Money Issues in Marriage: 8 Ways to Fix God's Way - Hope Joy in Christ (2024)

How do you deal with money issues in a marriage? They come whether you are rich or poor. As with everything else in marriage, God has money and marriage tips in the Bible! Today Susan Nelson will share 8 ways to fix money issues in marriage God’s way!

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1 8 Ways to Fix Money Issues in Marriage God’s Way

1.1 1. Pray about Money Issues in Marriage

1.2 2. Be transparent

1.3 3. Create a budget together and stick with it

1.4 4. Decide on rules for how money is spent in your home

1.5 5. Consult the ultimate guide on money: The Holy Bible

1.7 7. When all else fails, seek professional help

1.8 8. A note on Tithing

2 There is Hope for Marriage with Money Issues in Marriage

8 Ways to Fix Money Issues in Marriage God’s Way

There is hope when you don’t agree on finances and have money issues in marriage.

You may wonder ‘How can financial problems affect a marriage? ‘.

In the history of marriage, few topics have induced more divorces than money. Financial problems cause divorce as few other problems can.

Many things create financial stress in a relationship.

  • The spouses may fight over how money is spent.
  • They may fight over poor past financial decisions (which may continue to affect them)
  • Perhaps they fight over one partner not remembering to write down transactions in the register.

Let’s face it. We can’t avoid money being a topic in marriage, but we can avoid it being the topic that brings a marriage to its knees.

Whether we are blessed with a little money or a lot, it is our responsibility to be good stewards of it.

So, what if you are in a marriage where this isn’t the case? Or, perhaps, one of you is good with money and the other isn’t?

No matter how bleak the situation may look, there is hope when you don’t agree on finances.

If you and your spouse are fighting regularly about finances, it may be time to commit to doing things differently.

Ask your spouse commit to financial change by starting with these 8 key principles to fix money issues in marriage God’s way.

Let’s face it. We can’t avoid money being a topic in marriage, but we can avoid it being the topic that brings a marriage to its knees. So commit today to these 8 key principles to fix money issues in marriage! Click To Tweet

Money Issues in Marriage: 8 Ways to Fix God's Way - Hope Joy in Christ (1)

1. Pray about Money Issues in Marriage

Philippians 4:19 Andmy God will supply all your needs according to Hisriches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Pray! EVERY SINGLE THING in your life should be laid at His feet including money, where it comes from and how you are to manage it.

Some of the best marriage financial counseling I (Susan Nelson of A Woman of Noble Character) can share is ‘Marriage is a three-cord strand: husband, wife and God.’ If you aren’t talking about money with ALL THREE persons in the marriage, there are sure to be money issues in marriage.

Be sure to follow the entire series on the Hope For Marriage Event Page.

2. Be transparent

Proverbs 11:1 Afalse balance is an abomination to theLord, But ajust weight is His delight.

Be transparent.

  • Don’t hide purchases from each other
  • Don’t have separate bank accounts.

Both make it easy to be dishonest and avoid confrontation without getting to the root of money issues in marriage. These two problems lead to bigger problems than just divorce for financial reasons. Separate bank accounts may also contribute to additional sin knowing that the other would never know how you spent your money.

Marriage is a three-cord strand: husband, wife and God. If you aren’t talking about money with ALL THREE persons in the marriage, there are sure to be money issues in marriage. Click To Tweet

3. Create a budget together and stick with it

Luke 14:28 For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?

Create a budget together and stick with it. Be strict when it comes to following your budget and never spend outside of the budget without your spouse’s agreement.

This will require setting biblical prioritiesand having difficult conversations.

Also, track your progress and monitor your budget regularly – don’t wait until the month is over to see that you have spent double for dining out than your budget allowed. Instead, have weekly check-ins to ensure you are staying on track and making corrections BEFORE you overspend to fix money issues in marriage.

Have weekly check-ins to ensure you are staying on track and making corrections BEFORE you overspend to fix money issues in marriage. Click To Tweet

4. Decide on rules for how money is spent in your home

Luke 14:31 Or what king, when he sets out to meet another king in battle, will not first sit down andconsider whether he is strong enough with ten thousandmento encounter the one coming against him with twenty thousand?

Decide on rules for how money is spent in your home. In our home, any purchase over $100 requires both of use to agree. The dollar amount may be higher or lower for you, but, if you set the rules ahead of time, you’ll be less likely to fight later about how money is spent.

Other rules might include:

  • Tithing (a non-negotiable in our home)
  • How much of a deposit to put down on large purchases
  • What percentage of income goes to savings
  • Etc.

Decide on rules for how money is spent in your home to fix money issues in marriage! Click To Tweet

5. Consult the ultimate guide on money: The Holy Bible

Matthew 6:21 forwhere your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Consult the ultimate guide on money: The Holy Bible to fix money issues in marriage. Seriously, google “Scripture on finances in the Bible”. The bible contains 2350 verses about money! In fact, FIFTEEN percent of the words Jesus spoke were about money matters! The Bible includes financial instructions for nearly every situation:

  • Borrowing money
  • Lending money
  • How to spend it
  • Saving it
  • And so much more.

6. Dream and plan together

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

What are the most common problems in marriage? One is that couples stop dreaming together. Dream and plan together!

When both husband and wife “buy into” a dream and know the steps they need to take in order to achieve that dream, the more likely they are to stick to the “plan”. If the spouses can’t agree on goals, then financial harmony isn’t likely to come easy and you will struggle forunity in marriage*.

2 Resources From A Woman of Noble Character To Help Your Marriage

The God Centered Marriage: Honoring Him Through your Marriage by Susan Nelson

  • The God Centered Marriage is more than an eloquently written overview on putting God at the center of your marriage. It is a how-to manual with action steps, journal questions, Scripture references, prayers for specific areas of your marriage and resources for deeper study.

The Complete Proverbs 31 Woman: A verse-by-verse practical look at the Proverbs 31 woman in today’s world

  • In our modern society, many scoff at the idea of the Proverbs 31 woman. They say that it does not relate to women today. I wholeheartedly disagree. The Proverbs 31 wife is alive, well, and living in your city or town. She is the one who has a three-cord strand marriage with God at the center. As we go, verse by verse through Proverbs 31:10-31, it is my desire that you find the Proverbs 31 woman within you.

7. When all else fails, seek professional help

Proverbs 11:14 Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory.

When all else fails, seek professional help. This is NOT giving up! It is honoring God! Seek a respected Christian financial expert, marriage financial counseling or perhaps your pastor (most money issues in marriage are a result of poor communication over anything else.)

8. A note on Tithing

2 Corinthian 9:7 Each onemust dojust as he has purposed in his heart, notgrudgingly or under compulsion, forGod loves a cheerful giver.

If the unbelieving spouse is the wife, as the leader of his home, the husband is to obey the Lord’s direction.

If both spouses are Christians, they know that giving God the first tenth is commanded in the Bible. Tithing is God-ordained and our first priority should be pleasing Him.

If you are married to an unbeliever, this area is a bit more tricky, but the wife is to submit to her husband in order to lead him to the Lord.

There is Hope for Marriage with Money Issues in Marriage

There is hope for marriage when you don’t agree on finances. You only need to agree on ONE thing: to commit to making changes by following God’s plan for managing money. Which of these 8 ways to fix money issues in marriage God’s way can you implement today?

  1. Pray
  2. Be transparent
  3. Budget
  4. Decide on rules
  5. Consult the Bible
  6. Dream together
  7. Seek Help
  8. Understand tithing

In addition to the basic principles above, In addition, I highly recommend that both spouses complete a Bible study or course on managing money biblically such as Money and Marriage God’s Way or Financial Peace along with an independent study on biblical financial principles.

If you are feeling without hope in regarding to money in your marriage, know that there is hope and that I am praying for you!

Because of Him,

Money Issues in Marriage: 8 Ways to Fix God's Way - Hope Joy in Christ (2)

Susan Nelson

I’m Sue Nelson, a Christian author, speaker and creative who has a passion for helping others grow closer to Christ in their marriages, homes, and Bible study time. I’d love to connect with you at A Woman of Noble Character.

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Money Issues in Marriage: 8 Ways to Fix God's Way - Hope Joy in Christ (2024)


What does God say about marriage and money? ›

What does Scripture say? God's designed marriages to pursue oneness in every aspect of the marriage, including finances (1 Corinthians 7:4). You do not get choose what part of your spouse you want to marry or what part you want to give to your spouse. It's an all-in deal—You get all of them, and they get all of you.

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Strategies for Christian Conflict Resolution in Marriage
  1. Seek God's Guidance. Seeking God's guidance is paramount. ...
  2. Listen Actively. ...
  3. Use “I” Statements. ...
  4. Find Common Ground. ...
  5. Forgive Each Other. ...
  6. Seek Counseling If Needed. ...
  7. The Importance of Communication. ...
  8. The Power of Apologies.

Why is money important in marriage? ›

Financial security plays a huge role in marriage happiness and stability. When couples don't constantly worry about money, they're happier. Couples who struggle with debt and household finances are less happy.

What does the Bible say about balance in marriage? ›

1 Corinthians 7:3-4

"The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife."

How to handle finances in marriage biblically? ›

Stewarding Finances as a Christian Couple
  1. Seek God's Guidance. ...
  2. Embrace Open Communication. ...
  3. Establish a Budget Based on Biblical Principles. ...
  4. Practice Contentment and Avoid Materialism. ...
  5. Prioritize Debt Elimination. ...
  6. Save and Invest Wisely. ...
  7. Give Generously.
Aug 15, 2023

Can money problems ruin marriage? ›

Money issues such as excessive debt, one-sided spending, and financial imbalances can cause tension and resentment between you and your spouse. But when you recognize the signs of a problem early, there are things you can do to address them before they cause irreparable damage to your relationship.

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How to Fix a Broken Marriage God's Way
  1. Put God first in your marriage.
  2. Pray consistently.
  3. Take responsibility for your part in the problem.
  4. Forgive your partner for past hurts.
  5. Accept your partner for who they are.
  6. Choose to love your spouse, even when it's hard.
  7. Show gratitude for your spouse.

How do I ask God to fix my marriage? ›

Pray to Him and ask for specific blessings you need. Pour your heart out to Him and let Him know you are dedicated to making your marriage work. Pray for your spouse and ask God to help heal his/her heart. Remember, it's God's battle; He knows exactly what the marriage needs to succeed, so ask Him for it.

Can God repair a broken marriage? ›

There are many questions to ask when it comes to healing a broken marriage, but one thing is certain, God is completely aware of your circ*mstance and desires to see your marriage restored. To start the process, you must pursue Him first. He wants you to know He is the one who can heal your marriage.

Who owns the money in a marriage? ›

Being legally married means your spouse's income (and debt) are now yours. If one of you runs up a huge credit card bill, you are both on the hook when the bill comes due. The good news is that many couples can cooperate and work together to address financial issues early in their marriage.

How to talk to your spouse about money without fighting? ›

Open communication about money is crucial for a healthy relationship. Building trust about money matters and setting shared financial goals can strengthen your relationship. Approach the conversation about money with empathy and understanding. Create financial transparency by discussing income, expenses, and budgeting.

Is money a big issue in marriage? ›

One-quarter of all couples say money is their greatest relationship issue. Couples can employ various tools and strategies to pay off debt. Couples should communicate their expectations and ideas about how to raise and pay for children. A financial advisor or planner can provide couples with unbiased advice.

What does the Bible say about an unhappy marriage? ›

Romans 12:12

You can turn to God in prayer every time you feel unhappy with your marriage. Pour out all your feelings because he can handle all of them. He will affirm you and strengthen you even when you are struggling. You can ask him to guide your thoughts, words, and actions toward your spouse.

What is the biblical rule on marriage? ›

Marriage involves spiritual, emotional, and physical closeness. In the Old Testament, we are taught, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Married couples are meant to be unified in every possible way.

What does the Bible say about fighting over money? ›

In Hebrews 13, Paul reminds us to “keep our lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have.” No matter how big your dreams are, remember to be content now. The God of the universe is for you, and that is bigger than any financial struggles you may be dealing with.

Is it important to marry someone with money? ›

While financial stability is somewhat linked to emotional wellness, marrying for wealth alone may lead to marital problems, unhappiness, or emotional concerns.

What does the Bible say about our relationship with money? ›

Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.” “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”

What does God promise about money? ›

Philippians 4:19: And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Proverbs 10:22: The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. 2 Corinthians 9:8: And God will generously provide all you need.

How much should a wife contribute financially? ›

Make a list of all your combined expenses: housing, taxes, insurance, utilities. Then talk salary. If you make $60,000 and your partner makes $40,000, then you should pay 60 percent of that total toward the shared expenses and your partner 40 percent.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.