"Непутевые заметки" с Дмитрием Крыловым : 1TV : June 30, 2024 9:40am-10:00am MSK : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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pan-asian cuisine, italian, and uzbek, and sovo, and neapolitan, and street food, god forgive me, but the principle of the house of culture, which calls for eating local national cuisine, will please you in the clearing, because caucasian cuisine, that is, khinkal and khachupur, dolma pickles, lula and kebab are served in the author's interpretation, in a sob restaurant they offer local trout, and those who proclaimed it are a thousand times right. there is, well, because the introduction of classical caucasian cuisine is also, albeit a component, but part of a simple human happiness, like any happiness, it does not last forever, the limited capabilities of the body and the wallet fortunately restrain it, but at least occasionally you can afford a little extra, when you take the cable car to the polyana 960 site you find yourself on a remarkable square, because it is not just a square. and

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an art object, a symbiosis of the ancient art of calligraphy, modern street art, fashionable performance and deep reflections on the topic of the future, how deep, well, i don’t know, see for yourself, decide. artists call for learning to understand and study this area, visit exhibitions more often, read more about the lives and works of great masters, then perhaps you will develop some understanding of the principles of modern art, if your soul has a need for it. yes, for you, as for me, there are no gears if there are no pawls in it. husky center. 50 angelic souls, in winter they take tourists sledding along mountain trails, in summer they work with batteries, love, adult children receive it, the most selfless love in the world. if you wish, you can.

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in choral singing, and others, oh, so soft horns, especially lips, in addition to oats and mixed feed, they also add yager, it is delivered from their homeland from the yamalo-neninets district, they carefully take berries from the palm of their hand, the touch of lips is also happiness, instantaneous, but happiness, next to husky deer, and not in enclosures, in the wild, they keep kikimura and baba yaga, they... perform socially useful

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educational functions among the younger generation, who knows, maybe their future baba yega will be brought up in this team, in childhood they there are all the angels, that's later the division into the koshchei of immortals and women yogis begins, yes, this is life, son. evening life is concentrated on the main street, which stretches along the river with the tender name mzymta, caressing the fly. this is where hearts are broken and where new alliances are formed. eternal, that is, until the end of the holiday season, here they experience exquisite pleasure from local cuisine and wine, and here they also acquire catarrhs, gout and other consequences of excessive consumption of mountain foods and alcohol. happy are those who observe moderation, you are one of them, but wow, i’m jealous, it was just one look at the krasnaya polyana resort, yours will probably be more fortunate, especially since we had the days of a terrible hurricane to be sewn up at that time in sochi. with us, everything was like...

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turning on the tv was so unthinkable before, as the burgamaster from the nezavensky zakharovsko-gorinsky, the same münchhausan, said, i won’t say that this is a feat, but in general there is something heroic in it, so i i admire you, i am sincerely grateful, but for this exorbitant courage you will be rewarded today, listen, in this city the best, here the river is bent by the slopes, the left bank is lost in the gardens, and peter’s... miraculous columns of ships

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bow to the ancient city with the great history of two peoples, the religion of creation and the high allegory i will say, a symbol of brotherhood and unity. to moscow, lord, it’s less than 300 km away, and there’s no railway, but why? yes, sir, gentlemen don’t watch our programs, then their wives tell them that in the 19th century, in the rich, then merchant kosimov, shipowners had a lot of weight,

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so they pushed through, speaking in a modern way, lobbied for the decision to move the construction of railways away from their native nest, why, and so that there would be no competition for river transportation... these shipyards, of course, have long been gone, but there is still no railway. kasimov is almost the same age as moscow, our mother is 877 years old this year, and he is 5 years younger than her, yes, an infant, nicknamed the town of mishchorsky, so kasimov comes out with moscow, a half-brother and sister. now, until you move here for permanent residence, very few people live in kasimov, less than 30 thousand a person, but he believes that he knows everyone by sight, sometimes you look at a small town like this and think, well, my god, what do they live on, well, who does what? in kasimov, for example, the prioksky non-ferrous

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metals plant operates, where in the old way, using aqua regia, no, igor sergeevich, this is not a popular drink among you, but that was the name at all times for a concentrated mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids... with the help of which gold is extracted from all known types of raw materials, there are several good hotels, a technical school or in a modern way, a water transport college that trains specialists, including an exotic specialty as a cook on river boats, there is also an oil and gas college, next to it is located the largest underground natural gas storage facility in europe, well , that’s probably all, except for those who sells food and other goods to its townspeople, and they also treat them as best they can. and teach their children, heat them, protect them, transport them and lead their subordinate electorate, but that is, as in all big and small cities and villages of our immense, but this is social prose, you won’t go to kasimov for it, right, but for cultural events, legends, mysteries and

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discoveries, and kasimov is rich in them, for example, when feudal fragmentation ended in our russia, an excellent student, that while still in memory, iga and ivan ii began to call themselves the sovereign of all russia, who ended with a silver medal and would attribute the event to the later times of ivan the terrible, but both would be wrong. formally , our feudal fragmentation ended in 1681 , when on the territory of russia there was the last appanage state, the so-called kassimov khanate, was officially abolished, well, it’s also a kingdom, oh, how? and the last one is ka'. according to the documents, the tsar was formally called none other than the famous ivan balaker, the court jester of peter i. he once accompanied the sovereign on a persian campaign and they stopped here in kasimov. just ask the jester, father, i heard that the throne of tsar kasimovsky

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is not occupied by anyone, so you should allow me to be called the king here, peter grinned and agreed. right here in kasimovo, ivan balakerev later died. here, behind the altar of the oldest kamyannaya st. george or epiphany church in the city , built in 1700, he was buried. here is his grave. tsar-jester. yes, a funny irony of fate. you know, much in the story of kasimov’s fate seems, upon closer acquaintance , somehow, well, if not buffoonish, then crafty. that is, as they say, yes, but not so. we said that kasimov is the same age as moscow, but that seems to be the case. but no, next to the same thing. so gleb and his brother boris were killed by their holy brother, but this is a crime

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happened almost 145 years before yuri dolgorukov, so the town of mishchorsky kasimov turns out to be a century and a half older than is believed. that in the city itself, with its small size, one day is definitely not enough to visit all its museums, smaller ones, private and public, but always unexpected in content, you know, such that almost all kasimovites are collectors, with their collected collections they hope to attract charming town with as many tourists as possible. well, yes, over the past 7 years the tourist flow here has tripled and now there are almost 60,000 visitors a year, which is twice the local population. what museums await tourists in kasimov? well, let's start with the main thing, the local one, that is, with the kasimovsky historical and cultural museum of the reserve. the first hall features the “preserved” exhibition. it consists of very rare and interesting items of church, wooden, and polychrome sculpture

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from the 17th and 18th centuries. such images after the church reform of patriarch nikon were not approved at all, or were even directly prohibited, and they had to be hidden away from the current holy synod. these figures were also found by scientists in one of the secret vaults of the now destroyed kazan cathedral. and now the slightly naive, prosthetic faces of these provincial saints are looking again. at us from the walls of the museum. the main building of the historical and cultural museum of the reserve is located in, perhaps, the most picturesque, historical mansion of kasimov, right there on the cathedral square in the former olyanchikov estate. listen, this alyanchikov, ivan osipovich, a rich wine digger and mayor, the gypsy guessed that they say he will be alive and well while his mansion is being built. so this tax farmer, that is, the one who acquired the right from the state to collect taxes, well, not to offend himself. so he... decided to deceive fate and not complete the construction at all, well, so do you think, it helped him live

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forever, and the museum settled here in 1919, and it was decided to bring here everything that the nobles and merchants had not managed to plunder kasimovsky district, peasants enlightened by the bolshevik revolution, and so the basis of the collection was formed, it was then a carved sculptural group called golgotha ​​appeared, and pay attention, the faces of the saints are, perhaps, more likely eastern or even finno-ugric, and the reason is that after nikon’s reform it was decided to actively baptize the natives, that is, the descendants of the mishchera tribe and tatars, with them it was necessary to show that god and his servants are the same people as them, from yours, such a visual propaganda of the 18th-18th centuries. over all its years of existence, the museum was constantly replenished and equipped, the halls of kasimov uyezdny, kasimov dvoryansky appeared, where the atmosphere of the gali estates was recreated.

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in the village of popovka, for example, there lived a master of music, like cassimov’s stradivarius, oh, and how many such stradivarius and guarnerians lived in our cities and villages, savvy, handy, talented. over the years, museum collections have been added to the halls of the formation of soviet power. halls of the great patriotic war and the space age. 2 years ago, the museum took part in the implementation of the national culture project. thanks to this , new display cases, stands, picture hanging systems, and, in general, a lot of useful things appeared. for the storage fund acquired equipment for storing the collection and graphics. the museum tries to attract audiences of all ages, and for this purpose it organizes interactive ones.

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cool, you need to prepare a warming dish, ram cookies, these are such ritual cookies, according to the desire of childbearing, fertility in the family, it smells very tasty, we will use two textures of podskaythurst fabric, this will highlight the beauty of the bride’s costume, the brighter the color, the closer to the age of childbearing, the elderly woman’s festive costume is completely black, why are we going for ransom, why did we come here? to me, i'm not to you, hello? after all, at that time they knew how to relax, our premiere, we are playing

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a wedding, today at the first, the pressure is normal, bye, what do you mean bye, single men don’t live long, you heard, you know, i’m coping, food is being prepared, baldness is being washed, well, what does that have to do with there are floors here, twice a week, at least, well, once, but regularly. and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first, i somehow became nervous, maybe you also need twice a week, what?

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backstory: more than 100 years ago there lived in kasimov a girl named anya, daughter an employee of the city duma, like all children, she loved fairy tales; when she grew up, she married pyotr ganzin, of desperate origin. anna learned danish together with her husband and translated into russian all our favorite stories of the great storyteller. and then in kasimov, in the very place where she once lived, a boy, tolya, was born. over time, he learned about the story of ane ganzan, he often thought. and about anderson, and over time he became so accustomed to the character that he himself, as it were, became andersen and the curator of a museum dedicated to the storyteller himself and the wonderful translator. now smirnov is a real city symbol of kasimov; he can be found on the cathedral square, for example, with an umbrella in the image of olya lukoy. let's say, cribly-crably booms, and the door of a fairyland will open, and there is

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a nightingale locked in a cage by the vain chinese emperor, the throne of the snow king. and those very flowers, fairy tales, flowers of little ida, who themselves danced at the ball, the magic pot, these huge red shoes, and the ears of happiness, and the uniform for the steadfast fishing soldier, and the carriage for the little girl, i made all this with my own hands anatoly smirnov, by the way, is the father of the real andersen. in general, as this slogan says, anderson lived, anderson is alive, anderson will live, and live, let us add, he will also be... in kasimov. it’s not only smirnov anderson who makes children’s toys in the kasimov region. 10 km from the city there is a village called vyrkova. since ancient times , pottery has flourished here. first of all, they made earthenware for household needs, and from the remnants of the material , the craftsmen sculpted toys like these for the children’s amusem*nt whistles. but in the 20th century, the need for pottery

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disappeared and the craft died out. the last master who owned the secret of virkov's toy has passed away. in 2010, it seemed that the secret was irretrievably lost, which is a pity, because the best examples of this craft are kept even in the st. petersburg hermitage, but recently a small museum of the vyrkov craft opened in kasimov, and with it, interest in the technology of pottery crafts was revived, but it’s great when a piece clay in your hands under the guidance of a skilled artist-instructor turns into a cute goat, cow, vykhokhal or someone else like that, master classes went on in the studios

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of the russian strip in the ryazan region, with a population of 27,957 people, yesterday, and today in the early morning there are more kasimovso for two, so this is a small town, and we, visitors, are making a lot of openings in it, so next time we will continue to introduce you to these of ours, wow, where did the purely orthodox town founded by the ancient slavs in the lands of the finno-ugric tribe mishchor get the tatar name kasimov, this is an interesting story, and i ’ll tell you it about the kasimov khanate about in tatar cultural center, and we will also visit orthodox churches, admire the icon of the kazan mother of god and look into several private museums where such wonders are displayed that we will throw up our hands in amazement. we will meet baba galilea ershista, a local celebrity, learn how to cook potato jelly, visit the iron grounds and admire the trinity cathedral, which reminded us of a castle on the banks of

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the french loire. but you will see all this in one of our next meetings. no, no, no, no, we want it. today, no, no, no, no, we want now, alas, dear impatient people, later, so don’t disappear, but we ourselves can’t bear it, to quickly share with you our joyful discoveries, happy bye, your reliable little dk. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev's studio in this issue. also for several carriages with equipment, including a nato precision strike by our iskander on an echelon of the armed forces of ukraine.

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Авторская программа Дмитрия Крылова о путешествиях. В непринуждённой ироничной манере автор рассказывает о своих впечатлениях от разных стран, в которых он побывал вместе со съёмочной группой программы. Зрители узнают не только о достопримечательностях конкретного региона, но и об обычаях и традициях местных жителей. Отдельное внимание уделяется кулинарным пристрастиям той или иной части света. За все время существования программы её съемочная группа успела объездить весь мир, а в 2002 году она достигла и Северного полюса.

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Kasimov 17, Anderson 4, Moscow 4, Peter 3, Russia 3, Andersen 2, Popovka 1, Europe 1, Kassimov Khanate 1, Kasimovo 1, Kamyannaya St. George 1, Mishchera 1, Gali 1, St. Petersburg Hermitage 1, Vyrkova 1, Sochi 1, House Of Culture 1, Epiphany Church 1, Kasimovsky Historical And Cultural Museum Of The Reserve 1, Kazan Cathedral 1
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"Непутевые заметки" с Дмитрием Крыловым : 1TV : June 30, 2024 9:40am-10:00am MSK : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.