My November Blog Income Report – $106,383.89 (2024)

Welcome to November’sbusiness incomereport where I show you how Imade money online last month. It’s time to look at this month’s updateand seehow I did. If you’re new to Making Sense of Cents, you maybe wondering why I would want to publish my income report each month.You can simply skip to the next section if…

Welcome to November’sbusiness incomereport where I show you how Imade money online last month. It’s time to look at this month’s updateand seehow I did.

My November Blog Income Report – $106,383.89 (1)If you’re new to Making Sense of Cents, you maybe wondering why I would want to publish my income report each month.You can simply skip to the next section if you’re not new here.

Thisall started out as myextraincome reportbecause in the beginning, it was all about the money I was earning from my side jobs.In my sideincome reports from the beginning, I included all of the income I made except for what I madeatmy day job.

However,I left my day job as a financial analystin Octoberof2013 and nowmy monthly income reports consist of the manyways I earna living.

Many have asked why I would ever want to publicly post my income each month. Some think I’mcrazy, whereassome are glad I’m open about what I’m doing. Whatever you think, I enjoy publishing mymonthly online income reportsand I share them publiclyfor threemainreasons:

  1. Before I started blogging, I knew nothing about side hustling and making money online. I didn’t think side jobswere worth the effort and I thought the onlyway to significantlyincrease your income was through raises at your full-time job. If it weren’t forothers publishingtheir monthly income reports, I don’t know if I would have ever triedside hustling. I want to help show others the positives in side hustling and how it can change a person’slife. There are many different ways to make money online, and I like to share my story each month to help motivate others to improvetheir financial situation by making more money.
  2. Secondly, I like to publish my income reports because it’s a way for me to look back, learn from my mistakes and actually see what areas need improvement. I use my monthly income reports as a way to track how I’ve done and I treat it sort of like a journal.
  3. Lastly, I like to show others thatmaking sidemoney ispossibleand that there are many legitimate ways to make money from your home. If you are looking for information on the manyways to make money online, I publishedthe articleMonthly Income Report Roundupthat showcases many successfulbloggers who are kind enough to share their income with the public each month.

I know I say this every month, but it’s the truth. Life is great now that I’m my own boss and a full-time blogger. I look forward to each and every day and it’s a wonderful feeling. I truly love waking up every single morning.

Aboveare just a few of the reasons forwhy I enjoy publishing my monthly income reports. I like to show others that you don’t have to hate your job and hate your life. You can make changes to your life and make money in a way that allows you to truly enjoy the life you are living. I’m not sayingthat you have to LOVEyour job, I’m just sayingthat your job should, at least, allowyou to do what you like to do outside of work (whether that be spending time with loved ones, painting, hiking, etc.).

How was my businessincome in November?

I earned $106,383.89 blogging and onlinein November,before expenses.

But, before we talk further about last month’s income, can you believe we’re in the last month of the year?

For the past 11 months of 2016, I have earned $887,556 altogether. It’s crazy how great 2016 has been. 2015 was a great year, but 2016 has definitely blown the previous year out of the water!

I’m so close to earning $1,000,000 in 2016 and I won’t lie – I’m going to try my hardest in order to get there.

I’m also very excited for 2017. I know it will be another great year!The business is doing well and I’m very happy with it. I’ve been catching myself saying “Life is really good” a LOT. And, I truly mean it. Life is really good!

My business is growing, income is increasing, I have tons of amazingideas for 2017, and I am very excited about everything. I really love my business and I don’t know where I would be without it.

Anyway, Novemberwas another great month. It was great on all fronts – blogging, course-wise, life, and everything else. Due to how far ahead I am with my posting schedule,I spent mostof November learning about how to improve my page views. I plan on going over that in a featured question soon since many of you have been wondering how to improve page views as well.

MyMaking Sense of Affiliate Marketing course is still doing very well and I had many new students join the course last month. I think a lot of this has to do with all of the amazing reviews that I’m hearing about my course such as:

  • One blogger went from $0 in Amazon affiliate income to over $1,500 after taking the course.
  • One blogger went from $87 a month in affiliate income before taking the course, to over $1,700 a month after!
  • One blogger received their first affiliate sale just two days after taking the course (and they were a brand new blogger too!).
  • Another blogger doubled their monthly affiliate income from $2,500 to $5,000.

Plus,I’ve heard and read many other great reviews about my course.

If you’re a blogger, I recommend checking out my bloggingcourse, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. I share my exact strategy and tips in this very informative online course. If you’re a blogger, then you need to check outthis course.

If you are interested in starting ablog of your own, I createda tutorial that will help you start a blog ofyour own for cheap, starting atonly $2.95 per month (this lowprice is only through my link) for blog hosting. In addition to the low pricing, you will receivea free websitedomain (a $15 value) through my Bluehost linkif you purchase, at least, 12 months of blog hosting.FYI, if you are asking yourself “can you make money blogging?” – my top tip is to be self-hosted. This is essential if you want to monetize your blog as you will appear more professionaland this will help you monetize your blog tremendously. My blogging income did not take off until after I switched to self-hosted WordPress.

My November Blog Income Report – $106,383.89 (2)

Breakout of November2016 income – $106,383.89:

  • Affiliate income –$52,324.89 total:
    • Bluehost (check out my tutorial on how to start a blog) – $31,850.00
    • Survey companies – $11,389.50
    • Teachable – $3,015.00
    • Ebates– $1,000.00 (estimate as this is a tiered affiliate program)
    • Credible Student Loan Refinancing(and an affiliate payout from SOFI) – $900.00
    • MOTIF Investing– $874.00
    • Ultimate Bundles – $800.40
    • Uber – $380.00
    • Izea/SponsoredTweets– $377.35
    • $5 Meal Plan– $264.29
    • Bookkeeper Business Academy –$243.75
    • How To Work From Home Selling On Amazon FBA –$221.80
    • The Ultimate Pinterest Strategy Guide – $180.40
    • Digit – $155.00
    • MaxBounty – $110.40
    • Make Money Proofreading By Becoming A Freelance Proofreader–$95.52
    • Amazon – $95.09
    • – $79.60
    • 17 Strategies Used to Go From 17K to 350K+ Page Views in 9 Months – $70.00
    • ConvertKit – $52.20
    • Aweber – $34.20
    • How I Grew My Facebook Page From 2,000 to 100,000 in Five Months– $32.00
    • Miscellaneous affiliates – $104.39 (smaller affiliate earnings from numerous products)
  • Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course – $37,872.00
  • Sponsorships and advertising-$14,325.00
  • Display advertising – $1,862.00

Total: $106,383.89

The income amountabove isfor the month of Novemberand before any fees orexpenses (some fees and expenses that lower the amount above total around$2,900 (rounded up), which include virtual assistants, Teachable course platform fee, technical assistance,newsletter expenses, PayPal fees, Stripe fees, etc., however, this does not include taxes) being taken out. I also had expenses for the affiliates promoting my course, which totaled $7,019.55.After expenses and fees,I made approximately $96,464.

Please keep in mind that I work for myself when you readmy monthly income report. This means I have to cover taxes (which are over30%), health insurance, and all other benefits/expenses that an employer mayprovide.

Check outThe Ultimate Guide To Making Money Blogging for all of the different ways you can make money through a blog.

Below are some of my other monthly online income reports. I publish an online income update everymonth but only included some of them below as it would be a very long list. If you head on overto myincome pageyou can findall of my monthly income reports from the past few years.

  • $672 extra in May(2012)
  • $6,523 in January Extra Income(2013)
  • $11,927 in October Income – I Finally Left My Job(2013)
  • $12,640 in January Income(2014)
  • $23,758 in February Income – My Monthly Online Income Report (2015)
  • How I Made $300,000 Online In 2015

Comparisons and 2016 online income total:

  • Total income in Novemberof 2016:$106,384
  • Total income in Octoberof 2016:$99,607
  • Difference from the previous month: +6,777
  • Total in 2016: $887,556

Blog news

Making Sense of Cents is doing very well and I’m happy with everything. One thing that just happened is that I was finally verified on Twitter! Having that checkmark next to my name sure is nice 🙂

I’m still around two months ahead when it comes to blog posts. I’m using this extra time to focus on completing stuff from theSEO mastermind that I just finished. Some of you have expressed interest in knowing what we worked on. What we didis that we wentthrough the two courses below together, as well as tookan instructor-led course once a week by the same authors of the two courses. So, in total, we tookthree courses together (including the two below):

I’ve learned a lot about SEO from these courses and have been applying everything I’ve learnedto my blog posts. I highly recommend taking these.

The other thing I hope to focus on in Decemberis to start guest posting. I’ve only guest posted a handful of times since I started blogging back in 2011, and I would like to start doing that more in order to get the Making Sense of Cents name out to more people.

Overall, traffic remained around the same andI received around 400,000 page views. Pinterest traffic dropped last month due to different Pinterest changes, but organic and Facebook traffic each increased.

Even though page views are down, income is at a great level. This is why I always say that blog income is not 100% dependent on page views. I will be honest, though, I do hope that page views increasein the near future. I believe thatthey willeventually, but this is a great reason to learn how to diversify my traffic as well as increase my email list.

Below are several business-related updates:

  • Up until just a week or two ago, I never spent any time on Twitter for my blog. Instead, I just used it to talk with others and I hardly ever shared my own blog posts on there. Well, I recently changed that. I want to see if Twitter is worthwhile when it comes to traffic, so I have started scheduling Twitter posts for my blog for a month at a time (I like to batch my tasks together, so scheduling a full month worth of blog posts is what I like to do). It doesn’t take long to do and so far for the work that I’ve done I would say that it is worth it.
  • I’m currently trying outHaute Chocolate for my blog images with a 3 month subscription. The price is great and I love the images as well. If you’re looking for images, I definitely recommend checking them out. Both of the “Pinterest” images in this blog post are from Haute Chocolate.
  • I released myHow To Start A Blog FREE Coursea few months ago.If you’ve been wanting to start a blog, then check this out. I created thisemail course for those who are interested in starting a blog, but haven’t done soyet. The course isfree, and over 8,000 people have already signed up just in the past few months. Thank you to everyone who has sent me kind emails about how great the course is. I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner!
  • Due to how well my first free course went, in August I created the free Master Your Money email course. It’s full of great money management lessons and financial worksheets (such as a free budget template), and I’m loving the positive response from this email course as well. What topic should I turn into a coursenext?
  • This month, I will hopefully becreating a free personal finance support group on Facebook. I’m extremely excited for this to be live!This would be a place where everyone can talk about money freely, seek support and help, and so on.
  • In April of 2016, I switched to ConvertKit. Aweber was good, but Convertkit makes sending an effective and efficient newsletter so much easier and better. The switch has been going very well so far. I never really understood email marketing before, but ConvertKit makes it so easy and now I feel like I’m an expert! ConvertKit has really helped me to improve my affiliate income even though my page views have been down.

Also, I have received many questions recently about how I’m staying connected to the internet so that I can work and travel in my RV at the same time. I use a Verizon Mifi and I am able to stay connected pretty much anywhere with it. It really comes in handy because you can’t always trust free wifi. Sometimes free wifi is slow, hard to find, or not safe. I don’t know what I would do without this device!

Popularnew posts on Making Sense of Cents last month:

  • The Truth About Making Money Online
  • Are You Going To Spend Over $1,000 This Holiday Season?
  • What It’s Like Living In An RV
  • 13 Retail Store Tricks That May Be Causing You To Spend More Money
  • You Don’t Have To Go Broke For Your Kid’s Education
  • Yes, Personal Finance Should Be Taught In School
  • Why Paying For A Storage Unit Is A Waste of Money
  • How To Make $25,000 – $45,000 A Year As A New Photographer

Featured Question:How can I make more blogging income around the holidays?

My November Blog Income Report – $106,383.89 (3)I feature onequestion from a reader in eachmonthly income report. Please leave a comment below if you have a question that you would like me to answer.

This question was recently asked by a student in my courseand I decided to turn it into a new lesson forMaking Sense of Affiliate Marketing. Below is a quick summary of that (you can see the full versionif you purchase the course or if you are already a student in the course).

The holidays are a big time for shopping, which means it’s also a great time for affiliate marketing!

November and December are the biggest shopping months of the year and are often the biggest income months for bloggers and affiliate marketers.

One important thing to note is that according to the 2016 Deloitte holiday shopping survey, a BIG changewill occur- during this holiday season, stores will see an EQUAL amount of shopping online as well as offline. Before this, the majority of holiday shopping happened in-person at the store, but this year will be different.

This means that the 2016 holiday shopping season will be the biggest year for online shopping.

Below are various ways to promote affiliate links during the holidays.

  1. Publish holiday gift guides.Holiday gift guides are one of the most popular ways to promote affiliate links. Readers love gift guides, as it can help them decide what to purchase for their family and friends. And, trust me on this, we’ve all searched for something like “What to get mom for the holidays,” “What to get a nephew for the holidays,” or something else along those lines. Here’s an example of a holiday gift guide:10 Frugal Gifts For The Traveler Under $20.
  2. Share sales, discounts, coupon codes, and more.The holiday season usually means that there are sales and deals everywhere, so you should be sharing them on your blog and social media accounts! By doing so, you’ll create urgency, and you’ll also get your readers more interested in a specific product since they know that they’ll be getting a deal.
  3. Share affiliate links on social media.Social media is another great place to share your affiliate links. And, for the most part, it takes less work than creating a whole gift guide or blog post about a specific product.
  4. Mention affiliate products in your newsletter.The next time you send out an email to your newsletter subscribers, you may want to think about adding a few affiliate links to it (as long as that’s allowed by the affiliate program).

Well, there you have it! I hope this holiday season is great for you.

Past featured questions:

  • How do I increase my affiliate income?
  • Do I need millions of page views a month in order to make money blogging?
  • How do you build websites up to sell them?
  • Do only celebrities make money through owning websites?
  • How much money can a person make blogging?
  • Where does blog income come from?
  • Is there enough room for new bloggers to make money?
  • What should a person blog about?
  • How can a blogger increase their page views?
  • Should my blog be self-hosted?
  • How should I launch a new blog?
  • What blogging tools or resources do you recommend?
  • What should you do when a blog post goes viral?
  • What is affiliate marketing?
  • What did I learn from launching my course?
  • What should youdo when you’re feeling blogger burnout?
  • How can a blogging conference help me?
  • Why does a blogger need to have an email list?

My plans for my blogand my business.

Plans and goalscan help you to run a successful business. I believe that working towards a goalcan help keep a person motivated too.

Below are some of the areasI am currently working on:

  • Promote the blog and business better.I am doing much better at promoting my articles and I’m noticing an improvement. I recently started focusing more on improving mytraffic from Facebook, and I’ve been very pleased with the results. I used to only see around 100 visits a day from Facebook, but in the past month I have been seeing anywhere from around 2,000 to 3,000 visits a day from Facebook.
  • Diversify traffic sources. A lot of my traffic comes from Pinterest, due to this, I would like to spend more time diversifying my traffic. This is why I’m starting to spend more time on Facebook and learning more about SEO.
  • Continue learning and improving. I’m currently learning about SEO.
  • Take part inmore interviews. I took part in over 10interviews in Novemberdue to the release of my course. I have one webinar planned for December (I can’t wait to share that), as well as a few other things.
  • Increase my page views to 1,000,000 each month.I realize this is a superficial goal, but it’s quantifiable and that’s what I like about it. I would like to hit one million page views a month bySummer 2017. My plan is to focus even more on Pinterest, Facebook, and SEO. Wish me luck!

Affiliate income results.

Overall, I earned $52,324.89 in affiliate income in Novemberof 2016, as outlined earlier in this blog income report.

I’m a huge fan of affiliate income, of course.It’ssomething that I enjoydue to how passive it can be. It makes full-time traveling much more enjoyable when I know I can bring in an income while having fun seeing new areas.

As I always say, blogging income is not dependent on page views. Even brand new bloggers can make money through affiliate marketing. If you know the correct way to promote a product, you can succeed at affiliate marketing. This is one of the main thingsI teach in my Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course.

My affiliate marketingcourse went live in July of 2016. I’ve already had over 900 peoplepurchase the course, and I’d love to have you as a student too!

InMaking Sense of Affiliate Marketing, there are 6 modules, over 30 lessons, several worksheets, bonuses, an extremely helpful and exclusive Facebook group, and more. I go through everything that you need to know about affiliate marketing, such as:

  • A quick introduction to affiliate marketing and how it works
  • The benefits ofaffiliate marketing
  • The exact steps I’ve taken to earn over $400,000 from a single blog post
  • How to correctly pick affiliate products to promote
  • The steps toincreaseyour conversion rate
  • How to build trustwith your readers (this is a MUST!)
  • The required disclosures you need to know about
  • The major tool you need for affiliate marketing
  • The many different strategies to promote your affiliatelinks

Mycourse is anything and everything about affiliate marketing. This course is perfect for you whether you are a new blogger or if you’ve been blogging for years, no matter what topicyour blog is about, what country you live in, and so on. I wrote this course so that it would benefit everyone, and there is so much to learn from it!

How was Novemberfor you? Are you interested in earning blogging income?

How To Start A Blog Free Email Course

Want to see how I built a $5,000,000 blog?

In this free course, I show you how to create a blog easily, from the technical side all the way to earning your first income and attracting readers. Join now!

My November Blog Income Report – $106,383.89 (2024)


What is the average income of a blogger per month? ›

Blogger salaries in India

The estimated total pay for a Blogger is ₹81,100 per month, with an average salary of ₹17,500 per month. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

How long does it take to make $100 blogging? ›

Earning $100/mo blogging: 6 to 12 months. Earning $1,000/mo blogging: 1 to 2 years. Earning $10,000/mo blogging: 3 to 4 years.

How to check blog income? ›

You can know the value of your blog by noting your average monthly revenue and subtracting your daily costs. You can also make use of online valuation tools.

How to calculate blog income? ›

How To Find Out How Much A Blog Makes
  1. Estimate your website's revenue. ...
  2. Multiply the two to find your profit. ...
  3. Calculate your blog's break-even point. ...
  4. Calculate your blog's earning potential. ...
  5. Develop a content marketing strategy. ...
  6. Create a social media presence. ...
  7. Learn to use marketing tools.

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

Can you make $10,000 a month blogging? ›

Making $10,000/month with a blog is everybody's dream. That's when you're finally making the big bucks. 6-figures per year! You're making a huge amount for relatively little work, especially when you compare it to most real-world careers.

Do small blogs make money? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month.

How long does it take to make $500 per month blogging? ›

Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

How much do blogs with 1,000 views make? ›

How Much Do Bloggers Make Per 1,000 Views? While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

How do I know if my blog is good? ›

So, start by calculating your articles' read time. Then use Google Analytics to see how long people stay on your site. GA shows you the average time on page for your blog in real-time. If you have a low average time on page, you should check on some things that could be affecting blog success.

How much money can you make with 10,000 views on a blog? ›

However, it's completely possible for a blogger with 10,000 monthly pageviews to get an RPM of $365.94 from digital products… and this would result in a monthly income of $3,659.40. For many people in the world this is a full-time income.

How do I report blog income? ›

Income you receive for running a blog is generally considered self-employment income and is reported on Schedule C. You're required to report this income generating activity on your tax return.

How do I know if my blog niche is profitable? ›

How to Choose the Right Blogging Niche
  1. Consider Your Expertise. Starting with your expertise is a smart move. ...
  2. Research the Market. Market research is the process of gathering and analyzing information about your target market. ...
  3. Assess Monetization Potential. ...
  4. Evaluate the Competition.
Jun 18, 2024

What is the average profit of a blog? ›

It's not unrealistic to make between $0.01 – $0.10 per page view in many blogging niches across display and affiliate ads. So if you get 1,000 page views a month, you can make between $10-$100 per month. But if you can get to 100,000 page views a month you can make between $1,000 – $10,000 off of your blog per month.

How many views do you need to monetize a blog? ›

A good baseline to aim for is 10,000 pageviews per month before you start working with brands on sponsored posts. At this level, you can reasonably charge a couple hundred dollars for a sponsored post. I know many bloggers getting 100,000 pageviews a month who charge $1,000+ for a single blog post.

How much can a beginner blogger make a month? ›

Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

How much does blogger pay for 1000 views? ›

How Much Do Bloggers Make Per 1,000 Views? While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

How much do bloggers make with 1 million followers? ›

How much do Instagram influencers make with 1 million followers? An influencer with 1 million followers is considered a mega-influencer, and the earning potential per sponsored post ranges from $5,000 to $25,000 or even more.

How many blog posts per month to make money? ›

How Many Blogs Should You Post to Make Money? You can start with 3 blogs a week or 5, but make sure they're good. As you gain experience, aim for 15-25 high-quality, SEO-friendly blogs each month, considering your niche and competition.

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Article information

Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Views: 5950

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.