Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (2024)

In feng shui, money plants play a significant role. These plants come in a diversity of varieties whose equally diverse roles take center stage in the concept. In this notion, money plants are not only revered for their positive energy and financial symbolism but also for a host of other benefits.

Feng shui incorporates these plants to attract wealth, prosperity, and good fortune. While the general term ‘money plant’ could refer to different plant species depending on the cultural context, one commonly referred to in this concept is Epipremnum aureum, also known as the Golden Pothos or Devil's Ivy.

Practices Believed to Attract Wealth in Feng Shui

The practice of feng shui has several elements and principles believed to attract wealth and prosperity. For one who partakes in this ideology, these recommended principles act as guidelines for optimal outcomes.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (1)

The Bagua Map is a key tool in feng shui that divides a space into nine areas, each representing different aspects of life. The southeast area of the Bagua Map is associated with wealth and abundance. Enhancing this area by placing symbols of wealth, such as a wealth bowl, a wealth ship, or a wealth vase, can help attract prosperity.

Clutter is believed to obstruct the flow of energy and hinder abundance. Therefore, clearing clutter from your living and working spaces is an essential practice in feng shui. It creates a more pleasant environment and allows positive energy to circulate freely, including the energy associated with wealth. Including wealth symbols, such as a wealth bowl filled with auspicious items like coins, crystals, and gemstones, is also essential. These can be placed in strategic locations to attract wealth energy. Other popular wealth symbols include a laughing Buddha, a three-legged money toad, or a wealth god figurine.

Colors also play a significant role in feng shui and can be used to enhance specific areas related to wealth. In the concept’s wealth region (southeast), using shades of purple, green, and gold is believed to invite prosperity. These colors can be integrated through decor, artwork, or accessories.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (2)

Likewise, in this concept, water is associated with wealth and abundance. Accordingly, the introduction of a water feature, such as a small fountain or aquarium, in the southeast area of your space can activate the wealth energy. Make sure that the water is clean, flowing, and well-maintained to symbolize the continuous flow of wealth.

Mirrors are considered powerful tools in feng shui as they can double the energy of a space. Therefore, placing one in a way that reflects abundance, such as reflecting a beautiful view or a symbol of wealth, can amplify the energy of prosperity.

Then there is the integration of plants, especially those with rounded leaves. These plants are supposed to promote positive energy and growth. In addition to the common money plants, other auspicious plants in feng shui include the jade plant, lucky bamboo, and citrus trees. Healthy and vibrant plants in strategic areas can help create a prosperous atmosphere.

The Significance of Money Plants in Feng Shui

According to feng shui principles, money plants are believed to possess positive energy and can create a pleasant and copious environment when placed correctly within a home or office. It is worth noting that there are certain facets related to money plants in feng shui, that make it effective.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (3)

To start with, money plants are believed to enhance the flow of positive energy associated with wealth and prosperity. Therefore, placing them in areas associated with abundance, such as the southeast corner of a room or the wealth area of the Bagua map, is believed to attract financial opportunities and good fortune.

Money plants are, also, known for their vigorous growth and lush foliage. This symbolism of growth and abundance is associated with the plant's ability to bring prosperity into one's life. Proper care and maintenance of the money plant are considered essential to maintain the positive energy it represents.

Likewise, money plants are known for their air-purifying qualities. In feng shui, clean and fresh air is considered important for maintaining positive energy flow. Through filtering indoor air pollutants, money plants are understood to create a healthier and more vibrant environment, which can, in turn, support the flow of wealth energy.

To harness the positive energy of a money plant, it is recommended to place it in areas where you spend a significant amount of time, such as the living room or office. The plant should be well-maintained, with regular watering and appropriate lighting conditions, to ensure its vitality and positive influence.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (4)

It's also important to note that while money plants are associated with positive energy and abundance in feng shui, they may not be considered a magical solution for financial success. While feng shui is a holistic practice that encompasses various factors, including the arrangement of furniture, colors, and other elements within a space, the use of money plants is just one aspect of this broader practice.

Some popular money plants and their feng shui influence, therefore, include:

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

The Jade plant is often referred to as the ‘money tree’ in feng shui due to its coin-shaped leaves and its association with wealth and prosperity. It is succulent, with thick, round leaves, and symbolizes the accumulation of wealth. This plant is believed to bring financial stability in feng shui.

For the best results, place a Jade plant near your front entrance to attract money and good fortune into your home or office. Also, make sure that the plant receives bright, indirect sunlight for optimal growth.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (5)

Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)

The Pachira Aquatica, also commonly known as the Money Tree, is one of the most recognizable feng shui plants. It is believed to bring good luck, wealth, and positive energy. The five-leaved stems of this tree symbolize the five elements of feng shui – wood, water, earth, metal, and fire.

When incorporating this plant in your feng shui design, place it in the southeast corner of your home or office to activate the wealth sector and invite prosperity.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (6)

Hobbit Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata Hobbit)

The Hobbit Jade plant is a delightful variation of the traditional Jade plant. Its quirky, tubular leaves add a touch of whimsy to your space while still inviting financial growth.

In feng shui, the Hobbit Jade is often placed on the wealth corner of a desk or workspace to enhance concentration and attract financial success. Ensure it receives bright but indirect sunlight for healthy growth.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (7)

Syngonium Podophyllum (Arrowhead Plant)

The Syngonium podophyllum, also known as the arrowhead plant, is celebrated for its air-purifying qualities and ability to absorb negative energy. It is believed to bring good luck and financial stability when placed in the eastern or southeastern corner of your home.

This plant’s arrow-shaped leaves are symbolic of positive energy shooting upward, making it a powerful addition to your feng shui practice.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (8)

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ Plant)

With its glossy, dark green foliage, the ZZ plant is known for its resilience and ability to thrive in low-light conditions. In feng shui, it is regarded as a symbol of financial stability and growth.

The practice requires that you place the ZZ Plant in the north or northwest corner of your home or office to enhance career prospects and attract prosperity. Its low-maintenance nature makes it a practical choice for busy individuals.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (9)

Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Marble Queen)

The Marble Queen Pothos has striking variegated leaves that make it a visually captivating money plant. It is believed to purify the air, making it an excellent choice for homes or offices.

In feng shui, this plant is associated with prosperity and abundance. Place it in the southeast corner of your living space or workspace to activate the wealth sector.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (10)

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

The Spider plant, known for its air-purifying properties, is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity in feng shui. Its long, arching leaves resemble spider legs, which to feng shui practitioners signifies financial growth and abundance.

The Spider plant should ideally be placed near a window in the southeast corner of your home to attract positive energy and enhance financial prospects.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (11)

Pothos N'Joy (Epipremnum Aureum N'Joy)

The N'Joy Pothos is a variation of the traditional Devil's Ivy, characterized by its variegated leaves. This plant is normally associated with financial growth. It is also believed to have air purifying qualities promoting a pleasant living or working environment.

In feng shui, position the N'Joy Pothos in the southeast or east corner of your space to stimulate wealth and prosperity while enjoying its aesthetic appeal.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (12)

Pothos Neon (Epipremnum Aureum Neon)

The Neon Pothos is a vibrant and visually striking money plant known for its neon-green leaves that exude positive energy and are said to attract wealth and success.

Ideally, position this plant in the southeast or south corner of your home or office to harness its feng shui benefits. Also, ensure that it receives bright, indirect sunlight to maintain its vivid colors.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (13)

Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Golden Pothos)

The Golden Pothos is a classic choice for those seeking financial prosperity and positive energy. Its heart-shaped leaves represent the wood element in feng shui, signifying growth and abundance.

This plant should ideally be situated in the southeast or east corner of your living space or workspace to amplify its wealth-attracting properties.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (14)

Now, Go Ahead and Try These Plants… and Nurture Them!

The presence of money plants in our homes and offices not only adds a touch of natural beauty but also conceivably enhances financial well-being and abundance, according to the ideals of feng shui.

It, therefore, is important to always remember that the magic of these plants lies not only in their leaves but also in the intention and care invested in them.

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (15)

So, go ahead and nurture them, and watch these plants replenish your home!

Feature image by feey on Unsplash, header image by rConceptz on Pixabay

Money Plants' Influence in Feng Shui (2024)


Where should I put my money plant in Feng Shui? ›

It is not recommended to place the plant in areas that have low light or no natural sunlight. Aside from the best places to ensure the plant is healthy, the Money Tree is traditionally placed in the Southeast area of your home, as this is considered the point of wealth and abundance.

Do money plants actually work? ›

Although money doesn't grow on trees, money trees are treasured for their supposed ability to channel good luck into a home. They are thought to be a harbinger of good luck, positive energy, and financial success, says Nikole Washington Nelson, floral merchandiser for Harry & David.

How to attract money immediately Feng Shui? ›

The wealth corner, located in the diagonal far left corner of your main entrance, is key to attract money. Keep this area clean, clutter-free, and vibrant.

Do money plants bring good luck? ›

Ever since it was created and first planted in Taiwan, the main idea around the money tree is that it signifies abundance, prosperity and good luck. People associate this plant with strength, power, richness and fortune. It's also why the braided stem is very popular worldwide.

What is the best plant for wealth in Feng Shui? ›

Jade Plant

The Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) is one of the most popular Feng Shui front-door plants. It is believed that the plant attracts wealth, prosperity, good fortune, success, and positivity. Jade plants should be kept at the entrance or in the southeast corner of a room.

Which direction to put money plant? ›

Money plants should always be kept in the South-East direction. Lord Ganesha is the God who abides in this direction and represents well being and prosperity (Mangal). Plantation in this direction ensures blessings. Money plant grows rapidly.

What are the disadvantages of money plant? ›

What are the disadvantages of money plant? The sap of a money plant can cause skin allergies to some people. Moreover, the leaves and stem of the plant contain calcium oxalate crystals.

What is the superstition about money plants? ›

There are a few superstitions around money plants. Popular belief dictates that a money plant will loose some of its power when another plant is grown from a cutting of its leaves. This has led to the gift of a money plant cutting (or a money plant itself) representing gifting your wealth to someone.

Should you buy yourself a money plant? ›

If you're out to get a money plant for yourself, ensure you get one which has heart-shaped leaves. It is believed that heart-shaped leaves of the money plant help foster healthy and happy relationships. They also aid in good fortune, wealth, peace and prosperity for your home.

What color brings money? ›

Attracting Money: Decorate in Red, Purple or Green

Purple and green are also key colors for attracting prosperity but there's a hitch. "If you really can't stand the color green, it won't work for you. But if you do love purple, paint a wall lavender or add a violet throw to your couch.

Which corner of the house is for wealth? ›

Which direction is good for feng shui for wealth? As per the feng shui energy map, i.e, Bagua, the top left corner is dedicated to feng shui for wealth. When you stand at the door of youyr bedroom, the far left back corner is your wealth corner.

What is the Feng Shui for 2024? ›

2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. Luck fluctuates for those born in the year of the Dragon as you are in clash with the Grand Duke this year. There are many obstacles and setbacks as you pursue your career or studies, but empowered by the Abundance Star, you will be duly rewarded for your efforts.

Is money plant bad Feng Shui? ›

Pothos money plant is lucky as per Feng Shui. It brings good luck as well as nmoney to the home.

Where to place money tree plant in Feng Shui? ›

Traditional feng shui principles designate the southeast area of your home or office as your home's 'money area,' making it the most obvious money tree location for bringing prosperity.

Which leaf attracts money? ›

Bay leaves have been used in various cultures for their purported ability to attract money and bring good fortune. Placing dried bay leaves in your wallet or keeping them in the kitchen is thought to invite financial stability and prosperity.

Where is the best place to put a Chinese money plant? ›

The general rule of green thumb is to never put Chinese Money plants in direct sunlight. It loves natural light, but harsh or direct light can make the leaves change colour and burn them. For the perfect location, choose a spot by a north-east facing window where it can get ample light.

Where should I keep my money at home Feng Shui? ›

The Wealth Corner – Southeast

The southeast corner of your home is considered the primary wealth area in Feng Shui. It is associated with the Wood element, which symbolizes growth and vitality. Activating this area is also said to bring financial opportunities and prosperity into your life.

Where do money plants grow best? ›

Grown like other tropical foliage plants, the money tree plant needs bright, indirect light and high humidity. It should be in a container with drainage holes and a loose, well-aerated potting mix. It does not need to be watered often; water when the top 2 inches are dry.

Where should I put my money plant outside? ›

A money tree naturally grows in the shadow of larger trees within its habitat. That means dappled sunlight or partial shade provides the best environment for a thriving money tree. Happy money trees need daily light to grow and thrive. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves of your plant.

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