Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (2024)

You can avoid many of the arguments over screen time this summer. Here are six steps for how to manage screen time this summer.

With COVID-19, we’ve been stuck at home so much. During distance learning, the children have been on Zoom or Google Meets for classes.

They are already looking at screens too much, just for school. So how can we manage screen time this summer?

I can already hear it: “Mom can I watch TV? Mama can I play games on the iPad? Can I watch a movie now?”

Maybe you’re starting to feel an encroaching sense of dread about summer, too. How can you avoid relying on screens?

You know that when you need to work, the temptation will always be to turn on the TV. That’s not always bad – there is a bunch of educational programming.

But it can be so hard it is to put boundaries on screen time. Plus for most children, behavior isn’t great when they have too much screen time either.

Fortunately, you can avoid many of the arguments over screen time this summer. Here are six steps for how to manage screen time this summer.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Read more here.

Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (1)

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Step 1: Consider what you are capable of enforcing

I live real life over here. I’m worn out from pandemic parenting and having a toddler with reflux.

We switched to homeschooling midyear. I’m a licensed elementary school teacher and have two Masters degrees in education – teaching my own kids all day was still hard.

So let’s give ourselves a break. Please don’t set yourself up for failure.

Consider what you are really capable of enforcing.

Your physical, mental, and emotional health matter more to the long-term well-being of your children than how much screen time they have during the pandemic.

Step 2: Think about your values and goals for the summer

Next, you want to start with the end in mind. Fast forward and think about the first day your children return to school in September:

  • How do you want to feel about your summer?
  • What memories or experiences do you want to have?
  • What kind of summer do you want to have as a parent?
  • What kind of summer do you want your children to have?
  • What are your family’s values around screen time?
  • Are you going to follow the AAP’s recommendations about screen time?

Maybe you want to remember laid-back, unstructured days at home where you loosely monitored screen time. That works for your children and you feel good about.

Or you want to have tons of fun and unique adventures. You want to remember all the times your children surprised you as they played imaginatively. This makes you feel good about your summer.

Neither choice is right or wrong. This is a matter of deciding on your priorities.

Taking this moment to be mindful will help drive your decision-making over the summer. Mindfulness will also eliminate your guilt because you will have decided proactively.

My Family’s Summer Goals

We’re doing 10 Weeks of Summer Camp at Home. So I want my children to have memories of those easy yet fun daily activities.

They will have simple, fun outdoor playtime so their bodies and minds are active. They behave a lot better when they get outdoors.

I want them to have memories of simple childhood fun like running through the sprinkler and digging in dirt. I want to take them to the playground in the early morning when I can hear the birds chirping.

My children will have about two hours of screen time a day while I’m getting work and housekeeping done.

When my daughter and my son start in-person school in September, this will be a summer I feel good about.

Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (2)

Step 3: Be intentional about your screen time

Once you’ve decided on your overall priorities and values for the summer and screen time, figure out how you want to intentionally use screen time.

  • Will screen time be when you need a break?
  • Will screen time be when the baby is napping?
  • Will screen time be while you are working, doing housework, or making meals?
  • Will screen time be a bonding opportunity for your family like Family Movie Night?

My Family’s Screen Time Plan

My plan for summer screen time is:

  • My two older children to use watch PBS Kids on Prime Videofor a half-hour in the morning as their reinforcement for staying their beds all night. I will prepare breakfast during this time.
  • They will watch another 30 minutes show on PBS Kids on Prime Video in the afternoon while my husband prepares dinner.
  • My daughter will be allowed the iPad for to play the ABC Mouse app in the mid-afternoon while the baby naps and the preschooler has rest time so I can work. She must first play quietly and independently in her room for 30 minutes and then can play ABC Mouse only on the iPad for another 30 minutes.
  • We will continue to have Family Movie Night on Saturdays.

If you haven’t already tried it, I wholeheartedly recommend PBS Kids. Amazon is offering a free month (cancel at any time!) so you can get a free trial of PBS Kids on Prime Video.

Decide on your plan. Grab a piece of paper and write them down now.

Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (3)
Grab the Summer Screen Time Rules Printable

Step 4: Decide on your family rules

Figure out if you have any screen time rules and write them down on the Summer Screen Time Rules worksheet. Having written rules is the critical piece to help you manage screen time this summer.

  • Is screen time a given in your family or does it need to be earned as a reward?
  • Do chores need to be completed prior to screen time?
  • Will screen time be at a scheduled time daily or will you decide day-to-day?

My Family’s Screen Time Rules

Our family rules are:

  • We can watch Nature Cat if we sleep in our bed all night until Okay to Wake Clock lights up.
  • Beds must be made and clothes on prior to watching the PBS Kids show Nature Cat on Prime Video.
  • We can watch PBS Kids show Let’s Go Luna on Prime Video after we clean up our toys.
  • We only play video games at daycare.
  • We will have PBS Kids Family Night with Mom and Dad.
  • If we want more screen time, we need to complete the Screen Time Rules Checklist.

Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (4)

Editable Summer Screen Time Rules from Summer at Home Printable Pack

Step 5: Communicate your rules to your children

Write out the rules on the Summer Screen Time Rules printable. Make sure they are clear for your child to read and understand.

Then go over the rules with your children – you need everyone on the same page. Present the rules in a matter-of-fact way. Or have a family meeting and negotiate the rules.

And remember, these rules are for you as much as they are for the children.

You as the parent need to be crystal clear on your priorities and rules. Then it’s easier to have an established boundary and to manage screen time this summer.

I know from experience. I have learned the hard way.

Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (5)

Step 6: Have a plan for summer

You’ll need to have a plan on how you handle your summer days in general. Routines will prevent many problems around screen time.

You can grab the Summer at Home Printable Pack to:

  • determine your goals
  • plan your time
  • brainstorm ideas for activities and adventures
  • create a daily routine
  • manage behavior positively as “bucket fillers”
  • create a personalized Screen Time Rules Checklist for each child

Plan for the Screen Time Tantrums

Your child will have times when hearing “no” on screen time will be hard.

So think through the meltdowns or fits you will encounter.

In our family, we will point to the rules, give one empathetic reminder “yes I know this is hard for you,” and then walk away from our children.

But let’s be honest, there are going to be so many times you’re just tempted to give up and toss them the iPad.

Maybe you’re on a work deadline or you JUST NEED A BREAK! I’ve certainly been there during the pandemic.

So spend some time getting ready now. Think through the alternative activities and supplies.

Summer Activity for Kids Cards are perfect for this reason.

Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (6)

Summer at Home Printable Pack

Recapping how to manage screen time this summer

Here’s the summary for busy parents:

  1. Consider what you are capable of enforcing.
  2. Think about your goals and values for the summer
  3. Be intentional with how you’ll use screen time.
  4. Decide on your family rules.
  5. Communicate your rules to your children.
  6. Have a plan for the summer.


Listen, it’s been a rough year with the pandemic. You’re burnt out and so are the kids.

So think about what is manageable for screen time and come up with a plan that works for your family. Use the Summer Screen Time Rules printable and you’re on your way to managing screen time this summer.

Related Posts:

  • Summer Camp at Home
  • Summer Activities for Kids
  • Summer Routine Printable
  • Summer Reading Bingo

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Manage Screen Time this Summer (Screen Time Rules Printable) (2024)


How to manage summer screen time? ›

To limit summer screen time, Palmer said to keep some school-year routines in place. Set screen-free zones, especially in bedrooms or on short car rides. Use that time to talk to each other instead. Make a commitment to having no devices at dinner, which goes for parents, too.

How much screen time should kids have during the summer? ›

Recommended screen time for kids, by age

For kids older than 2 years, media limits are "very appropriate," the AAP says. It recommends that parents limit screen use to no more than 1 hour or less per day of "high-quality programming."

What are your screen time rules? ›

For children ages 2 to 5, limit screen time to one hour a day of high-quality programming. As your child grows, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work as well. You'll need to decide how much media to let your child use each day and what's appropriate.

What are the screen time guidelines? ›

National guidelines for screen time

Across a 24-hour period, they recommend: infants younger than 2 have no screen time. children aged 2-5 have no more than one hour per day. children and young people aged between 5-17 years have less than 2 hours a day of sedentary recreational screen time.

How much screen time should an 11 year old have in the summer? ›

It's recommended that children ages 2 to 5 get no more than one hour of screen time per day. Children 5 and older should be limited to no more than two hours per day. Avoid watching screens during mealtimes and keep devices out of your child's room at night.

How do I manage my 13 year old screen time? ›

Here are 5 ways to help teens manage their screen use and time online.
  1. Help them prioritise key tasks over screens. ...
  2. Stay engaged in what they do online. ...
  3. Equip them with know-how to manage risks online. ...
  4. Encourage them to self-regulate their screen time. ...
  5. Encourage them to be selective about what they do online.

What is the unhealthy screen time for kids? ›

However, studies have shown that excessive screen time and media multitasking can negatively affect executive functioning, sensorimotor development, and academic outcomes. Early screen exposure has been associated with lower cognitive abilities and academic performance in later years.

How much screen time is too much in summer? ›

AgeRecreational Screen Time Limit
2-5 years1 hr/day
6-9 years90 min/day
10-13 years90-120 min/day
14+ years120 min/day
1 more row
Jun 22, 2022

Is 7 hours of screen time bad for kids? ›

Added together, all types of screen time can total 5 to 7 hours a day. Too much screen time can: Make it hard for your child to sleep at night. Raise your child's risk for attention problems, anxiety, and depression.

What are the four C's of parenting? ›

The Four Cs are Choices, Consequences, Consistency and Compassion, and each is as important as the next, and none can be left out of effective parenting.

Does TV count as screen time? ›

Passive screen time is more consumptive. Playing video games, using mindless apps on a phone or tablet, or watching TV (Swinson, 2018). Resnick (2018a) describes passive screen time as having an anti-social impact. We sit and get sucked into our screen without interacting with those around us.

How unhealthy is screen time? ›

In This Article:

Too much screen time can lead to obesity, sleep problems, chronic neck and back problems, depression, anxiety and lower test scores in children. Children should limit screen time to 1 to 2 hours per day. Adults should also try to limit screen time outside of work hours.

What should a 13 year old screen time be? ›

Screen time can impact on myopia development and progression, and is also linked to dry eye syndrome, digital eyestrain, and poor head and neck postures which can cause pain. Teenagers are recommended to have no more than 2 hours of sedentary, recreational screen time per day.

What screen time is too high? ›

What's a healthy amount of screen time for adults? Experts say adults should limit screen time outside of work to less than two hours per day. Any time beyond that which you would typically spend on screens should instead be spent participating in physical activity.

How long should kids watch TV? ›

Under 2 years old: Zero screen time, except for video chatting with family or friends. 2-5 years old: No more than one hour per day co-viewing with a parent or sibling. 5-17 years old: Generally no more than two hours per day, except for homework.

How much screen time for a 12 year old for summer? ›

Daniels recommends children and adolescents restrict screen time to two hours a day, adding that some places, notably the dinner table and the bedroom, should be no-device zones.

How do I control my screen time with ADHD? ›

Tips for helping kids with ADHD manage screen time
  1. Create a family media plan. ...
  2. Make the guidelines age-appropriate. ...
  3. Set a schedule. ...
  4. Give a warning. ...
  5. Minimize the length of screen time. ...
  6. Take advantage of parental tools and apps. ...
  7. Follow up screen time with physical activity. ...
  8. Be selective with screen time.
Feb 11, 2022

How do I stop spending so much screen time? ›

Tips To Reduce Screen Time
  1. Log Your Screen Time. Check your phones activity log to see when you most use your phone the most and how often you use it. ...
  2. Make Meal Time Family Time. ...
  3. Stay Off Your Phone Before Bed. ...
  4. Read A Book. ...
  5. Make Your Phone Boring. ...
  6. Check Emails Only At Work. ...
  7. Go Outside.

How do I keep my child on a summer schedule? ›

Creating a Summer Routine

Try to keep times consistent, for example having lunch every day at 12:00, nap time every day at 2:00, etc. Include chores alongside fun activities on the schedule. Letting your child know what you expect is critical to your relationship.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.