Luz Clawthorne: Two Worlds, One Family - Chapter 122 - BuckJohnson, JPRyder (2024)

Chapter Text

Q&A response time! First, let's get some answers from the main lady herself, Luz Clawthorne! We'll start off with a question Shuffollower: What're your middle names? Luz, that means both human and witch.

Luz: Eda didn't give me a middle name when she found me, but according to Camila, my human middle name is Isidora, which means 'strong, beautiful gift'.

Next question from Shuffollower: After you found the light glyph, how long did it take you to find the other three?

Luz: Well, I found the light glyph when I was five. It did take me longer to find the other three. The plant glyph was the hardest for me to figure out and I didn't learn it until after I met Willow, when I was ten. So it took me about five years. It did take me a few years to learn fire and ice as well, which was because mom didn't want to take me up to the Knee or have me play with fire until I was old enough.

Here's the next question from Shuffollower: What're the combos for your lightning and animation glyphs?

Luz: (smirks) Like I'd give up all my secrets.

Next question from Shuffollower: Among all your friends and closest relatives, which couples are you most supportive of?

Luz: The couples that I am the most supportive of are Skara and Willow, Viney and Emira, and mom and Raine. I'm actually hoping mom and Raine can actually go on some dates now that Belos is gone.

And here are the last questions from Shuffollower: How've you been since... well, since Maya? How's it feel to have one mind again?

Luz: It's weird to say this out loud, but I am still getting used to not having a voice in my head. It's… lonely, honestly. I was so used to Maya and I really do miss her. I just hope that wherever she is now, she's happy.

The next question is from Alamout: Do you like ABBA? How about the Beatles?

Luz: Yeah, I like both, although I don't love ABBA nearly as much as Dipper does. As for the Beatles, my favorite song from them is Eleanor Rigby from "Yellow Submarine".

Alright, I got a question from Blue Tagg: Has Camila ever told you about the extended family on both her side and your father's side?

Luz: Yeah, she has. I know they're still alive and I would like to meet them eventually, just… not right away. I mean, they've believed me and Camila to be dead for more than a decade. It's going to be really awkward for us to just show up at their door, especially with Camila not looking like she has aged in more than a decade. So I don't know what we're going to do about that.

Next I have a question from cooki15xd: Are you planning on helping in getting the magical creatures to be accepted by the human realm?

Luz: Not really. I'm not exactly what you would call the 'diplomatic type'. Getting magical creatures accepted by humans isn't really a problem that I can beat up.

Okay, next is a question from Crash x Fusion: Luz, which comic book anti-hero do you see yourself as the most, and which characters would you compare all 10 of your fellow teens here to?

Luz: I like to think of myself as the Dominican Kick-Girl, where I like to kick ass and call people $^&. As for the ten other teens… Amity gives me Spider-Woman as a Kamen Rider, which is interesting since Spider-Man inspired the Tokusatku genre, which led us to Power Rangers although now that she's a full Fae she does remind me of Pixie from the X-Men. Gus would be like the Mr. Terrific with his brain. Willow is definitely the Roronora Zoro, although after her upgrade she's kinda like a Swamp Thing or a heroic Poison Ivy. Skara is probably closest to Wolfsbane of the X-Men, though her bard magic kinda makes her like a combination of Black Lightning and his daughter Lightning or Black Canary. Boscha is either Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls or Tien Shenhan. Nina, I would say that initially she was like Tigra or a heroic Cheetah, but with her shape-shifting she also reminds me of Beast Boy or Chameleon Boy. And Donna would be a Wonder Woman or a She-Ra, although she could also be a Wonder Girl, since her name is Donna just like Donna Troy. As for Cross… he's kinda like Peter Parker or Mark Grayson aka Invincible, just as a dragon. He's a total boy scout, though thankfully his experiences are less painful than Peter or Mark's. And Emily… maybe Venom, since she's like my anti-hero counterpart who used to be my greatest enemy but now we've agreed to an uneasy truce where we stay out of our way.

The next question for Luz from Crash X Fusion: How does it feel to have the powers of Half-Titan?

Luz: It's sorta just an extension of the powers that I already had, but at least now I know for sure what I am. I do think it's really cool and I think these new powers can really come in handy in the future if I ever need them. But it doesn't give me an existential crisis or anything.

Are you sure? Because I have this question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Now that you know your transformation is you becoming a Titan, do you think you're going to grow as tall as one someday? And possibly live as long as they would have if they hadn't been exterminated?

Luz: Okay… maybe I have a slight existential crisis. The truth is, I have no idea what the extent of my new powers is. I don't know how they will affect me in the future and the only one I could ask about them, King's dad, is gone. I don't know if I would ever grow as large as a Titan, but living long as one is definitely a possibility… but I really don't want to think about that right now. That's a problem for future Luz, not now Luz.

Here is Jack_Skeletron_4ever's second question: How do you feel about killing Belos? I know he hijacked your body, killed your girlfriend/wife, and committed genocide, but this is also your second time murdering someone, even if they deserved it. That has to cause some trauma.

Luz: Honestly, it didn't. Not at all. Maybe because it was intentional this time and not an accident or maybe it's because it gets easier after the first time. But Belos justneededto die. And I'm happy that the last thing he saw was the bottom of my boot.

Okay, the next question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever is: You're now in the Human Realm indefinitely. What's the first human activity you never experienced while living with Eda that you'll do?

Luz: Hmm… well, I've never been to Vegas before, mainly because Eda is banned from there. Actually, there are a lot of places in the Human Realm that I still haven't been to. Me and mami don't have to stay in Gravity Falls. We could travel together. See the world. I don't know if we'll bring anyone with us though.

Last question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: What was your reaction when Amity introduced Phil to you?

Luz: Me and Amity already talked about it before she brought Phil back, so I wasn't surprised. And when I saw that it worked, I was really happy for Amity, because I knew how much this mattered to her. I was also really impressed, because she had done something that only one witch before her had ever done. My girlfriend is just… incredible.

Next is a question from Matteso: Forgive me for asking and for sounding clingy. Between failing to contact Willow and your reunion at Purgatory, were you worried about having to come clean to Skara and the Parks?

Luz: No.

Okay then. Moving onto a question from Navy-Heart: You ever tried to go beyond titan form; like you know your Glyph forms... why not combine them (Fire/Titan: Pryo, Ice/Titan: Hydros, Plant/Titan: Gaia, Light/Titan: Eleni)?

Luz: I'm not sure if it works like that, but I haven't really been experimenting that much with my Titan form lately. I kinda want to focus on just being human for a while, spend some time with Camila, the Pines family, Abby, and Clara. That's kinda my priority right now.

Next is a question from Nightmare111: For Luz and Amity, considering that you now literally have a son between the two of you (you know the Living Abomination)... are you going to take him on adventures with you or are you going to prefer not to even get him into that kind of thing?

Luz: It is still a little weird to think of Phil as my 'son', if I'm being honest. As for taking him on adventures with us… I think that's gonna depend on the adventure. If it's traveling around the Human Realm, then I think it's fine. If it's any dangerous, absolutely not.

Here's a question from ultimate-drax: Luz, when you went to Underworld to save Emily, was it worth it? Was it worth all the pain you and your friends had to endure for the person who had caused you so much misery?

Luz: What the f*ck are you talking about? You're wording it like we went to the Underworld just to save Emily. But we were mainly there to save King and Edric, as well as show that messed up goddess that she couldn't do anything she pleased without consequences. So yeah, it was worth it, since we succeeded in everything that we set out to do. I'm also glad that we saved Emily, since she did help us out a lot during the Day of Unity.

Next I got a bunch of questions from spantidem7. Let's start with a bunch of these: what is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Luz: I like anything with meat on it. I actually change my favorite color a lot. Sometimes it's green, but right now it's lavender. My biggest regret… I have two. One of them is freeing Bill Cipher, which led to him causing Weirdmageddon. My other is not being there when the Torsa Villa fire was happening. I still feel like I could have done something if I had been there and I do still feel like I owe a debt to Nina for it. And the enemy that I hate the least? Nina, I guess.

Next question from spantidem7: Do you feel comfortable leaving your son in the Islands while you're on Earth?

Luz: He's more Amity's son than mine since she created him, so yeah I am comfortable with leaving him with Amity. Especially since I'm definitely not ready to be a full-time mother. Amity is and I understand her choice, but as for me… I don't want to completely commit to motherhood just yet. I want to at least spend a few months in the Human Realm with my mom in the Human Realm first.

Next spantidem7 question: Favorite video game?

Luz: I really enjoy fighting games the most. Some of my favorite series include Fatal Fury, Mortal Kombat, DBZ Budokai, and Super Smash Bros.

Next spantidem7 question: What do you think of the Civil War comic?

Luz: I think it was incredibly dumb and contrived. I don't want to see superheroes fighting each other for stupid reasons. I want to see superheroes fighting villains.

Here's another one from spantidem7: In your opinion, what was the Horned King?

Luz: Based on what he showed me, he was either some powerful demon or one of the Four Horsem*n of the Apocalypse, though I don't know which one. I don't think it really matters anymore though, since I killed him.

Another spantidem7 question: What do you think of Eris? You know, that apple goddess.

Luz: I only met her once, but she seemed cool. She was a part of Jack's friend group, after all. They were all pretty accepting of me and I had a good time with them.

I still have a few more questions from spantidem7. One of them was asking how motherhood was going, but I think we already covered that. So we'll skip that question and go to: Do you know there's an alternate reality where you two and Emily are sisters and have a very healthy relationship? What do you think?

Luz: I have a hard enough time imagining an alternate reality where we may have been friends. But a reality where we're sisters? Yeah, I have a really hard time picturing that. But I guess anything is possible with the multiverse, right? I don't really know what the future of my relationship with Emily will look like right now, to be honest. I guess it'll depend on when she comes back to the Isles. But I doubt I have seen the last of her.

Two more questions from spantidem7. The first: What's your relationship with Hunter now? Are things good between you two?

Luz: Yeah, I'd say things are good. We've forgiven each other, I've accepted him as my cousin, and I trust him again. I do hope that we can start building our relationship to the point where it was before and I do intend to keep my promise of showing him around the Human Realm when he comes to visit. It's still going to take some time, but I think we're going to be okay.

Luz and Nina: in your opinion, what is your worst flaw and Nina's best quality?

Luz: I still struggle with acting on my impulses, which is why I do think I need other people to balance me out. As for Nina's best quality… she never gives up. Even after all the crap that happened to her, including losing most of her family, she kept going and she kept fighting. She even made sure that other people didn't give up either, including me. I really admire that.

Okay, next I got a bunch of questions from a Guest. The first: How do YOU feel about Zee and Emily, and has it affected how you see your cousin?

Luz: I'm… still not sure how to feel about Zee and Emily. I guess you could say that I am still in shock. But I want to be open-minded and not let it affect how I see Zee. So I won't judge. Just like how I don't judge Cross and Lindsay for wanting to save Emily or being friends with her. I know that I am completely biased toward Emily and I don't want that bias to affect my relationship with either one of my cousins. So Zee making out with Emily? Good for them, I guess.

Here's the next question from Guest: What were some of your favorite adventures with Dipper in Gravity Falls?

Luz: My favorite is definitely when I earned the respect of the Manotaurs and ended their conflict with the Multi-Bear. That was a top tier adventure, let me tell you.

Next question from Guest: Have you seen any movies in the MCU? If so, what do you expect it to adapt?

Luz: I saw Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger. I haven't seen The Avengers yet since I've been busy with Boiling Isles stuff, but I heard it was good. I don't really have expectations for what they're going to adapt though, especially since they don't have the rights to most of the characters. I don't expect to see Spider-Man, the X-Men, or the Fantastic Four in the MCU, instead I just expect to see subpar movies based on those properties from Sony and Fox.

Next question from Guest: With what's happened to you so far, do you think you'll have an adventure through the multiverse like Jake did?

Luz: Oh, absolutely. I feel like it's honestly inevitable at this point.

If you had the chance to kick the ass of any villain you yourself didn't defeat or had a hand in defeating, who would you pick?

Luz: Abel and Draco. I never met either of them, though of the two I definitely wish I had gotten the chance to kick Draco's ass after everything he did to Donna and after he killed Beo! I'm honestly not happy that I missed the chance to get payback…

Who's the cutest sentient being you've ever met? Besides Amity.

Luz: I would say King just to annoy him, but I'm gonna say… Kay.

Okay, only two questions left and they're both from Gunther in a hat. The first: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Luz: Like I said before, I wish that I had gotten the chance to defeat Abel. The only bright side of him getting away is that it means I might be able to defeat him in the future. And that's what I'm choosing to focus on.

And here is the final question for you from Gunther in a hat: You've been on a journey of self-discovery for a while now trying to understand what you are from a human, witch, cambion, and titan. In your view, what are you now? Who and what is Luz Clawthorne?

Luz: Between human, witch, and Titan, I would say… all above. But more seriously, I don't think my species is a huge part of my identity. They're not what makes me Luz Clawthorne. It's my relationships that have forged my identity. My relationships with my family, my friends, and my girlfriend. They're responsible for who I am today and are still the most important things in my life. So who is Luz Clawthorne? A loving daughter, a good friend, and a beloved girlfriend. That's who Luz Clawthorne is. I was so worried that my transformations would change who I am, but they haven't. I'm still the same passionate ass kicker from before, just… smarter, stronger, and more mature. And I'm comfortable with that.

Okay, Amity. It's your turn. The first question is from Shuffollower: What would you change your middle name to?

Amity: I think I would change it to Goodfellow. That way, I can be Amity Goodfellow Blight, an acknowledgement of both my Fae identity and my witch identity, since both are an important part of who I am now.

Next question from Shuffollower: What did the process for bringing Phil back require you to do?

Amity: Uh, sorry. I can't really go into that. The Titan entrusted his secrets to me, after all. Although I will say that it's not too different from how Camila was brought back. Phil's soul was stuck in something like Purgatory and I had to give that soul a new vessel. Beyond that, I can't say much more.

Final question from Shuffollower: If you're going to spend time with your family, will you also be making time for Lilith? Y'know, considering you haven't spent any quality time together since she left the Owl House?

Amity: I… think I would like that, but I'm going to be busy with Phil and she's going to be busy with Hunter. Honestly, things between me and Hunter are still kinda weird. Spending time with Lilith would probably mean spending time with Hunter and being alone with just the two of them, without Luz around, sounds… really awkward. Maybe I'll try to find a way around that, because I do want to spend more time with Lilith. I am happy for her and Hunter though. I really do wish them the best.

The next question is from cooki15xd: Are you in the group that is trying to figure out how to get rid of the Coven Sigils? And if that is true, how are things going?

Amity: Yeah, I'm not in that group. My dad is, though, and he's working with some of the other brightest minds in the Isles to find a way to get rid of coven sigils. And so far they've made… no progress, unfortunately.

Here's a question from Crash x Fusion: Amity, are you aware that the Alchemist saw you as a potential candidate for a soldier in his mutant army?

Amity: I'm not shocked. I think I only wasn't targeted because I wasn't in the Boiling Isles at the time. I'm just glad that he wasn't able to mutate Luz, Willow, or the others. It's a good thing too that Kitsuni was able to defeat him. Now we won't have to worry about him anymore.

Second question from Crash X Fusion: And what happened to Venoma after you were done with her?

Amity: I left her tied up. I was in a rush to get back to Luz and the others after I interrogated her, so I'll admit that I didn't do a great job at restraining her. I know that currently her whereabouts are unknown… hopefully she won't be a problem.

Here's the third question from Crash X Fusion: How does it feel to have the powers of Fearie?

Amity: Honestly? It's exhilarating. I was trying to find a good way to describe it and Luz found a good metaphor. It's taking the training wheels off a bike. It's kinda scary, but also incredible. I feel more powerful than I ever have before, although I do think my time as a half-Fae helped, making it less overwhelming than it could have been.

I got two questions from Matteso. The fist: Ever get the feeling that Sly is keeping secrets from you? When you first met, he never mentioned that Fae regenerate from death.

Amity: When we first met, we only knew him for like a few minutes before he left and he had no reason to bring up that Fae regenerated. So no, I don't feel like he is keeping secrets from me. Whenever he doesn't tell me something, he has his reasons.

Second question from Matteso: Isn't it hypocritical that you told Luz about the CATs because of the mindset that you can't keep secrets from each other, but you spent a large amount of time keeping quiet about your atheism?

Amity: Uh, f*ck off. My atheism was a very personal thing that I was going through and was still trying to figure out. It isn't the same thing at all.

The next question is from Navy-Heart: Amity, I do love how much you have grown as a person. Do you think Fae as time you can change a few people in the Isles?

Amity: I… don't understand this question. At all. 'Fae as time you can change a few people in the Isles'? I'm sorry, what does that mean?

Here's a question from Nightmare111: For Luz and Amity, considering that you now literally have a son between the two of you (you know the Living Abomination)... are you going to take him on adventures with you or are you going to prefer not to even get him into that kind of thing?

Amity: I think it will depend on what the adventure is. If it's something too dangerous, of course we won't take Phil with us. But if the adventure is something like sight-seeing in the Human Realm, then we'll probably take him with us.

The next question is from ultimate-drax: Amity, how's motherhood working out for ya at such a young age?

Amity: Honesty, pretty well. I think it helps that I did have experience taking care of Kay and that I have the support of so many other people, from my family to my friends to my Luz. So it isn't like I'm figuring this out alone. Phil is also really well-behaved, although that might come from his time as an Abomination, who are typically very obedient. If Phil spends enough time as a normal witch, I think he will start to act more like a normal kid his age, which is something that I'm both looking forward to and dreading.

Next I have four questions from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. The first: Now that you're a full Fae, you're going to deal with immortality. How do you feel about that?

Amity: I'm… definitely conflicted about it, but the good thing is that it won't become an issue for a long time, since I'm still pretty young. More good news is that I won't be stuck looking like a teenager. I've learned that the Fae do physically age depending on their maturity. There are a lot of Fae who are stuck in a certain form because of their development stage. Puck actually told me that he used to look younger, but since the death of Wendy he has aged into being a teenager. Since I was changed into a Fae when I was a teenager, I should still mature into adulthood before I stop physically aging. Another factor is that Luz might be immortal as well because of her connection to the Titan, so immortality might be something we have to figure out together. However, that's still a long way off and I'm not going to waste time worrying about it now.

Here's the second question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Do the similarities between Belos and Adam's love story and yours with Luz scare you?

Amity: Not at all. Luz is not Belos and I want her to know that. While there were some similarities, Belos and Luz ended up choosing very different paths and I don't see Luz going down the same path that Belos did. So no, it does not scare me.

Third question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Did Phil inherit some of your Fae powers when you brought him back?

Amity: I assume not, but… (long pause before shaking her head) Nah.

Final question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Considering you met the Titan, what's your stance on atheism now?

Amity: I feel pretty silly, in all honesty. Fortunately, the Titan did not give me a hard time about it, but I still feel kinda embarrassed.

Next I have a few questions from spantidem7. Let's quickly run through a few: What is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Amity: I don't think I've had pizza and my favorite color is lavender. As for my biggest regret… it was Phil's death, but I've managed to reverse that. I think I still regret what I did to Willow all those years ago, even though we managed to make up. And I still regret spying on Luz for Lilith… and disowning the family name. Honestly, I have a lot of regrets and it's difficult to just pick one. As for the enemy I hate the least? That seems like a weird question, but I guess Dolly, since I did help her out when she was stuck as a doll.

Next question from spantidem7: Did you know that Nina once called you "billboard forehead girl"?

Amity: (sigh) No, I didn't. But it isn't the first comment I've heard about my forehead… and I doubt that it will be the last either.

The other questions are just repeats of earlier ones, which leaves only one more from spantidem7: Are you going to spend some time with Willow, just the two of you, like when you were little and Odalia was still a giant *Digital Circus style censorship onomatopoeia*?

Amity: Since Luz and Gus are both living in the Human Realm now, I would like to spend some more time with Willow, though I doubt it will just be the two of us. I'll probably have Phil with me, since he loves his Aunt Willow and she's really good with him. And we might also hang out with Skara, Cat, Amelia, and Bo. I don't think it will ever be like when we were little, because we're different witches now. We've grown up and we have larger social circles. And that's a good thing, by the way.

Okay, next I have a few things from an unnamed Guest. Starting with: Amity, you've begun to unlock what you're capable of now that you're a full fae. Now that you have your "dragon form", which power do you plan on getting next?

Amity: Well, I am interested in my shapeshifting, but the power that I want the most is the ability to wander between realms. That way, I can visit Luz whenever I want without using a portal key, which would be really convenient. I'm actually really excited to explore my new powers more.

Next question from this Guest: Have you gotten updated on any Fae politics yet?

Amity: From what I can tell, Oberon's old court is under the leadership of Maleficent, who wants to work with both the Order and Titania's court. Sly has told me not to worry too much about it and I think he's right. I should be more focused on training, spending time with my family, and raising Phil. There's enough going on in the Boiling Isles without needing to worry about what is happening elsewhere.

Final question from this Guest: What can you tell us about Phil so far?

Amity: Like I said earlier, Phil is very well-behaved, which I think is something he carried over from his time as an Abomination. But besides that, he's really curious. He's so full of life and energy, wanting to explore and see everything he possibly can. He loves new experiences and he loves playing with Ghost, Acorn, and Sam or spending time with me, Luz, and his 'extended family'. While he is well-behaved, he is always happy for attention. His personality is still in development, but so far he is just a bundle of love and enthusiasm.

Gunther in a hat asked a question about you being a Fae that is very similar to an earlier question, so we'll just move to their other question: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Amity: I never met Abel, but from what I've gathered… I don't like him. At all. And it sounds like he was a large influence behind Belos. We need to watch out for him, because I don't want him to ruin me and Luz's happy ending.

Okay, here is the last question and it's from another unnamed Guest: How do you feel about Emily's departure?

Amity: Luz has… complicated feelings about Emily and I understand where she is coming from. I have weird feelings about Emily as well, especially since she helped Willow and then helped us stop Belos. I don't really know how to feel about Emily right now, but I do think it is for the best that she's left the Boiling Isles. It's better for us and it's better for her.

For Willow, we'll start with a question from Shuffollower: What's your middle name?

Willow: Oh, I don't actually have a middle name.

Okay, so next question from Shuffollower: how've you been adjusting to being a demigoddess?

Willow: I… don't really like to think of myself as a demigoddess, honestly. I guess technically I am one, but I prefer to see myself as a witch, even if I suppose that's not being honest. I did think that it would be strange, but it hasn't changed that much for me, especially since my friends and family don't treat me any differently. I guess I worried that I would feel alienated from other witches, but fortunately that has not been the case. I think part of it has to do with the fact that my upgrade, if you can call that, was not nearly as drastic as Amity or Luz's. Or as traumatic, come to think of it. I didn't have to die or get possessed to get my upgrade. I think what's changed the most is my sensitivity toward nature and the Isles. The best way I can describe it is…heightened. And it is incredible. It also gives me a greater responsibility and sense of duty. But I don't think it changes who I am. It just amplified who I already was, if that makes sense.

Last question from Shuffollower: And are you upset about your sigil because of the principle of the thing? It honestly wouldn't make sense otherwise since... well, plant magic's what you do best.

Willow: I was more upset about getting a sigil because it meant that Belos could tap into my power and use it for his own benefit. Now that he's gone… I'm not really affected by the sigil, especially since you're right. Plant magic is what I do best. But while this won't affect me personally, I know a lot of witches who will be affected and that includes Luz's cousin Zee. Though at least we still have our magic, since Belos's attempt to completely strip us of our magic failed thanks to… thanks to Emily of all witches.

The next question is going to be from Matteso: If you see Sun again, how do you imagine she'll react to the knowledge that your magic came from Samshin?

Willow: I imagine that she'll be shocked, just like everyone else I've told. Although I guess that she'll be more shocked, since she might know who Samshin.

Another question from Matteso: How did Emily get you, Alador, Sunny, and Napoli to trust her with her plan? Aside from being low on options, I mean. Seeing the last time you and Emily had a major interaction, she tried to undermine your confidence as a leader. And that she tried to kill Gus. It must have been hard to get you to trust her long enough to stop the Draining Spell.

Willow: Um, no. It wasn't hard at all. Because seriously, what was the alternative? We just let Belos drain our magic, free the Horned King, and wipe out humanity? It was a very easy choice. Also, the last time I saw Emily before that was at Hexside. After what happened to her there… I did feel a little sympathetic, which helped me to trust her.

The next question is from Navy-Heart: Willow, finding out your goddess got me thinking that your 'family' might come to see you time after time, aren't you worried?

Willow: I… don't really know what you mean. Are you talking about other Korean gods? That's not really something I've thought about, honestly.

The next question is from ultimate-drax: Willow, you're a pretty strong girl. So I gotta ask, do you have a PR on the bench press?

Willow: Oh, uh, sorry. I don't. Keep track, I mean.

The next two questions is from an unnamed Guest: Willow, it just occurred to me you've never actually properly met Vee yet, have you?

Willow: Huh, I think you're right. The first time we saw each other was during the Purgatory breakout. Amidst all that chaos, we didn't really have time for introductions. She helped set up my birthday party and she was at Luz and Amity's wedding, but we never really took the chance to talk to each other. I should talk to her the next time I'm in the Human Realm.

Here's the second question from Guest: And how did you really react to Rose announcing her engagement, because that chapter didn't get to show your reaction or that of the Gatesfieldians?

Willow: I was happy for her and Jake, of course. I think I would actually like to be at the wedding when it happens, which gives me another reason to visit the Human Realm.

Next two questions are from Gunther in a hat. The first: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Willow: So I never met Abel, but I knew about him. I knew that Lilith apparently met him while he was in the past and he somehow knew she was from the future, which is… scary. And I know that he apparently knew that Emily was going to betray Belos, meaning that he set up Belos to fail… for some reason. I honestly have no clue what Abel is trying to do or even what he is, but he's definitely dangerous. Honestly, based on what I've heard, I'm not sure if I could beat him.

Here's the second question from Gunther in a hat: With all the conflicts resolved and revelations shared what's next for you?

Willow: Oh, I plan on restoring the Isles, spending more time with Skara, and visiting the Human Realm. I'm also going to try to help out the werecats who survived the Torsa Villa fire, because they are in need of serious aid right now.

Here's a question from another unnamed Guest: How do you feel about Emily's departure?

Willow: I think I honestly pity Emily. We may have been enemies during the Glandus War and she did try to kill Gus, but it's very obvious that she was as awful as she was because she lived an utterly miserable life, which I only saw a bit of at Hexside. And I don't think that she deserved being tortured in the Underworld either. I hope that wherever she is now, she is happy. She deserves that much, both because of everything her dad went through and because she helped me and Hunter during the Day of Unity.

Gonna run through some spantidem7 questions now: What is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Willow: Uh, I don't really have a favorite pizza. My favorite color is green. My biggest regret is… You know, I don't think I have one. As for the enemy I faced that I hate the least… maybe Cain, since I don't really hold a grudge against him.

Here's a few more questions from spantidem7: Do you have a favorite plant? What's the funniest thing you've ever done with Luz? Have you ever exploded something?

Willow: Oh, I can't possibly choose a favorite plant. I also can't choose what's the funniest thing I've done with Luz, since there are so many. But no, I've never exploded anything.

Okay, one last question from spantidem7: Are you going to spend some time with Amity, just the two of you, like when you were little and Odalia was still a giant *Digital Circus style censorship onomatopoeia*?

Willow: Well, since Luz and Gus are both living in the Human Realm now, I would like to spend more time with Amity, just the two of us. Though that will depend on how busy we both are, especially since Amity has to take care of Phil now.

Finally, I have a few questions from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. The first: Thanks to your connection to the nature of the Isles, do you feel how it's recovering after the Horned King and the Titan passed away?

Willow: Yes, I do. It's very similar to how the Forest of Fear felt after the Inner Demon's influence was cleared out of it. Sort of like getting rid of an infection or a rot. The Boiling Isles is healing and that can only be a good thing. Though now it's my duty to make sure that nobody abuses the Boiling Isles like Belos did ever again.

Next question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Did you take any precautions regarding Jacob Hopkins, considering he works for Department A? Him telling Angel that the Boiling Isles are at their weakest right now can't be good.

Willow: I think that will be up to Ford and the people on the other side of the portal. Stopping Hopkins from talking to Department A is their mission, not mine. But I do think that they'll be able to figure something out.

Third question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Does the sigil dampen your god powers as well, outside of your witch ones?

Willow: I honestly don't know. It doesn't seem to have affected my powers so far, but it also hasn't been that long since I've gotten the sigil, so I don't know what the long-term effects are. I don't really know what the long term consequences of my sigil will be, especially since I'm not a normal witch… as much as I don't like to admit that.

Final question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: How do you feel now that both Gus and Luz live in the Human Realm, while you are still in the Boiling Isles?

Willow: I'm happy for them, since they're doing what's best for them. There was a time where I would have hated them leaving, since they were my only friends besides Hunter. But now… I have this much larger social circle. I have Amity, Cat, Amelia, Bo, Simon, and Boscha just to name a few. And, of course, I have my awesome girlfriend Skara. I'm glad Luz is spending more time with her human family while Gus is spending more time with his dad and fulfilling his dreams in the Human Realm. And me? I think I'm going to be just fine. Especially since I can still see them whenever I visit the Human Realm, which will be often.

For Gus, let's start with a question from Shuffollower: What's your middle name?

Gus: Oh, it's Ryan.

Next question from Shuffollower: Have you talked to Willow about Gatesfield, and how'd you two and Skara learn about Jacob being on the Isles?

Gus: Yes, I talked to Willow as soon as I was back in the Isles and I got her to talk to me and Skara about what happened to her. As for how we learned about Jacob being on the Isles, Cross and Zee told us about seeing him in the Emperor's Castle. We then decided to help Willow track down Jacob so she could confront him, though she ultimately chose not to take revenge.

What have you been up to in Gravity Falls since Weirdmageddon?

Gus: Well, after Weirdmageddon, I actually went back to the Boiling Isles and I found out what had happened while I was gone. I spent some time in the Boiling Isles helping my friends, as a way to make it up to them for not being there for them during the Day of Unity. And right now, I'm getting ready to attend a human school for the first time. I'm pretty excited about that.

Did you ever see knowing oracle magic as more than a hobby?

Gus: Um… not really. I guess I could multi-track into oracle magic, but I haven't really thought about it…

Okay, next I got two questions from Matteso. The first: How do you feel about Bria's condition right now?

Gus: I feel pretty horrible for her and her family, because she did not deserve that. At all. I really do hope that she gets better, though I've heard that she and the other chimeras are getting the help she needs now. Apparently one of them is Horace, which explains what happened to him after the Glandus war…

Okay, second question from Matteso: How much therapy have you been getting since your return from the Underworld? You've been through so much trauma these past few months, and you haven't had any major interactions with Gavin, Angmar, and Nina since their apologies (unless you count defending Nina).

Gus: I did see Dr. Traveler a few times, but she is dead now… Wendy suggested that I could see her therapist and I'm considering it, although I'm not sure how helpful a human therapist would be. And yeah, I haven't had any major interactions with Gavin, Angmar, and Nina… but do I need to? Just because I've accepted their apologies doesn't mean we need to be friends or anything. They don't mess with me and I don't mess with them or let anyone else mess with them. That's the understanding we have right now.

The next question is from Navy-Heart: I understand you holding grudges as a kid… you ever thought of finding a hobby to get off things (think idea made a club in the human world when human school starts?)

Gus: I mean, being interested in human stuffismy hobby. And now that I'm living in the Human Realm, I will have plenty of human stuff to keep myself busy with. Also, making a club in the human world? Maybe… or maybe I'll just join a club. It depends on what the club is about and if there is anyone else interested in it.

The next question is from ultimate-drax: Gus, do you have any fears about establishing diplomatic relations between Earth and the Demon Realms? Are you worried there might be some future conflicts between humanity and witchkind?

Gus: Department A is still out there and they want to see the Boiling Isles burn, so yes I am worried about future conflicts between humanity and witchkind. It seems inevitable at this point. But I think that makes it even more important to establish diplomatic relations between Earth and the Demon Realm. To show that we're not so different, to show that we can be friends. That's the best way to defeat Department A, by proving them wrong about us being inherently dangerous and a threat to mankind. I want to believe that attending a human school is going to be a step in the right direction, especially since I am going to be attending it as a witch instead of just a fake human. Everyone in Gravity Falls knows that I'm a witch now after Weirdmageddon and I want to take advantage of that and show people that despite me not being human… I'm still a normal kid who does normal kid stuff. That's my hope, at least.

Next are a few questions from spantidem7: What is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Gus: My favorite pizza is pepperoni, my favorite color is blue, my biggest regret is either getting Vaggie killed or not being in the Boiling Isles to help my friends during the Day of Unity, and the enemy I've faced that I hate the least… well, I don't hate Nina, Angmar, or Gavin. Do they count?

Next question from spantidem7: What is it that interests you most about the Human Kingdom?

Gus: You mean the Human Realm? Honestly, I'm just really interested in how they're both so similar yet so different from witches. But also, I'm really interested in how… more connected they are. Thanks to inventions they call the Internet and satellites, they are able to keep in touch with each other over oceans and on the other side of the planet, which is not something that we are able to do in the Demon Realm with other Titans. They've even been able to go into space! Humans are a lot more advanced than witches. For as convenient magic can be, humans have used their technology to make things like communication and travel a lot more convenient than we could have with our magic. And it's even more impressive that they've done all of this without using magic, which is really a testament to human ingenuity.

Last question from spantidem7: Have you ever heard of the Harry Potter book series? If yes, what do you think?

Gus: I've heard about it, but Luz warned me never to read it. She said that there was some really awful stuff in it, like a pro-slavery subplot in one of the books, which does sound terrible. Who would write such a thing?

Here's a question from Gunther in a hat: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Gus: Yeah, that's definitely not a good thing. I never interacted with Abel, but the things I've heard about him…

Here's a second question from Gunther in a hat: What are you most looking forward to and most nervous about attending human school?

Gus: Honestly, I think I'm looking forward to and nervous about the same thing, which is interacting with more humans. I'm hoping to make some new friends, but I'm also worried that it won't go well or they won't like me. I know that attending a human school is a huge step. Not just for me, but for all of witchkind, since I'm going to be the first Boiling Isles witch to do this. And I want it to go well. We'll… just have to see how it goes.

Next I have a question from an unnamed Guest: How do you feel about Emily's departure?

Gus: Good riddance. I know she helped Willow and was involved in stopping Belos, but I haven't forgotten how she tried to kill me and unlike Nina, Angmar, or Gavin, she never apologized either. I didn't want Mel to kill Emily, but I think I would be fine if I never have to see Emily again. But if she's better off where she is now, then I'm fine with that as well. I'm not too petty that I wish harm would come to her while she's away from the Isles.

The last four questions are going to be from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. The first: Did you make friends outside of the Gravity Falls and Gatesfield gang during your stay in Gravity Falls?

Gus: I haven't really gotten the chance yet, especially with Weirdmageddon and the Day of Unity. But I am hoping that I will start to make some more friends once the new school year starts. Wendy actually did tell me that she has a brother named Gus and I think I would like to meet him. Me, him, and Gus G. can be the three Guses!

The second question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: How do you feel about being the only one of your friends to not have some sort of godlike power? Sorry if that sounds mean.

Gus: I don't mind, although I guess I am overdue for a power-up as well. I do have some special illusion powers, which I accidentally used on Emily and intentionally used on Dolly. Maybe I should learn how to master my powers and give myself an upgrade too…

Here's the third question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: How do you feel knowing that your father is now living with you in the same realm that has the woman who took advantage of him in it?

Gus: I think you're making it sound like a bigger deal than it is. Sure, my dad and Jenny are in the same realm. But the Human Realm ishugeand they're not anywhere near each other. Actually, that's another thing about the Human Realm that's impressive: the sheer size of it. Both in terms of mass and scale. The Human Realm has continents, which is something that the Demon Realm does not have. Their cities and population sizes easily trump ours and… oh, sorry, I was getting off-topic. Last I checked, Jenny is still being held by the Dragon Council. She might be in the same realm as my dad, but she's not in a position where she can hurt him. She willneverhurt me or my dad ever again.

And here's the final question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever and the last question for you overall: On a lighter note, will you wingman Perry to help him find actual true love, if he is interested?

Gus: Oh, I haven't really thought about that… but sure! I would be happy to play wingman for my dad!

It's Hunter's turn and we'll start out with a question from Shuffollower: What's your middle name?

Hunter: I, uh, don't have a middle name. During my time in the Emperor's Coven, I had neither a middle name or a last name. I was just… Hunter. And Belos was just… Belos.

There are some more questions from Shuffollower, starting with: How has adjusting to life as a Clawthorne been?

Hunter: It's been pretty good. Everyone has been really accepting of me, which helped. So far nobody has any issue with me being a Clawthorne and they've all welcomed me with open arms. I think that was what I was worried about the most, especially because of my relationship with Belos. But that hasn't been an issue whatsoever. So I've been adjusting pretty well.

Next question from Shuffollower: Are there any special features in your robot arm?

Hunter: Uh, I think Doctor Bride has asked me if I want her to add any special features, but I declined. I'm sure it would be cool if I could turn my arm into a grappling hook or something, but that sounds a bit much to me. Plus it would be a reminder that my arm isn't my original arm, which isn't something that I like to remember. So I prefer to keep my arm a normal arm.

More questions from Shuffollower: How's living with Hooty been? Has he driven you insane yet?

Hunter: Please, I used to live with Kikimora. She is much more annoying than Hooty. So I honestly don't mind living with Hooty at all. If anything, I actually like having him around. Sometimes when I wake up, I'm afraid that I'll be in the Castle again. But Hooty will always put those fears to rest. I think it also helps that we both love mom, so we do get along pretty well.

Next question from Shuffollower: Have you been studying the glyphs since you met Luz, learn any new spells of your own with them?

Hunter: Uh, no. I haven't. I did try studying them, but I just ended up hitting dead ends. If there is one thing that Luz is smarter than me in, it's glyphs. She's the master of glyphs, while I'm still just the learner and I have no problem admitting that.

Final question from Shuffollower: You thinking of getting back into the dating game?

Shuffollower: Um… maybe eventually. It's not my priority right now though. I want to focus more on spending time with mom and Hooty before I even start thinking about dating again. I'm not even sure how I would start dating again, especially after my break-up with Ed. I could ask my mom for advice, but her dating history isn't much better than mine. I don't think either of us want to re-enter the dating scene anytime soon.

Next I have a question from Crash X Fusion: Hunter, are you planning on enrolling into school or homeschooling?

Hunter: I'm… not entirely sure, to be honest. I kinda would like to attend Hexside with my friends next semester, but I'm not sure how that would work due to my lack of natural magic. Yeah, I know Luz was able to work around it, but homeschooling might be better for me since then my lessons could be designed for me specifically and I wouldn't have to feel like I'm behind the rest of my classmates. Fortunately, there's still a lot of time before the next semester for me and mom to figure something out for me.

I got a question from Matteso next: Forgive me for asking, but have you apologized to Amity for betraying her twice in one day?

Hunter: Yes.

Next is a question from Navy-Heart: Ever think helps rebuild yourself as making sure the Emperor coven completely changes for the better?

Hunter: I'm… confused by this question. What do you mean 'rebuild yourself'? And what do you mean 'making sure the Emperor's Coven changes for the better'? The Emperor's Coven is completely defunct now. There is no Emperor's Coven to change for the better.

Spantidem7 asked a question about you dating, but you already answered that so we'll skip it and just go to their other questions: What is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Hunter: I don't think I've ever actually eaten pizza before. My favorite color… I'm gonna have to say red. My biggest regret… that's a tricky one. I regret a lot of the things I did for Belos. But my biggest ones are spying on Luz, almost killing mom, and betraying Amity twice. None of those are my proudest moments. As for the enemy I faced that I hate the least? That's a very… vague and broad question. Would Luz count?

I got one more question from spantidem7: What's your relationship with Luz now? Are things good between you two?

Hunter: Well, we have forgiven each other. She's forgiven me for working with Belos and I've forgiven her and Maya for the whole… ripping off my arm thing. And we've accepted each other as family. So yeah, we're good. I don't think we're still as close as we were before I betrayed her, but she does want me to visit her while she's staying with her mom in the Human Realm, so that's a really good sign, right?

Next I have a few questions from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. The first one: Now that you live with Lilith, how is living with her (and Hooty)? What mother/son activities do you do together?

Hunter: Honestly… it's been great. We've been spending a lot of time at both the Bonesborough Library and the Museum, doing a lot of research together. We've been reading through old texts that Belos restricted and correcting a lot of his false information, really fun stuff. We're also planning on going on a few trips together, both around the Boiling Isles and even to some of the nearby Titans. She used to go on expeditions like that, but hasn't done so in years and we're both really excited to travel together. We've even been thinking about making an exhibit for the museum together, since mom is on better terms with the museum now and is working with them as a correspondent, although she hasn't been officially rehired yet. Hooty does insist on getting involved most of the time, but he does know when to back off. But yeah, I've been… really happy. More happy than I think I've been in a long time.

Next question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: What did you feel when Belos was pleading with you in his final moments? Despite all the unforgivable things he did, he cared about you and you did care about him, so that had to have messed with you, right?

Hunter: Yeah, it… messed me up. But when I saw Belos pleading with me, I could see how far gone he was. He was so warped by his delusions that he still believed he was in the right, even after everything he had done. I kinda pitied him, but I also recognized how dangerous those delusions made him. He… he needed to be taken out, because I know that he was beyond reasoning. He would have never stopped. And one of the worst things is, I think I could have ended up just like him. If I had kept justifying the horrible things I was doing to Luz, mom, and everyone else, I would have become just as delusional and warped as Belos. That thought… it kinda terrifies me. Honestly…I'm glad that he's dead.

Third question from Jack_Skelertron_4ever: How is Artemis adjusting to life as a true Clawthorne?

Hunter: She's… taking her time. She's lived by herself for decades, so I don't think she's comfortable yet with large crowds, which is why she wasn't with the rest of the family when we were all seeing Luz off. You have to understand, this is all a huge change for her. But she is making progress. She's living on the Ranch right now and I can tell that she's truly happy. And I'm glad she is doing so well.

Final question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: We know Belos being a tyrant impacted your loved Captain Coven comics. What are your current theories about the new directions those comics are going to go in, now that Belos is done?

Hunter: Oh, those comics have been completely discontinued. Since there's no longer an Emperor's Coven, I doubt there's going to be a Captain Coven anymore. And honestly… I'm okay with that. I think I've moved on from Captain Coven and I don't really need those comics anymore. I'll just have to find something new to get invested in.

Next I have an unnamed Guest. Two of his questions are just rephrases of earlier questions, but I can ask you this question: Do you hope to get to spend time with the other Clawthornes, and if you had more time with Beocrow, what would you have done with him?

Hunter: Yes, I definitely hope to spend more time with the other Clawthornes. And if I had more time with Beocrow… I don't know, actually. I guess I just wish I could have gotten to know him more, since the only time we really spent any time together was at the reunion and that's before I learned Lilith was my mom. He… he shouldn't have died.

I got another question and it's from ultimate-drax: Hunter, what're your hopes and dreams for the future now that you are free of Belos for good?

Hunter: Really, I just want to spend more time with my mom, get to know the rest of my family better, and have a chance to be a normal teenager. No more Belos. No more Emperor's Coven. No more Golden Guard. I want to play flyer derby and hang out with my friends and maybe even go on a few dates. And I would like to see the Human Realm as well. Honestly, I think my goals are very similar to Luz, who just wants to spend more time with her mom and her godmother in the Human Realm. I can really sympathize with Luz, because I think we both want the same thing: to make up for lost time and connect with the family we've only just learned we have.

Gunther in a hat asked a question that's very similar to ones already asked, but there's another one from them: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Hunter: I don't like it. At all. Before the Eclipse Lake incident, I didn't think much of Abel. But after what mom told me and after the Day of Unity… he is even more dangerous than any of us could have realized. I know that we haven't seen the last of him and that he's going to be a problem in the future. I just hope that it won't be anytime soon…

So we have only one more question and it's from another Guest: How do you feel about Emily's departure?

Hunter: I get it. I understand her decision to leave the Boiling Isles. I actually don't think the two of us are that different. We both did horrible things that we regret, we both acted as the Golden Guard, we both had to be saved from our own personal hells, and we both spent some time away from the Emperor's Coven before going back there to help out the people we cared about. Honestly, I probably should have been there to see Emily off, but I was really busy that day, both with helping out Artemis and moving into me and my mom's new apartment. I wouldn't call us friends, but… we did work well together and I think we had an understanding. I do hope that wherever she is, she's doing well and is happy.

For Boscha, the first question is from Shuffollower: what's your middle name?

Boscha: Ugh… it was Nicole. Because of course that narcissist would want to name me after herself. It's no longer Nicole after me and my mom changed our last names, but I didn't know what to replace it with. If you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear it.

Next questions from Shuffollower: Would you say you've changed for the better thanks to your rivalries with Luz? After everything that's happened to you both individually and during the Glandus War, what would you change most of all if you had to go through it all over again?

Boscha: I wouldn't say it's the rivalry with Luz that changed me for the better. Well, I guess it kinda did, since my fault about almost getting her and her mom killed was definitely a factor… and so was losing everything because of my attempt to get back at her. Okay, so I guess it did change me for the better, mostly because it forced me to face consequences for my actions. As for what I would change the most… I don't know. Because who knows how things could have turned out if things had gone differently. And honestly… I'm pretty happy with where I am now, even if the road getting here was very, very rough.

The next question is from Crash X Fusion: First off, Boscha. Believe it or not, in another life Maya became your palisman. Do you think you two would've gotten along here if that happened?

Boscha: Maya? You mean the Palisman that lived in Luz's head? I did get along with her fine enough when I met her in the mindscape. Maybe if I had been allowed to attend the Adoption Day, Maya would have picked me, but I can't really imagine having any other Palisman besides my Hogarth.

Here's a question from Matteso: Do you think Boris will legally take the Saltstar name? He disowned the Hieron name, but I bet there's no rule against taking the other parent's name.

Boscha: I think that's ultimately his choice. I would like him to take the Saltstar name, but if he chooses to remain Nameless for his own reasons, it's his life and I can't really complain about it. At the end of the day, he's still going to be my brother.

Okay, I got a question from Navy-Heart: Boscha, really hope you become a good witch, but one thing… you other sports other than Grudgby, you suited be rolling derby?

Boscha: Um, what's rolling derby? Is that a human thing?

I also have a question that comes from ultimate-drax: Boscha, did you ever find out who Tien Shenhan is?

Boscha: Yeah, he's some guy with three eyes from a piece of Human Realm media called an 'anime'. He started out as a rival to the main character, but eventually became one of his friends and allies. I guess he's kinda like me, in a way.

Some questions from spantidem7: What is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Boscha: I don't eat pizza. Too much grease. My favorite color is pink, my biggest regret is breaking up Luz and Amity, and I guess the enemy I've faced that I hate the least is Luz, since she was my enemy but now she's my friend.

Here are a few more questions from spantidem7: Favorite animal? Have you ever met your grandparents? What do you think about writers calling you "Hieron" to set up the Q&A session?

Boscha: My favorite animal is the hog obviously. (holds up her Palisman and hugs him) As for my grandparents… it depends on which side of my family you're talking about. Nicole's mother died when she was really young and I haven't seen a single picture of her. Come to think of it, I don't really know anything about Nicole's mother, which is kinda strange. I do know more about her father, Dmitri, who disappeared not long after she graduated from Hexside… which is honestly really suspicious and I wouldn't be surprised if Nicole killed her own father to inherit the family company. But from my other side of the family, my mom's parents are still alive and retired at Palm Stings. As for the writers calling me 'Hieron', I think it was just an honest mistake. I don't hold it against them.

I have a question from Gunther in a hat next: With all the conflicts resolved and revelations shared what's next for all of you?

Boscha: Well, with Belos dead and school out for fall break, I plan on going on dates with Tom, spending more time with my brother and my mom, hanging out with my friends, playing grudgeby, and probably visiting Luz in the Human Realm. I'm gonna take it relatively easy, because after everything that's happened and everything I've been through, I think I deserve it.

Here's a question from an unnamed Guest: How do you feel about Emily's departure?

Boscha: From the Boiling Isles? Quite honestly, I don't care. I guess I am glad that we don't have to deal with her anymore after all the grief she's given my friends, especially Ukla. I could go the rest of my life without ever having to see her again. I know that she helped Willow and all, but Emily is still a sour subject in my group, so I can't say that I'll miss her. Maybe that makes me a little hypocritical, since I'm a former bully myself. But that doesn't mean I am obligated to be okay with Emily, especially since I did try to get through to her once and it didn't work.

The last few questions are from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. One of them is another question about Boris remaining nameless, but there are a few that I can ask you. The first: Now that Vitimir is a wanted criminal, and Nicole is missing, what happens to Hieron Labs?

Boscha: Well, it's still out of the hands of my family, so what happens to it isn't really my concern. But I did hear that the whole thing has been shut down for good thanks to its basilisk experiments and all the information about what Hieron Labs was doing to the basilisks has been turned over to Tres, a basilisk who was a victim of all the horrible stuff that Nicole and her alchemists were doing, which does seem fair to me and… wait a second. Tres is a basilisk. Tres was one of Vee's friends. Were Vee's other friends basilisks? Was… Vee a basilisk?

Well… you'll have to ask her that yourself, Boscha. But before that, I have another question for you: On a more personal note, what are you and Tom's plans now that Belos is gone and you can finally pursue this relationship without worrying about Tom being hauled to the Conformatorium again?

Boscha: I kinda already talked about this, but we are mainly planning on just going on more dates. I think I also want to help him establish more of a life for himself in the Isles as well. I already introduced him to my friends, but maybe I can also get him a fall job. There are plenty of jobs now and I think he would feel more like he's a part of the Isles if he contributes to it somehow. Maybe he could help the Torsa Villa werecats, which could also be a way for him to interact with more witches. I don't want to be that kind of girlfriend that keeps Tom to herself, which is admittedly what I tried to do with Skara once…

Here's the final question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Does Nicole's fate worry you?

Boscha: Why should it? What happened to her was entirely her fault. And she's dead to me as a parent anyway. I think I would rather not think of her at all anymore. I have my mom, my brother, my uncle, my cousins, my boyfriend, and my friends. They are my family. Not Nicole. She made her choice and I made mine to not have Nicole in my life anymore. And I'm happier for it.

For Skara, first I have a question from Shuffollower: What's your middle name?

Skara: It's… Rosenkrantz. Some old family name. I just like to shorten it to Rose, which I guess is appropriate, since Willow is my girlfriend. Huh, now that I think about it, it is pretty funny.

Shuffollower has a few more questions for you: Are you aware of what happened to Willow on Earth? If so, how've you been helping her through it? And how much do you trust Donna to be around Nina after what happened between them?

Skara: Yes, I'm aware. Willow gave me the full details after the Day of Unity. That's why me and Gus helped her track down Jacob, it was payback for what he did to her. I would have totally supported Willow if she had decided to beat the crap out of him… but she decided not to, which makes her a bigger witch than I am, since I would have definitely kicked his sh*t. Besides that, I'm here for Willow, although I think confronting Jacob has really helped her. As for Donna… it's ultimately Nina's choice if she wants to spend time with her and I trust Nina, so I won't get between them. And as angry as I was with Donna… she was at the Torsa Villa during the fire. I don't think she's an awful witch and I recognize how important she is to Nina, but I'm not going to completely let my guard down around her, just in case. Also… I like Lambi better.

The next question is from cooki15xd: Are you helping your mother in keeping the Boiling Isles safe after the Day of Unity?

Skara: Uh, no. Because she's an adult and she's working with other adults in keeping the Boiling Isles safe. I have no part in what she does. I also don't envy my mom. She and the other adults have to figure out how the Boiling Isles will be governed after fifty years of Belos. And you know, just a year ago I would have never imagined that I would be here to see the end of Belos's reign. It's kinda crazy when you think about it.

Next I have a question from Navy-Heart: Master wolf form, your dad ever trains you in secret… like changes your eyes to see in darkness, claws, and sharp teeth, heck summon your tail…

Skara: Um… my dad hasn't really gotten the chance to train me yet, honestly. I've actually been training more with Nina, who wanted to show me a few tricks. But I think my dad will train with me as well when things are a little less chaotic.

I have a question from ultimate-drax: Skara, gonna be a little devil here and ask what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

Skara: Uh… can I abstain?

Sure. Let's move onto spantidem7, who has a few questions: What is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Skara: My favorite pizza is anything with meat on it. I think my favorite color is red. My biggest regret… honestly, even though it was a while ago, I still regret my role in damaging Amity's memory photos, especially since Dolly and Boscha got their hands on one that I forgot about. That ended up causing Amity and Luz a lot of grief and I do still feel kinda bad about that. As for the enemy I've faced that I hate the least… I guess I'll say Nina, because we've come a long way since we met and fought at Glandus.

Next question from spantidem7: What's the biggest upside to being a very lovable werewolf?

Skara: I think it's the enhanced senses. Enhanced hearing and smell actually come in handy a lot. I first learned this during the Glandus war, but it's been helpful in other incidents as well, especially when I am trying to find someone or track them down.

Next question from spantidem7: Have you ever thought about making plush toys of your werewolf form to become richer?

Skara: That's… not a terrible idea, but it's not like my family is lacking in money, so I would say that it's unnecessary. Although… actually, I still don't know the full extent how my dad's job will be affected by him being exposed as a lycan and we now have Nina's family to take care of… so yeah, maybe I should make plush toys of my werewolf form.

Uh, here's another question from spantidem7: Can I hug you platonically?

Skara: Um… no. I don't know you. At all.

This is the last question from spantidem7: Why are you so cute in your werewolf form?

Skara: I'm… starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Got it. Let's move onto someone else. Here's a question from an unnamed Guest: how do you feel about Emily's departure?

Skara: So, I'm not actually sure how to feel about Emily right now. Because she did help Willow during the Day of Unity and she helped save Nina's family… but she also tried to kill Gus and while she didn't kill Nina, she did cause her a lot of grief by stabbing her womb and making her infertile. And that's not even getting into the messed up sh*t we all saw at Hexside. So I kinda have mixed feelings about Emily and I think it's the same for Nina. But… it's probably for the best that Emily decided to leave and I mean that for everyone involved.

Next question and it's from Gunther in a hat: With all the conflicts resolved and revelations shared what's next for you?

Skara: Well, I do have two new siblings to take care of. Since they're Nina's little siblings and they're living with us now, West and Winter are basically already family. And soon Nina is going to have three more siblings as well. So I think I am going to have my hands full helping Nina, her mom, and her siblings. But when I'm not doing that, I definitely want to go on more dates with Willow. I'm also thinking of practicing my shifting, since I have a few ideas…

The last four questions are going to be from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. The first: How are you adjusting to living with Nina's family in the same house, considering what Pam said to her the last time they visited?

Skara: That dinner… it was bad, I won't deny it. But Pam lost four of her kids in that fire, so I don't want to give her a hard time or bring up what she said to Nina, especially since I do think Pam regrets what she said. I have no issue with Nina's family living with us, although Pam has been… rather quiet and distant since moving in. She's barely spoken to me and she seems depressed, but I can't blame her for that, considering what she's lost. I just hope that she gets better when the triplets come. As for West and Winter… I absolutely adore them already. They are just thecutestand I am so happy that they're living with us now. I have promised to be the absolute best big sister to them that I possibly can and I intend to keep that promise.

Good to hear. Here's the second question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: How much do you know about werewolf history? Considering Lupe seemed to have lived a long time, do you think there are others like him?

Skara: That's assuming Lupe was telling the truth about being immortal and wasn't just full of sh*t. Personally, I don't really see any reason to believe his claims about being long-lived, especially since I haven't heard about any werewolves sharing that trait. Werewolves have the same lifespan as any other witch, so if Lupe really was as old as he claimed, it's not a werewolf thing, it's just a thing with him. Not that it matters, since the dick's dead. As for werewolf history… unfortunately, not even my dad knows much, which is a consequence of Belos restricting knowledge about certain subjects. All we know is that were fever came from outside the Boiling Isles. Apparently it was brought to the Boiling Isles by Nina's ancestors.

Third question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Do you think the prejudice towards Lycans died with Belos, or are there still people who are scared of you and your family?

Skara: (sigh) Unfortunately, that prejudice is still alive and well. Belos may be dead, but the memory of werefever and the Big Bad Wolf aren't. I think there are always going to be witches who will be scared of me and especially my dad for being werewolves. I don't really see that going away, although it's still not as bad as Nina, who had to deal with prejudice for being a werecat all her life. Pam and Leo… they were right about my dad being lucky. He got to hide that he was a werewolf from the general public, while Nina and her family couldn't hide what they were. Because of that, my family got to live comfortably with other witches while Nina's family and other werecats had to live separately from the rest of the witches. It's really screwed up and it… kinda makes me glad that everyone knows that me and my dad are werewolves now, because it makes our situation closer to Nina's. That's… why I've been practicing my shifting. Nina can't help the way she looks, so I was thinking as a way to show off my lycan status more, I would incorporate some of my wolf features into my regular look. Like show off my wolf ears and my wolf tail. I want to be proud of what I am, instead of trying to hide it. While Pam and Leo were right about some things, they weren't right about lycanthropy being their 'shame'. Me and my dad can hide it, but that doesn't mean we should. Nina is proud of what she is and I want to express that I am as well.

Here's the last question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Have you and Willow been on dates after the Day of Unity?

Skara: Not before Luz left, if that's what you're asking. We were all really busy that week with the funerals, helping out the Torsa Villa survivors, and getting Nina's family moved in. We weren't really thinking about going on dates then. But now that Luz is gone and Nina's family has finished moving in… yeah, we're gonna go on some dates.

It's Nina's turn and let's start off with a question from Shuffollower: What's your middle name?

Nina: Oh, werecats don't have middle names. We have a first name and then we have a tribe name. I'm Nina of Tribe Fangs. We have no use for a middle name. Although… I kinda would like one, if I'm being honest.

Some more questions from Shuffollower: Would you both say you've changed for the better thanks to your rivalry with Luz?

Nina: No, because my brief rivalry with Luz wasn't what changed me for the better. The unconditional support of witches like the Brookes is what changed for the better. I think getting Luz to trust me was an important step of me changing for the better though and I'm glad we're on better terms now. I still don't know if we're quite friends yet… but there is a mutual respect.

Okay, last one from Shuffollower: After everything that's happened to you individually and during the Glandus War, what would you change most of all if you had to go through it all over again?

Nina: (long silence) I would… have tried to get my family out of the Torsa Villa sooner. Skara's cousin did warn me and if I acted sooner… maybe Cally, Ralph, Buttons, and Max would still be alive. I would have tried to save the Villa as well, obviously. But if I couldn't save the Villa, I would have saved my family. I would have also liked to have saved Casey if I could have…

Now for a question from cooki15xd: How are the rebuilding efforts for Torso Village going?

Nina: The actual rebuilding hasn't even begun yet, mainly because the community can't decide if they want to rebuild or not. Instead, we're just maintaining a camp at the Torsa Villa. I did hear that a woman named Eclipsa, who is apparently several centuries old, wants to offer a temple she built here hundreds of years ago to the werecats and I think at least a few werecats will take her up on that offer. It is possible that the Torsa Villa won't be rebuilt at all.

The next question is from Crash x Fusion: Nina, do you plan on traveling to the Moggie Reefs sooner than you had planned or after your triplet siblings are born?

Nina: Honestly, I had almost completely forgotten about Moggie Reefs because of everything that had happened since Skara's aunt mentioned it. I am still interested in going there someday, but not anytime soon. Moggie Reefs isn't going anywhere and there is a lot to do in the Isles even before the triplets are born, so I have no idea when I'll actually have the time to go to Moggie Reefs. Anywhere from a few months to… a few years, probably.

I got a few questions from Matteso. The first is: When you first found out about the trafficking ring, does that mean that Gus, Boscha, Batters, and Hunter could've met the same fate as Bria or Casey?

Nina: Yeah, no sh*t, Sherlock. It's pretty obvious that everyone would realize that at this point. That's why I accused Sonya about Gus, Willow, Amity, and Eve's whereabouts while they were missing.

Second question from Matteso: If you meet Perry Porter, think any interactions with him would be awkward?

Nina: Because I abducted his son? Yeah, I imagine it would. Honestly, I don't think me and Gus have interacted that much since the Glandus War. I remember him forgiving me after he came back from the Human Realm and I remember him stopping some of his classmates from messing with me at Hexside. Besides that… we haven't really talked much. Maybe we would have spoken to each other more if he hadn't been in the Human Realm during the week leading up to the Day of Unity. But yeah, I guess interactions with Perry would be awkward.

I got a question from Navy-Heart: You ever be ready to fight those who tried to take your friends away… again?

Nina: (narrows her eyes) What the f*ck does that mean?

Uh… let's move on to a question from ultimate-drax: Nina, do you love milk, or is that just another stereotype about cats?

Nina: Oh, it's not just a stereotype. You should have seen The Litter Box before it burned down. That was the best place to get milk from. As for me? I like milk fine enough, but I was never in love with it.

Okay, next I have a few questions from spantidem7. Let's quickly run through a few of these: what is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Nina: My favorite pizza is anchovies, my favorite color is red, my biggest regret is not being able to save Max, Ralph, Cally, and Buttons, while my second biggest regret is not being able to save Casey. As for the enemy I hate the least… uh, I guess Luz if she counts, since we're cool now.

Next question from spantidem7: How much do you know about the late werecat pharaoh Hottep Koff?

Nina: Honestly… not much, since I didn't usually pay attention that well during temple service. I know that he was this witch who trapped werecats in their lycan forms. I don't know why he did it though. I don't think I've ever really cared about Hotep Koff. He's just a dried up corpse that's now a pile of ash thanks to the Torsa Villa fire. He doesn't really matter.

Another question from spantidem7: Have you ever brought something to school that you really shouldn't have brought and then gotten in trouble?

Nina: If you're asking if I've brought dead animals with me to school before… yes, yes I have.

Next question from spantidem7: Do you know where your father is and what he is doing right now?

Nina: No, I have no idea. I know my mom kicked him out of the treehouse, but I don't know what happened to him after that. He is considered missing right now, meaning that he either died during the fire or left the Torsa Villa. If it's the latter, then he's an even bigger asshole. His children aredeadand yet he's nowhere to be seen. Quite honestly, I don't care what he's doing right now. Because I don't care about him at all. He can go f*ck himself.

Final question from spantidem7: In your opinion, what is your worst flaw and the Luz's best quality?

Nina: I guess my worst fall… is being too easily influenced by the wrong kind of witches. I followed Emily for years and that turned out to be a huge mistake. And I let Sonya do whatever she wanted to me. I don't know which of them hurt me more. Because Sonya may have killed Casey… but Emily was my best friend and she tried to kill me. That betrayalstung. I should have been more of my own witch instead of just Emily's pet. As for Luz's best quality… she doesn't take sh*t from anyone. Not from Emily, not from me, and not from Belos. She is never afraid to be honest and just speak her mind.

Next I have Gunther in a hat, who asked three questions but one of them was just asking about Hotep Koff again, so there's only two questions. The first: How have your experiences in love both past & present affected you and how do you think they'll shape your future love life?

Nina: I guess I've learned to stop being in love with the idea of someone rather than the actual person. For years, I was in love with Donna… or my idea of Donna. Then when I told her how I felt… she shattered my heart. And when I thought we were doing okay, she pulled that stunt at the restaurant. After that, I wasn't sure if I even knew who she was anymore. But we are cool now and I'm glad we're friends again, although I'm also glad that I'm with Lambi, who was more like my ideal version of Donna than Donna actually was. Although even if Donna didn't turn out to be my idealized version of her… I still like the version of Donna that I got.

And here's the second from Gunther in a hat: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Nina: Donna told me about that guy. He sounds like really bad news.

Okay, four more questions and they're all from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. The first one: How do you feel about your mom right now, considering how your last real conversation before the fire turned out?

Nina: I… worry for her. I can tell that she's taking the loss of Ralph, Buttons, Max, and Cally harder than anyone else. She's been… more quiet lately and I don't think she likes living with the Brookes all that much, unlike the twins. I am hoping that when the triplets are born, she'll be better. But I… just don't know for sure. I know that we've had our issues in the past, that we haven't always seen eye-to-eye. But now? I just want to be here for her, to let her know that she still has a daughter that isn't going anywhere. I know that before the fire I thought about letting the Brookes adopt me, but now I'm not too sure, since I don't want to replace my biological family, who need me now more than ever. At least until the triplets arrive, I'm going to be taking care of my mom, making sure that she is alright. Because I do still love my mom, in spite of our past differences. And those differences don't really seem to matter as much anymore.

Second question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Were all the werecats able to retrieve their loved ones' bodies, or were most of them lost in the fire?

Nina: Unfortunately, most of the bodies were burnt beyond recognition. We think we've recovered most of the bodies, but identifying the bodies is hard and there are still some werecats who are left unaccounted for. I don't think we're gonna be able to find all of the bodies, which really sucks because the loved ones of the victims deserve some closure and they might never get that. Although at this point all werecats that are still missing are assumed dead.

Third question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: How are you coping with the loss?

Nina: I'm… trying to keep myself busy. I've been taking care of mom, taking care of the twins, helping Chelsea, Tony, and the rest of the Villa community. I try not to focus on the loss, I just try to keep moving forward. That's not to say that I'm fine… because I'm honestly not. But being with Lambi helps. The Brookes help. Donna helps. Dusty, Tito, Tamme, and Andrea help. I'm relieved that I have this support group to fall back on, because without it… I don't think that I would have lasted this long.

Okay, and here's the last of the questions: Do you think you'll see another therapist, now that Julia is gone?

Nina: I… probably should. I'll look into it.

For Donna, let's start with a question from Shuffollower: What's your middle name?

Donna: I… don't have a middle name. Or if my biological parents gave me a middle name, I don't know what it is. When I was raised by the orphanage, I was only 'Donna'. Then why my parents adopted me, I got the last name 'Masterskull'. But I still don't have a middle name.

Another question from Shuffollower: You ever consider multi-tracking in Bard magic? You have, after all, proven you've got the voice.

Donna: Uh, wow, thank you. But I am actually planning to start multi-tracking next semester after the fall break, since that's when St. Epiderm will start allowing students to multi-track. I think it could be a really exciting opportunity for me.

Last question from Shuffollower: Who do you think was that voice keeping you from seeing your memories belonged to?

Donna: I'm pretty sure that was my Inner Self, although I didn't see her at all during my time in my mind. I wonder what she looks like.

Here's a question from Alamout: What happened to your school's principal after the Day of Unity?

Donna: Headmistress Midday? I have no idea. Nobody has seen her since she left the school. I do hope she's doing okay though.

Alright, let's hear a question from Crash x Fusion next: Donna, have you tried talking to Lambi over what happened on the triple date?

Donna: Yes, I have. I felt that if me and Nina were going to be friends again, I would have to apologize to Lambi for what I did that night. Thankfully, she did forgive me. We both really care about Nina, so I'm hoping that we will be able to get along in the future.

I got two questions from an unnamed Guest: Do you plan to continue leading L.O.W.T.H. despite Belos being overthrown and the collapse of his regime? How do you intend to look for more information regarding your origin?

Donna: LOWTH is absolutely going to continue. Belos being overthrown doesn't mean that LOWTH is just going to go away. While a new government is being built, the Boiling Isles is going to be vulnerable. There will be witches who try to take advantage of the power vacuum left by Belos's death. So LOWTH is going to be needed in the future days ahead. We might even expand LOWTH, recruit new members. As for looking into my origins… I want to learn more about where I came from, but unfortunately I don't really have the means to do so. Maybe my uncle knew more about my parents and where they came from… but they're dead. And there is so much going on in the Boiling Isles right now, looking into my origin just isn't my priority, especially when I don't know where to start.

Here's a question from Matteso: I don't know what Kitsuni told you, but are you now afraid that your body might get hijacked by a despicable elderly person with grand ambitions?

Donna: Uh… no, I'm not. Why would I be afraid of that? What the f*ck does that have to do with anything? Is that something that happens or are you just f*cking with me?

Next is a question from Navy-Heart: Is being a hero witch tiring you out that put down cape sometimes?

Donna: Honestly, no. I've never seriously thought about quitting. I just want to continue helping out other witches the best that I can. This is just… who I want to be.

I have a few questions from spantidem7. To start us off: what is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Donna: You know, I don't really eat pizza. I think blue is my favorite color. My biggest regret… I have so many. I regret not being there for Nina when she needed me, I regret not realizing that Conner was my brother until it was too late, and I regret not being able to save Beo. I think… the last one is my biggest, since I can at least try to make it up to Nina now and try to find Conner later. But Beo… sure, I killed his killer, but that won't bring him back. I can't… change anything about what happened to him. And I still can't help but think he's dead because of me, because my uncle wanted to hurt me by killing someone I cared about. Draco… (her tone suddenly darkens)I'm glad I killed him.(pauses) Oh, right, there's still one more question. Um… I honestly don't know.

I have a few more from spantidem7, though I had to remove one for just being completely inappropriate and irrelevant at the same time: What do you think of Lindsay? You like fish?

Donna: Uh, I'll answer the second question first. Do I like fish? Sure. But I'm… not sure why that's one of the questions. That just seems… random. As for the first question, I really like Lindsay. She's my friend, after all. She's very sweet and caring… although her turning into Madstream is still a bit weird. But even then, I have no problem with Lindsay. She's a fantastic witch that I'm glad I know.

Next I have four questions from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: How much did Kitsuni tell you about the Keyblade Wielder that you remind her of? Also, did she teach you some new spells to use with the Keyblade?

Donna: She hasn't taught me anything yet, since our training hasn't officially begun yet. But she did tell me about Mab, who was the previous owner of my keyblade. Mab was the Queen of the Fae and the mother of Oberon, who eventually overthrew her after she went mad. But before Mab succumbed to madness, she was apparently very kind. Kitsuni still has no idea how my keyblade ended up on the Boiling Isles. Oh, but she did tell me what my keyblade's name is. (summons her keyblade) Because apparently all keyblades have names. Mine is… theKingdom Key.

Second question: Considering you're a superhero, do you think your new little sister would make a good sidekick?

Donna: Absolutely not! She is too young and I would never endanger her like that!

Uh, alright. Third and fourth question: Are you adjusting to your new abomination arm? What cool things can you do with it?

Donna: (looks down at her hand) I'm already seeing it as a part of me and sometimes I forget that it isn't my original hand, so I think I'm adjusting to it pretty well. Although maybe that's a testament to how good Abominations magic is. I imagine I could do some cool things with it… although I'm not in the Abominations Track, so I doubt I would be able to do anything as cool or as inventive as Amity. I also don't want to rush into attempting to use my hand for anything other than being a hand. I want to finish getting used to it first, if that's okay.

Last question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: With Lupe and Draco dead, you were able to avenge the death of your parents, Beo, and the kidnapping of your brother. After you find Connor, what will you do next?

Donna: I have nearly seventeen years of lost time with my brother to make up for. So that's going to be my agenda for a very long time. I want him to meet my family and my friends. I want him to move in with me, my moms, Jesse, and Auggie. I just… want us to be siblings, to share a life that was once denied to us by our uncle. I never want us to be separated again.

I have some questions from an unnamed Guest: Donna, what do you have in mind for bonding with Jesse?

Donna: A lot of it is just family outings with me, Jesse, and my moms. They took me on a lot of outings when they first adopted me, which helped me to get used to them. Jesse also really likes animals, so we're gonna try to do stuff related to that. Like camping or visits to the zoo or the aquarium. We're gonna have a lot of fun.

More questions from this Guest: Have you thought of learning abomination magic to be able to manipulate your new hand? And how does that hand work, anyway?

Donna: Well, I already answered the former, as for the latter… I'm not completely sure, if I'm being totally honest. Lambi made it for me, but she had help from her teacher from Hexside. A witch named Sheldon Snope who did some work with Alador Blight. I think you would have to ask him or Lambi about how my hand works but even though I don't know the details, it's incredible work, especially with how it reacts to my movements. I think Lambi is interested in mixing Abominations with Healing magic and since mixing magic is going to be more common now… I can definitely see the potential in Abomination prosthetic limbs.

Next I got a few questions from Gunther in a hat: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Donna: I'm… uncomfortable with it. Abel seemed to know me, maybe he even knew me better than I knew myself. Knowing that he's still out there… I don't like it. At all.

Next question from Gunther in a hat: How have your experiences in love both past & present affected you and how do you think they'll shape your future love lives?

Donna: I'm going to make an attempt to be more sensitive in the future. I was insensitive to Nina and I was insensitive to Cross, who was a lot more forgiving than he should have been. I don't want to make the same mistakes in the future. I want to be better. A better friend and a better girlfriend. I'm really grateful that Nina and Cross have given me a second chance… or a third chance, in Nina's case. But I'm not going to let them down again.

I got two more questions from Gunther in a hat: With you feeling like that you didn't belong on the isles and your encounter with the Alchemists, have you considered that you might not actually be a witch or perhaps may have come from a different realm?

Donna: I mean, I can cast magic like a witch. And my magic comes from a bile sac like a witch. So I think I am definitely from this realm. But I am convinced that I am not a normal witch and I don't think my brother is a normal witch either, especially with how that sword reacted to him… I wonder if I could do something like that. Maybe when I find him, I will be able to learn more about what exactly we are and where we come from. I don't know where I'm going to find my answers… I just know that it won't be in the Boiling Isles.

Second question from Gunther in a hat: With Kitsuni and Ollie having their own Keyblades, you ever wonder on the origins of these mysterious blades and where yours might have come from?

Donna: Well, I know mine belonged to an old Fae queen named Mab that eventually went insane. But now that you mention it… I am curious about the origins of these blades. I still feel like I know very little about mine. I'm gonna have to ask Kitsuni some more questions.

I have a question from another unnamed Guest: How do you feel about Emily's departure?

Donna: I'm… not sure, actually. I don't think me and Emily have interacted since she visited St. Epiderm while dressed as the Golden Guard. I still have a problem with how she placed doubts about Nina in my head, but she's also friends with Cross and Lindsay… which I don't have a problem with, especially since I did hear she turned a new leaf thanks to Cross and Lindsay. But I'm still not a fan of Emily, especially after what she did to Nina. I guess it's for the best that she's gone, although I'm still not completely sure how to feel about it.

Okay, one more question and it's from ultimate-drax: Donna, if you ever get a chance to read comics from the human realm, might I recommend comics about Donna Troy? I think you'll be mighty surprised. Just be warned. A lot of these comic book artists have drawn female characters in a ... less than modest outfits.

Donna: Uh, sure. I'll look into that. And considering what my old outfit used to look like… I don't think I'll be surprised by those outfits you're referring to.

Alright, Cross. We're going to start you off with a question from Shuffollower: What's your middle name?

Cross: It's… Christopher, which actually could have been my first name. When I was born, my parents disagreed on whether to name me Cross or Christopher. So they compromised, but sometimes I stay up awake at night thinking about how Christopher could have been my first name and Cross could have been my middle name. I could have been Chris Cross and I would have never been able to get rid of that nickname. And if I had gone by my mother's maiden name, I would have been Chris Cross Clawthorne. Triple C. (shudder) I am so glad that I don't have to live in that horrible timeline…

That's just the first one from Shuffollower. We got a bunch of other questions from him as well. Next: Given what adolescent dragons had to go through when unlocking their powers, did you have to rely on trinkets and concealment stones a lot to deal with those issues?

Cross: Let's just say, I was lucky that it wasn't my grandfather's first rodeo. Or my father's, since he had to deal with my sister before me. Dragon puberty is… it's not something I feel comfortable talking about. Thankfully, I had a lot of help from my family, including Zee.

Next one from Shuffollower: How's Teri doing?

Cross: I have visited him in the Oracle Institute and he's doing better. Or at least, he isn't hurting others anymore. He didn't take the news about his dad well and sometimes I can't talk to him at all. Instead, I have to talk to the 'Goblin'. I am worried about him, especially since the Oracle Coven is a mess right now. Erica Padlock did take over after Osran's death, but she only got her job as aide because of nepotism. They still haven't found a successor for her yet and Osran didn't exactly surround himself with the most moral witches, so it's going to be a long time before all that corruption is sorted out. Which unfortunately means that Teri is going to struggle a lot more while the Oracle Coven is fighting amongst themselves or selling each other out to the CATTs. Because of all that, maintaining the Oracle Institute hasn't been a priority. I don't think it's even gotten much attention from Raine and the others, since they're too busy cleaning up the other messes created by the Day of Unity. Although I did hear that some witches have been sentenced to community service at the Oracle Institute, so at least it's not being completely neglected. I just hope that Teri doesn't completely relapse. The Inner Demon's defeat doesn't really seem to have done too much to destroy the influence that the 'Goblin' has over Teri…

Next Shuffollower question: Still haven't told your folks about what Donna did on your first date?

Cross: No. What happened between me and Donna is my business and hers. I'm not going to tell my parents unless she wants me too.

How long have you had a crush on Lindsay, why'd you fall for her, and did Beocrow know about it?

Cross: It actually wasn't until after the Bonesborough Brawl that I started having feelings for Lindsay, especially since that was really the first time that we spent an extended amount of time together. Before then, I still knew her from school, but we didn't know each other that well and whenever we did speak to each other, it was briefly. I saw her as shy and nice and I was worried about her being around Emily, but it wasn't until I brought her home with me after the Brawl that I saw her in a… different light. She was the one who gave me the motivation to try to save Emily from the Underworld. I was ready to give up and accept that I failed… but she stopped me. I think that's why I fell for her, because I realized that she was far braver and far stronger than I thought. And she was determined, not letting anyone stop her from saving Emily… and I really admired that. While we were in the Underworld together, it felt like we had to rely on each other more than anyone else. Because saving Emily was our mission. And while Lindsay is one of the sweetest witches I've ever known… there's also thisfiercenessin her. If you push her too far, she does not break. She breaks you. But in a way, I have Emily to thank for me being with Lindsay right now. As for if Beo knew or not… I have no idea. I'm not the type to talk about my girl troubles with someone and Beo is not the type to ask about my girl troubles. If he secretly knew, he definitely never told me. (sigh) I wonder what he would have thought…

Next question from Shuffollower: What happened when Zee tried setting you up with Veronica & Sarah, and did she ever try to set you up with a guy?

Cross: Nothing happened. I just saw Veronica and Sarah as my classmates, nothing more. Neither of them were that interested in me either, especially Sarah. I think she was actually bored while hanging out with me and I can't really blame her. And no, Zee never tried to set me up with a guy. Or at least… I don't think she did. But… there was that time… (pauses) Was she trying to set me up with him and I didn't realize it? (shakes his head) Honestly, I have no clue.

Last question from Shuffollower: And after all the teasing Luz and Zee put you through, you ever consider paying them back for it given where their love lives have ended up going?

Cross: I mean, they tease me because they know I'll get worked up over it. The thing with Luz and Zee… is that they're pretty shameless. Luz makes out with her girlfriend in public and the two had a fake wedding, while I've lost track of how many girls and boys Zee has brought home. The only time I had any ammunition I could actually use against her was when she kissed Emily… and yeah, that was definitely satisfying.

The next question is from an unnamed Guest: Do you plan on slowly revealing yourself as a dragon to the rest of the Isles? Do you also intend to learn more about Belos' persecution of dragonkind?

Cross: Okay, so regarding the first question… what are you talking about? I already exposed myself as a dragon when the Emperor's Coven came to my school, when I helped Donna save the Torsa Villa, and when I helped murder a Coven Head. The rest of the Islesalready knowsI'm a dragon. I am a bit surprised that there haven't been any serious negative consequences from me outing myself, but I assume that's because everyone has been more focused on everything else that happened that week. Plus the Emperor's Coven, which I was once afraid would come after my family, is no more, with Belos's loyalists being forced into hiding. I am still a bit worried about what could happen now that everyone knows about me and my family, but so far… nothing. As for the second question, I actually do want to learn more about it, especially since my grandfather has been frustratingly vague on the subject. But from what I was able to find out… Belos didn't do it alone. He wiped out the dragons of the Boiling Isles with help from a tribe of dragon hunters who came from another Titan, which I think is one of the few times that the usually xenophobic Belos worked with witches from another Titan.

Got some questions from another unnamed Guest and be prepared, because there's a lot. First: how come you've got black hair when the other Drakescales have blue? Is it natural, or dyed? And are you actually a bluenette or a redhead?

Cross: Uh, that is a lot of questions about my hair. But it is natural and I don't think there's any deeper meaning about why it's black. I got it from my great-grandfather, but that's it.

Next question: How are you dealing with the knowledge that because Belos' brother is your ancestor, you and your mom are part human?

Cross: I mean, at this point I'm only a small percentage human after all the generations between William and me, so it doesn't really impact me or my mom. I guess it's cool and all.

If you want Jake to be your teacher, what do you expect to learn from him, especially if you were to learn about all the dumb stuff he did in the past as the American Dragon?

Cross: I'm just hoping to learn more about dragons in the Human Realm. What they're like, how similar and different they are from my family, and what abilities they have that I don't know about. A lot of knowledge about dragons has been lost in the Demon Realm, so learning from Jake is my family's best chance of recovering that lost knowledge. As for him doing dumb stuff… well, he was once a teenager, wasn't he? I would be more surprised if he didn't do any dumb stuff during his teens.

Next question: Do you think your sister has a shot with Emily, and do you support the idea of them together?

Cross: I was there when they kissed. Emily was totally into it. So yeah, I think Zee has a shot. And I'm perfectly fine with them being together as well, especially if it makes them happy. I trust Emily and I hope that things work out for her. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if when I visit the Inwell Isles, they're both already dating.

Do you, perchance, have any embarrassing stories about Zee you'd like to share, dating-related or otherwise?

Cross: Not while she isn't here.

Have you and your family read "Bones to Earth: A Study of Wild Magic"?

Cross: No, it's really hard to get my hands on any texts about wild magic thanks to the Emperor's Coven. Maybe now that Belos is gone and the Emperor's Coven is defunct, I will finally be able to get my hands on more books about wild magic… and maybe a few books about dragons as well, if they exist. Who knows what kind of lore Belos kept restricted.

Hunter also studies wild magic: you think you two would ever share notes? It'd be something to hang out over.

Cross: That's… actually not a bad idea. I'll make a note of that.

Have you ever met Abel when you had to work for Adrian, or did you steer way clear of him?

Cross: Yeah, I met Abel. But I only briefly spoke to him a few times. He was… easy to talk to. Very personable. I think that only made me more wary around him, because it's so easy to let down your guard around him. Fortunately, he didn't really seem that interested in me.

This would be a good segway to the next question, which is from Gunther in a hat: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Cross: I heard about that from Donna. I had no idea that Abel was anything other than a normal witch, but according to Donna he was something else entirely. He probably could have easily killed her if he wanted to… but he didn't. I have no idea what Abel wanted and that's very worrying. But at least we know to keep an eye out for him.

Here's another question from Gunther in a hat: How have your experiences in love both past & present affected you and how do you think they'll shape your future love lives?

Cross: I feel like I've opened myself up a lot more to others because of my experiences with my love life. Both Lindsay and Donna have been a huge help to me and I feel more comfortable with myself because of them and their acceptance. They helped me while I was out of my comfort zone and while all three of us are in uncharted territory now… I'm kinda looking forward to seeing how it's gonna play out. None of us know how it's gonna end and I won't lie, there is something exciting about that. I think… this will be fun.

Next question is from Alamout: What happened to Peter Bloomhog after the Day of Unity?

Cross: Honestly, I have no idea. It isn't like me and Peter were close. We barely spoke. In fact, I think the day that the Emperor's Coven came to St. Epiderm was the first time we've interacted at all. So I didn't really follow up on what happened to him after the Day of Unity. It wasn't something that I was thinking about.

The next question is one from Matteso: In the event that Jake Long becomes your mentor, you hoping that he does a good job at it?

Cross: (rolls his eyes) No, I hope he does a bad job at it. I'm sorry, but what kind of question is that? Of course I want my mentor to do a good job!

Uh… let's move onto some questions from Navy-Heart: Ever tried to figure out how your family clan got your chi in the first place? As a dragon fan, what is the biggest flame you ever created?

Cross: I'm sorry, I don't know what 'chi' is. Is that a human thing? Because I've never heard of it. And I don't know what's the biggest flame I've ever created. I try to keep my flames small and controllable, since I don't want to accidentally burn something down. I'm very self-conscious about that, ever since I… (stops himself) Nevermind, I don't want to talk about it.

The next question is from ultimate-drax: Cross, what is your biggest regret in life?

Cross: Not being there for Teri more. I was… not a good friend to him while he was becoming the Grim Goblin, because I was so focused on my own issues with the Emperor's Coven, Graye, and Emily. If I had paid more attention to Teri… then maybe he could have been helped earlier. It was my responsibility as a friend to help him when he needed it and I let him down. I just hope that I can avoid making that same mistake in the future.

Let's see, we've got some questions from spantidem7. We'll quickly run through a bunch of these: what is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Cross: I don't have a favorite pizza, my favorite color is green, I already talked about my biggest regret, and though the last one is a weird question… I guess Peter, since I don't really have a grudge against him or anything. If I ever do see him again, I don't think he would hold anything against me either.

One of them goes over territory we've already discussed and one of them makes no sense at all, which leaves only: Have you ever thought about going to the gym?

Cross: Not really. I don't like the gym. Too many other witches. I like my privacy, especially if I want to practice in my dragon form. I want to avoid crowds.

I got four more questions left. And they're all from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. Here's the first: Belos killed all the dragons on the Boiling Isles, but you saw a member of an exterminated species still living, King, as the last of the Titans. So there's hope. Do you think there may be other dragons in the Demon Realm?

Cross: Considering how huge the Demon Realm is… that is a possibility. And I would love it if there were other dragons still living in the Demon Realm. But there's no guarantee that I would ever be able to find them if they do exist and they might not, since what happened on the Isles… wasn't an isolated incident. You know those dragon hunters I mentioned earlier? I heard that them helping Belos was part of a larger-scale genocide that was being carried out on dragons across the Demon Realm. These dragon hunters were going Titan to Titan, killing any and all dragons that they could find. Come to think about it… they're kinda like those Titan Trappers from the other side of the Demon Realm, just replace their fanatical desire to kill a Titan with a dragon instead. Because of them, there is a chance that my family may be the last living dragons in the Demon Realm…

Second question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: What are your favorite things to do with each of your girlfriends, and what do you like to do with all three of you together?

Cross: I… like to keep things simple. I just like… hanging out with them, talking to them, getting to know them better, and just enjoying their company. Dating in general is still new to me, so I'm taking it slow. I think Donna and Lindsay feel the same. None of us want to go too big too quickly and we're trying to play it casual. Uh, sorry if that is disappointing.

Third question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Luz may have shown you some human media about dragons. What do you think of them, if she did show you?

Cross: She actually hasn't. Is that… is that something I need to see?

Here's the last question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever and the last question in general: Do you miss Emily, your future sister-in-law?

Cross: (groans) A bit too early to be calling her my future sister-in-law, isn't it? As for if I miss her… of course I miss her. But I understand her decision to leave the Boiling Isles and I… wish her well on her new adventure. I'm glad Zee will be able to keep her company.

For Emily, let's start with some questions from Shuffollower. His first question is: What's your middle name?

Emily: (groans) It's Mildred. I think it was because of some dead great aunt that I've never met or even seen a picture of. I don't like Mildred. It's a grandmother's name, like Glinda. It makes me sound older than I am. I only used it as an alias while I was living with the Shystreams because I had to think of a name on the spot, so I ended up being stuck with Mildred.

Alright, I got some more with Shuffollower. There's a lot, so we'll go through them one at a time. Next question: What exactly happened between you and Tabrella when she talked to you about Duke?

Emily: I'll admit, I was actually afraid to face Tabrella after the Day of Unity. I thought about avoiding her, but… I felt like I had to face some accountability for my actions. And honestly, I was right to be afraid. Tabrella can bescarywhen she's angry. There was a lot of yelling and it did hurt, because I realized that I had blown my chance to be friends with her and the others. (sighs) I haven't seen her since then. She called me a murderer, which I am, and said that she doesn't want me to be near her or Katie. And yeah, I think that's fair…

Next question from Shuffollower: Did Andrea throw you a birthday party before you left the Isles?

Emily: No. Everyone was really busy that week with the rebuilding and the funerals and I… wasn't really in the mood for a birthday party. Especially after the falling out with Tabrella in addition to everything that happened during the week of the Day of Unity. So my thoughts weren't really on celebrating my birthday. I just stayed with Le'Belle during that week.

Next question from Shuffollower: Did you make any last efforts at neutrality with Nina, Tito, Glinda, and Cain?

Emily: …no. They've all made it very clear that they want nothing to do with me after Glandus and I don't really think there's any way for me to make amends. Sure, we worked together during the Torsa Villa fire, but that was in the heat of the moment. That doesn't actually change anything about our relationships with each other. They have their own lives now and I'm not a part of them. I've accepted that. I was the one who blew it. Honestly, I hope the best for them.

Another question from Shuffollower: What led you to decide to leave the Boiling Isles?

Emily: It was a lot of things. So much has happened these last few months to completely turn my life around, including… including the death of my sister, the stuff with Adrian, and the weird stuff going on with my powers.. And the falling out with Tabrella was another factor. I've hurt… so many witches on the Isles. I may have helped to stop Belos, but that doesn't mean they should just accept or forgive me. I mean, I heard that when Luz left the Boiling Isles, she had this huge going away party with witches from all over the Isles attending. When I left the Boiling Isles, it was a much smaller gathering. I think that says everything. The mark I left behind on the Isles and witches who live there… was not a good one, for the most part. I thought it would be easier for them to move on without me around to remind them of what I did and I thought it would be easier for me to figure things out if I had a change of scenery. A new Isles with new faces. A place where I could just… figure out what I wanted to be after everything that happened.

Second to last question from Shuffollower: Who would you consider your best friend now?

Emily: Cross, no doubt. He's been looking out for me since our shared stint as the Golden Guard and he's even more important to me than Lindsay is, but I love them both. Platonically, of course. I hope they both know how much I value them.

And the last question from Shuffollower: Do you like-like Zee? Regardless of that answer, what do you at least admire about her?

Emily: I mean… there is definitely an attraction between us, if that's what you're asking. But I'm not ready to date and I've made that clear to Zee. It's… still too soon after Stella. I don't want to hurt Zee like I hurt her. But I still really admire Zee. One of the things I really appreciate is how accepting she is of me. Like, she's not afraid or intimidated by me at all. Even with Cross and Lindsay, I could tell they were still wary of me for a long time. But not Zee. I also admire how confident and outgoing she is, which is definitely different from her more introverted brother. She has this amazing energy that I swear is contagious when I'm with her. And she wasn't afraid to share her insecurities with me, which also helped me feel like I could open up to her more, since our insecurities aren't that different. Zee is just… incredible and very different from anyone that I've liked before. And you know, maybe that's a good thing.

The next question is from Crash X Fusion: Emily, did the truth about you and Adrian get leaked to the rest of the Isles?

Emily: To the entire Isles, no. I don't know how many witches know though. I mean, I know everyone who was in that room knows, but I don't know how many other witches they told and how many those witches told. I assume that a good number of witches know by now, but it doesn't seem like it's been leaked to the press or else they would have definitely run it. But honestly, it is only a matter of time before that happens, which was another reason I decided to leave the Isles.

Alright, next I have some questions from Jack_Skeletron_4ever. The first is: What did you think about the Fae that saved you during the battle with the giant robots?

Emily: Oh, you mean the one with the green skin and the black robes? Honestly… she kinda gave me a bad feeling. I don't know, but she reminded me of Mel. Although I will admit that I liked her outfit. Black was always one of my favorite colors and it looked great on her.

Here's the second question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: What are your current feelings on Adrian? Do you think you'll be able to forgive him one day?

Emily: I… don't really know how to feel about Adrian. I'm still coming to terms with the fact that he's my… well, I guess father is technically the correct term, although it doesn't sound right. I… I wanted to kill him. Back at Hexside. But I stopped myself and I don't entirely know why. Maybe I wanted to keep him alive so he could suffer more? Maybe I didn't want more blood on my hands? I'm not sure. As for whether I'll ever be able to forgive him… no. Absolutely not. He got my parents killed. He left me to die. I willneverforgive him.

Third question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Nina watched you go, even if at a distance. Do you think there's a possibility for her to forgive you one day?

Emily: I stabbed her in the womb. She's infertile because of me.I took away her ability to have children. That's… unforgivable. So no, I don't think she'll ever forgive me… or that I deserve to be forgiven. She was my best friend… and I hurt her the most, even more than I hurt Stella. I can be sorry all I want… but Nina is right, sorry isn't enough. And I don't think even helping to save her family would make up for what I did, but I didn't do it to make it up to her or earn her forgiveness. I did it… because I've met her family. I knew them. I knew they were innocent. I couldn't let them die. And I… wish I could have been there in time. I wish I could have saved them all. What I did for her that day… it wasn't enough. Not even close. As bad of a day that was for me, it was even worse for her.

Final question from Jack_Skeletron_4ever: Have you forgiven yourself for all the crap you pulled while you were at your most wicked?

Emily: No, I haven't. I don't think I ever will. Are there… any cheerful questions.

I'm afraid not, Emily. Here's one from Navy-Heart: Have tried to revisit your family's old home or… you kind of, burnt it down?

Emily: I don't think I've been to my family's old home since Craig and Terra took me from it all those years ago. I don't really want to go back there either.

Here's one from Matteso: What do you consider as the best thing anyone could've done for your life? Terra convincing Graye to make you his apprentice, or Mel sending you to eternal punishment, or Lindsay recruiting you to help babysit? Either one of them set you on the right path.

Emily: …what the f*ck kind of question is that? You're asking me if I think my trauma under Graye or in the Underworld is the 'best thing' someone could've done for me? No, neither of those set me on the 'right path'. You know what did? Cross treating me with empathy during our time in the Emperor's Coven. Cross and Lindsay going to the Underworld to save me and convincing me to come with them. And yeah, Lindsay asking me to help her babysit also helped, since it led me to meeting Kay, who forced me to reevaluate some of my past choices. But it wasn't Terra who put me on the 'right path'. And it wasn't Mel. It was Cross and Lindsay. So f*ck right off with that question!

I got some questions from spantidem7 next. Here's a rapid fire: What is your favorite pizza? Color? Biggest regret? Who is the enemy you have faced that you hate the least?

Emily: Um, I don't have a favorite pizza. My favorite color is black. My biggest regret is hurting Stella and Nina. And the enemy that I hate the least? Uh, that's a weird question. That's not really something you think about. I guess Nina, if she counts as an enemy.

Here's the first: If Mel was totally defenseless but still immortal, what would you do to her?

Emily: Honestly… probably nothing. I mean, her dad is agodwho is in charge of one of the afterlives. If I mess with his daughter, Titan knows what kind of messed up sh*t he would do to me or my soul. Mel may have sent me to my own personal hell, but I feel like what Hades would do to me would be even worse. I just want nothing to do with Mel or her family.

Second question from spantidem7: How do you feel about Lupe's death?

Emily: Happy. I'm glad that asshole is dead after everything he put me through.

Third question from spantidem7: Have you ever met Glinda's parents and, if so, what are they like?

Emily: Yes, I did. They were very nice and when I first met them, I tried very hard to make a good first impression. I got along with them pretty well at first and I got them to trust me… but then I broke that trust by keeping their daughter away from them and abusing her. (makes a disgusted sound) I was just… truly awful back then.

I got one more question from spantidem7: Do you know there's an alternate reality where you and Luz are sisters and have a very healthy relationship? What do you think?

Emily: First of all, how do you know that? Second of all, before I left the Isles, I asked Luz if she thought we could have been friends if things had been different. So this is something I have been thinking about. Maybe we could have been close… but there's no chance of that happening now.

I got three questions from an unnamed Guest. The first one: Emily, is there a specific reason why you dyed your hair?

Emily: I was actually inspired by Zee. You know how she has these orange streaks in her hair? I thought I would go for something similar with my red streaks. Plus, I thought I could use a slightly new look while I was living in a new place.

The second one: Did you learn any of the other glyphs after Hunter lent cards to you when you guys stormed the Tarot Guild bases?

Emily: Yeah, I did. I actually memorized a lot of the glyphs, since I thought they could potentially come in handy. Although I much prefer my illusions and flame spells.

The third one: How would you feel if you had an actual blood sibling, but they hated you before you even got the chance to meet them?

Emily: I mean… I wouldn't blame them. They probably would have heard about all the awful things I did and if they didn't want anything to do with me because of that, I couldn't really hold it against them. Even after the Day of Unity, I still don't have a great reputation back at the Boiling Isles.

I have two questions from Gunther in a hat. The first: After the day of unity Abel seemed to vanish. What are your thoughts on such a dangerous and seemingly all knowing individual just disappearing?

Emily: I hope he stays far, far away from me and the people I care about. Although I guess I have to be kinda grateful to him, since he put me in a position where I could totally screw over Belos. I don't know why he did that though. What did he want anyhow?

Second question from Gunther in a hat: How have your experiences in love both past & present affected you and how do you think they'll shape your future love lives?

Emily: I'm… honestly not sure when I'll be ready to date again. I hurt Stella and I was afraid to hurt Lindsay, though I do think she and I are better as just friends anyway. I still love Lindsay, just not romantically. But I still don't trust myself when it comes to relationships. Or at least, serious relationships. Maybe I can do a fling and work myself up to more serious relationships. But even with that, I'm not sure.

Since Alamount and the Great Fossil King's questions for Emily are just rephrases of earlier questions, we only have one left and it's from ultimate-drax: Emily, if you could confront your past self, what would you say to her?

Emily: I mean… I would say a lot to her. One of the things I would tell her is not to let authority figures take advantage of her, that their approval means nothing and that she shouldn't let her desire to be useful to them define her. That is something I had a lot of trouble with, with both the Boss and Graye. Their approval was just… not worth it, but fortunately that lesson had sunk in by the time I was promoted to Head Witch, which gave me the chance to help stop Belos. I think I would tell my younger self… there are people who you don't expect you to prove yourself to them over and over again. People who won't treat you like dirt if you aren't useful to them. People who will care about you for just being you. And I will tell her to find those people.

And that's about it. Man, you guys sure asked a lot but hey, it's what to expect. Thank you for asking.

Okay, so we got another announcement to make: we're doing another Q&A round, this time with the Clawthorne sisters and the Mane Five:

Eda Clawthorne

Lilith Clawthorne

Lindsay Shystream

Jackie Courtland

Andrea Pinkjoy

Tracy Speedemon

Tabrella Diamanto

You can asks these seven any questions… but there's going to be some ground rules this time, along with for future Q and A's. Such as:

-Ask questions that are actually relevant to the characters.

-Make them specific. We have had problems in the past with questions that were really broad and vague.

-Try not to ask for spoilers.

And for the OC contest, we're opening up two new categories:

Our first category is MLP stand-ins for the Demon Realm. That's right, you, the readers, now can propose stand-ins for characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, since we know there's a lot of MLP fans who read this and have been enjoying our expies, which is the reason we decided to use them for the Q&A. But the following characters will be restricted:

-Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Starlight Glimmer, and the Dazzlings.

Our second category is Human Realm counterparts of Luz Clawthorne characters. That's right, you can create counterparts for any of the Boiling Isles teens (including the students of Hexside, Glandus, St. Epiderm, and Merlin Meadows), though try not to make them completely similar to their BI counterparts. Their personalities and relationships can be different, for example. As long as inspiration is drawn from their Boiling Isles counterparts. And be creative. They don't have to be human, they can be magical creatures in disguise, although we imagine all these characters attending the same private school together.

And don't worry, the Descendants OC contests is still open. We're just adding two new categories.

Luz Clawthorne: Two Worlds, One Family - Chapter 122 - BuckJohnson, JPRyder (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 6506

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.