Modules in Python: Fundamentals for Data Scientists (2024)


Nowadays, the Python Modules Operations programming language becomes one of the most popular languages.When we write the codes for Production level Data Science Projects, what happens is that our Python code grows in size, and as a result most probably it becomes unorganized over time. So, keeping your code in the same file as it grows makes your code difficult to maintain and debug.

So, to resolve these kinds of issues, Python modules help us to organize and group the content by using files and folders.This modular programming approach where we have broken the code into separate parts is where python modules come into the picture. So, In this article, I will help you to understand the complete intuition behind modules in Python Modules Operations in a detailed manner. In this tutorial you will get understanding about the python modues, and what are modules in python and how you can do programming with these modules in python programming. So in this article you get full insights about the python modules.

Note: If you are more interested in learning concepts in an Audio-Visual format, So to learn the basic concepts of Python Modules Operations and some other related stuff you may see this video.

This article was published as a part of theData Science Blogathon

Table of contents

  • What are Python Modules?
  • How to create Python Modules?
  • How to use Python Modules?
  • Variables in Python Modules
  • How to rename a Python Module?
  • How does Import from Modules work?
  • Advantages of Modules
  • Python Built-in Modules
  • Working with Math Module of Python
  • Trigonometric Ratios
  • Working with Statistics Module of Python
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What are Python Modules?

In Python, Modules are simply files with the “.py” extension containing Python code that can be imported inside another Python Modules Operations Program.

In simple terms, we can consider a module to be the same as a code library or a file that contains a set of functions that you want to include in your application.

With the help of modules, we can organize related functions, classes, or any code block in the same file. So, It is considered a best practice while writing bigger codes for production-level projects in Data Science is to split the large Python Modules Operations code blocks intomodulescontaining up to 300–400 lines of code.

The module contains the following components:

  • Definitions and implementation of classes,
  • Variables,and
  • Functions that can be used inside another program.

Let’s try to gain more understanding of the concept with the help of an example:

Suppose we want to make an application for a calculator. We want to include few operations in our application such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

Now, here what we will be doing is to break the complete code into separate parts and simply create one module for all these operations or separate modules for each of the operations. And then we can call these modules in our main program logic.

Here the core idea is to minimize the code, and if we create modules, it doesn’t mean we can only use it for this program, but we can even call these modules for other programs as well.

Modules in Python: Fundamentals for Data Scientists (1)

Now that we have understood the concept of modules, let us try to understand how we can create and use a module in python and also see some other functionalities related to Modules.

How to create Python Modules?

To create a module in python, we have to save the code that we wish in a file with the file extension “.py”. Then, the name of the Python Modules Operations file becomes the name of the module.

For Example,

In this program, a function is created with the name “welcome” and save this file with the name i.e. name of the file, and with the extension “.py”.

We saved the following code in a file named

def welcome(name): print("Hello, " + name +" to Analytics Vidhya")

How to use Python Modules?

To incorporate the module into our program, we will use the import keyword, andto get only a few or specific methods or functions from a module, we use thefromkeyword.

NOTE: When we are using a function from a module, then we use the following syntax:


Now to use the module which we have just created, we are using the import statement:

For Example,

In this example, we will Import the module named mymodule, and then call the welcome function with a given argument:

import mymodulemymodule.welcome("Chirag Goyal")


Hello, Chirag Goyal to Analytics Vidhya

Variables in Python Modules

The module in python can contain functions, as already described, but can also contain variables of all types such as arrays, dictionaries, objects, etc.

For Example,

Save this code in the file

person1 = { "name": "Chirag Goyal", "age": 19, "country": "India" "education”: “IIT Jodhpur" }

For Example,

In this example, we will Import the module named mymodule, and then try to access the person1 dictionary components:

import mymodulea = mymodule.person1["age"]b = mymodule.person1["education"]c = mymodule.person1["country"]print(a)



How to rename a Python Module?

We can name the file of the module whatever you like, but we have to note that it must have the file extension“.py”.

To rename the module name, we can create an alias when you import a module, with the help of theas keyword:

For Example,

Create an alias for mymodule with the namenew_module:

import mymodule as new_modulea =new_module.person1["age"]b =new_module.person1["education"]c =new_module.person1["country"]print(a)



How does Import from Modules work?

If we want to choose to import only some parts from a module, then we can do this with the help of thefrom keyword.

For Example,

Now, we have a module namedmymodulethat has one function and one dictionary:

def welcome(name): print("Hello, " + name +" to Analytics Vidhya")person1 = { "name": "Chirag Goyal", "age": 19, "country": "India" "education”: “IIT Jodhpur" }

Now, Let’s try to Import only the person1 dictionary from the module namedmymodule:

from mymodule import person1print (person1["age"])



NOTE:Here we have to note that when we try to import using thefrom keyword,then do not use the module name when referring to elements in the module in python.

For Example,


Advantages of Modules

Some of the advantages while working with modules in Python is as follows:


Working with modules makes the code reusable.


The module focuses on a small proportion of the problem, rather than focusing on the entire problem.


A separate namespace is defined by a module that helps to avoid collisions between identifiers.

Python Built-in Modules

As we know that the Python interactive shell has a number of built-in functions. As a shell start, these functions are loaded automatically and are always available, such as,

  • print() and input()for I/O,
  • Number conversion functions such asint(), float(), complex(),
  • Data type conversions such aslist(), tuple(), set(), etc.

In addition to these many built-in functions, there are also a large number of pre-defined functions available as a part of libraries bundled with Python distributions. These functions are defined in modules which are known asbuilt-in modules.

These built-in modules are written in C language and integrated with the Python shell.

To display a list of all of the available modules in Python Programming Language, we can use the following command in the Python console:


The output to the above code is shown below:

Modules in Python: Fundamentals for Data Scientists (2)

Now, let’s discuss some of the useful and frequently used built-in modules of Python.

  • Math Module
  • Statistics Module

Working with Math Module of Python

Some of the most popular mathematical functions that are defined in the math module include,

  • Trigonometric functions,
  • Representation functions,
  • Logarithmic functions,
  • Angle conversion functions, etc.

In addition, two mathematical constants-piandeare also defined in this module.

In Mathematics, Pi is a well-known mathematical constant. Its value is3.141592653589793.

>>> import math>>> math.pi3.141592653589793

Another well-known mathematical constant ise,which is known asEuler’s number. Its value equals2.718281828459045.

>>> import math>>> math.e2.718281828459045

Trigonometric Ratios

For calculating various trigonometric ratios for a given angle, the math module contains several functions. The trigonometric functions such assin, cos, tan,etc. take the angle argument in radians. While we are used to expressing the angle in degrees. In the math module, we have two angle conversion functions that help us to convert the angle from degrees to radians and vice versa:

  • degrees()
  • radians()

For Example,

In this example, we will be converting the angle of 30 degrees to radians and then back again to the degree.

NOTE:π radians is equivalent to 180 degrees.

>>> import math>>> math.radians(30)0.5235987755982988>>> math.degrees(math.pi/6)29.999999999999996

For Example,

In this example, we will find the value ofsin, cos, and tan ratios for the angle of 30 degrees which in radians is equal to 0.5235987755982988 radians.

>>> import math>>> math.sin(0.5235987755982988)0.49999999999999994>>> math.cos(0.5235987755982988)0.8660254037844387>>> math.tan(0.5235987755982988)0.5773502691896257

You may also try some more functions of the math module such as math.log(), math.log10(), math.pow(). math.sqrt(), math.exp(), math.ceil(), math.floor(), etc.

To learn more about themath module,refer to thelink.

Working with Statistics Module of Python

The statistics module provides functions to mathematical statistics of numeric data. Some of the popular statistical functions are defined in this module are as follows:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Standard Deviation


The mean()method returns the arithmetic mean of the numbers present in a list.

For Example,

>>> import statistics>>> statistics.mean([2,5,6,9])5.5


The median() method returns the middle value of numeric data present in a list.

For Example,

>>> import statistics>>> statistics.median([1,2,3,7,8,9])5.0>>> statistics.median([1,2,3,8,9])3.0


The mode() method returns the most common data point present in the list.

For Example,

>>> import statistics>>> statistics.mode([2,5,3,2,8,3,9,4,2,5,6])2

Standard Deviation

The stdev() method returns the standard deviation on a given sample in the form of a list.

For Example,

>>> import statistics>>> statistics.stdev([1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5])1.3693063937629153

To learn more about the statistics module, refer to thelink.

NOTE:There are also other modules in Python but here we discuss only two modules to understand how the concept of modules in Python works and you can similarly use the other Python built-in modules also.

To learn more about the Modules in Python, you can refer to thelink.


Python modules in organizing code for data science projects. It addresses the challenges of maintaining large codebases and emphasizes the benefits of modular programming. By explaining the components and functionality of modules, it sets the stage for topics covered in the article, including module creation, usage, and exploration of built-in modules like math and statistics. Overall, the introduction provides a clear overview and serves as a comprehensive guide for readers seeking to enhance their Python programming skills.

Hope you like the article, and get understanding about the python modules. Also, you know about What are module in python and how modules in python programming Working.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are modules in Python?

A. Modules in Python are files containing Python code, which can include variables, functions, and classes. They help organize code into reusable parts, making it easier to manage and maintain large projects. You can import modules into your Python programs to access their functionality.

Q2. How many Python modules are there?

A. There isn’t a fixed number of Python modules because new ones can be created by developers and added to the Python ecosystem regularly. The Python Standard Library alone contains over 200 modules covering a wide range of functionalities, including file I/O, networking, mathematical operations, and more. Additionally, there are countless third-party modules available through platforms like PyPI (Python Package Index).

Q3. What is Python types module?

A. The types module in Python provides functions and constants for working with data types. It allows you to check the type of an object, create new types dynamically, and perform type-related operations. For example, you can use it to check if an object is of a certain type, like a list or a dictionary, or to create custom data types using the type() function.

Q4. What is the os module in Python?

A. The os module in Python provides a way to interact with the operating system. It allows you to perform various operating system-related tasks such as file and directory operations, process management, environment variables manipulation, and more. With the os module, you can create, delete, move, and rename files and directories, execute shell commands, and retrieve information about the system environment, like the current working directory or the user’s home directory.

The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.

blogathonmodulesPython Modules

CHIRAG18 Jul, 2024


Modules in Python: Fundamentals for Data Scientists (2024)


Is Python enough for data scientist? ›

Is Python Necessary in Data Science? In a word — yes. You'd be hard-pressed to find a data science position that doesn't require at least some basic knowledge of Python. As upGrad explains: “Python is the most widely used data science programming language in the world today

What Python modules are used for data science? ›

The essential Python libraries for processing and analyzing data for data science projects are NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy. These can be defined as follows: NumPy provides powerful numerical operations on large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, often used in scientific computations.

Do 75% of data experts use Python for data science work? ›

Over 75% of hiring managers believe that Python programming language is crucial for data professionals, regardless of their experience level, according to the latest Data Science Skills Survey 2024 Report by AnalytixLabs. Hence, you can be sure there'll be plenty of career opportunities for Python programming skills.

How many hours does it take to learn Python for data science? ›

How Many Hours Does it Take to Learn Python? If you're a beginner and you want to learn Python in two months or less, you would need to devote a full-time schedule to learning Python. If you spend 40 hours a week learning Python, it could ultimately take around 250 hours to fully develop your Python skills.

What percentage of data scientists use Python? ›

According to the Data Science Skills Survey 2022, 90.6% of data science professionals use Python for data science and statistical modeling.

Is Python worth learning in 2024? ›

Yes, learning Python is still worth it in 2024. It is a top choice for tech pros, versatile, and in high demand, making it great for your career.

Can data scientists make 7 figures? ›

Many of them are. A Chief Data Scientist in Big Tech is making 7 figures, but most Chief Data Scientists are working at startups and small firms that like to compensate by giving out that title. $200k is probably right for someone who has fewer than 6 Data Scientists working under them in a MCOL city.

How much Python is enough for data analyst? ›

While mastering Python for data science can take years, fundamental proficiency can be achieved in about six months. Python proficiency is crucial for roles such as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Software Engineer, Business Analyst, and Data Analyst. Key Python libraries for data analysis are NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy.

How much coding is required for data science? ›

The short answer is yes, coding is necessary to become a data scientist. Data science requires an understanding of programming languages such as Python and R, as well as some knowledge of statistics and mathematics.

Is 2 hours a day enough to learn Python? ›

To learn the very basics of Python, 2 hours per day for two weeks can be enough. Considering it takes 500+ hours to reach a somewhat advanced level, though, you'll have to study Python for 4 hours per day for 5 months to get there.

Is Python alone enough for data science? ›

Yes. Python is a popular and flexible language that's used professionally in a wide variety of contexts. We teach Python for data science and machine learning, but you can also apply your skills in other areas. Python is used in finance, web development, software engineering, game development, and more.

What is a realistic timeframe to learn Python? ›

Read on for tips on how to maximize your learning. In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

Can I learn data science only with Python? ›

If you are new to data science and have no prior programming background, it is a good idea to start with Python as your first language. Not only is its easy-to-read syntax ideal for beginners, but the vast array of libraries that it boasts effortlessly support the end-to-end workflow.

Should I be a data scientist with Python or R? ›

R programming is better suited for statistical learning, with unmatched libraries for data exploration and experimentation. Python is a better choice for machine learning and large-scale applications, especially for data analysis within web applications.

Do I need to learn R if I know Python? ›

Both languages are well suited for any data science tasks you may think of. The Python vs R debate may suggest that you have to choose either Python or R. While this may be true for newcomers to the discipline, in the long run, you'll likely need to learn both.

Can Python do everything R can? ›

R can't be used in production code because of its focus on research, while Python, a general-purpose language, can be used both for prototyping and as a product itself. Python also runs faster than R, despite its GIL problems.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.