Long-Term Investments vs. Short-Term Investments (2024)

Long-term investing is typically done when one doesn’t need access to their money for a longer period of time, generally over 10 years. In this instance growth of the initial investment is the main goal. Short-term investing is used when one needs access to their money in a shorter period of time, typically less than 3 years. In this instance capital preservation is more important.

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Key Takeaways

  • As the names imply, the difference between long-term investmentors and short-term investors is their time horizon. Long-term investor time horizons are generally 10+ years, while the time horizon for short-term investors is less than 3 years. With longer-term time horizons, investors can introduce security types that may have greater short-term volatility but more potential for growth over time.
  • Long-term investment goals tend to be major life events further in the future, like retirement or college savings. Short-term goals are nearer future events like vacations, weddings, and home renovations.
  • Time horizon, risk tolerance, risk capacity, desired returns, taxes, and using a financial advisor are considerations when making investment strategies.
  • Long-term investors can potentially tolerate more risk and volatility. Short-term investors may want lower-risk investments like bonds to preserve capital.
  • Planning for long-term goals like retirement may require more complex strategies than short-term goals. Using retirement calculators and seeking professional advice can help.

Understanding the difference between long-term and short-term investing may help investors build their investing strategies. Developing this knowledge can be the first step in identifying the investment securities that are suitable for your goals.

Another important aspect of investment success is to make sure that your short-term investment strategies complement your long-term investment strategies. Before choosing your investments, it's important to identify the fundamental considerations that go into your investment strategy, such as your investment timeline and your tolerance for risk. Once you've done so, you can form long-term and short-term investment strategies that complement each other and get you closer to your goals.

What Is Long-Term Investing?

Long-term investments are bought and held for multiple years, such as 10 years or more. This investing strategy may be suitable for long-term financial goals, such as retirement and college savings, and can include certain stocks and mutual funds.

When an investor has several years or more until they plan to begin making withdrawals from their investment accounts, they might see themselves as being in a position to take on more risk than if they had only a few years to invest. This is because the longer periods of time could allow the investments to potentially recover from periodic declines in value. Of course, such a recovery is not guaranteed; any investment can gain or lose value over time, including the possible loss of the principal investment value.

What Is Short-Term Investing?

Short-term investments are typically bought and held for a shorter period of time — generally three years or less. They are typically suitable for needs or goals that are more immediate or in the near future — for example, saving for the purchase of a vehicle. If an investor chooses a short-term investing period, they might consider investment types that have relatively low market risk. However, seeking lower market risk does not guarantee gains or a sustained principal value.

Examples of short-term investment securities can include certificates of deposit (CDs), money market accounts, government bonds and Treasury bills.

Differences Between Long-Term & Short-Term Investing

Here are some of the differences between long-term investing and short-term investing:

  • Time Horizon: The length of time before you begin taking withdrawals from your investment accounts defines your time horizon. Long-term is generally considered to be 10 years or more, while short-term is generally three years or less.
  • Market Risk: Market risk is the possibility that assets exposed to the market may lose value. The level of market risk that's associated with an investment depends on the type of investment and your strategy. As you determine whether short- or long-term investments are right for you, consider discussing market risk with a financial professional.
  • Investing Goals: Long-term investment goals typically take years or decades to reach and may include retirement and saving for college. Short-term investing goals may take months or a few years. Examples of short-term investing goals can include saving for a vacation, wedding or home improvement.

Planning Long-Term & Short-Term Investment Strategies

Long-term investment strategies can help support major purchases or life events that are several years or even decades away. Since long-term savings goals, such as retirement or college, often require large sums of money, it might help to plan your investment strategy as far in advance as possible.

Short-term investment strategies are typically designed for smaller goals that may be months or a few years away. Because of the shorter time frame, investment types that are appropriate for short-term goals are typically different than investment types used for long-term goals.

Even though they may have different time horizons and different associated tactics, long-term investment strategies and short-term investment strategies both can be formed in part by answering some of the same questions.

Here are some questions to explore before forming investment strategies:

  • How much money will you need? To answer this question, you may need to make a few related assumptions. For example, if you're saving for retirement, you'll likely want to consider your life expectancy, desired retirement lifestyle and health care needs, among other factors.
  • How will taxes factor into your investment strategy? Like inflation, taxes can have a large impact on your investment strategy. For example, you may want to consider accounts with specific tax features, such as 529 college savings plans, which offer tax-deferred growth of your investment.
  • When will withdrawals begin? This is another way of asking how long your investing strategy will be. For example, if you're saving for your child's education, you could assume that withdrawals will begin in their first year of college.
  • How long will withdrawals last? You might prefer to not end a long-term investment strategy with one lump sum withdrawal. For example, if you expect to retire at age 65 and assume a life expectancy of 85 years, you might want your withdrawals to last 20 years. However, for short-term goals, such as a vacation, you might withdraw one lump sum.
  • Will you invest a lump sum or make recurring investments? When calculating the ultimate amount you can potentially reach by the end of your savings goal, you'll need to assume the frequency of payments or investment purchases. For example, will you invest a lump sum up front? Will you contribute a certain amount at the beginning of each year or will you invest a fixed amount every month?
  • Which investment types will you use? The investment types you use may be chosen according to the rate of return you want and your tolerance for risk. The amount of time you have to invest also can help you determine the investment type to choose.

Who Might Consider Long-Term Investment Strategies?

Put simply, long-term investment strategies can be useful for anyone who has a savings goal that is at least several years away. In the world of personal finance, long-term goals are generally considered to be at least seven to 10 years away.

Long-term investment strategies might be considered by investors who want to:

  • Save for Retirement: This is a common reason for a long-term investment strategy because, for many, retirement can be the largest financial goal of a lifetime, as well as the longest to reach.
  • Save for College: Higher education is expensive, and the cost is rising. Long-term investment strategies can be an important means of paying for college.
  • Build Wealth: Long-term investment strategies could help grow your money over time.

It's important to keep in mind that the typical long-term investment types are not appropriate for all investors. For example, stocks and stock mutual funds can potentially make useful long-term investments. However, the potentially higher relative performance of stock investments comes with greater market risk. Therefore, people with low tolerance for risk might consider other investment types to diversify their holdings with lower-risk investments.

Who Might Consider Short-Term Investment Strategies?

People investing for savings goals that are less than three years away may think about exploring short-term investment strategies.

Short-term investment strategies might be considered by people who are saving for:

  • Vacations: You might prefer to plan that big trip you've always wanted by funding it with money you've invested, rather than putting it on a credit card and accruing debt, for example.
  • Weddings: You may have anywhere from a few months to a few years to save for all of the expenses related to a wedding. The right short-term savings strategy can help make your big day the best it can be.
  • Gifts: Whether it's for birthdays or major holidays, you may choose to keep money in an interest-bearing account for purchasing gifts for friends and family.
  • Home Improvements: Rather than take money out of home equity, a short-term investing strategy may help you fund home improvement renovations or projects.

Long-term investments could be saving for retirement, while short-term investments could be saving for a wedding or vacation.

Considerations for Forming Investment Strategies

There are a number of general considerations to keep in mind when forming your investment strategies. These include timeline to invest, risk tolerance, risk capacity, desired rate of return, taxes, and whether you want to do it yourself or work with a financial professional.

Timeline to Invest

Your timeline to invest — the amount of time between now and the day you begin making withdrawals from your investment account — is one determining factor in choosing suitable investment types. Just like planning a trip, you want to choose the best vehicle to get you where you want to go. If you have a significant number of years to go before reaching retirement, you can consider yourself a long-term investor.If you have three years or less to invest, you can consider yourself a short-term investor. A four- to seven-year timeline is considered intermediate. Long-term investors may enjoy less risk due to the fact they have more time for their portfolios to make up for potential losses. Meanwhile, short-term investors may want to avoid volatile investments, such as some riskier stocks or stock mutual funds.

Risk Tolerance

Risk tolerance is the term for how much risk you are willing to take with your investments. Although long-term investors can afford to take more market risk, they might want to invest in a way that suits their personal tolerance for risk. For example, a portfolio of stocks can be suitable for a long-term investor with high risk tolerance. However, including certain bonds in the investment mix may be more suitable for a long-term investor with low to moderate risk tolerance.

Risk Capacity

The degree to which you can financially afford to see short-term declines in the value of your investment accounts determines your risk capacity. For example, investors who are fortunate enough to have surpassed their savings goals or who do not foresee ever needing to make withdrawals from their accounts can have high risk capacity. However, those who risk missing their savings goals due to a severe market downturn may have lower risk capacity.

Desired Rate of Return

There is a direct correlation between risk and reward with investing. Generally, the higher the return you are seeking, the more market risk you may need to accept to obtain that return. Some individual stocks are relatively high in market risk and have historically averaged higher returnsthan bonds, which are relatively low in market risk.1


You might want to consider your income tax rate — or your desire to avoid or reduce taxes — when choosing your investment strategy and investment types. For example, if you want to minimize taxes and you are investing for retirement, you may choose a tax-deferred investment account, such as an individual retirement account or IRA. If you are a long-term investor and you have a taxable brokerage account, you may want to choose tax-efficient investments, such as index funds, ETFs exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or municipal bond funds. Keep in mind that each account type or investment product has its own unique features or requirements that you should fully understand before investing.

Do It Yourself or Hire a Financial Professional?

Each person's investment strategy will be unique to their individual goals and tolerance for risk. If you feel comfortable and knowledgeable about investments, you may be able to choose and implement your own investment strategies. But it can make sense to consider hiring an investment advisor or financial professional to recommend investment types and help guide you in choosing the right investment strategy to meet your personal needs.

Finally, keep in mind that planning for long-term savings goals could be more complex than short-term savings goals. If you're planning for long-term goals, such as retirement or your children’s higher education, it might be helpful to use a retirement calculator or college savings calculator .

Preparing to Move Forward With an Investment Strategy

Forming the right investment strategy for you will depend on several factors, such as your timeline to invest, tolerance for risk and desired rate of return. Once your investment objectives and risk tolerance are identified, the specifics of your investment strategy, such as the types of investments, can be determined.

Since investment objectives and strategies are unique to each individual, it may be helpful to seek the assistance of a financial professionalwho can provide you with personalized guidance to help form and implement your investment strategy.

All investing involves risk, including the possibility of a loss of the money invested.

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  1. How do bond returns compare with stock returns? https://money.cnn.com/retirement/guide/investing_bonds.moneymag/index3.htm.
Long-Term Investments vs. Short-Term Investments (2024)


Long-Term Investments vs. Short-Term Investments? ›

The difference between long-term and short-term investments is time: A long-term investment could be held for five years, 10 years, 30 years or more, whereas short-term investments may only be held for a few months to a few years.

Is it better to invest in short term or long term? ›

Timeline to Invest

If you have three years or less to invest, you can consider yourself a short-term investor. A four- to seven-year timeline is considered intermediate. Long-term investors may enjoy less risk due to the fact they have more time for their portfolios to make up for potential losses.

What is the difference between long and short investments? ›

The distinction between going long and going short is brief but important: Being long a stock means that you own it and will profit if the stock rises. Being short a stock means that you have a negative position in the stock and will profit if the stock falls.

What is the difference between short term and long term investment decisions? ›

A key rule to remember is that short term investments tend to be riskier and so should be done with the money that you're prepared to lose. Long term investing should be done with the money that you're saving for future plans, such as retirement or passing onto your children.

What is considered long-term investing? ›

Long-term investments are assets that an individual or company intends to hold for a period of more than three years. Instruments facilitating long-term investments include stocks, real estate, cash, etc. Long-term investors take on a substantial degree of risk in pursuit of higher returns.

Which is more profitable short term or long-term? ›

Short-term investing allows us to achieve our financial objectives in an exceedingly short period of your time while reducing risk. On the opposite side, we can choose long-term investing routes if we've got a better risk appetite and seek better returns.

Is long-term investment risky? ›

Your savings generate more earnings, leading to potential significant gains over time. 3. Reduced Risk: Long-term investments tend to be less risky compared to short-term ones since they have more time to overcome market fluctuations and potential downturns.

What are the disadvantages of short term investing? ›

Short-term investments tend to be unsustainable and unreliable, bringing higher volatility and erratic, unpredictable returns. Short-term investments can be here today and gone tomorrow, and it's precisely that volatility that can lead to a lucrative upside for those who dare take the risk to pursue.

Which short-term investment is the best? ›

13 Best Short Term Investment Options in India
Sno.InvestmentRate of Return
1Savings accounts2% - 7% p.a.
2Liquid mutual funds2% - 6% p.a.
3Short term funds4% - 7% p.a.
4Recurring deposits4% - 8% p.a.
9 more rows
Mar 11, 2024

How long to hold stock to avoid tax? ›

If you hold a stock for one year or longer, your gain will be taxed at the long-term capital gains tax rate. But if you hold a stock for less than one year before selling it, your gain will typically be taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.

What is long vs short investing? ›

Investors maintain “long” security positions in the expectation that the stock will rise in value in the future. The opposite of a “long” position is a “short” position. A "short" position is generally the sale of a stock you do not own. Investors who sell short believe the price of the stock will decrease in value.

What are considered short-term investments? ›

What Are Short-Term Investments? Short-term investments, also known as marketable securities or temporary investments, are financial investments that can easily be converted to cash, typically within five years. Many short-term investments are sold or converted to cash after a period of only three-12 months.

What is the main difference between short term and long term finance? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Short term financing involves a smaller amount, while long term financing involves a huge amount of money, which is mainly used as capital expenditure. Short term loans are paid over a short time, mostly paid under one year while long term loans are payable in more than one year.

Is it better to invest short-term or long term? ›

Short-term investment vehicles may assist in paying off the down payment on a mortgage, while the long-term ones can be aimed at generating a passive income to be saved for retirement. Once retirement comes, one may need to focus more on short-term investing. Of course, it all depends on an individual's overall goals.

Which is an example of a short-term investment? ›

Examples of short-term investments include CDs, money market accounts, high-yield savings accounts, government bonds and Treasury bills. These investments are typically high-quality and highly liquid assets or investment vehicles.

Is it better to buy short term or long term options? ›

Time value and extrinsic value of short-term options decay rapidly due to their short durations. Time value does not decay as rapidly for long-term options because they have a longer duration. Time value decay is minimal for a relatively long period because the expiration date is a long time away.

Is it better to finance long term or short term? ›

Long-term loans tend to carry less risk for the borrower, but interest rates tend to be at least slightly higher than for short-term loans. Long-term financing is typically used to cover equipment purchases, vehicles, facilities, and other assets with a relatively long useful life.

Which is better long term or short term trading? ›

There is no clear winner here as both have their pros and cons. Short term investment allows you to achieve your financial goals within a short span, with a lower risk. On the other hand, if you have a greater risk appetite, wanting higher returns, you can select long term investment avenues.

Are short term or long term gains better? ›

Gains from the sale of assets you've held for longer than a year are known as long-term capital gains, and they are typically taxed at lower rates than short-term gains and ordinary income, from 0% to 20%, depending on your taxable income.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.