McAlester Democrat from McAlester, Oklahoma (2024)

McALESTER tives. At the of his. leave he will go to Germany for his new assignment. Billy Bob Pearson, Bache, Roy Dunham, Eugene Marzuola, Clyde Mackey and Tommy D. Lewis have received their selective service call.

Micky Match, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Match. Willie T. Buck.

77, died at his home in Haileyville on Thursday, He was born 1 in Sherman, Texas. He was a member of the Baptist church. His only immediate survivor is his wife to whom he was married at Sherman in 1898. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m.

Saturday at the Evans Funeral Home, with Rev. T. P. Spear officiating. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery.

4-H Club Miss Nelma Reed and I. K. Baker, sponsors accompanied group of students to McAlester on Wednesday to the county- wide roundup. Blue ribbon winners were Louise Smith and Billy Brake, Mary Deerdoff and Jean Salon, Fred Parkinson and Jim Roberson. Eight explorer scouts spent Friday and Saturday attending the explorer bivouac held on the campus of Eastern Oklahoma A.

M. college. About thirty were in attendance from the Choctaw Council area. Those from Haileyville attending were Paul Moody, Kenneth Cook, Charles Palmer, Edward Tanner, Frankie Williams, Jimmy Pingleton, Eddie McMurtrey, and Charles Alexander. $350 MONTHLY SPARE TIME National company seeks reliable party to own and operate route of vending machines.

This is not nuts. No selling required. $350 per month possible part time, full time more. Car and $800 cash required, which is secured by inventory. This will stand strict investigation.

For interview in your town with factory sentative, include phone and address in application. EMPIRE MFG. AGENCY. 946 Goodfellow, St. Louis, 12, PHONE 459 FOR THE BEST IN JOB PRINTING Please Mister Protect Your Family From Expense of Treatment of Polio, Cancer and other dread diseases.

OUR POLICY Is Reasonable In Cost DURAN DURAN INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Arnote Phone 157 Save Hay and Dollars with IH 5-STAR Baler Inspection Plunger fit inspection Our skilled servicemen inspect the bale chamber, face blocks, and plunger for proper clearance and free, accurate movement. They also check the shear blade, tell you what is needed for plunger knife and "good-as-new" performance. Knotter adjustment We inspect pinions and cams, knotter hook, trip release arm, miter gears, and other working parts, to catch knotter troubles while they're still little. A baler check-up today can head off hay- wasting field delays later. Put our IH 5-Star baler experts on production team.

See us for our scheduled your inspection hay and service. STAR SERVICE and Mrs. David Burke, Houston, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. G.

H. Johnson, Garland, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones. Ft.

Worth, Texas; Miss Mary Carletti, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kerwin, Mr.

and Mrs James Hall. Mrs. Fred Ledbetter and Minnie Katherine of Heavener. Miss Sara Jane Ledbetter, Chick asha Mrs. Andrew Carletti, Kay and Christie.

Mrs. Tom Woods. Mrs. Thomas M. Woods, Mrs.

Bepnie Green, Mrs. Stanton Jones and Suzanne, Mrs. Harold Trueblood. Mrs. Wendell Newton, Mr.

D. J. Sossamon, of McAlester: Mr. and Mrs. John W.

Savage, John William and Tommy of Shawnee; Mrs Robert Watson, Mrs Madeline Carletti. Mss Jean Watson, Mrs. Grace Stephen, Krebs. Haileyville Students Go To Durant For Contests The following Haileyville stud ents, accompanied by Mrs. Guy Gizzi.

Mrs. E. H. Purcell, and Mr. Jerry Hutchison, went to Durant on Saturday, where they entered the contest in curricular events: Misses Mary Jane Marzuola, Mona Rae Stark.

Dimple James, Yvon ne Addison, Elsie Ingram, Helen Tinker, Sondra Lackey, Geraldine Roberson. Betty Salon, Betty Pitts, Gayle Scott, Rosana Angeli, Betty Monroe, Ann Dickerson and JoAnn Deerdoff and Don Overcast. Bob Purcell, Duane Collins. Larry King, Jerry McElhany, Paul Mariano, Dale Holt, George Davidson. Leonard Stansel, Fred Goodson.

Paul Mariano placed third in Algebra and Larry King fifth in general science. Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ravioli were hosts at a rehearsal dinner on Friday evening, April 10, in the Catholic hall of Hartshorne, to members of the wedding party and guests of the wedding of their daughter Miss Dolores Ravaioli and Edward P. Edmiston.

J. W. Stephenson, recently separated from the army, is now working for the Rock Island railroad as a brakeman with. headquarters at Shawnee. Mrs.

W. H. Cleghorn recently visited her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. B.

A. Young, in Elk City. Bob Koleszar, who has been stationed at Camp Hood, Texas, is visiting here with rela INTERNATIONAL SALES SERVICE Griffith Truck Tractor Co. 337 E. Choctaw McAlester DEMOCRAT, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, -951 Page Three Savanna Rebekah Lodge Donates to Red Cross The Savanna Rebekah lodge I three dollars to the Red toss during the regular meeting Id on Monday evening.

April 6. contribution of a dollar went to "Love Others" fund to pay for expense trip of of two Theta Cho girls to the United Nations Igrimage. Embry read from the able the story of the crucifixion 1 Christ and the resurrection. The next meeting will begin at o'clock. The secretary, Irene Mackey, Nad the letter of the assembly resident and the assembly's sectary from "The Oklahoma Odd ellow." The flag was presented and re-, red by Grace Embry and Katie Tarlow.

Refreshments were served by pertha Hodgens and Billie Jo nifer to Ola Sorrels, Irene Mac-, ey, Grace Embry, Katie Marlow, Ruth Perona, Mamie Cantley, essie Gossett, Mable Smith, Ruth acefield, Lottie Mackey, and belle Motley. Eastern Star Has School of Instruction Savanna Order of the Eastern Star attended the "Symbol, of school of instruction for District No. 10 in the blue room of the Masonic temple. Members attending and participating were Mable Smith, Grace Embry, Mildred Every, Naomi Farris, Louise Byrd, Bessie Gossett. Martha Bunn, Ora and Lena Bigelow, Katie Marlow, Irene Mackey, Esta Turner, Louise Raney, and Faye Fisher.

Miners- A Girl Mr. and Mrs. James Miner are the parents of a girl, Sherrita Kay, born on Thursday, April 9. Mrs. Miner is the former Evelyn England.

4-H Winners Blue ribbon winners at the at the McAlester fair grounds Pittsburg 4-H Club rally were as follows: Jane Embry, "Timely Duanne' and Traughber, special Graves, team "Timely demonstration: Aaron, Joyce Nowell, health contest; team demonstration, Eddie Mackey and Duanne Traughber; school wear, Jeannean Horton and Judy Kiser. Graves, dress wear; Phillip Red ribbon winners were: Traughber, school wear: Nadine Harris, "Timely Jerry DANCE to Johnnie Lee Wills and his Boys FRIDAY NIGHT April 17th American Legion Bldg. McAlester 9 P. M. 'til $1.25 Per Person Bill Sorrels, school wear: Linda Hodgens, Pat Gold, and Gale Thomas, handkerchief and head scarf.

White ribbon winpers were: Mamie Littlejohn and Louise Decker, head scarf: Wilma McGinnis, Wanda Fisher, Delcar Williams, Bonnie Morgan and Rubby Bond, apron; Marilyn Lindsay and Norma Holt, handkerchief. Birthday Party The senor girls honored their teacher. Katie Marlow, birthday party Friday afternoon, April 10. After the candles were blown out refreshments consisting of cakes. ice cream and co*kes were served.

Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson of Wichita, Kansas visited during the week end in the home of Mr: and Mrs. John Every. Mettie Griffith of Antlers is visiting with her sister and husband, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Motley. Virginia Hodgens Pigeman McAlester visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hodgens, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis and family visited in Hartshorne with Mrs. Ellis mother, Mrs: Fred Hoovens. Mrs.

J. L. Lee returned home from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs.

J. D. Earnest are visiting in Mena, Arkansas. Frank and Francille Phifer returned home from a visit to California with relatives. Sammy Marlow, Jim Maynard.

and John Notah of Oklahoma City visited with relatives and friends the past week end. Don Elder is home on a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tobby Elder. Mr.

and Mrs. David Killebrew attended the Rodeo at Stonewall on Sunday afternoon. Visiting with J. N. Farris are her mother, Mrs.

Whorton, and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Whorton, all of California. SA and Mrs. Idus Stockton and baby, Micheal Idus, of Chincoteague, Virginia, are visiting with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Verlon Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. I. P.

Stockton. and Mrs. Donald Johnston are here on a furlough with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Johnston, and Mr.

and Mrs. C. T. Herring. Johnston is enroute to Far East duties.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Godfrey, Willis Mackey, W. L. Smith, Don- Mr.

Cotton and Corn Grower Plant the seed adaptable to Eastern Oklahoma and which proved the most profitable at experimental plots conducted by the Oklahoma College. We have Stonewall-62 Registered, Delinted and Treated DPL-15 Delinted and Treated as well as fuzzy seed Summerour Hi-Bred. Grown from First Year Seed Good Line of Fertilizer and Seed Corn Limited Quantity of Ammonium Nitrate Philco Refrigerators, Freezers, Radios and Home Appliances. A Well Assorted Stock of General Merchandise to Select from GROSSMAN BROWN Canadian, Oklahoma Always in Step with Southeast Oklahoma You Can Take Things In Stride when you put cash aside in a Savings Account with The National Bank, a bank that is home owned and operated by people you know. Keep money in the bank against the time when you'll need it for the things you want to buy, for business opportunities, for possible family emergencies, for old-age security.

Your money is safe while it's here, and it's working all the time, helping the community and earning INTEREST for you. The National Bank OF McALESTER a ald Gilmore. Mary Lou Dill, and Melva Crandal went to Tulsa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Heard and children. Patricia and Mike. of Texas visited with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Heard, the past week end. Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Furr and children of Stringtown visited on Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Slick Slater. Van Layton Buckner attended the 4-H and FFA banquet sponsored by the National Bank of McAlester at the Aldridge hotel on Saturday evening, April 11. Van was the grand champion winner in the lamb division at the recent livestock show and gave a talk at the banquet.

Haileyville Bob Purcell Ravaloll- Edmiston Vows Exchanged April 11 Dolores Joy Ravaioli, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ravaioli, Haileyville, and Edward Paul Edmiston, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.

L. Edmiston, 1716 S. Quincy avenue, Tulsa, were married in Holy Rosary Catholic church, Hartshorne. on Saturday, at 9:30 a.m. The Rev.

Andrew Palmero, O. C. D. read the nuptial mass before an altar banked with, altar bouquets and baskets of yellow gladioli, white stock and white carnations. Candelabra held white tapers.

Charles Edward Lee. organist, presented traditional nuptial music and accompanied Virgil Dominic who sang "Ave "Panis "Lord I Am Not and "On This The last song, "On This Day" was sung as the bride knelt before the statue of Our Lady after she had placed a bouquet before the statue. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over satin. The bodice of all-over lace was styled with a boat neckline and long lace, sleeves. The skirt of nylon tulle with lace applique over satin, extended into a chapel length train.

Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a halo lace bonnet trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a prayer book topped with white orchids and stephanotis showered with satin ribbons and loveknots. Mrs. Clifford. Muselman, Tulsa, sister of the bridegroom, was watron of honor.

The bridesmatron was Mrs. Michael B. Jones, Fort Worth, and Miss Mary Lucy Donatelli, cousin of the bride, Hartshorne. was bridesmaid. Margaret Ann Dunn, cousin of the bride, Muskogee, was flower girl.

Attendants wore ballerinalength dresses of yellow taffeta with pleated portrait yoke necklines, rounded bodices and gathered skirts. Their halo hats were of yellow. They carried yellow roses tied with orchid satin. The flower girl wore a floor-length dress of matching fabric and a white daisy headdress. She carried a small bouquet of white daises.

Lt. W. R. Edmiston, Salina, Kansas, was his brother's best man. Ushers and groomsmen were David L.

Edmiston, Russell, Kansas. a brother of the bridegroom: Robert P. Brennan, Tulsa, Mr. Edmiston's cousin: Robert J. Bitsche.

Oklahoma City. and John A. Charon, Tulsa. Robert Ravaioli, brother of the bride. and John William Savage, Shawnee.

served as acolytes. The bride's mother wore a navy! silk crepe dress, white accessories and white gladioli corsage. Mrs. Edmiston, mother of the groom, wore a beige suit with toast accessories and yellow gladioli corsage. A reception was held at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Carletti, Haileyville, uncle and aunt the bride. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. R. T.

Howl, Ok lahoma City; Mrs. C. E. Williams, Tulsa; Mrs. W.

A. Dunn, Muskogee, and Miss Caralee Miller, Oklahoma City. Both Mr. and Mrs. Edmiston are graduates of Oklahoma A.

college, Stillwater, where Mrs. Edmiston was a member of KapDelta Sorority. Mr. Edmiston's fraternity was Theta Kappa Phi. After a wedding trip to New Orleans the couple will make their home in Tulsa.

Out-of-town guests at the wed ding were Mr. Robert Ravaioli, Linden, New Jersey, grandfather the bride: Mr. and D. L. Edmiston, Jo Ann, Catherine and Mary Louise Edmiston, Tulsa: Mr.

and Mrs. C. R. Muselman, Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Edmiston, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eaton and Linda Kay, and Mrs.

G. C. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Williams, Mr.

and Mrs. R. E. Skeelram, Mr. and Mrs.

H. Brannan, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce, Mr. and Mrs.

John Madden, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Edwards, and Mrs.

Walter Bryce, Mr. Don Patton, all of Tulsa. Miss Coralee Miller, Miss MelDavis, Mr. Robert Bitsche, Mrs. Dallas Ervin.

Mrs. Martin Silett, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howl, Oklahoma City; Mr. and Mrs.

Wilhite, Mr. Pat Hayes, Mrs. Wythe Walker, of Stillwater; Lt. Mrs. Wm.

R. Edmiston, SaliKansas; Mr. and Mrs. David Edmiston, Russell, Kansas. Neil Williams, Henryetta; Mr.

PROTECTION In Time of Need The Humphrey Burial Association offers worthwhile protection in time of need at a price within the reach of ALL. Offices at THE HUMPHREY FUNERAL HOME Phone 145 314 E. Grand McAlester ELECTRIC is ECONOMICAL? FAST. REDUCE FOOD 000 AND LABOR. TIME SAVE It's a mistake to think that electric cooking is expensive.

Actually it costs only a few cents a day. Besides you save food because "Measured Heat" gives you perfect results every time. Most important of all electric cooking is CLEAN. With electricity there's no combustion. So, no soot forms.

on pans you cut down on cleaning curtains, walls, ceilings, working areas, and the range itself. Think what this will save you in work and cleaning bills! Why net see your Electric Appliance dealer TODAY? PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Law-Cost Electric Service to Help Build Oklahoma FOR THE FIRST TIME! A Genuine PHILCO Multiwave Radio for $2995 Only PT-559 70 80 90 100 120 60 55 SERVICES PHILCO TRANSIT Tune in the REAL LIFE Includes the Drama of Land, Sea and Air! EXCLUSIVE Yes, now at amazing new low price enjoy thrilling calls from SPECIAL ships, planes, police, amateurs many other dramatic shortSERVICE wave messages you can't get on ordinary radios. All in addiBAND! tion to brilliant reception of regular programs. Decorator cabinet. Come in- -hear it now! EASIEST TERMS Oklahoma Pho.

111 McAlester TIRE SUPPLY CO. Hartshorne Pho. 11.

McAlester Democrat from McAlester, Oklahoma (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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