Mr. P (2024)

Mr. P (1)

"Mr. P is in over his head trying to run a hotel. He's always yelling at his employees to work faster, as if they could understand his gibberish!"

Mr. P (2)

Mr. P is a Mythic Brawler who has moderate health and damage. He attacks with suitcases that bounce and deal additional damage. His Super deploys a home base that periodically spawns a robo-porter that follows and attacks enemies. His first Gadget, Service Bell, significantly increases the damage and health of the current porter. His second Gadget, Porter Reinforcements, spawns a weaker porter at the end of Mr. P's next attack’s range. Mr. P's first Star Power, Handle With Care, periodically makes his suitcase deal more damage after bouncing. His second Star Power, Revolving Door, increases the damage and health of the porters spawned by Mr. P's Super.

Attack: Your Suitcase Sir!

"Mr. P throws a heavy suitcase with angry intent. If the suitcase hits an obstacle or reaching maximum range, it bounces over them, lands with a bang and deals area damage."

Mr. P throws a suitcase that bounces for an additional 3.33 tiles whether it hits an enemy, an obstacle, or nothing. After bouncing, the suitcase deals splash damage in a 1.33-tile radius.

Super: Porters! Attack!

"Mr. P deploys the home base for his robo-porters. He has reprogrammed the small penguin-head robots to attack and harass opponents (and unruly guests)."

Mr. P throws a home base with moderate health. It can be thrown anywhere within a short distance from Mr. P. The home base is stationary and spawns robo-porters with low health and damage to assist Mr. P and his allies. The porters move relatively fast towards the nearest target, and when they get within the range of the target, they stop and shoot it with short-ranged shots. The porters keep spawning until the home base is destroyed. However, there can only be one robo-porter from Mr. P's Super on the battlefield at a time. The home base has a 4 second delay before it can spawn another robo-porter after one is destroyed. There can be only one home base on the battlefield at a time, unless there are multiple Mr. Ps.


Service Bell

"Mr. P buffs his current porter by increasing its damage by 228 and health by 1360."

Mr. P (3)

Mr. P increases the damage of the current porter by 228 and its health by 1360. This only applies to the one porter on the battlefield. This will also heal the porter to maximum health. The buffed porter appears bigger in size with a purple glow on it (similar to an Energy Drink effect). Mr. P must be within 12 tiles of his current porter to use this Gadget. Buffs are only applied to a porter once.

Porter Reinforcements

"The next attack will spawn a weak porter where the attack lands."

Mr. P (4)

Mr. P's next attack spawns a porter mechanically identical to his Super at the end of the attack's range. Porters spawned from this Gadget have half the health and deal 77% the damage of a porter spawned by Mr. P's Super. They’re also visually smaller than their Super counterparts. The porters spawned from his Gadget won’t despawn even if Mr. P uses another Gadget, allowing multiple porters to be on the battlefield at once. His attack still deals its base damage before spawning a porter, and this Gadget can be affected by Power Cubes, but not his Revolving Door Star Power. A Gadget symbol will glow above Mr. P's head signaling this Gadget's usage, as well as a glowing attack joystick. This Gadget's cooldown starts after this attack is shot.

Star Powers

Handle With Care

"Every 4 seconds, the explosion damage of Mr. P's next overstuffed suitcase is increased by 40%."

Mr. P (5)

Mr. P gains a bar similar to Bibi's Home Run bar. When the bar is charged up after 4 seconds, Mr. P's next attack has its damage from its second phase (after the bounce) increased by 40%. Mr. P doesn’t require all three ammo to charge the bar, similar to Sprout‘s Overgrowth Star Power.

Revolving Door

"All robo-porters from the home base now have 20% more health and 30% higher damage."

Mr. P (6)

Mr. P's porters that originate from his Super have their health increased by 20% and their damage increased by 30%.


  • Mr. P's attack is unique in that it bounces after hitting an obstacle or target. If you throw attacks at walls, you can hit enemies behind them, like a thrower. This only works with one-tile-thick walls. If you hit a Brawler, the attack can hit them again if they stand still or are running away from you, effectively doubling your damage per hit against fleeing targets.
  • In Special Events such as Boss Fight, Robo Rumble and Big Game, Mr. P's Super can prove very useful as the porters can distract the enemies, and if a porter is destroyed, another one spawns to take its place. His Revolving Door Star Power makes this more of a threat.
  • Continue to set up a home base when taking control of lanes in battles. Mr. P's Super can be charged consistently which allows them to secure control faster using their Super. It also means it's safe to bring the base further into the battlefield where it can be of more use. Take into note that sometimes spawning a new home base is better then that of waiting for a porter to spawn since a porter immediately spawns right when it's placed down.
  • Mr. P is a very versatile Brawler due to his pseudo-thrower attacks and his range. Taking note of the enemy's movement and position can be vital when dealing maximum damage with the bounce from his attack.
  • On maps with an abundance of walls, it's usually a good idea to use his Handle With Care Star Power, as the walls give Mr. P plenty of opportunities to utilize the extra damage that the Star Power provides.
  • In Siege, throwing your home base inside the IKE zone can serve as a meat shield for you as long as it is closer to the IKE, causing the IKE to target it instead of you. This gives you more time to dive into the IKE to land extra shots and is amplified with his Revolving Door Star Power, which gives the porters additional health and therefore give you an even better meat shield. His Service Bell Gadget amplifies this further, as it can instantly heal a low health porter back to full health.
  • In a pinch, his porters can be used as a meat shield to hide behind them and heal up or attack the enemy. This should only be used in situations like Showdown or the last few seconds in Bounty or Siege. Watch out for Penny, Jessie, and other piercing or bouncing Brawlers though, since they can hit through spawnables, including Mr. P's porters.
  • Mr. P can be a real nuisance on maps a plethora of bushes, such as Snake Prairie, as his porters can flush out hidden enemies. This strategy works even better with his Porter Reinforcements Gadget, so Mr. P can instantly root out enemies at the start of the match without a Super.
  • Mr. P’s Porter Reinforcements Gadget is a good way to block shots from enemies, making them expend their ammo on the porter despite its low health. It can also effectively counter Brawlers that have difficulty defending themselves at close range such as Piper or Brawlers with low damage or a slow reload speed. Using the Gadget right in front of an enemy can sometimes force them to retreat, allowing Mr. P to hit them with his attack and deal twice the damage.
  • Mr. P's Handle With Care Star Power is better on damage orientated modes, such as Heist, because it can help melt the safe quicker, although it is not advisable to play Mr. P in Heist as he has a low damage output by himself without porters.

Voice Lines

SpawningIn The LeadReceiving DamageDefeating An EnemyDefeatedAttackingActivating A Super


  • 23/01/20:
    • Mr. P (7) Mr. P was added to the game.
  • 05/02/20:
    • Mr. P (8) Mr. P's Tin Can Star Power was added.
  • 07/02/20:
    • Mr. P (9) The Agent P skin was added.
  • 19/02/20:
    • Mr. P (10) Mr. P's main attack range was decreased to 7 tiles (from 8).
  • 17/03/20:
    • Mr. P (11) Mr. P's Super spawn delay was increased to 4 seconds (from 2).
    • Mr. P (12) Mr. P's Service Bell Gadget was added.
  • 16/06/20:
    • Mr. P (13) Mr. P's health was increased to 3200 (from 2900).
  • 02/07/20:
    • Mr. P (14) Mr. P's Tin Can Star Power was renamed to Revolving Door and reworked from giving the home base 3000 extra health to making the porters spawn 3 seconds faster.
  • 18/08/20:
    • Mr. P (15) Mr. P's Super porter home base health was decreased to 2200 (from 2800).
    • Mr. P (16) His Super porter's health was decreased to 1400 (from 1500).
  • 10/09/20:
    • Mr. P (17) Mr. P's Super charge rate was decreased slightly.
    • Mr. P (18) Mr. P's Super recharge rate was increased to 18 porter attack hits (from 16).
  • 11/11/20:
    • Mr. P (19) Mr. P's Super porters will now return to their home base if there are no enemies present on the battlefield.
  • 15/12/20:
    • Mr. P (20) Mr. P's main attack damage was increased to 760 (from 700) per hit.
  • 12/02/21:
    • Mr. P (21) Mr. P's Porter Reinforcements Gadget was added.
  • 15/03/21:
    • Mr. P (22) Mr. P's health was decreased to 3000 (from 3200).
  • 07/04/21:
    • Mr. P (23) Mr. P's main attack damage was decreased to 720 (from 760) per hit.
    • Mr. P (24) Mr. P's Porter Reinforcements Gadget porter health was decreased by 50%.
    • Mr. P (25) Mr. P's Porter Reinforcements Gadget porter damage was decreased by 23%.
  • 16/06/21:
    • Mr. P (26) Mr. P's True Silver and True Gold skins were added.
  • 27/10/21:
    • Mr. P (27) Mr. P's class was changed to Damage Dealer (from Sharpshooter).
  • 31/10/21:
    • Mr. P (28) The Count Pengula skin was added. It was featured as a Brawl-o-ween skin.
  • 01/03/22:
    • Mr. P (29) Mr. P’s main attack now bounces even if it doesn't hit an enemy or obstacle.
    • Mr. P (30) Mr. P's Handle with Care Star Power was reworked from making Mr. P's suitcase bounce even if it doesn't hit an enemy or an obstacle to making Mr. P's suitcase deal 40% more damage after bouncing every 4 seconds.
    • Mr. P (31) Mr. P's Revolving Door Star Power was reworked from making the porters spawn 3 seconds faster to making the porters deal 20% more damage and have 30% more health.
  • 31/03/22:
    • Mr. P (32) The Mr. Fly skin was added. It was featured as a Biodome skin.
  • 27/04/22:
    • Mr. P (33) The Daruma Mr. P skin was added. It was featured as a Golden Week skin.
  • 12/12/22:
    • Mr. P (34) Mr. P's main attack damage was increased to 760 (from 720) per hit.
    • Mr. P (35) Count Pengula, Mr. Fly, and Daruma Mr. P's main attack and Super visual effects were slightly reworked.
  • 28/02/23:
    • Mr. P (36) Mr. P's class was changed to Controller (from Damage Dealer).
  • 15/05/23:
    • Mr. P (37) Mr. P's health was increased to 3400 (from 3000).
  • 05/09/23:
    • Mr. P (38) All Brawlers' health and damage were increased from 5% to 10% with each Power Level.
  • 24/10/23:
    • Mr. P (39) Mr. P's Service Bell Gadget porter health bonus was increased to 1088 (from 1000), and its damage bonus was increased to 183 (from 150) and it now scales with Power Levels.
    • Mr. P (40) Mr. P's aiming line was reworked.
    • Mr. P (41) Mr. P's flavor text was changed from "Mr. P is a disgruntled luggage handler who angrily hurls suitcases at opponents. His Super calls robo-porters to help him." to "Mr. P is in over his head trying to run a hotel. He's always yelling at his employees to work faster, as if they could understand his gibberish!"
  • 23/04/24:
    • Mr. P (42) Mr. P's Super home base health was increased to 2500 (from 2200).
    • Mr. P (43) Mr. P's Super porter movement speed was increased by 25%.
  • 25/04/24:
    • Mr. P (44) Fixed Count Pengula attack projectile texture.
  • 24/07/24:
    • Mr. P (45) The Mr Dragonfruit skin was added. It was featured as a Supercell Make skin and a Biodome skin.
  • 27/08/24:
    • Mr. P (46) Mr Dragonfruit was renamed to Mr. Dragonfruit.


Skins (7)

Mr. P

Mr. P (47)


Mr. P (48)

Agent (29 Gems or 1000 Bling)

Mr. P (49)

Mr. P (50)

Mr. P (51)

Count Pengula (79 Gems • S)

Mr. P (53)

Mr. P (54)

Mr. Fly (79 Gems or 2750 Bling)

Mr. P (55)

Mr. P (56)

Mr. P (57)

Daruma (79 Gems or 2750 Bling)

Mr. P (58)

Mr. P (59)

Mr. P (60)

Mr. Dragonfruit (149 Gems or 5000 Bling)

Mr. P (61)

Mr. P (62)

Mr. P (63)

Mr. P (64)

True Silver (10000 Coins)

Mr. P (65)

Mr. P (66)

True Gold (25000 Coins)

Mr. P (67)


Mr. P (68)


Mr. P (69)


Mr. P (70)

Mr. P (71)

Mr. P (72)

Count Pengula

Mr. P (73)

Mr. P (74)

Mr. P (75)

Mr. Fly

Mr. P (76)

Mr. P (77)

Mr. P (78)


Mr. P (79)

Mr. P (80)

Mr. P (81)

Mr. Dragonfruit

Mr. P (82)

Mr. P (83)

Mr. P (84)

Mr. P (85)

True Silver

Mr. P (86)

Mr. P (87)

True Gold

Mr. P (88)


Mr. P

Mr. P (89)

Mr. P (90)



Mr. P (91)



Mr. P (92)



Mr. P (93)



Mr. P (94)



Mr. P (95)



Mr. P (96)



Mr. P (97)



Mr. P (98)



Mr. P (99)



Mr. P (100)

Mr. P (101)



Mr. P (102)

Mr. P (103)



Mr. P (104)

Mr. P (105)



Mr. P (106)



Mr. P (107)

Mr. P (108)




Mr. P (109)

Mr. P


Mr. P (110)

Daruma Mr. P


Profile Icons

Mr. P (111)

Mr. P

Mr. P (112)

Mr. P

Mr. P (113)

Mr. Dragonfruit

Wiki Navigation
Super Rare

Mr. P (166)

Mr. P


Items in gray indicate content that has been removed from the game.

Wiki Navigation
Super Rare

Mr. P (318)

Mr. P


Items in gray indicate content that has been removed from the game.

Mr. P (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.