Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (2024)

Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (1)




Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (2)


by Jillian Harris

If you have been following along with my sourdough starter blog and if you have been saving your discard this blog is for you!!

So, just for a moment, let’s imagine that your sourdough starter is a baby! The whole idea behind making your own starter is that you only have to feed one “baby” every day. When you feed your “baby” it will quickly multiply to 5-10 babies, but you only want to feed one! In order to maintain just one “baby”, you will need to discard all but 10-25 grams of your starter. Instead of throwing the discard out, you can actually store it in the fridge and make some amazing recipes with it.

Over the last couple of months, I’ve made a few discard recipes that I LOVE and I have a few on my list that I am hoping to still try! Today, I’m sharing all of my favourite discard recipes and resources with you!!

Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (3)Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (4)


If you follow me on Instagram you’ll know that I have been raving about these discard crackers from King Arthur Flour. This is honestly my go-to discard recipe because the kids Justin and I love it SO much! I’ve made it a few times and I’ve slightly tweaked the original recipe which I will share with you below. The only modifications that I made were I added some nutritional yeast and doubled the salt (I’m not much of a sweets person, but I sure love my salty/savoury snacks! LOL!). These crackers taste like natural Cheez-It’s, but are homemade and so much better for you!

I LOVE this recipe so much that I asked Rachelle if she could whip up a quick video of the process for you! You can find the video below.

Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (5)

Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes

5 from 1 vote

Recipe by Jillian Harris

From The Kitchen of Jillian Harris


  • 1 cup 1 flour

  • 1 cup 1 discard

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 nutritional yeast

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1 tbsp 1 oregano

  • 1 tbsp 1 basil

  • 4 tbsp 4 vegan butter


  • Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and mix until it becomes a soft dough consistency. Cover the bowl with reusable plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for up to 30 mins or 2 days.
  • When you are ready to make your crackers, preheat oven to 350. Cut a piece of parchment paper and leave it on the side. Dust the counter with some flour.
  • Cut your dough in half and with a rolling pin, roll out the dough and make it as thin as possible about 1/8 of an inch thick. Try to avoid rolling it out too thin as it will just break. Lift up the dough (carefully) and place it onto the parchment paper.
  • Once you have successfully transferred the dough to the parchment paper cut the dough into little squares and then pierce each cracker with a fork. Dust the crackers with sea salt and place parchment paper onto a baking sheet.
  • At 350, bake crackers for about 7-11 minutes just until they are golden brown. You will want to keep an eye on them as they go from raw to golden brown very quickly. Remove from oven and let cool.
  • Once crackers are cool place them in a container in the fridge and you are good to go. The recipe will make about 60 crackers, but they will be gone in seconds because you will want to eat them all to yourself! LOL

Cinnamon Raisin Bread

A few weekends ago I decided that I was going to make this for breakfast for Justin and the kids. As I was prepping the cinnamon raisin bread I decided that I wasn’t going to use the commercial yeast that the recipe called for. The cinnamon aromas filled the house and I was so excited to take a big bite, but it turned out to be really heavy. If you are going to try this recipe I would highly recommend using commercial yeast that the original recipe calls for, don’t skip that step! LOL!

Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (6)

Pizza Dough

When I first took a stab at making a sourdough starter one of the first discard recipes that I ever tried was homemade pizza dough! At first, I wasn’t really following a recipe and I really wish that I had of been taking notes while I was whipping random ingredients together! LOL! It was one of the BEST pizza’s I have ever made and now I can’t remember what the heck I did! I am determined to figure out what ingredients I used because that recipe was seriously delicious. Since I can’t share that with you today, I’m linking the King Arthur Flour pizza dough recipe for you! So far, all of the discard recipes that I have tested out from King Arthur Flour have been amazing and I have no doubt that this one will be incredible too (but probably not as good as mine though … LOL)!

Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (7)

These are just a few of the recipes that I have tested out, but there are so many amazing discard recipes that I would still like to try! King Arthur Flour and Little Spoon Farm are my go-to resources for simple and amazing discard recipes. A few that I have to try next on my list are waffles, pretzels, and crumpets!

There are a few reasons why I LOVE baking with sourdough discard so much. First of all, I really hate wasting food! I love that instead of wasting the discard you can actually make some amazing recipes with it. Another reason I love baking with discard is that the dough is fermented it gives your recipes a bit of a tangy taste (which I LOVE!) and due to the fermentation process, there are some great health benefits to baking with discard!

In the next few days, I am going to experiment with tomato paste and fennel and try to create pizza flavoured discard crackers. If it’s a success I’ll be sure to share the recipe!




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Must Try Sourdough Discard Recipes - Jillian Harris Design Inc. (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.