Must-Know Women In Finance Statistics [Latest Report] • Gitnux (2024)


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  • Last Updated: April 24, 2024

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Highlights: Women In Finance Statistics

  • Women represent 46% of all employees in the financial services industry.
  • Among the Fortune 500 companies, only 54 have female CFOs (10.8%).
  • Women received around 30% of finance degrees in 1970, while in 2017, the figure rose to almost 50%.
  • Among European banks, only 20% of executives in banks are women.
  • Only 8 of the top 100 mutual fund managers are women.
  • Women constitute 45% of the workforce but hold only 25% of senior management positions in insurance companies globally.
  • In the US, women’s representation in the financial services industry has remained flat at approximately 48% from 2008 to 2020.
  • Among Asia-Pacific banks, women make up 12.9% of board members and 13.6% of executive committees.
  • Female hedge fund managers outperform men by 9.8% in the first half of 2017.
  • Just 6.4% of 2018 newly-hired CEOs in the financial sector were women.
  • 15% of venture capital senior leaders in the US are women.
  • Women comprise only 17% of board members for UK-based financial institutions.
  • Female-founded startups receive less than 3% of all venture capital funding in the US.
  • Women experience a 26% pay gap in the financial services sector in the UK.
  • 4.4% of the top 200 US financial advice teams have female-only advisors, while 39.8% have male-only advisors.
  • Only 10.5% of fund managers in the Australian investment management industry are women.
  • 37.5% of Certified Financial Planner professionals in the US are women.

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The financial services industry is an important sector of the global economy, and it has traditionally been dominated by men. However, recently, there have been significant efforts to increase gender diversity within this field. This article will explore some key statistics about women in finance that demonstrate how far we still need to go before achieving true equality.

We’ll look at data from a variety of sources including Fortune 500 companies, mutual funds managers, venture capital firms and more. By understanding these numbers better, we can gain insight into where progress needs to be made so that everyone can benefit from a diverse workforce with equal opportunities for success regardless of gender identity or background.

The Most Important Statistics

Women represent 46% of all employees in the financial services industry. This statistic is a powerful reminder of the progress that has been made in the financial services industry in terms of gender equality. It shows that women are increasingly being given the opportunity to work in this field, and that their contributions are being recognized and valued. This statistic is a testament to the hard work and dedication of women in the financial services industry, and it serves as an inspiration for other women to pursue their dreams in this field. Among the Fortune 500 companies, only 54 have female CFOs (10.8%). This statistic serves as a stark reminder of the gender disparity that exists in the world of finance. With only 10.8% of Fortune 500 companies having female CFOs, it is clear that women are still underrepresented in the upper echelons of the financial industry. This statistic is a call to action for organizations to take steps to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to succeed in the finance sector.

Women In Finance Statistics Overview

Women received around 30% of finance degrees in 1970, while in 2017, the figure rose to almost 50%.

This statistic is a powerful indicator of the progress that has been made in the field of finance when it comes to gender equality. It shows that women have made significant strides in the finance industry, and that the industry is becoming increasingly more inclusive. This is an important statistic to highlight in a blog post about Women In Finance Statistics, as it demonstrates the progress that has been made and encourages further progress in the future.

Among European banks, only 20% of executives in banks are women.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender disparity that exists in the banking industry. It highlights the fact that women are still significantly underrepresented in the upper echelons of the banking sector, and that there is still a long way to go before true gender equality is achieved.

Only 8 of the top 100 mutual fund managers are women.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender disparity that exists in the finance industry. It highlights the fact that women are still vastly underrepresented in the top ranks of the financial sector, and that there is still a long way to go before true gender equality is achieved.

Women constitute 45% of the workforce but hold only 25% of senior management positions in insurance companies globally.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender gap that still exists in the finance industry. It highlights the fact that, despite making up almost half of the workforce, women are still significantly underrepresented in senior management positions. This is indicative of a larger problem in the finance industry, where women are not given the same opportunities as their male counterparts. This statistic is a call to action for companies to take steps to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to succeed in the finance industry.

In the US, women’s representation in the financial services industry has remained flat at approximately 48% from 2008 to 2020.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the lack of progress in the financial services industry when it comes to gender equality. Despite the efforts of many organizations to promote diversity and inclusion, the number of women in the industry has remained stagnant for over a decade. This highlights the need for further action to ensure that women are given equal opportunities and access to the same resources as their male counterparts.

Among Asia-Pacific banks, women make up 12.9% of board members and 13.6% of executive committees.

This statistic is a telling indication of the lack of gender diversity in the Asia-Pacific banking sector. It highlights the fact that women are still significantly underrepresented in the highest levels of decision-making, despite the fact that they make up a large portion of the workforce. This lack of representation can have a negative impact on the industry, as it can lead to a lack of innovation and a lack of understanding of the needs of female customers. It is therefore essential that the banking sector takes steps to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to take part in decision-making and leadership roles.

Female hedge fund managers outperform men by 9.8% in the first half of 2017.

This statistic is a powerful testament to the success of female hedge fund managers, demonstrating that they are capable of outperforming their male counterparts by a significant margin. It is a powerful reminder that women in finance are more than capable of achieving success in the industry, and that their contributions should not be overlooked. This statistic is an important reminder that women in finance are a valuable asset to the industry, and that their successes should be celebrated.

Just 6.4% of 2018 newly-hired CEOs in the financial sector were women.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender disparity that exists in the financial sector. It highlights the fact that women are still significantly underrepresented in the highest levels of the industry, and that there is still a long way to go before true gender equality is achieved. This statistic is an important part of the conversation about women in finance, and it serves as a reminder that there is still much work to be done in order to create a more equitable and inclusive environment for all.

15% of venture capital senior leaders in the US are women.

This statistic is a powerful reminder of the gender disparity that exists in the venture capital industry. It highlights the need for more female representation in senior leadership roles, and serves as a call to action for organizations to create more equitable opportunities for women in finance. By bringing attention to this statistic, we can help to create a more inclusive and diverse financial landscape.

Women comprise only 17% of board members for UK-based financial institutions.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender imbalance that exists in the financial sector. It highlights the fact that women are still significantly underrepresented in the upper echelons of the financial industry, and that there is still a long way to go before true gender parity is achieved. This statistic is a call to action for financial institutions to take steps to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to succeed in the industry.

Female-founded startups receive less than 3% of all venture capital funding in the US.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the systemic inequality that exists in the venture capital industry. It highlights the fact that female-founded startups are not receiving the same level of investment as their male counterparts, and that this disparity is preventing them from achieving the same level of success. This is a major issue in the finance industry, as it means that women are not being given the same opportunities to succeed as men. This statistic is a call to action for the finance industry to take steps to ensure that female-founded startups are given the same level of investment and support as male-founded startups.

Women experience a 26% pay gap in the financial services sector in the UK.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender pay gap that still exists in the financial services sector in the UK. It highlights the fact that women are still not receiving the same pay as their male counterparts, despite having the same qualifications and experience. This pay gap has a significant impact on women’s financial security and can lead to a lack of economic independence. It is essential that this issue is addressed in order to ensure that women are able to access the same opportunities as men in the financial services sector.

4.4% of the top 200 US financial advice teams have female-only advisors, while 39.8% have male-only advisors.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender disparity that exists in the financial advice industry. It highlights the fact that women are significantly underrepresented in the top 200 US financial advice teams, with only 4.4% of teams having female-only advisors compared to 39.8% having male-only advisors. This is an important statistic to consider when discussing the state of women in finance, as it demonstrates the need for greater representation of women in the industry.

Only 10.5% of fund managers in the Australian investment management industry are women.

This statistic is a stark reminder of the gender disparity that exists in the Australian investment management industry. It highlights the fact that women are significantly underrepresented in this field, and that there is still a long way to go in terms of achieving gender equality in the workplace. This statistic is an important reminder that more needs to be done to ensure that women have equal access to opportunities in the finance sector.

37.5% of Certified Financial Planner professionals in the US are women.

This statistic is a powerful reminder of the progress that has been made in the field of finance when it comes to gender equality. It shows that women are increasingly taking on leadership roles in the financial sector, and that they are being recognized for their expertise and qualifications. This statistic is a testament to the hard work and dedication of women in finance, and it serves as an inspiration for other women to pursue their dreams in the field.


The statistics presented in this blog post demonstrate that women are significantly underrepresented in the financial services industry. Despite making up nearly half of all employees, they hold only 25% of leadership roles and 10.8% of CFO positions among Fortune 500 companies.

Women also receive less than 3% of venture capital funding for their startups and experience a 26% pay gap compared to men in the UK’s financial sector. These figures show that there is still much work to be done when it comes to achieving gender parity within finance-related fields. It is clear that more needs to be done by both employers and policy makers alike if we want to see meaningful progress towards greater representation for women in these industries.


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WifiTalents, cited April 2024: Women In Finance


What percentage of women hold senior management positions in financial services worldwide?

As of 2020, women hold approximately 22% of senior management positions in the financial services industry worldwide.

How has the gender pay gap changed in the finance sector over recent years?

While progress has been made in reducing the gender pay gap in the finance sector, there is still work to be done. In 2020, the median gender pay gap in the UK finance sector was 23.7%, down from 28.2% in 2018.

Which branch of finance shows the highest representation of women in leadership roles?

As of 2020, the insurance and asset management sectors show the highest representation of women in leadership roles, with women comprising 23% of executive committees.

How has female representation in the finance sector evolved over time?

Female representation in the finance sector has steadily increased over the past few decades. However, although women make up approximately 50% of the global finance industry workforce, they are still underrepresented in senior management and leadership roles.

What are some measures being taken to promote gender equality in financial services?

Measures to promote gender equality in the finance sector include diversity and inclusion programs, paid parental leave policies, flexible work arrangements, mentoring and sponsorship programs, and efforts to encourage more women to enter the sector through education and training initiatives.

How we write our statistic reports:

We have not conducted any studies ourselves. Our article provides a summary of all the statistics and studies available at the time of writing. We are solely presenting a summary, not expressing our own opinion. We have collected all statistics within our internal database. In some cases, we use Artificial Intelligence for formulating the statistics. The articles are updated regularly.

See our Editorial Process.

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Must-Know Women In Finance Statistics [Latest Report] • Gitnux (2024)


What percentage of the finance industry is female? ›

This underrepresentation is clear in the world of finance. About 46% of employees in the finance sector are women. However, only 15% occupy executive roles.

Why are women underrepresented in finance? ›

Women and men begin closer to parity at the start of their careers in finance, but the C-suite is still largely dominated by men. There are comparatively few women role models and mentors in finance, and this may account for some of the gender disparity in top roles.

Is the financial services industry growing? ›

The financial services market is projected to grow from $25,848 billion in 2022 to $37,484 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 7.5%. The pace at which the industry is growing is impressive, and businesses in the niche have to keep up with the tempo by implementing the latest technologies and following the major trends.

How much is the financial services industry worth? ›

Financial Services Industry Statistics

According to the latest projection from the Global Market Model in December 2022, the global financial services market achieved a valuation of $25,990.6 billion in 2022, constituting a substantial 26% of the overall global Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

What is the most female dominated industry? ›

These Are The Top 10 Industries Dominated By Women
  1. Personal Care. Personal care workers provide health care services for older adults and people with disabilities. ...
  2. Teaching. ...
  3. Beauty. ...
  4. Diet And Nutrition. ...
  5. Customer Service. ...
  6. Administrative. ...
  7. Medical. ...
  8. Health Information Technicians.
Feb 15, 2023

What is the female version of finance? ›

These two words are borrowed directly from French, in which language they have equivalent but gendered meanings: fiancé refers to a man who is engaged to be married, and fiancée refers to a woman.

Why women are less financially literate? ›

Another potential reason relates to the measurement of financial literacy. Since finance is considered a male field (Boggio et al., 2014[13]), women might answer financial literacy questions by saying they do not know or skip those questions, even if they have some financial knowledge.

What is the gender gap in finance for women? ›

Not controlling for factors including industry or job type, a study showed women earning $0.76 compared to every $1 that men make in 2021. The financial industry specifically has consistently clocked in as having among the largest gender pay gap, with the average woman earning $0.61 or every dollar earned by men.

How many women are not financially stable? ›

More than a third (36%) of women don't feel financially stable, according to a new survey of around 2,000 women by Qualtrics on behalf of personal finance company Credit Karma. Those in couples are feeling less of a crunch, as 34% of partnered women report a lack of financial security compared to 40% of single women.

What will finance focus on in 2024? ›

We found that the number one priority for 2024 is a focus on finance function process improvement. Many are prioritizing core fundamentals like enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, process automation, and end-to-end-process documentation.

What is the financial problem in 2024? ›

Forty-one percent of U.S. adults in 2024 name inflation as the most important financial problem facing their family, up from 35% a year ago and the highest in Gallup's trend to date. Prior to 2021, the highest percentage mentioning inflation was 18% in 2008, with most readings under 10%.

What bank failed in 2024? ›

State regulators closed Republic First Bank in April 2024, marking the first bank failure of the year. Fulton Bank entered into an agreement with the FDIC to purchase most of Republic First's $6 billion in assets and to assume most of its $4 billion in deposit liabilities.

Who makes the most money in the financial industry? ›

Highest-paying finance jobs
  • Investment banker. ...
  • Hedge fund manager. ...
  • Financial analyst. ...
  • Information technology auditor. ...
  • Financial software developer. ...
  • Private equity associate. ...
  • Chief compliance officer. ...
  • Chief financial officer.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the richest financial company in the world? ›

The United States-based JPMorgan Chase & Co is the world's leading bank by market cap.

What is the largest financial center in the US? ›

New York City remains the largest centre for trading in public equity and debt capital markets, driven in part by the size and financial development of the U.S. economy. The NYSE and NASDAQ are the two largest stock exchanges in the world.

What percentage of finance majors are male or female? ›

Finance Professional gender ratio by year
8 more rows

What are the demographics of the finance industry? ›

In 2022, 70.4% of the workforce in the Finance & Insurance industry was White (5,201,890 people), of which 54.3% were women and 45.7% men. Other races that concentrated a significant number of workers were Black and Asian.

What is the gender ratio for financial analysts? ›

The Financial analysts workforce in 2022 was 300,586 people (41.3% women and 58.7% men). This implies an average annual growth of 213% between 2014 (95,942) and 2022 (300,586).

What percentage of financial advisors are female? ›

According to recent census data, about 31% of financial advisors are women, but this estimate varies depending on who is doing the data gathering and what the definitions are that control the data. Other estimates set the percentage at much lower levels.

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Article information

Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Views: 6130

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.