Market Segmentation: Definition, Example, Types, Benefits (2024)

What Is Market Segmentation?

Market segmentation is a way of aggregating prospective buyers into groupsor segments, based on demographics, geography, behavior, or psychographic factors, in order to better understand and market to them.

Key Takeaways

  • Market segmentation seeks to identify targeted groups of consumers to tailor products and branding in a way that isattractive to the group.
  • Markets can be segmented in several ways such as geographically, demographically, or behaviorally.
  • Market segmentation helps companies minimize risk by figuring out which products are the most likely to earn a share ofa target market and the best ways to market and deliver those products to the market.
  • With risk minimized and clarity about the marketing and delivery of a product heightened, a company can then focus its resources on efforts likely to be the most profitable.
  • Market segmentation can also increase a company's demographic reach and may help the company discover products or services it hadn't previously considered.

Market Segmentation: Definition, Example, Types, Benefits (1)

Understanding Market Segmentation

Companies can generallyuse three criteria toidentify different market segments:

  1. hom*ogeneity, or common needs within a segment
  2. Distinction, or being unique from other groups
  3. Reaction, or a similar response to the market

An athletic footwear company, for example, might have market segments for basketball players and long-distance runners. As distinct groups, basketball players and long-distance runners respond to very different advertisem*nts. Understanding these different market segments enables the athletic footwear company to market its branding appropriately.

Market segmentation is an extension of market research that seeks to identify targeted groups of consumers to tailor products and branding in a way that isattractive to the group. The objective of market segmentation is to minimize risk by determining which products have the best chances of gaining a share of a target marketand determining the best way to deliver the products to the market. This allows the company to increase its overall efficiency by focusing limited resources on efforts that produce the best return on investment (ROI).

Market segmentation enables companies to better target the customers interested in buying their goods or services. If done effectively, it should generally result in a higher return from marketing investment and betterrevenues and profits.

Types of Market Segmentation

There are four primary types of market segmentation. However, one type can usually be split into an individual segment and an organization segment.

Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation is one of the simple, common methods of market segmentation. It involves breaking the market into customer demographics such as age, income, gender, race, education, or occupation. This market segmentation strategy assumes that individuals with similar demographics will have similar needs.

Example: The market segmentation strategy for a new video game console may reveal that most users are young males with disposable income.

Firmographic Segmentation

Firmographic segmentation is the same concept as demographic segmentation. However, instead of analyzing individuals, this strategy focuses on organizations and looks at a company's number of employees, number of customers, number of offices, or annual revenue.

Example: A corporate software provider may approach a multinational firm with a more diverse, customizable suite while approaching smaller companies with a fixed-fee, more simple product.

Geographic Segmentation

Geographic segmentation is technically a subset of demographic segmentation. This approach groups customers by physical location, assuming that people within a given geographical area may have similar needs. This strategy is more useful for larger companies seeking to expand into different branches, offices, or locations.

Example: A clothing retailer may display more raingear in their Pacific Northwest locations compared to their Southwest locations.

Behavioral Segmentation

Behavioral segmentation relies heavily on market data, consumer actions, and the decision-making patterns of customers. This approach groups consumers based on how they have previously interacted with markets and products. It assumes that consumers' prior spending habits are an indicator of what they may buy in the future.

Example: Millennial consumers traditionally buy more craft beer, while older generations are traditionally more likely to buy national brands.

Psychographic Segmentation

Often the most difficult market segmentation approach, psychographic segmentation strives to classify consumers based on their lifestyle, personality, opinions, and interests. This approach may yield the strongest market segment results as it groups individuals based on intrinsic motivators as opposed to external data points. However, it's also difficult to achieve, primarily because the traits it focuses on can change easily and there may be a lack of readily available objective data.

Example: A fitness apparel company may target individuals based on their interest in playing or watching a variety of sports.

Other less notable examples of types of segmentation include volume (i.e. how much a consumer spends), use-related (i.e. how loyal a customer is), or other customer traits, such as how innovative or risk-favorable a customer is.

How to Determine Your Market Segment

There's no single universally accepted way to perform market segmentation. To determine market segments, it's common for companies to ask themselves the following questions along their market segmentation journey.

Phase I: Setting Expectations/Objectives

  • What is the purpose or goal of performing market segmentation?
  • What does the company hope to find out by performing marketing segmentation?
  • Does the company have any expectations on what market segments may exist?

Phase 2: Identify Customer Segments

  • What segments are the company's competitors selling to?
  • What publicly available information (i.e. U.S. Census Bureau data) is relevant and available to our market?
  • What data do we want to collect, and how can we collect it?
  • How should we segment customers?

Phase 3: Evaluate Potential Segments

  • What risks are there that our data is not representative of the true market segments?
  • Why should we choose to cater to one type of customer over another?
  • What is the long-term repercussion of choosing one market segment over another?
  • What is the company's ideal customer profile, and which segments best overlap with this "perfect customer"?

Phase 4: Develop Segment Strategy

  • How can the company test its assumptions on a sample test market?
  • What defines a successful marketing segment strategy?
  • How can the company measure whether the strategy is working?

Phase 5: Launch and Monitor

  • Who are the key stakeholders that can provide feedback after the market segmentation strategy has been unveiled?
  • What barriers to execution exist, and how can they be overcome?
  • How should the launch of the marketing campaign be communicated internally?

Benefits of Market Segmentation

Marketing segmentation takes effort and resources to implement. However, successful marketing segmentation campaigns can increase the long-term profitability and health of a company. Several benefits of market segmentation include:

  • Increased resource efficiency: Marketing segmentation allows management to focus on certain demographics or customers. Instead of trying to promote products to the entire market, marketing segmentation allows a focused, precise approach that often costs less compared to a broad reach approach.
  • Stronger brand image: Market segmentation forces management to consider how it wants to be perceived by a specific group of people. Once the market segment is identified, management must then consider what message to craft. Because this message is directed at a target audience, the company's branding and messaging are more likely to be very intentional. This may also have an indirect effect of causing better customer experiences with the company.
  • Greater potential for brand loyalty: Marketing segmentation increases the opportunity for consumers to build long-term relationships with a company. More direct, personal marketing approaches may resonate with customers and foster a sense of inclusion, community, and a sense of belonging. In addition, market segmentation increases the probability that the company lands the right client, who fits its product line and demographic.
  • Stronger market differentiation: Market segmentation gives companies the opportunity to pinpoint the exact message they want to convey to the market and competitors. This can also help create product differentiation by communicating specifically how a company is different from its competitors. Instead of a broad approach to marketing, management crafts a specific image that is more likely to be memorable and specific.
  • Better targeted digital advertising: Marketing segmentation enables a company to perform better targeted advertising strategies. This includes marketing plans that direct effort toward specific ages, locations, or habits via social media.


The approximate percentage of company revenues that are spent on marketing, according to the spring 2024 CMO Survey.

Limitations of Market Segmentation

Market segmentation also comes with some potential downsides. Here are some disadvantages to consider when implementing market segmentation strategies.

  • Higher upfront marketing expenses: Marketing segmentation has the long-term goal of being efficient. However, to capture this efficiency, companies must often spend resources upfront to gain the insight, data, and research into their customer base and the broad markets.
  • Increased product line complexity: Marketing segmentation takes a large market and attempts to break it into more specific, manageable pieces. This has the downside risk of creating an overly complex, fractionalized product line that focuses too deeply on catering to specific market segments. Instead of a company having a cohesive product line, a company's marketing mix may become too confusing and inconsistently communicate its overall brand.
  • Greater risk of misassumptions: Market segmentation is rooted in the assumption that similar demographics will share common needs. This may not always be the case. By grouping a population together with the belief that they share common traits, a company may risk misidentifying the needs, values, or motivations of individuals within a given population.
  • Higher reliance on reliable data: Market segmentation is only as strong as the underlying data that support the claims that are made. This means being mindful of what sources are used to pull in data. This also means being conscious of changing trends and when market segments may have shifted from prior studies.

Examples of Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is evident in the products, marketing, and advertising that people use every day.

Auto manufacturers thrive on their ability toidentify market segments correctly and create products and advertising campaigns that appeal to those segments. For example, different zip codes can have drastically different average incomes, which impacts car buying budgets, and terrain. People living in a big city tend to prefer smaller cars, while people living in the country may prioritize greater fuel efficiency and perhaps even off-road capabilities.

Cereal producers market actively to three or four market segments at a time, pushing traditional brands that appeal to older consumers and healthy brands to health-conscious consumers,while building brand loyalty among the youngest consumers by tying their products to, say, popular children's movie themes.

A sports shoe manufacturer might define several market segments that include elite athletes, frequent gym-goers, fashion-conscious people, and individuals who have health issues or who spend a lot of time on their feet. In all cases, the manufacturer's marketing intelligence about each segment enables it to develop and advertise products with a high appeal more efficiently than trying to appeal to the broader masses.

What Is Market Segmentation?

Market segmentation is a marketing strategy in which select groups of consumers are identified so that certain products orproduct lines can be presented to them in a way that appeals to their interests.

Why Is Market Segmentation Important?

Market segmentation recognizes that not all customers have the same interests, purchasing power, or consumer needs. Instead of catering to all prospective clients broadly, market segmentation is important because it strives to make a company's marketing endeavors more strategic and refined. By developing specific plans for specific products with target audiences in mind, a company can increase its chances of generating sales and being more efficient with resources.

What Are the Types of Market Segmentation?

Types of segmentation include hom*ogeneity, which looks at a segment's common needs, distinction, which looks at how a particular group stands apart from others, and reaction, or how certain groups respond to the market.

What Are Some Market Segmentation Strategies?

Strategies include targeting a group by location, by demographics—such as age or gender—by social class or lifestyle, or behaviorally—such as by use or response.

What Is an Example of Market Segmentation?

Upon analysis of its target audience and desired brand image, has spent the past few years targeting younger, bolder, more risk-accepting individuals with its "fortune favors the brave" slogan. Part of this strategy has involved using celebrities it thinks may appeal to its target audience. In 2021, actor Matt Damon became the face of the brand. Then, in 2024, rapper Eminem, whose rags-to-riches story is well publicized, took over.

The Bottom Line

Market segmentation is a process companies use to break up their potential customers into different groups or segments. This allows a company to allocate the appropriate resources to each individual segment, resulting in more accurate targeting across a variety of marketing campaigns.

Market Segmentation: Definition, Example, Types, Benefits (2024)


Market Segmentation: Definition, Example, Types, Benefits? ›

Definition, Types, Benefits, and Examples

What are the 4 types of market segmentation? ›

The 4 main types of market segmentation include demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral–which we'll cover more in depth in the next section.

What is market segmentation definition need and benefits? ›

Market segmentation is a process companies use to break up their potential customers into different groups or segments. This allows a company to allocate the appropriate resources to each individual segment, resulting in more accurate targeting across a variety of marketing campaigns. PubsOnline.

What is an example of market segmentation? ›

Demographic market segmentation examples

A company that sells toys is better advised to buy ad space during a children's show than a late-night talk show. And property management companies will seek to target single renters rather than married couples looking to purchase their first home.

What is an example of benefit segmentation in marketing? ›

Some practical benefit segmentation examples include: A person may decide to purchase a product because it is associated with their status or class. For example, a customer may choose to buy a diamond watch over a copper watch because the diamond watch has a desired class.

What are the 4 P's of marketing segmentation? ›

The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a “marketing mix,” or the combined tools and methodologies used by marketers to achieve their marketing objectives.

What is a key benefit of segmentation? ›

Segmentation enables you to learn more about your audience so you can better tailor your messaging to their preferences and needs. Targeting a specific segment that is likely to be interested in your content or product is much more effective than targeting an overly broad audience.

What are the benefits of market segmentation quizlet? ›

  • 1.3 - Benefits of market segmentation. • Ensures customer needs are matched and met. ...
  • 1.3 - Ensures customer needs are matched and met. ...
  • 1.3 - Increased customer retention. ...
  • 1.3 - Allows for targeted marketing. ...
  • 1.3 - Potential for an increase in market share. ...
  • 1.3 - Potential for increased profits/profitability.

What is the main idea of market segmentation? ›

Market segmentation is the practice of dividing your target market into approachable groups. Market segmentation creates subsets of a market based on demographics, needs, priorities, common interests, and other psychographic or behavioral criteria used to better understand the target audience.

What are the 4 types of markets? ›

Economic market structures can be grouped into four categories: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. The categories differ because of the following characteristics: The number of producers is many in perfect and monopolistic competition, few in oligopoly, and one in monopoly.

How to define a market segment? ›

A market segment is a group of people who share one or more similar characteristics. Corporations and marketing teams use various criteria to develop target markets for their products and services.

What are the 5 requirements for effective market segmentation? ›

So, what are the requirements for effective market segmentation? Effective segmentation should be measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and actionable. When a company has segmented their market accordingly, there is a higher chance that it will become more profitable and successful in the long run.

What are the types of market segmentation? ›

9 types of market segmentation
  • Behavioral segmentation. Behavioral segmentation helps companies determine buyers' purchasing habits and behaviors. ...
  • Intent segmentation. ...
  • Geographic segmentation. ...
  • Firmographic segmentation. ...
  • Demographic segmentation. ...
  • Persona segmentation. ...
  • Psychographic segmentation. ...
  • Technographic segmentation.

What is an example of segmenting customers? ›

Customer segmentation examples include age, gender, location, language, industry, behavioral data, company size, values, interests, and more. To perform a customer segmentation analysis, start by defining SMART goals to specify the reason for segmenting customers.

What are the 4 market segmentation theory? ›

Market segmentation theory (MST) states there is no relationship between the markets for bonds with different maturity lengths and that interest rates affect the supply and demand of bonds. MST holds that investors and borrowers have preferences for certain yields when they invest in fixed-income securities.

What are the 4 target markets? ›

Clearly defining target markets is integral to creating a successful marketing plan because it enables you to direct your marketing efforts to the right group of people. Consumers can be divided into four major segments: demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral.

What are the 4 segments of the stock market? ›

Traders can choose to trade in a variety of segments such as equities, commodities, derivatives, and currencies.

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