McDonald’s Operations Management: 10 Critical Decisions, Productivity - Panmore Institute (2024)

McDonald’s Operations Management: 10 Critical Decisions, Productivity - Panmore Institute (1)

McDonald’s operations management (OM) supports the company’s position as the largest fast-food restaurant chain in the world. The business implements solutions pertaining to the 10 decision areas of operations management, such as supply chain management for the movement of ingredients. In these 10 strategic decisions, McDonald’s aims for maximum operating efficiency and productivity to facilitate business strategies that rely on low production costs. For instance, in process and capacity design, which is a part of operations management, the food service company optimizes production processes to minimize costs and enable competitive selling prices. In this regard, operations management effectiveness impacts how the goals of McDonald’s mission statement and vision statement are achieved. Operations strategy and related strategic planning determine the restaurant corporation’s overall business performance.

With the 10 decisions of operations management, McDonald’s optimizes the business to counteract competition. The company competes with Wendy’s, KFC, Dunkin’, Burger King, Subway, and Arby’s. McCafé operations also compete with Starbucks and Tim Hortons, as well as some PepsiCo beverages and Unilever’s Bru coffee, which can bepurchased online in various countries. The Five Forces analysis of McDonald’s Corporation shows that these competing firms impose a strong competitive force, which influences the company’s operations strategy and measures for optimal productivity.

McDonald’s Operations Management: 10 Critical Decision Areas

1. In the design of goods and services, the objective is to develop the best product, given the resources and limitations of the fast-food company. In this case, McDonald’s aims for high efficiency of service operations, and the standardization of goods. High efficiency and productivity in food preparation minimizes production costs. On the other hand, standardization of goods contributes to menu and product consistency and customer satisfaction at store locations. In this strategic decision area of operations management, managers are concerned with satisfying the general public, which is the target market based on McDonald’s generic strategy for competitive advantage and strategies for intensive growth. The company aims to attract everyone to its fast-food restaurants. Also, in making product design decisions, operations managers account for the product element of McDonald’s marketing mix or 4P. Thus, the strategies and tactics in the fast-food company’s marketing mix relate to this strategic decision area of operations management.

2. Quality management involves matching McDonald’s food, drinks, and service to the quality expectations and preferences of target consumers. The operations strategy applies policies and measures to ensure that such matching is achieved at company-owned, franchised, and licensed locations. Product standardization comes with quality consistency, which contributes to the business strengths identified in the SWOT analysis of McDonald’s Corporation. Such quality consistency helps the fast-food business satisfy consumers’ expectations. However, McDonald’s operations management faces the challenge of maintaining satisfactory quality despite cost minimization, which is essential for competitive selling prices.

3. Process and capacity design is a decision area that pushes operations management to optimize production processes, such as the production of intermediate ingredients used to make burgers and fried chicken. McDonald’s operations strategy maximizes the benefits of economies of scale in production processes, in order to support competitive pricing. For example, the company employs custom equipment for large-scale and high-speed food preparation. In this way, operations management achieves high efficiency in production processes and the minimization of costs at corporate facilities, hubs, and restaurants. Also, the production line method maximizes productivity and capacity utilization at McDonald’s restaurants.

4. For its location strategy, McDonald’s has various facilities that support its operations. The operations management objective in this strategic decision area is to establish and maintain locations that optimally account for access to target consumers, access to resources, the supply chain, costs, productivity, and economic variables. For example, McDonald’s production facility locations satisfy restaurants’ supply requirements. Also, company-owned, franchised, and licensed locations are established for maximum market reach. In this decision area, McDonald’s operations management involves restaurants, kiosks, and the company’s websites and mobile apps as venues. Other locations considered are those of third-party distributors or retailers of McCafé products, such as Walmart, Costco, Amazon, and Target. Through these locations or venues, the global fast-food restaurant chain reaches customers in traditional and online ways. Also, McDonald’s business structure (company structure) determines the locations of facilities and resources, including human resources.

5. Layout design and strategy aim for high efficiency in moving resources and information throughout McDonald’s business organization. For the movement of information at the fast-food company’s offices and other locations, information technology offers high efficiency with minimal drawbacks. On the other hand, at restaurants and kiosks, McDonald’s operations strategy involves layouts that maximize space utilization and productivity, rather than comfort and spaciousness. For example, kitchens are designed to match steps in food preparation. Also, many small tables are arranged to accommodate large numbers of diners at the restaurants.

6. In human resources and job design, operations management has the objective of developing and maintaining an adequate workforce for McDonald’s business development. The multinational corporation supports the staffing needs of its restaurants. For example, the company has standardized training programs for skills needed in food production and preparation. This support is in addition to the human resource policies and measures that McDonald’s franchisees and licensees implement on their own. For this decision area of operations management, individual and organizational learning are also emphasized throughout the fast-food restaurant chain. McDonald’s organizational culture or corporate culture influences human resource management programs to facilitate such learning.

7. Supply chain management aims to maintain high effectiveness and operating efficiency throughout McDonald’s supply chain. The food service company’s operations management uses information technology to inform suppliers and enable them to match their operations to the company’s supply needs. McDonald’s has a mixture of regional suppliers for highly standardized ingredients, and local suppliers for perishables. In this context, suppliers’ productivity affects the restaurant company’s productivity. With this consideration, McDonald’s corporate social responsibility (CSR), ESG, and stakeholder management strategy and other business strategiesimpose policies and rules for suppliers, to minimize disruptions in the supply chain.

8. In inventory management, McDonald’s operations management objective is to ensure adequate inventory for smooth business operations with minimal disruptions in resource availability. This decision area of operations management functions as an interface between the supply chain and the rest of the food service organization. Materials from suppliers pass through inventory management, or are stored for later use, depending on the requirements of the corporation and its restaurants. Inventory management effectiveness influences productivity at store locations. In this regard, McDonald’s minimizes inventory costs while supporting restaurant operations.

9. Scheduling at McDonald’s follows industry best practices, with considerations for supply chain capabilities, market conditions, and regulations. The strategic objective in this decision area of operations management is to apply schedules so that resources and assets are utilized to their full potential, while the fast-food chain satisfies its target customers. Regular schedules are used for McDonald’s corporate offices and restaurant locations. Also, seasonal schedules may be applied to support operations during spikes in market demand for fast food. Operational effectiveness is achieved by matching the schedules to the requirements of McDonald’s and its partners.

10. In maintenance, strategic decisions focus on maintaining stable operations, which relate to the stability of operations at the company’s corporate offices and stores. To maintain high productivity, McDonald’s operations management monitors the needs of its restaurants, and uses the resulting data to inform maintenance teams. Third-party service providers are also used in some situations, such as for the repair of cooking equipment and machinery. At McDonald’s hubs for material distribution, maintenance is implemented in terms of matching operational capacity and human resources to the current needs of the business organization. In this context, operations management also uses real-time monitoring and control to ensure that decisions and actions correspond to the current conditions of the food-service company. Considering the international scope of the business, the global, regional, and local trends characterized in the PESTEL/PESTLE analysis of McDonald’s Corporation influence the maintenance requirements and the tools available to maintain stable operations and high productivity.

Productivity at McDonald’s

With regard to the 10 strategic decisions of operations management, McDonald’s works toward maximum productivity in all its business areas. The following productivity metrics are some of the criteria applicable to McDonald’s operations management:

  1. Order fulfillment rate (productivity at McDonald’s restaurants)
  2. Stockout rate (productivity of inventory management, hubs, warehouses, and distribution facilities)
  3. Timely delivery rate (productivity of deliveries, including third-party delivery services)


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  • Alexander, T. (2023). Unwrapping the McDonald’s model: An introduction to dynamic social theory. The Journal of American Culture, 46(3), 232-241.
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  • McDonald’s Corporation – Food Quality & Sourcing.
  • McDonald’s Corporation – Form 10-K.
  • McDonald’s Corporation – Our Commitment to Quality.
  • McDonald’s Corporation – Where We Operate.
  • McDonald’s History.
  • Veiga, G. L., Pinheiro de Lima, E., & Gouvea da Costa, S. E. (2022). An efficiency-frontier based procedure to improve operations strategy. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management, 7(03), 367-399.
  • Zhou, L., Jiang, Z., Geng, N., Niu, Y., Cui, F., Liu, K., & Qi, N. (2022). Production and operations management for intelligent manufacturing: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Production Research, 60(2), 808-846.

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Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article about McDonald's operations management.

McDonald's Operations Management: 10 Critical Decision Areas

  1. Design of Goods and Services: McDonald's aims for high efficiency of service operations and standardization of goods. This decision area focuses on developing the best product given the resources and limitations of the company. It includes strategies to satisfy the general public, attract a wide target market, and ensure consistency in menu and product offerings.

  2. Quality Management: McDonald's focuses on matching its food, drinks, and service to the quality expectations and preferences of its target consumers. The company applies policies and measures to ensure quality consistency across its locations, which contributes to customer satisfaction. However, maintaining satisfactory quality while minimizing costs poses a challenge.

  3. Process and Capacity Design: McDonald's optimizes production processes to maximize efficiency and minimize costs. The company employs custom equipment for large-scale and high-speed food preparation, which supports competitive pricing. The production line method is used to maximize productivity and capacity utilization at McDonald's restaurants.

  4. Location Strategy: McDonald's establishes and maintains locations that optimize access to target consumers, resources, the supply chain, costs, productivity, and economic variables. The company-owned, franchised, and licensed locations are strategically chosen to ensure maximum market reach. McDonald's also utilizes third-party distributors or retailers for its McCafé products.

  5. Layout Design and Strategy: McDonald's aims for high efficiency in moving resources and information throughout its business organization. Information technology is used to facilitate the movement of information at offices and other locations, while layouts at restaurants and kiosks maximize space utilization and productivity. Kitchens are designed to match steps in food preparation, and seating arrangements accommodate large numbers of diners.

  6. Human Resources and Job Design: McDonald's focuses on developing and maintaining an adequate workforce to support its business development. The company has standardized training programs for skills needed in food production and preparation. Individual and organizational learning are emphasized throughout the fast-food restaurant chain.

  7. Supply Chain Management: McDonald's aims to maintain high effectiveness and operating efficiency throughout its supply chain. The company uses information technology to inform suppliers and ensure their operations align with its supply needs. McDonald's has a mixture of regional and local suppliers for standardized and perishable ingredients, respectively. Policies and rules are imposed on suppliers to minimize disruptions in the supply chain.

  8. Inventory Management: McDonald's objective in inventory management is to ensure adequate inventory for smooth business operations. Materials from suppliers pass through inventory management or are stored for later use, depending on the corporation's requirements. McDonald's minimizes inventory costs while supporting restaurant operations.

  9. Scheduling: McDonald's applies schedules to utilize resources and assets to their full potential while satisfying its target customers. Regular schedules are used for corporate offices and restaurant locations, and seasonal schedules may be applied to support operations during spikes in market demand. The schedules are matched to the requirements of McDonald's and its partners.

  10. Maintenance: McDonald's focuses on maintaining stable operations at its corporate offices and stores. The company monitors the needs of its restaurants and uses real-time monitoring and control to ensure decisions and actions correspond to the current conditions. Maintenance teams and third-party service providers are involved in maintaining stable operations and high productivity.

These 10 critical decision areas of operations management help McDonald's optimize its business operations, achieve maximum productivity, and counteract competition in the fast-food industry. The company's strategies in these areas contribute to its position as the largest fast-food restaurant chain in the world.

If you have any further questions or need more information, feel free to ask!

McDonald’s Operations Management: 10 Critical Decisions, Productivity - Panmore Institute (2024)


What are the 10 operations management critical decision areas? ›

  • st. Decision: Design of Goods and Services: ...
  • nd. Decision : Managing Quality : ...
  • rd. Decision : Process and Capacity Strategy : ...
  • th. Decision: Location Strategy : ...
  • th. Decision : Layout Strategy : ...
  • th. Decision : Human Resources and Job Design : ...
  • th. Decision : Supply Chain Management: ...
  • th.

What are the ten critical decisions of operations management just name them? ›

Execute them well, and your business will stay afloat and can scale without many obstacles.
  • 10 Operations Management Decisions. ...
  • Goods and Services. ...
  • Quality Management. ...
  • Process and Capacity Design. ...
  • Location. ...
  • Layout Design and Strategy. ...
  • Human Resources and Job Design. ...
  • Supply Chain Management.
Dec 1, 2022

What is the operations strategy of McDonalds? ›

McDonald's operations strategy maximizes the benefits of economies of scale in production processes, in order to support competitive pricing. For example, the company employs custom equipment for large-scale and high-speed food preparation.

How does McDonalds measure productivity? ›

One of the essential paradigms of measuring McDonald's productivity is the company's financial performance. Organizations have higher productivity when they make optimal profits analogous to the increased output within a specified amount of resources.

What are the 10 decisions of OM? ›

The 10 decisions of operations management
  • Goods and services.
  • Quality management.
  • Process and capacity design.
  • Location.
  • Layout design and strategy.
  • Human resources and job design.
  • Supply chain management.
  • Inventory.
Jul 28, 2021

What are the 10 strategic OM decisions listed in the text? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The 10 strategic operations management (OM) decisions encompass areas like design, quality management, process strategy, layout, capacity planning, supply chain management, inventory, scheduling, maintenance, and human resources.

What are the parts of the 10 strategic operations management decisions include? ›

The 10 strategic operations management decisions include: Goods and service design, quality, process and capacity design, locations selection, layout design, human resources and job design, supply-chain management, inventory, scheduling, and maintenance.

Which of the following is not one of the 10 strategic operations management decisions? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Marketing is not one of the ten strategic operation management decisions that a business has to make. Marketing is one of the core activities of a business that is mandatory in order to sell a product.

What is the scope and critical decisions of operations management in OM? ›


They include policymaking in the physical production process. They also make short-, medium-, and long-term decisions on their organization's output capacity. Operations management also makes logistical decisions on inventory and the workforce. Lastly, they oversee the control and planning of quality.

What is McDonalds operating system? ›

McDonald's uses the NewPOS NP6 system, also known as the McDonald's NP6, MediaWorks NewPOS, or MW NewPOS (as well as Torex or Savista NewPOS). The NP6 runs a version of Microsoft Windows XP Embedded.

What strategies did McDonalds use? ›

To attract a wide customer base, McDonald's has leveraged various tactics, including targeted advertising, product innovation, and strategic partnerships. Their marketing campaigns consistently highlight the brand's core offerings and value proposition, focusing on convenience, affordability, and quality.

What management approach does McDonalds use? ›

However, there are some very successful companies who use the autocratic style to great effect, with McDonalds being one of them. In this case, McDonalds don't ask for suggestions or input from employees on any decisions the business makes or when it comes to changing working practices.

What is McDonalds' model to improve productivity? ›

Through Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), McDonald's ensures that its equipment operates at peak efficiency, thereby reducing downtime and maintenance costs. This comprehensive approach to process improvement has contributed significantly to the company's ability to maintain a competitive edge.

How does McDonalds measure employee performance? ›

Our employees receive a performance review based on competencies defined as important for their role. The review occurs twice a year and is an opportunity to measure performance, set objectives and discuss the training and development needs of the employee.

How does McDonalds measure their success? ›

We measure customer satisfaction through a receipt based Customer Survey initiative. This looks at customers' experiences within the restaurant, along with any customer feedback provided. We're a progressive business, so we're constantly changing and evolving to make our service as good as it possibly can be.

What are the decision areas of operations manager? ›

Five Decision Areas

However, one can analyze the operations function using 5 major decision responsibilities: process, capacity, inventory, work force, and quality. Process -- Make decisions about the physical production process, technology, and layout.

What are the 5 P's of operations management? ›

The constituents of the 5P model are: 1) Plan, 2) Process, 3) People, 4) Possessions, and 5) Profits.

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