Mississippi's low homelessness rate: Too good to be true? - Arkansas Worker (2024)

Arkansas communist Grant Cooper's saga is but one Arkansas-based link in a long chain of repression of dissenting voices.

On the Launching of the American Communist Party

An organization of the working class, grounded not in middle class professionals and bureaucrats but in the working class itself, guided by Marxism-Leninism and not the purity fetish, was bound to arise.

Excerpt: Value creation by labor in the service industries

A chapter from 'The Creation of Value by Living Labour: A Normative and Emperical Study' by Cheng Enfu, Wang Guijin, and Zhu Kui.

Only those guided by Marxism-Leninism have been able to free themselves from class and national oppression and take the road of socialist construction.

To You Beloved Comrade: A eulogy for Stalin by Paul Robeson

“Forever will his name be honored and beloved in all lands.”

A Worldwide Anti-Imperialist Left: Why it is Needed, and What it Must Do

Capital organises globally yet workers do not. As the US-led NATO powers escalate the Ukraine conflict into a new world war, this imbalance is becoming intolerable.

Victory Speech: Stalin's Broadcast from Moscow on May 9, 1945

Fascist Germany, forced to her knees by the Red Army and the troops of our Allies, has acknowledged herself defeated and declared unconditional surrender.

Is This Man a Russian Agent Operating in the Black Community of St. Louis?

The Justice Department has just indicted him and three other members of the African People’s Socialist Party for advancing Russian propaganda—though it looks more like the Biden administration was looking for a scapegoat to justify its anti-Russia offensive and found one in a familiar place.

Black Women Can Think and Speak and Write: Claudia Jones' Statement before being sentenced

Claudia Jones' statement before being sentenced at the US Courthouse in New York City.

“Two Inevitabilities” and “Two Nevers”: An excerpt from Theory and Practice of Socialism in Development

The "Two Inevitabilities" and "Two Nevers" together in unity are the embodiment of the basic law of movement of societies.

Tips for handling insurance claims for tornado damage

A big part of rebuilding will be insurance claims, probably the last thing on anyone's mind at the moment, so we've compiled this list of things to keep in mind.

Mississippi's low homelessness rate: Too good to be true?

It may come as a surprise to many Americans that the state with the lowest level of homelessness is also its poorest.

Marxism versus Liberalism: H.G. Wells interviews Josef Stalin

In July of 1934, famed science fiction writer and social activist H.G. Wells sat down to interview Josef Stalin.

The Drums Of War With China Are Beating Much Louder Now

Hot war is now being discussed as not just a real possibility but in many cases as a probability.

The Women’s Liberation Movement: The Need for a Marxist-Leninist Line

Our desire to make revolution is thwarted by a lack of a communist understanding of the women question.

The Comprehensive Crisis in the U.S. and the Revolutionary Way Forward

In the era of an empire in decline, the inhabitants of the belly of the beast find their conditions more and more unbearable.

How social networks became a ‘subsidiary’ of the FBI and CIA

After Trump’s election, U.S. security agencies—aided by political pressure, especially from the Democratic Party—aggressively wormed their way into Twitter’s decision-making processes.

The Ukraine War viewed from the Global South

It’s difficult for Western thought leaders to comprehend that two-thirds of the world’s population is just not lining up with the West in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

7 Marxist films and shows to stream this week

We've compiled a list of seven Marxist (mostly) films and shows available on common streaming platforms.

Today’s New Cold War Is a Fight by Finance Capitalism against Industrial Capitalism

Industrial capitalism is losing the fight to finance capitalism.

US Public Opinion Shifting Sides About Ukraine

People in the US are now closely divided on whether Washington should support Ukraine “as long as it takes.”

The Fed’s Austerity Program to Reduce Wages

Class-war is the prime directive of neoliberal economics.

Time is running out as the threat of nuclear war grows with each day and each new escalation in Ukraine.

The U.S. is already preparing for its next war: on China

The U.S.’s answer to fading imperial hegemony is war – and more of it.

Introduction to the Professional Managerial Class: An excerpt from Virtue Hoarders

The professional managerial class (PMC) has been fighting a class war, not against capitalists or capitalism, but against the working classes.

Excerpt from America Against America: "Radical Organizations"

In 1988, Wang Huning spent six months touring over thirty cities and twenty universities discussing the United States with a variety of Americans and foreigners.

“We're not giving up:”Honoring Janikka Perry one year after her death

This year the holidays were an incredibly difficult time for my family. It was the first Christmas without my daughter, Janikka Perry.

China is not our enemy.

Biden and the Progressive Caucus smash labour strike on behalf of railway barons

The railroad sector posted record profits of $27 billion last year.

The Organization of Competition

Among the absurdities which the bourgeoisie are fond of spreading about Socialism is the allegation that Socialists deny the importance of competition.

Trades’ unions: Their past, present and future

They must convince the world at large that their efforts, far from being narrow and selfish, aim at the emancipation of the downtrodden millions.

The Crisis of Western Imperialism and the Imperative of War and Repression

The world as we know it must change. Humanity cannot survive under imperialist and capitalist structures.

On Strikes

A strike teaches workers to understand what the strength of the employers and what the strength of the workers consists in.

Biden to name Ukraine war general

Biden and Congress are stepping up war spending and expansion, while workers have taken a pay cut of almost 4% this year.

Sewage, roaches, leaks and mold: Photos reveal shocking Arkansas living conditions

Report compiled by tenants and Arkansas Renters United reveals unsuitable living conditions at Jefferson Manor Apartments in North Little Rock.

Karl Marx’s view of the productive forces and its development today

Productive forces reflect the actual capability of men in the process of creating wealth for society and ensuring human development.

Joe Biden Could Have Gone a Lot Further on Student Loans

Teaser: The president’s loan forgiveness plan is narrow and paltry—and his administration’s preparation to fend off outraged criticism from both sides of the aisle speaks volumes.

62% of Americans worried about paying rent in 2023

A June poll reveals American citizens' anxieties on paying for housing in the coming year.

Purchasing power of workers’ wages take biggest tumble in 40 years

Higher interest rates make mortgages, car loans and credit cards more expensive, putting a drag on consumer spending.

Why the Inflation Reduction Act is Less a “Climate Bill” and More a Poison Pill for Black and Indigenous Communities and Movements

Among other problematic issues, the so-called climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act allow for more oil drilling on federal lands. Greenwashing and Democratic party duplicity are nothing to celebrate for Black and Indigenous communities.

Home ownership and the “American Dream” are crushed by Real Estate Investment Trusts

Tennessee assessor cites “equity mining” as harming the poor

Committee promises American Rescue Plan funds to water and wastewater improvement

$270M in grants would address statewide problems with water and wastewater infrastructure if Legislative Council approves

Walter Rodney: A people’s professor

A brief overview of Rodney’s background historical context.

Arkansas income tax rate changes explained

Governor signs bills providing “relief” for some

Nancy Pelosi, White Supremacy, and China

White supremacist arrogance was the order of the day when Nancy Pelosi ignored a red line set by the Chinese government and visited Taiwan. The Speaker of the House showed stereotypical and racist attitudes towards that country and began a chain of events that won't go well for the U.S.

On Marxism and decolonization

The only real decolonization is anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism.

U.S. forces involved in at least 23 proxy wars across the world, new documents suggest

U.S. commandos conducted 23 clandestine proxy wars across the world at a total cost of $310 million between 2017 and 2020.

To Reduce Inflation, Control Corporate Profits

Everyone’s concerned about inflation these days. But politicians are blaming government benefits instead of rising inequality and corporate profits.

The Dialectical Ascension from the Abstract to the Concrete

The difference between abstract and concrete thought in the context of Hegel and Marx.

Six Theses on Imperialism

A multipolar world is rising from the ashes of American imperialism.

Representation is not Enough

Representation, while a noble goal, isn’t enough to liberate women.

Democrats Exposed By the End of Roe v. Wade

The full extent of Democratic Party treachery was exposed when the Roe v. Wade decision was overturned. Only right wing Americans have any expectation of getting what they want from the electoral process.

The White Socialist Left: Seeing a Bleak Future for ‘Black and White Unite and Fight’

White leftists have a history of using class reductionism to ignore racism and even of making common cause with white supremacy itself.

Bosses blame workers for inflation, but it’s really about war and profits

Inflation is a class war waged against the 99% by the elite 1%.

The Political Power of Love

Love demonstrates that the development of the human individual’s personality can take place only through relations with others.

Understanding the “middle class”

Most people identify themselves as middle class, but what does that mean, and what difference does it make?

How Union Workers Lead the Fight for Safer Workplaces

Unions empower workers to help build safer workplaces and ensure they have the freedom to act without fear of reprisal.

On Joining an Organization

Just as there are no perfect revolutionaries, there are no perfect organizations.

Imperialism and Profilicity

The role of profilic morality, ‘wokeism,’ bots and censorship in imperialist narratives.

The Contradictions of Bourgeois Secularism

Capitalism privatizes religion.

There Are Better Ways for Societies to Address Inflation Than by Hiking Interest Rates

The profit-driven concerns of big business fuel the silence about alternative anti-inflation policies.

On Political Participation in Conservative States

We must engage with the American political machine not in hopes of achieving political revolution by reform but motivating the masses to organize and become class conscious.

Book Review: Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation by Marcello Musto

When human labor produces an object, we have objectification. Only under certain historically determined conditions does objectification become alienating.

Book review: In Defense of Housing

From the enclosure of the commons in early modern England to the 20th century trend of deregulation, class war dominates the social relations which determine housing.

Who is leading the United States to war?

The world is sensing the United States’s growing rapacious intent for war. Amid the development of the Ukraine crisis, the United States and NATO have been attempting to escalate their proxy war with Russia while continuing to intensify their siege and provocations against China.

What is the Fetishism of Commodities?

Marx's concept of the fetishism of commodities and the main ways it has been misunderstood.

The Woman Question and The Left

On the left’s attitude towards abortion, women’s healthcare and how the current trend is detrimental to our relationship with proletarian women.

Obama and Liberals Killed Abortion Rights

The revelation that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision has not motivated left-wing democratsto effectively mobilize on an issue they claim to care about. They are made powerless bytheirdependence on liberalism.

The American Healthcare System is Failing Rural America: What’s Causing it and how do we fix it?

The purpose of this analysis is to demystify the healthcare system for American workers, to reveal the contradictions laying at the base of the system and explain how they have led to the system’s many failures.

The U.S. proxy war in Ukraine

The United States (backed by the whole of NATO) is in a long proxy war with Russia, with Ukraine as the battlefield.

COVID-19: the poor people’s pandemic

The Poor People’s Pandemic Report takes a hard look at the intersections between COVID-19, poverty and race in the United States

Unionization spreads across Starbucks outlets in US despite efforts to intimidate workers

According to Starbucks Workers United, which is organizing workers to form unions, workers from over 200 outlets have already approached the National Labor Relations Board for a union vote

The Red Summer of 1919, Explained

“I had been fighting the wrong war. The Germans weren’t the enemy — the enemy was right here at home.”

How Cuba became more literate than the United States

With Cuba’s literacy rate at a staggering low 23 percent in 1960, Castro appeared before the United Nations on September 20 and proclaimed the people of Cuba would eliminate illiteracy in a year. They succeeded.

The Socialist Christian

Socialism and Christianity share more of the same principles than not. They are both, after all, focused on providing care for our neighbors.

Justice for Janikka Perry

On Sunday, January 16th, Janikka Perry came in to work her shift at Walmart despite not feeling well.

Against all odds, workers win first Amazon union in US

After a hard-fought struggle, grassroots labor organizers successfully unionized a New York City warehouse.

Marxism, Radlibs, and Utopian Socialists

To understand the term "radlib" we must first grasp the distinction between Utopian Socialism and Scientific Socialism

Today’s Ukraine War was Made in the West Yesterday

The war-state is deeply embedded in the American political economy, in factions such as the “intelligence community,” the military-industrial complex, influential establishment neo-cons, and liberal interventionists, all living in a world of yesterday.

Corporations Are Suppressing Wages –There’s an Easy Fix for That

Don’t believe the optimistic hype about wages “naturally” rising. About one-third of American workers are shockingly underpaid as a result of the federal government’s continued refusal to raise the minimum wage.

Inside the Chaotic Charter Schools Run by a For-Profit Company

Former teachers and board members say charters run by Accel Schools are designed to fail.

Imperialism and the Weaponization of Empathy

Empathy, like almost every aspect of the psyche when we are disorganized and unconscious, can be weaponized and manipulated by our enemies.

Ukrainian leftist criticizes Western war drive with Russia: US is using Ukraine as ‘cannon fodder’

The US government has meddled in Ukraine for decades. And the Ukrainian people have suffered because of this.

Socialism in the Natural State: Hot Springs Clarion

Amid dueling families, illegal gambling and organized crime, the Hot Springs Clarion gave socialists a voice.

When Did the Ukraine War Begin?

The conflict in Ukraine did not start in February 2022. Its roots go back to the 2014 US coup against the elected president of that country.

For the Exoneration of Dawn Jeffrey

Among the leaders within the Black community who strove to mobilize and unite people during the events of 2020, Dawn Jeffrey is one of the most remarkable.

International Women’s Day

Women’s Day or Working Women’s Day is a day of international solidarity, and a day for reviewing the strength and organization of proletarian women.

Book Review: The Last Years of Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography by Marcello Musto

​Marcello Musto’s The Last Years of Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography provides an illuminating glance at the work and life of Karl Marx during the most unexamined period of his life.

Is Russia imperialist?

Imperialism is not a policy chosen by one government and dropped by another. Imperialism is a system.

What is the Fetishism of Commodities?

Nothing drives such a common sense economist more to distraction than reading Karl Marx who says a commodity is "a very queer thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties."

For African and Colonized Peoples, to Understand Ukraine: De-center Europe and Focus on Imperialism

The conflict in the Ukraine emerges from the ceaseless and single-minded drive of the United States, NATO, and the European Union for global economic and political dominance.

The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2021

The human rights situation in the United States, which has notorious records, worsened in 2021.

The Little Rock Nine Caused a ‘Crack in Time'

This article is based on a speech by Ford to the 62nd Annual Convention of the Arkansas State Conference of the NAACP, in Little Rock.

NATO and Africa: A Relationship of Colonial Violence and Structural White Supremacy

NATO is the means of continuing colonial aggressions against African countries.

Corporations Are Turning Public Schools Into Their Workforce Training ‘Pipelines’

A new study warns that career and technical education and advanced digital systems increasingly lock children into narrow school curricula and prescribed workplace futures.

What You Should Really Know About Ukraine

Media echoed the view that the US should have an active role in Ukrainian politics and enforce its perspective through military threats.

PSL Statement: No War on Russia! Abolish NATO!

The Party for Socialism and Liberation condemns the anti-Russia campaign and calls for an end to the imperialist NATO alliance.

Dialectical materialism: Why should American workers care?

Not only are children in American schools taught what to think, they are taught – intentionally or not – how to think.

Socialism in the Natural State: Newspapers of the socialists of Paragould

An overview of two socialist newspapers out of Paragould, AR around the turn of the 20th century.

Got some downtime? Read some theory: Marxist writings sorted by reading time

The study of proletarian theory is more important now than ever.

Why the Left has to Seize Power

If full-fledged consent is to be gained for the socialist project, the proletariat must occupy and transform political society.

How Young Workers Are Being Exploited in the COVID-19 Economy

Employers increasingly look to exploit labor of adolescents.

Dialectical Materialism Is the Worldview and Methodology of Chinese Communists

We need to study and understand Marxist philosophy so that we may enhance our ability to resolve fundamental issues in the new era.

What “Free” Education Costs in the Imperial Core

The capitalist-ran U.S. state refuses to provide workers free healthcare, free transportation, or free housing…so why are we granted a free public education?

Examining the Gulf Between the Left and the Working Class in the U.S.

The three central flaws observed in the dominant socialist left.

America’s Neoliberal Financialization Policy vs. China’s Industrial Socialism

Why U.S. finance capitalism treats China’s socialist economy as an existential treat

Combat Liberalism

Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.

Why Young Workers Are Driving a Wave of Unionization

“This is about our future and the future of those who come after us…”

Racism, Imperialism, and Medical Practices: The Tuskegee and Guatemalan Syphilis Studies

Science is not apolitical.

The Culture of Survival: Christopher Lasch’s “Minimal Self”

As an increasingly limited political and economic atmosphere provides little to no real avenues of change, people turn into themselves and seek only to withstand the worst of our system. There’s little space for personal or social betterment.

Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear

You just haven’t noticed because you’re still allowed to watch Netflix or buy a gun or say whatever you want to say within a small impotent online echo chamber.

Russia Doesn’t Want to Be Our Enemy

Russia doesn’t want war in Ukraine, and they certainly don’t want NATO inching closer to their doorstep.

Starving in Abundance

Every year 9 million people starve to death globally. Simultaneously, in the United States alone, 80 billion lbs. of food are thrown away each year. These statistics are what originally drove me to become a Socialist.

Dialectical Materialism

The whole history of philosophy is the history of the struggle and the development of two mutually opposed schools of philosophy -- idealism and materialism.

The Science of Society: Major Principles of Marxism

Marxism is a science. Or, more precisely, Marxism is a social science. Or, even more precisely, Marxism is THE social science, the science that shows how unscientific liberal social sciences are, by genuinely explaining how things happen in society and why.

The Materialist Basis of Education

The future victories of the working class lie not so much in their numbers, but in the knowledge they possess and the ability to intelligently organize and act together on the political and economic fields.

The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism

Marxism is the legitimate successor to the best that man produced in the nineteenth century, as represented by German philosophy, English political economy and French socialism. It is these three sources of Marxism, which are also its component parts that we shall outline in brief.

Illegal and Inhumane: Biden-Harris and Immigration

It is the U.S. that has created or greatly contributed to the economic, climatic, and political instability in many of these Latin American and Caribbean countries. As in Afghanistan, the U.S. has the moral and legal obligation to respond humanely to this desperate cry for help.

Materialism, Contradiction and the Philosophy of Art

In any attempt to understand contemporary culture and its artistic manifestations in a materialist manner it is absolutely essential that we attempt to do so in the light of a Marxist critique. There is not, however, only one "official" Marxist approach to the understanding of art.

The Minutiae and Microscopic Anatomies of Capital: Examining Marx’s Commodity Form

In Marx’s ambitious work Capital: Critique of Political Economy he has a daunting goal: to describe the functioning of capitalism that corrects the blindness of the preceding political economists that he had encountered.

Understanding the Bourgeois State

In a lecture delivered at the Sverdlov University on July 11, 1919, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov remarked , “The state is a machine for maintaining the rule of one class over another.”

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

First published in 1880 (in French), Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is mostly extracted from a longer work by Engels called Anti-Dühring. Engels’ goal with this shorter polemic was to popularize the Marxist position of scientific socialism against idealist notions of utopian socialism.

A Critique of Western Marxism’s Purity Fetish

Western Marxism suffers largely from the same symptom as Scott Fitzgerald’s Jay Gatsby – each’s fixation on perfection and purity leaves perpetually unfulfilled all that it claims to desire.

Capitalism and Depression

Healthy eating, exercise, meditation, consuming positive content, and therapy are all great ways to break out of the depressive thought cycle. However, human beings must also look at the system of production we have created, which is currently leaving so many feeling depressed and hopeless.

On Contradiction

The law of contradiction in things, that is, the law of the unity of opposites, is the basic law of materialist dialectics.

The Democrats in D.C. Promised Consequential Racial Justice Reform — Where Is It?

The message to Black Americans expecting more progress has largely been to wait—for a better political opportunity, for the racial wealth gap to widen, for another Black American to die at the hands of the police.

Amid wave of US labor unrest, Little Rock worker claims mistreatment of employees and unpaid wages at Three Fold

Reports of tip withholding, abusive treatment, lack of overtime pay, and a firing due to pointing out these issues illustrate a pattern of employee mistreatment at Three Fold.

Tyson’s Helping Hands Fund is “cruelty at its max” – and a model for worker-powered strike funds

Tyson's attempt at providing a grant for its employees ends up being a cruel, means-tested mess – and an interesting model for organizing.

What Can We Learn from the Texas, USA Snowstorm Disaster?

Yu Kuang unpacks the tragic February 2021 Texas snowstorm through a socialist lens. Far from a “natural” disaster or an exceptional state failure, Yu reads the tragedy as the logical outcome of a superstitious U.S. devotion to small government, “state’s rights,” and the abdication of political responsibility under a diffused federalist system.

The U.S. is Set on a Path to War with China. What Is to be Done?

In this meticulously researched exposé, KJ Noh traces the genealogy of U.S. geopolitical strategy in Asia and the Pacific, giving us an inside view of both the realpolitik of U.S. imperial expansion and the architects behind it. Concluding with an analysis of 21st century U.S. total informational warfare, Noh argues that the path to a kinetic war against China has been decades in the making. Once triggered, it could rapidly turn nuclear.

“Radical self-responsibility”: An interview with Don at Lulu’s Food worker cooperative

In this interview with worker-owner Don, he talks about the struggles and benefits of the worker-owned cooperative model.

Jane McAlevey: How to achieve 100% strike

In this interview conducted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, organizer Jane McAlevey explains how workers can recognize their power and effectively build structures in their workplaces and communities.

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: Walton-Funded Forces in Arkansas Education

Here in Arkansas, we believe education is a human right. Right now, though, a lot of the decisions about education in Arkansas are being unduly influenced by the heirs to the Walmart fortune, the Walton family.

Taking democracy seriously: Beyond the Little Rock School District

The Little Rock School District's ongoing struggles with the forces of privatization have the people of our city rallied around our public teachers and the institutions they represent. With this clear affront to the public space in mind, we must ask ourselves: why do we allow private capital to get between humans and any basic requirement like housing or healthcare?

Fred Hampton on action without education

In this excerpt from the documentary The Murder of Fred Hampton, Fred Hampton explains the importance of getting educated on historical leftist struggles before building out a plan for action.

How tax policy created the 1%

From the 1920s to today, American tax policy has evolved to reflect one principle—the investor comes first — with disastrous implications for the rest of us.

Mississippi's low homelessness rate: Too good to be true? - Arkansas Worker (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.