vs. Credit Karma: Personal Finance Showdown (2024) and Credit Karma are two popular personal finance apps that have a few similarities, but a number of key differences. Here, I compare the two, noting what each service does, how it works, and how each can benefit you. While I put Credit Karma and Mint head-to-head, they are not mutually exclusive apps, and there's a strong case for using both of them. Yet, they differ in how and when you should rely on them.

What Is Credit Karma?

Credit Karma($0.00 at Credit Karma) is a personal finance service that lets you retrieve your credit report and score from two credit reporting agencies, updated as often as once per week. Credit Karma also offers a few other features, which I explain later, but credit reports and scores are the main attraction.

Can you get your credit report for free elsewhere, without having to sign up for Credit Karma? Yes. As per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, US consumers can access their credit reports (but not scores) for free, once per year, from each of the three credit reporting bureaus, via a site called To be sure you're reaching the right site, it's best to start from the .gov site for credit reports, which links to

If you space out your three free requests guaranteed by law over the course of a year, you can check your credit report once every four months. With Credit Karma, however, the reports and scores update as often as once per week. Therefore, Credit Karma has two key benefits: (1) It helps you keep an eye on your credit report more frequently for errors, and (2) it provides you credit scores, which you do not get for free through the other method.

The credit scores come from Equifax and TransUnion, which use a system called VantageScore 3.0. That score is not the same as a FICO score, although they use many similar data points and the same scale. A FICO score is the rating most lenders use to assess whether you are a high-risk customer or a safe bet. The term FICO comes from the organization that created it, Fair Isaac Corporation, in the 1950s. For several decades, FICO had no real competitors, as VantageScore has only been around since 2006. To understand the differences between FICO and VantageScore, see personal finance writer Bev O'Shea's explanation.

What Is (usually just referred to as Mint) is also categorized as a personal finance service. Its main attraction is how it gives you visibility into all your financial accounts in one place.

Mint shows you both the big picture and the fine details. You get a single snapshot of your financial health across the many accounts you have at different institutions, such as credit cards, checking and savings accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts, loans, and so forth. Mint consolidates the activity and balances into one place, meaning you can easily see your net worth and total debts owed.

You get fine details, too. Mint displays every line item transaction that occurred in your accounts; in fact people who avidly use Mint often check the app simply to review their spending. You can easily verify that each and every transaction was one that you authorized or knew occur, including late fees, pending charges, credits to your accounts, and so forth.

Mint offers a lot more, too, as it strives to be a one-stop shop for all your daily personal finance needs. It has tools for creating monthly budgets, managing bills, setting long-term financial goals, and more.

Mint also offers a free credit score and a full credit report, although it doesn't advertise the credit report as such. More on that in a bit.

Price and Availability

Both Mint and Credit Karma are free to use. Their associated apps are free to install, too. In setting up the accounts, you are not asked for a credit card number, so you can be sure there will never be any sneaky charges from either company.

Both have apps for iOS and Android, as well as a web app. Some functionality is only available in the web app, and that's true for both Mint and Credit Karma.

Security and Privacy

Mint and Credit Karma have fairly transparent terms of use, plus detailed security and privacy statements. If you are very concerned about your privacy and security, you should take the time to read these statements before deciding whether to use either service.

Are Credit Karma and Mint 100 percent foolproof? No. I say that because no online service can be 100 percent infallible. Both companies take serious measures to keep your personal information secure. Neither Mint nor Credit Karma stands out to me as being markedly better or worse than the other in this category.

Mint is owned by Intuit, a large software company that specializes in business and financial services. Intuit has a long and solid reputation in the financial software sector, as it is the same company behind QuickBooks, TurboTax, as well as accounting and payroll software. Credit Karma's history and experience in the financial services sector isn't quite as deep, although the company has had some form of credit monitoring service on the market since 2008. It is not a fly-by-night startup.

As with most sites, you should always protect your account with a strong username and password, and never reuse that password for any other account, as that's the easiest way to get hacked. Use a password manager, many of which are free, so that you don't have to invent hard passwords and remember them yourself.

It seems pertinent to mention that Equifax (used by both Credit Karma and Mint) doesn't have a stellar reputation as of late. In September 2017, the company announced a data breach, after additional investigation, potentially affects 147 million people. That is about half the adult population of the entire United States. (The breach primarily puts US residents at risk, but a small number of people in the UK and Canada are included, too.) If Equifax's breach leads you to want to avoid using the company's services, the sad fact is that it would take a lot of conscientious reading of fine print and perhaps a time machine to do so. If you've ever applied for any kind of credit card, financial account, or personal finance app, it might already be too late.

Personal Information Required

To sign up for Mint, you need an email address, and you have to create a password. Beyond that, how much personal information you provide is up to you, as many of the site's features are optional. For example, when it comes to connecting your financial accounts, you are under no obligation to connect them all. If you don't want Mint to know that you have a secret investment account, you can choose to not add it. Likewise, if you don't want to receive free monthly updated credit scores, which requires additional personal information, you don't have to opt into the credit score feature.

Credit Karma is quite different. Its core service is to give you your credit reports and scores, and to get those you have to provide a lot of detail, including date of birth, last four digits of your social security number, current address, and more. Additionally, you must answer questions to verify your identity, such as, "Which of these has never been your phone number?" These questions are common for any credit report inquiry. If you don't provide these details, you can't get an account with Credit Karma.

How Do Mint and Credit Karma Make Money?

Credit Karma and Mint both make money through targeted advertising. When you use these services, they can see all kinds of details about your financial situation, such as how much interest you pay on loans and how much interest you earn with savings accounts. Because Mint and Credit Karma know this kind of information, they can show you ads for new financial services that are better. For example, if you have a credit card with a high interest rate, you'll probably see an ad for a credit card with a lower interest rate. When you actually sign up for a new account through one of these targeted offers, Mint or Credit Karma get paid by the company offering the product.

When I emailed with a spokesperson from each company, they went into further detail. Mint's spokesperson explained that Mint "does not sell, publish or share data entrusted to us by a customer that identifies the customer or any person." I interpret this statement to say that any data Mint sells or shares about its customers is anonymized. The spokesperson added, "Mint now has advertising on its website and also maintains revenue sharing relationships with select partners."

Credit Karma's spokesperson told me by email, "We have never and will never sell or share our members' data, including with our banking partners." I followed up to ask whether that includes anonymized data, and the representative confirmed that it does.

One piece of the puzzle I still couldn't place is how Credit Karma manages to get people's credit reports and scores so frequently and give them away for free. The spokesperson confirmed, "Essentially, we buy them from the bureaus and give them away for free."

A consumer credit expert I spoke with, Barry Paperno, speculated that Credit Karma and other companies like it (WalletHub, Credit Sesame, and so forth) buy these credit scores in bulk at a low rate and make up for the cost with all the money they earn on revenue-sharing from targeted advertisem*nts and offers.

Both Mint and Credit Karma's spokespeople offered more specifics on why their companies' targeted advertising is unique. When someone with a Mint account signs up to get credit scores through the app, a short intake form asks questions about their financial goals and plans. If that person is using the credit score aspect of Mint in order to get a mortgage or car loan, Mint won't show credit card offers in that context, because applying for credit cards isn't the best way to prepare your credit for a mortgage application.

Credit Karma's spokesperson made a case for why that app's targeted offers are unique. She said that Credit Karma uses data from its 60 million members' credit profiles and tax information to show the right ads. "Credit data is a huge factor in knowing if you're likely to be approved for a credit card or loan. We also work very closely with our partners, so we have unique insights into their underwriting processes, which also allows us to make better recommendations for saving people money."

Targeted Offers, A User's Perspective

As for whether the targeted ads are truly useful from a user's perspective, I've had mixed experiences with both sites.

Mint, for example, clued me in that I could bump up my credit score a few ticks if I opened a few more credit cards. So I did. I used one of Mint's recommendations because I trusted that it knew a lot about my habits and personal financial situation. And it does, but there are limits. The card I got charges a foreign transaction fee (that's on me for not reading all the fine print closely). I make a lot of credit card purchases that are not in USDs. Mint sees my transactions, but it wasn't smart enough to weed out card offers that penalized me for shopping abroad.

Credit Karma at first impressed me with a little section it includes on its advertisem*nts that lists the pros and cons of the offer. In particular, I noticed it had flagged foreign transaction fees as a con. However, Credit Karma messed up when it tried to play on my fears by telling me I could be saving around $700 if I were to get a credit card with a lower interest rate. Credit Karma didn't seem to realize that I pay all my credit cards in full, and always have. So I pay $0 in interest. A new card with a lower rate wouldn't do me any good.

Credit Scores, Reports, and Monitoring

Credit Karma is focused on giving details about your credit scores and report, whereas Mint provides less in that area. Credit Karma pulls your full credit report and credit score from two sources, Equifax and TransUnion, as often as once a week.

Mint says it only shows your credit score, not your credit report (that's not completely accurate; I'll explain in a moment), and the score is only from one source, Equifax. Mint updates your credit score no more than once per month. While Mint doesn't technically provide credit reports, you see nearly everything that would be in a full credit report as you drill into the details of your credit score. In Mint, I can see credit inquiries made, derogatory remarks, credit usage, and so forth.

At the account level, Mint once again displays everything I'd expect to see in a full credit report, such as account usage (as a percent), account status, account type, date opened, limit, balance, highest balance, a chart showing usage over time, a table showing status for each month's payment over the last several years, and so forth.

I asked Mint's spokesperson how this information differs from a full credit report, and effectively, she said it doesn't. It's really a matter of design. Currently, the information doesn't look like a credit report, so rather than confuse people, Mint doesn't draw attention to it. "We're working to present the credit score and report information in a holistic view," she told me by email.

As mentioned, neither app shows your FICO score. The numbers they provide are based on the VantageScore 3.0 system. Depending on your financial past, your FICO score and VantageScore could be totally different. You can pay to get your FICO score (or really, scores, plural, because there are more than one), but it's expensive. charges $29.95 per month. You get credit monitoring and a whole bunch of other stuff, but my god, is that expensive!

Credit Karma says it offers both credit and identity monitoring, in addition to providing credit scores and reports. If you elect to receive updates, the service emails you when it notices changes to your TransUnion or Equifax reports. In my experience, it works all right, but it's slow. For example, I recently received a notice from another credit monitoring service called MyIDCare about a week after I had filed a change of address with the US Post Office. Credit Karma hasn't gotten that memo yet, however. Previous address changes from several months earlier did appear on my credit report, giving me hope that the new one will eventually show up. In any event, the lag time for the update is longer with CreditKarma than what I experienced with MyIDCare.

Mint doesn't include credit monitoring. You can purchase it as a separate service for $16.99 per month.

Does Using a Credit Score App Lower My Credit Score?

You may have heard that anytime someone checks your credit report, it lowers your score. So, it's easy to believe that using Mint or Credit Karma, which both get your credit scores frequently, will continually lower your score. That's not accurate. The system is a little more complicated. When you use Credit Karma or Mint, those credit reports are considered soft inquiries. Soft inquiries do not affect your credit score or report. When individuals want to check their own credit reports, those are soft inquiries. Other examples of soft inquiries are when a bank pre-approves you (and usually a bunch of other people in your demographic) for a loan or a credit card. When you actually apply for a new account, that's a hard inquiry, which does affect your credit report and score.

I asked Paperno why people sometimes get pre-approved for an account, but then at the point of hard inquiry, they're denied. He gave a number of reasons.

For starters, your credit score can fluctuate daily, although usually not by more than a few points. If you were a borderline "pass" on the soft inquiry, a few weeks later when the company runs your numbers again, your score might swing in the other direction and dip to the "fail" side. Another reason is that the soft inquiry could have been based on VantageScore, while the hard inquiry might use FICO. Yet another reason is that the criteria are tougher at the hard inquiry. A soft inquiry might just show your credit score is a "pass," while a closer look during the hard inquiry might reveal that you filed for bankruptcy eight years ago. Certain credit scores only look at so many years' worth of data, while other kinds of inquiries can pull your entire, unfettered history.

Everything I just explained is relevant, because it leads to the question, "Do you need to check your credit score every single week?" which is the frequency that Credit Karma advertises. The answer is... it depends. For most people, the answer is no. Paperno confirmed that big changes in your credit score take months or years to attain. But as mentioned, smaller fluctuations can happen daily (credit card usage, for example, can cause your score to rise or drop a few points in a short amount of time). There may be cases in which people need to know their credit score more frequently than that, but then they would have to consider whether tracking their FICO score would be a better option.

Manage Money and Keep a Budget

Mint offers tools for tracking all your spending and for setting budgets. It suggests budgets in different categories based on your spending history. With Mint, you can carefully classify all transactions. For example, if you have dinner at a hotel restaurant, the charge will likely be categorized automatically as "hotel" or even "travel." With Mint, you can change it to "restaurant." When you appropriately classify all your transactions, it becomes really easy to see where and how you spend your money and then set limits on certain categories of spending to meet financial goals.

Credit Karma doesn't have anything nearly so advanced. It has a rudimentary spend-tracking feature on its website, and a version of that feature is visible in the iPhone app, although it's not optimized for a phone screen. The tools are rudimentary, and as of this writing, they aren't worth using.


Mint is hands-down more adept with alerts than Credit Karma. Credit Karma has email alerts that tell you when your credit report changes, but it doesn't have any mobile alerts for other financial transactions.

Mint does. You can customize alerts, too. For example, you could create an alert so that your phone notifies you whenever any transaction greater than $1,000 occurs. Mint can remind you when bills are due, when you're nearing your budget in any given category, and more. It also alerts you when a new credit score is available.

Find Unclaimed Money

One neat service that Credit Karma offers but Mint does not is a search tool that looks for unclaimed money owed to you in different states. You enter your name, or anyone's name really, as well as the state you want to search, and the tool looks for possible matches.

When I searched for my name in several states where I lived, I didn't find any unclaimed money, but I did hit plenty of results for people with a name similar to mine. For most states, you can see the name, city, and state of the person, plus the amount they're owed. You can also drill down to see who is obligated to pay it. Money can come from many different sources, such as tax refunds or credits issued to you if you were ever charged for services you didn't use.

Mint doesn't have any tools for helping you find and reclaim money owed to you.

Pay Your Bills

Mint offers bill payment and Credit Karma does not. Mint's opt-in service allows you to set up connections between your payment methods and service providers you use, so that you can pay multiple bills from the Mint app or website. You have the option to set up automatic bill pay or to log into Mint each time a bill is due, to customize and initiate the payment. When you use Mint Bills, as it's called, you can also track and manage bills that are offline and cash-based, such as paying babysitters, dog walkers, and so forth.

Once your bills are logged and saved in Mint, the app begins sending you reminders before each payment is due. Because you have the ability to initiate the payment on the spot, Mint helps you avoid late payment fees. And because you can see all your account balances in Mint, it's easier to make sure you don't overdraw an account when making payments.

Mint Bills is one of Mint's newest features, and it's the only part of the app that lets you initiate money transfers. It's optional to use, so if you aren't comfortable with making payments from a third-party app, you can certainly skip it. But it's a valuable service that makes Mint a well-rounded personal finance app. Credit Karma, which focuses on credit reports and scores, doesn't offer anything like this.

Set Financial Goals

Mint has tools for setting financial goals. In Mint, you can set up a goal and get help defining it. For example, you can tell Mint that your goal is to buy a home. Mint offers calculators for figuring out the amount you need to save and what you can afford. You can also set a deadline for when you want to have the money, and Mint suggests a monthly amount to set aside. Over time, it keeps track of your progress. Mint has specialized tools that are similar for saving for retirement and other common financial goals.

Credit Karma doesn't have specific tools for setting or managing financial goals.

Manage Your Money, Control Your Credit

On a day-to-day basis, Mint is a more useful personal finance app than Credit Karma. Mint gives you visibility for every non-cash transaction that occurs across all your accounts, as well as tools for manually adding cash-based exchanges. Budgets update in real time in accordance with your actual spending, which means Mint provides information that can steer your spending. It's easy to glance at the Mint mobile app for personalized information about your financial situation before making any purchases.

Additionally, Mint lets you enter your financial goals, whether that means getting out of student loan debt or saving up for a down payment on a property. The mere fact that they exist in the app at all means you end up looking at them and thinking about them regularly, and that's an important feat when it comes to long-term financial goals.

Credit Karma, meanwhile, focuses almost exclusively on your credit report and credit history, which is much less useful on a day-to-day basis. Maintaining a good credit score and report, or fixing a poor one, takes time and is a long-term effort. Credit Karma does a good job educating people about what goes into a credit report and how those factors affect your credit. Credit Karma also pulls your credit report and score from two sources, whereas Mint uses just one. It also alerts you via email when something on your credit report changes.

As I stated previously, Mint and Credit Karma are not mutually exclusive services. Both can add value to one's financial life. Mint does a better job of providing assistance at the daily level, whereas Credit Karma comes in handy much less regularly. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use it, though. And there's no reason you can't sign up for both services. It won't hurt your credit report or credit score to do so. Still, Mint is the app you want to keep on your phone for checking transactions, budgets, bills, and managing all the minutiae of your financial life.

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About Jill Duffy

Columnist and Deputy Managing Editor, Software

I've been contributing to PCMag since 2011 and am currently the deputy managing editor for the software team. My column, Get Organized, has been running on PCMag since 2012. It gives advice on how to manage all the devices, apps, digital photos, email, and other technology that can make you feel like you're going to have a panic attack.

My latest book is The Everything Guide to Remote Work, which goes into great detail about a subject that I've been covering as a writer and participating in personally since well before the COVID-19 pandemic.

I specialize in apps for productivity and collaboration, including project management software. I also test and analyze online learning services, particularly for learning languages.

Prior to working for PCMag, I was the managing editor of Game Developer magazine. I've also worked at the Association for Computing Machinery, The Examiner newspaper in San Francisco, and The American Institute of Physics. I was once profiled in an article in Vogue India alongside Marie Kondo.

Follow me on Mastodon.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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