Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (2024)

Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (1)

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Fine art has long been a popular alternative asset class among the ultra-wealthy, but the capital required to buy paintings (which often cost in the millions) — not to mention the knowledge of which ones to buy and how to properly care for them — makes it unrealistic for most people.

Masterworks aims to solve that problem by offering ownership shares in blue-chip paintings, thus giving average investors a potentially enticing way to diversify their portfolio.

This Masterworks review will help you decide if the platform is a good idea in your situation. We’ll explain the details of how it works, break down the fees, and compare the pros and cons.

If you’re already familiar with how the platform works, you can skip to my analysis, which details why I chose not to invest.

Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (2)

Masterworks provides fractionalized fine art investment opportunities. The company lets non-accredited investors buy ownership shares in blue-chip paintings, charging a 1.5% annual management fee and a 20% fee on all profits. Most Masterworks’ paintings are held for 3 to 10 years, and there's an option to try and sell your shares on a secondary market if you want to liquidate prior to a sale. Due to a high fee structure and risks with investing in individual works of art, Masterworks isn't an ideal alternative investment to construct a balanced portfolio. Instead, it's an option for art-loving investors who already have a well-diversified portfolio and who are interested in learning about art investing with limited initial exposure.


  • Handles the entire process of buying, storing and selling art.
  • Open to non-accredited investors with low investment minimums.
  • Masterworks’ returns since inception, based on internal appraisals (minus fees), have slightly outpaced the S&P 500.


  • Masterworks is a new company with a limited track record.
  • Liquidity on the secondary market isn't guaranteed.
  • There’s an interview and application process required to access the platform.

Visit Masterworks

Masterworks at a Glance

Masterworks is an online art investing platform founded in 2017 by Scott Lynn, who created the company after realizing that the long-term growth opportunities offered by fine art were inaccessible to most investors.

If you learned about Masterworks through an advertisem*nt, there’s a good chance you’ve seen or heard the company compare contemporary art returns to the S&P 500. We’ll touch on that in greater detail later in the article. However, it’s important to note from the outset that art indices tracking returns prior to 1995 do not show such strong performance.

The chart below is the one Masterworks highlights to demonstrate potential returns:

Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (3)

Unlike traditional art investing — which requires you to travel to auction houses to find and buy famous paintings — Masterworks lets eligible investors purchase shares of blue chip art (defined as art that costs $500,000 or more) online.

The idea is that this kind of fractional ownership makes investing in art more practical for people who can’t afford to buy and store paintings worth millions of dollars.

The Masterworks Investment Process

Buying and selling blue chip art can be more complex than investing in individual stocks. In this section, we’ll discuss the Masterworks investment process, from account creation to generating returns on your assets.

Creating a Masterworks Account

The Masterworks platform is open to non-accredited investors in the United States.

Masterworks requires prospective investors to fill out an application and “request an invitation” to the platform. While they mention a waitlist to join the platform, going directly to their homepage from a browser tab (at the time of publication) allows you to “skip the waitlist.”

After your application is submitted, Masterworks’ customer service team conducts a phone interview with you, during which you’ll talk to the company about your investing goals and how the art investing process works.

When discussing changes to your portfolio with another person, we suggest always working with a fiduciary — i.e., someone legally or ethically required to act in your best interest. Masterworks’ advisers are not fiduciaries, which can create a conflict of interest.

As such, if you’re considering investing with Masterworks, it’s essential to understand where fine art fits into your financial plan before the phone call.

That said, you do get access to view the offerings available on the platform prior to the interview, as shown in the example below.

Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (4)

After the interview, if the company thinks you’re a good fit for art investing, they’ll help you open your Masterworks account so you can start buying shares of blue chip artwork.

Masterworks does not provide information about how they determine fitness for the platform. However, there are reports that higher net worth investors are encouraged to make larger investments.

Searching for Investment-Grade Art Opportunities

All of the art available on Masterworks is hand-selected by the firm’s researchers based on its potential long-term value. If the Masterworks team thinks a piece of fine art could be a good investment, it acquires that work from an auction or gallery sale.

According to the company, less than 2.2% of artwork that gets reviewed passes this analysis process.

When Masterworks purchases art pieces, it files an offering circular (a type of prospectus) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This SEC filing lets Masterworks turn blue chip art into an investable securities.

By turning its holdings into securities, Masterworks makes it possible for people to purchase fractionalized shares. Investors receive a K-1 from Masterworks each year, which can increase the cost of your tax return.

Making an Investment

After Masterworks buys and securitizes artwork, the company lists each piece on its marketplace. At the time of initial publication in July 2022, there were just four investment opportunities on the platform, as shown in the screenshot below:

Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (5)

From here, account holders can purchase artwork shares to add to their portfolios. The sale period for each piece of art on the marketplace lasts 90 days.

Masterworks states that there is no minimum investment requirement for account holders. However, you’ll need to have enough cash on hand to cover the cost of at least one share of whatever painting you want to invest in.

The cost of a single share can vary, though a look at Masterworks’ marketplace shows that most share prices are between $15 and $40.

Selling Your Investment

Selling fine art isn’t as streamlined as trading shares of mutual funds and stocks. Liquidity is always a concern with an alternative asset class like fine art, so this is something to keep in mind before opening a Masterworks account.

With Masterworks, you have two options for selling any ownership shares you have in a piece of fine art.

Option 1: Wait for Masterworks to Sell the Art

Your first option is to hold onto your shares until Masterworks sells the underlying painting. Masterworks states a target hold period of 3 to 10 years.

If you hold your ownership shares until Masterworks decides to sell the painting, you’ll receive a share of the profits from the sale.

Masterworks distributes 80% of earnings from paintings to shareholders based on the number of shares each investor owns.

Keep in mind that Masterworks is not required to adhere to that 3 to 10 year target period. It has no obligation to sell the securitized artwork. This means there’s a possibility that your investment could be tied up indefinitely.

Option 2: Sell Your Shares on the Secondary Market

If you don’t want to wait for Masterworks to sell the artwork, your other option is to try and sell your shares on the company’s secondary market, which allows you to liquidate your assets (and gives others a chance to gain shares of past offerings).

The secondary market is a nice idea in theory, but there is no guarantee that you’ll be able to sell your shares at any given time. Masterworks has a relatively small number of active investors (under 500,000 as of the time of writing), so it’s reasonable to think that your potential liquidity via this secondary market is relatively low.

The image below shows an example of sell and buy orders on the secondary market:

Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (6)

As a seller on the secondary market, you set a desired price per share and then wait for offers from interested buyers. The minimum number of shares required for listing on the platform is five, and there’s a 1.5% wire fee upon sale.

Buying shares on the secondary market potentially gives you the ability to acquire shares at a discount. Of course, as a seller that means you may end up losing money in order to liquidate your assets.

Looking at the current offerings, sellers significantly outnumber buyers. For example, for the Bansky painting, “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” 60 people are looking to sell and only three are looking to buy. While sellers are asking for a minimum of $19.99 per share, the highest bid price on the buy side is $18.80.

At the time the painting was acquired in December 2021, Masterworks valued it at $7,428,000. Selling shares at $18.80 would value the painting at $7,010,000.

Masterworks Fees

Masterworks has a 1.5% annual management fee that it levies based on the value of your account. Additionally, the company takes a 20% cut of any profits it earns from selling paintings.

Any trades that you make on Masterworks’ secondary market are fee-free, except for the 1.5% wire fee.

There are no other fees on the platform.

Masterworks vs. Yieldstreet

Yieldstreet is another popular online platform for investing in alternative assets, such as art, and offers unique accredited investor opportunities. Here’s a look at the similarities and differences between Masterworks and Yieldstreet:

Investor requirements:Open to non-accredited investors.Open to accredited investors only.
Minimum investment:None.$10,000 for artwork.
Fee structure:1.5% annual fee + 20% of profits from sales.Fees vary from investment to investment.
Investment offerings:Shares of ownership in a specific painting.Shares in a fund that invests in art and art-backed loans.
Liquidity:A secondary market is available, but share liquidity is not guaranteed.While there is a secondary market on Yieldstreet for some alternative assets, no such market exists for art.

There are some advantages to art investing through Yieldstreet, especially if you’re hoping to generate passive income from your investment before it matures. However, Yieldstreet’s high investment requirements — including the need to be an accredited investor — make it impractical for most people.

Learn more in our in-depth Yieldstreet review.

Masterworks FAQs

Is Masterworks a legitimate investment?

Masterworks is a legitimate company that offers real investment products. The company owns all of the art that it lists on its marketplace and all of its offerings are registered securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). But there are risks involved with investing in art, and returns are never guaranteed.

What are Masterwork’s fees?

Masterworks charges a 1.5% annual management fee + 20% of the profits it makes from selling art. If you sell shares on the company’s secondary market, there’s a 1.5% wire fee.

Can anyone invest in Masterworks?

Masterworks accepts non-accredited, U.S.-based investors. However, while Masterworks is open to most investors, as explained below, it’s not the right choice for everyone.

Is Masterworks Right For You?

If you’re considering investing in art with Masterworks, there are some essential things to know before you start.

First off, understand there’s some important context surrounding the 13.8% returns since 1995 statistic often cited by Masterworks.

Since this is the hook that gets a lot of investors interested in the platform, it’s important to recognize that this figure comes from a December 2020 Citi research report performed on a specific art sector during a particular period.

The indices used to track performance in the Citi research were the All Art, Contemporary Art and Impressionist Art price-weighted indices.

However, other indices that aim to track the prices of art show different results.

For example, from 1950 to 2021, the Sotheby’s Mei Moses Index (see screenshot below) posted a compound annual growth rate of 8.5%. Remember, this figure excludes any potential costs and fees.

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From 1950 to 2021, including dividends, the S&P 500 returned 11.54%.

On the front page of its website, Masterworks links to the same Citi study, saying:

“[…] the long-term correlation coefficient of 0.12 between Art and the S&P 500 Index, which is a very low level of correlation. This is why we believe that contemporary Art plays a key role in diversifying any portfolio.”

However, a Stanford Graduate School of Business study found that art investments don’t improve the risk-return profile of a traditional portfolio.

“Using a large sample of 20,538 paintings that were sold repeatedly at auction between 1972 and 2010, we find that paintings with higher price appreciation are more likely to trade. This strongly biases estimates of returns. The selection-corrected average annual index return is 6.5 percent, down from 10 percent for traditional uncorrected repeat sales regressions, and Sharpe Ratios drop from 0.24 to 0.04. From a pure financial perspective, passive index investing in paintings is not a viable investment strategy once selection bias is accounted for.”

Another important aspect of investing in fine art is that paintings are taxed as collectibles. While stocks have a maximum long-term capital gains tax rate of 20%, the long-term tax rate for collectibles is 28%.

I’d bring these points up with anyone considering investing in art.

When it comes to Masterworks specifically, I correlate investing through the company (and the limited offerings they make available) to using an active fund manager for an alternative investment class.

That’s because Masterworks isn’t offering you the ability to invest in the S&P 500 of the art world. Instead, they allow you to invest in a few specific paintings they are willing and able to purchase and securitize.

As such, I’d liken it to investing in individual stocks, or a handful of real estate deals, as opposed to the S&P 500 or a publicly-traded REIT.

As more of an active fund manager, Masterworks has performed well. They calculate their net annualized return as 14.3% from inception in 2018 through March 2022. With dividends, the S&P 500 has returned 13.36% from the start of 2018 through March 2022.However, these returns are based on internal appraisals, not independent third-party appraisals. Additionally, these returns include all Masterworks paintings held to date.

As of November 2022, Masterworks has successfully exited eight paintings, with annualized gains ranging from 9.2 to 39.3%.

My stance is that if one invests in art — be it on Masterworks or anywhere else — it should be for personal reasons rather than portfolio diversification or the expectation of better returns than a traditional retirement portfolio would provide.

Masterworks Review: Final Verdict

When you purchase a fractionalized share of a painting, you don’t get the benefit of hanging the art on your wall. So in the end, you’re paying hedge fund type fees to invest in an asset class that has been shown to provide little benefit for the average investor. Given that, I think there are better alternative investments out there.

Disclosure: I am a paid partner of Yieldstreet, a company that operates an online investment platform, and have been compensated for referring investors to Yieldstreet investments. This financial relationship may influence the content, topics or posts made on this platform. The views and opinions expressed on this platform are purely my own. This content is not intended to provide investment advice. Investing involves risk, including loss of principal. Please carefully review Yieldstreet’s Offering Circular before making any investment.

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R.J. Weiss

R.J. Weiss, founder of The Ways To Wealth, has been a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ since 2010. Holding a B.A. in finance and having completed the CFP® certification curriculum at The American College, R.J. combines formal education with a deep commitment to providing unbiased financial insights. Recognized as a trusted authority in the financial realm, his expertise is highlighted in major publications like Business Insider, New York Times, and Forbes.

    Masterworks Review (2022): Why I Decided Not to Invest (2024)


    Is Masterworks actually a good investment? ›

    Is Masterworks legit? Masterworks is a legitimate alternative investing platform that makes blue-chip artwork more accessible. That said, it's a risky asset class to invest in, and Masterworks doesn't guarantee returns. It doesn't guarantee liquidity either, even with its secondary marketplace.

    How to get money out of Masterworks? ›

    Learn how to withdraw funds from or deposit into you wallet

    Transferring funds to or from your Masterworks wallet is easy! Just head to the "Trading" tab on, and click the "Transfer" button in the box of your wallet account you would like to deposit into or withdraw from.

    What is the annual fee for Masterworks? ›

    Masterworks earns a 1.5% annual management fee, distributed in the form of equity. Effectively, this means that you are not paying the fee with out-of-pocket cash, but your ownership stake will be diluted over time.

    Is Masterworks expensive? ›

    Masterworks fees and how to get started

    Masterworks charges a 1.5% annual management fee, plus the company takes 20% of any profits from an artwork's sale. Other applicable fees may apply, which are detailed in the offering documentation that investors receive.

    How risky is Masterworks? ›

    That being said, investors need to have a high risk tolerance for the funds invested on the platform, as there are no guaranteed results and it is still a relatively new type of investing. And finally, Masterworks is a fine art investing platform, and members will need to choose which pieces to invest in.

    Who is Masterworks owned by? ›

    Scott Lynn

    Can Masterworks be trusted? ›

    Masterworks is a legitimate alternative investment platform that gives everyone access to invest in million-dollar artwork at a fraction of the cost. While there certainly is a potential for profit, it is important to realize that art is a risky investment.

    Is Masterworks genuine? ›

    Masterworks is a legitimate company that can help you invest in art, but there are no guarantees that the singular pieces of art you invest in will take off. In that way, it's similar to investing in individual stocks, since there is no guarantee that a single company will outperform in the future.

    Can I sell my Masterworks shares? ›

    Follow this link to get started on your Wallet application. Once your application is approved, you'll be ready to sell your shares. Be aware that shares are only tradable 90 days after an offering is complete, so you may not be able to trade right away.

    Is Masterworks a unicorn? ›

    In 2021, Masterworks achieved unicorn status raising $110M in its Series A fundraising round at a valuation exceeding $1 billion.

    Is Masterworks regulated by the SEC? ›

    Masterworks can only make sales after an offering statement has been filed, and “qualified” by, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).

    What is similar to Masterworks? ›

    Synonyms of masterworks
    • masterpieces.
    • classics.
    • showpieces.
    • magnum opuses.
    • chefs d'oeuvre.
    • masterstrokes.
    • successes.
    • treasures.

    Is Masterworks worth investing? ›

    Masterworks® may not be the best choice due to fees, no guarantee of sale, and higher tax on profits. Investors should carefully consider their investment goals and risk tolerance before investing in any type of asset, including artwork.

    Who regulates Masterworks? ›

    For starters, the SEC tightly regulates every offering from Masterworks. The team at Masterworks securitizes all of the paintings that the company acquires, offering investors shares in them.

    What is the stock price of Masterworks? ›

    What is Masterworks' stock price? Masterworks is a privately held company and therefore does not have a public stock price.

    Is it worth investing in paintings? ›

    Paintings can generate a solid profit and secure your wealth in times of financial uncertainty. Art can also be a great short or long-term investment, depending on your preference. However, most art investors have a long-term outlook, as it holds onto its value and can generate moderate returns over time.

    What is the best art investment platform? ›

    Masterworks is the best art investment platform for its low fees, diverse selection of high-quality artworks, and track record of success in the art investment industry. Investing in art has long been considered a lucrative and exciting way to diversify one's portfolio.

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    Author: Eusebia Nader

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    Name: Eusebia Nader

    Birthday: 1994-11-11

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    Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.