Microfinance Company Registration: Guide to RBI Compliance (2024)

Overview of Microfinance Company Registration

The term Microfinance Company (MFC) basically means an entity that is engaged in providing financialassistance and help to the rural people, low income strata, and the backward and undeveloped sectionof the society. That means the main objective of this business model is to offer access of thebanking facilities to every section of the society. However, to start a MFC in India, one needs tofirst acquire a Microfinance Company Registration from the RBI.

Further, it shall be noted that a microfinance institution or a company is a Non Deposit Taking NBFCand is separate and distinct from section 8 company. Also, the operations and affairs of aMicrofinance Institution are governed and regulated by the provisions of the Reserve Bank of IndiaAct 1934 and the directions issued thereunder.

Role for Microfinance Institution

The key role and responsibilities of a Microfinance Institution are as follows:

  • Renders Financial Assistance to the Low Income Strata;
  • Offers Banking Facilities to the Rural, Semi Rural, and Backward Areas of Society;

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Regulations Governing the Model of Microfinance Institution

The regulations governing the Model of Microfinance Institution can be summarised as:

RBI Compliance

The term RBI Compliance denoted the guidelines passed concerning the affairs ans operation of theMicrofinance Companies.

Further, it shall be significant to mention that a Microfinance Company is exempt from satisfying theRBI requirements. However, it requires adhering to the rules prescribed by the RBI concerningMicrofinance Companies.

Companies Act 2013

It shall be noted that if a Microfinance Company is incorporated as a Section 8 Company, then itneeds to abide by the requirements prescribed under the provisions of the Companies Act 2013.

Who are all Eligible to Acquire MFI Registration in India?

The ones who are eligible to obtain MFI Registration in India are as follows:

  • Agricultural Activities;
  • Artisan Business;
  • Professional & Transport Trade;
  • Small Scale Businesses;

Perquisites for Obtaining MFC Registration in India

The perquisites for Obtaining MFC Registration in India can be summarised as:

  • The company must have a registration under the provisions of the Companies Act 1956 and 2013;
  • It should have the Net Owned Funds (NOF) of Rs 5 crores;
  • It is eligible to offer loan only between Rs 50 thousand to Rs 1.25 lakh;
  • Need to Furnish details concerning Promoters;
  • 85% of the Total NOF needs to be the Qualifying Assets;
  • Does not require any amount of minimum capital;

Different Types of MFC Registration in India

The different types of MFC Registration applicable in India can be summarised as:

RBI Registered MFIs

To incorporate a Microfinance Company or Institution as an NBFC (Non Banking FinancialCompany), the applicant requires to get a company registered either as a Private Limited orPublic Limited Company under the Companies Act 2013.

Thereafter, the said applicant company requires to comply with all the steps needed forobtaining microfinance company registration, starting from the minimum capital requirementto the actual filing of the application for registration at the regional office of theReserve Bank of India.

Section 8 Registered MFIs

To start a Microfinance Institution in India, as a section 8 company, the applicant companyrequires to firstly apply for acquiring the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) &Directors Identification Number (DIN) for all the proposed directors.

Thereafter, it needs to furnish an application for obtaining Name Approval in form INC– 1. Also, it requires to draft of the MOA (Memorandum of Association) & AOA(Articles of Association) for the said company and the need to submit INC – 12, alongwith the needed necessary papers to acquire Microfinance Company Registration.

Types of Loans Provided by Microfinance Company

Usually, a Microfinance Company provides a loan of small amounts to the rural and backward sectionsof the society. These loans are, although not secured, the company is capable of levying interest ata rate that meets the requirement.

Further, the key features of the loans provided by the Microfinance Company are as follows:

  • The interest rate charged by a Microfinance Company should not exceed a particular threshold;
  • It shall be noted that the interest charged by a Microfinance Institution must be of reasonablenature;
  • Also, the requirements of the loans or funds being given need to comply with the requirementsconcerning Microfinance Company;

Necessary Papers required for Obtaining Microfinance Company Registration

The necessary papers required for obtaining Microfinance Company Registration are as follows:

  • A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation (COI) of the Company;
  • Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card details of the Applicant Entity;
  • PAN Card details of the proposed Directors;
  • Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) for all the proposed Directors;
  • Director Identification Number (DIN) for all the proposed Directors;
  • Latest passport sized photographs for all the proposed Directors;
  • Address Proof for the premise being utilised as the Registered Office of the company;
  • A copy of the duly stamped Lease Deed or Rental Agreement, in the case property being used isRented;
  • A copy of the Sale Deed or Ownership Certificate, in the case property being used is the SelfOwned Property;
  • A certified copy of the Memorandum of Association (MOA);
  • A certified copy of the company’s Articles of Association (AOA);
  • A copy of the certified Banker’s Report;
  • A duly certified copy of the passed Board Resolution;
  • A copy of the Auditors Report displaying the minimum Net Owned Funds (NOF);
  • A duly certified copy of the Compliance Certificate from a Practising Chartered Accountant;
  • A Structured Business Plan of the Applicant Company;
  • A copy of the latest Financial Report concerning Directors;
  • A copy of the Income Proof of all the Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) and proposed Directors;
  • No Objection Certificate from the Company;
  • Bankers Certificate regarding No Lien;
  • A copy of the Credit Statement of the company;
  • A copy of the Passport if the proposed director is an Indian National. However, in the case ofForeign Nationals, apostil or notarised copies of the passports is required to be submitted;
  • Net worth certificate for all the proposed directors;

Also, it shall be taken into consideration that the applicant company needs to furnish all therequired necessary papers, but the same must not older than a period of 2 months.

Process for Obtaining Microfinance Company Registration in India

The steps involved in the process for obtaining Microfinance Company Registration in India are asfollows:

Register a Company

In the first and foremost step of the process for obtaining Microfinance Company Registration inIndia, the applicant needs to register a company under the stipulations of the Companies Act 2013.

Further, for the purpose of incorporation, the applicant needs to file a SPICe + Form with theMinistry of Corporate Affairs.

Also, it shall be noted that when the company is initially incorporated, the best type of businessstructure which is utilized for this type of organisation will either be a public limited company ora private limited company. Further, through Companies (Incorporation) Act 2015, the Ministry ofCorporate Affairs have removed the requirement of the minimum capital required for incorporating acompany in India.

SPICe Plus Service

Usually the above mentioned SPICe Plus Service will be easily carried out by the respective applicantas the whole procedure of the registration procedure is online.

Further, the said service will offer name reservation, Director Identification Number, MandatoryIssuance of the Permanent Account Number, Tax Deduction & Collection Account Number, EPFO, ESIC,and other forms of registration which are required.

Furthermore, the compliances as follows have to be duly carried out after the completion of the aboveprocess:

  • If the company has been incorporated as a new business entity, then, in that case, the name hasto be reserved;
  • It shall be noted that all the other compliances concerning the EPFO (Employee Provident FundOrganisation), GST (Goods and Service Tax), Income Tax, PAN (Permanent Account Number), TAN (TaxDeduction and Collection Account Number), Bank Account, and Professional Tax Registration (ifrequired) needs to be carried out in accordance with the required law.

Application in SPICe Plus

The applicant needs to click on the SPICE plus under the relevant MCA services. Further, theapplicant will be redirected towards another page, wherein he/ she needs to apply for a newapplication.

However, it shall be noted that if a company is already existing, then, in that case, an existingapplication is required to be clicked on. After that the applicant is needed to check on the correctcategory and sub category concerning the company.

All the activities & operations that are carried out by a company have to be clearly mentioned.Therefore, if an applicant is going for a particular set of activities, then, in that case, it needsto specify the type of industrial activities as well.

Check for the Name Approval

If the company, which is applying for Microfinance Company Registration already has a name present,then, in that case, the applicant is required to click on the auto check to fulfill the requirementsconcerning to name of the company.

Further, all the other information in respect to the name of the company needs to be duly furnished.Both the part A and B must be submitted.

Furthermore, the details as follows are required to submitted, together the details mentioned above:

  • Name of the Applicant Company;
  • Location of the Premise being used as the Registered Office;
  • Operations which are carried out by the applicant company;
  • PAN, TAN, and other registrations that are carried out by the company;
  • The company needs to carry out the process of pre-scrutiny check concerning registration;

The directors of the company need to download all the particulars specified in Part B of the form.After that, it need to affix DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) for all the proposed directorsaccordingly. However, it shall be noteworthy to note that all the forms which are downloaded mustinclude AGILE-Pro, SPICe+ MOA, and SPICe+ AOA, URC-1, and INC 9, and all of them must be properlylinked and uploaded online. After that, a request number will be generated and the applicant needsto make the payment as required. Lastly, the forms filed will be processed.

Raise the Capital Required

Further, in the next step of the process for Microfinance company registration, the applicant companyneed to raise about Rs 2 crores or 5 crores as per the requirements.

Open a Current Bank Account

In the further step the directors of the applicant company would require to open a current bankaccount. Also, a certificate concerning the no lien created will be required for the process abovementioned. An application will further be presented at the regional office of the Apex Bank for thistype of certificate.

Apply to RBI for Microfinance Company Registration

Next, all the certified copies of the necessary papers required for the process of acquiring microfinancecompany registration, have to be furnished at the regional office of the Reserve Bank of India.

Further, the necessary papers and certified copies that are required to be filed at the regional office ofthe RBI are as follows:

  • Copies of the Incorporation Certificate received by the ROC (Registrar of Companies);
  • A duly certified copy of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and;
  • A duly certified copy of the Articles of Association (AOA);
  • A copy of the FDR (Fixed Deposit Receipt);
  • A Certificate from Bankers of the company concerning No Liens on the NOF (Net Owned Fund);

File an Online Application

Now, the applicant is required to file an online registration with the Reserve Bank of India forobtaining Microfinance Company Registration in India. After that the applicant will be provide anCARN (Company Application Reference Number) for future reference.

Furnish the Hard Copy

In the last step of the process for Microfinance Company Registration, the applicant is required tosubmit the hard copies at the specified regional office of the Reserve Bank of India. Further, aftersubmission, the RBI will carry out the procedure of scrutiny and due diligence to confirm that thecompany has satisfied all the requirements.

Microfinance Company Registration: Guide to RBI Compliance (2024)


Microfinance Company Registration: Guide to RBI Compliance? ›

RBI has made it mandatory for lenders to display the minimum, maximum and average interest rates charged on microfinance loans in all their offices, in the literature (information booklets/ pamphlets) issued by them and details on their website.

What are the RBI guidelines for microfinance? ›

RBI has made it mandatory for lenders to display the minimum, maximum and average interest rates charged on microfinance loans in all their offices, in the literature (information booklets/ pamphlets) issued by them and details on their website.

How to get a microfinance license in India? ›

Microfinance company registration process step-by-step
  1. Step 1 – Documentation. ...
  2. Step 2 – Incorporate your company. ...
  3. Step 3 – Ensure capital adequacy. ...
  4. Step 4 – Deposit capital. ...
  5. Step 5 – Apply for RBI license digitally. ...
  6. Step 6 – Submit the application to the RBI regional office. ...
  7. Step 7 – Issuance of RBI license.
May 9, 2024

How is MFI regulated in India? ›

Highlights of the Bill

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shall regulate the micro finance sector; it may set an upper limit on the lending rate and margins of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs).

What are the requirements for NBFC MFI? ›

Microfinance Company Registration as an NBFC

To form a private company, at least 2 members and a capital of Rs 1 lakh is required. To form a public company, at least 7 members are required. Raise capital: The subsequent step is to raise the required minimum net owned funds of Rs 5 crore.

What are the RBI guidelines for NBFC? ›

In terms of Section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934, no Non-banking Financial company can commence or carry on business of a non-banking financial institution without a) obtaining a certificate of registration from the Bank and without having a Net Owned Funds of ₹ 25 lakhs (₹ Two crore since April 1999).

What is the minimum capital requirement for microfinance? ›

MFIs registered as NBFCs must have a minimum capital of Rs. 5 crores before its formation.

How to start a small micro finance company in India? ›

Microfinance Company Registration Process
  1. STEP 1: Form a Company and Register. ...
  2. STEP 2: Raise the Minimum NOF. ...
  3. STEP 3: Deposit the Capital. ...
  4. STEP 4: Apply for the License. ...
  5. STEP 1: Apply for DSC and DIN. ...
  6. STEP 2: Apply for name approval. ...
  7. STEP 3: File AoA and MoA. ...
  8. STEP 4: Apply for incorporation.
Mar 25, 2024

What is the cost of micro finance license in India? ›

The registration cost for a section 8 microfinance company is ₹ 50,000 only, which covers all the professional utilities and applicable taxes. This is the total cost of registering a micro-credit/finance company under section 8.

What are legal forms of MFIs in India? ›

Promoters of these institutions have innovated different operating models and approaches using different legal forms. They includes NBFC-MFIs, Section-25 Companies, Societies, Trusts, Cooperatives, LABs etc.

Is the MFI licensed or regulated by RBI? ›

The working and operations of NBFCs are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) within the framework of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (Chapter III-B) and the directions issued by it.

Which is the largest MFI in India? ›

Top Microfinance Companies in India
  • Fi.
  • Arohan Financial Services.
  • Ujjivan Small Finance Bank.
  • NatWest Group.
  • Grameen Bank.
Feb 6, 2024

What is the difference between microfinance and microcredit? ›

Microcredit is typically provided to individuals, while microfinance can be provided to both individuals and groups. Microcredit is often used for short-term goals such as starting a small business, while microfinance can be used for both short-term and long-term goals.

What is RBI guidelines for microfinance? ›

The RBI revised the definition of a microfinance loan to indicate a collateral-free loan given to a household having annual income of up to Rs. 3 lakh. Earlier, the upper limits were Rs. 1.2 lakh for rural borrowers and Rs. 2 lakh for urban borrowers.

What is difference between MFI and NBFC? ›

However, Non-Banking Financial Company cannot issue checks drawn on itself. Whereas, MFI stands for microfinance institutions which operate at a smaller level than NBFC and provide small loans to the underprivileged sections of the society. Read Also: Service Offered by Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) .

Who is eligible for MFI loan? ›

Eligibility & Documents Required

While microcredit has varied eligibility and document requirements based on the scheme you choose, here are some of the basic requirements for these loans: The age of the applicant must be between 18 and 58 years, and they need to be from the low-income segment.

What is the maximum limit of microfinance in India? ›

The last time criteria relating to the annual household income limit for giving micro loans to individual borrowers was revised was in 2022, when it was upped from ₹1.25 lakh in rural areas and ₹2 lakh in urban- and semi-urban areas to a uniform ₹3 lakh.

What is the criteria for microfinance loan? ›

The age of the applicant must be between 18 and 58 years, and they need to be from the low-income segment. The minimum annual household income should be less than 3 Lakhs. The business must be involved in an income-generating activity.

What are the RBI guidelines for capital adequacy norms? ›

Capital Adequacy requirements

Subordinated debt as Tier-II Capital should not exceed 50 per cent of Tier-I capital. The total of Tier-III Capital, if any, shall not exceed 250 per cent of the Tier-I Capital that is available for meeting market risk capital charge i.e. excess over the credit risk capital requirements.

What are the RBI guidelines for minimum capital requirement? ›

Capital Adequacy requirements

Of the 15% capital charge for credit risk, at least 50% should be met by Tier-I capital, that is, the total of Tier-II Capital, if any, shall not exceed one hundred per cent of Tier I Capital, at any point of time, for meeting the capital charge for credit risk.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.