Monsters Attack: New TFT Set 8 Revealed (All New Champions, Traits, and Hero Augments) (2024)

Everything New in TFT Set 8: Monsters Attack

Welcome to the reveal of TFT Set 8: Monsters Attack.

Augments are staying this set, and will stay for the foreseeable future. However, this time around, we have new Hero Augments, which are special to each unit.

As usual, we have a whole new roster of champions and traits.

Without further ado, let’s cover everything new coming in Set 8.

Note: All of this information is fresh from the PBE, and things are bound to change regularly. Be sure to stay updated by checking out our reveal page.

For more information on the new set, head to our all-in-oneTFT Set 8 reveal page!

TFT Set 8 Hero Augments

Hero Augments are a new mechanic coming to TFT. They are specialized augments, unique to each hero, and give a specific unit a powerful bonus. For more information, check out our Hero Augments Guide.

TFT Set 8 New Traits



A.D.M.I.N. configuration varies for each player each game.

(2) Configure the cause and the effect for your A.D.M.I.N. program
(4) Configure an additional effect for your A.D.M.I.N. program
(6) Outputs of the above tiers are increased by 160%

  • Blitzcrank – 1
  • Camille – 2
  • LeBlanc – 3
  • Soraka – 4
First Impressions:

Admin is a very innovative trait for TFT as you can change the effect every game. This makes the trait very flexible, and can be something to build around. If you get bad options for your Admin, you may decide to pivot to another trait. On the other hand, there may be some broken combinations that are worth building around.

Anima Squad


When an Anima Squad champion kills another champion, they pause to celebrate and your team builds fame. Anima Squad champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, plus 4 additional maximum Health according to their shared fame.

(3) 20% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power
(5) 40% Attack Damage and 40 Ability Power
(7) 99% Attack Damage and 99 Ability Power

  • Nasus – 1
  • Sylas – 1
  • Jinx – 2
  • Vayne – 3
  • Riven – 3
  • Miss Fortune – 4
First Impressions:

Anima Squad brings the stacking mechanic to a trait instead of a unit. Much like how Veigar in Set 4 stacked bonus AP whenever he got a takedown. The interesting part, however, is the fact that you can build up fame with early game units, and carry over that bonus into a late game carry like Miss Fortune. This way, you don’t have to find the one Veigar to start building up stacks, but simply need to activate the Anima Squad trait.



Arsenal units pick the weapons they equip when placed on the board, changing their spell’s effects.

  • Aphelios – 5
First Impressions:

Aphelios will be able to change his ability based on what you need in the game. This makes him quite a flexible unit. However, it’s likely that some guns will be better than others once players optimize his builds.



If there is a Civilian alive, all allies are inspired to fight harder to protect them, gaining mana every 2 seconds.

(1) +2 mana
(2) +5 mana
(3) +10 mana

  • Galio – 1
  • Sivir – 2
  • Janna – 5
First Impressions:

This trait is similar to one’s we’ve seen before like Evoker or Scholar. This mana generation is granted to the entire team as long as a Civilian is alive. This makes Janna likely an auto include in any AP based comp where you want to spam spells. As long as you place her in a safe spot, everyone will be gaining mana.



Fiddlesticks starts combat dormant. When ally champions die during this time, Fiddlesticks absorbs their soul granting him 15 Ability Power. After falling below 40% Health or when all allies have died, Fiddlesticks comes alive.

  • Fiddlesticks – 5
First Impressions:

This trait is exclusive to Fiddlesticks and is very thematic with his scarecrow design. You can either put him in front to make him awake earlier, or keep him toward the back to build up more AP after more allies die. Once he awakens, his ability will envelop the board, making him a scary threat.



Every round, Gadgeteens generate a random modified weapon that can be equipped by any unit. These weapons are powerful, but not durable, and fall apart after 2 rounds of use. Gadgeteens will not make new items to replace items left on the bench.

(3) Create 1 item every round
(5) Create 2 items every round

  • Lulu – 1
  • Poppy – 1
  • Annie – 2
  • Zoe – 3
  • Nunu – 5
First Impressions:

Gadgeteens are interesting in that they give you extra item power for your team. This can help you win streak, but is also balanced by how strong the units themselves are. Combining this with things like Cybernetic augments can help you power through the early and mid game.

Laser Corps


All Laser Corps agents are assigned a combat drone. When attacking or being hit by an attack, the drone has a 50% chance to deal magic damage to the agent’s target (0.5 second cooldown). When a Laser Corps agent dies, their drone is re-assigned to the nearest living Laser Corps agent.

(3) Drone lasers deal 50 magic damage.
(6) Drone lasers deal 130 magic damage.
(9) Drone lasers deal 210 magic damage. Each LaserCorps agent gets another drone.

  • Ashe – 1
  • Renekton – 1
  • Yasuo – 2
  • Senna – 3
  • Sejuani – 4
  • Zed – 4
  • Mordekaiser – 5
First Impressions:

LaserCorps is another unique trait coming this set. This trait scales off your unit’s attack speed, but it will also be strong with tanks that can take a lot of hits. I can already see some synergy with Statikk Shiv and other strong Attack Speed items. If you can keep your fastest attacker alive, they will have multiple drones on top of them by the end of the battle.

Mecha: PRIME


Use the PRIME selector to designate a PRIME. At the start of combat, the PRIME combines with the two closest other Mecha units, taking a portion of their base Health and Attack Damage.

(3) 75% Health, 75% Attack Damage
(5) 100% Health, 100% Attack Damage

  • Wukong – 1
  • Draven – 2
  • Jax – 3
  • Sett – 4
  • Leona – 5
First Impressions:

Mechs are finally coming back after a long hiatus since Set 3. This Mecha is different than the old Mech-Pilots, though. Instead of always combining into the same Mech, these new Mechas can each become the Mecha Prime. This means you can buff up a 1 cost Wukong or a 5 cost Leona depending on your comp.

Ox Force


Ox Force units gain Attack Speed that increases with their missing percent health. Ox Force units will fight to their dying breath to defend their city, becoming invulnerable for 1.5 seconds the first time they would die in combat.

(1) 5% – 10% Attack Speed.
(2) 5% – 15% Attack Speed.
(3) 30% – 60% Attack Speed.
(4) 30% – 60% Attack Speed.
(5) 60% – 120% Attack Speed.
(6) 60% – 120% Attack Speed.

  • Talon – 1
  • Annie – 2
  • Fiora – 2
  • Alistar – 3
  • Viego – 4
  • Aphelios – 5
First Impressions:

Once again, we find another trait that scales well with Attack Speed. Another unique aspect about this trait is that it’s basically innate. The bonus starts with 1 unit, and scales all the way to 6 units. Being invulnerable for 1.5 seconds can be extremely powerful, especially if the unit has been scaling attack speed the entire fight.

Star Guardian


When Star Guardians gain mana, they gain more.

(3) 35% additional mana
(5) 60% additional mana
(7) 100% additional mana
(9) 150% additional mana

  • Lux – 1
  • Rell – 2
  • Yuumi – 2
  • Kai’sa – 3
  • Nilah – 3
  • Ekko – 4
  • Taliyah – 4
  • Syndra – 5
First Impressions:

To be perfectly frank, I’m not a huge lover of the design of this trait. However, it does open up some interesting scenarios. For example, maybe the Star Guardians gain enough mana that they can run 3 offensive items over something like Blue Buff or Spear of Shojin. Otherwise, I feel like units will simply be balanced around their mana cost and the trait leaves a bit more to be desired for me personally.



(3) Supers strike a pose at the start of combat, granting allies 30% bonus damage. For every three-star unit on your team, the bonus damage % is increased by 5%.

  • Gangplank – 1
  • Lee Sin – 2
  • Malphite – 2
First Impressions:

It wouldn’t be TFT without some reroll comps in the game. What makes Supers interesting is that they buff up the rest of the team as well and incentivize as many 3 stars as possible. This is a nice direction to take as going too heavy into 3 stars often came at a cost of stronger late game units. I think this incentive can be strong enough to warrant going for a full 3 star board, which is exciting.



Threats are more powerful than other units. You may field any number of Threats, but they do not gain bonuses for being fielded with other Threats.

  • Cho’Gath – 3
  • Rammus – 3
  • Vel’Koz – 3
  • Aurelion Sol – 4
  • Bel’Veth – 4
  • Zac – 4
  • Fiddlesticks – 5
  • Urgot – 5
First Impressions:

Even though the Threat units don’t gain any trait bonuses, they are powerful units that can slot into any board basically. A lot of the meta will likely evolve around flexibly adding in Threat units when you find them. I wouldn’t be surprised if a capped level 9 board just had Threats and 5-cost units.



The Underground periodically checks in with the loot from their current heist. You may choose to cut and run and take the current loot, or continue the heist to get even better rewards. After completing a heist, a new one begins. It takes 9 total progress for a heist to complete.

(3) The Underground makes 1 progress after each Player Combat Round. After a loss, they make 3 progress.
(5) The Underground makes 2 progress after each Player Combat Round. After a loss, they make 5 progress.

  • Kayle – 1
  • Ezreal – 2
  • Vi – 2
  • Sona – 3
  • Samira – 4
First Impressions:

Mercenary is back, and it’s been reskinned to be called Underground. As with lots of economy traits, this one incentivizes losing rounds. Unlike traits like Astral (which tbh seemed like a mistake), this one rewards player skill for balancing losing rounds and gaining advantage through items or gold.



This trait is only active when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Aces.

(1) Execute enemies under 15% health
(4) Execute enemies under 30% health

  • Draven – 2
  • Miss Fortune – 4
  • Samira – 4
  • Mordekaiser – 5
First Impressions:

This trait harkens all the way back to set 1 with Ninja. Having to balance the bonus of 1 unit and holding units for the 4 trait bonus makes for interesting gameplay. If you get lucky and hit an early Mordekaiser, you can have a huge power spike, but holding onto expensive units like Miss Fortune and Samira also create risk.



All allies gain bonus Magic Resist. Aegis units gain more.

(2) +25 Magic Resist, +50 for Aegis Units
(3) +40 Magic Resist, +80 for Aegis Units
(4) +60 Magic Resist, +120 for Aegis Units
(5) +85 Magic Resist, +170 for Aegis Units

  • Vi – 2
  • Alistar – 3
  • Ekko – 4
  • Leona – 5
First Impressions:

This is basically a new version of Mystic. The main difference is that Aegis units gain more MR. This will likely be an auto include into multiple comps simply due to flexibility and utility from the champions.



Brawlers gain additional maximum Health.

(2) +20% Max Health
(4) +30% Max Health
(6) +50% Max Health
(8) +89% Max Health

  • Blitzcrank – 1
  • Renekton – 1
  • Lee Sin – 2
  • Vi – 2
  • Jax – 3
  • Riven – 3
  • Sejuani – 4
First Impressions:

Before, Brawlers and Bruisers gained bonus flat Health, but this time, they seem to be getting percent Health. This makes them synergize better with items like Warmog’s Armor. Even still, there isn’t anything too new here.



Innate: Shortly after the start of combat, Defenders taunt nearby enemies. All allies gain bonus Armor. Defenders gain more.

(2) +30 Armor, +60 for Defenders
(4) +60 Armor, +120 for Defenders
(6) +100 Armor, +200 for Defenders

  • Poppy – 1
  • Wukong – 1
  • Rell – 2
  • Riven – 3
  • Sett – 4
First Impressions:

Defenders are like Aegis in that they gain a lot of Armor, but also give Armor to the rest of the team. This is another Vanguard/Bodyguard like trait that will see play based on the traits they branch into.



Duelists’ basic attacks grant them bonus attack speed, up to 10 stacks.

(2) +6% AS per stack
(4) +12% AS per stack
(6) +20% AS per stack
(8) +35% AS per stack

  • Gangplank – 1
  • Kayle – 1
  • Fiora – 2
  • Yasuo – 2
  • Nilah – 3
  • Vayne – 3
  • Zed – 4
First Impressions:

We’ve already seen two origins that work well with Attack Speed. Now, we see the Duelist class making a comeback. Duelists were always known for being squishy, but being able to output a lot of damage, and fast.



Janna grants a different buff to all adjacent allies depending on the current weather, which changes every game.

  • Janna – 5
First Impressions:

Janna is basically a 5-cost utility unit that will slot into most teams. She has the Civilian trait which already makes her flexible, but her unique class makes her even more so.



Hackers gain Omnivamp. Hackers summon a portal that takes the unit in the Rider Hex into the enemy backline. The Rider is untargetable for the first few seconds of combat.

(2) 20% Omnivamp

  • LeBlanc – 2
  • Zoe – 3
  • Zed – 4
First Impressions:

This hacking trait allows any unit on your team to bypass the enemy frontline. Your opponent can play around it with their positioning, but this basically turns whatever unit you want into an Assassin. You can throw a tank with CC into the enemy team, or maybe a high DPS unit to try and snipe the backline.



When Heart units cast their spell, all allies gain stacking Ability Power for the rest of combat.

(2) +5 Ability Power
(4) +10 Ability Power
(6) +15 Ability Power

  • Lulu – 1
  • Lee Sin – 2
  • Yuumi – 2
  • Sona – 3
  • Soraka – 4
  • Syndra – 5
First Impressions:

Heart is quite a simple trait, but likely an effective one. This works similar to how Archangel’s Staff used to work. The more they cast, the more Ability Power they get.



When Mascots die, they retreat to the sidelines to cheer on their team. Allies regenerate a percentage of their maximum health every 3 seconds, increased by 1% for each cheering Mascot. Mascots regenerate double this amount.

(2) Regain 1.5% Health
(4) Regain 2.5% Health
(6) Regain 4.5% Health
(8) Regain 7% Health

  • Galio – 1
  • Nasus – 1
  • Malphite – 2
  • Yuumi – 2
  • Alistar – 3
  • Nunu – 5
First Impressions:

Mascot is another frontline trait, but an interesting take on it. This trait once again benefits from more Health, as they provide a regeneration bonus.



(2) When they would first fall below 50% health, Pranksters spawn a target dummy, move to a safe location, and restore 500 health.
(3) The enemy who kills a target dummy is stunned for 1.5 seconds.

  • Jinx – 2
  • Zoe – 3
  • Ekko – 4
First Impressions:

Prankster is quite unlike anything we’ve seen before. These units have a built in Guardian Angel / Edge of Night and will save themselves once in battle. This can be useful if they accidentally get hit by an enemy spell or Hacker, but won’t be too useful if they’re the last one alive.



Innate: Recon Units gain attack range. Before casting, if there is a nearby enemy, Recon units will dash to safety. They also gain bonus Critical Strike Chance.

(2) +10% Crit Chance
(3) +35% Crit Chance
(4) +60% Crit Chance. Recon spells can crit.

  • Ashe – 1
  • Ezreal – 2
  • Kai’sa – 3
  • Vayne – 3
First Impressions:

Recon units are perfect for countering Assassins, but wait, there’s no Assassins this set. Even still, being able to dash away means that they are strong against melee carries. The bonus Crit also makes them the spiritual successor to Assassins.



Renegade units deal bonus damage. The last Renegade standing deals more.

(3) 30%, 10% Bonus Damage
(6) 60%, 20% Bonus Damage

  • Sylas – 1
  • Talon – 1
  • Camille – 2
  • Viego – 4
  • Leona – 5
First Impressions:

This trait seems like a decent one. A bonus damage scaling is quite powerful along with other forms of damage for multiplicative scaling. The last Renegade bonus is also nice, and can lead to some clutch fights.



Every 6 seconds, Spellslingers replace their next attack with an orb of magic flung at a random target, dealing 75% of their Ability Power as magic damage. Spellslingers have increased Ability Power.

(2) +30 AP
(4) +60 AP
(6) +100 AP

  • Lux – 1
  • Annie – 2
  • LeBlanc – 3
  • Sona – 3
  • Taliyah – 4
First Impressions:

This trait creates an interesting scenario where these AP carries don’t need to spam their abilities necessarily. They just need to live long enough to sling magic damage orbs everywhere.



Every 5 seconds, Sureshots gain bonus Attack Damage for the rest of combat.

(2) +25% Attack Damage
(4) +50% Attack Damage

  • Sivir – 2
  • Senna – 3
  • Samira – 4
  • Aphelios – 5
First Impressions:

Lastly, the Sureshot trait is another trait that provides scaling damage. It seems like this bonus is also percentage AD, meaning items like Deathblade can find a home here. I imagine these units may become very strong carries if the fight goes long enough.

TFT Set 8 New Champions

With all of the traits covered, let’s jump into our first impressions of all the new champions in TFT Set 8.

Positioning Key

The terminology we’ll be using in this article in reference to a champion’s potential position will befrontline,midline, andbackline.

1-Cost Champions

Ashe – Laser Corps + Recon

Ability: Ranger’s Focus

Ashe increases her focus for the next 4 seconds, gaining Attack Damage.

First Impressions:

Ashe is quite a simple backline ranged DPS unit. Her Recon trait will allow her to dodge enemies while her Laser Corps trait will increase her damage with her drone.

Positioning: Backline

Blitzcrank – A.D.M.I.N + Brawler

Ability: Static Defenses

Blitzcrank creates an empowered field around himself, reducing all damage taken by X for 4 seconds.

First Impressions:

Blitzcrank is basically taking the place of a 1-cost Leona from previous sets. He has a simple flat damage reduction on his ability, making him an effective early game frontline.

Positioning: Frontline

Galio – Civilian + Mascot

Ability: Outta My Way!

Galio steps back and dashes towards the nearest enemy, dealing magic damage. He then grants himself and the closest ally a health shield for 4 seconds.

First Impressions:

Galio has a nice bundle of utility and frontline in one early game unit. His ability deals damage, provides, shielding, and his Civilian trait gives mana to other allies. What’s not to love?

Positioning: Frontline

Gangplank – Supers + Duelist

Ability: Trial by Fire

Gangplank removes all crowd control from himself and fires a flaming bullet at his target, dealing magic damage and reducing healing by 30% for 8 seconds.

First Impressions:

Gangplank is the first Supers we see, which means he will definitely be a part of a Supers reroll comp. His ability is quite basic, so we don’t expect too much out of him other than some nice damage.

Positioning: Midline

Kayle – Underground + Duelist

Ability: Starfire Spellblade

Kayle’s next 3 attacks smite her target, dealing 175% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to them and as magic damage to enemies within one hex of them.

First Impressions:

Kayle’s ability synergizes nicely with Attack Speed as the more she casts, the more splash damage she will deal. She is also a part of the Underground (Mercs) trait, meaning she will be a priority pickup for a potential early game loss streak.

Positioning: Backline

Lulu – Gadgeteen + Heart

Ability: Glitterlance

Lulu fires a bolt of magic energy at her target, dealing magic damage to the first enemy and some of it to subsequent enemies.

First Impressions:

Lulu has quite the simple ability. She will deal some magic damage early on, but she will likely be used for her traits more than her ability or stats.

Positioning: Backline

Lux – Star Guardian + Spellslinger

Ability: Lucent Singularity

Lux sends a lucent singularity at a random enemy’s location that detonates after arrival, dealing damage to nearby enemies and reducing the Attack Damage of the enemy in the center by 40% for 4 seconds.

First Impressions:

We see Lux with a simple damage ability, which is common for a 1-cost AP unit. The AD reduction can be quite useful, but since the targeting is random, it may not be very consistent utility.

Positioning: Backline

Nasus – Anima Squad + Mascot

Ability: Bonk!

Nasus slams his staff on his target, dealing 200% physical damage and slowing their Attack Speed by 40% for 3 seconds.

First Impressions:

Nasus is the spiritual successor of Bonkey Kong. Except this time, Anima Squad can give him scaling into the late game as well.

Positioning: Frontline

Poppy – Gadgeteen + Defender

Ability: Buckler Toss

Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing a percentage of her Armor as magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks damage.

First Impressions:

We’ve seen Poppy with this ability a couple times already. She was OP one patch in the “Candyland” comp, but it’s unlikely that we will see that again. Just think of her as a solid early frontline to pick up.

Positioning: Frontline

Renekton – Laser Corps + Brawler

Ability: Dominus

Renekton empowers himself for 8 seconds, gaining maximum Health, and causing his attacks to deal 5% of his maximum Health as bonus magic damage.

First Impressions:

Renekton has quite the ability for a 1-cost unit. He will deal more damage with more Health, which may incentivize reroll comps to include him.

Positioning: Frontline

Sylas – Anima Squad + Renegade

Ability: Battle Blast

Sylas whirls his chains around him, healing himself and dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

First Impressions:

Sylas has quite a simple ability, which simply deals some damage around him. His traits will likely be the main consideration for his usage.

Positioning: Frontline

Talon – Ox Force + Renegade

Ability: OX-ian Diplomacy

Talon jumps to the furthest unit from the center of the board and stabs them. If this kills them, Talon heals himself.

First Impressions:

Even though there aren’t any Assassins this set, Talon behaves like any good ol’ fashioned Assassin and will jump around the board. Even still, he is just a 1-cost unit, so you may not have to worry too much about him.

Positioning: Midline

Wukong – Mecha: PRIME + Defender

Ability: Stone Skin

Wukong spins his staff around him, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining Armor and Magic Resist for each enemy hit for 3 seconds.

First Impressions:

Wukong is already a Defender, making him a decent frontline. His ability also makes him even tankier, so Wukong looks to be quite a good frontline for the early game.

Positioning: Frontline

2-Cost Champions

Annie – Spellslinger + Gadgeteen + Ox Force

Ability: Burst Shield

Annie blasts a cone of fire, dealing magic damage to enemies in front of her, then creates a health shield on herself for 4 seconds.

First Impressions:

Annie is the first unit we see with three traits, making her a strong pickup to stay flexible. She acts as a sort of Bruiser type, dealing damage while also being a decent frontliner.

Positioning: Midline

Camille – A.D.M.I.N + Renegade

Ability: Tactical Sweep

Camille sweeps with her leg, dealing physical damage % Attack Damage and disarming enemies hit.

First Impressions:

We’ve seen Camille with this ability, except instead of a shield, she will disarm enemies hit. The range on her ability is quite low, but this will be strong against melee carries. Against tanks, disarming won’t affect them too much, as they’re mainly there to soak up damage.

Positioning: Frontline

Draven – Mecha: PRIME + Ace

Ability: Whirling Death

Draven hurls two massive axes at his target’s direction that deal 100% Attack Damage to all enemies in its path, reduced by 25% for each enemy they pass through. The axes reverse direction at the end of their path, dealing damage to enemies hit along the way back.

First Impressions:

Draven now has his ultimate from League instead of his spinning axes. Keep in mind that Draven will target the enemy he is attacking, so line him up to try and hit as many enemies as possible. You can put him in a corner, but depending which side the enemy is on, he may whiff his ability.

Positioning: Backline

Ezreal – Underground + Recon

Ability: Sabotage

Ezreal fires an orb of physical sabotage at his target, reducing their Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Afterwards, he fires a shot at them dealing magic damage to them and nearby enemies.

First Impressions:

Ezreal has a bit of a combination ability. Reducing Attack Speed is nice, but once again, he likely will be hitting tanks at the start of fights. The splash damage is quite nice for a 2-cost unit, so there is some potential for a reroll carry.

Positioning: Backline

Fiora – Duelist + Ox Force

Ability: En Garde!

Fiora lunges at her enemy, dealing damage to all enemies hit and activates her Duelist’s Soul for 8 seconds. While her Duelist’s Soul is active, she takes 20% less damage and her attacks restore Health.

First Impressions:

Fiora is another 2-cost unit that looks to have reroll potential. Her kit gives her innate survivability and sustain, allowing her to go all in on offensive items.

Positioning: Midline

Jinx – Anima Squad + Prankster

Ability: Fishbones

Jinx fires a rocket at her target that explodes on impact, damaging all nearby enemies for magic damage and stunning them.

First Impressions:

Having an AoE stun is premier on any unit in the game. Jinx being a 2-cost makes this ability very powerful and likely will be an auto include in any Anima Squad or Prankster comp.

Positioning: Backline

Lee Sin – Supers + Brawler + Heart

Ability: Safeguard

If there is a nearby ally, Lee Sin dashes towards them, shielding both them and himself for 4 seconds. If there are no nearby allies, Lee Sin gains a health shield instead. Afterwards, he dashes back and deals physical damage Attack Damage to his target.

First Impressions:

Once again, we have another unit with 3 traits, making them a strong pickup. Supers makes him an easy pickup for a reroll Supers comp, but the other two traits, Brawler and Heart, are also strong and flexible to many boards early and mid game.

Positioning: Frontline

Malphite – Supers + Mascot

Ability: Ground Slam

Malphite slams the ground beneath him, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and granting himself Armor for 4 seconds.

First Impressions:

Malphite is our last Supers unit and rounds out the trait. Malphite, Lee Sin, and Gangplank will likely be the core for a reroll comp. This likely expand out into Duelist for Gangplank, and either Brawler/Heart with Lee Sin, or Mascot for Malphite.

Positioning: Frontline

Rell – Star Guardian + Defender

Ability: Iron Bond

Rell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally % of Rell’s current Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds.

First Impressions:

Rell is a frontline who’s ability becomes better the deeper she is into enemy territory. She provides a lot of utility for a low cost unit, and Defenders will already make up the frontline for many comps. Rell also gives Star Guardians a designated frontline tank rather than a hybrid mage tank like Annie.

Positioning: Frontline

Sivir – Civilian + Sureshot

Ability: Pizza Delivery

Sivir throws her pizza at her target, dealing % attack damage. It then splits into slices and gets delivered to the 3 nearest allies and heals them.

First Impressions:

Civilians will make their way into comps due to flexibility, and Sivir may also find a home in Sureshot comps to provide utility. One thing to note is that Sivir heals her nearest allies, so if you want to heal your frontline, you will need to place her closer to the front than the back.

Positioning: Backline

Vi – Underground + Aegis + Brawler

Ability: Blast Shield

Vi slams the ground in front of her and releases her stored energy, granting herself a health shield for 4 seconds, reducing the Armor of nearby enemies for 4 seconds and dealing 200% attack damage.

First Impressions:

Vi is our last 2-cost unit with 3 traits, rounding out the flexible units with Annie and Lee Sin. Lee Sin is also a Brawler, so we likely will see Vi + Lee Sin as a premier early game frontline for staying flexible.

Positioning: Frontline

Yasuo – Laser Corps + Duelist

Ability: Steel Tempest

Yasuo dashes to the best position to strike the most enemies and fires a whirlwind at his target dealing magic damage and knocking up units hit.

First Impressions:

Yasuo has a great ability that has good targeting and CC built into it. As usual, Duelists are usually very squishy, but if the enemy team falls before you take too much damage, then Duelists will succeed.

Positioning: Midline

Yuumi – Star Guardian + Heart

Ability: Prowling Projectile

Yuumi fires a curved missile at the furthest target in her attack range, dealing magic damage to the first unit hit.

First Impressions:

Yuumi is nice in that she is able to hit backline units by curving around the frontline. Even still, Yuumi doesn’t have infinite range (unless you give her triple RFC lmao). Because of this, you will need to place her closer to the front to try and hit enemy backline units.

Positioning: Midline

3-Cost Champions

Alistar – Ox Force + Aegis + Mascot

Ability: Pulverize

Alistar slams the ground underneath his target, dealing magic damage and knocking them up for 1.5 seconds. He then roars, healing himself and the lowest health ally champion for 15% of his maximum health.

First Impressions:

Alistar has a nice CC ability, but the range is limited to that around him. Knocking up enemy frontlines can be good to delay important abilities, and if Alistar can survive, he can go toward enemy backline units as well. Against melee carries, Alistar will be great to stall out damage from things like Duelist units.

Positioning: Frontline

Cho’Gath – Threat

Ability: Cosmic Bellow

Passive: Cho’gath has increased Magic Resist. Spell: Cho’Gath breathes a cosmic beam in a forward arc that deals magic damage and increasing their maximum Mana until they cast.

First Impressions:

Almost every Threat unit is strong enough to be run. If you have an open slot in the early and mid game (ie you aren’t hitting a perfect trait threshold), you can easily slot in Cho’Gath (or any Threat). Mana Reave is also a great ability to have on your frontline as you will delay enemy frontline abilities.

Positioning: Frontline

Jax – Mecha:PRIME + Brawler

Ability: Adaptive Strike

Passive: Every third attack, Jax leaps to his target and deals bonus magic damage. The bonus damage increases with every third attack up to 10 times.

First Impressions:

Leaping usually doesn’t provide too much, but it can be nice in some situations to gap close if it lines up. The scaling damage is quite strong for a Brawler, and something like a Duelist Emblem will likely be a good combination.

Positioning: Frontline

Kai’sa – Star Guardian + Recon

Ability: Starcharged

Passive: Kai’Sa’s attacks apply Plasma. Her next attack against a target with 2 stacks of Plasma deal magic damage. Active: Kai’Sa gains Attack Speed for 6 seconds. This Attack Speed bonus can stack.

First Impressions:

Kai’Sa is the Star Guardian that scales well with both AP and Attack Speed. This makes her a solid addition as she can hold Bow items like Statikk Shiv or Guinsoo’s Rageblade on heavy AP teams.

Positioning: Backline

LeBlanc – A.D.M.I.N + Hacker + Spellslinger

Ability: Sigil of Malice

Leblanc fires sigils at her target each dealing magic damage. If the target dies, she continues casting at the nearest target and casts 1 more sigil.

First Impressions:

Leblanc is interesting in that her ability somewhat has a scaling factor to it. The more units she takedowns, the more her ability will cast. She also can play like an Assassin with the Hacker trait, shooting her to the backline.

Positioning: Backline

Nilah – Star Guardian + Duelist

Ability: Apotheosis

Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies while healing herself and allies for some health over 1 seconds. She finishes with a burst that deals magic damage.

First Impressions:

Nilah is another Star Guardian that will scale well with Attack Speed due to her also being a Duelist. Even still, that will depend if comps are able to fit in both Duelist and Star Guardian. She will also want to be in melee range to enemies, so her ability can hit as many units as possible.

Positioning: Midline

Rammus – Threat

Ability: Sand Slam

Passive: Rammus has increased Armor. Active: Rammus powers himself up and leaps to the largest group of nearby enemies, dealing magic damage, knocking them up for 1.2 seconds, and reducing their Attack Damage by 40% for 4 seconds.

First Impressions:

Rammus is the next entry in the Threat line, and also has a great ability. Teams will often want to protect their ranged carry around multiple units, and this makes Rammus the perfect counter. Increased Armor, Knock up CC, and AD Reduction. What’s not to love?

Positioning: Frontline

Riven – Anima Squad + Brawler + Defender

Ability: Bunny Blade

Riven gains a Health Shield for 4 seconds and empowers her next 3 basic attacks with bonus magic damage. If her attack target currently has less health than her, her bonus magic damage is increased by 100%.

First Impressions:

Riven is another unit with 3 traits, and has both defensive traits in Brawler and Defender. This makes her an easy pick up mid game to stay open and flexible. She also has a strong ability, which allows her to deal more damage and gain a Health shield.

Positioning: Frontline

Senna – Laser Corps + Sureshot

Ability: Piercing Darkness

Senna fires a laser beam in the direction of a nearby enemy, dealing % attack damage to all enemies in a line.

First Impressions:

Senna is interesting because her targeting does not specify her target. You can put her toward the corner to try and safely get the most value out of her ability. However, she may also do well in the middle of the board toward the side as well.

Positioning: Backline

Sona – Underground + Heart + Spellslinger

Ability: Crescendo Sequence

Sona cycles between 3 phases, firing 2 beams that:

1: Deals magic damage to the closest enemies. 2: Heals the lowest health allies. 3: Deals magic damage and stuns the closest enemies for 1.5 seconds.

First Impressions:

Sona has an ability that really does it all. She likely will want mana generation, as none of her traits supply it. Even still, she will be a solid utility unit for any comp that can fit her.

Positioning: Backline

Vayne – Anime Squad + Recon + Duelist

Ability: Silver Bolt

Vayne fires a heavy bolt at her target, dealing true damage.

First Impressions:

Vayne almost always finds a way to be a main carry as her ability usually deals True Damage. This makes her scale well with Attack Speed, which would you look at that, she is also a Duelist. Anima Squad will give her more scaling, and Recon will give her some survivability. Vayne will likely be a solid carry, assuming her numbers are good enough.

Positioning: Backline

Vel’Koz – Threat

Ability: Frozen Tomb

Vel’koz freezes the enemy champion that has dealt the most damage this round, dealing magic damage.

First Impressions:

Vel’Koz is an interesting Threat. His freeze ability has a powerful targeting that will freeze the enemy carry most fights, making him perfect for targeting a specific unit.

Positioning: Backline

Zoe – Gadgeteen + Hacker + Prankster

Ability: Trouble Bubble

Zoe launches a bubble at the nearest non-infected enemy’s location, infecting all enemies hit with a virus that deals magic damage over 10 seconds. Infected enemies take more damage.

First Impressions:

Zoe’s Trouble Bubble doesn’t stun like it usually does, but it does increase damage for the rest of your team, so it’s a strong amplification ability. However, it will depend how fast Zoe can bubble enemies to be worth it or not.

Positioning: Backline

4-Cost Champions

Aurelion Sol – Threat

Ability: Meteor Shower

Aurelion Sol calls down meteors on random enemies that explode on impact. Each meteor deals magic damage and applies a burn for 10 seconds, dealing 10% of the target’s maximum Health as true damage and reducing incoming healing by 25%.

First Impressions:

Aurelion Sol is an interesting Threat to evaluate. The 3-cost Threats provide a lot of utility, but Aurelion Sol is a magic damage carry Threat. Aurelion Sol will likely be a very strong Emblem holder, or a potential transition carry. He can also simply be part of a capped level 9 board with good stuff.

Positioning: Backline

Bel’Veth – Threat

Ability: Endless Banquet

Bel’Veth dashes around her target and unleashes a flurry of attacks (250% of her Attacks per second), each dealing physical damage. Each time this is cast, Bel’Veth gains 20% bonus Attack Speed for the rest of combat.

First Impressions:

Bel’Veth is similar to ASol in that she specializes in dealing damage than providing utility or frontline. Once again, she likely will be a good item holder for extra items, or an Emblem holder, or be part of a capped board.

Positioning: Frontline

Ekko – Star Guardian + Prankster + Aegis

Ability: Star Diver

Ekko dives in, granting himself a shield for 5 seconds and taunts nearby enemies. When the shield breaks, he emits a time field, dealing damage to nearby enemies and slowing their attack speed by 50% for 2 seconds.

First Impressions:

It’s unlikely that Ekko’s ability numbers will be high enough to nuke teams, so he may just be a strong 4-cost utility unit for his traits. Even still, Attack Speed reduction is one of the best effects in the game, and he will likely see play.

Positioning: Midline

Miss Fortune – Anima Squad + Ace

Ability: Bullet Time

Miss Fortune channels for 2 seconds, firing 8 waves of bullets in a cone in her target’s direction, with each wave dealing magic damage to the first target hit. Enemies hit by bullets in short succession take magic damage for each bullet instead.

First Impressions:

Miss Fortune returns with her classic Bullet Time. We’ve seen the AI on her ability be very wonky back in Set 3, but this time, she only targets toward her target. This will make it important to position well against the enemy to hit as many enemies as possible.

Positioning: Backline

Samira – Underground + Sureshot + Ace

Ability: Flair

Samira knocks up and juggles her target for 1.5 seconds, rapidly firing bullets that deal % attack damage. The bullets ricochet to nearby enemies, dealing 50% reduced damage.

First Impressions:

I’m a little worried if Samira will be balanced well. If her damage is strong, her three traits will carry her to be a monster. If she’s too weak, she becomes an underpowered carry. Sureshot and Ace make her quite the powerful carry already. I imagine people will spam Underground and build toward a Samira carry.

Positioning: Midline

Sejuani – Laser Corps + Brawler

Ability: Cryo Grenade

Sejuani throws a cryo grenade at the closest enemy that explodes after a 2-second delay. Enemies within a 3-hex radius are dealt magic damage and are stunned.

First Impressions:

Sejuani is simple and effective. She has a large AoE stun and is a strong frontliner. An instant pickup for any Brawler frontline.

Positioning: Frontline

Sett – Mecha: PRIME + Defender

Ability: Mecha SLAM!

Sett begins charging up, becoming immune to crowd control and gaining a health shield for 2.5 seconds. After the shield breaks or at the end of its duration, he unleashes a blast in a cone at the most enemies in range, dealing physical damage to all enemies inside. The damage increases depending on how long he charged.

First Impressions:

Sett is a 4-cost Defender, so he will be quite tanky. However, he deals more damage with his ability than provide utility or CC. I imagine he will be a carry in many Mecha comps.

Positioning: Frontline

Soraka – A.D.M.I.N. + Heart

Ability: Starcall

Soraka launches a star at her target. Each star deals magic damage and heals Soraka for 10% of her max health. Every 3 casts, she launches stars at the nearest enemies instead.

First Impressions:

Soraka will mainly be used in Heart comps. In Admin comps, she will be useful, but she only provides some damage and not much utility. Her Heart trait gives her enough offense to make up for the lack of utility it seems.

Positioning: Midline

Taliyah – Star Guardian + Spellslinger

Ability: Weaver’s Wall

Taliyah summons torrents of spiraling rocks at a line of enemy units, dealing magic damage to all enemies it hits. After a brief delay, the wall explodes, dealing additional magic damage to nearby enemies.

First Impressions:

Taliyah doesn’t seem too special, but she is a 4-cost damage dealer, so her numbers will probably be strong. Star Guardians will also want a lot of units to gain the extra mana from their trait.

Positioning: Backline

Viego – Ox Force + Renegade

Ability: Heartbreaker

Viego becomes unstoppable, leaping to the largest cluster of nearby enemies and slamming his sword down on the enemy with the lowest health, dealing magic damage to the primary target and magic damage to enemies nearby. If Viego kills an enemy, he casts again with % reduced damage.

First Impressions:

Viego looks to be the main carry of the Ox Force synergy. Renegade is also a nice damage bonus class as well. Any ability that resets can be very strong if the numbers are good enough, so look forward to it.

Positioning: Midline

Zac – Threat

Ability: Symbiotic Split

Passive: Upon dying, split into smaller Zac Blobs with % of Zac’s maximum Health that taunt nearby enemies. Spell: Zac bounces into the air and slams back down, dealing + 11% of his current Health as magic damage to nearby enemies and healing himself for 20% of his missing Health.

First Impressions:

Zac is a bit of a mix of damage, frontline, and utility. As a Threat, he provides a lot to any team. The damage and healing makes him difficult to deal with, and the taunt upon dying stalls more time for the rest of your team.

Positioning: Frontline

Zed – Laser Corps + Duelist + Hacker

Ability: Empowered Kill Mode

Zed teleports behind his target and marks them for death, shredding armor for 6 seconds. He then enters an Empowered Kill Mode. While active, Zed’s attacks deal an additional bonus physical damage and every third attack damages all adjacent enemies, dealing physical damage to adjacent enemies.

First Impressions:

Zed’s ability scales with Attack Speed, which is expected of a Duelist. He also is a hacker, so he likely will play like an Assassin in many comps. As a Laser Corps unit, he may simply be a good addition, but not necessarily the main carry. Or maybe he will be.

Positioning: Midline

5-Cost Champions

Aphelios – Ox Force + Arsenal + Sureshot

Ability: Weapons of the Faithful

Place Aphelios on the board to choose his spell.

First Impressions:

Aphelios is another carry for the Ox Force, and is also a Sureshot. He likely will be played in both types of comps. His Arsenal trait also gives him flexibility in choosing his ability for whatever your comp needs.

Positioning: Backline

Fiddlesticks – Corrupted + Threat

Ability: Dark Harvest

Fiddlesticks teleports into the largest cluster of enemies and fears them. For the next seconds, Fiddle drains the life from nearby enemies dealing magic damage per second and healing himself for 20% of the damage dealt.

First Impressions:

Fiddlesticks is a 5-cost Threat that becomes a monster late in the fight. His corrupted trait will build up his AP over the fight, and once he awakens, he will nuke enemy teams.

Positioning: Backline

Janna – Civilian + Forecaster

Ability: Twister!

Janna sends a twister towards the largest group of units. Enemy units caught by the twister are knocked up for 0.5 seconds. When the twister stops, it expands and all nearby enemies are knocked up and take damage over 3 seconds.

First Impressions:

Both of Janna’s traits lend her to being a very flexible utility unit for any comp. Both AP and AD comps like having extra mana, so expect to see her a good amount.

Positioning: Backline

Leona – Mecha: PRIME + Aegis + Renegade

Ability: Deus Ex Machina

Leona locks onto and calls an orbital laser strike onto her target. After a short delay a laser fires on the locked on target dealing true damage per second to the target and dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

First Impressions:

Leona is the late game carry for Mecha comps. Her laser will nuke an enemy down and deal a good amount of damage to surrounding units. Renegade gives her a nice damage buff, and Aegis gives her some extra survivability.

Positioning: Frontline

Mordekaiser – Laser Corps + Ace

Ability: Skylines

Mordekaiser transports the board into his realm shredding the Magic Resist of all enemies before summoning a building behind him and slamming it onto the board, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit.

First Impressions:

Mordekaiser will likely be an auto include in any AP comp. His ability will shred MR, making him both a strong frontline, damage, and utility unit.

Positioning: Frontline

Nunu – Gadgeteen + Mascot

Ability: Biggest Roboball Ever!

Passive: Nunu and Willump slowly roll a ball around the board, dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through, and gaining mana per second.

Nunu and Willump grow the ball, increasing their speed and radius of the ball and its damage dealt by 10%.

First Impressions:

We’ve seen units like Nunu before with Singed back in Set 2, or Aurelion Sol back in Set 3. Gadgeteens need a boss unit, and Mascot is more of a defensive trait. Nunu will likely see play in a capped level 9 board as a good Morello holder or solid damage.

Positioning: Frontline

Syndra – Star Guardian + Heart

Ability: Force of Will

Syndra enshrouds a random unit on your bench in an orb, granting them a health shield and flinging them onto the board towards the closest enemy, knocking up and dealing magic damage to any enemies hit. Traits are unaffected except Corrupted.

First Impressions:

Syndra is a late game AP monster with Star Guardian and Heart traits to buff her up. She will also fling units on your board into the game, making her a late game monster to cap your board past 9 units.

Positioning: Backline

Urgot – Threat

Ability: Undertow

Urgot summons a gigantic wave behind his enemies that moves towards him, dealing % of their maximum Health as magic damage. The wave’s force knocks enemies forward 1 hex and stuns them. For each champion hit, he has a % chance to dredge up treasure.

First Impressions:

Urgot is the other 5-cost Threat alongside Fiddlesticks and honestly has an overpowered ability. Stunning the entire board while also gaining loot is enough to make him an auto include. I expect a lot of level 9 boards to simply consist of Urgot, Threats, other 5-cost units, and maybe some 3 or 4-cost utility units.

Positioning: Frontline

Wrap Up

That covers just about everything you need to know about Set 8. There’s a large cast of new Champions and Traits, so it will be exciting to try them out on the PBE.

A lot of the champions and traits are flavorful and exciting. I have high hopes for Set 8.

For more information on the new set, head to our all-in-oneTFT Set 8 reveal page!


Monsters Attack: New TFT Set 8 Revealed (All New Champions, Traits, and Hero Augments) (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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