My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (2024)

    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (1)

    Blogging can make you money! Yes, it really can! It has for me and for many others. There are lots of ways to make money with your blog and affiliate marketing is one of the best!

    If you are a blogger and have not yet monetized your blog or become an affiliate yet, I’m glad you’re here. These affiliate programs work for bloggers of all genres and I’ll highlight why I work with each of them and think you should too. If you are not yet a blogger, then you’re missing out! Get started on your blog today and start making money from home. Read my tutorial on how to get started here.

    Please note this post may contain affiliate links and ads, read my full disclosure here.

    What is Affiliate Marketing?

    Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money by recommending other people’s products. It’s an awesome way for bloggers to earn money because all you have to do is let people know what products or services you like and if they buy that same product then you get commission for recommending it. For example, I recommend new bloggers use BlueHost to get their website started because that’s what I use and I’ve been very happy with them. If you click on my BlueHost link and then signup for hosting with them, BlueHost sends me money for the referral. Score! Affiliate marketing is typically my #1 revenue source from my blog each month. No matter what genre you blog about, affiliate marketing can work for you. You don’t need to sound like a salesman when recommending a product or compromise your writing style to earn money, simply link to the product with an affiliate link and you’ll get money if a sale is made. Make sense? Below are 6 of my favorite affiliate companies. I personally am signed up with all of them and am recommending them because I’ve been happy with them and hope you can benefit from them too!

    My Top Affiliate Companies

    1. ShareASale – As the name suggests, affiliate marketing is just sharing a sale. I’m recommending ShareASale first because they are my top performing affiliate marketing network. Once you’re accepted as a ShareASale affiliate, you then apply to be an affiliate for specific companies they represent. They’ve been in business for over 16 years, their website is easy to use, and they have thousands of merchants so they are great for any niche. Some of the companies include: Grammarly, BuyBackWorld, Checks Unlimited, DealFlicks, ModCloth, BornToSell, Sears, Zazzle, and more!

    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (2)

    2. Amazon Associates – I’m recommending Amazon as my #2 choice because it is the easiest place to start if you’ve never been an affiliate, plus they have everything! Any product you use, book you read, movie you watched, beauty products you use, etc. can be found on Amazon. Once you’re an Amazon affiliate you simply link to the product mentioned in your post with your affiliate link and you get a percentage of the sale if someone buys something. The cool thing with Amazon is you not only get paid for the product you recommended, but if the person buys other things while shopping through your affiliate link you get a percentage of that too! For example, I recommend this piano book and someone clicks my Amazon link. They might buy the book, they might not, but let’s say they did buy a cell phone case. I’d get commission for the cell phone case even though I didn’t recommend it. If you want to support MyIncomeJourney while shopping on Amazon, use my affiliate link here and you’ll make my day!! (-:

    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (3)

    3. FlexOffers – FlexOffers is my second highest grossing affiliate network. Similar to ShareASale, they have thousands of companies they work with so it’s easy to apply to become an affiliate for big names like Betterment, Mariott, Fila, Norton, 123inkjets, Jelly Belly, and the Scholastic Store. Most of the time you’ll have a coupon you can offer your readers so it’s a win-win for them and you! Sign up for FlexOffers here.

    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (4)

    4. BlueHost – if you have a blog, then chances are you have someone hosting it for you. I love recommending BlueHost for three reasons: 1)to encourage others to start a blog, 2)I’ve been happy working with them, 3)they pay well. Yes, they get a little extra attention because they pay well. Most of the hosting companies have affiliate programs so even if you don’t use BlueHost, let people know who you use and if you like them. There’s affiliate programs out there for GoDaddy, UKHost4U, HostNed, OneWebHosting, WP Engine, and more! No matter what your blogging niche, let your audience know how you’re able to do what you do.

    5. ShopHerMediaShopHerMedia has accounts with many major brands and give their affiliates coupons and deals to pass on to their readers. One benefit to SHM is once you’ve been accepted to them you have access to all their campaigns. You don’t need to individually apply to be an affiliate with each company like you do with ShareASale and FlexOffers. Here’s an example of some of who SHM works with: Proctor & Gamble, Vanity Fair, Pampers, Baxter, Red Plum, and many more! Check them out here.

    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (6)

    6. Target – Target doesn’t have quite the online presence of Amazon, but who doesn’t love Target? It’s easy to become a Target affiliate and you’ll be able to offer your readers deals like free shipping, set up gift registries, or clearance items. Sign up here to become a Target affiliate.

    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (7)

    Keep in mind that becoming an affiliate for products you love and services you use that benefit you does not lessen the validity or integrity of your blog. Your blog can be more than a hobby, it can be a way to make a living. Use your affiliate links wisely and you’ll be rewarded with more than just happy readers!

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    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (8)

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    This Post Has 74 Comments

    1. Thanks for this list, I have tried amazon affiliates for books but never had anyone use it. I’m going to try share a sale and see how that goes!

    2. So helpful! I had no idea Bluehost has an affiliate program. Great post.

      1. BlueHost has a great affiliate program! You should check it out if you use them.

    3. Bluehost and Amazon are two great affiliate marketing, and I just have to find the ones that fit my market niche. Thanks for the recommendation.

    4. These are so great! Thank you so much. I am as new as they come and have had 0 idea where to start — and can I just say, I got way too excited to know you could be an affiliate with Target. lol

    5. thank you for sharing! such good info 🙂

    6. Great programs and some I have not considered. Thank you so much for this post, I will check out the ones I didn’t know about.

    7. This is a great list of affiliates. I need to jump on board with Target. Seriously, who doesn’t like Target. Thanks for such a great resource.

    8. Thanks for the list, I have been looking for a way to monetize my blog being a beginner. Will check these out. Thanks again.

    9. Blue host is great suggestion. I wouldn’t have thought of them as an affiliate.

    10. Thanks for the list! I use some of these, but I had never heard about ShopHerMedia. Sounds great! Is it difficult to be accepted? How convenient that you don’t have to apply to individual programs too!

    11. Great tips! Some of your recommendations are new to me, I will surely check them out. Thanks for sharing.

    12. This is a great list. I love using Amazon Associates because I feel like they have EVERYTHING for any blog niche. However, I’m having trouble getting sales. Ideas?

      1. For as much as I love Amazon and they’re so easy to be an affiliate with, they are not my highest affiliate income. I think this is because most of their cookies only last 24 hours unlike 30 – 60 days like many affiliate programs. I’m still working on improving my Amazon income and want to write a post about it soon. In the meantime, here is a good article with helpful tips .

    13. Great information in this post. Thanks for sharing!

    14. Thanks for sharing. I’ve still gotta get my head around properly marketing the affiliate programs I a signed up because I know I am not utilising them to their max potential but one thing at a time :).

    15. Amazon is my fav! ShopHer and Shareasale are big ones too

    16. That is a good list of resources. I personally use Bluehost. Aweber is another good program, in my opinion.

    17. All very interesting thanks

    18. I didn’t know Target had an affiliate program! For sure going to look into that and Amazon! Great post!

    19. Thanks for the info! This is a great list!

    20. Thanks for sharing this useful info.
      Affiliate marketing seems to be a great way to add to a bloggers income.I have heard a lot about it but not yet started it.After going through this post,I feel like going for it.I hope it really helps new bloggers like me to increase their earnings.

    21. I really like your suggestions for affiliate sites. I’ve heard a lot about share a sale but I have not tried it, I think I may try on one of my blogs and see how it goes. What do you think about commission junction?

      1. I haven’t applied to CJ yet, but I’m going to give them a try because I have heard good things about them too. I’ll let you know if/when I join them and if I’d recommend them. Thanks, Tonya!

    22. This was so helpful! Thank you for taking the time to write this!

    23. Great tips! I also started using affiliate link on my blog!

    24. Great post! I Use 3 of these. I just started so haven’t earned anything yet, but hopefully soon! Bluehost seems like the best one 😀

    25. Checking out ShopHer now!

    26. Great Tips! I am part of some of these affiliate programs but I will have to check out shopher!! Thanks for the suggestions =)

    27. Thanks for sharing this! I didn’t know Target had an affiliate program of their own!


    28. Thank you so much for sharing this! I am new to blogging and didn’t even know about half of these!

    29. Thanks for the advice! I’ve used Amazon, but I wasn’t familiar with the other programs!

    30. Thanks for the list! I currently use ShareASale and CJ Affiliate, but I think I’m going to have to try out FlexOffers now.

    31. These are so helpful! I’m just starting out so thanks for sharing these!

    32. These are very helpful tips! Thanks!

    33. This is a great list!

    34. Awesome suggestions!

    35. Thank you for sharing this. I’m just starting to understand the whole monetize your blog thing so this is another whole new idea for me. I’ve been blogging for a few months now but just recently I became more serious and now I’m in the middle of a move so things are a little crazy again. I guess that’s the crazy mom life 😉

    36. Affiliate marketing is my favorite. These are great programs. XO.

    37. I hadn’t heard about before – thank you so much!

    38. Awesome post. I have been using Amazon for a while and I just recently started using share a sale and Target. I have the hardest time figuring out how to use share a sale, so I haven’t really used it as much as I should.

    39. So much great information here! I’m just starting to look into affiliate programs, so this is very helpful 🙂

    40. I am going to have to try flex offers! I’ve been blogging for almost 3 months now… and haven’t really seen much income :(…. is this common usually? Thank you for sharing this!

    41. I never knew Target had an affiliate program! I’ll have to check them out!

    42. This was so helpful, thank you! I’ve been dreading affiliate links because I really didn’t know where to start, so this was extremely helpful

    43. I have done share a sale, target, and amazon. I am only doing ok with them, but mostly it’s because my website doesn’t lend itself to shopping. Working on getting creative though!

    44. I had no idea that Target had an affiliate program!

    45. I’m so bummed, I can’t be an Amazon affiliate in my state 🙁

    46. Awesome list…I need to get busy and start monetizing!!

    47. […] My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers […]

    48. Thanks for the tip on Zazzle. That fits into an article I wrote yesterday. It doesn’t seem to be within share a sale, but it looks like you can apply direct to them. Also, Sears wasn’t showing up in share a sale either.

    49. Oh gosh, I’m so dumb…I was searching in the wrong section. I found it in Shareasale. I’m pending there (but approved directly on their website…too funny).
      But, I’d rather do via Shareasale (as rates seem to be the same) and there is less to track (and can combine balances to get paid).

      1. I agree. It’s so much easier to have affiliates in one place rather than all over. I’ll look into if Sears is still there. They do change the companies they’re affiliates with periodically so perhaps Sears is no longer with Shareasale.

    50. This is a great list. I will be checking these out for my blog. Thanks!

    51. Thanks so much for putting this list together! I’ve been considering eventually monetizing my blog, but am still pondering options. This list was super helpful! Cheers, Mary Jane

    52. Thank you for making a list! I have used a few of these but there are some new ones you introduced me too, I’m going to try them and see how it goes!

    53. I have recently joined ShareASale and have to say I am really enjoying their platform. I have already acquired a few opportunities through them!

    54. Shareasale is pretty good but I also use Rewardstyle 🙂

    55. Great tips. I am actually trying to get into affiliate marketing but am a little leary of it. I don’t want a million ads on my page and my audience is very specific. I don’t see many ads for what I write about so I will continue to research. Cheers!

    56. Thanks for sharing these tips. I’ve just started adding more affiliates beyond Amazon, and its a little tricky finding the right fit for my niche quilling blog. I’ve just starting Commission Junction, so we’ll see how that goes. Thanks for adding the Target link. That could be useful to me, too!

    57. Great list! I already use most of them, but there are a couple I need to check out!

    58. Thanks for sharing these programs! I currently use Share a Sale and Amazon, but I had never heard of the other 4 programs!

    59. […] My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers […]

    60. […] My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers […]

    61. I love ❤️ Target! Will be signing up with them! Great post. A great read and very informative. I signed up for Amazon but am having problems with the placement of the link within my post. Do you want advice?

    62. This is a great list! I’ve been blogging for 4 months now and I had no idea that Target had an affiliate program. I’m going to look into that right away. Thanks for the information and options.

    63. […] it’s been a very rewarding source of income for me and anyone can do it from home! Ads – $43.17 Affiliates – […]

    64. […] it’s been a very rewarding source of income for me and anyone can do it from home! Ads – $19.60 Affiliates – […]

    65. Who knew Target had an affiliate program?! What a great list, I’ll definitely be checking some of these out in the future 😊

    66. […] “My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Any Blogger” […]

    67. […] been a very rewarding source of income for me and anyone can do it from home! Ads – $111.58 Affiliates – […]

    68. Nice post…:)

    Comments are closed.

    My Top 6 Affiliate Programs for Bloggers - My Income Journey (2024)


    What is the highest paying affiliate program? ›

    Let's dive in!
    • HubSpot. ...
    • ClickFunnels. Niche: Sales funnel builder; Marketing. ...
    • Teachable. Niche: Course creation platform. ...
    • Kinsta. Niche: Website hosting. ...
    • WP Engine. Niche: WordPress hosting platform. ...
    • Shopify. Niche: eCommerce. ...
    • Smartproxy. Niche: Residential proxy network. ...
    • AuthorityHacker. Niche: Affiliate marketing training.
    Jun 7, 2024

    Can you make $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing? ›

    Affiliate marketing is a hard way to make money, but if you want to make $10,000 per month, you need a clear plan, hard work, and the will to keep learning. Success changes from person to person, but based on my work with affiliate marketers, here are the most important steps to get you going in the right direction: 1.

    What is the best affiliate program for bloggers? ›

    58 Best Affiliate Programs for Bloggers to Earn Affiliate Income in 2024
    • Amazon Associates.
    • Etsy.
    • Skimlinks.
    • RightBlogger.
    • Bluehost.
    • Dreamhost.
    • SiteGround.
    • HostGator.
    Apr 24, 2024

    What is the easiest affiliate program to make money? ›

    Best Affiliate Marketing Programs For Beginners
    1. 1 Amazon Associates. Pros. International brand recognition – everyone knows what Amazon is. ...
    2. 2 CJ. Pros. ...
    3. 3 ShareASale. Pros. ...
    4. 4 ClickBank. Pros. ...
    5. 5 Rakuten Advertising. Pros. ...
    6. 6 Impact. Pros. ...
    7. 7 Awin. Pros. ...
    8. 8 Etsy Affiliate Program. Pros.

    What affiliate niches pay most? ›

    The most profitable niche for your affiliate marketing business can vary based on current market trends, audience demand, and competition. Historically, niches like technology, finance, health and wellness, and lifestyle products have been very profitable due to their high consumer demand and broad appeal.

    What affiliate program pays daily? ›

    CPAlead. CPAlead is an affiliate network that focuses on cost-per-action (CPA) offers. They have a daily payment system in place, allowing affiliates to receive their earnings quickly.

    Is affiliate blogging still profitable? ›

    Yes — Bloggers still make money. In fact, there are more ways than ever to earn a living blogging. Revenue streams such as display ads, affiliate marketing, digital products, and email marketing are just a few of the popular revenue streams bloggers use to make money.

    Which blog niche is best for affiliate marketing? ›

    10 Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing 2024
    • Health and Fitness.
    • Fashion and Beauty.
    • Lifestyle.
    • Hobby.
    • Pet care.
    • Travel. Bonus affiliate marketing niche ideas.
    • Security and Survival.
    • Non-Profit&Charity.

    How do bloggers get affiliate links? ›

    A great way to get started with adding affiliate links to your blog is through Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. You can also use a free site like Blogger or WordPress, but you need to know how it works first before sharing affiliate links on those sites.

    Who is the richest affiliate marketer? ›

    The 10 richest affiliate marketers in the world
    1. Pat Flynn. Pat Flynn is the founder of Smart Passive Income, a blog that offers valuable resources for aspiring affiliate marketers. ...
    2. John Chow. ...
    3. Jeremy Schoemaker. ...
    4. Neil Patel. ...
    5. Zac Johnson. ...
    6. Charles Ngo. ...
    7. Missy Ward. ...
    8. Shawn Collins.
    Jun 13, 2024

    How much do beginner affiliates make? ›

    Beginner affiliate marketers typically make up to 30% commission per sale. Depending on the number of sales made, beginner affiliate marketers can make anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 annually.

    How do I become an affiliate with no experience? ›

    Here's how to get started with affiliate marketing:
    1. Choose a niche. Think about what you're good at and link doing.
    2. Decide on a content platform. ...
    3. Find affiliate programs to join. ...
    4. Create great content. ...
    5. Drive traffic to your affiliate links. ...
    6. Get clicks on your affiliate links.
    Jul 8, 2023

    Can I make 100k a month with affiliate marketing? ›

    Affiliate marketing offers a lucrative opportunity to make money online by promoting products or services that align with your interests and expertise. By earning commissions for successful referrals or sales, you can generate a passive income stream and potentially earn $100,000 or more per month.

    How much does Amazon affiliate pay? ›

    When someone clicks an affiliate link and buys a product, you'll receive a commission. Amazon commissions range from 1% to 20% depending on the product category. Amazon has few requirements on how affiliate links are promoted, meaning they can be used by a variety of creators and businesses.

    How much can a beginner affiliate make? ›

    How much do beginner affiliate marketers make? Beginner affiliate marketers typically make up to 30% commission per sale. Depending on the number of sales made, beginner affiliate marketers can make anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 annually.

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    Author: Stevie Stamm

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    Author information

    Name: Stevie Stamm

    Birthday: 1996-06-22

    Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

    Phone: +342332224300

    Job: Future Advertising Analyst

    Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

    Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.