Mindful Eating: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies (2024)

Mindful Eating: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies (1)

Have you ever watched a television show only to realize you do not remember the plot or the storyline? Have you ever had a telephone conversation only to hang up and not remember what was talked about? If you answered yes to these questions, you are like many other people who go through the motions of day-to-day life without paying attention. We have all experienced situations in which our minds wander due to deadlines, upcoming events, family issues, etc., because we often think about past, present, and future concerns. Mindfulness is a practice which focuses on the awareness of thoughts, emotions, and sensations of the body in the present moment, without judgment. Mindfulness has been found to be associated with positive psychological well-being, and has shown to benefit individuals and their eating behaviors (Chang, Huang, & Lin, 2015; Keng, Smoski, & Robins, 2011). Mindfulness can help us recognize preoccupations and inspire us to return to the present (Armand, 2015).

Mindful Eating: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies (2)

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating focuses on wellness and how we eat, not what we eat. It involves paying attention and being fully aware of what we are thinking and feeling when we eat. Mindful eating involves eating slower and more deliberately, avoiding distractions while eating, listening to the body’s hunger and fullness cues, eating foods that are both pleasing and nourishing, and being aware of and acknowledging our response to foods (Martin, Prichard, Hutchinson, & Wilson, 2013; Mathieu, 2009). We do not necessarily overeat because we are hungry. We often overeat because meals have become a social experience that we share with family and friends. Distractions in the form of televisions, computers, phones, and social media also contribute to overeating because we are not paying attention or being mindful of the amount of food we are consuming. Employing mindful eating techniques allows individuals to become more aware and responsive to hunger and fullness cues, and environmental distractions (Martin, Prichard, Hutchinson, & Wilson, 2013).

Benefits of Mindful Eating

Mindfulness can create a healthy relationship to food and allow us to choose food that is both pleasing and nourishing (Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria Inc., 2014). Incorporating mindful eating practices has been shown to have benefits for individuals including:

  • a renewed sense of hunger and fullness
  • weight loss management and maintenance
  • improved self-esteem
  • a sense of empowerment

Challenges of Mindful Eating

Incorporating mindful eating practices can be challenging with the fast paced environments that we live in day to day. We have challenging work schedules, child care responsibilities, and family commitments. These responsibilities, coupled with the increase and convenience of fast food restaurants, can pose challenges as we attempt to include mindful eating practices into our lives. Living in a world with an emphasis placed on productivity increases the temptation of grabbing fast food for a quick meal or snacking on convenient, unhealthy snacks while we work (Mathieu, 2009).

Strategies for Incorporating Mindful Eating

Incorporating mindful eating practices into our lives can be challenging. We must modify our environment, and alter our thought processes. The following strategies can help you successfully practice mindful eating and create long-term eating patterns (Armand, 2015).

  1. Ask and Reflect. Before eating, ask yourself: am I hungry, am I thirsty, what do I want to eat/drink? Reflect on how you feel: rushed, stressed, sad, bored (Armand, 2015).
  2. Use smaller plates. The less you see, the less you eat. Smaller plates allow you to more easily control portion size (Armand, 2015).
  3. Don’t clean your plate. Don’t stuff yourself. It is okay to leave food on your plate. Stop eating when you feel full, save leftovers for later, or throw out the last few bites.
  4. Smaller serving utensils. The use of smaller serving utensils encourages the consumption of less food.
  5. Out of sight, out of mind. You can prevent second and third servings by moving serving bowls and entrees away from the dinner table.
  6. Easy access. Keep healthy food choices, such as fruits and vegetables, readily available in cabinets, cupboards, and the refrigerator to encourage mindful healthy eating habits.
  7. Control portions. Purchase items in smaller, single serving packages to control overeating. Don’t eat right from a large box or bag.
  8. Eat when you’re hungry. Let hunger cues guide your eating, not your emotions. Substitute a physical activity for a snack until you are actually hungry.
  9. Keep a mindful food journal. Write down what you eat and what was happening at the time to identify food triggers – hunger, stress, excitement or boredom.
  10. Slow down. During each meal, chew slowly and savor every bite. Try putting your fork down between bites to slow down your eating. Drinking water between bites also gives the body enough time to signal to the brain that it’s satisfied, not stuffed.
  11. Sit down and pay attention. Don’t multitask. Remove technology from the dinner table. By eating at the dinner table and not in front of the TV or computer, you can better track how much food you have consumed.


Mindful eating can be a useful tool that aids in focusing on present thoughts and feelings as you eat. By employing mindful eating techniques, you have the opportunity to change your current eating habits by becoming more self-aware and in tune to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Mindful eating can enrich the eating sensory experience as well as reduce less healthy food consumption (Arch, Brown, Goodman, Porta, Kiken, & Tillman, 2016). Because of our fast paced environment, there are challenges that accompany mindful eating that can lead to unhealthy food choices. However, the incorporation of useful strategies helps to combat the challenges and allows for the inclusion of mindful eating practices.


  • Arch, J. J., Brown, K. W., Goodman, R. J., Porta, M. D. D., Kiken, L. G., Tillman, S. (2016). Enjoying food without caloric cost: The impact of brief mindfulness on laboratory eating outcomes. Behavior Research and Therapy, 79, 23-34.
  • Armand, W. (2015). 10 tips for mindful eating-just in time for the holidays. Harvard Health
    Publications. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/10-tips-for-mindful-eating-just-in-time-for-the-holidays-201511248698
  • Chang, J. H., Huang, C. L., & Lin, Y. C. (2015). Mindfulness, basic psychological needsfulfillment, and well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(5), 1149-1162.
  • Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria Inc. (2014). Mindful eating. Retrieved from https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/EDV-Mindful-eating.pdf
  • Keng, S. L., Smoski, M. J., & Robins, C. J. (2011). Effects of mindfulness on psychological health:
    A review of empirical studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 1041-1056.
  • Martin, R., Prichard, I., Hutchinson, A. D., & Wilson, C. (2013). The role of body awareness and mindfulness in the relationship between exercise and eating behavior. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35, 655-660.
  • Mathieu, J. (2009). What should you know about mindful and intuitive eating? Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(12), 1982-1987.


Cindy Nelson,ExtensionAssociate Professor, Beaver County;Shannon Cromwell,ExtensionAssociate Professor, Sanpete County

Cindy Nelson

Extension Associate Professor | Health and Wellness | 4-H and Youth | Beaver County

Home and Community Department

Phone: 435-438-6452

Office Location: Beaver County Extension Office

Shannon Cromwell

Extension Associate Professor | Sanpete County

Home and Community Department

Phone: (435)-283-3472

Office Location: Sanpete County Extension

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Mindful Eating: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies (2024)


What are the benefits of mindfulness eating? ›

Benefits of mindful eating
  • Increased awareness of hunger and fullness. ...
  • Weight loss. ...
  • Stress reduction. ...
  • Better digestion. ...
  • Reduced overeating and binge eating. ...
  • Increased satisfaction with food. ...
  • Healthier food choices.
Aug 12, 2021

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SCORE YOURSELF: Add up your answers and divide the total by 20 (or if you didn't answer all the questions, by the number you answered). Your score will be a number between 1 and 4. ANALYZE YOUR SCORE: A higher number (closer to 4) reflects more mindfulness (and freedom) in your eating behaviors.

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10 Mindful Eating Journal Prompts and Reflection Questions
  • How would I describe my current relationship with food? ...
  • What do I enjoy about my current relationship with food? ...
  • What do I dislike about my current relationship with food? ...
  • What does hunger feel like to me? ...
  • Do emotions ever impact my eating habits?
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3Rs of healthy eating
  • Remove/Reject.
  • Reduce and.
  • Replace.
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How can mindful eating help you? ›

Benefits of mindful eating

Being mindful of the food you eat can promote better digestion, keep you full with less food, and influence wiser choices about what you eat in the future. It can also help you free yourself from unhealthy habits around food and eating.

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Health Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness-based treatments have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. There's also evidence that mindfulness can lower blood pressure and improve sleep. It may even help people cope with pain.

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Seven practices of mindful eating
  • Honor the food. Acknowledge where the food was grown and who prepared the meal. ...
  • Engage all senses. ...
  • Serve in modest portions. ...
  • Savor small bites, and chew thoroughly. ...
  • Eat slowly to avoid overeating. ...
  • Don't skip meals. ...
  • Eat a plant-based diet, for your health and for the planet.

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The Mindful Eating Behavior Scale can be used to measure four different domains of attentive mindful eating: Focused Eating (5 items), Eating in response to Hunger and Satiety Cues (5 items), Eating with Awareness (3 items), and Eating Without Distraction (4 items).

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Fundamentally, mindful eating involves:
  • eating slowly and without distraction.
  • listening to physical hunger cues and eating only until you're full.
  • distinguishing between true hunger and non-hunger triggers for eating.
  • engaging your senses by noticing colors, smells, sounds, textures, and flavors.
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What is mindful eating in simple words? ›

Mindful eating (i.e., paying attention to our food, on purpose, moment by moment, without judgment) is an approach to food that focuses on individuals' sensual awareness of the food and their experience of the food.

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Mindful eating follows on the premise of making conscious choices regarding food, in turn developing an awareness of your own physical and psychological satiety and hunger cues. This then allows us to eat in a healthy manner, in response to these cues.

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The 8 Most Mindful Foods
  • The 8 Most Mindful Foods.
  • Pomegranates. A whole pomegranate may be THE most mindful food I can think of. ...
  • Pistachios. Pistachios and other shelled nuts require a little (or a lot of) work. ...
  • Artichokes. ...
  • Coconuts. ...
  • Oranges. ...
  • Grapefruits. ...
  • Edamame (in pods)
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Try the 5 S's

Sit, slow down, savor, simplify, and smile: These are the basic tenets of mindful eating, and with some practice, they'll become second nature before you know it. "Sit down when you eat," advises Albers.

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Using our five senses to experience food is a great starting point for mindful eating. o What are the five senses and how can we use them when enjoying our food? o Touch: temperature, texture, is it juicy? o Sight: colour/texture, shape, can you determine temperature by what you see? (frost/steam) o Hear: does it make ...

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Research has demonstrated that mindful eating can lead to greater psychological well-being, increased pleasure when eating, and improved body satisfaction. By being present and aware during meals, patients can better recognize feelings of fullness, reduce overeating, and make more conscious and healthful food choices.

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Being mindful of the foods you eat encourages you to pay attention to the aromas, textures, flavours and taste of food. Pay attention to your likes and dislikes using these senses. This may help connect you to your eating experience and be more conscious of the food you are eating.

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Mindful eating has been shown to reduce emotional and external eating, which can be beneficial for weight management ( 26 ). It may also help you learn to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger to prevent overeating and foster improved awareness of your food choices ( 9 ).

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Mindful eating is similar to other kinds of intentional practices, like meditation and breath work. It helps to keep us in the moment and connected with our body's hunger and fullness cues, as well as our feelings outside of the meal. Mindful eating is about being curious and present.

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Mindful eating can help you eat more slowly and control your cravings. Here are some potential benefits of eating mindfully: Your brain has time to realize you've eaten enough, which can take about 20 minutes. You may eat less food and fewer calories.

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