Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (2024)

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (1)


What is Montessori Education?

Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process. Children work in groups and individually to discover and explore knowledge of the world and to develop their maximum potential.

Montessori classrooms are beautifully crafted environments designed to meet the needs of children in a specific age range.Dr. Maria Montessoridiscovered that experiential learning in this type of classroom led to a deeper understanding of language, mathematics, science, music, social interactions and much more. Most Montessori classrooms are secular in nature, although the Montessori educational method can be integrated successfully into a faith-based program.

Every material in a Montessori classroom supports an aspect of child development, creating a match between the child’s natural interests and the available activities. Children can learn through their own experience and at their own pace. They can respond at any moment to the natural curiosities that exist in all humans and build a solid foundation for life-long learning.

The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) was established by Maria Montessori in 1929 to protect the integrity of her work and to support high standards for both teacher training and schools. Today, AMI continues to uphold Maria Montessori’s vision while collaborating with contemporary research in neuroscience and child development. Montessori Northwest is proud to be an official teacher training center of AMI, training teachers to work with children from birth to age twelve.


for children ages birth to three years

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (2)

  • provide a safe, engaging and nurturing
    environment for the child

  • promote trust in themselves and their world

  • develop confidence in their emerging abilities

  • develop gross motor coordination, fine motor skills, and language skills

  • offer opportunities to gain independence in daily tasks

Learn about the Assistants to Infancy (0-3) Teacher Training Programs at MNW


Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (3)

for children ages three to six year

  • foster the growth of functional
    independence, task persistence and

  • promote social development through respectful,
    clear communication and safe, natural consequences

  • contain a large variety of materials for the refinement of sensory perception and the development of literacy and mathematical understanding

  • offer opportunities for imaginative exploration leading to confident, creative self-expression

Learn about the Primary (3-6) Teacher Training Programs at MNW


Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (4)

for children ages six to twelve years

  • offer opportunities for collaborative intellectual
    exploration in which the child’s interests are
    supported and guided

  • support the development of self-confidence, imagination,
    intellectual independence and self-efficacy

  • foster an understanding of the child’s role in their community, in their culture and in the natural world

Learn about the Elementary (6-12) Teacher Training Programs at MNW


for children ages twelve to eighteen years

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (5)

  • ideally a working farm in which adolescents
    engage in all aspects of farm administration and
    economic interdependence, but also include non-
    farm environments in urban settings

  • assist the young adult in the understanding of oneself in wider and wider frames of reference

  • provide a context for practical application of academics

  • emphasize the development of self-expression, true self-reliance, and agility in interpersonal relationships.

Learn about the Adolescent Training Programs through AMI

Above all, Montessori classrooms at all levels nurture each child’s individual strengths and interests. Montessori education encourages children to explore their world, and to understand and respect the life forms, systems and forces of which it consists.

Who Was Maria Montessori?

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (6)

Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian physician and anthropologist who devoted her life to understanding how children develop socially,
intellectually, physically, and spiritually. By carefully observing children all over the world, she discovered universal patterns of development which
are found in all children regardless of their culture or the era in which they live.

Dr. Montessori was one of the first women to be granted a diploma as a physician in Italy. Following her interest in human development, she assisted
at a clinic for children with mental illnesses. She later directed the Orthophrenic School in Rome for children with physical, mental and emotional
challenges. During this time Dr. Montessori lectured throughout Europe concerning the needs of children and their value to the future of our
societies. She stressed the need to change our attitudes about children and their treatment.

In 1907, Dr. Montessori was given the responsibility of caring for a group of children in the Rome’s San Lorenzo slum district. She began to see the
importance of a positive, nurturing environment that changes with the developmental needs of the child. As she observed the children and their
response to the environment, she saw them demonstrate capabilities and interests that exceeded her expectations. The set of materials used in the
"Montessori" environment were designed over a period of many years by Dr. Maria Montessori and her associates, creating a concrete, physical
representation of the concepts and skills that children are naturally motivated to learn in their normal course of development.

Dr. Montessori conducted her first international training course in Italy in 1913, and her first American training course in California in 1915. As she carried her vision around the world, she felt that a time had come to ensure the quality and integrity of what was being handed down in her training courses. For that reason, she founded the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in 1929. Today AMI continues to support quality teacher training worldwide.

Maria Montessori was a visionary, not easily daunted by the many challenges she faced during her career. She traveled extensively, lecturing and teaching throughout Europe, India and in the United States. She was recognized for her efforts by educators, psychologists and political leaders of the day. Her associates included such people as Anna Freud, Erik Erikson, Mahatma Gandhi, Alexander Graham Bell and Jean Piaget.

Dr. Montessori was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1949, 1950 and 1951 and continued working, teaching and writing up to the time of her death. Over the past one hundred years children throughout the world have benefited from this educational approach that supports, nurtures, and protects natural development. Maria Montessori’s legacy lives on in the children whose lives are touched by her discoveries about life.

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (7)

"My vision of the future is no longer of people taking exams and proceeding on that certification... but of individuals passing from one stage of independence to a higher, by means of their own activity, through their own effort of will, which constitutes the inner evolution of the individual." - Introduction, From Childhood to Adolescence, Clio

“… The children themselves found a sentence that expressed this inner need. “Help me to do it by myself!” How eloquent is this paradoxical request! …It is in this that our conception differs both from that of the world in which the adult does everything for the child and from that of a passive environment in which the adult abandons the child to himself” - The Secret of Childhood, p. 213

“I have served the spirits of those children, and they have fulfilled their development, and I kept them company in their experiences”
- Absorbent Mind p. 284

In her own words:

AMI: The Only Real Choice

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (8)

TheAssociation Montessori Internationale (AMI)was founded by Maria Montessori in 1929 to protect the integrity of her work. Today, AMI
continues to uphold these standards by offering high-quality and authentic teacher training through its affiliated training centers.

It’s important to note that Montessori is not a trademarked term. As Montessori rapidly spread around the world, many off-shoot trainings sprang
up offering faster, cheaper, and abbreviated versions of Montessori teacher trainings. Today, as the value of authentic Montessori education is
widely recognized, it is more than ever to choose a comprehensive, complete AMI teacher training program like those offered by Montessori
Northwest.High-quality AMI Montessori training can open the door to a career as a teacher at private and public Montessori schools around the world,
or as a school administrator.

AMI courses are conducted by AMI trainers, master teachers who have completed the Training of Trainers program and have a profound understanding of Montessori theory and practice. Graduates of AMI training courses must demonstrate understanding of educational theory, child development, observation techniques, use and presentation of the Montessori materials, and ability to create appropriate activities for children. The practice teaching component solidifies this learning through hands-on work in Montessori classrooms.

  • AMI Montessori teachers are in high demand. AMI Montessori diploma-holders are sought after by many types of Montessori schools, public or private, AMI or AMS or non-affiliated. School administrators value the consistently high quality of AMI-trained teachers. AMI training guarantees that teacher candidates have a deep understanding of the Montessori philosophy and principles of child development, as well as a thorough grasp of lesson delivery, not just in theory, but also in applied practice. This consistent, high-quality training means that many schools are eager to meet our graduates: an AMI diploma is a great way to get interviews at the best Montessori schools in the world!

  • Montessori Northwest’s AMI teacher training program prepares you for success in your classroom. Because of our AMI
    approach and our focus on practical, hands-on work with the materials, our students are well-prepared for the challenges of
    an actual classroom. So not only will you have a good chance of getting hired, you’ll also have the foundation for being successful
    in your teaching career.

  • A Montessori diploma often leads to better pay in a career you are passionate about. Many preschool teachers who take the
    AMI Montessori teacher training report a significant increase in pay, as a Montessori teaching certificate often is required for a
    promotion to head teacher in a Montessori classroom. While many assistant teachers at preschools are hourly employees with
    limited benefits, head teachers more often are able to become salaried professionals, with associated benefits, such as health
    care and retirement benefits.

  • An AMI diploma is your passport to the world. The Association Montessori Internationale diploma is used in over 100 countries, not just in the US. Your AMI Montessori teaching certificate gives you the opportunity to teach at AMI Montessori schools around the world, as those schools recognize the AMI training as a mark of teacher training excellence, no matter in which country you trained.

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (9)


AMI DigitalFree, downloadable materials in multiple languages.
Educateurs sans FrontieresA division of AMI working to advance human development around the world.
The Rights of the ChildAMI's work in alignment with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Montessori SportsTraining, materials, and information to support the development of movement in children and adults.

Why Teach Montessori?

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (10)

Montessori teachers love their work. Whether embarking on your first career or looking for more inspiration in your current field, the first step to finding a job that brings you deep satisfaction is to think carefully about what really drives you. We are far more likely to be successful in an occupation we feel passionate about! When we asked Montessori teachers what they love most about their careers here's what they said:

“Montessori training isn’t just a way to land a great job in 9-months. It’s a transformative journey that deepens one’s understanding of the potential of children and their ability to transform the world.”

“Educating children in this unique way connects you to an international community of people working, typically with great humility and respect, to improve a struggling educational system.”

“Your job doesn’t have to make you miserable! Montessori training opens the door to a more meaningful job, a better life, and a happier you.”

We all possess a uniquecombination of assets that we bring to everything we do; attributes suchas personality, skill sets, abilities, and experiences. At MontessoriNorthwest, we believe those diverse, sometimes disparate, qualities often are essential to create a community of great teachers. And if applying your passion to an educational approach that helps children reach their fullpotential in allareas of life—cognitive, social, emotional, andphysical—appeals to you, a career in as a Montessori education teacher is worth considering.

If you are thinking about becoming a Montessori teacher or are wondering which program will best prepare you for this path, then you’ve come to the right place. Since 1979, Montessori Northwesthas offered practical and in-depth adult education, in affiliation with the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). The AMI diploma is respected worldwide as a representation of achievement in a teacher-training program of quality, integrity, and authenticity.

Inside a Montessori Classroom

Montessori classrooms are peaceful, happy places designed to meet the
developmental needs of each child in every stage of life.
They contain many places
for children to learn and play, in many different ways: by themselves, in pairs, in
small groups, in large groups, inside, outside, at tables, on the floor. All items in the
environment are scaled to the child’s size, including furniture, shelves, utensils,
dishware, cleaning implements and the Montessori materials themselves. There is
no focal center to the classroom; this reflects that the teacher is not the focus of
the children’s attention, but that they are all one community together. Bright and
attractive colors, natural materials, fascinating cultural objects and interesting
pictures on the wall all offer the children complex sensory and intellectual experiences.
When children first enter a Montessori environment, there is an immediate and
touching moment when they realize that this place is for them.

In Montessori classrooms, children are taught how to regulate their own social
interactions. Through fun role-playing activities and appropriate modeling, the teacher demonstrates the best way to respond to arguments or new situations, giving the child the ability to act confidently and pro-socially when the actual problem arises. The result is a self-regulating classroom, in which natural social tensions are resolved mostly by the children themselves. Children move freely throughout the environment, choosing activities that interest them, or working with the teacher, individually, or in small groups. Their movement is unrestricted by the teacher unless it endangers themselves, other people, or their surroundings. Outdoor environments are important in Montessori schools, and offer opportunities to engage with the natural world

The guiding principles of Montessori education are the same across all age levels, and are grounded in over one hundred years of work with children around the world.

  • Maria Montessori profoundly respected children and the developmental powers that drive them to seek certain experiences. Montessori education reframes the adult/child relationship to place the child at the center of his own learning. In Montessori classrooms, teachers respect children as separate and unique individuals. They guide children to respect the people and objects in their environment, and as the child grows older, to respect and understand the connectedness between all living and non-living things, leading to the adolescent’s profound awareness of the complex web of human existence.

  • Children’s needs change as they move through stages of development. At each level of Montessori education, this difference is honored through the preparation of the classroom environment. The environment is prepared in every way for optimal development: physically, cognitively, socially and emotionally. By aligning the activities in the environment with what each child needs at any moment, Montessori prepared environments liberate children’s energy for growth and learning.

  • Montessori classrooms are interactive environments in which hands-on exploration is not only encouraged, it is necessary. By using the mind, the body, and the senses, learning becomes an activity that engages the whole self. Any parent will agree that children do; Montessori environments follow this natural inclination of children towards activity by offering an appropriate variety of objects and activities for meaningful engagement.

  • One of the most profound differences between Montessori education and conventional education is that, in Montessori, children are given the experience of discovering the answer for themselves. This leads to a much deeper learning experience, and creates a lifelong love of learning as a self-directed process of problem-solving and discovery.

  • The trained Montessori teacher links the child to activities and experiences in the prepared environment. Specialized training results in a deep knowledge of child development, the purposes and use of each activity, and an understanding of how to foster and maintain social harmony in the classroom. Learn more about Montessori teacher training at Montessori Northwest.

  • Montessori classrooms support the development of imagination and creativity at every stage of learning. The open-ended activities allow children to explore new ideas and relationships, providing a foundation for self-expression and innovation. In the early years, the building blocks of imagination are firmly established through sensory exploration of the world, launching both imagination and creative self-expression.

  • Maria Montessori recognized that when allowed freedom of choice within clear, firm and reasonable boundaries, children act in positive ways that further their development. Freedom is frequently misunderstood, and many people take it to mean that children can do whatever they want. Montessori believed that freedom without boundaries was abandonment. In Montessori classrooms, expectations are clear, and children experience the natural and logical consequences of their choices. This freedom within limits allows for the natural development of self-regulation within the society of the classroom, as well as mirroring behaviors expected by society in general.

  • From the moment of birth onwards, humans strive towards independence. Children feel this need very strongly; they want to do things for themselves, and to participate in the world around them. In Montessori classrooms, this natural drive towards independence is fostered through practical, social and intellectual experiences. The child becomes an active agent in her own education, saying, “Help me to do it myself”. We honor this by helping children move to increasingly higher levels of independence and self-reliance.

Parent Resources

Montessori’s goals for children are often in alignment with a parent’s own goals for their children: that children respect and care for the people and things around them, have fun while they learn, and take responsibility for their actions. School should offer children more than just academic skills. It should help them grow into confident, independent, caring and self-motivated people. The goal of Montessori education is to develop the whole person; someone who is more than the sum of their test scores.

Equally important to the Montessori experience is the growth of the child’s character. Montessori teachers strive to engender in the child a sense of responsibility and the connectedness of people and things. Children learn that their choices have consequences, not only in their immediate interpersonal relationships, but also in the world at large. By allowing safe consequences to flow freely from the child’s choice, he learns to exert control over himself to limit negative results and promote positive ones. This development of executive function, most particularly self-regulation, is at the core of the child’s drive towards confidence and independence.

In Montessori classrooms, academic skills are integrated into the natural life of the classroom. Through hands-on play, the most basic foundations of mathematics and literacy are introduced through games, activities, and with special materials that appeal to children. Contrary to many adults’ schooling experiences, children in Montessori schools enjoy math, reading and writing, and enthusiastically look forward to their next lesson. This sets up a love of learning that the child will carry with her throughout life.

Understanding children's developmental needs is important in creating positive parent/child relationships. Children, especially very young ones, are intensely driven by their developmental needs, which can sometimes clash with the needs of parents and caregivers. By understanding the child's drive towards independence, we learn to offer her the time and skills she needs to complete the task herself. The intense effort she puts into small, repetitive tasks is deeply satisfying, and the end result gives her confidence and comfort in her skills. If she is not allowed to work through the task to completion, the child may react strongly. This kind of opposition, originated in the conflicting needs of the adult and the child, highlights one of the main obstacles to a harmonious relationship between adults and children.

One of the key tenets of Montessori theory is that this harmonious relationship can be achieved through understanding why children act the way they do, and by patiently offering them experiences that fulfill their deep, inner developmental drives. The entire Montessori environment is designed to meet these drives and satisfy them through the child’s own activity. In Montessori schools, children have fun while they learn, respect and care for the people and things around them, and take responsibility for their actions. This is true preparation for real life.

  • Each Montessori school has its own ‘personality’. For example, some are more academically oriented, while others more strongly emphasize the child’s connection to nature and the outdoors. Parents should discuss the school’s mission and programs with the admissions director to ensure that the school is a good fit for their child and their family.

  • Parents should observe at a school before selecting it for their child, preferably in the classroom their child will attend. Most Montessori schools welcome observers, and the children are accustomed to visitors. The visitor is typically directed to a chair where they sit and observe the entire room. Observations usually last thirty minutes to an hour, and allow the observer to get a feel for the room. Consider asking to observe at a school more than once; every day is unique!

  • Although every classroom is a little different, there are some general traits that indicate a quality Montessori environment:

    • The teacher has received quality Montessori training

    • The children seem generally happy and relaxed

    • The children independently select activities from the shelf and use them with concentration

    • The environment seems orderly and the materials in good condition

    • Most interactions between children are positive, but in cases where they are not positive, the children generally resolve the problem by themselves

    • The children are treated with respect by all adults

  • There is no trademark or governing body to ensure the quality of Montessori schools. In 1929, Maria Montessori became aware that there were a growing number of schools using the term “Montessori” to describe their environments, with little evidence of Montessori principles. To prevent this, she attempted to trademark her name, but it was decided by the courts that the term Montessori was already in the public domain. As a result, any school can label itself a ‘Montessori school’ regardless of teacher training.

    Maria Montessori created the Association Montessori Internationale to protect the integrity of her work. Today, schools with AMI-trained teachers have met the high standards for teacher training that Maria Montessori set down over eighty years ago.

  • Observing and working with real children in real classrooms is a critical component of AMI teacher training. We are deeply grateful to the schools and staff who have participated in Observation and Practice Teaching by hosting MNW teachers in training. Some states have associations or organizations that compile lists of Montessori schools. An internet search should locate one for your state, if it exists. In the state of Oregon, the Oregon Montessori Association provides a list of its member schools.


Ideally, a child's developmental needs are met by both their home and school environments. Even small changes can yield great results. For more details on how to prepare your home environment, visit

  • The preparation of the child’s environment will change as he grows older. When the child is very young, the emphasis is on safety, increasing independence, and access to appropriate toys and activities. For example, a young child might have a low table in the kitchen on which a glass and a small pitcher with water are available at all times. This allows the child to get a drink of water herself whenever she is thirsty. This kind of preparation of the home environment can be repeated in many ways, and mirrors closely the self-directed experiences the child has in the Montessori classroom.

  • Children feel great satisfaction when they are included in family tasks. From setting the table, to folding the laundry, to raking leaves, fostering your child’s genuine interest in contributing to family life benefits everyone. The child feels confidence and self-worth at having contributed, and parents set up an expectation from an early age that everyone helps around the house.

  • Encouraging your child to make choices at an early age is one of the most powerful gifts a parent can offer. Giving choices fosters independence, cooperation and experience with natural consequences. This can be done in many ways. For a very young child, it can be as simple as, “Would you like to wear the blue shirt or the red shirt today?” This technique of offering choices can be extended into all parts of the child’s life, growing in relation to her abilities, and leading to development of executive function and self-regulation.


Research and Publications

Dr. Maria Montessori was a scientist and keen observer of children, constantly evaluating and quantifying her discoveries. Her theories continue to be tested today. Children happily and eagerly learn both life skills and academics, show care and compassion for their peers and their environment, develop refined and coordinated manual dexterity and fine motor coordination, and have an accurate sense of their own abilities, giving them confidence. We make these claims about Montessori, because we know from over a hundred years of hands-on classroom experiencethat it works.

But many other educational methods make the same claims. In Montessori, we're proud to be able to back ours up. Here you will find links to some of the most accurate and up-to-date research conducted on the benefits of Montessori education. This list is by no means exhaustive. If you know of a study that should be included here, please feel free tocontact uswith that information.

  • At Home with Montessori – Patricia Oriti

    Children Who are Not Yet Peaceful – Donna Bryant Goertz

    Classroom Management: The Art of Normalization – Ginni Sackett

    In a Montessori Home (book and DVD) – Sarah Moudry

    Let Out the Sunshine – Regina Barnett

    Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work – E.M. Standing

    Maria Montessori and the Social Party of the Child – Ginni Sackett

    Understanding the Human Being – Dr. Silvana Montanaro

    Nurturing the Spirit – Aline Wolf

    100 Child Development Tips – Heather Pederson

    The Outdoor Classroom – Mary Boden

    Tao of Montessori: Reflections on Compassionate Teaching – Catherine McTamaney

    Tending the Light – John Snyder

    Montessori Play and Learn – Lesley Britton

  • AMI DigitalHouses a global collection of publications available to members

    The NAMTA JournalThis professional journal is published 3 times a year and is archived through the scholarly database ERIC

    Montessori PublicA digital and print communications and advocacy platform bringing Montessori into the public conversation

    Public School MontessorianA now archived quarterly independent newspaper covering a broad range of Montessori educational topics and issues

  • Association Montessori Internationale(AMI) – founded by Maria Montessori in 1929 and with teacher training offered in 35 countries around the world

    AMI-USABranch office of AMI, located in Alexandria, VA

    Montessori for Social JusticeA non-profit organization supporting the creation of sustainable learning environments that dismantle systems of oppression, amplify voices of the Global Majority, and cultivate partnerships to liberate the human potential

    North American Montessori Teacher’s Association(NAMTA) – An affiliate organization of AMI, open to parents, teachers, and anyone else interested in Montessori education

    AMI Elementary Alumni Association(EAA) – An affiliate organization of AMI that provides a supportive community for the exchange of ideas and promotes the principles of Montessori education

    Oregon Montessori Association(OMA) – Grassroots organization committed to advancing Montessori throughout Oregon and the Pacific Northwest

    Pacific Northwest Montessori Association (PNMA) – A non-profit professional organization, comprised of teachers, interns, administrators, and schools promoting excellence and growth in Montessori education across the Pacific Northwest

    Bay Area Montessori Association (BAMA) – A non-profit, volunteer professional organization dedicated to supporting all Montessorians in the greater San FranciscoBay Area by providing educational programs, outreach and social activities

    Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education(MACTE) – An autonomous, international, non-profit postsecondary accrediting agency for Montessori teacher education programs and institutions

    National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (NCMPS) – An independent non-profit organization whose mission is to help public schools deliver high-quality, personalized education through Montessori

  • Nienhuis MontessoriMontessori material manufacturer, in operation since 1929

    Matsumoto KagakuJapan-based manufacturer of Montessori materials

    Montessori ServicesSupplier of items to prepare the child’s environment

Montessori Education — Montessori Northwest (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.