000 employees and operates in more than 180 countries worldwide. The company started out in 1905 from a merger as a milk company specializing in infant formula products and condensed milk products and has since grown to be one of the largest international food companies and the clear global leader in the sector in terms of revenues and profitability.

Nestle is one of the largest companies in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector and is the market leader in several of the sector’s markets, especially with revenues in consideration. The FMCG sector is currently dominated by companies in the snacks, food and beverages industry (, 2015). These companies include Nestle, Tyson Foods, Coca-Cola and Kraft Heinz.

The company has seven verticals namely liquid and powdered beverages, confectionary and cookies, ready prepared and cooked foods, dairy products, chocolate, drinking water and pet care. Even though the FMCG sector in large, there are a lot of players in the sector of all sizes and the competition is stiff since there are many international players in the market. In order for the company succeed in such a highly competitive sector, it must adopt effective marketing practices (Pride, Ferrell, Lukas, Schembri, & Niininen, 2015). Among the stiffest competitors facing Nestle are Procter & Gamble, Kraft Heinz, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Kellogg’s, Danone and PepsiCo.

BCG analysis

Given that Nestle is a company with both multiple products and it operates in multiple categories, BCG analysis is essential in order to better understand the company’s markets and better manage its business portfolio and to come up with an effective marketing strategy and plan (Pruschkowski, 2018). To gain a better understanding of Nestle, its BCG analysis should be done both by taking into consideration both its verticals and products.

In the liquid and powdered beverages, confectionary and cookies, chocolate, ready prepared and cooked foods and dairy products verticals, Nestle is a star, enjoying large market share and great opportunity for growth. In the pet care vertical, it is a question mark since Nestle has a small market share of a high growth market while the water vertical is a dog due to low market share of a highly saturated market that features both international and local players in each of their target markets.

Nestle has a wide range of products in its various verticals in different stages of the product pipeline (Immonen & Saaksvuori, 2008). In the liquid and powdered beverages sector, Nestle has two main products in the powdered beverages market, Nescafe and Nespresso, with Nescafe being a cash cow and Nespresso being a star. In the ready prepared and cooked foods, the Maggi brand, especially Maggi noodles, is a cash cow while in the bullions and dried food, the Maggi brand is a star, with its major competition being the Knorr brand from Unilever. In the chocolate vertical, KitKat and Munch are the main products from Nestle falling in the star category given that although the competition is stiff, the market segment has huge potential for growth and the company is in a position to increase both market share and revenue.

In the pet care vertical, the most known brand from Nestle is Purina, which also falls in the question mark category like the pet care vertical since there is high growth in the segment although it doesn’t enjoy dominant market share. In the water vertical, the company has many brands including Poland Spring, Perrier and Vittel, all of which can be considered to be in the dog category of the BCG matrix with low prospects for growth and attaining dominant market share.

PESTLE analysis

Given the understanding of the company’s product portfolio and the understanding of how it various products are positioned and performing in their markets, the next step is to carry out PESTLE analysis. The knowledge and insight from BCG analysis is used in determining how various external factors that can affect a business are to be handled in order to minimize business risks, leverage emerging opportunities and gain better insight in the business’ environment in a cost effective manner (Campbell, 2015). These are namely political, economical, social, technological, social and environmental factors.

There are many political factors that Nestle must take into account in its different markets. These include taxation, laws and regulation and compliance with various laws and regulations from different regions, governments and regulatory bodies and various import and export duties among other factors. Additionally, it must also account for global changes in the political landscape and regulations as well as regional political stability in its market.

Economic factors are important in determining the viability of both current and new markets, given that most of their target market is the middle and upper classes with enough disposable income to buy branded products. Additionally, economic factors play a huge role in price determination for their various products, which is critical in determining revenues, profitability and competitiveness of the products. Given the large scale of the company’s operations, changes in the prices of various inputs and expenses and market conditions like fuel cost and inflation also have a huge impact on the company’s bottom line and must be accounted for when strategizing and planning.

Social factors have a large bearing on the opportunities and threats that face businesses and this is especially more so in the FMCG sector and the food industry in particular. These factors include the local culture, values and norms, fashion and lifestyle among other social demographic patterns and trends. Social factors are important in determining emerging markets, detecting the change in customer preferences, cultural differences in various markets as well as current and future consumer behavior and psychology. This knowledge is essential in determining how a business reacts to the ever changing business environment in order to maximize their returns while minimizing their risk.

Technological factors

Technological factors play an important role in changing business environment, creating disruptions that can pose both challenges and present new opportunities for businesses. Various advances in technology can affect any part of the business including production (new product developments like using 10% less sugar without changing the sweetness of products), logistics (determining more optimal ways of delivering products to the end consumers) and marketing (rise of social media and other online channels) to name but a few. By being aware of technological changes in the industry, Nestle is better positioned to leverage new technology in a cost effective manner to meet business objectives and delivery quality products to diverse consumer markets.

Legal factors have a very important bearing on the operations of any business since it determines at the very least of a business can carry out its operations in a given jurisdiction. Such factors include licensing, obtaining various required permits, auditing and compliance with various standards. Additionally, business in food industry not only have to comply with rules and regulations that affect other business but also comply with regulations set by other governmental and controlling bodies like food and health safety laws and regulations. All these factors play an important role in determining how favorable or unfavorable the operating conditions directly attributable to the actions and policies of external stakeholders with authority are for the industry in general and a business in particular are.

Environmental factors can also be favorable on detrimental to a business’ operations. Some of the factors like extreme weather conditions can have impact on several areas of business operations e.g. by making inputs or transportation costs more expensive, environmental regulations affecting business operations for example in packaging or affecting sales as customer preferences change with the weather. Additionally, consumers the world over are increasing more environmentally conscious and using their purchasing power to reward and punish businesses based on the environmental practices. Nestle must also take into account the diversity in the physical environment they operate in and the different rules and regulations of different regions.

Of all these factors, social factors are the ones most likely to affect Nestle. The company has a wide presence in many countries and regions, which means they have already been exposed to different political, legal and environmental factors of the regions they already serve. The company has shown its innovativeness in dealing with different economic factors in various regions e.g. by offering small packing in lower middle income countries and combining both prestigious brands that can command high price with brands that compete on price depending on market conditions. Although the company fairs well in dealing with social factors e.g. using local ingredients and taking local tastes into account, this is an area they could improve and likely to pose the most challenges due to the ever changing preferences and demographics of any society.

Nestle liquid and powdered beverages vertical analysis

Given the wide range of verticals and products that Nestle offers, it is important to approach the products and their vertical separately even when developing a holistic marketing for their product portfolio (Aerk, 2009). The focus shall be on the largest contributor to Nestle in terms of revenue generation, the liquid and powdered beverages vertical, as shown below for revenues for the year 2017 (Statista, 2018). Special emphasis will be on powdered beverage products like Nescafe and Milo, the main offering from Nestle against its competitors and a focus on Milo, its flagship brand in the powder cocoa/ chocolate segment.

Nestle Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy (2)

Competitor review

Understanding the competition facing a business is critical not only for marketing purposes but also affects the strategic management of a business (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2015). In the liquid and powdered beverages vertical and especially in powdered beverages, its main competitor is Kraft Heinz. While Nestle dominates some of the sectors of the powdered beverages with brands like Nescafe (instant coffee segment), Kraft Heinz is the market leader in others with brands like Cadbury drinking chocolate (powdered cocoa/ chocolate segment). The company is facing stiff competition from Kraft Heinz especially in the cocoa/ chocolate and coffee market segment. While at first glance Coca-Cola may appear as a direct competitor to Nestle in the vertical compared to other companies, it offers alternative products in the vertical but its target market is cold beverages while Nestle product in the powdered beverages market segment are in the hot beverages category, where Kraft Heinz offers directly competing products. There is also more competition across the various verticals between the two companies and their various product offerings.

Nestle powdered beverages SWOT analysis

To determine the most effective marketing strategies and plans to deploy in face of competition in the beverages vertical, it is essential to carry out SWOT analysis. The aim of SWOT analysis is to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) that a business faces. In relation to its competitors, SWOT analysis reveals the following information.


Nestle is a world renowned brands that has a plethora of product brands that are also well known, a strong research and development programme, deep penetration of the products in the market and a highly efficient and wide distribution network. This is essential in ensuring that the cash cows and star product owned by Nestle continue to perform well while the company’s brand name serves it well with product brands in the dog and question mark category to grow.


The company has two major weaknesses namely being involved in several controversies and a brand structure that is undifferentiated. Some of the controversies, consumer and legal issues that have tainted the brand’s image in the past include Maggi lead controversy, claims of child labor in Ghana and Turkey and the use of forced labor and chocolate price fixing. Due to the undifferentiated nature of the many product brands it offers, managing the brands is difficult, sometimes even resulting in some of the brands competing.


There are several opportunities that can help Nestle increase the market share, revenue and in general their business operations. These are creating a better brand image, increasing the reach and efficiency of its distribution system, a global increase disposable income trend and agglomerating brands. The company should also pursue ways of expanding its markets, forming strategic alliances with other stakeholders and also consider buyouts and mergers.


Nestle faces the same challenges as any other business in the FCMG sector namely threats posed by substitute products, new entrants into its markets and the rising costs on inputs as other business expenses. The business faces constant pressure from entrenched and new businesses alike in all its verticals and especially the liquid and powdered beverages vertical. Rising costs of inputs and fuel prices have a direct impact of the company’s profitability.

Currently, Nestle is second in the powdered cocoa/ chocolate segment to Kraft Heinz’s Cadbury brand, with its main brand in the segment being Milo. The company should market the Milo brand more and ensure that their complex distribution system is improved to serve emerging markets and rural areas where, where often it fails. Additionally, it should increase marketing efforts for the brand to increase the brand’s image and recognition. It should also consider smaller packages especially in lower middle income economies, something the Cadbury brand has successfully leveraged and which it has achieved with Nescafe.

Market segments and target market analysis

Nestle, being a global company, essentially has a heterogeneous consumer market since people in different regions and with varying demographics have difference needs, tastes and preferences. This is also true for the powdered beverages segment since different people will have differences in their choice of powdered beverages. Despite these difference, in the various market segment form hom*ogenous groups that can help in making marketing efforts more coherent. Given these facts, the mixed marketing approach is the best one for Milo, with its efficacy already proven in the food industry.

The primary target market for the Milo brand in particular and most of the products offered in the powdered drinks category are the upper and middle upper classes. This enables brands like Milo to leverage the prestige associated with their brand to sell their products at a premium compared with the competition. The secondary target market for Milo is the lower middle class that is likely to shift to more premium brands as disposable income rises. From this information, we can derive the shown perceptual map.

Nestle Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy (3)

From the perceptual map, it can be seen that while Milo charges a slightly higher price than Cadbury does for its drinking chocolate and other cocoa/ chocolate powdered beverages products, Cadbury is the clear winner in terms of market share.

There are several things that Milo can do in order to increase their market share. These include market expansion, agglomeration of brands, improved efficiency and reach of their distribution systems and expanding to new markets. While the premium model is may seem counterintuitive, it is actually perfect for marketing Milo.

However, the company should do more to increase the brand’s appeal as a premium product and smaller packaging should also be considered to increase volume of sales. This will make the brand affordable to those currently with little disposable income but likely to have more as time passes like students, newly employee people and young people with families as well as young families. By getting such customers early, the company is more likely to cultivate brand loyalty early in a commoditized market.


Aerk, D. A. (2009). Brand portfolio strategy: Creating relevance, differentiation, energy, leverage, and clarity.

Campbell, P. (2015). Pestle analysis in a day. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. (2015, August 17). 50 largest consumer goods / FMCG firms of the globe. Retrieved from

Fleisher, C. S., & Bensoussan, B. E. (2015). Business and competitive analysis: Effective application of new and classic methods.

Immonen, A., & Saaksvuori, A. (2008). Product lifecycle management.

Pride, W. M., Ferrell, O. C., Lukas, B. A., Schembri, S., & Niininen, O. (2015). Marketing principles.

Pruschkowski, M. (2018). The BCG matrix and its support of management decision making.

Statista. (2018). Nestlé: sales worldwide by product category, 2017 | Statistic. Retrieved from

Nestle Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy (2024)


What is the marketing strategy of Nestle? ›

With an aim to be affordable for the masses, the Nestle marketing strategy incorporates multiple pricing tactics. If you go through any of Nestle's products, say KitKat or Maggie, you will realize that they offer several packaging options. Thus, targeting different income groups, Nestle appeals to all.

Which two strategies do you consider the best for Nestle to pursue Why? ›

Based on SWOT analysis, Nestle can adopt two strategies to help it to remain competitive. The first strategic option is the investment in market research and analysis to get a better understanding of the consumers. The second option is the commitment and focus of the company's energies on creativity and innovation.

What type of market structure is Nestle? ›

Nestlé's Market Structure

Nestle is a monopolistic market structure because it has many competitors in this market. The competitors are not only for the large company, but also the product which competitive with Nestle in local and international competitor.

What is the most popular growth strategy for Nestle? ›

Nestlé is the world's largest food and beverage player by revenue. It has been explicit about its broader strategy focusing on building out high-growth product categories, digital channels, and healthier food and beverage options throughout its portfolio.

What strategies does Nestle use to price its products? ›

Nestle uses various pricing strategies including price skimming, inexpensive and bundles pricing strategy, penetration pricing strategy, stock keeping units, psychological pricing strategy, discounts, and competitive pricing strategy.

What strategies Nescafe might needs to adopt to remain a successful brand? ›

Much of its credit goes to Nescafe's marketing strategy that includes inspirational advertising strategy, range of products, maintaining affordability for cost-conscious consumers, and utilizing strong distribution network of Nestle.

How did Nestle follow a variety of strategies of expansion? ›

After World War 11, Nestle continued to expand into other areas of the food business, primarily through a series of acquisitions that included Maggi (1947), Cross & Blackwell (1960), Findus (1962), Libby's (1970), Stouffer's (1973), Carnation (1985), Rowntree (1988), and Perrier (1992).

What makes Nestle successful? ›

They aim to inspire people to live healthier lives to improve society. This ensures them long-term success that comes with earning their consumers' trust and maintaining market leadership. Currently, they have more than 2,000 brands (from global icons to local favorites) and are in 190 countries around the world.

What was the major failure in terms of planning and strategy by Nestle? ›

From enjoying 80% share in the Indian noodle market, the company touched zero in a month. The company's officials deemed it to be “clinically dead”. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) banned this snack due to the presence of lead and high monosodium glutamate (MSG) content.

How does Nestlé segment its market? ›

Geographical Segmentation: The Nestle Company segments its market geographically on division basis. They divide each division in different zones and every distributor is controlled to sale its products only in its own zones. For example: Lahore is divided into five zones like East, West, South, North and South West.

What kind of business level strategy is Nestlé pursuing? ›

Building on our Nutrition, Health and Wellness strategy

Nestlé's success is built on its Nutrition, Health and Wellness strategy. Our founder, Henri Nestlé, believed that good nutrition was the key to a healthy life. Today, food and beverages remain core to our strategy.

What makes Nestlé different from its competitors? ›

Unrivaled product and brand portfolio

Nestlé's product portfolio is wider than any of its rivals in the industry. The company offers over 2000 different product choices in 7 main categories: Powdered and liquid beverages. Brands include: Nescafé, Nescafé Dolce Gusto, Nespresso, Nestea.

What makes Nestlé unique? ›

Factors that turned Nestlé into a successful company

Nestlé is a global company with deep local roots, which gives a unique ability to understand local consumers and adapt fast to their preferences.

What is Nescafe target market? ›

NESCAFÉ 's primary target market are coffee drinkers, specifically those whom are looking for a quick solution to quality coffee.

Does Nestle have a competitive advantage? ›

Nestlé Company have strategic advantage over their competitors because their will increase Nestlé value by ensuring long term availability of raw materials and water, more secure supply of better quality raw materials, producing products with improved environmental performance, profitable growth, consumer preference ...

What type of international strategy does Nestle use? ›

Localisation Approach - Nestle as a brand has always powered growth through innovation and a thorough understanding of consumer needs of the international markets.

What economic factors affect Nestle? ›

Foreign exchange swings are an economic issue for Nestlé. As a multinational firm, the company is easily impacted by the sway of foreign-exchange rates and prices. If the currency weakens, it may lead to profit loss, depending on the location. It could also result in the reverse — a profit increase.

What are the top 3 reasons strategy implementation fails? ›

Here are the six top reasons why strategy implementation fails.
  • Your strategy isn't meaningful. ...
  • You haven't properly understood your current situation. ...
  • Failing to engage the right people. ...
  • Allocating insufficient time. ...
  • It's too far from 'here' to 'there' ...
  • Failure to follow-up.

What is the problem with Nestle? ›

With unethical business practices such as taking clean drinking water in areas that sorely need it, participating in human trafficking and child labor, and exploiting uneducated mothers in third world countries, Nestle is quite possibly one of the world's most corrupt corporations.

How does Nestle measure performance? ›

It is calculated at the level of the individual product reference (stock keeping unit) per distribution channel, by comparing the weighted sales (this year's volumes valued at the prior year's prices in local currency) to the prior year's sales.

What is the market size of Nestle? ›

Market cap: $300.12 Billion

As of November 2022 Nestlé has a market cap of $300.12 Billion. This makes Nestlé the world's 21th most valuable company by market cap according to our data.

What is the strength of Nestle company? ›

Nestle has the world's largest food and nutrition research organization with 21 R&D centers Its research and development capability is one of its key competitive advantages. Nestle puts substantial efforts in environmental sustainability practices and take innovative initiatives in improving its quality of products.

What generic strategy does Nestle use? ›

Nestlé uses significant differentiate strategy for cost leadership strategy.

How does Nestle segment its market? ›

Nestlé uses a differentiation strategy to deliver various goods to distinct segments based on age, profession, seasons, weather, gender, and other factors. For example, Nescafe 3 in 1 is good for individuals who are pressed for time, Koko Krunch cereal is good for those who wish to taste real chocolate, and so on.

Does Nestle use pull strategy? ›

The Pull Strategies involves direct interface with the consumers. It focuses in advertisem*nt rather than various channels of distribution. Thus, Nestle is focusing on both Pull and Push Strategy.

What are the 4 Ps of Nestle? ›

Marketing mix of Nestle, which includes the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Product innovation, price approach, promotion planning, and other marketing methods are only a few examples. These business tactics, which are based on the Nestle marketing mix, contribute to the brand's success.

What makes Nestlé successful? ›

They aim to inspire people to live healthier lives to improve society. This ensures them long-term success that comes with earning their consumers' trust and maintaining market leadership. Currently, they have more than 2,000 brands (from global icons to local favorites) and are in 190 countries around the world.

Why Nestlé's business model is so successful? ›

In short, Nestlé focuses on generating demand for its current brands, while improving its operational efficiency, and by allocating massive amounts of capital to buy and sell relevant consumer brands, which help the company to keep its dominance in the consumer food and beverage industry.

How many markets does Nestlé operate in? ›

Our brands

We have more than 2000 brands ranging from global icons to local favorites, and are present in 187 countries worldwide We have defined three overarching ambitions for 2030 which guide our work and support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

What kind of market integration occurs with Nestlé? ›

Horizontally integrated company like Nestlé can gain market shares because they have acquired access to the customers of the company they lack. As you might expect, profits are usually increasing when companies increase the number and type of customers they serve.

What economic factors affect Nestlé? ›

Foreign exchange swings are an economic issue for Nestlé. As a multinational firm, the company is easily impacted by the sway of foreign-exchange rates and prices. If the currency weakens, it may lead to profit loss, depending on the location. It could also result in the reverse — a profit increase.

What is Nestle competitive advantage? ›

Research and Development is a key competitive advantage for Nestlé. Without our R&D Nestlé could not have become the food industry leader in nutrition, health and wellness. With 29 research, development and technology facilities worldwide, Nestlé has the largest R&D network of any food company.

What makes Nestle unique? ›

Factors that turned Nestlé into a successful company

Nestlé is a global company with deep local roots, which gives a unique ability to understand local consumers and adapt fast to their preferences.

What is the marketing objective of Nestle? ›

Nestle's marketing strategy, with its five key pillars, focuses on building and showcasing expertise in nutrition, health & wellness to help people live happier and healthier lives. The idea is to bring innovative and affordable products to meet the needs of modern consumers wherever they are in the world.

What is Pestle analysis of Nestle? ›

Nestle PESTLE Analysis examines the various external factors like political, economic, social, technological (PEST) which impacts its business along with legal & environmental factors. The PESTLE Analysis highlights the different extrinsic scenarios which impact the business of the brand.

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