Master of the Game (2024)

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Master of the Game (1)

34 reviews57 followers

September 14, 2009

I know what you're thinking. "How can you possibly rate this soap opera of a novel as highly as The Bell Jar?! You have lost all credibility now that you've included pseudo-romance novels on your goodreads list!"

All I can say is, this book is the literary equivalent of crack.

Sidney Sheldon is a surprisingly talented writer, and the plot twists are many and dramatic. You might throw your copy against a wall in frustration over a character's actions. You will definitely lose sleep when you obsessively stay up all night reading "just one more chapter..." It's just addicting. A definite beach book, but not so trashy that you'd feel guilty reading it in public. In fact, you might even read it more than once.

I have recommended

Master of The Game to all kinds of readers and everyone has adored it. Even macho guys. Even snobby scholars. Even so-called nonreaders who never venture further than Us Weekly. I was finally able to wean my grandma off Lavyrle Spencer with this. A hipster friend braved ridicule at Skylight books so she could buy her own copy (because of course I demanded mine back). My sister bought the German translation because she misses it while living in Europe.

Ok, so maybe this isn't exactly on par with Salinger. But if the definition of a good book is one you love reading, this comes pretty close.

Master of the Game (2)

198 reviews92 followers

February 7, 2013

WHAT THE HELL DID I READ!!!!!! WILL SOMEONE TELL ME?????? I am speechless,this book is absoultely BRILLIANT!!!!! Too good for words. I have never in my life read such kind of book. I don't have any idea how in living hell am I gonna review this book because I don't think I am capable enough or good enough with words to describe what I went through while reading it or what I am feeling after completing it.

This book is truely entertaining and it's a kind of book which you get to read once in 10 years. It's a saga of a billionare family including it's 5 generations. The Blackwell family is a hideous f amily who are the richest in the world and is full of dark secrets,murders,thefts. Evey member of this family has it's own story and every member has it's own secret to share. The characters were both ambitious and desperate to get what they wanted.Nothing seemed like a limit in this book,nothing seemed wrong,whether it was Jamie using someone for revenge or Kate sleeping with someone for the sake of business or Evie killing someone for money.Every character wanted,needed money,power and control.
The way book started with Jamie Mcgregor's quest in searching diamonds in Africa,the way he overcame every obstacle in his path was just brilliantly written. This book shows the desperate attempts of Kate Blackwell in making Kruger&Brent the topmost company of USA and inorder to do so she did things which are shocking,ugly,mean and certainly rendered me speechless.I was out of mind in my attempt to complete this book.The characters were toooooo awesome,specially the characters of George Mellis and Evie just blew my mind. OMG!!!!!!!! is what I could say at every turn in this book. Normally books have good storyline with pinch of romance,drama and suspense perhaps but this book is just one of it's kind.A book with everything,it was an overwhelming experience reading this book.

Master of the Game (3)

380 reviews169 followers

May 3, 2023

Second read twenty years later. Review to come.
Update 4-27 -2023

Master of the Game was 5 plus for me twenty years ago.
Sheldon covers a lot of ground in this one including an exorbitant amount of topics, which all fit beautifully in the story. A novel about generations within one family and how their fortune was built is what I enjoyed most about this book. The subject of wealth and entitlement play a big role as does apartheid. Sheldon writes about that subject loud and clear.
The story is based on what family member will take over Kruger-Brent when it's time for the latter to retire. Does an heir with zero business acumen automatically take over a company because of his bloodline.
The descriptions of every single character happens to be outstanding; a gift this author owned.
I was going to say there were too many characters for the book, although not quite sure that would be a fair statement for a story covering six generations.
Almost three quarters through we meet Kate's twin grandchildren Eve and Alexandra. One kind, the other, sickenly evil.
Kate, now in her eighties has already chosen the candidate. As Kate grew up, she learned to becomes the master of manipulation and became one of the wealthiest women in the world. I am curious though; if one happens to be the queen of manipulation, does this mean she is unable to recognize when she is being set up?
The book began to get a bit silly for me near the end and I don't remember feeling that way the first time.
Reading Sheldon's "Stranger in the Mirror" as well this month tested out changes in reading maturity except I found it so much better this time.
He was a great author whose writing style was fresh and clean; an author who gets right to the point of topics he chose by allowing us to see inside the minds of the characters we are dealing with.
I miss Sheldon and his work. He gave me so many years of entertainment.

February 10, 2017

“Business is a game, played for fantastic stakes, and you're in competition with experts. If you want to win, you have to learn to be a master of the game.”

This is the first Sheldon's book I read and I want to applaud. Not only it's unputdownable but also unpredictable book. What can I say? The writing style is superb! Every chapter does not end with the cliff-hanger, but it end with the twist.

The story is very well-planed. Master of the Game told the story of the Mcgregor, the Diamond-trading family. From the poor to very wealthy and powerful family of the world. You guys will gone through sine the father generation Jamie Mcgregor till his daughter Kate Mcgregor who is the lead of this book

Wanna know abt the MC? Kate Mcgregor is such a character I hate and love. Seriously, she is the MOST manipulative female character I ever met. Her greedy ambition for power made her cruel in my eyes, but this lady is also intelligent that made me applaud for her out loud! She is the master of her life, her game. She manipulate people's life, her family, and even her beloved ones. But that's it, I did enjoy to read about her. She is such a strong powerful bussiness woman I want to be.

If you don't mind tiny romance and love clever anti-heroine and well-planed plot full of the twists, READ IT I highly recommend!

Master of the Game (5)

9,563 reviews342 followers

April 23, 2018

Master of the Game, Sidney Sheldon
Master of the Game is a novel by Sidney Sheldon, first published in hardback format in 1982. Spanning four generations in the lives of the fictional McGregor/Blackwell family, the critically acclaimed novel spent four weeks at number one on the New York Times Best Seller List, and was later adapted into a 1984 television miniseries.
عنوانها: استاد بازی؛ آرزوهای یک زن؛ زنی در قمار زندگی؛ نویسنده: سیدنی شلدون؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: سیزدهم ماه ژانویه سال 2002 میلادی
عنوان: استاد بازی؛ نویسنده: سیدنی شلدون؛ مترجم: میترا معتضد؛ مشخصات نشر: آسمان - چاپ اول، سال 1380؛ انتشارات البرز؛ شابک: 9644422945؛ در 684 ص، موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان آمریکایی قرن 20 م
عنوان: آرزوهای یک زن؛ نویسنده: سیدنی شلدون؛ مترجم: شراره شهلائی؛ مشخصات نشر: شراره شهلائی، سال 1368؛ در 592 ص، تهران، نشر ویس، 1369، تهران، درسا، چاپ چهارم 1376، چاپ پنجم 1378، چاپ ششم 1380، چاپ هشتم 1387، موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان آمریکایی قرن 20 م
عنوان: زنی در قمار زندگی؛ نویسنده: سیدنی شلدون؛ مترجم: پرویز ختائی؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، پاژنگ، سال 1371؛ در 581 ص، موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان آمریکایی قرن 20 م
با عنوانهای: استاد بازی؛ آرزوهای یک زن و زنی در قمار زندگی منتشر شده است؛ نام رمان کنایه ای است به قهرمان داستان «کیت» که زنی جاه طلب و خودمحور است و برای پیش بردن همه چیز بر اساس باورها و خواسته خود، با همه اعضای خانواده به خوبی «بازی» میکند. ا. شربیانی

Master of the Game (6)

89 reviews14 followers

March 1, 2024

برای کسی که دلش میخواد تجربه خوندن یک کتاب فاجعه‌رو داشته باشه کتاب “بازی سرنوشت” یا “استاد بازی” میتونه گزینه بسیار خوبی باشه. اگه قلم و کاغذ به یک بچه‌ی ده ساله میدادن احتمالا خروجی بهتری داشت. باورم نمیشه یک کتاب بتونه انقدر بد، سطحی، مسخره، پیش پا افتاده و آبکی باشه. حتی یک ستاره هم براش امتیاز زیادیه.

Master of the Game (7)

453 reviews295 followers

November 10, 2021

By reading this novel, I understood what is a page-turner. This soap opera style story is not my thing, but I managed to finish the novel pretty quick.

I read this novel in my younger days and I don't dare to read this book nowadays. It is one of the I-would-like-this-book-better-at-my-younger-age book with the standard television drama show plots. This book was a good novel and I could still remember the main plot. I was charmed by the storytelling for a reader without any reading preference yet.

Master of the Game (8)

212 reviews31 followers

July 5, 2008

I just finished reading the most depressing, pointless, IRRITATING book in existence. Everyone asks what your favorite book is, but now if anyone ever asks what my least favorite is, I have an answer. Until today, I would have said I love all books!

DO NoT read Master of the Game by Sydney Sheldon. Just don't. There is not a likeable character in the book. Okay, there's one, but he's a VERY minor character. Banda is a black man living in South Africa in the early part of the century, fighting for civil rights. He was cool, I would have hung out with him. Everyone else was a TOTAL ass-hat.

They're all manipulative, evil, conniving bitches. This one f*cks a girl to get back at the girls father and gets her pregnant and refuses to marry her, even though she loves him and had nothing to do with the original offense. That one ruins her only son's career as an artist to make him run their big global corporation and then convinces his wife to have children, even though it will kill her. (He finds out and shoots the old bitch, gets a lobotomy, and spends the rest of his life finger painting.) One of those twins consistently tries to kill her sister from the time they're five. A plastic surgeon ruins his wifes face because she's cuccolding him every day, but he blackmailed her to marry him in the first place.

There is one not evil character. She's stupid and clueless.

I would have put it down hours ago, but I just wanted to see how it would come out, hoping everyone would get what they deserved.

No. No one.

I can see no point to this book. I hate it, and I'm selling it on e-bay to get it out of my house.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

3 reviews2 followers

February 13, 2012

I first read this book when I was 12 years old; I had nothing to read one Friday night, so borrowed this from my Mum's bookshelf, without asking her. I started reading and from the prologue onwards I was completely hooked! I huddled under my duvet, with a torch, unable to put it down and had finished it by Sunday. I was completely mesmorised by the sheer scope of the material; the locations, the exciting adventures of Jamie and Banda and their tentative yet heartfelt friendship. I felt sorry for Margaret, punished because of her father's mistakes and felt sad when little Jamie died because of his father's mistakes. I loved the way Kate carried on her father's legacy and managed to make it in a man's world. Yet I hated how she manipulated her own son because he wanted to do something different with his life. The only characters I didn't really like were the twins. Eve, a typical bitch and Alex, a typical doormat. I didn't feel they were as interesting as their predecessors. Of course the romance scenes were also a little lost on me, at the time, but on the whole I totally loved this book and I heartily recommend it. It started me reading adult books, as 'Sweet Valley High' never had the same appeal after this. I've read it many times since and it never loses its appeal and the story always feels fresh. The mini-series is also surprisingly faithful to the story, as many are not, so I'd recommend that too once you've read the book.

Master of the Game (9)

122 reviews8 followers

August 14, 2017

Erm.. This was my first Sheldon novel when I was still in the idea that he was a she. I'm still perplexed as to whether put this as a book which I love to hate or hate to love.

I was wildly cheering for Jamie all though his doomed-to-fail crazy plan to steal the Van der Merve diamonds with Banda.
And then he did a total 180 degree on Margaret and became an misdirectedly cruel and vengeful sad*st.
It was similar with Kate. I liked her when she risked everything for her friendship with Banda. But all along, she was calculative and manipulative.
Poor Tony, her son, falling victim to her deliberate ruses. And I refuse to consider the evil spawn Eve, no matter how ingenious she was..

Guess what I'm trying to say is that I got so swept away with the story and that's what makes it a 4 star read. Even though it's a book that I hate-love-whatever! ;)

Master of the Game (10)

187 reviews57 followers

February 15, 2020

I read this years ago and loved it. It was definitely a relaxing reread worth while for me.

Master of the Game (11)

1,387 reviews2 followers

December 7, 2020

I am sure the last Sidney Sheldon book I read was about 40 years ago, give or take a few years!! Jeez, that sounds soooooo old! Back in the day when I got my books from the Library, no Kindles/ebooks, I rarely bought books, I borrowed them the odd time from a friend or neighbour ...

This one was definitely a step back in time, back to the eighties. A good tale, to be sure but definitely a bit dated now. I might pick up another one of his in an another year or so.

Master of the Game (12)
I was reading some reviews of his books and his life and came across this quote ...

"Once the reader started them, those books begged to be finished, and they did not have to be dumbed down to rivet attention."

Definitely true. Once I started the book, I wasn't able to put it down... it was riveting and some of the twists and turns were a bit cheesy but, you know, they worked for me. Sometimes you just need to go back to "old school" and indulge in a bit of nostalgia!

Master of the Game (13)
This one was made into a TV mini-series. I was on YouTube last night, after I finished it, checking out the actors ... I think will pass! A bit too much "cheese" in that version for me ... It would have worked forty or so years ago.

Master of the Game (14)
And as for Kate ...

Master of the Game (15)

Master of the Game (16)

297 reviews127 followers

January 8, 2021

To Master of the Game είναι ένα εμπορικό βιβλίο, από αυτά που έχουν κάνει τεράστια επιτυχία, και την εποχή που βγήκε θα ήταν εκδοτικό φαινόμενο. Αν και τελευταία έχω κάνει μια στροφή στην λογοτεχνία που οδηγείται από την ιστορία, κατά κάποιους πιο εύπεπτη, τούτο εδώ το βιβλίο παραήταν επίπεδο για τα γούστα μου.

Το παράτησα δίχως δεύτερη σκέψη. Όταν οι χαρακτήρες δεν είναι πιστευτοί και συμπεριφέρονται ως ανδρείκελα, τότε είναι πιο εύκολο να υπάρχουν αυτές οι πολυπόθητες ανατροπές για τις οποίες είναι γνωστό το συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο. Δυστυχώς, δεν διάβασα πολύ για να έχω πλήρη άποψη για αυτές τις διηγηματικές κατραπακιές τις οποίες δίνει στον αναγνώστη ο Σέλντον, αλλά όποιες συνάντησα ήταν αναμενόμενες, και ο τρόπος που δρούσαν στον ήρωα ήταν παιδαριώδης. Ο τύπος σκεφτόταν σαν καρικατούρα ανθρώπου και τα διλλήματά του μεταφέρονταν επιδερμικά, ενώ όταν αναλάμβανε δράση η αντίδρασή του δεν ξέφευγε από το επίπεδο "θα του δείξω εγώ τώρα".

Διαβάζω για πολλούς λόγους, εκ των οποίων οι δύο βασικοί είναι μια εξαιρετική ιστορία και μια γλώσσα δουλεμένη, προσωπική, που δουλεύει για την ιστορία και όχι το ανάποδο. Και τα δύο θέλουν κόπο. Το πρώτο το θεωρώ πιο δύσκολο, είναι η προϋπόθεση, και κάτι το οποίο παραβλέπεται συχνά. Το δεύτερο, όμως, είναι αυτό που κάνει την καλή ιστορία και την καλή ιδέα, ένα εξαιρετικό βιβλίο. Ο Σέλντον απλά δεν πληροί αυτές τις προϋποθέσεις.

Master of the Game (18)

145 reviews827 followers

February 21, 2016

Kate Blackwell’s empire was spawned by pure ambition and greed, and she oscillates in my mind as proud, self-obsessed woman all in shades of grey! Sidney Shelton’s heroines have always been ruthless, powerful, ambitious and brainy. Kate’s nothing short of this combination. This deadly woman goes around shuffling the cards of her own family members to fuel her naked ambition.
Story of passion, manipulation, hardships and betrayal. There are logic holes and no apparent reason why the characters of the plot behave in a irrational way, but the pace with the story traveled kept me hooked. Once readable.

Master of the Game (19)

1,756 reviews372 followers

June 13, 2021

“Business is a game, played for fantastic stakes, and you're in competition with experts. If you want to win, you have to learn to be a master of the game.”
― Sidney Sheldon, Master of the Game

I grew up as a huge Sheldon fan and I have to say "Master of the game" ranks right up there as the cream of the crop in regards to his works.

Like many of his books, this is pretty long but the pages fly by.

It's a historical family saga and tells the story of Kate Blackwell whom you may not like to much or maybe you will.

Kate is a rich and powerful business executive. As the outline of the book explains she is an "enigma." The woman is a complex puzzle and not many, if any, can say they deeply know her.

On the surface this would seem to be a character study about this woman. But it is so much more than that.

Kate's dad was a diamond prospector who struck it rich. Her mother was the daughter of a crooked merchant. There are ghosts in Kate's past, enemies that need to be dealt with.

And there is much tragedy, personal victories and deeply poignant happenings.

I have read almost all of Sheldon's books and there is no question but that this is one of the heaviest. Don't read this if you are in a bad or sad mood. I mean it. Some of Sheldon's books are fun but light. This book is spellbinding but dark. Very dark.

I absolutely loved this book and loved reading about the diamond prospecting. Jamie was an utterly fascinating character and much of the book has a cultural slant as a great deal of it takes place in Africa.

There was a follow up which was also good but not AS good. This one however is a must read for fans of Historical fiction, family sagas, cultural reads, or all of the above.

Master of the Game (20)

85 reviews10 followers

September 30, 2010

A close friend's stepfather insisted me to read this novel "Master of the Game" by Sidney Sheldon telling me that it was one of his all-time favorite novels. He even felt obliged to lend me his copy. Well, what could I say? I looked at the paperback book and it's nearly 500 pages long. I finished the book anyway. It is about four generations of McGregor family. So, it's more like an epic story. My only favorite part was the captivating story about Jamie McGregor's adventures and how he tried hard to gain wealth out of his cleverness. Kate Blackwell was hardly my favorite character. She seemed to be inconsiderate, harsh and manipulative. Then, it shifted to Jamie McGregor's grandson Tony and his twin daughters, Eve and Alexandra. All of them later turned out to be weak characters (mentally). They're not as strong and ambitious as the previous characters. Lusty romances and sexual manipulations kicked in(the triangle between the twin sisters and George Mellis)at the later parts of the novel. With insufficient character developments, this novel is at best mediocre to me(sorry Sheldon fans) and the ending's also a bit disappointing. Not my cup of tea and I'm not quite so sure about reading his other books.

Master of the Game (22)

946 reviews110 followers

February 15, 2021

Ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία που σε κρατάει σε διαρκή αγωνία. Είναι απ΄ αυτά τα ΒΙΠΕΡ που τάχεις διαβάσει χρόνια πριν, δεν θυμάσαι ακριβώς την ιστορία αλλά σου έχει μείνει η γεύση της....

Master of the Game (23)

942 reviews209 followers

January 23, 2011

Sheldon's story of big business, lust, greed, and revenge spans four generations, starting with Jamie McGregor, who leaves Scotland in 1850 to strike it rich in the diamond fields of South Africa. He overcomes many hardships, becomes a millionaire, and starts the Kruger-Brent company.

His daughter, Kate, pushes the company until it becomes a world-wide conglomerate, and moves her headquarters to America. To her chagrin, her son Tony wants to be a painter, not a businessman. His twin daughters, Alexandra and Eve, are as different as can be. One of them may be a killer...

The book is absolutely riveting, with Jamie's adventures putting him in a new danger on every page. Kate, the so-called Master of the Game, spends most of her ninety years buying and manipulating everyone in her path, in her relentless search for a worthy corporate successor.

The author moves from scene to scene, from tragedies to triumphs and back again, at a breakneck pace with only the barest attention paid to character development and plausibility. While I enjoyed the twists and turns of the story, it started to seem a bit melodramatic and predictable.

This book is pure brain candy, all fun with no substance. Similar to a night-time TV soap, you can predict what is going to happen, you know it is wildly improbable, but yet it has just the right mixture of intelligence, ruthlessness, and intrigue to keep you coming back.

More of Purplycookie’s Reviews @:

Book Details: Title Master of the Game
Author Sidney Sheldon
Reviewed By Purplycookie

Master of the Game (24)

110 reviews60 followers

January 14, 2013

It should have been 4 stars but as Kate said, "I am a woman. I have a right to change my mind.". And please forgive me if you found my choice of words offensive. I am quite nice in person. Really.

When Van der Merwe asked Jamie to sign a contract written in foreign language, I was suspicious. You can be duped even if a contract was in a language that you understand. And Jamie signing a contract with a stranger in a language that he doesn't understand was downright lunacy.
Master of the Game (25)
Van der Merwe is a low-life, scumbag, sad excuse for a human being!
Master of the Game (26)
How naive Jamie was. He didn't even get suspicious when Van der Merwe asked him to pay for the goods he gave him. I mean, if you are an industrial partner, your only contribution is your service not your money/property

Ok. So I was a bit carried away.

I liked the story. The characters were flawed. I understood why Jamie and Banda did what they did.

As for Margaret, at first, I was irritated. But she did all she could so that her son would get what was duly his.

With Kate, I am so conflicted. I got that she did what she thought was best. But what she did to David, Tony and Marriane was just freaking selfish. Especially to Tony. She, though unknowingly, destroyed him. She broke his spirit. Personally, I know how difficult it is to find something that you really like and somehow you have the talent to be successful in the field that you truly enjoyed. And she screwed it up for Tony.
Master of the Game (27)

So I was really pissed off with Kate. And I really wanted to break something when she thought that everybody in her family betrayed her.
Master of the Game (28)

And then there was Eve. As per her grandmother Kate, Eve was a whor*, deceitful, cunning and a psychopathic liar.
Master of the Game (29)
I couldn't describe her more accurately than that. George and Eve both deserved what happened to them.

And lastly, Alexandra. All I could say was I wanted to break her pretty neck.

This book is about ambition, betrayal and how far people would go just to achieve whatever it is that they wanted to achieve.

Master of the Game (30)

89 reviews152 followers

November 4, 2022

একটা উপন্যাসের মধ্যে যখন অনেকগুলো গল্প থাকে তখন স্বাভাবিকভাবেই সেটা আমাকে একটু বেশীই আকৃষ্ট করে। এই গল্পেও তাই। এখানে জেনারেশন টু জেনারেশন গল্প এগিয়ে গেছে। পাঁচটা অধ্যায়ে এই জেনারেশনকে বিভক্ত করা হয়েছে:

অধ্যায় ১- জেমি
জেমি ম্যাকগ্রেগর একজন সাধারণ নিম্ন মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারের ছেলে। গরীব না হলেও নিজের এই অবস্থা নিয়ে মোটেই সন্তুষ্ট ছিলো না সে। সে হতে চেয়েছিলো পৃথিবীর সকল টাকার মালিক, প্রচুর বড়লোক। এই লক্ষ্যে সে আট হাজার মাইল পথ পাড়ি দিয়ে দক্ষিন আফ্রিকায় আসে। যেখানে মাটির নিচে পড়ে থাকে অসংখ্য হীরে জহরত। যা শুধু তুলে নেবার অপেক্ষা। জেমি বারবার এগিয়ে যায়,আঘাত পায়,ধোঁকা খায় কিন্তু আবার উঠে দাঁড়ায়। এই অধ্যায়ে জেমির অ্যাডভেঞ্চারের সাথে বিভূতির 'চাঁদের পাহাড়' এর অনেক মিল আছে এক কথায় বলতে গেলে আমি সেই রোমাঞ্চটা অনেকদিন পরে পেলাম। এছাড়াও আছে সাগরের উথাল পাথাল ঢেউয়ের সাথে লড়াই। এককথায় অনেক থ্রিলিং।

অধ্যায় ২: কেট ও ডেভিড
জেমি ম্যাকগ্রেগরের কন্যা বড় হয়ে তার বাবার সম্পত্তির অধিকারী হন। তিনি ছিলেন চমৎকার ব্যক্তিত্বের অধিকারী। এই অধ্যায়ে তার বেড়ে ওঠা,তার শিক্ষা,তার প্রেম থেকে শুরু করে ধীরে ধীরে অসাধারণ বুদ্ধিমত্তা দিয়ে সবকিছুর ওপর তার দখল নিয়ে নেয়াকে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে‌।

অধ্যায় ৩: ক্রুগার ব্রেন্ট
ক্রুগার ব্রেন্ট কেট ব্লাক‌ওয়েলের কোম্পানির নাম। এই অধ্যায়ে এই কোম্পানির প্রতি তার অবসেশন,এই কো��্পানিকে ফুলিয়ে ফাঁপিয়ে বিশ্বের সর্বোচ্চ ধনীর আসনে তার আসীন হবার গল্প।

অধ্যায় ৪: টনি
টনি কেটের একমাত্র ছেলে। এত সব সম্পত্তির উত্তরাধিকারী হয়েও সে হতে চায় একজন চিত্রশিল্পী,সে পছন্দ করে একেবারে সাধারণ জীবনযাপন। এই অধ্যায়ে ব‌ইয়ের 'মাস্টার অব দি গেম' নামকরণের সার্থকতা খুঁজে পাওয়া গেছে । মাস্টার অব দি গেম হচ্ছেন কেট নিজেই। তিনি কোথাও হারতে পছন্দ করেন না। সেটা ব্যবসায়ে হোক বা ব্যক্তিগত জীবনে অথবা স্বামী সন্তানের সাথে লড়াইয়ে। সে সবসময় জানে কোন চালটা তাকে জিতিয়ে দেবে। আর এরজন্য‌ই একবার জীবন সংশয় পর্যন্ত তার হয়।

অধ্যায় পাঁচ: ইভ ও আলেকজান্দ্রা
ইভ ও আলেকজান্দ্রা জমজ বোন হলেও তাদের মধ্যে আকাশপাতাল তফাৎ। একজন শান্ত,বিনয়ী। অপরজন ক্ষুরধার,আগ্রাসী এবং হিংসাত্মক। আলেজান্দ্রাকে সহ্য‌ই করতে পারেনা ইভ। সবসময় তার মনে হয় তার অংশে ভাগ বসাচ্ছে তার বোন। দাদী কেট ইভকেই পছন্দ করে বেশী,তাকেই যোগ্য মনে করে কোম্পানি সামলাবার। কিন্তু নানান ঘটনায় বিষিয়ে উঠে ইভের‌ই জাতশত্রু হয়ে ওঠে তার দাদী। দুজনে শুরু হয় লড়াই। ইভ সব ছিনিয়ে নিতে তুরুপের তাস হিসেবে ব্যবহার করে সুদর্শন এক যুবক জর্জ মেলিসকে।

বেশীরভাগ থ্রিলার লেখক মনে করেন লাস্টের কয়েক পাতায় মাথা ঘুরিয়ে দেয়া টুইস্ট দিলেই সেটা থ্রিলার হবে। কিন্তু সিডনি শেলডন কখনোই গতানুগতিক স্টাইলে চলেননি। তিনি লাস্টের পাতার জন্য কিছুই রাখেন না। তার টুইস্ট তিনি ছড়িয়ে দেন সকল পাতায় সমানভাবে। ফলে পাঠক তার ব‌ই একবার পড়তে শুরু করলে রেখে উঠতেই পারে না। চমৎকার পেজ টার্নার অন্যান্য ব‌ইয়ের মতো তার এই ব‌ইটিও আমাকে মুগ্ধ করলো আরো একবার। এই গল্পে জেমি,কেট,টনি,ডেভিড,মার্গারেট,জর্জ,ইভ ও আলেকজান্দ্রা সব চরিত্রকেই সমান গুরুত্ব দেয়া হয়েছে। তারপরেও যেহেতু কথায় বলে,"বাপের‌ও বাপ থাকে'' তাই মাস্টার অব দ্য গেম সবাই হতে পারে না। সেটা একজন‌ই। যে কখনো তার কুটবুদ্ধি কখনো সুবুদ্ধি দিয়ে একটা সুতোয় গেঁথে রাখে সবাইকে।

মাস্টার অব দ্য গেম সিডনি শেলডনের সেরা লেখাগুলোর একটিও বটে,তাই হতাশ হবেন সে চান্স‌ই নেই। যদি সময় কাটাবার জন্য পেজ টার্নার এবং এক‌ই সাথে গতানুগতিক ধারা থেকে বাইরে চমৎকার একটা থ্রিলার খুঁজছেন তাহলে আপনার পছন্দের সাথে মিলে যেতে পারে সিডনির এই ব‌ইটি।

180 reviews69 followers

November 5, 2016

Well - a confession must be made, I find it embarrassing when some people frequently tell me nowadays that I have done well to review "many African books and are one of the few readers who obviously read virtually only African books". Alas, this is patently untrue! It would shock such people to learn that over the years, most - actually like over 80 percent! - of my reading, has involved Eurocentric writers and their work. Why I might focus on reviewing African works is simple: I reckon that the western world already has a throbbing surfeit of readers, critics, studies on their literary protagonists, which is not the case for most African works! So why should I review eurocentric works? Also, why this preamble? After just re-reading this book, Master of the Game, I realised how much I love(d) the Sidney Sheldon novels, and how I read the whole series again and again in the recent past. If only I could do the same with African works! Anyway, Master of the Game is Sidney Sheldon at his best, featuring what he does best - a very powerful, alluring, larger-than-life woman (Kate Blackwell) who on the surface has it all. Except that she doesn't. What she is obsessed with, especially as she gets older, is to have someone in the family to take charge of the mammoth monolithic Kruger-Brent company that she has sacrificed all her long life for. Her own child, and grandchildren have disappointed her greatly in this wise, despite all her schemes and manipulations. And despite the fact that she is one of the richest and most powerful women in the world. This superb story spans a hundred years or so, starting with Jamie who initially suffers incredibly before building a dynasty of diamond fortune; then his remarkable daughter, Kate, takes over turning the company into a global conglomerate; Tony, her son is only really interested in being a painter, and his mother's
manipulations to try to prod him into what he is not ends in disaster; Tony's own lovely daughters (twins) also disappoint Kate, with one of them (Eve) who seems best qualified to run the company apparently possessed with evil...will young Robert (Kate's great grand-son) turn out to fulfill the desires of Kate? By the end of the novel Kate is 90, and Robert is only 8, and interested only in music. But it is clear that even at her age Kate would still do all she can to ensure the boy takes over Kruger-Brent one day...what a story!!!

Master of the Game (31)

997 reviews24 followers

January 15, 2011

Not my usual fare, but a friend loaned me this book (one of her trashy beach reads she said), so I stepped out of my comfort zone.

I absolutely hated this book. I found all but one of the characters utterly reprehensible. I detested almost every word I read. I finished the book because I was determined to see someone in this book redeem his or herself. This did not happen.

More power to you if this is your cup of tea. Didn't work for me. As a result, I swore off of Sidney Sheldon.

I would give it a zero if I could.

Master of the Game (32)

25 reviews

August 13, 2016

Is it a great book? Not really. Is it worth reading? Definitely. Aren't only great books worth reading? You say, I'm just 17. All I know is that I enjoyed it thoroughly.
This was my first Sidney Sheldon and this won't be my last.
The story is of greed, lust, ambition, manipulation, revenge and big business that threads its way through 4 generations of a family. It starts with Jamie McGregor, who is lured to South Africa by the diamond rush and receives betrayal for his unmitigated hardwork. The lust for revenge makes him build one of the biggest business empires the world will witness in the upcoming years.
His successor and daughter Kate is the actual ''Master of the Game''. God knows I've loved her and I've hated her - both at extremities. This ambition and achievement oriented woman drove me crazy and how I adored her before she started toying with other people's lives to meet her ends. She pulls every string in his son's life to persuade him to get into the family business. After wrecking him emotionally and mentally, she starts eyeing her twin granddaughters- Eve and Alex to choose a worthy successor. Eve is the bitchiest character I've ever come across and her sister is oh-so-sweet whose virtues hinder her ability to make use of her brain - the standard smart and evil vs good and dumb scenario. Coins flip, fates change, conspiracies are plotted and what we have in the end is one entertaining read.
Yes, it's a 450 pages long soap opera about a family and it doesn't bore you one bit.
Sidney is a genius. Such a crafty plot! It had so many twists and countless moments where I actually went - '' Oh my God! What did just happen?!'' . The flow of the book is liquid and a 100 years of melodrama just sweep by without befogging you once.
It has a lot of drama, predictable scenes, some over the top characters, plot holes and the story telling isn't erudite. Oh, this book has plenty of flaws but even all of them stacked up don't impede this book from being an enthralling page turner.

Master of the Game (33)

2,462 reviews924 followers

December 9, 2017

Mixed feelings. Audiobook narrator needs improvement.

The book is broken into four parts - the lives of different generations in the family.

I loved the first part - Jamie’s story. He goes to South Africa to find diamonds.

The second part was ok about Jamie’s daughter Kate.

The third part was depressing - Tony’s story. Kate does evil things and permanently harms her son Tony.

The fourth part was about Eve and Alexandria - identical twins. That was the most troubling. I was depressed reading this part. Eve is an evil sociopath. She tries many times to kill her twin and harm others. She lies and is always believed. Too one-dimensional to be interesting. I did not like reading about Alexandria who was stupid because she never suspected Eve was trying to harm or lie to her. Alexandria was supposed to be a lovely sensitive smart woman, but her stupidity at believing everything Eve wanted her to believe was TOO STUPID TO LIVE.

I don’t want to read about smart people who do stupid things. And I want justice in the end. This book had some justice but I didn’t feel good enough at the end. I was angry and depressed.

Sexual content: Several sex scenes occur and a couple sad*st-rape scenes occur but they are referred to, no details shown.

Shannon Engemann does not know how to narrate. She needs to listen to Will Patton, Dick Hill, and Frank Mueller to learn. It’s like she is fast reading. She doesn’t pause with feeling or wonder or interest.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Swearing language: mild. Setting: 1883 to 1982 various locations in South Africa, Europe, United States. Book copyright: 1982. Genre: fiction.

Master of the Game (34)

177 reviews95 followers

July 23, 2017

Kate Blackwell is one of the wealthiest and most capable ladies on the planet. She is a puzzle, a lady encompassed by a thousand unanswered inquiries. Her dad was a jewel miner who struck it rich beyond anything he could ever imagine. Her mom was the girl of a slanted Afrikaaner shipper. Her origination was itself a demonstration of abhor filled retribution.

At the extravagent festivities of her ninetieth birthday celebration, there are toasts from a Supreme Court Judge and a wire from the White House. Furthermore, for Kate there are apparitions, phantoms of missing companions and of adversaries. Phantoms from an existence of extortion and murder. Apparitions from a domain brought forth by stripped aspiration...

Sidney Sheldon is a standout amongst the most prevalent storytellers on the planet. This is one of his best-adored books, a urgently clear thriller, pressed with anticipation, interest and energy. It will select another era of fans to his composition.

“Business is a game, played for fantastic stakes, and you're in competition with experts. If you want to win, you have to learn to be a master of the game.”
― Master of the Game 👌

Master of the Game (35)

795 reviews

April 1, 2015

This book was gifted to me by a friend and so I read my first Sidney Sheldon. I had expected much from such a well known author but as with many famous books, I found this more hyped than it deserves.

Though the story spans a 100 years and intrigues the reader in the beginning, the simple writing style soon ruins it. I do not mind if the narration is straight forward, but in this book the narration was so simple it could have been a 6th grade text book had it not been for the adult content. Full stops dominate commas in almost every page. Conjunctions and passive speech will find no asylum here.

The only thing I could truly appreciate in this book was the stealing of the diamonds.

Master of the Game (36)

35 reviews17 followers

January 30, 2023

Mới tháng đầu tiên của năm và tôi nghĩ mình đã tìm được cuốn sách tệ nhất của năm rồi 😥 vì tôi khá sure là sẽ chẳng còn cuốn nào có thể tệ hơn cuốn này được đâu :<< Thực ra tôi cũng chẳng phải người khắt khe, khó tính gì với sách đâu nhưng nếu để tôi rate 1 sao thì tin tôi đi, đó chắc chắn là một cuốn sách tệ, cực kỳ tệ :)). Còn vì lý do tại sao tôi lại rate cuốn sách này 1 sao thì:

- Tạm chưa bàn tới nội dung cuốn sách chúng ta sẽ nói về phần biên tập sách. Tôi thực sự nghi ngờ là người ta không biên tập lại cuốn này trước khi cho xuất bản đấy :)) Thực sự là không phải chỉ có năm, ba lỗi chính tả nhỏ nhỏ trong một cuốn sách dày hơn 600 trang thế này mà tôi đã chê lên chê xuống rồi đâu. tôi xin nhấn mạnh lại là KHÔNG TRANG NÀO KHÔNG CÓ LỖI CHÍNH TẢ, KHÔNG PHẢI MỘT LỖI MÀ PHẢI ĐẾN CHỤC LỖI HOẶC HƠN :)) Đọc cuốn sách này đối với tôi là một sự thách thức lớn đấy, không là CỰC LỚN
- Tiếp theo đó là về nội dung. Từ đầu cho tới hết phần viết về cuộc đời Tony tôi còn thấy bình thường, thậm chí khá là lôi cuốn. Tôi nghĩ cuốn này đáng lẽ nên kết thúc ở phần này chứ không nên bôi ra cả một đoạn phía sau nữa :)) Phần viết về cuộc đời chị em sinh đôi Eve và Alexandra tôi có cảm tưởng tác giả chỉ cố bôi ra thêm cho đủ số lượng trang thôi :)) phần này thực sự không khác gì TEENFIC, xây dựng nhân vật trung tâm là Eve thông minh, xinh đẹp, giàu có và trên hết cơ khả năng diễn xất ở tầm nhận tượng vàng Oscar. Ở phần này dường như chỉ mỗi nhân vật chính Eve biết sử dụng não đúng cách còn não của tất cả những nhân vật phụ xung quanh có lẽ chỉ làm vật trang trí thôi chứ thậm chí chẳng cần dùng đến. Tất tần tật mọi người đều bị Eve thao túng một cách dễ dàng, xoay như chong chóng chẳng tốn quá nhiều sức lực. Còn nữa là nhhững cảnh giường chiếu bị lạm dụng một cách quá đà, gây phản cảm vô cùng
- Cái kết cũng là một điều mình không thích ở cuốn sách này. Mình bỏ 1 tuần đọc 657 trang sách để rồi mình nhận được một cái kết không thể nào cụt lủn hơn với 4 chữ vâng đúng CHỈ VỎN VẸN 4 CHỮ THÔI “ **và cô hét lên**” Ủa alo tôi đã trót bỏ lỡ điều gì à alo 😥
- Nào để nói về lý do cuốn sách này tệ như vậy mà tôi vẫn cố lê lết hết được là bởi vì. TÔi đã đọc cuốn sách này lần đầu vào năm 2019 nhưng lần đấy đã DNF ở trang 400. Sau 4 năm tôi quyết định sẽ giải quyết nốt đống sách còn dang dở ở trên giá và tôi túm được cuốn này :)) NHƯng mà vì đã quên sạch sẽ nội dung phần đằng trước tôi quyết định đọc lại từ đầu để ôn lại nội dung. Tôi quyết định không tiếp tục bỏ dở cuốn này vì tôi nghĩ mình đã đọc đến lần 2 rồi chẳng lẽ không thể hoàn thành được nó, chẳng lẽ mình lại chịu thua quyển sách này à Vậy nên tôi quyết định mắm môi mắm lợi đọc cho hết cuốn sách để rồi giờ đây ngồi chê lên chê xuống nó 😌

Master of the Game (37)

1,189 reviews1,718 followers

July 11, 2015

Actually I got this book from my Aunt, she loves reading Sidney Sheldon novels and the book itself is old, hmm I love those old books.. So, I decided to give it a try. . It's been a week that I haven't continue this.. Whole week for exams and tons to study. The story here is per generation.. Starting with Jamie McGregor, then her daughter Kate Blackwell,then her son Tony, and lastly Kate's two granddaughters Eve and Alexandra.

the Main Characters, Kate Blackwell is manipulative. She wants what is best for her family to handle their family business though her son wants to be an artist. So mean.. It's pretty a long story of flashback to the present (the parts wherein how did her family became rich). I like also the twist here, but I couldn't help being annoyed at the main character, she's powerful and rich, but a very manipulative lady. She doesn't want to lose at any game.. She'll find every way to win. She's one intelligent woman.

You have to be a Master of the Game to get everything what you want whether it is good or bad, you'll find a way to get everything you want. And that is so selfish.

This book is good, but not the best one.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,252 reviews

Master of the Game (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.