Margin: How Does It Work? (2024)

In much the same way that a bank can lend you money if you have equity in your house, your brokerage firm can lend you money against the value of certain stocks, bonds, and mutual funds in your portfolio. Such funds are called a margin loan, and you can use them to buy additional securities or even for short-term needs not related to investing.

Each brokerage firm can define, within certain guidelines, which stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are marginable. The list usually includes securities traded on the major U.S. stock exchanges that sell for at least $5 per share, though certain high-risk securities may be excluded. Investments in retirement accounts or custodial accounts aren't eligible.

How does margin work?

Brokerage customers who sign a margin agreement can generally borrow up to 50% of the purchase price of new marginable investments (the exact amount varies depending on the investment). As we'll see below, that means an investor who uses margin could theoretically buy double the amount of stocks than if they'd used cash only. Most investors borrow less than that because—the more you borrow, the more risk you take on—not to mention the interest costs you'll have to pay—but 50% makes for simple examples.

For example, if you had $5,000 cash in a margin-approved brokerage account, you could buy up to $10,000 worth of marginable stock: You would use your cash to buy the first $5,000 worth, and your brokerage firm would lend you another $5,000 for the rest, with the marginable stock you purchased serving as collateral.

The total amount you can deploy using margin is known as your buying power, which in this case amounts to $10,000. (Schwab clients may check their buying power by clicking on the "Buying Power" link at the top of the Trade page on

Margin: How Does It Work? (1)


New securities aren't the only source of collateral. You can also often borrow against the marginable stocks, bonds, and mutual funds already in your account. For example, if you have $5,000 worth of marginable stocks in your account and you haven't yet borrowed against them, you can purchase another $5,000. The stock you already own provides the collateral for the first $2,500, and the newly purchased marginable stock provides the collateral for the second $2,500. You now have $10,000 worth of stock in your account at a 50% loan value, with no additional cash outlay.

Because margin uses the value of your marginable securities as collateral, the amount you can borrow fluctuates day to day as the value of the marginable securities in your portfolio rises and falls. If the value of your portfolio rises, your buying power increases. If it falls, your buying power decreases.

Margin interest

As with any loan, when you buy securities on margin you have to pay back the money you borrow plus interest, which varies by brokerage firm and the amount of the loan.

Margin interest rates are typically lower than those on credit cards and unsecured personal loans. There's no set repayment schedule with a margin loan—monthly interest charges accrue to your account, and you can repay the principal at your convenience. Also, margin interest may be tax deductible if you use the margin to purchase taxable investments and you itemize your deductions (subject to certain limitations; consult a tax professional about your individual situation).

The benefits of margin

When used for investing, margin can magnify your profits—and your losses. Here's an example of the potential upside. (For simplicity, we'll ignore trading fees and taxes.)

Assume you spend $5,000 cash to buy 100 shares of a $50 stock. A year passes, and that stock has risen to $70. Your shares are now worth $7,000. You sell and realize a profit of $2,000.

A gain without margin

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

Stock rises to $70 and you sell 100 shares: $7,000

Your gain: $2,000

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

Stock rises to $70 and you sell 100 shares: $7,000

Your gain: $2,000

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

Stock rises to $70 and you sell 100 shares: $7,000

Your gain: $2,000

Here's what happens when you add margin into the mix. As we saw above, $5,000 in cash gives you buying power totaling $10,000—your existing cash, plus another $5,000 borrowed on margin from your brokerage firm—allowing you to buy 200 shares of that $50 stock.

A year later, when the stock hits $70, your shares are worth $14,000. You sell and pay back $5,000, plus $400 of interest,1 which leaves you with $8,600. Of that, $3,600 is profit.

A gain with margin

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

You buy another 100 shares on margin:$0

Stock rises to $70 and you sell 200 shares:$14,000

Repay margin loan: -$5,000

Pay margin interest: -$400

Your gain: $3,600

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

You buy another 100 shares on margin:$0

Stock rises to $70 and you sell 200 shares:$14,000

Repay margin loan: -$5,000

Pay margin interest: -$400

Your gain: $3,600

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

You buy another 100 shares on margin:$0

Stock rises to $70 and you sell 200 shares:$14,000

Repay margin loan: -$5,000

Pay margin interest: -$400

Your gain: $3,600

So, in the first case you profited $2,000 on an investment of $5,000 for a gain of 40%. In the second case, using margin, you profited $3,600 on that same $5,000 for a gain of 72%.

The risks of margin

Margin can magnify profits when the stocks that you own are going up. However, the magnifying effect can work against you if the stock moves the other way as well.

Imagine again that you used $5,000 cash to buy 100 shares of a $50 stock, but this time imagine that it sinks to $30 over the ensuing year. Your shares are now worth $3,000. If you sell, you've lost $2,000.

A loss without margin

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

Stock falls to $30 and you sell 100 shares:$3,000

Your loss:-$2,000

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

Stock falls to $30 and you sell 100 shares:$3,000

Your loss:-$2,000

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock: -$5,000

Stock falls to $30 and you sell 100 shares:$3,000

Your loss:-$2,000

But what if you had borrowed an additional $5,000 on margin and purchased 200 shares of that $50 stock for $10,000? A year later when it hit $30, your shares would be worth $6,000. If you sold for $6,000, you'd still have to pay back the $5,000 loan and $400 interest, leaving you with only $600 of your original $5,000—a total loss of $4,400.

A loss with margin

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock:-$5,000

You buy another 100 shares on margin:$0

Stock falls to $30 and you sell 200 shares:$6,000

Repay margin loan:-$5,000

Pay margin interest:-$400

Your loss:-$4,400

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock:-$5,000

You buy another 100 shares on margin:$0

Stock falls to $30 and you sell 200 shares:$6,000

Repay margin loan:-$5,000

Pay margin interest:-$400

Your loss:-$4,400

You pay cash for 100 shares of a $50 stock:-$5,000

You buy another 100 shares on margin:$0

Stock falls to $30 and you sell 200 shares:$6,000

Repay margin loan:-$5,000

Pay margin interest:-$400

Your loss:-$4,400

If the stock had fallen even further, you could theoretically lose all of your initial investment and still have to repay the amount you borrowed, plus interest.

Margin call

While the value of the stocks used as collateral for the margin loan fluctuates with the market, the amount you borrowed does not. As a result, if the stocks fall, your equity in the position relative to the size of your margin debt will shrink.

This is important to understand, because brokerage firms require that margin traders maintain a certain percentage of equity in the account as collateral against the purchased securities—typically 30% to 35%, depending on the securities and the brokerage firm.2

If your equity falls below the minimum because of market fluctuations, your brokerage firm will issue a margin call (also known as a maintenance call), and you will be required to immediately deposit more cash or marginable securities in your account to bring your equity back up to the required level.

So, assume you own $5,000 in stock and buy an additional $5,000 on margin. Your equity in the position is $5,000 ($10,000 less $5,000 in margin debt), giving you an equity ratio of 50%. If the total value of your stock position falls to $6,000, your equity would drop to $1,000 ($6,000 in stock less $5,000 margin debt) for an equity ratio of less than 17%.

If your brokerage firm's maintenance requirement is 30%, then the account's minimum equity would be $1,800 (30% of $6,000 = $1,800). Accordingly, you would be required to deposit:

  • $800 in cash ($1,000+$800=$1,800), or
  • $1,143 of fully paid marginable securities (the $800 shortfall divided by [1 –the .30 equity requirement] = $1143), or
  • Or some combination of the two.

Important details about margin loans

  • Margin loans increase your level of market risk.
  • Your downside is not limited to the collateral value in your margin account.
  • Your brokerage firm may initiate the sale of any securities in your account without contacting you, to meet a margin call.
  • Your brokerage firm may increase its "house" maintenance margin requirements or remove specific securities from the marginable list at any time and is not required to provide you with advance written notice.
  • You are not entitled to an extension of time to meet a margin call.

Triggering a margin call

Stock value Margin loan Equity ($) Equity (%)
Buy stock for $10,000, half margin $10,000 -$5,000 $5,000 50%
Stock falls to $6,000 $6,000 -$5,000 $1,000 17%
Brokerage firm's maintenance requirement: 30% $6,000 - $1,800 30%
Margin call $800

What happens if you don't meet a margin call? Your brokerage firm may close out positions in your portfolio and isn't required to consult you first. That could mean locking in losses and still having to repay the money you borrowed.

Again, these examples are based on 50% margin debt is the maximum you can borrow. If your debt is lower, you also decrease your risk of receiving a margin call. A well-diversified portfolio may also help make margin calls less likely, as you would avoid the risk of having a single position drag down your portfolio.

If you decide to use margin, here are some additional ideas to help you manage your account:

  • Pay margin loan interest regularly.
  • Carefully monitor your investments, equity, and margin loan.
  • Set up your own "trigger point" somewhere above the official margin maintenance requirement, beyond which you will either deposit funds or securities to increase your equity.
  • Be prepared for the possibility of a margin call—have other financial resources in place or predetermine which portion of your portfolio you would sell.
  • NEVER ignore a margin call.

The bottom line

Buying stock on margin is only profitable if your stocks go up enough to pay back the loan with interest. But you could lose your principal and then some if your stocks go down too much. However, used wisely and prudently, a margin loan can be a valuable tool in the right circ*mstances.

If you decide margin is right for your investing strategy, consider starting slow and learning by experience. Be sure to consult your investment advisor and tax professional about your particular situation.

1 Example uses a hypothetical, simple interest rate calculation at a rate of 8%. Actual interest charge would be higher due to compounding. Contact Schwab for the latest margin interest rates.

2 At Schwab, margin accounts generally receive a maintenance call when equity falls below the minimum "house" maintenance requirement. For more details, see Schwab's Margin Disclosure Statement.

Margin: How Does It Work? (2024)


How do you explain margin to someone? ›

  1. a. : the difference which exists between net sales and the cost of merchandise sold and from which expenses are usually met or profit derived.
  2. b. : the excess market value of collateral over the face of a loan.
  3. d. : a range about a specified figure within which a purchase is to be made.
6 days ago

How long do you have to pay back a margin loan? ›

Margin interest rates are typically lower than those on credit cards and unsecured personal loans. There's no set repayment schedule with a margin loan—monthly interest charges accrue to your account, and you can repay the principal at your convenience.

What is a margin loan and how does it work? ›

Margin lending is a flexible line of credit that allows you to borrow against the securities you already hold in your brokerage account. When used correctly, margin loans can help you execute investment strategies by increasing your borrowing power to purchase more securities.

How do margin requirements work? ›

Margin requirement refers to the difference between the current value of the security offered for loan (called collateral) and the value of loan granted. It is a qualitative method of credit control adopted by the central bank in order to stabilize the economy from inflation or deflation.

What is a margin short answer? ›

In the business world, margin is the difference between the price at which a product is sold and the costs associated with making or selling the product (or cost of goods sold). Broadly speaking, a company's margin is its ratio of profit to revenue.

How do you answer what are your margins? ›

To determine gross profit margin, divide the gross profit by the total revenue for the year and then multiply by 100. To determine net profit margin, divide the net income by the total revenue for the year and then multiply by 100.

How risky is a margin loan? ›

While margin loans can be useful and convenient, they are by no means risk free. Margin borrowing comes with all the hazards that accompany any type of debt — including interest payments and reduced flexibility for future income. The primary dangers of trading on margin are leverage risk and margin call risk.

Can you withdraw margin money? ›

For example, you are usually limited to withdrawing the cash value of your margin account, usually up to 50% of the value of the securities in your account.

How do you pay off a margin? ›

You can reduce or pay off your debit balance (which includes margin interest accrued) by depositing cash into your account or by liquidating securities. The proceeds from the liquidation will be applied to your debit balance.

Is margin worth it? ›

Margin trading is risky since the margin loan needs to be repaid to the broker regardless of whether the investment has a gain or loss. Buying on margin can magnify gains, but leverage can also exacerbate losses.

What is the risk of buying on margin? ›

Risk of Higher Losses

While margin traders can make higher profits, they can also incur larger losses. It is even possible for a margin trader to lose more money than they originally had to invest—meaning that they would have to make up the difference with additional assets.

How to use margin effectively? ›

Buy gradually, not at once: The best way to avoid loss in margin trading is to buy your positions slowly over time and not in one shot. Try buying 30-50% of the positions at first shot and when it rises by 1-3%, add that money to your account and but the next slot of positions.

How do you describe margin? ›

margin noun [C] (AMOUNT/DEGREE)

the amount or degree of difference between a higher amount and a lower amount: He was reelected by a wide margin. A margin for error is the amount by which you can make a mistake without risking complete failure: There is no margin for error – it's got to work the first time.

How do you explain sales margin? ›

A sales margin calculation measures the amount of profit you make on the sale of a product or service after all costs related to the item are accounted for. The higher your sales margin, the higher your potential for profit on that product or service.

How do you explain profit margin? ›

What Is Profit Margin? Profit margin is a common measure of the degree to which a company or a particular business activity makes money. Expressed as a percentage, it represents the portion of a company's sales revenue that it gets to keep as a profit, after subtracting all of its costs.

What best describes margin? ›

Margin is the money borrowed from a broker to purchase an investment and is the difference between the total value of an investment and the loan amount.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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