Mutual Fund Returns - What Is Average Mutual Fund Return (2024)

Mutual funds have historically averaged annual returns of 9–12%, but these returns are subject to market volatility and can vary by category. For example, in India, the average 10-year return for mutual funds is 20%.


Average Mutual Fund Return


4 mins read


Based on historical analysis, mutual funds have provided solid returns, often around 9 – 12% annually. However, these returns can be higher depending on market conditions. For example, in India, mutual funds have given an average 20% return over ten years and have shown strong market growth. Whereas, in the U.S., mutual funds focusing on large companies have delivered an average annual return of 14.7% over the past decade.

Moreover, in the first half of 2024, equity mutual funds in India delivered an impressive average return of 17.67%. They have showcased their ability to generate significant returns in a short time. Particularly, mid-cap mutual funds performed exceptionally well, with some funds providing returns of over 30%. This indicates that investing in mid-cap funds can be a good strategy for capturing high-growth opportunities in a booming market.

Investing in mutual funds has become a popular choice for many Indians looking for ways to grow their wealth. One of the key factors that investors consider when choosing a mutual fund is its returns. This article will explain what mutual fund returns are, the different types of returns, how to calculate them, and the factors that can affect them.

Understanding returns from mutual funds

When assessing the performance of a mutual fund scheme, solely focusing on its returns can be misleading. While a scheme might have delivered a 10% annualised return over recent years, it is essential to consider the broader market context. If market indices have experienced similar growth during that period, it may not indicate exceptional performance. The true test of a scheme's worth comes during market downturns when its NAV falls more than its benchmark. This underperformance signals a need for review and potential adjustments to one's investment strategy.

Comparing a scheme's returns against its benchmark provides valuable insights. Consistent underperformance relative to the benchmark over time may warrant removing the scheme from one's portfolio. Identifying both underperformers and outperformers over a longer timeframe is crucial. Additionally, evaluating category average returns offers further perspective. Even if a scheme outperforms its benchmark, comparing it to its peers within the category can reveal whether it is truly a top performer or if there are better options available. Such assessments help investors make informed decisions about reallocating their investments to optimize returns and align with their financial goals.

What is the average return of mutual funds?

Average Returns of various mutual fund types:

Equity funds

  • Historically average around 9% to 12% annually.
  • Subject to market volatility but offer potential for higher returns.
  • Can include subcategories like large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

Bond funds

  • Tend to offer lower returns compared to equity funds, averaging between 3% to 5% annually.
  • Provide more stability and lower risk than equity funds.
  • Include categories such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds.

Balanced funds

  • Blend of equity and bond investments.
  • Typically offer average returns between 5% to 8% annually.
  • Aim to provide a balance between growth and stability.

Index funds

  • Designed to mirror the performance of a specific market index.
  • Average returns align closely with the performance of the underlying index, typically ranging from 5% to 8% annually.
  • Tend to have lower fees compared to actiavely managed funds.

Sector funds

  • Focused on specific sectors of the economy, such as technology, healthcare, or energy.
  • Returns can vary significantly based on the performance of the targeted sector, ranging from negative to high double-digit percentages annually.
  • Generally, considered higher risk due to concentration in a particular industry.

Types of mutual fund returns

Here are a few unique types of mutual fund returns:

  1. Absolute returns:This is how much your investment grows in percentage, no matter how long you have invested. For instance, if you put Rs. 2,00,000 into a mutual fund and it grows to Rs. 2.5 lakhs in 4 years, your absolute return is 25%.
  2. Annualised returns:This is the return you get each year. It takes into account the effect of compounding interest.
  3. Total returns:This is the overall gain from a mutual fund, including any interest, dividend, distributions, and increase in value over time.
  4. Point to Point returns:This is the annual return recorded between two specific points in time. You just need the start date and the end date of a mutual fund scheme to calculate this.
  5. Compounded Annual Growth Rate:This is the annual return over a specific period that ends today. The formula to calculate trailing return is similar to point-to-point returns but uses today’s NAV and NAV at the start of the trailing period.
  6. Annual return:This is simply the return earned from a scheme between January 1st and December 31st of a particular year.
  7. Trailing return: It denotes the annualized return over a specific trailing period, concluding today. For instance, if a mutual fund scheme's NAV today stands at Rs.100, and it was Rs.60 three years ago, the formula for calculating the trailing return in Microsoft Excel would be (Today's NAV / NAV at the beginning of the trailing period) ^ (1/Trailing Period) - 1. Hence, the three-year trailing return would amount to 18.6%. Similarly, if the scheme's NAV five years ago was Rs.50, the five-year trailing return would be 14.9%.Read more about the difference between trailing and rolling returns in mutual funds.
  8. Rolling returns: It represent a mutual fund scheme's annualised returns over a defined period, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. These returns are compared with the scheme's benchmark or fund category until the conclusion of the designated duration. Benchmarks could include Nifty, CNX - Midcap, CNX - 500, BSE - 200, BSE - Midcap, while fund categories might encompass midcap funds, large cap funds, balanced funds, diversified equity funds, among others.
  9. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR): It serves as a method for computing returns from mutual fund investments held for more than a year. This approach mitigates short-term fluctuations and volatility in the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the funds. The CAGR calculation assumes a steady pace of investment growth. To manually calculate theCompound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), the equation is as follows:

    CAGR = [(Current Net Asset Value / Beginning Net Asset Value) ^ (1/number of years)] - 1

How to calculate mutual fund returns

Each type of mutual fund return comes with its own formula, as follows:

  1. Absolute returns:This is how much your investment has grown in total. The formula is:
    Absolute return = {(Final investment value – Initial investment value)/Initial investment amount}*100
  2. Annualised returns:This is the return you get each year, assuming your investment grows steadily. The formula is:
    Annualised return = ((1 + Absolute Rate of Return) ^ (365/no. of days)) – 1
  3. Total Returns:This is the total gain from a mutual fund, including any interest, dividends, and increase in value. The formula is:
    Totalreturns = {(Capitalgains+Dividends)/Totalinvestment}∗100
  4. Point-to-point returns:This is the yearly return between two specific dates. You need the start and end dates of a mutual fund scheme to calculate this.
  5. Trailing returns:This is the yearly return over a period that ends today. It uses today’s NAV (Net Asset Value) and NAV at the start of the period. CAGR = {[(Present NAV / Initial NAV) ^ (1 / number of years)] −1} × 100
  6. Annual return:This is the return earned between January 1st and December 31st of the year.

Factors affecting mutual fund returns

Here’s a simpler explanation of what can change mutual fund returns in India:

  1. Performance of securities:A mutual fund invests money in securities like debt and equities. How these securities perform can really change the fund’s returns.
  2. Fund manager’s performance:The choices and plans of thefund managercan have a big effect on how the fund does. A good manager can handle tricky situations and keep investors’ money safe.
  3. Economic changes:Changes in government policy can really affect different parts of the economy. If a mutual fund is heavily invested in one sector, a good trend will help the fund make more money.
  4. Size of the fund:It may seem like the bigger the fund the better the returns. However, the size of the fund does not have a greater impact on the return.
  5. Cash flow:Money moving into and out of a mutual fund can change its performance.
  6. Market/ sector/ industry changes:Changes in markets, sectors, or industries can affect how your mutual fund does.
  7. Total Expense Ratio (TER):TheTER, which includes all the costs that a fund incurs , may impact the returns.

To sum up, knowing about mutual fund returns helps you see if your investment is doing well and decide where to invest your money. Keep in mind, while higher returns sound great, they also mean more risk. So, whenpicking a mutual fund, think about how much risk you can handle and what you want to achieve with your investment.

Things to consider about mutual funds returns

When analysing the returns of mutual funds, several crucial factors merit attention:

  1. Timeframe:Take into account the period for which returns are assessed. Short-term returns may exhibit greater volatility, while long-term returns offer a more comprehensive view of the fund's performance.
  2. Benchmark Comparison:Compare the fund's returns against a relevant benchmark index representing similar investments. This comparison aids in determining whether the fund is surpassing or lagging behind its peers.
  3. Risk-Adjusted Returns:Evaluate the risk-adjusted returns of the fund. Some funds may yield higher returns but come with increased risk. Understanding the correlation between risk and returns is vital for gauging the fund's suitability based on your investment objectives and risk tolerance.
  4. Expense Ratio:Factor in theexpense ratio of the mutual fund, reflecting the annual fees and expenses charged. Higher expense ratios can diminish overall returns and impact long-term performance.
  5. Dividends and Distributions:Consider any dividends or distributions received from the mutual fund, as they significantly contribute to overall returns and influence the fund's tax efficiency.
  6. Consistency:Seek consistent returns across various timeframes. A fund with a steady track record demonstrates stability and may prove more reliable than one with sporadic performance.
  7. Past Performance:While past performance doesn't guarantee future results, it offers insights into the fund manager's ability to generate returns. Examine the historical performance, mindful that future results can be shaped by evolving market conditions.
  8. Investment Objective:Evaluate whether the mutual fund's investment objective aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.Different mutual fundscater to diverse objectives, such as growth, income, or a combination thereof.


Mutual funds offer a compelling way to participate in the stock market and potentially grow your wealth over time. By understanding the various types of mutual funds, their risk-return profiles, and how to invest through a SIP (Systematic Investment Plan), you can harness the power of these investment vehicles to achieve your financial goals. Remember, thorough research, discipline, and a long-term perspective are key to success in mutual fund investing. Consider consulting a financial advisor for personalised guidance tailored to your specific needs and risk tolerance. With careful planning and the right investment strategy, mutual funds can be a valuable tool on your path to financial security.

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Frequently asked questions

How often are mutual fund returns distributed to investors?

Investors usually get mutual fund returns as dividends or capital gains. All funds need to give out their collected dividends at least once a year. Only investors who have opted for dividend plan will get dividend subject to availability of distributable surplus.

Are there any tax implications associated with mutual fund returns?

Yes, there are tax implications associated with mutual fund returns. Profits gained from investment in mutual funds are known as ‘Capital gains’. These capital gains are subject to tax. The taxation rules differ based on the type of mutual fund, such as equity mutual fund, debt mutual fund, hybrid mutual fund, etc. Dividends and capital gains are taxable in the hands of investors of mutual funds. The capital gains are taxed separately based on the holding period and the type of fund. The holding period influences the tax rate payable on your capital gains. The higher your holding period, the lesser tax you are liable to pay.

What is the average return on a mutual fund?

The average return on a mutual fund varies and depends on market conditions and the fund's investment strategy. It is crucial to review historical performance and consider factors like risk before investing.

Is a 10% return on a mutual fund good?

A 10% return on a mutual fund can be considered good, especially if it aligns with the investor's financial goals and risk tolerance. However, individual expectations and market conditions play a significant role in determining what is considered satisfactory.

What is the average ten-year return on mutual funds in India?

The average ten-year return on mutual funds in India varies across different funds and categories. Investors should assess the historical performance of specific funds they are interested in and consider their investment objectives.

Are mutual fund returns taxable?

Yes, mutual fund returns are taxable. Gains from equity-oriented funds held for over one year are subject to Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG) tax, while gains from debt funds held for over three years attract LTCG tax. Short-term gains are taxed as per the investor's income tax slab.

Are mutual funds tax free?

While there is no specific tax-free amount for mutual fund returns, certain investments like Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) offer tax benefits under Section 80C. Investors should consider tax implications based on the fund type and holding period.

Can we get 15% return on mutual fund?

Maybe, but it depends on the fund and market conditions. Historically, some actively managed funds have delivered 15% or more returns, but it's not guaranteed.

How much SIP for 1 crore in 15 years?

This depends on the expected return. Assuming a 11% return, a monthly SIP of around Rs. 50,000 would be needed for 10 years. However, it's wise to use a SIP calculator for a more accurate estimate based on your chosen fund and risk profile.

What happens if I invest Rs. 20,000 a month in SIP for 10 years?

With a moderate 10% annual return (compounded monthly), a monthly SIP of Rs. 20,000 for 10 years could grow to roughly Rs. 41.31 lakh. Remember, this is an estimate and actual returns may vary.

How can I calculate mutual fund returns?

To calculate mutual fund returns, you can use methods like Absolute Returns, Annualised Returns, or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). Absolute Returns measure the total growth over a specific period, while Annualised Returns show the average yearly return. On the other hand, CAGR calculates the mean annual growth rate over a period.

You can use online calculators to calculate returns using these methods. Most of them instantly estimate your returns and require only a few inputs like investment amount and duration.

What types of returns are available in mutual funds?

Mutual funds offer various types of returns with each assessing a fund’s performance differently. Some common types are:

  • Absolute returns which reflect the total gain or loss over a period.
  • Annualised returns show average yearly growth.
  • Total returns consider dividends and interest earned.
  • Trailing and point-to-point returns compare fund performance between two points.
  • Rolling returns show performance consistency.
  • CAGR provides the average annual growth rate.

Can mutual fund returns be negative?

Yes, mutual fund returns can be negative, especially during market downturns or if the fund performs poorly. Be aware that “negative returns” mean the investment value has decreased. This usually happens due to market volatility or poor management.

However, as an investor, you can reduce risks through proper financial planning and diversification across different asset classes. In this way, you can better manage losses and improve your long-term returns.

What is considered a good return on mutual funds?

A good return on mutual funds varies based on the fund type and market conditions. Generally, for equity mutual funds, an annual return of around 10% is often considered good. However, this can change depending on economic conditions, market trends, and the specific fund’s performance. Therefore, it is always advised to compare returns against benchmarks or similar funds to assess what qualifies as "good."

What is the difference between Absolute Returns and Annualised Returns?

Absolute Returns represent the total gain or loss of an investment over a specific period. It does not consider the time factor. In comparison, Annualised Returns show the average annual growth rate of an investment. It takes into account the time it has been held.

In this way, Absolute Returns give an easy-to-understand picture of performance, whereas Annualised Returns provide a better sense of yearly growth. The latter holds more relevance during longer investment periods.

How often should I review my mutual fund returns?

It's recommended to review your mutual fund returns at least once a year. This will help you understand whether your investment aligns with your financial goals. Also, through regular reviews, you can stay informed about your fund's performance and make adjustments if needed.
However, during periods of market volatility or significant economic changes, try to make reviews more frequent, say quarterly reviews. It can help you manage risks and make timely investment decisions.

How are mutual fund returns taxed in India?

In India, mutual fund returns are taxed differently based on the type of fund and how long you hold the investment. After the latest announcements made in the Union Budget 2024, if you hold the units of equity mutual funds for more than 12 months, the arising long-term capital gains (LTCG) are taxed at 12.5%, with an exemption limit of Rs. 1.25 lakh per financial year. Whereas, if you redeem your units within 12 months, the arising short-term capital gains (STCG) are taxed at 20%.
On the other hand, for debt funds, the gains are taxed as per the investor’s applicable slab rates, regardless of the holding period. They are added to your total taxable income and then taxed as per your tax slab.

What is a mutual fund return calculator?

A mutual fund return calculator is an online tool. It helps investors to estimate the future returns from their mutual fund investments. By inputting simple details like investment amount, duration, and expected rate of return, the calculator instantly provides both absolute returns (total profit or loss) and annualised returns (average yearly growth).

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Bajaj Finance Limited ("BFL") is registered with the Association of Mutual Funds in India ("AMFI") as a distributor of third party Mutual Funds (shortly referred as 'Mutual Funds) with ARN No. 90319

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In addition to displaying the Mutual fund products of Asset Management Companies, some general information is sourced from third parties, is also displayed on As-is basis, which should NOT be construed as any solicitation or attempt to effect transactions in securities or the rendering any investment advice. Mutual Funds are subject to market risks, including loss of principal amount and Investor should read all Scheme/Offer related documents carefully. The NAV of units issued under the Schemes of mutual funds can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting capital markets and may also be affected by changes in the general level of interest rates. The NAV of the units issued under the scheme may be affected, inter-alia by changes in the interest rates, trading volumes, settlement periods, transfer procedures and performance of individual securities forming part of the Mutual Fund. The NAV will inter-alia be exposed to Price/Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk. Past performance of any scheme of the Mutual fund do not indicate the future performance of the Schemes of the Mutual Fund. BFL shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or shortfall incurred by the investors. There may be other/better alternatives to the investment avenues displayed by BFL. Hence, the final investment decision shall at all times exclusively remain with the investor alone and BFL shall not be liable or responsible for any consequences thereof.

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Mutual Fund Returns - What Is Average Mutual Fund Return (5)

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Mutual Fund Returns - What Is Average Mutual Fund Return (2024)


Mutual Fund Returns - What Is Average Mutual Fund Return? ›

Based on historical analysis, mutual funds have provided solid returns, often around 9 – 12% annually. However, these returns can be higher depending on market conditions. For example, in India, mutual funds have given an average 20% return over ten years and have shown strong market growth.

What is the average mutual fund return? ›

The average ten-year return on mutual funds in India is 20%. Mutual fund performance is directly correlated with market dynamics. Average returns may be higher during a 10-year period if there is a bull market, whereas average returns may be lower during a bear market or an economic slump.

Is a 12% rate of return good? ›

Why 12% is an optimistic benchmark. There's a reason that 12% tends to be used as a benchmark, according to Blanchett. The average historical return from 1926 to 2023 is 12.2%, according to a monthly data set called stocks, bonds, bills and inflation, or SBBI.

Where to get 10 percent return on investment? ›

Investments That Can Potentially Return 10% or More
  • Growth Stocks. Growth stocks represent companies expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Junk Bonds. ...
  • Index Funds and ETFs. ...
  • Options Trading. ...
  • Private Credit.
Jun 12, 2024

What is a realistic rate of return on investments? ›

Most investors would view an average annual rate of return of 10% or more as a good ROI for long-term investments in the stock market. However, keep in mind that this is an average. Some years will deliver lower returns -- perhaps even negative returns. Other years will generate significantly higher returns.

What is a good average return? ›

A good return on investment is generally considered to be around 7% per year, based on the average historic return of the S&P 500 index, adjusted for inflation. The average return of the U.S. stock market is around 10% per year, adjusted for inflation, dating back to the late 1920s.

What are good mutual fund returns? ›

Moreover, mutual funds are meant to be evaluated against a benchmark such as a broad index or other yardstick of value - so if the S&P 500 falls 3% in a year and a large-cap mutual fund only falls 2.5%, it can be considered a "good" return, relatively speaking.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

If the average dividend yield of your portfolio is 4%, you'd need a substantial investment to generate $3,000 per month. To be precise, you'd need an investment of $900,000. This is calculated as follows: $3,000 X 12 months = $36,000 per year.

Is a 7% return realistic? ›

While quite a few personal finance pundits have suggested that a stock investor can expect a 12% annual return, when you incorporate the impact of volatility and inflation, 7% is a more accurate historical estimate for an aggressive investor (someone primarily invested in stocks), and 5% would be more appropriate for ...

How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

Invest in Dividend Stocks

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

Where to put $10,000 for best interest? ›

For higher returns, an attractive investment for £10,000 could be shares or equity funds (which are made up of shares). You could invest in a tracker fund that mimics the performance of stocks listed on the FTSE 100, which is a low-cost way of investing in shares. Remember shares are higher risk than bonds.

How can I invest $10,000 for quick return? ›

Whether you have $10,000, or much less, in the bank, here are 10 investment options to consider:
  1. Mutual funds.
  2. Exchange-traded funds.
  3. CDs.
  4. Real estate investment trusts.
  5. Money market accounts.
  6. Roth IRAs.
  7. High-yield savings accounts.
  8. Brokerage accounts.

Do mutual funds really give good returns? ›

Based on historical analysis, mutual funds have provided solid returns, often around 9 – 12% annually. However, these returns can be higher depending on market conditions. For example, in India, mutual funds have given an average 20% return over ten years and have shown strong market growth.

How long will 500k last in retirement? ›

It may be possible to retire at 45 years of age, but it depends on a variety of factors. If you have $500,000 in savings, then according to the 4% rule, you will have access to roughly $20,000 per year for 30 years. Retiring early will affect the amount of your Social Security benefit.

What is a reasonable amount of money to retire with? ›

By age 40, you should have accumulated three times your current income for retirement. By retirement age, it should be 10 to 12 times your income at that time to be reasonably confident that you'll have enough funds. Seamless transition — roughly 80% of your pre-retirement income.

What return should I expect from a financial advisor? ›

Industry studies estimate that professional financial advice can add up to 5.1% to portfolio returns over the long term, depending on the time period and how returns are calculated. Good advisors will work with you to create a personalized investment plan and identify opportunities to help grow and protect your assets.

Can I get 20 percent return in mutual fund? ›

Other mutual fund schemes which gave over 20 percent return in the past half a decade include Aditya Birla Sun Life Flexi Cap Fund, DSP Flexi Cap Fund, Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund, HSBC Flexi Cap Fund and Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund.

How much return will I get if I invest in mutual funds? ›

Equity Funds
Name of stockRisk3-Year Return
Aditya Birla Sunlife Frontline Equity FundModerate10.50%
HDFC Mid-cap Opportunities FundHigh16.99%
ICICI Pru Focused Bluechip Equity FundModerate11.03%

What is a good return on an investment fund? ›

When investing over the longer term (more than 5 years), 5% growth is considered average. Toggle the buttons to see how your investment would be affected by lower (2%) or higher (8%) rates of growth. The actual annual growth rate achieved will depend on the performance of the investments and fund you choose.

What is the ROI of a mutual fund? ›

You may calculate the return on investment using the formula: ROI = Net Profit / Cost of the investment * 100 If you are an investor, the ROI shows you the profitability of your investments. If you invest your money in mutual funds, the return on investment shows you the gain from your mutual fund schemes.

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