MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (2024)

MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (1)

Vyacheslav Kunaev

Hello! My colleagues and I sent a manuscript to journal «Applied sciences» on August 19th. After sending the manuscript, it received the status “Pending review” Today, 2.5 weeks later the status remains unchanged. I wrote to the journal’s e-mail [email protected] However, I did not receive any response. What should I do now? Thanks in advance for the reply.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (2)

Jack McKenna


There are many reasons for delays, including national holidays and backlogs. Your submission will be attended to, so do not worry. You could consider sending another email explaining your situation.

All the best.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (3)

Thank you for breaking down the MDPI submission process! The detailed explanations and tips really help to demystify what can often feel like a daunting task. I especially appreciated the reminders about checking formatting requirements before submitting. Looking forward to more insights in future posts!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (4)

Jack McKenna

Thank you for your comment; we’re glad we could help you.

All the best.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (5)


Dear Editor
Subject: about instruction for authors- “original images requirements” section in “plants” journal .
6 original SEM images are grouped and converted into one figure, each labeled with letters a, b, c, etc. and put it in the manuscript as Figure 1.
1- Upon submission, is it mandatory to upload one combined figure (consisting of six images), or should I upload each image individually (6 images separately)?
I look forward to hearing back from you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (6)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are publishing with and explain your situation in detail; you can find their email on the journal homepage. They should be able to discuss the situation in more detail and help relieve you of your worries.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (7)


Thank you; I haven’t received any response yet. It seems to be taking too long. Is there any way to get a response earlier?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (8)

Jack McKenna

Due to various reasons, like national holidays or annual leave, there can be certain delays in responses and backlogs. They will respond to you in due course, so please bear with them.

Thank you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (9)



I applied my article to IJGI journal at MDPI. And received comments from 3 Reviewers. I responded to the reviewers’ comments. But I don’t know where to mention the changes I made in the article. Do I need to upload the article again?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (10)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are publishing with and explain your situation in detail; here is their email: [email protected]. They should be able to discuss the situation in more detail and help relieve you of your worries.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (11)


Is it possible to transfer the article from one journal to another journal after acceptance?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (12)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are publishing with and explain your situation in detail; you can find their email on the journal homepage. They should be able to discuss whether exploring this is possible, as it may require the peer review process occurring again.

Hope this helps answer your question


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (13)


Good day

My manuscript was rejected by the editor of MDPI TropMed today.

During submission I also selected two alternative journals (Microbiology Research & Pathogens) in the event of rejection.

Based on these selections, does the manuscript get automatically transferred to the next journal or may I go ahead & re-submit to a new non-MDPI journal?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (14)

Jack McKenna


You should be able to find out this information on SuSy, if you check your manuscript’s progress (

If you want to double check, please get in contact with the editorial department of the two alternative journals via these emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]

I hope this helps to answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (15)


How can I withdraw my article paper?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (16)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are publishing with and explain your situation in detail; you can find their email on the journal homepage. They should be able to help resolve your issue.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (17)


Due to a job change, the previously left email address is no longer available. Can the author’s email address be updated?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (18)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are publishing with and explain your situation in detail; you can find their email on the journal homepage. They should be able to help resolve your issue.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (19)



What is the difference in length of articles? It’s stated above that there is no specified length, “However, if your paper is less than 3000 words or more than 12,000 words long, we recommend that you contact the Editorial Office in advance.”

What is difference in length of the manuscript between an article, communication, brief report?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (20)

Jack McKenna


The rules and requirements for different article lengths and types depends upon each journal. This is primarily because different disciplines require various forms of writing and amounts of detail.

If you want to learn about the specific requirements for a journal, see the ‘Instructions for Authors’ tab on the journal’s homepage.

I hope this answers your question,
All the best.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (21)

Ashraf S. Hassan

I see the status as conversion skipped after pending conversion.
What does this status mean?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (22)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are considering submitting to directly; you can find their email on the journal homepage.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (23)


Hello. If I submit my manuscript based on your template using your submission system, can I preview the compilation results before it the manuscript enters processing? I have complex graphs and diagrams that may be affected by the latex distribution version used. Overleaf, for example, is always many versions behind.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (24)

Daniella Maritan-Thomson


We have a latex template that you can download and use to compile your manuscript before submission. But alternatively if our team complies it for you we will let you check it before further processing. If you would like further information or access to the latex template please see here.

We hope this answers your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (25)


How do I withdraw my submission from the journal Antibodies


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (26)

Daniella Maritan-Thomson


Please get in contact with Antibodies editorial team; you can find their email on the journal homepage.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (27)

Mujib Ahmad Azizi

Hello All respected team,
Thanks for the information. I would like to know how many words an article should be when it is about Transboundary Water resources?
My article is about 21000 words.
Waiting for your answer.
Best regards,


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (28)

Daniella Maritan-Thomson

Hi Mujib,

Please get in contact with the journal you are considering submitting to directly; you can find their email on the journal homepage.

Hope this helps answer your question


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (29)


Hi Daniella, I emailed the editor since the 15th of May to let them know that I would like to withdraw my article and I have not heard back from them. Do I have to wait to hear back before resubmitting the article?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (30)

Daniella Maritan-Thomson

Hi KC,

Yes, please wait to hear back from the editor regarding your withdrawal otherwise it may complicate the process. I suggest that you send another follow-up email to the editor. If you still do not hear back I would email the journal directly.

I hope this helps,



MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (31)


If I put a list of authors and on the occasion of the firs review I add another author, is it possible?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (32)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are considering submitting to directly; you can find their email on the journal homepage.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (33)

Hesham Ahmed

Is it possible to submit a manuscript for which I am not on the co-author list?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (34)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the journal you are considering submitting to directly; you can find their email on the journal homepage.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (35)


Hello, I resubmitted my article nine days ago. Five days ago I noticed that the status is “pending editor decision”. I read that the average time for this situation would be 2 to 5 days, what could be the reason for the delay? Is it possible that the article is still being reviewed by reviewers, or does this status always indicate that the Academic Editor is making a final decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (36)

Jack McKenna

There are various reasons for delays in editorial decisions, including public holidays, a high influx of submitted papers, and more.

Please try to contact the journal’s editorial office directly via the email on their journal homepage; they should be able to answer your question.

I hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (37)



I submitted my paper to MDPI and I got a major revision. I addressed the comments of all the reviewers. Yesterday, I got the feedback of reviewers again and 2 out of 3 reviewers are happy for the article to be published. The first reviewer has given comments that he is not happy for the article to be published and MDPI emailed me back stating that I need to do major revisions in 5 days. I am trying my best to make changes. However, if in the second round – the reviewer 1 does not agrees – will my article be published ? (considering that the other 2 reviewers are happy for the article to be published)


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (38)

Jack McKenna

This decision will be made by the journals editorial office, so please get in contact with the editorial department of whichever journal it is that you are publishing with. You can find their contact details on the journal homepage. They should be able to provide with information that will help answer your question.
Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (39)


Hi, I have submitted my manuscript to Plants Special Issue, i jujst want to withdraw it so i can sub,it it to another more revelent issue, How can I do that? status is still “Pending Review.”


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (40)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the editorial department of Plants at [email protected], they will be able to help resolve your issue.

Hope this answers your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (41)

Simon Tarigan

Hi, I have been submitting my paper at Sustainability MDPI and the status is under review. In the middle of the process, I need to remove one of the corresponding authors due to exceeding the maximum of corresponding by the Journal. Could you please explain how the procedure or what should i do to remove the corresponding author? Thanks


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (42)

Jack McKenna


Please get in contact with the editorial department of Sustainability at [email protected], they will be able to help resolve your issue.

Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (43)

Xiaochen Hou

Hi Why I can’t submit manuscript now?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (44)

Jack McKenna

Please get in contact with the editorial department of whichever journal it is that you are planning on publishing with. You can find their contact details on the journal homepage. They should be able to provide with information that will help answer your question.
Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (45)

kang jiwoo

can i reselect ‘journal section’? I submitted my article yesterday and now submission status is ‘pending review’.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (46)

Jack McKenna

Please get in contact with the editorial department of whichever journal it is that you are publishing with. You can find their contact details on the journal homepage.
Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (47)


how I can change my email in my profile?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (48)

Jack McKenna

Please get in contact with the editorial department of whichever journal it is that you are publishing with. You can find their contact details on the journal homepage.
Hope this helps answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (49)

Mojtaba Maali Amiri

Dear all,

It’s been over a week since I’ve been requesting the withdrawal of an article accepted for publication in MDPI’s Journal of Energies, but no one even responds to my emails. The reason why I decided to withdraw my accepted work is due to a budget problem, where I am unable to pay the APC. What can I do now?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (50)


Hello Mojtaba,

Please reach out to the journal directly as well as the managing editor of the journal if you have not received a response. Their contact details are available on the journal’s website. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (51)



I want to withdraw my manuscript after acceptance …
Unfortunately, due to financial problems, I am not able to pay for the publication of the article.

please help me

yours sincerely


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (52)


Hello Iraj,

Unfortunately we are unable to help you with this as we do not have access to this information. Please contact the Assistant Editor and journal that you have been working with. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (53)


During the resubmission as editor and reviewer suggested extensive changes. Can we add new authors to the manuscript and remove some old ones? or do we have to stick with the same?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (54)

Jack McKenna

Please get in contact with the journal directly to answer this question. You can find their contact details on the journal homepage. I hope this helps to answer your question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (55)


I wish to know that can on one manuscript, multiple authors can use their respective APC vouchers to fund that one manuscript? An MDPI person emails to me this possibility. But please tell me how is this practically possible after uploading tge manuscript to editor. Its only one authors discount vouchers shown and automatically pormpted for inclusion. how to get others also highighted? what missing their??


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (56)


Hello Gaurav,

You will need to reach out to the journal in question for this to be addressed. We unfortunately do not have information on what the billing guidelines are for multiple authors and vouchers. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (57)

Zulvikar Syambani Ulhaq

Hi MDPI, we got invitation with 100% APC discount in GENES, we contacted the editorial office of Genes as well as [email protected] (Assistant Editor) several times, but never get replied, it was mentioned that we have to included that the paper was invitation with 100% APC discount but still we received the APC from [email protected]. Why the assistant Editor did not check all of this, and why our email was never answer. Now the paper is asked to revise, but with all of this matter it become an issue.
Looking forward to your response.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (58)


Hello Zulvikar,

Thank you for your patience. I cannot speak to why this was the case, though there could be any number of reasons for this delay. I would encourage you to reach out to the journal directly ([email protected]) and they may be able to give you a better sense of what the issues are. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (59)


Good day,

I hope this letter finds you well. I submitted my application for the Volunteer Reviewer position through your online system a few months ago. However, it is still listed as “pending decision.” Could you kindly provide an update on the status of my application?

Thank you for considering my question.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (60)


Hello Mohammad,

Unfortunately we are unable to assist you with this. We are not part of the journals and do not have access to that information. Please contact the journal you have submitted your application to directly. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (61)

Dr.Preethi Palanisamy

My article is currently under review. I had previously applied for funding, and it has now been sanctioned. Should I include these funding details during the revision process, along with adding two additional authors? Currently, my manuscript has only two authors. Is this delay the actual editorial process? Please let me know. Thank you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (62)


Good day Preethi,

Please reach out to the assistant editor handling your manuscript as we are unable to provide you with proper guidance on this matter. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (63)

Dr. Preethi Palanisamy

My manuscript has been rejected without even any comments but it was in under review status. But suddenly received a declined for publication mail from editor. How is this possible? Please let me know the reason.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (64)


Hello Preethi,

Unfortunately, as we are not involved in the publication process or decision making we are unable to assist you with this. Please reach out to the journal for further details. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (65)


Dear Sir or madam
I send email for withdrawal manuscript twice. I didn’t get answer.

Best regards

MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (66)

Jack McKenna

Due to the holiday season, lots of offices have been closed and team members are on annual leave. This may mean there are certain delays in responses and backlogs. Please continue trying to get in contact directly with the journal. I hope this helps to answer your question.

MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (67)


Hello. I am worrying abiut my papers similaroty – does MDPI check si.ilarity rates on reference’s list too?
The whole research similarity rate is low, but rhe reference list and the names lf the researchers increases it.

MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (68)

Jack McKenna


This will be checked during the editorial and peer review process. However, if you are concerned, please consider mentioning it to the editorial office of whichever journal you are planning on submitting to.

I hope this answers your question.

MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (69)


I am about to finish the revision process of an article for a MDPI journal and it seems like it has high chances of being accepted for publication.
However, the acceptance is likely to happen during the holiday season when my university is closed as well as it’s budget, which normally reopens in late January.
Thus, my question is how long can MDPI wait for the APC payment in this case, after the paper is accepted?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (70)

Jack McKenna

We would recommend getting in contact directly with the journal to answer this question. Please visit the journal’s homepage.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (71)

Huang Qingjin

Hi, I submitted my article on November 13, but on the 14th, I found that I had chosen the wrong special issue. My article is now under pending review, can I apply to withdraw my article. If possible, how long will it take?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (72)


Good day Huang,

Unfortunately we cannot answer this question for you. Please contact the journals in question as soon as possible to have them address the issue for you. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (73)


After the Pending editor decision, the opinion of the paper is returned as Accept after minor revision. What does this mean?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (74)


Hello Hao,
You will have been provided guidance by the editorial office on issues that need to be addressed prior to acceptance. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (75)

Sonia Abed-Elgani

I am currently preparing the manuscript. One of my coauthors is a member of the Sustainability editorial board.

He agreed to give his annual waiver for the paper publication.

Please tell me to whom I should send the email in order to get the waiver and what should I write in the payment section during the manuscript submission.

Thank you for your consideration


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (76)

D.J. McPhee

Good day Sonia,

Please contact the journal for further guidance on this matter. They should be able to assist you with this. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (77)

Dhananjay Singh

I have submitted two different manuscripts in two different journals of MDPI and both were rejected without citing any proper reason and the response for both were same and looks like an automated response. Can you please explain this ? Is the problem related to wrong section selection or I need to select special issue(s)?

Manuscript IDs are: genes-2683334 & scipharm-2668634

Received Response is:
We are writing to inform you that we will not be able to process your
submission further. Submissions sent for peer-review are selected on the
basis of discipline, novelty and general significance, in addition to the
usual criteria for publication in scholarly journals. Therefore, our decision
is not necessarily a reflection of the quality of your work.

We wish you every success if you choose to submit it elsewhere.

Kind regards,
Genes Editorial Office
[email protected]


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (78)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Dhananjay,

We do not have access to the system used by journals and are unable to help you with this. Please contact the journals directly for further information.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (79)


I resubmitted my paper enght days ago, and the status remains pending editor decision ever since. I sent many emails to editorial office and assistant editor for inquiry about why the process is delayed, but no response was given. How can I contact the person for inquiring?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (80)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Born,

If you have resubmitted the paper, it is possible that it is being reviewed and may need to have been sent out for further peer review. Unfortunately I cannot speak to the specifics as we do not have access to that information. I would imagine that you will hear back from the assistant editor or managing editor shortly. If you have not heard back from them in a couple of days, you can contact the journal directly. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (81)


Did you get a resolution by now?
I’m just another author curious of how long this took.
I am in the Pending Editor Decision status for roughly 4-5 now.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (82)


Hello Katherine,

We submitted our article with manuscript ID “applsci-2649797” to the Applications of Text Mining in Data Analytics SI of Applied Sciences on 20.09.2023 and it is still in Pending review status since then. I have e-mailed this issue to the Editorial Office and special issue guest editors, but I cannot get any feedback from anyone. Since I have a graduation status, time is very precious. Can you help me with this problem? How should we go about this?

Thank you,


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (83)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Basak,

It is possible that there is a delay in the review process, but we cannot be sure as we do not have access to that information. I would encourage you to email them again for an update, and if you have not yet contacted the assistant editor handling your manuscript (or the managing editor of the journal) you can try them as well. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (84)


My situation is similar. Despite receiving a comment from the editor after logging in, the status has not changed since September 25th: ‘Pending review.’ I have been sending inquiries to [email protected] for a week now without receiving a response.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (85)


How can I withdraw my accepted manuscript?
And from where we find withdraw request form?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (86)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Akash,

Please contact the Assistant Editor handling your manuscript and they will be able to provide you with further information. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (87)

Hidayat Ullah

Hi i hope you will be good. I have submitted manuscript to molecules and after peer review we tried to submit revised manuscript. But after uploading response to reviewer comments we were not able to process the revised version of the unscripted to upload and submit successfully. i want to know the reason because its been more than 5 days and the dead line is over even i contacted the journal and assigned editor for assistance but didn’t received any response,


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (88)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Hidayat,

Unfortunately, we do not have access to that information and are unable to provide you with an answer. We encourage you to contact them again in a couple of days if you do not hear back. We hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (89)


Extended version of a conference.

I have a conference paper that I would like to publish an extended version of it, in the journal of Applied Sciences.

I would like to know the accepted proportion of the original texts (in the conference paper) that can go into the extended version.

I cannot find such answer in the Instructions to the Authors page.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (90)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Amina,

Please reach out to Applied Sciences for further details as we are unable to answer this question for you. We hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (91)


Hello, How many days does it take to move from “review pending” to “under review”?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (92)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Mushtaq,

This can depend on the journal and the article. Please reach out to the journal you’ve submitted to for a more specific estimate. In general, this usually takes a few days but there can be many factors that affect this. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (93)


Our paper (Manuscript ID: applsci-2483623) was requested to undergo minor revisions for English improvement. We submitted the revised version four weeks ago, and since then, it has been labeled as “Pending editor decision.” I reached out to the Assistant Editor twice and received the following response both times:
“Please be informed that we are in contact with the academic editor, and we will notify you as soon as we receive a decision.”
Is it normal for MDPI journals to take this long for an editor’s decision? I read online that it usually takes 1-2 days for an editor to reach a decision.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (94)

D.J. McPhee

Good day Taher,

It is possible that there might be delays for some reason, your Assistant Editor should be able to provide you with more specific details. Unfortunately, we are not able to give you further details as we do not have access to your manuscript. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (95)


I see the status as conversion skipped after pending conversion. i do not see PDF published online yet.
what does this status mean?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (96)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Om,

Papers might take a couple of days for the PDF to appear online. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (97)


Dear Ms. Bosworth,

Can you please let me know how long does revised version review usually take?
Also, in case of a major revision with 4 reviewers, should all the previous 4 reviewers review the work or the review report of 1-2 reviewer would suffice?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (98)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Palang,

Unfortunately we cannot give you specific information here as we do not know what the reports say. Should all four of the reviewers request to see the work, then all four of them would review it. This could be a matter of days, or it could be a few weeks. We encourage you to reach out to the Assistant Editor handling your manuscript for further information as we are unable to give you a more specific answer.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (99)


What does it mean to change the status of the paper from “Pending review” to “Pending editor decision” two days after submission?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (100)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Leron,

This means that the manuscript is pending a final decision from the editor. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (101)


Thank you for your reply. However, the editor provided comments on July 22nd, but the status of the paper is still pending editor decision. Why is this? Looking forward to your reply, thank you!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (103)

D.J. McPhee

Good day Leron,

You can reach out to the journal for more information on the specifics of this decision. I hope that this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (104)


after the paper is accepted, can I edit the funding and acknowledgement part? can I add other authors?
Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (105)

D.J. McPhee

Hi Salem,

Please reach out to the Assistant Editor who is handling your paper and to the journal. They will be able to assist you with this. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (106)


upon the request from the all authors in the published manuscript, can editorial board reorder the authors names.? please..! this is very much important for my doctoral degree.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (107)

D.J. McPhee


Please reach out to the journal in question for more information about this matter. We hope that this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (108)


Respected Editor

I am writing to request the withdrawal of my publication titled “[Real Time Fraud Detection using Machine Learning Techniques: Systematic Literature Review]” from the special issue “Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities III.”

Regrettably, I resubmitted the manuscript, with the ID applsci-2475824, in error. After careful consideration, I have decided to withdraw it from the special issue. I apologize for any inconvenience caused due to this oversight.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter. Please confirm the withdrawal and provide any necessary instructions or further steps I need to take.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for the confusion caused and appreciate your understanding.

Kind regards,



MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (110)

Hussein Alzyod


I read that the APC should be paid in 5-10 days.
In some cases, the institutions pay the APC, and this process takes time to around one month in some cases.

So, What will happen if authors didn’t pay on time?

Can the authors asked for delaying the date of sending the invoice?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (111)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Hussein, thanks for getting in touch.

Please contact the MDPI Accounts Department regarding this.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (112)


Dear Katherine Bosworth,

We were sorry to learn that our manuscript was rejected even though we made the reviewers suggested changes after two rounds. However, the JCM said that the reviewer recommended revisions are completed and suggested resubmission to another journal is encouraged. The other MDPI journals told has no impact factor yet, and the institute we work for requires that we publish in journals with an impact factor above 3.0. We could resubmit our manuscript for evaluation on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, which has an impact factor of 3.71 and belongs to MDPI. Please could you advise on this issue? Is it convenient to resubmit it to a different journal than the JCM Editorial Office suggested?

Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (113)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Jos, thanks for getting in touch.

You can contact JCM directly to discuss this issue and review your options.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (114)


Dear Ms. Bosworth,
I hope this comment finds you well.
We submitted a paper to a MDPI journal as a regular-issue paper, and since we were considering transferring the paper to one of the special issues (SI), we directly contacted one of the SI editors through an email in which the manuscript was attached, he responded that he liked the paper and we are welcome to submit it to his SI.
However, before an assistant editor was assigned to our paper, the paper was rejected by the journal.
Now this is my question: since the SI editor liked our paper, is there any point is submitting the work to his special issue, or since the manuscript is already rejected by the journal, it ends up with the same destiny again?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (115)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Mohammad, thanks for getting in touch.

You can review the reasons for rejection on SuSy. There, it will be outlined whether or not resubmission is encouraged.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (116)



I am writing to address a matter concerning my paper submission to MDPI. After undergoing review by three reviewers, all of whom recommended accepting my manuscript, I was shocked to learn that the editor rejected it but encouraged resubmission. In the comments section, the editor referred to the comments of reviewer 1. However, it is perplexing because reviewer 1 did not recommend rejecting the manuscript; instead, they only suggested some minor changes. It is important to note that we I did not receive any email from the editorial office yet. But this information is displayed on susy portal in editor decision section. Although the status of manuscript is still revised version review.

Could you kindly clarify this discrepancy and provide further insight into the editor’s decision? Can I challenge editor’s decision? I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (117)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Ashar,

Unfortunately we are unable to give you further clarity on this as we do not have access to that information and we are not in contact with editorial boards or editors. Based on your comment, it is possible that the editor believed that the comments from the reviewer required addressing before submission. You would need to reach out to the journal for further details. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (118)


Dear Ms. Bosworth,

We have recently submitted our work to the “Applied Mechanics” journal. However, not only doesn’t’ the process of the paper advances, but also the managing editor/editorial office email is unresponsive. We have sent an email but received no response after two complete working days. On the other hand, the journal seems inactive, as the latest paper dates back to 20 days ago. There is not any sort of activity, none whatsoever in the journal, which is making us worried and doubt the rapidness the pre-check (pending review) process. This is unlike our previous experience of the other MDPI journals in the past.
Can you please check if the managing editor is active on duty? Is she on vacation or something?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (119)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Mohammad, thanks for getting in touch.

Rest assured, all of MDPI’s 400+ journals are overseen by dedicated journal staff.

Please note that many journals go through extremely busy periods and you will receive a response within the time indicated.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (120)



I wanted to ask how long does it take in general for an article published in MDPI “Journal of Clinical Medicine” to be indexed/show up in PubMed?

Thank you in advance!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (121)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi M, thank you for the comment.

Papers are indexed 4-8 weeks after the issue release date.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (122)


Hello Katherine,
I submitted a manuscript and did 2 Major reviews. However, it is still under “Revised version review” after resubmitting the manuscript for the third time.
It is all because one of the reviewers out of 7. On average, just give me a rough estimation, how long does it take for the revised manuscripts to be checked because I feel it takes time for that reviewer to give feedback?

Moreover, what is the procedure, since I did not agree with the reviewer and he might end up rejecting the paper while 6 others approved it. It is becoming annoying that 6 reviewers accepted and 1 is delaying the whole process!

Best regards,


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (123)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Mo, thank you for getting in touch.

Revised version reviews usually take around three working days, considering that reviewers are already familiar with your paper.

Whether the paper is accepted or not is highly dependent on specific circ*mstances. I recommend getting in touch with the Editorial Office for further clarification.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (124)



We gave our consent tforopen review, but I don’t see the reviewer’s names (two of them had agreed to sign their review reports). Is there a particular place to look for this inormation after the manuscript is accepted?



MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (125)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Alankrita, thank you for the comment.

In this instance, please do get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office. They can help and advise you on this matter.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (126)

S M Mozammil Hasnain

We submitted the manuscript entitled ” Designing, Modeling and Fabrication of a novel solar concentrating spittoon against COVID-19 for antibacterial sustainable atmosphere” (sustainability-2396377) in “sustainability” journal. After two rounds of revision and the status is “pending Editor decision” since 12th may 2023. we contact editorial office of sustanablity but we do not get response . Will you please let us know how much time will it take to give the decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (127)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi S M, thanks for getting in touch.

Sorry to hear you’ve been waiting longer than expected. The Editorial Office will respond with further details soon.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (128)

Yousef Albuhaisi

Hi Katherine,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and seek clarification regarding the recent rejection of my paper titled “The importance of spatial resolution in the modelling of methane emissions from natural wetlands” (Manuscript ID: remotesensing-2318132), which was initially accepted by the journal. I received an acceptance certificate and a bill to pay the publication fees, but later received an email stating that the paper was rejected. This sudden change in status has left me perplexed, and I kindly request the editorial office to re-investigate the reasons for this decision.

Upon receiving the initial acceptance notification, I was delighted and appreciative of the positive feedback from two of the reviewers, who provided comprehensive and encouraging reviews of my paper. However, it came as a surprise when the status of the paper was changed to “pending decision” shortly after the acceptance. I had assumed that the acceptance indicated a favorable outcome.

The sudden rejection of the paper has caused me great concern, especially considering the influence of the negative review that was received. While I understand that reviewer feedback plays a crucial role in the decision-making process, I find it puzzling that the opinion of a single reviewer, who expressed an extremely negative viewpoint, would outweigh the favorable assessments from the other two reviewers. Given the stark discrepancy between the opinions of the reviewers, I believe it is important to thoroughly investigate the decision to reject the paper after its initial acceptance.

I kindly request the editorial office to re-evaluate the reviewer comments, taking into account the positive evaluations provided by the other two reviewers. I would greatly appreciate a detailed explanation of the rationale behind the final decision to reject the paper, particularly with regard to the concerns raised by the negative reviewer. Understanding the specific areas of concern would not only help me improve the manuscript but also ensure transparency and fairness in the review process.

I have put significant effort and time into this research and have chosen MDPI Biogeosciences Remote Sensing Journal as a trusted platform for sharing my findings. I have high regard for the journal’s reputation and the expertise of the editorial team. I sincerely hope that you will give due consideration to my concerns and undertake a thorough re-evaluation of the decision to reject my paper.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and a fair resolution.

Yours sincerely,

Yousef Albuhaisi


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (129)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Yousef, thank you for getting in touch.

I am investigating this issue and will be in touch soon.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (130)


Hello ,

I would like to add one more affiliation under first author name . The manuscript already published in the mdpi websit but not indexed yet in WOS and Scopus .

please let me know how I can manage this .

Kind regrards,


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (131)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Wed, thank you for getting in touch.

You can contact the journal’s Editorial Office for help with this.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (132)


Hi Katherine,
There is a research has more than one author, the plagiarism test fails because there are parts of pre-prient research for one of the authors on, is this a problem with the MDPi publishing policy?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (133)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Saad, thank you for the comment.

All MDPI journals accept submissions that have been partially or fully submitted to pre-print servers.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (134)

Ratiranjan Jena

Hi Katherine,

I am writing to you regarding the revised manuscript remote sensing-2196080 which we revised for the second time and resubmitted almost a month ago.

Could you please kindly expedite the decision, given it was a minor correction asked by the editor and reviewer?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (135)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Ratiranjan,

Unfortunately we are not able to expedite this decision. The blog team does not have access to any of the publishing information. Please note that sometimes review processes can take a bit of time if reviewers require more time to complete reviews. We encourage you to reach out to the editorial office for Remote Sensing for further information.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (136)


I need to use some data previously published in the journal plants in a new article. I have already sent two emails to request for permission to the editorial office, but have not received any response. Who should I contact now?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (137)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Jia, thanks for reaching out.

Please could you provide the manuscript ID here? I will look into it for you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (138)


Hello!What’s going on with my submission to the Agronomy journal with the manuscript ID agronomy-2374491, which was submitted on April 14th and is still in “pending review” status as of April 27th? I have also emailed the editorial office for an update but have not received any response.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (139)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Asuka, thank you for the comment.

I’m looking into this for you and I’ll be in touch.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (140)

Jorge Barrios

Good morning, the editor gives us the following answer:

Pending resubmission

To facilitate transparent and open science we encourage authors to publish their results and experimental methodology in as much detail as possible so that results can be reproduced. We noticed that the main text of your manuscript is quite brief which may mean that the experiment, research background, future research directions, or possible applications of the research are not described in enough detail. Please continue to expand the manuscript.

Will it be that detailing the information you request us can be forwarded to the same daily ?

what recommendation you give me in such cases?

Thank you very much, excellent day.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (141)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Jorge, thanks for the comment.

You should resubmit your manuscript via SuSy, MDPI’s submission system.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (142)

Lan Laxmi

There is no comment on the MDPI’s SuSy website. When I click on the paper it just says edior rejected on the top. How to get the comments and reason?
I contacted [emailprotected] luck there.
our paper is : sensors-2377283.. please help


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (143)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Lan, thanks for the comment.

I’m following this up for you and I’ll be in touch.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (144)

Lan laxmi

Hi ,
We just recieved a decline to publish by the ediotr with no comments.
I am not sure I understand as whenI click the link sent in the email, I get no comments or reasosn why it was rejected.
I would like to know if it is the content or the formatting etc that caused the rejection as this is my first time submitting to Sensors.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (145)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Lan, thanks for the comment.

You can view your manuscript and any comments on MDPI’s SuSy, where you uploaded your manuscript.

If you’re still having trouble, please get in touch with the Sensors Editorial Office. They will look into it.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (146)

Dr. Ali

Hello Dear Katherine Bosworth,
The status of our research article (Manuscript-ID: axioms-2242258) submitted in the Axioms Journal is still “Pending Editor Decision” since around 10 days. Could you please Madam tell me still how long will it take in final decision please?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (147)

Shaheena Patel

Hi Dr Ali, thank you for your comment.
I will look into this for you and keep you updated.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (148)


Hope you are doing well

We have submitted our article Manuscript ID: medsci-2376311 to MDPI Medical sciences , its status is “Pending review”, and we would like to withdraw our article, and we have sent an email to [email protected], how long does it take before the confirmation of our withdrawal?

Thank you very much, appreciate your time.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (149)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Lumi, thank you for the email.

It shouldn’t take long at all. You can expect to receive a response within 48 hours.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (150)


I got rejected but they it was written ‘encourage resubmission’. When I resubmit the paper to the same journal, do I also have to upload the answers for the revision from the previous reviewers (rebuttal)??


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (151)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Hannah, thanks for getting in touch.

When you resubmit, you aren’t required to provide any further information. However, if you are still worried about some of the points raised, then you can of course mention them.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (152)



How many days does it take to get decision after submitting the revised manuscript based on minor revision comments. The revised manuscript was submitted on April 4 and the status is “Pending editor decision”. May there be some public holidays recently?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (153)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Felicia, thanks for the comment.

This status usually takes around 1-2 business days. There may have been some delay because of the public holidays on Friday and Monday. You could get in touch with the Editorial Office for an update.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (154)


Hello, is there any way to deposit my ORCiD to my MDPI articles that were published in the past?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (155)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi An, thank you for the comment.

Unfortunately, this needs to be done during the publication process.

However, you can still add the paper to your ORCID profile manually.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (156)

Nisar Ahmed Dahri

Hello, can we edit the authors email addresses, if mistakenly incorrect email address added at the time of submission.

How can we again add correct email address of authors. Please guide me


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (157)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Nisar, thanks for getting in touch.

You can contact the journal’s Editorial Office to make this change. Simply visit the journal webpage and click ‘Editorial Office’, in the journal menu.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (158)



How many days does it take to get decision after submitting the revised manuscript based on major revision comments. The revised manuscript was submitted on March 15 and the status is “Revised version review”.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (159)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Pintu, thanks for getting in touch.

Revised reviews are usually completed in around three working days, considering that reviewers are already familiar with the content of your paper. However, we are flexible if reviewers require more time.

If you find yourself waiting longer than this, please get in touch with the Editorial Office.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (160)


I have submitted a manuscript with four authors. After revisions, we remove one author dur to his limited contribution in subsequent work. All authors including removing authors send rmail from their official email address to show a concent about new authorship. We followed the authorship change rules of MDPI, ehich elaborates that the authors can be removed before acceptance or even after acceptance (please refer MDPI authorship ethics). However, the editor doesn’t remove author and insist us to add remove author otherwise paper will be rejected. This reflects an injustice and violence of MDPI policies. Please help us to resolve our issue.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (161)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Arif, thanks for the comment.

Please review item number 10 of this article for more information on this issue. You cannot add or remove authors once the paper has been accepted for publication (with rare exceptions).

In addition, once you submit your manuscript, you agree that authorship is correct and accurate, and that the authorship list fulfils ICMJE criteria.

According to COPE guidelines, we cannot change authorship unless strictly necessary. The final decision to approve changes to a manuscript is made by the journal’s Editorial Office.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (162)


Hi, our paper was published today. What is the process to make minor edits to the author contributions?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (163)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi there Beth, thanks for the comment.

You can review the ‘Updating Published Papers’ section of the ‘Research and Publication Ethics‘ page for more information.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (164)


Do you know why my manuscript was posted as the status “Pending Editor decision” from March 19th, but I have NOT got the answer from the editor yet?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (165)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Phan, thanks for getting in touch.

Apologies for the delay. Please contact the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript. They will be able to provide you with an update and any further details.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (166)

S.M.H. Mousakazemi

How can I change the email address for receiving notifications and invitations for refereeing articles?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (167)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi S.M.H., thank you for getting in touch.

Please respond directly to one of the emails. MDPI Editorial Staff will then change the details for you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (168)

Yoni HD Jr.

Thanks for all your help 🙏


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (169)


Is it possible to have mulitple corresponding authors


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (170)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Kesavan, thanks for the comment.

Yes, you can add several authors in the correspondence section, no problem.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (171)


Respected Editing Team of MDPI
Our group submitted our research article to the special issue in the Journal “Catalyst” . Actually, we did a submission mistake while uploading the manuscript. In the subdivision we selected special issue Advances in High Electrocatalytic Performance Electrode Materials, instead of submitting in the Special Issue “Surface Microstructure Design for Advanced Catalysts”. So now we need to withdraw the manuscript and need to submit it again correctly. We apologize for this mistake. Kindly withdraw our submission and allow us to resubmit. We assure in the future these mistakes will not be repeated.
Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (172)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Gokul,

Please reach out to the Assistant Editor handling your manuscript as well as the Catalysts editorial office ([email protected]) for more details on this matter. We do not have access to manuscripts and are unable to help you with this matter.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (173)


What is the difference between pending decision and pending editor decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (174)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Manish, thanks for getting in touch.

The status “Pending decision” means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. Meanwhile, “Pending editor decision” means that they are making a final decision about your manuscript. You can find out more about what your manuscript status means in our blog article on this topic.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (175)


Hi Katherine
It is showing pending decision , after minor revision?
what does it means?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (176)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Manish, thanks for the comment.

Now that the review process is complete, the Academic Editor is making a final decision about your manuscript. This usually takes 1-2 days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (177)

Ibrahim Alsaduni

My manuscript is accepted on 4 Feb 2023 in the processes journal and paid the fee for publication. Till now I haven’t received any email for proofreading. I contact the journal Assistant editor but no response from them.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (178)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Ibrahim, thanks for getting in touch.

You won’t receive any emails unless you need to take action. You can keep track of your submission using MDPI’s SuSy.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (179)

Tshering Tobzang

I submitted my article and its under review. However, I saw under the author details that co-author email will be not published, which are highlighted in red. Could you please explain what it means ?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (180)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Tshering, thank you for the comment.

As an MDPI author, you can choose whether or not to have your email address displayed on your manuscript webpage. You should get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office if you encounter any issues.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (181)


Regarding #14, there is an extra status which has not been added to the list, namely, “revised
version review”. From my understanding this rarely happens, yet it unfortunately does happen. After the authors address the reviewer concerns, after a minor revision, the Academic Editor can still send the paper to another round of reviews due to “some” concerns. This, even though on the susy website under editor deciison there might be an “accept as it is” message. I think this status should be added to the list (e.g., point 14), as the authors are not informed of such decisions unless they contact the journal asking for extra information, and decisions like this can delay the publication or even result in a rejection.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (182)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Roland, thanks for the comment.

The manuscript statuses, including ‘Revised version review’, are covered in more detail in our article ‘What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean?‘.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (183)


What exact time are the submission forms closed on the deadline day? If the deadline date is 28.02 what time is the latest I still can submit my manuscript?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (184)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Anna, thanks for getting in touch.

The deadline would be midnight at the end of that day. Please get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office if you are struggling to meet the submission deadline.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (185)


Hi Katherine,

So here is our situation. We have submitted our manuscript and even its revised version to Scientia Pharmaceutica journal, and now the status has changed to “Pending editor decision”. The submission ID is “scipharm-2152900”. Since the first day of the submission, we have tried to contact the editorial office along with the Handling Editor, requesting them to assist us in applying the discount vouchers we have obtained from performing peer-review. Usually, the Handling Editor would help us after we provided them with the details. Nonetheless, no responses have been obtained from the journal, leaving us in a frustration. I hope to find the solution from commenting in this blog. We have checked everything, spam or junk folders but no response has every been given (apart from the automatic emails from the journal).


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (186)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Iqhram, thank you for the comment.

You can use any number of discount vouchers from MDPI peer review. It’s unusual that they wouldn’t get back to you – let me follow this up for you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (187)

Gyu-Tae Jeon

Hi I have a question about the manuscript (vetsci-10-00142).

This article already published in online. but There are some mistakes in manuscript. Is there anyway to revised the manuscript?

I want to correct some mistakes.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (189)


Dear Ms. Katherine,

I apologize if my question is not related to this blog, My paper has been published in Sustainability Journal in 18 January 2023 which is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. But still my paper is not appear in there database. Please can you tell me when my paper will be indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.

Best Regards,


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (190)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Tahseen, thanks for getting in touch.

Please get in touch with the Sustainability Editorial Office. They can give you the details.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (191)


On February 15th, I requested to change the correspondence email address for my [Administrative Sciences] Manuscript ID: admsci-2182229. However, I have not yet received a response from the editorial office.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (192)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Swapnil, thank you for the comment.

I am following this up for you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (193)


If my manuscript has been rejected by Optics Letters, can I still submit it to an MDPI publication


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (194)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Chu, thank you for the comment.

MDPI is a different publisher. Therefore, you can submit your paper. However, there is no guarantee that your work will be accepted for publication. MDPI journals all have a stringent peer review process to ensure the novelty and scientific accuracy of manuscripts.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (195)


Hi, I have a query. Please can you tell me if we want to add aithors during revison for Funding? Is it possible. Please need guidance


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (196)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Sufyan, thanks for getting in touch.

Once your paper has been accepted for publication, you cannot add or remove authors. Please get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office. They may be able to suggest other options.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (197)

Young-Doo Park

Hello, I am the author who submitted the thesis to horticulturae. The Manuscript ID is horticulturae-2253134. Unfortunately, I pressed the submit button without completely revising the manuscript. We respectfully request the withdrawal of the dissertation. I’ll post again after editing. Thanks for reading.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (198)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Young-Doo, thanks for the comment.

The Horticulturae Editorial Office will be able to help you withdraw your manuscript. Please contact them to resolve the issue. You can resubmit at any time.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (199)

Donghwa Chung

Hello Katherine Bosworth!
I have previously submitted International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(MDPI) the manuscript ID is ijerph-2184356. We submitted the article on 2023-01-10.
To date, I have not received any notification regarding the status (first decision) of our manuscript. Moreover, We have asked such issues to Assistant Editor and IJERPH Editorial Office multiple times via email. Unfortunately, they both have not yet answered.
Could you please help us check if there is anything wrong with our submission? I would greatly appreciate it if you can help us with this matter.
Thanks a lot for your time!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (201)


Hi, We resumitted revised manuscript on weekend, however, we notice that one Figure have a little wrong legend.

This problem can’t affect or confuse the result and description. We want to change it later if we get aceept result.

So, i would like to ask if there is a chance to reconfirm and revise the paper after ‘accept’

Thanks in advance !


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (202)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi James, thanks for the comment!

I’d encourage you to get in touch with the Editorial Office as soon as you can. This will reduce any potential delays.

Your last chance to make any edits to the paper is the author proofreading stage. This comes after the paper is accepted. Take a look at our article on MDPI manuscript statuses for more info.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (203)

Jaeyoung An

I would like to know the status of our manuscript jtaer-2220409
I submitted the manuscript 6 days ago but still, but it is showing “Pending Review” I’ve read that pending review takes around a few days and I should contact you if it takes more than 5 days. I am getting worried about the delay.
Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (204)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Jaeyoung, thanks for the comment.

No need to worry. Please could you get in touch with the JTAER Editorial Office? They can provide you with an update on your manuscript and put your mind at ease.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (205)


I already submitted our manuscript and it was under review. Now I want to change the submission issue in the same journal, Is this possible to change our submission issue during under review in the same journal?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (206)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Ali, thanks for getting in touch.

Yes, you can change to a different Special Issue, even while your paper is still being processed. I’d encourage you to get in touch with the Editorial Office soon to make this happen.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (207)

Moe Kuroda

Dear Katherine,

I am planning to submit my article to the special issue of Vaccines.
Is there specific time zone for each deadline of special issues?
For example, how many hours should I add or subtract from GMT?

Your advice would be highly appreciated.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (208)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Moe, thanks for the comment.

Special Issue deadlines are by date only. This means you need to submit your manuscript before or on the date outlined on the Special Issue webpage.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (209)

Aninidta De

I submitted my article on January 4, 2023, with the manuscript ID of polymers-2173405 on journal polymers . The review time specified in the journal guidelines is 12.4 days. I’m concerned since it’s been 25 days and I haven’t heard a response from the journal side or from my assigned editor side. I’d appreciate it if you could let me know if there has been any development on my submission. .
Yes, I understand that the reviewers and editors are too busy during this time, but I appreciate a response as soon as possible so I can make a decision about my paper.
Thanks and regards. and have a nice day


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (210)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Aninidta, thanks for the comment.

Sorry that you’ve been waiting so long. Please could you get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office? They will be able to provide you with an update on your manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (211)


I would like to know the status of our manuscript jcm-2211571
I submitted the manuscript 5 days ago but still, but it is showing “Pending Review” I’ve read that pending review takes around a few days and I should contact you if it takes more than 5 days. I am getting worried about the delay.
Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (212)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Milena, thanks for getting in touch.

Please don’t worry. It could be that the Managing Editor needs to re-assess some of the details. I’d encourage you to get in touch with the Editorial Office if it’s been five working days without an update.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (213)


I would like to know the status of our manuscript Cells-2139714. We have submitted on a special issue of Cells. We submitted the minor revision (second round) on 13th January 2023 but still it is showing “Pending editor decision”. We tried to enquire the same from assistant editor, section managing editor and Cells editorial office but did not get any response. The pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days. Could you please contact the guest editor/assistant editor on our behalf to know the problem? We are getting worried about this long delay.
Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (214)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Ashish. Thanks for getting in touch.

Sorry you’ve been waiting longer than expected. I am following this up for you. Please check your emails.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (215)

Espérance Debs

Regarding the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), what to do if two of the co-authors have the same initials (first and last names)?
Thanks a lot for your help.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (216)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Espérance, thanks for reaching out.

In this case, you can add the full name in brackets after the initials.

For example:
E.D. (Espérance Debs)


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (217)


is possible to change the submission from mdpi computers to mdpi applied sciences


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (218)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Sureka,

Please reach out to the Assistant Editor or the Editorial Office for further guidance on this matter as it will largely depend on when in the publication process you are in.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (219)

Swarnab Datta

I have a quary that during Proofread i have done a mistake can I submit it again.if possible then what should be the process


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (220)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Swarnab,

If you have introduced an error in the proofreading stage, it is important for you to reach out to the editorial office and the Assistant Editor who is handling your manuscript to inform them of this.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (221)


Good day!

I would like to inquire about the status of my manuscript that has been under review since the 21st of November 2022 – [Cells] Manuscript ID: cells-2079368. According to the journal website, manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 16.4 days after submission. As such, I am getting worried about the prolonged delay. I have tried to email the journal editor and assigned editor but has yet to receive a response. I hope you could help me on this.

Thank you very much


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (222)

D.J. McPhee

Good day Simon,

We have reached out to the editorial office on your behalf. You should hear back from them shortly.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (223)



How long does it take in general for an article published in MDPI “Microorganisms” to show up in PubMed?

Thank you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (224)

D.J. McPhee

Hi Silvia,

Typically, abstracts are online 2-3 days after publication, with the article showing up shortly thereafter.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (225)


One month ago, I have submitted the Manuscript to Polymers Journal. Still, it is under review. What shall I do? Shall I contact the Editor or not?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (226)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Vishal,

Yes, you can reach out to the Editorial Office of Polymers and they’ll be able to inform you as to why there might have been a delay.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (227)


can I ask to remove my name from the article authors list, before the manuscript is accepted?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (228)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Ahmad, thank you for the comment.

You can get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office about this request. To find their details, please go to the journal webpage, and click ‘Editorial Office’ in the left-hand navigation menu.

Furthermore, it is possible to update this down the line, so don’t worry. MDPI has a name change policy for after publication.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (229)


We published a paper in mdpi but after publication, we realized we inadvertently missed authors. We wanted to remove and add authors. What is the procedure? Can we publish an erratum correcting it?

Thanking you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (230)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Kanagavel, thanks for getting in touch.

Check out this article on MDPI’s name change policy for more information about how you can update the authors of your manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (231)

manish kumar kar

on 30.12.22 my manuscript status was accepted , then it changed to pending english. what does it means?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (232)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Manish, thanks for the comment.

This status means that our team of English editors are reviewing your manuscript for grammar, spelling, and MDPI house style. This is usually completed within 24 hours.

To find out more, check out our interview with MDPI English editors.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (233)

manish kumar kar

pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days , but its showing from last 23.12.22.
can you please tell about this?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (234)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Manish, thanks for getting in touch.

This stage might take longer than 1-2 business days, depending on the Academic Editor’s workload. Check out our article on manuscript statuses for more information.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (235)

Baskar M

My first manuscript rejected. Is it possible to re – summit manuscript in same journal?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (236)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Baskar, thanks for the comment.

Yes, you are welcome to re-submit your manuscript. Make sure to review the rejection feedback in SuSy and apply it to your manuscript, if applicable.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (237)


Hi, one of my paper was submitted in Sustainability and it’s status is “pending decision” for last 4 days, although review reports are showing up.
Another query is sticking in researcher mind whether voucher based payments increase paper rejection or slows down editorial processing.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (238)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Aamir, thanks for getting in touch.

This stage usually takes 1-2 working days. It may be slightly higher if the Academic Editor has a high workload.

Manuscripts submitted with vouchers and/or discounts are processed in exactly the same way as those without.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (239)

manish kumar kar

i submitted my revised manuscripts after 2 major revision and one minor revision . now its showing pending editor decision, which much time it will take to give decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (240)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Manish, thanks for getting in touch.

A final decision is now being made about your paper. This should take around 1-2 business days.

Take a look at our article on manuscript status information.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (241)


Hi Katherine,

Thanks for the kind response.

One more thing I want to confirm. Can we resubmit after withdrawing the paper suggested by the editor of Energies again on the same journal as a fresh new submission?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (242)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Khan,

Yes, you can resubmit! Take a look at any feedback that may have been given on SuSy, as this will help you improve your manuscript before resubmission.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (243)


Thanks, Katherine.
few more things I want to confirm..

you have commented “You can include additional authors at any time during revisions (before manuscript acceptance).” nearly one month ago on the blog.
I have done the same, then why additional authors are not accepted by an editor before the final decision?

second, can we re-submit on the same journal as Energies if the editor suggests to withdraw?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (244)


One of the Mdpi journals is not accepting authorship change forms (as per the Mdpi website) during the review process. I have given all reasons to the editor via email as per request. The author also gives their consent individually via email.
after this, the editor says if you insist to add these authors then you should withdraw the paper…

What should I do?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (245)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Khan, thanks for getting in touch.

This form applies to manuscripts that have already been published.

As your paper is still being processed, you can easily withdraw and re-submit the paper. You can find out more in our article on MDPI’s name change policy.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (246)


Dear Katherine

I Hope you are well.
My paper has accepted for publishing. But not publishing online yet.
I paid the APC.
If I want to withdraw it, Can I refund my money?
Plz, reply me. As this point is not clear in the website
Can I refund my money that I paid for APC?
Thanks and regards


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (247)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Ahmed,

Thanks for getting in touch!
Unfortunately, the paper cannot be withdrawn after acceptance. That is, unless you have a strong reason why it should not be published, including evidence.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (248)


“Is it possible to change the document format after the first round of review? For example, if the document was originally uploaded in LaTeX format, can it then be uploaded in Word format?”


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (249)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Dilara, thanks for getting in touch.

Yes, you can change between formats.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (250)


Please how much similarity is acceptable to MDPI energies?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (251)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Koneh, thanks for getting in touch.

I believe you are talking about plagiarism. Plagiarism is not acceptable in MDPI journals. Manuscripts that include plagiarism are rejected.

MDPI uses iThenticate to review manuscripts for plagiarism. There is no set percentage with regard to what is acceptable and what is not. Each manuscript is reviewed on an individual basis.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (252)

manish kumar kar

i submitted my paper in processes and they assigned me 2 reviwers . one reviewer gave major revision and another reviwer gave minor. after resubmission the one reviewer satisfy with my comments however other reviewer not satisfier with some comments. now they asked me for another revision. what is the chance for publication ?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (253)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Manish. Thanks for reaching out.

You should improve your manuscript based on the feedback provided by the reviewers. Once they are satisfied with the improvements, your paper will move to the next stage in the publication process.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (254)

Kholidil Amin

I want to submit the manuscript to Social Science. Currently, I am formatting my manuscript with the For Review template provided by Social Science. Do I have to write the names of all authors, author affiliations, and funders in my manuscript?
Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (255)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Kholidil, thanks for the comment!

Yes, you should include this information at the end of your manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (256)

Asad khan

If I submitted an article in mdpi and 3 reviewers review the manuscript. After 2 rounds of the revision, 2 reviewers accept for the publication and 3rd one reject it, because he/she comments irrelevant to the manuscript and authors were not able able to satisfy him/her. What will be process after such condition and what have to discuss with editor.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (257)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Asad, thanks for reaching out.

You should review the feedback on SuSy. It will include instructions and insight related to next steps.

If you have questions or queries about the feedback, you can reach out to the Academic Editor assigned to your manuscript, for more details.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (258)

Khandaker Islam

Hello, we requested to assistant editor to post our publication (remotesensing-1960532, doi: 10.3390/rs14236076) on the Journal Twitter Account? We also submitted a short text as per instructions given at : However, we have not been receiving any response. Is there any alternative way of doing this, could you please help us in this regard. Thank you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (259)

D.J. McPhee

Good day Khandaker,

I’ve reached out to the editorial office on your behalf, you should hear back from them soon. Hope this helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (260)


Once my publication is “Accepted”, if I want to withdraw the paper, DO I have to pay the APC?

Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (261)

D.J. McPhee

Hello Andre,

We’ve reviewed your question and have the following information for you. APCs need to be paid if a paper has been accepted. For further information, I refer you to the website which has all the relevant information about APCs. I hope that this information helps.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (262)

jean bosco


I submitted a manuscript in “animals” after the review process one recommends improve the manuscript other recommended rejection, unfortunately, the final editor’s decision was “rejection and decline resubmission”. There is another journal with the same aim and scope that I would like to resubmit but I am afraid they will reject immediately it since I did not notice any desk transfer suggestion. I revised the manuscript according to all comments and recommendations from the reviewer’s reports. I even send an email to the new journal editor to ask but not responding.

what do you advise me


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (263)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Jean, thanks for the comment.

The information provided at rejection is important when it comes to resubmission. As long as you have implemented this advice, there’s no reason why your manuscript should not be accepted.

It’s also important to remember that authors who have their manuscript rejected are refunded the APC.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (264)


Dear Katherine Bosworth

I have submitted my manuscript titled to Polymers journal on March 09, 2022 and the revisions were submitted on November 14, 2022. The status changed to pending editor decision on November 24, 2022 and has remained “Pending Editor decision ” since then. I was wondering if the status is not getting updated due to a technical error. I have contacted editorial office many times but no response. Is this how MDPI Journals works? It would be great if you could let me know when I can expect the decision.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (265)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Shahid, thank you for the comment.

I’m sorry that you’ve been waiting longer than expected. I’m going to chase this up on your behalf. Please check your junk and spam folders.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (266)


I have submitted manuscript to Animals on 1st of September and I received reject and encourage resubmittion. Then, I resubmitted the manuscript on 1st of October, it went to peer review, two positive responses one with minor revision and second accepted it. However, one has negative response. Then we revised it and submitted it on 13th of November. The status was pending editor decision for two weeks and then changes to pending decision. What does it means? Also another point, the process is so long than before do you know why?
Best wishes,


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (267)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Shaimaa, thanks for getting in touch.

‘Pending decision’ means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. As you’ve been waiting for more than a week, you can contact the Assistant Editor for an update.

The length of the process could be dependent on the editor’s workload, for example, or the scope of the journal/SI.

You can also check out one of our other articles to find out more about what your manuscript status means.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (268)


Hi Katherine Bosworth,

While submitting the paper, I pasted an abstract directly from my latex editor that contains dollar signs $ before a number. Will my abstract be posted in the same way or will the editors remove it before making it public?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (269)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Muhammad, thanks for the comment.

Don’t worry! The typo will be removed by MDPI’s in-house English editors during the editorial process.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (270)


Dear Madam,
Can I cancel the request for an update of the published paper? I actually think this is unnecessary but the managing section editor request an update of the published paper on the basis of my mail. But, I think it is unnecessary so can I cancel the request for an update madam?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (271)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Faisal, thanks for getting in touch.

This depends on the nature of the update. You can certainly reach out to the Managing Editor and inform them of this issue. You can find their details on the journal’s webpage, by clicking on ‘Editorial Office’ on the left-hand navigation menu.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (272)

Prof M.Mallikarjuna

Respected Madam,
I submitted my manuscript for the Diagnostic Journal Under Special Issues / Applications of AI in ECG on Oct 20,2022. On 14 Nov 2022, I could see all the R three Peer Review Reports (Round -1). Out of which two reviewers gave +Ve Report 3/4 Stars for all the Evaluation parameters. But one reviewer gave -ve report. Later my submission went to the Chief Editors’ Final Decision. On the 36th Day of my submission, the Editor in Chief gave a Final Decision saying – Ask for an Additional Reviewer(Round 2). Once again, my submission status was figured as – Under Review. What does this mean?. Whether my work is it Good or Bad? At this stage, how many additional reviewers (Round 2)will be once again reviewing my manuscript? Final Decision to accept or reject my paper, is it based purely on the Review Report of Additional Reviewers (Round 2) only? or Will there be any weightage with regard to the Review Report sent by Round-1 Reviewers? At this stage, what is the probability of acceptance of my manuscript for publication? Humbly request you Madam, kindly your value-added inputs with regard to the same.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (273)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Prof. Mallikarjuna, thank you for the comment.

Every manuscript is unique, and some may need additional reviews. For more information about your specific case, please could you contact the Diagnostics Editorial Office?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (274)


If I have done 20 reviews and received a voucher of 100 francs for each review, can I publish my paper for free in a journal with publication fees of 2000 francs?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (275)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Yousef, thanks for getting in touch.

Yes, you can use all of your vouchers together, and publish for free!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (276)


My article is published in economies. But, i have some issues which are corrected by the production team after publication before releasing issue. Unfortunately, I found one correction didn’t match which i told like just adding three words in literature section. So, is there any way to correct this after releasing the issue?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (277)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Faisal, thanks for the comment.

Please get in touch with the Economies Editorial Office. Depending on the nature of the error, a correction or erratum may be issued.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (278)

Dr. Prakash Singh

The status for my sustainability-1961792 is showing “Pending editor decision” since 3rd Nov 2022. As per your website, this stage will take 1-2 days only. Now it’s more than 21 days. Please do the needful.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (279)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Dr. Singh, thanks for the comment.

My sincere apologies that you have been waiting so long. This is highly unusual and I am following this up on your behalf.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (280)

Akash Sharma


I have a concern regarding MDPi policies. I and a few of my connections from the USA have submitted valuable papers using the voucher code they got during reviewing process. The papers got desk rejections and the same work is not accepted by IEEE Q1 journals.

We are assuming that MDPI is like a money machine nowadays and only or mostly accepted paper without the vouchers code.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (281)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Akash, thank you for the comment.

MDPI journals do not discriminate against manuscripts with waivers or vouchers.

In 2022, the average Article Processing Charge (APC), based on list price, was approximately CHF 1935. However, the average net cost to authors across all journals was CHF 1258 per paper. This is because the average waiver rate across all MDPI journals was 35%. This year, we consistently provided discounts of 10% or more to authors affiliated with our institutional partners or reviewer vouchers.

There are many reasons for manuscript rejection. It could be because the paper does not fit into the scope of the journal, or because the reviewers felt the findings were incomplete, for example. To find out more about specific papers, you can access the feedback on SuSy, and follow up with the journal’s Editorial Office if you require further details.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (282)

Matthew Aquilina


Is it ok for me to upload a preprint to Arxiv which uses MDPI’s latex template?



MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (283)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Matthew, thank you for the comment.

It is up to you how you use the MDPI templates.

As for the Arxiv submission process, you can refer to their advice on this matter. You could try submitting without style files.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (284)


Why “check for update” logo is not appeared in some paper?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (285)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Faisal, thank you for the comment!

The ‘Check for Updates‘ feature is only available in the PDF version of the manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (286)


can I ask for payment extension of the apc?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (287)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Elijah. Thank you for the comment.

Please reach out to the editor assigned to your paper about this issue.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (288)


I have replied to reviewers comments for the second time today. Will the reviewer again make comments (which will take 3 more days) or it will directly go for editors decision? In short, after how many days from today I am likely to get a decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (289)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Maria, thanks for the comment!

It will either be peer-reviewed again or sent to the editor for a final decision. This is highly dependent on the manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (290)


I have submitted my Minuscript to international journal of molecular sciences, on Friday 21st October, But the status is still same “pending review”. I am worried about the slow process. could you provide me information that when that status will be updated?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (291)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Syed, thanks for the comment.

The pending review stage generally takes around 1-5 working days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (292)

Author MDPI

We submitted 2nd revised manuscript and status directly changed to Pending editor decision. Does it mean Rejection?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (293)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi there, thank you for the comment!

The Academic Editor needs to check a few things before the manuscript moves onto the next stage. Please reach out to the Editorial Office for more details.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (294)


Hi Madam,
My article was in “pending conversation” but now status shows that “conversation skipped” what does it mean?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (295)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Waqas, thanks for the comment.

Congrats! Your manuscript has now been published online in PDF format.

Other versions of your manuscript, including HTML, will soon follow.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (296)

Syed Mujtaba Hussaine

I have selected open review for my manuscript but I don’t want to keep it in open review how can I change it?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (297)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Syed, thanks for getting in touch.

If your paper is still being processed (i.e., in one of the many processing stages such as ‘Pending review’ or ‘Pending editor decision’), then you can contact the journal’s Editorial Office. They can opt-out of open review for you.

However, if your paper has already been published, it will have to remain in open review.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (298)

Mudasar Zafar

Respeceted Sir,
Good morning! I hope that you will be fine. i submitted my paper in mdpi energies special issue on 26 september 2022 and my status is remain same as pending for your untill today. I also email to editorial office but they dont reply to me. Can you please guide us cz its almost 15 days


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (299)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Mudasar, thanks for reaching out.

Sorry that this is taking a bit longer than expected. I will get in touch with Energies on your behalf.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (300)

Hello, I have selected a wrong journal while submitting my manuscript, how can I withdraw it and how long it will take to withdraw it.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (301)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Syed, thanks for getting in touch.

Please contact the journal’s Editorial Office immediately, letting them know of your situation. You can find their details by clicking ‘Editorial Office’ on the left-hand column of the journal webpage.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (302)

MW Leung

Hi, I have submitted my manuscript on 29, September 2022. The status is “under review”. How long does it take to know the acceptance?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (303)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello MW, thanks for the comment.

This stage should take around two weeks, but may take longer depending on how easily we can find reviewers.

Could you please reach out to the journal’s Editorial Office? You can find their details by visiting the journal webpage and clicking ‘Editorial Office’ in the left-hand column.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (304)


Hi Katherine
How much time it takes in Pending editor decision? Our article is in the same status from the last 9 days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (305)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Waqas, many thanks for getting in touch!

This stage usually takes around 1-2 working days, but is dependent on the editor’s workload. You can find more information about MDPI manuscript statuses in our handy blog article.

If you find yourself waiting any longer, please do reach out to the journal’s Editorial Office. They will be able to provide an update.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (306)

Hello dear Katherine Bosworth, My name is Dr. Shams. I have submit my paper Id (sustainability-1826830) to sustainability. During the review process I have add one new author and replace the other one. As you know we cannot add/remove any author directly, so I have submit the authorship change form. Another reason for addition was that, my supervisor don`t like rejection. So, I have plan to add his name once my paper go to review stage. Now our paper is accepted, but as I ask from the Section Managing Editor about the author addition. So, they directly refused that we will not consider the new author. I am afraid we spent a lot of time on review. If the journal cannot accept addition of new author, so they should tell us the reason. Even the editorial boards has right to accept any changes or reject but at must be logical. If they were planning to not accept my changes. They should also tell us on advance during the review stage. I think it is not fear that we has pass the blind review pass and now after acceptance the managing editor decided that they are not accepting our changes regarding author addition.
Please forward our message to the senior members and discuss our issue to solve this problem on time.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (307)


Dear Shams, thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, we cannot help from the blog in that regard, but we can recommend you to contact the publishing manager of Sustainability, Ms Neda Nikolic ([email protected]). We are sure you will get better answers and possible solutions from her.

Best regards,
MDPI team


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (308)


When we are intended to propose authorship changes, after filling authorship changes form, where do we have to upload it? We could not find specific box to upload it in susy. Is there specific upload guidance or is it attached in revised manuscript as one file? Thank you


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (309)



thanks for your question. Please send it to the assistant editor assigned, she/he will guide you.



MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (310)

Muhammad Hisham Al Nasir

After my paper acceptance i am continuously seeing ‘Pending conversion’ What is the issue behind.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (311)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Muhammad. Thank you for getting in touch.

This means that your paper is being converted to different formats, including PDF. It will soon be published online!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (312)


Hi Katherine
How much time it takes in Pending editor decision? Our article is in the same status from the last 7 days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (313)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Syed, thank you for the comment.

This usually takes around 1-2 working days, dependent on the editor’s schedule. As you have been waiting for over a week, we recommend reaching out to the Assistant Editor for details.

Take a look at the article ‘What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean?‘ for further information about manuscript statuses.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (314)


I wonder if we can change the paper after being published online.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (316)


I have submitted my research article on 8th aug. the status is still coming as pending for review.
how long would it takes to review. kindly reply


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (317)


Hi Navdeep, thanks for your comment. For updates related to your article, please contact the editorial office of the journal that you submitted to. You can their find contact information on the journal’s homepage.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (318)

Syed AliRaza Shah

Hi Katherine Bosworth

After major revisions, when replied to all the comments of the reviewers, and system says upload the manuscript.. after uploading it shows the status of “Resubmitted”. What does it mean? Is not it be revised version revision status?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (319)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi there Syed. Thank you for the comment.

The status ‘Resubmitted’ means that you have now uploaded your revised manuscript. The next status will be ‘Revised version review’, when reviewers will have their second look.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (320)


Dear Ms. Bosworth,
Can you please explain the editorial process for papers submitted to special issues (SIs) before reaching the under-review stage? Is the SI guest editor (SI GE) the one who decides to proceed with the evaluation of the paper with a peer review or it is a decision that is being made without the involvement of the GE (by the managing editor or the MDPI staff)? Because we have been contacting the SI GE and he showed substantial interest in our paper (even offered us off on the APC), but the paper did not successfully go through the “pending review” stage. I want to know if this decision was made by the SI GE or others. If the SI GE made the shot, sending the paper to another SI led by the same GE in another MDPI journal might be risky for us, and may lead to the same result.
Also, I have another question. If the paper is rejected by an editor in one SI, can we submit the paper to another SI in the same journal? Please note that the paper was not peer-reviewed at all, which we find really odd, because some other journals with 3 times higher Impact factors and twice rejection rates, at least gave us the chance to be peer-reviewed. We find the automatic answer given to authors after “rejected by editor” considerably vague and in contradiction with the San Francisco Declaration, which MDPI signed on 2012 with this motto: “We aim to publish all manuscripts that are scientifically correct, and do not artificially increase journal rejection rates, allowing the reader community at large to define impact.” If this is correct, then what is “rejection based on novelty and general significance” after “rejection by the editor”?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (321)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Farhad. Thank you for the comment!

Submissions to Special Issues undergo the same rigorous peer review process as regular submissions to the journal. You can find out more about our peer review process, pre-check and other policy requirements here:

For questions about individual submissions, we recommend contacting the Editorial Office of the journal. You can find their details on the ‘Editorial Office’ link on the journal’s homepage.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (322)

Junjie Wu

Hi, I submitted my manuscript 29, July. It shows that status is “pending review”. How long the pending review process takes?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (323)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Junjie. Thanks for your comment.

This stage usually takes about 1-5 working days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (324)


Dear Ms. Bosworth, Can you please specify that on average how long does a “Revised version review” take for a paper after major revision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (325)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Farhad. Thanks for the comment.

Revised version reviews take about three working days to complete.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (326)

Toumi c

Hello, We submitted a manuscript to applied science but it we made a mistake by uploading the wrong version. How can we change or update the uploaded version?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (327)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Toumi, thank you for your comment.

Not to worry. These things happen. Please get in touch with the journal’s Editorial Office, and they will update this for you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (328)

Islam Hamdi

How long does this process take to complete?
I am talking here about the case of Pending conversion


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (329)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Islam. Thanks very much for the comment.

Your paper is being converted to HTML and PDF. It will be published online within 24 hours.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (330)



I’ve got 1st review
Three reviewers review my manuscript.

I wonder the meaning of “(x) I would not like to sign my review report”
This mean “I reviewed your manuscript, But I want to reject?”


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (331)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Euvoe, thanks for the comment.

Your paper is actually going through an open peer review. In open peer review, the reviews are published online when the manuscript is.

As part of this, the Editorial Office asks reviewers if they want to disclose their identity.

This reviewer wants to remain anonymous, so they selected “(x) I would not like to sign my review report”.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (332)


Please I will know, In the process revising my paper i am suppose to accept the change suggested by the editor or I should just fix my part.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (333)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Sam, thank you for the comment!

Please accept the editor’s changes before updating the manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (334)

Fabian Hernandez-Tenorio

What does xml2pdf status mean?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (335)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Fabian, thank you for the comment!

Congrats! Your paper has been published and is now being converted into PDF format.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (336)

Alvian Toto Wibisono

Hallo Katherine Bosworth

Warm greeting, My name is Alvian Toto Wibisono. I am the author of an article that wants to be published in Metals MDPI with the manuscript ID and title as follows: Manuscript ID: metals-1771094.

We started the submission on 30th May 2022, we received a response from reviewers on 20th June and completed the revision on 27th June 2022. However, the status of my submitted article is in the pending decision. We have the opinion that we finished the revision and answered the reviewers’ comments properly. The editor really supports our effort as authors. Therefore, we received positive comments from three reviewers in the first and the second revision round.

According to information from this link, , the submission decision days is 38 days and based on information from the website , it is said that manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 16 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.3 days. As we know, Metals MDPI has a high reputation for the rapid publication process.

This situation makes me worry. Because today is the 44th day after my first submission date and the status of my article is still unchanged. I have send email to Metals editorial office and asistance editor who handle my submitted article. However, I am still not received any response. Could you like to help me to solve this problem? Thank you for your attention.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (337)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Alvian. Thank you for the comment.

Apologies for the delay. This is highly unusual.

Assistant Editors can have busy schedules and this can delay the process. However, I understand that you have been waiting for a while now.

With this in mind, I have reached out to Metals on your behalf and I am following your case very closely. I will keep in contact with you via email.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (338)


In my paper, In round two, Reviewer 1 and Reviewer two have warranted publication of our paper and Reviewer 3 has not shown his comments. Yet, our paper has been declined for publication with no resubmission. May I know why is it so?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (339)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Ghulam, thanks for the comment!

You can find this feedback on SuSy, MDPI’s manuscript submission system. If you’re having trouble accessing this, please feel free to contact the journal’s Editorial Office.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (340)


I submitted the manuscipt on 30th May 2022 to Journal of Clinical Medicine, now more than 5 weeks passed but status in the system still “under review”. In fact JCM said the average time for peer review just around 3 weeks!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (341)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Khoa. Thank you for the comment!

Apologies that you have been waiting longer than expected. We aim to find expert reviewers within one week of sending out invitations and then expect reviews back within two weeks. However, this all depends on the time frame in which the reviewers respond. Some may have other commitments, meaning that the reviews are submitted late.

For more details on your specific case and an update on your manuscript, please reach out to the JCM Editorial Office:


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (342)


I submitted a manuscript on the 3rd of June and I am yet to get any response as the paper is still under review.however when going through the manuscript portal yesterday I saw all the reviewers report commending the manuscript with little corrections. I went through the portal today and saw that the editors decision is to ask for additional review I am confused what does it mean.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (343)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Samy. Thank you for the comment.

On rare occasions, the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript will request a further opinion from a new reviewer. The reviewer is given 15 days to submit their review.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (344)


Dear Dr. Katherine Bosworth
Thanks for the reply. if I understood properly my coauthor will get full discount right?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (345)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Seepana.

Yes, that’s correct. The IOAP entitles authors to a 10% discount on APCs. Whether this is invoiced to the institution directly or the author will depend on which institution it is. Please see this list of IOAP participants:


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (346)


Hello Dr. Katherine Bosworth
I have a question related to IOAP institution
For Instance I am not a IOAP institue author, but one of my co-author is correspondent to IOAP institute, and the payment mode for his/her IOAP institute is centralised to the university. If artice is accepted for the publlication the total Artice Publishing charges will be imposed to my co-author or it will be partially imposed to him/her? can you please give me the exast answer


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (347)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Seepana. Thanks for the comment!

I understand why this would be confusing. But, I’m happy to inform you that, as your colleague is part of an IOAP institute, the APC will be discounted. The charge will therefore be dealt with by your colleague’s institution.

Please be sure to confirm this with the Assistant Editor as soon as one is assigned to your manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (348)


Hello, pending editor’s decision status from 9 days ago and no final decision yet. Regarding your procedure, it takes 1-2 days to display the final decision. May I know what the possible reason for the delay is?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (349)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Sam, thank you for the comment.

Many apologies for the delay. The duration of this status depends on the Academic Editor’s workload and availability.

As you have been waiting for more than a week, please could you reach out to the Assistant Editor of your manuscript? They will be able to give you an update.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (350)

Hongyu Zhang

Hi Katherine,

What should I do if I did not upload reply files for reviewers’ comments? After I typed ” Please see in the attachment”, I happened to click the “submit” button. I have contacted the personal editor, but she did not reply me about this question. I have attached the files in my email to her. Please help me out of this situation. Thank you very much!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (351)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Hongyu. Thank you for the comment.

That’s an easy mistake to make. In general, if the editor does require more information, they will reach out to you.

However, as this is something you’re concerned about, you can contact the Editorial Office directly. You can find contact details on the journal webpage. Click “Editorial Office” in the left-hand navigation bar.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (352)


hello, I resubmitted the revised version and the status is under pending editor decision from 17 June, as I know the decision will take 2 days. Now here are on 21 June and no final decision yet, Should I be concerned about it or it is normal procedure? thanks


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (353)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Mohamed, thank you for the comment!

You’re right, our estimate for this stage is 1-2 working days.

However, please note that this is dependent on the Academic Editor’s workload. If you’re still waiting after a week, please could you get in touch with the Editorial Office? You can find their details on the journal webpage, in the left-hand navigation bar.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (354)


I’m from Palestine (where the world considers it as a low-bank country) and I’m a PhD student. Is it possible to have a waiver from publication fees when I got the acceptance letter.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (355)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Areej. Thank you for the comment.

The Editorial Office can help you with this. You can find their details on the journal webpage. Click on “Editorial Office” in the left-hand navigation bar.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (356)

Sandeep kumar

How much should be the plagerism report


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (357)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Sandeep, thanks for the comment.

Plagiarism of any kind is not accepted by MDPI.

You may include others’ ideas and words, as long as you quote and reference them appropriately.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (358)


Hello Katherine. I want to ask what if the different between “abstract submission deadline” and “manuscript submission deadline” ?
The information from, the abstract submission deadline is July 31, 2022, but I am still doing my research until next month. I am worried if the deadline is not met.
Am I still allowed to submit before the manuscript submission deadline, which is November 30, 2022 ? Thank you very much.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (359)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Citra. Thank you for the comment!

For the abstract submission deadline, you only need to prepare an abstract of your planned paper.

An abstract is a short summary of your research. It’s usually only a paragraph or two.

You can then submit your full manuscript in November.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (360)

Yilin Liu

We submitted the manuscript entitled, “A Study of Chinese Cemeteries in Singapore – Case Studies of the Creation and Development of Communal Cemeteries of
Various Dialect Groups” on 2022-04-27, with manuscript ID: histories-1697518. Since the date of submission, the manuscript is still under the “Review” status. This is unusual of MDPI (data), since the “usual time” for first review is normally 39 days. Thus, we would be glad for any information concerning this manuscript.

In addition, I am a undergraduate student who are applying the master degree, so this article is of vital importance for me.

Kind lady, hope you can help me~


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (361)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Yilin, thank you for the comment.

During this stage, we are looking for expert reviewers in the field, and waiting for them to review the manuscript. This usually takes 2-3 weeks in total.

I am sorry to hear that you have been waiting for longer than our estimated time. This may occur if, for example, one or more of the reviewers require(s) more time.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (362)

Huda ali

Can charges be waived if I lack funds?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (363)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Huda, thank you for the comment.

Please could you reach out to the journal’s Editorial Office? They can advise you on this.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (364)

Mizanur Rahman

We submitted the manuscript entitled ” Effectiveness of New Rock-Ramp Fishway at Miyanaka Intake Dam Compared with Existing Large and Small Stair-Type Fishways” in “water” journal. After two rounds of revision and the status is “pending decision” since 31st may 2022. Will you please let us know how much time will it take to give the decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (365)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Mizanur. Thank you for the comment.

This stage usually takes 1-2 days, but this can be longer if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload.

Please could you contact the Academic Editor for an update?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (366)


The status of my paper is showing pending editorial decision. But if go through the link the editorial decision is showing rejected and redeclined submission. What does it mean


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (367)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Samy. Thank you for the comment.

So sorry that you have such conflicting information! Please could you reach out to the journal’s Editorial Office? They will be able to advise you on your specific case.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (368)


Hi Katherine! How can I apply all my reviewer discount vouchers to reduce the APC to 0 CHF? I ask this issue because I am not able to find a way during the submission process. Thank you very much!


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (369)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Peter. Thank you for the comment.

Our online submission system, SuSy (, should automatically detect any vouchers associated with your account. You can then choose between the vouchers in Step 5 of the submission process.

If you’re struggling with this, you can reach out to the Academic Editor assigned to your paper, who can add the vouchers before the paper is accepted.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (370)


We submitted the manuscript entitled, “A Systematic Review of Deep Knowledge Graph-based Recommender Systems, with focus on Explainable Embeddings” on 2022-03-22, with manuscript ID: data-1670544. Since the date of submission, the manuscript is still under the “Review” status. This is unusual of MDPI (data), since the “usual time” for first review is normally 39 days. Thus, we would be glad for any information concerning this manuscript.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (371)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Isaac. Many thanks for the comment.

I am so sorry that you have been waiting so long. I have contacted the Data Editorial Office and I will keep you updated. Thanks for being so patient.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (372)

Kamidi Rahul

Hello, Can authors also track the status of submitted manuscript


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (373)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Kamidi, thanks for the comment!

Of course, authors can track the status of their paper.

You can do this by logging into MDPI SuSy, our online submission system. Access it here:


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (374)


Hello! I want to ask what does it mean editor comment “lauout” with pending editor descion from last ten days. Is it normal to take time


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (375)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Ars,

Thank you very much for your comment.

This status means that the Academic Editor is making a final decision about your manuscript.
Apologies for the delay. As you have been waiting for longer than a week, please could you contact the Editorial Office for an update?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (376)


Hello. Our paper had “pending editor’s decision” status for 8 days then the status changed to “revised version review”. Kindly clarify what does this indicate?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (377)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Norah, thanks for the comment.

The status “Revised version review” indicates that your paper has been sent for a second round of reviews. The same reviewers from the first review will take another look at your manuscript. This is usually completed in around three working days, but could take longer depending on the reviewers’ schedules.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (378)


Our Micromachines paper has been Under Review for 22 days now, despite the 14.4 days review speed posted in the website. Time is rather critical for this paper. Should I email the Assistant Editor about it? Or should I wait for more time?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (379)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Clint, thanks for the comment.

Apologies that you have been waiting so long.

This stage involves reaching out to reviewers who are experts in the field. The Assistant Editor aims to find reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. However, this can sometimes take longer and is dependent on the availability of reviewers.

Please feel free to reach out to the Assistant Editor for an update.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (380)

Twana Othman Hussein

if the paper been rejected because of choosing wrong special issue during submitting (system was not giving the name of wanted special issue )while we wrote name of wanted special issue in cover letter can i resubmit again for the wanted special issue


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (381)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Twana, thank you for the comment.

I would encourage you to review the reasons provided for the rejection. If the paper was rejected because it did not fall within the scope of the Special Issue, then you can resubmit to a Special Issue that is more fitting.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (382)

Rob Kim Marjerison

Hello. I have published a few papers in Sustainabiltiy, and had several rejected. Usually, I find that the rejected ones actually needed more work and the ones that were published were good. Recently however, one was rejected that I believe is a good paper. I’ve re-read it and cannot find the flaws. It is a perfect fit with an open SI. So, I’ve read that it cannot be resubmitted, without an invitation which was not forthcoming. What should I do to get the editor to take another look at this paper? How much do I need to revise it to resubmit it to the SI? Thanks


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (383)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Rob. Thanks for the comment, and thank you for being an MDPI author.

I would encourage you to review the feedback on why your manuscript was rejected. If you still have questions or require a more detailed explanation, you can reach out to the Sustainability Editorial Office: [email protected]


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (384)


Hi, please for the status (Conversion Skipped), can we fund the PDF article online? Is this status necessary after the pending conversion one ?

Thanks in advance


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (385)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Djames, thanks for the comment.

At this stage, the PDF version of your paper will be available online. Other versions will be available in 2-3 working days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (386)


Hi, our article after 3 minor revision shows “pending editor decision” for more than a month now. Is it normal to wait for such a long time


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (387)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Murad. Thank you for the comment.

Apologies for the delay. This process usually takes 1-2 working days. As you have been waiting for over a week, we will investigate and prioritise this issue. Please could you contact the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript? They will be able to help and advise you.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (388)


Hi, we submitted a paper in Agronomy journal almost 2 months ago. We got first decision in 39 days (despite the fact that average time for it in Agronomy is 19 days) and did our revision within 5 days. Our paper has a status “Pending editor decision” for 12 days now (which is quite unusuall for Agronomy) and assigned editor does not reply to our e-mails asking about the status of our paper. How can we know if something went wrong with our paper? Who can we ask for help beside assigned editor? How long is the waiting period for editor decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (389)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Ivana. Thank you very much for your comment.

So sorry to hear that you are having trouble. Please could you get in touch with the Agronomy Editorial Office? They will be able to help you.

You can find the details here:


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (390)


how long of status “Pending Review ” after submission day?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (391)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Menan,

Thanks for the comment. This stage usually takes 1-5 business days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (392)


Can the author request to change the reviewer after receiving their comments?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (393)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Faisal. Thank you for the comment.

The reviewers are chosen for their expertise by the Academic Editor and Assistant Editor. No changes can be made at any point in the publishing process.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (394)


Is there any expedited process, this means extra charge. As to reply back after paper submission by 2-3 days if accepted.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (395)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Elie. Thank you for the comment.

One of our core values at MDPI is the speed at which we publish. Because we maintain a very quick publishing service, we do not offer expedited peer review.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (396)


Excuse me, if this status is “Pending editor decision”, how many days will it take to make a decision?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (397)

Katherine Bosworth

Hello Cheng-En. Thank you for your comment!

This stage takes about 1-2 working days, dependent on the editor’s schedule.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (398)


“Conversion Skipped”

What does its mean after proofreading submission?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (399)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Mubasharmubashar. Thank you for the comment.

Your paper has been published online in PDF format. The XML and HTML versions of your manuscript are still pending, and will be live in a few days.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (400)


Can we add and remove the author during proofreading step?


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (401)

Katherine Bosworth

Hi Zeeshan,

Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, as soon as the manuscript is accepted for submission, the authors cannot be changed.


MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.