money (2024)


money (1)

Every purchase in a store is an exchange. A product is traded for money. In preindustrial societies, goods and services were exchanged directly, without money, in a process called barter. Mr. A exchanged his product, shoes, for a shirt made by Ms. B. Or both exchanged their products, shoes and shirts, for ten pounds of wheat grown by Mr. and Mrs. C. This process of exchange was very simple. It resembled the way some people trade baseball cards or comic books today.

Unfortunately, barter can quickly become complicated. If Mr. A and Ms. B both want wheat, but Mr. and Mrs. C do not want shoes or shirts, how can an exchange be made? One solution is to find a fourth party, Mrs. X, who wants shoes and shirts. She, in turn, may raise chickens—something Mr. and Mrs. C do want. She exchanges her chickens for shoes and shirts with Mr. A and Ms. B. They then take the newly acquired chickens to Mr. and Mrs. C to exchange them for wheat.

This double set of exchanges is somewhat inconvenient, but it is workable. In a modern society with millions of people and hundreds of thousands of products and services, the barter system becomes impossible. The complications would be endless and overwhelming. To get rid of barter and to simplify exchange, money was invented.

The Exchange Process

Barter is a means of direct exchange of one good for another. The use of money creates an indirect exchange. A family spends money to buy a car. This common transaction is easy to understand. What is not ordinarily noticed is that the person who sells the car for money is at the same time using the car to buy money, which is no more than a substitute for all possible products and services.

Money was invented more than 4,000 years ago. People who wanted to trade goods and services gradually realized that exchange would be easier if there were some single commodity that everyone would accept as valuable. There was something—precious metal, or three precious metals, to be exact. Gold, silver, and copper, were all valued for their uses, and they were highly regarded because of their scarcity. Since gold was the scarcest, it was usually—but not always—more highly valued than the other two.

Just like today’s money, gold and silver have advantages over other kinds of goods. First, they have universal purchasing power—everyone agrees they are valuable. Second, they can be processed into different sizes and weights to stand for a variety of different values. Third, they are fairly durable; they will not rust or decay; they can be stored for long periods of time. Fourth, since even small amounts of these metals are valuable, it is easy to carry them around, just as it is easy to carry coins in a pocket or purse today. Fifth, silver and gold—but especially gold—have never lost their exchange value. Even after 4,000 years, gold is still acceptable in any civilized society as money. Its universal acceptability made it the medium of exchange in long-distance trade. (Even in the ancient world, lacking today’s means of transportation, there was a great deal of trade over very long distances. In some cases, caravans carried goods over routes that stretched from Africa to China.)

Money, Price, and Value

The values of goods and services, measured in terms of money, are expressed as a price. Even the wages people earn from work are prices that state a money equivalent for time spent on the job or the kind of work done. A price is an exchange ratio expressed as money. With barter, one horse may have been traded for three cows. The ratio of cows to horses was three to one. With the invention of money the ratio does not change, but the way it is expressed does change. Horses and cows will have values stated in terms of money: a cow for one ounce of gold and a horse for three ounces of gold. The ratio is identical. The use of money makes it possible to assign prices to everything based on one commodity, gold or paper money, instead of attempting the hopeless task of figuring out relationship ratios among all known goods and services.

It is vital to note that the use of money does not in itself create either value or prices. Money simply expresses value and price relationships that people agree already exist among goods and services.

It was long mistakenly believed that value derived from the time and effort a worker put in to make a product. This “labor theory of value” was accepted by economists from Adam Smith in the late 18th century up to Karl Marx 100 years later.

In fact, value is ascribed to a product or service by the buyer. It is the customer who creates value. Any product or service that is desired by no one has no commodity value, no value on the market. A diamond necklace with a price tag of 10,000 dollars will have no market value if no one wants it, though it may have personal value for someone as a memento or for its fine workmanship. Artists have long understood this fact. The paintings of Vincent van Gogh hardly sold during his lifetime, but today collectors pay millions of dollars for them at auctions. The paintings did not change, but the public estimation of them did.

Just as value is created by the buyer, so prices are assigned by the producer; and there is a close connection. Any producer wants to offer on the market something the public will like and buy. He hopes the buyers will value his wares. But while value is a vague concept, prices must be very specific. The difficulty for the producer is reconciling the two. He must decide what he thinks the buyers will be willing to pay for his product, whether it be a bar of soap or a new automobile.

What the producer thinks the buyers will pay is the price he will assign. Then he must make sure that all of his costs—buildings, machinery, materials, and labor—do not exceed this price. This means that prices that will be charged at some point in the future determine today’s costs of production. If the producer guesses right, he will profit and stay in business. If he guesses wrong, and people do not buy his product at his price, he will have to lower the price.

From Gold to Paper Money

Silver and gold have what is called use value. Silver is used as a backing for mirrors and in making photographic film. Gold is used primarily in jewelry. When silver and gold are used as money, they have exchange value, as well as use value. Silver and gold are called “hard money.” This term does not only refer to their solidity as metals. It suggests that silver and gold are real money, in contrast to paper money. Gold and silver were assigned exchange value by people because of their scarcity and because they were potentially useful in other ways. Another term for hard money is specie, a Latin word that refers to the commodity nature of gold and silver.

Paper money is not hard money. There is no limit to the amount of paper that can be manufactured, as long as trees grow. Paper is not scarce, though it has many uses. Paper money is called fiat money. The word “fiat” is a Latin verb form that means “let it be.” Nearly every country in the world uses paper money. Governments print currency and declare it to be money. Its use is mandated as both legal and necessary as the proper medium of exchange within a nation.

The use of gold and silver in exchange has generally been abandoned in favor of paper bills and coins made of cheaper metals. Gold and silver are now treated as commodities, on a level with soybeans and wheat. An ounce of gold is said to be worth, for example, 380 dollars. But if gold is hard money and paper is fiat money, this price quotation really says that one dollar is only worth 1 / 380 ounce of gold.

The Money Supply

To turn lumps of silver or gold into money is not difficult. The process is called minting. It involves melting the metals and forming them into desired shapes according to specific weights. The most necessary feature was correct weight. If the metal, usually in the shape of a coin, was pure and of the correct weight, it was good money. Since metal money served only economic purposes, minting could be done by anyone with the skill and equipment. Minting was processing a commodity, like turning wheat into flour. As long as the coins were of the correct weight and purity, it did not matter who made them.

No coin maker, however, could produce as much money as he wanted, because the supplies of gold and silver were always limited. Unless new mines were discovered, the supplies remained fairly steady, though increasing slowly over a long period of time. This is as true today as it was 4,000 years ago. It was, after all, the scarcity of gold and silver that made them appealing for both use and exchange. Because the supply was fairly constant, the amount of money available tended to be constant as well.

If the supply of all products, including money, remained constant, prices would not change. If there were a famine and food became scarce, the price of food would rise dramatically, because food had become scarcer than money. Thus the demand for food would become greater than the demand for money. People would prefer owning the product called food to the products called gold or silver. When food became plentiful again, its price would drop because its supply had risen to meet the supply of money.

With paper money the supply and demand problem changes. First of all, paper money has no value in itself. It has only the value that a government says it has. It is not commodity money. Since its manufacture does not depend on mining, there is no necessary limit on the amount that can be produced. If, as was once true, a government could not produce an amount of paper money in excess of the value of its gold holdings, then the supply of money could remain stable. Money would essentially be paper gold, receipts that could be redeemed for gold at a bank. But since paper money is no longer tied to gold by law (the gold standard), the amount of it in circulation can vary greatly.

If a government’s central bank allows the money supply to increase greatly, prices will rise steeply. This happens because money decreases in value in relation to other goods. (If gold had ever become as common as sand, for example, its value as money would have disappeared.) When the money supply increases, people prefer holding other goods, because they fear that prices will keep going up. An oversupply of money in relation to other goods is called inflation, and it has been a persistent problem for many centuries—ever since governments took command of issuing money.

Some governments have promoted an excessive increase in the money supply, called hyperinflation, which has completely destroyed the values of their currencies—and often destroyed the governments as well. This happened in the late Roman Empire, in Hungary and Germany after World War I, in China after World War II, in Russia and Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and in the former Yugoslavia during the civil war of the early 1990s.

Inflation damages the value of money, and hyperinflation destroys it because it destroys purchasing power. All money has two values, nominal and real. The nominal (or named) value is what is stamped on it by a government mint or printing press—“five dollars,” for example. The real value of money is its purchasing power—what it will buy at a given moment. In 1945 it was possible to buy 20 paperback books for five dollars. Today it is hardly possible to buy one paperback for that sum. Real and nominal value can be widely separated. Purchasing power changes. If the supply of money falls, its real value rises to equal or surpass the nominal value. If it surpasses the nominal value, the result is deflation—a shortage of money.

In a hard-money economy, without government interference, the money supply tends to regulate itself, based on economic necessities. The supply of money being fairly constant, it tends to bear a stable relationship to the production of goods. Attempts are made to locate new gold and silver mines. If the supplies of gold and silver do not increase, however, prices will tend to fall because the demand for money will be greater than the demand for goods. This is a typical deflationary situation. It derives from an absence of liquidity, or cash in hand. (The most liquid of all assets is money. Assets that can be quickly turned into money, such as stocks or bonds, also have a high degree of liquidity.) In a paper-money economy, a different situation emerges. The money supply is easily variable. If money is poured into an economy by the central bank, producers may be fooled into believing that the economy is expanding rapidly and that demand for products and service will rise. Producers will double their efforts to increase productivity. They do this by building new plants, buying more machinery and materials, and hiring more workers. After a while they learn, to their sorrow, that markets have not expanded, consumer demand has not increased, and new investment was unnecessary. Large inventories of goods have been built up that no one is buying. Soon, the whole economy grinds to a halt, or a drastic slowdown called recession, until the excesses of production and bad investment have been eliminated (see business cycle; Great Depression; unemployment).

History of Money

The use of hard money dates from at least 2000 bc. There was no large-scale standardization of money or coinage until the 7th century bc. The city-state of Lydia, in Asia Minor, is given credit for issuing the first coins. They were made of electrum, a mixture of gold and silver, bean-shaped ingots bearing a mark that indicated their weight and value.

Governments soon gained a near monopoly in coining money. They also frequently lowered the quality of coins. They did this by using cheaper alloys or by making smaller coins. Or they insisted that underweight coins, worn down through use, be accepted at face value. This, of course, drove the good money out of circulation—giving rise in time to Gresham’s law that bad money drives out good. By the middle of the 1st century ad, Roman coins were continually debased, because the government was unwilling to finance its building programs and military adventures through taxation. It preferred borrowing, and inflation allows debtors to repay creditors with cheaper money. (This means that the creditor’s money loses purchasing power during the time of the loan.) By putting cheap money into circulation, the Roman authorities caused massive inflation.

Modern paper money originated during the Middle Ages. Merchants, moneylenders, goldsmiths, and others issued notes—written promises to pay metal money on demand. These receipts and notes were very helpful in trade, because it became unnecessary to move gold from one place to another for every transaction. This kind of paper was called credit currency, because it was not regarded as real money. It was merely a promise to pay money, if asked.

It was not a very big step from credit currency to fiat money. Governments handling credit currency wanted it to be regarded as real money. Such money, by government edict, became legal tender—money that creditors can, and often must, accept in payment of debts. The term “legal tender” is printed on currency issued by the United States Treasury. It indicates that the money has purchasing power and asset value, qualities gold and silver always had. The first general issues of paper money by a Western country occurred in France early in the 18th century. Paper money had already been used in China for several centuries. The early experiments with paper money in Europe and the United States were not successful because the money was overissued. Because governments needed money, mostly for war, they resorted to printing it. Because it was not tied to a gold or silver standard, the paper quickly became worthless. Creditors and merchants would not accept it, and it drove good money out of circulation into private hoarding.

Only in the 20th century was paper money been made to stand on its own. This happened by force of legislation, the efforts of central banks to manage money supplies, and government control of gold supplies. Within a country, this fiat money is as good as any other form. Internationally, it is not. International trade has always demanded a money standard accepted everywhere. Gold and silver provided such a standard for centuries. An official Gold Standard regulated the value of money for about a century prior to the start of World War I in 1914. Between the two world wars, economic chaos reigned, as the world sought to revive trade and reimpose the Gold Standard. Then came the Great Depression and a general collapse of trade. After World War II, the United States dollar became a new international monetary standard.

Inflation in the United States battered the dollar, beginning in the early 1960s. In 1971 President Richard Nixon severed the dollar from any connection to gold. Since then the international monetary system has consisted of a collection of currencies linked by floating exchange rates (see foreign exchange).

U.S. Federal Reserve Notes
denominationportrait on bill
1 dollarGeorge Washington
2 dollarsThomas Jefferson
5 dollarsAbraham Lincoln
10 dollarsAlexander Hamilton
20 dollarsAndrew Jackson
50 dollarsUlysses S. Grant
100 dollarsBenjamin Franklin
500 dollars*William McKinley
1,000 dollars*Grover Cleveland
5,000 dollars*James Madison
10,000 dollars*Salmon P. Chase
100,000 dollars**Woodrow Wilson
*Discontinued in 1969.
**Produced in 1934–35, these bills were used by the Federal Reserve banks and were not allowed into general circulation.
Some current and historical U.S. coins
denominationdescription (front/back)dates of issue
1 centIndian head/wreath1859–64
1 centAbraham Lincoln/wheat1909–58
1 centAbraham Lincoln/Lincoln Memorial1959–2008
1 centAbraham Lincoln/designs reflecting Lincoln's life12009
1 centAbraham Lincoln/union shield2010–
2 centsshield/wheat1864–73
5 centsbuffalo or Indian head1913–38
5 centsThomas Jefferson/Monticello1938–
10 centsdraped bust/small eagle1796–97
10 centscapped bust/heraldic eagle1809–37
10 centsFranklin D. Roosevelt/torch with olive branch and oak sprigs1946–
25 centsGeorge Washington/eagle1965–74; 1977–98
25 centsbicentennial issue, George Washington1975–76
25 centsGeorge Washington/state symbols21999–2008
25 centsGeorge Washington/D.C. and U.S. territories32009
25 centsGeorge Washington/America the Beautiful42010–21
50 centsBenjamin Franklin/Liberty Bell1948–63
50 centsJohn F. Kennedy/presidential seal1964–74; 1977–
1 dollarbust with flowing hair/eagle1794–95
1 dollarLiberty head/wreath gold dollar1849–54
1 dollarDwight D. Eisenhower/eagle1971–74; 1977–78
1 dollarSusan B. Anthony/eagle1979–81; 1999
1 dollarSacagawea/golden dollar52000–
1 dollarindividual presidents/Statue of Liberty2007–16
1In 2009, in recognition of the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth, four new pennies were issued. The front featured Lincoln while the reverse had one of four designs: a log cabin, Lincoln sitting on a log reading, Lincoln by the Illinois state capitol, or an unfinished White House.
2From 1999 to 2008 the U.S. Mint produced five new quarters a year, each one exhibiting George Washington on one side and a scene commemorating one of the 50 states on the reverse. The date of each coin's release was determined by the chronological order in which the states ratified the Constitution and joined the union.
3In 2009 six new quarters were issued that pictured George Washington on the front and scenes representing either the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or the Northern Mariana Islands on the reverse.
4Beginning in 2010, five new quarters were issued each year (only one in 2021) featuring George Washington on the front and a U.S. national park or site on the back. One site was chosen from each state, the District of Columbia, and the five U.S. territories.
5When the Sacagawea golden dollar was first issued in 2000, it featured an eagle on the reverse side. In 2009 the U.S. government started a new series of golden dollars that kept Sacagawea on the front but on the reverse portrayed an important contribution made by a Native American tribe or individual. This series featured a new design on the reverse each year.

Reviewed by Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe

money (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.