Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (2024)

Home /Crypto License /Malaysia

Updated: Aug, 09 2024

Assistance in applying for the Malaysian crypto license (Digital Assets Exchange Operator license)

  • High-level license for ambitious projects in Asia
  • Jurisdiction recognized as a growing authority in the FinTech environment
  • Clear and transparent process, conducted straightforward
  • Lighter compliance framework than most other crypto exchange jurisdictions

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (1)

Crypto License Consulting Team

Legal experts in designing solutions for crypto licensing worldwide.

+44 20 4577 0974

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (2)

Sabir Alijev Specialist - Partner

Corporate finance specialist and expert about FinTech regulations worldwide.

+44 20 4577 0974


Crypto regulation/legislation in Malaysia

This page will tell you everything necessary about the crypto license in Malaysia. All the aspects are covered from process to pricing.

Crypto License in Malaysia - General Information

General information about the Malaysian crypto license

Since 2019, the Securities Commission of Malaysia regulates crypto businesses through the Digital Asset Exchange Operator license framework. This framework is a subdivision of the Regulated Market Operator framework.

In Malaysia, cryptocurrencies are considered securities since the voting of the Capital Markets and Services Order of 2019 on Prescription of Securities & Digital Currency and Digital Token. Hence the delegation to the Securities Commission for their supervision. This qualification also means that only crypto assets that have been duly approved by the regulator are allowed in Malaysia. As of 2023, only a few crypto are tolerated.

The basis for the two-leveled framework lies in the Capital Markets & Services Act 2007 and is completed by two Guidelines issued by the Securities Commission:

  • Guidelines for Regulated Market Operators;
  • Guidelines for Digital Asset Exchange Operators.

These documents specify the compliance requirements to be met by license applicants and holders. They define the measures to take on the levels of cybersecurity, AML/KYC, solvability, etc. An important requirement to note is the minimum paid up share capital, which is of 5.000.000 Malaysian Ringgit (about 1.050.000 USD).

Process and Timeline: Obtaining a Crypto license in Malaysia

Malaysia Crypto License: Process and Duration

Obtaining a crypto license in Malaysia is notoriously difficult and long. The applying project must fulfill high levels of requirements before being able to carry out a request for a license. The licensing process itself takes several months and can last even more.

The company should be set up so, that the board of directors can demonstrate fitness and property as well as the required experience and qualification for their position. One of them should be appointed as the responsible person, who has to perform all the AML-KYC and compliance duties.

The company must be set in Malaysia as a resident company. Though there are no official requirements for residency, it is certain that the Securities Commission favors companies that have their actual place of business in Malaysia.

Types of licenses in Malaysia

The different types of crypto licenses in Malaysia

To perform crypto activities in Malaysia, it is possible to apply for the Digital Assets Exchange Operator license. This license is itself a sublicense of the Regulated Market Operator framework. The license is granted by the Securities Commission of Malaysia.

A Digital Asset Exchange Operator in Malaysia can perform exchange services with a limited number of crypto assets. It is able to operate either from an order book or with a digital broker model (or both).


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Cost of Crypto License in Malaysia

Pricing for registration of Malaysia Crypto License

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Crypto License Consulting Team

Legal experts in designing solutions for crypto licensing worldwide.

+44 20 4577 0974

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (12)

Sabir Alijev Specialist - Partner

Corporate finance specialist and expert about FinTech regulations worldwide.

+44 20 4577 0974

Most Popular

Free consultation

FREE Inquiry about the crypto license in Malaysia

Inquire about the Malaysian crypto license with one of our experts

  • Initial consultation with an expert
  • Turnkey Company Formation
  • Registration as VASP with the Regulator
  • Registered legal company address for 1 year
  • Basic (mandatory) AML/KYC Policy
  • Full communication with VASP Issuing authority for obtainment of authorization
  • Translated and apostilled set of corporate documents
  • Assistance in opening Business account for crypto operating activity
  • Assistance in formulating requirements, finding, interviewing and written agreement with AML/MLRO for your crypto company

Custom Package

On request Complete set up

Full turnkey crypto company formation and support in all necessary aspects

  • Initial consultation with an expert
  • Turnkey Company Formation
  • Registration as VASP with the Regulator
  • Registered legal company address for 1 year
  • Basic (mandatory) AML/KYC Policy
  • Full communication with VASP Issuing authority for obtainment of authorization
  • Translated and apostilled set of corporate documents
  • Assistance in opening Business account for crypto operating activity
  • Assistance in formulating requirements, finding, interviewing and written agreement with AML/MLRO for your crypto company

Most Popular

Free consultation

FREE Inquiry about the crypto license in Malaysia

Inquire about the Malaysian crypto license with one of our experts

  • Initial consultation with an expert
  • Turnkey Company Formation
  • Registration as VASP with the Regulator
  • Registered legal company address for 1 year
  • Basic (mandatory) AML/KYC Policy
  • Full communication with VASP Issuing authority for obtainment of authorization
  • Translated and apostilled set of corporate documents
  • Assistance in opening Business account for crypto operating activity
  • Assistance in formulating requirements, finding, interviewing and written agreement with AML/MLRO for your crypto company

Custom Package

On request Complete set up

Full turnkey crypto company formation and support in all necessary aspects

  • Initial consultation with an expert
  • Turnkey Company Formation
  • Registration as VASP with the Regulator
  • Registered legal company address for 1 year
  • Basic (mandatory) AML/KYC Policy
  • Full communication with VASP Issuing authority for obtainment of authorization
  • Translated and apostilled set of corporate documents
  • Assistance in opening Business account for crypto operating activity
  • Assistance in formulating requirements, finding, interviewing and written agreement with AML/MLRO for your crypto company

Ready-made crypto company in Malaysia

Ready-made company with crypto license in Malaysia for sale. Send us an inquiry to check on availability and receive details.

on request Price

depending on availability Duration

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (13)

Step-by-Step process to the Malaysian VASP license

How to obtain a crypto license in Malaysia

Obtaining a crypto license in Malaysia is notoriously long and difficult. In the register of crypto licensed companies updated in August 2022, only 5 companies were registered as licensed DAX operators in Malaysia. Therefore it is important to acknowledge and respect the process.


3 weeks


The crypto license can only be granted to a resident company in Malaysia. The applicant should then establish a corporate presence in Malaysia, compliant with the expectations of the regulator.


3 months


Before application, the crypto project must prepare itself properly. It should appoint a responsible person and develop all sorts of policies and systems for compliance. This includes technical solutions to protect customers assets and data, but also cybersecurity of the platform. Financial solvability and transparency is important. Risk management systems and an internal audit function must be prepared.


18 months


When every requirement is fulfilled, the applicant can carry its application to the Securities Commission of Malaysia. The board will be asked to demonstrate fitness and property, as well as its expertise and professionalism. The scrutiny will go as deep as the offered crypto assets on the platform. The applicant should expect numerous interviews and many possible extra requests from the regulator.

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Reach out now for a free consultation

  • Contact our team to receive a free invitation to a video call, in order to assess your project and design the most efficient solution around it.

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Facts about crypto license in Malaysia

Digital Assets Exchange Operator license in Malaysia

The minimum requirements for a crypto license in Malaysia are:

  • Resident company formation in Malaysia
  • Fit & proper check of all participants
  • Appointment of a responsible person (must be either CEO, CFO or COO of the company)
  • Establishment of strong internal audit procedures
  • Draft of risk management matrixes, procedures and rules
  • Minimum share capital (paid up) of 5.000.000 MYR (about 1.050.000 USD)
  • Systems to surveil transactions and market activity on the platform
  • Hold constant liquidity for solvability of customers assets
  • Protection of customer assets and data
  • AML-CFT process and policies compliant with the FATF guidelines
  • Only offer cryptocurrencies that have been approved by the Securities Commission
  • Crypto Law and Regulation
  • Licensing process
  • Requirements
  • Company registration
  • Taxation
  • Obligations
  • Sanctions

The legality of cryptocurrency business in Malaysia

Cryptocurrency business is legal in Malaysia, however, it is strongly regulated. It is important to get familiar with all the regulations and restrictions applicable to crypto companies in Malaysia in order to understand the licensing framework.

Crypto businesses are supervised by the Securities Commission of Malaysia (Suruhanjaya Sekuriti). They fall under the scope of the Regulated Market Operators framework, which are licensed and regulated by the SC.

In order to stay within the law, a cryptocurrency business in Malaysia should not only get a crypto license, but comply with an important set of regulations. It is therefore very important to acknowledge the numerous requirements and obligations of a crypto licensed company in Malaysia.

Cryptocurrency regulation in Malaysia

Companies willing to provide cryptocurrency services in Malaysia are ruled by the Capital Markets and Services Act of 2007 (amended numerous times since then). This text defines how financial markets and institutions are functioning and regulated in Malaysia.

This act also poses the Securities Commission (SC) as the supervisory authority for Regulated Market Operators (RMO), entities which are provided a license to operate in a financial field. This is the case of cryptocurrency, with the Digital Asset Exchange framework (DAX), which is a subdivision of the RMO framework.

To expand on this framework, the Security Commission has issued Guidelines for Regulated Market Operators and additional Guidelines for Digital Asset Exchanges. These two texts are, in addition to the Capital Markets and Services Act, the legal framework that constitutes the cryptocurrency regulation in Malaysia.

Cryptocurrencies are defined as securities in Malaysia since an order passed in 2019, the Capital Markets and Services (Prescription of Securities) (Digital Currency and Digital Token) Order. This classification has several implications, the most important being that cryptocurrency are strongly regulated in Malaysia. Only about a dozen digital assets are legal in Malaysia, as a cryptocurrency or a token must be validated by the SC before being legally sold and exchanged in Malaysia.

Malaysia Virtual Cryptocurrency Registry

In Malaysia, the virtual registry of cryptocurrency companies is publicly available on the internet. It can be found freely on the website of the Securities Commission of Malaysia, on this page.

The registry shows the existing licensed companies, but also the previously licensed companies. It is apparent upon consulting the register, that most of the companies who got a crypto licensed in Malaysia before 2019 and the introduction of the current framework have ceased to work in the country.

The registry is not regularly updated and does not include detailed information on the license holding companies : only the company name and address in Malaysia are disclosed.

Crypto-authorization process in the Malaysia Virtual Currency Registry

The process to receive a crypto authorization in Malaysia and register into the virtual currency registry is notorious to be one of the most complex in Asia.

There are many elements to prepare carefully, including on the financial and human levels, before beginning the process to get a VASP license in Malaysia.

The registration of Malaysia Company in Register of crypto currency companies

In order to register a Malaysian company in the national register of crypto currency companies, a project must establish a company in Malaysia. It is important to note that a company registered in Labuan, a free economic zone of Malaysia, cannot apply for the Malaysia crypto license, as there is a different license in force in this region (see: Labuan crypto license).

The company must appoint a board of directors and a responsible officer and fulfill a certain number of requirements, such as holding a minimum share capital of 5.000.000 MYR (about 1.050.000 USD) and preparing certain internal procedures (audit, risk management, AML-CFT, etc).

Everything must be ready before carrying out an application to the Securities Commission. The Malaysian regulator will then assess the compliance of the project with the laws and rules in order to decide whether it will grant a crypto license or not.

Governmental Statements on Crypto in Malaysia

The Government of Malaysia has adopted a strict position on crypto, while keeping it legal. When an order was passed in 2019, qualifying cryptocurrencies as securities, it also created the necessity for every existing crypto asset to receive an approval by the Securities Commission in order to be legally sold and exchanged in Malaysia.

A notable case that shows the severity of the Malaysian regulator may be the recent ban of famous crypto exchange Huobi in Malaysia. As it was available to Malaysian citizens and offering crypto assets that are not authorized, it was forced to close its operations in Malaysia.

Requirements for companies engaged in crypto activities in Malaysia

The Securities Commission has laid out a certain number of requirements to be met by companies willing to engage in crypto activities in Malaysia.

Among the principal requirements for the DAX license, the following criteria must be met:

  • Establish a company in Malaysia (not in Labuan);
  • Have a minimum paid up capital of at least 5.000.000 Malaysian Ringgit, plus an additional 5.000.000 in the case of a Digital Broker;
  • Ensure that all the members of its board are fit and proper and have professional qualification for their position;
  • Appointment of a responsible person for compliance and contact with the Securities Commission. This role can only be fulfilled by the CEO, CFO or COO of the company;
  • Draft policies and procedures pertaining to the good conduct of financial services: measures against proprietary trading, conflicts of interest, insider trading, making use of non-publicly available information, etc.

A DAX operator in Malaysia must have strong risk management processes and systems, in order to prevent all sorts of risks. This includes financial risks, customer identification, legal risks, operational risks, technical risks and physical risks. All of these should be audited periodically.

A crypto licensed company in Malaysia should also establish an internal audit function.

Only crypto assets which have been validated by the SC can be provided by the DAX operator. These include only the following crypto assets: BTC, ETH, AVAX, MATIC, BCH, XRP, LTC, SOL, LINK, UNI & ADA.

The crypto company should also establish systems and controls to maintain accurate records of all transactions. It should also take every possible measure to protect clients’ assets and data. For example, the clients’ assets shall be into segregated accounts, separate from the DAX operator accounts.

Finally, a DAX operator in Malaysia should ensure at all times sufficient liquidity for solvability. This requirement is further emphasized for companies operating a Digital Broker model.

The process of setting up a company for a cryptocurrency business in Malaysia

In the process of forming a cryptocurrency business in Malaysia, a company should be set up with the licensing requirements in mind.

Though it is not difficult to create a company in Malaysia, this company is required to hold a paid up share capital of 5.000.000 MYR, that is more than 1.000.000 USD. It should also appoint the board of directors and the responsible person before application.

The usual incorporation process takes 1 to 2 business weeks, but the necessity to adapt the company to the needs of the DAX framework can extend the process a little bit.

Taxation for cryptocurrency companies in Malaysia

For cryptocurrency companies in Malaysia, profit will be taxed on the gross income generated during the year. DAX operators can only register as Resident Companies in Malaysia, with an income tax rate of 24%.

There is no withholding tax in Malaysia, though royalties are subject to taxes (5 to 10% depending on the country).

Despite being classified as securities in Malaysia, proceeds from cryptocurrency trading (capital gains) are not subject to taxation.

Obligations for crypto companies in Malaysia

Once a crypto company successfully receives the DAX license in Malaysia, it is liable to respect some obligations, according to the law.

At all times, a crypto company must ensure the fair and transparent operation of its platform. It should consistently enforce policies and procedures relative to the trading, clearing and settlement of digital assets on the platform and monitor transactions on a permanent basis.

A crypto company must always be careful with the cryptocurrency it provides in its services. Not only should they be approved by the Securities Commission but it should be sourced from a Virtual Asset Service Provider that is either licensed in Malaysia or compliant with the FATF guidelines on AML-CFT (this is the case for the majority of crypto licenses in the world as of 2023).

DAX operators are not allowed to provide financial assistance to investors.

Sanctions for violating Malaysia crypto-business obligations

Performing crypto activities in Malaysia without a license, or violating the law as a licensed crypto company, will lead to severe sanctions.

As it is considered a financial crime and a legal offence, a wrongdoing company will most certainly be banned, its license revoked, and the participants sanctioned of fines and possibly imprisonment for the most extreme cases.

This is another demonstration of the severity of Malaysia toward cryptocurrency and its position to regulate them very strongly.

Alternatives to a crypto license in Malaysia

Our team has curated the following jurisdictions as being worthy alternatives to a crypto licensed company in Malaysia

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (16)

Crypto License in Singapore

on request

  • Elite finance country
  • Prestigious
  • Provide electronic money

17% tax from 6 months

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (17)

on request

  • Wide coverage of virtual asset services
  • Reputed offshore jurisdiction
  • Synergy with other licenses

from 0% tax from 6 months

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (18)

Crypto License in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

on request

  • 0% Taxes
  • Fast incorporation
  • Minimal compliance

0% tax from one week

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (19)

from 3.650 €

  • Fastest licensing process
  • Lowest price in 2024
  • Available ready-made companies

from 9% tax from 2 months

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (20)

Crypto License in Great Britain

from 9.900 €

  • 19% CIT
  • Fintech country
  • Clear process

19% tax on request

Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (21)

Crypto License in Czech Republic

from 4.200 €

  • EU jurisdiction
  • Light requirements
  • No residency required

21% tax from 3 months

About Crypto License in Malaysia

Can you provide me with a basic business plan for a crypto company?

Yes! We are able to design a business plan for any kind of business venture. We have experience dealing the granting authority and we know their expectations from applicants.

Are there any limitations on shareholders from certain countries?

No, only individuals from blacklisted countries (f.e. North Korea), will not be able to proceed with that license.

Can a legal entity become a shareholder?

Yes, this is possible, but in any ways you will have to present a certificate of no criminal record (also of a legal entity). We recommend to stick to individuals.

Can I open a bank account for my crypto exchange in Malaysia?

Yes. Though it is never a certitude in such a fast moving industry, opening a bank account for a Malaysian crypto exchange is possible.

What are the KYC and AML requirements for the Malaysia crypto license?

The granting authority has defined its own requirements in regard to AML-CFT and KYC, that differs from the traditional ones (edicted by the FATF).

Is cryptocurrency activity legal in Malaysia?

Yes, cryptocurrency activity is legal in Malaysia. It is however strongly regulated and restricted. Digital Asset Exchange is the only licensed activity in Malaysia that is available. It allows to provide cryptocurrency services with a very limited number of cryptocurrencies.

Do you need a license to trade cryptocurrency in Malaysia?

There is no need for a license to trade your own money and crypto in Malaysia.

Exchanges are a regulated business that requires a DAX Operator license.

Who can perform crypto activities in Malaysia?

Only registered companies with a strong establishment in Malaysia and a license of Regulated Market Operator as a Digital Asset Exchange can perform crypto activities in Malaysia.

Note: the free economic zone of Labuan is an exception, where different rules apply. For more information, look up our page on the crypto license in Labuan.

Do I have to pay tax on cryptocurrency in Malaysia?

No, there are no capital gain taxes in Malaysia, both for individuals and companies.

Start your crypto company in Malaysia today

Our experts will guide you into designing the best possible solution for your project. Tailored advice and quotation for your business. Request more information about the crypto license in Malaysia now.

    Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (22)

    Crypto License Consulting Team

    Legal experts in designing solutions for crypto licensing worldwide.

    +44 20 4577 0974

    Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (23)

    Sabir Alijev Specialist - Partner

    Corporate finance specialist and expert about FinTech regulations worldwide.

    +44 20 4577 0974

    Malaysia Crypto License - Costs and Process in 2024 (2024)
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    Author: Rubie Ullrich

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    Name: Rubie Ullrich

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    Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.