London violent crime statistics in maps and graphs. September 2024 (2024)

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Annual crime rate in London region is 22.6 crimes per 1000 people. Compared to the national crime rate, London's rate is at 66% as of September 2024.Violent crime makes up 23.0% of all crimes reported in the region. The total number of "violent crime" is 196k, and this number has decreased by 23% when compared year-over-year in the period of August 2023 - July 2024.

London regioncrime statisticEngland & Wales
22.6 annual crime rate per 1k workday people34.1
66% ratio of national crime rate100%
23.0% share of all crimes35.0%
196k crimes reported1.9M
-23.0% annual change-7.2%

London violent crime rate comparison map

Postcode sectorCrime rate vs. ENG & WLS rateCrime rate per 1000 workday peopleTotal number of crimes
BR1 195%32325
BR1 233%11118
BR1 360%20233
BR1 4108%37391
BR1 582%28342
BR2 046%16143
BR2 626%922
BR2 733%1176
BR2 866%22203
BR2 950%17213
BR3 163%21168
BR3 387%30342
BR3 447%16176
BR3 544%1568
BR3 643%1555
BR4 032%1185
BR4 929%1074
BR5 137%13112
BR5 287%30334
BR5 384%28300
BR5 480%27235
BR6 064%22225
BR6 625%844
BR6 737%12103
BR6 864%22163
BR6 938%13137
BR7 556%19108
BR7 643%14124
CR0 094%32478
CR0 1163%561051
CR0 2139%47993
CR0 399%34567
CR0 467%23522
CR0 545%15154
CR0 691%31492
CR0 767%23260
CR0 849%17154
CR0 957%19150
CR2 041%14104
CR2 666%22222
CR2 760%20112
CR2 865%22192
CR2 931%1159
CR4 193%32370
CR4 276%26246
CR4 399%34463
CR4 478%27293
CR5 166%23159
CR5 263%21187
CR7 6105%36246
CR7 7104%35535
CR7 8118%40561
CR8 139%1345
CR8 279%27213
CR8 329%1041
CR8 460%2089
CR8 544%1591
DA1 473%25265
DA14 444%15119
DA14 540%1498
DA14 659%20173
DA15 751%1790
DA15 831%10108
DA15 937%1379
DA16 161%21180
DA16 232%11104
DA16 365%22173
DA17 581%27199
DA17 667%23177
DA18 466%22129
DA5 153%18102
DA5 250%1769
DA5 336%1272
DA6 7100%34253
DA6 872%24138
DA7 467%23225
DA7 543%15114
DA7 666%22177
DA8 1101%34400
DA8 2109%37366
DA8 3103%35298
E1 0103%35326
E1 1132%45393
E1 2100%34315
E1 368%23133
E1 498%33586
E1 593%32324
E1 639%13285
E1 721%7155
E1 834%11225
E10 577%26346
E10 662%21337
E10 776%26330
E11 185%29278
E11 252%18159
E11 361%21233
E11 487%30346
E12 578%27350
E12 655%19376
E13 067%23316
E13 891%31429
E13 9119%41583
E14 091%31326
E14 273%2542
E14 386%29358
E14 415%595
E14 57%2167
E14 6118%40389
E14 7119%40462
E14 847%16290
E14 952%18473
E15 199%34493
E15 2193%66735
E15 391%31354
E15 486%29389
E16 1150%51510
E16 2100%34379
E16 378%26300
E16 463%21255
E17 374%25297
E17 462%21320
E17 567%23316
E17 665%22312
E17 7102%35336
E17 848%16195
E17 973%25258
E18 150%17102
E18 250%17139
E1W 121%739
E1W 256%19101
E1W 383%28114
E2 0102%35327
E2 677%26179
E2 793%32249
E2 884%29218
E2 9114%39345
E3 2127%43484
E3 3109%37397
E3 4110%38447
E3 580%27267
E4 662%21259
E4 763%22239
E4 875%26309
E4 948%16226
E5 098%33400
E5 890%31351
E5 992%31403
E6 192%31461
E6 285%29447
E6 363%21345
E6 562%21250
E6 658%20294
E7 079%27287
E7 878%26496
E7 971%24352
E8 1101%34330
E8 2115%39328
E8 3101%34306
E8 4111%38313
E9 5143%49573
E9 6110%38471
E9 798%34331
EC1A 212%417
EC1A 414%516
EC1A 75%221
EC1A 927%933
EC1M 335%1212
EC1M 46%25
EC1M 525%950
EC1M 631%1163
EC1M 722%76
EC1N 68%32
EC1N 713%530
EC1N 812%435
EC1R 017%634
EC1R 125%821
EC1R 319%719
EC1R 434%1246
EC1R 520%716
EC1V 036%1256
EC1V 1137%4651
EC1V 254%1854
EC1V 343%1551
EC1V 414%519
EC1V 731%1042
EC1V 881%2867
EC1V 967%23159
EC1Y 023%819
EC1Y 129%1012
EC1Y 811%447
EC2A 117%612
EC2A 277%2651
EC2A 359%20179
EC2A 423%8116
EC2M 127%944
EC2M 3185%63149
EC2M 432%11144
EC2M 521%717
EC2M 723%875
EC2N 49%314
EC2R 77%312
EC2V 51%01
EC2V 615%529
EC2V 75%210
EC2V 84%15
EC2Y 52%18
EC2Y 87%243
EC2Y 922%729
EC3A 514%530
EC3A 715%517
EC3N 120%749
EC3N 213%442
EC3N 425%850
EC3R 512%427
EC3R 712%418
EC3R 87%227
EC3V 022%751
EC3V 336%1258
EC3V 936%1229
EC4A 14%113
EC4A 31%03
EC4M 758%20102
EC4M 967%2366
EC4N 555%1919
EC4R 04%225
EC4R 141%1414
EC4R 21%02
EC4V 37%224
EC4V 438%1322
EC4V 53%112
EC4V 626%935
EC4Y 06%26
EC4Y 140%1437
EC4Y 70%01
EC4Y 86%28
EC4Y 90%01
EN1 168%23302
EN1 233%1164
EN1 361%21261
EN1 484%28307
EN2 060%20147
EN2 675%25151
EN2 736%1271
EN2 890%31272
EN2 936%1227
EN3 4106%36402
EN3 586%29389
EN3 692%31492
EN3 773%25349
EN4 036%1261
EN4 849%17157
EN4 955%19116
EN5 148%1699
EN5 242%14174
EN5 399%3495
EN5 575%26190
HA0 160%21233
HA0 284%29294
HA0 360%20164
HA0 474%25281
HA1 1100%34319
HA1 285%29278
HA1 365%22348
HA1 460%20214
HA2 080%27254
HA2 649%1790
HA2 743%15102
HA2 864%22207
HA2 951%17184
HA3 048%16152
HA3 591%31260
HA3 654%18152
HA3 771%24227
HA3 839%13141
HA3 939%13151
HA4 045%15127
HA4 653%18161
HA4 748%16134
HA4 864%22139
HA4 949%17120
HA5 147%16110
HA5 245%1597
HA5 341%14119
HA5 428%962
HA5 537%1378
HA6 147%16132
HA6 234%12108
HA7 149%17116
HA7 241%14100
HA7 338%1385
HA7 444%15136
HA8 087%30302
HA8 555%19182
HA8 646%16134
HA8 7106%36227
HA8 850%17186
HA8 948%16145
HA9 0131%45304
HA9 664%22228
HA9 785%29230
HA9 889%30366
HA9 977%26267
IG1 1114%39642
IG1 2106%36636
IG1 379%27346
IG1 490%31388
IG11 074%25373
IG11 797%33488
IG11 8149%51605
IG11 979%27394
IG2 676%26292
IG2 775%25285
IG3 8129%44733
IG3 972%25344
IG4 564%22181
IG5 050%17214
IG6 171%24189
IG6 271%24241
IG6 373%25163
IG7 490%31194
IG8 036%1289
IG8 781%27187
IG8 864%22146
IG8 946%16104
IG9 676%2694
KT1 1101%34345
KT1 264%22253
KT1 364%22216
KT1 435%1235
KT2 549%17179
KT2 650%17142
KT2 744%15159
KT3 353%18184
KT3 445%15114
KT3 538%1395
KT3 627%984
KT4 837%13155
KT5 841%14101
KT5 941%1499
KT6 479%27140
KT6 644%1580
KT6 764%22230
KT8 965%2295
KT9 144%15120
KT9 249%17164
N1 075%25299
N1 190%31234
N1 273%25259
N1 383%28162
N1 471%24151
N1 599%34252
N1 661%21218
N1 756%19218
N1 864%22197
N1 950%17298
N10 162%21140
N10 242%1495
N10 351%17132
N11 155%19200
N11 256%19150
N11 369%24160
N12 070%24177
N12 723%832
N12 856%19135
N12 958%20130
N13 478%27251
N13 568%23220
N13 692%31156
N14 446%16135
N14 543%14111
N14 640%1484
N14 736%1252
N15 3109%37299
N15 4113%39406
N15 5119%40345
N15 677%26285
N16 071%24154
N16 552%18236
N16 648%16215
N16 793%32253
N16 8116%39356
N16 979%27120
N17 0104%35444
N17 687%30480
N17 788%30240
N17 8117%40313
N17 9118%40537
N18 177%26399
N18 289%30494
N18 3200%6836
N19 379%27259
N19 4103%35262
N19 5132%45510
N1C 4408%139174
N2 047%16114
N2 843%1570
N2 945%1595
N20 040%14116
N20 825%828
N20 936%1256
N21 138%1381
N21 237%1368
N21 339%1379
N22 5120%41412
N22 693%32411
N22 752%18146
N22 886%29221
N3 157%19158
N3 235%12112
N3 344%1587
N4 1104%35366
N4 299%34615
N4 3102%35310
N4 469%24101
N5 180%27246
N5 268%23197
N6 445%1569
N6 545%15116
N6 634%1232
N7 069%24221
N7 696%33203
N7 794%32228
N7 8130%44430
N7 987%29313
N8 082%28230
N8 768%23163
N8 845%15108
N8 958%20142
N9 0120%41489
N9 784%29232
N9 887%30291
N9 984%28385
NW1 082%28360
NW1 151%17211
NW1 259%20364
NW1 326%997
NW1 430%1065
NW1 592%31151
NW1 635%12127
NW1 784%29299
NW1 8112%38413
NW1 958%20185
NW10 077%26289
NW10 1106%36280
NW10 293%32264
NW10 358%20144
NW10 4132%45392
NW10 567%23211
NW10 652%18133
NW10 761%21405
NW10 888%30349
NW10 9110%37328
NW11 030%1052
NW11 639%1366
NW11 769%23131
NW11 866%22122
NW11 953%18137
NW2 170%24204
NW2 282%28161
NW2 3110%37234
NW2 471%24130
NW2 581%28190
NW2 663%22227
NW2 772%25266
NW3 137%1356
NW3 243%15235
NW3 359%20141
NW3 440%1378
NW3 529%1065
NW3 653%18124
NW3 740%1467
NW4 165%22128
NW4 260%20153
NW4 355%19207
NW4 458%20160
NW5 157%19194
NW5 272%24215
NW5 363%21113
NW5 476%26187
NW6 163%21160
NW6 2101%34161
NW6 356%1989
NW6 495%32199
NW6 597%33308
NW6 668%23169
NW6 799%34299
NW7 168%23155
NW7 251%17114
NW7 348%1692
NW7 447%1677
NW8 056%19113
NW8 630%1043
NW8 731%1056
NW8 867%23251
NW8 930%1064
NW9 054%18184
NW9 5112%38620
NW9 659%20162
NW9 758%20108
NW9 858%20160
NW9 976%26220
RM1 1253%86452
RM1 254%1897
RM1 393%32232
RM1 450%17174
RM10 796%33377
RM10 8100%34374
RM10 970%24334
RM11 154%18175
RM11 246%16119
RM11 347%16122
RM12 455%19223
RM12 551%17114
RM12 642%14111
RM13 767%23150
RM13 889%30221
RM13 966%22254
RM14 139%13106
RM14 244%15115
RM14 341%1482
RM2 538%1365
RM2 672%25107
RM3 056%19217
RM3 7113%39267
RM3 8131%45414
RM3 9104%35279
RM5 288%30193
RM5 357%19151
RM6 481%27294
RM6 5106%36299
RM6 677%26216
RM7 086%29429
RM7 793%32111
RM7 872%25123
RM7 973%25119
RM8 1111%38424
RM8 2109%37432
RM8 384%29256
RM9 4102%35342
RM9 581%27269
RM9 6127%43415
SE1 018%6169
SE1 133%11181
SE1 218%6190
SE1 355%19242
SE1 461%21229
SE1 5101%35330
SE1 6117%40312
SE1 745%15471
SE1 860%21306
SE1 927%9231
SE10 0178%61594
SE10 8106%36251
SE10 9104%36329
SE11 4100%34260
SE11 568%23224
SE11 664%22134
SE12 081%28199
SE12 842%1498
SE12 995%32214
SE13 5110%38371
SE13 6162%55757
SE13 7121%41508
SE14 585%29323
SE14 6108%37331
SE15 178%26188
SE15 275%26235
SE15 371%24241
SE15 479%27166
SE15 5142%48436
SE15 680%27257
SE16 289%30277
SE16 367%23208
SE16 4146%50254
SE16 557%1967
SE16 678%2772
SE16 7121%41208
SE17 1174%59354
SE17 277%26289
SE17 394%32293
SE18 193%32369
SE18 293%32229
SE18 380%27247
SE18 499%34376
SE18 577%26224
SE18 6131%45600
SE18 7119%40416
SE19 171%24152
SE19 2105%36195
SE19 396%33268
SE2 079%27235
SE2 9119%41463
SE20 782%28246
SE20 8117%40340
SE21 725%936
SE21 848%16136
SE22 045%1599
SE22 872%24209
SE22 938%1369
SE23 184%29206
SE23 275%26227
SE23 366%22179
SE24 092%31205
SE24 942%1491
SE25 482%28258
SE25 5101%34262
SE25 699%34332
SE26 4112%38277
SE26 596%33244
SE26 662%21163
SE27 082%28249
SE27 984%29213
SE28 090%31318
SE28 884%29416
SE3 057%19112
SE3 776%26150
SE3 890%31215
SE3 985%29178
SE4 162%21227
SE4 289%30267
SE5 0108%37292
SE5 768%23212
SE5 887%30404
SE5 957%19328
SE6 183%28341
SE6 291%31390
SE6 3117%40375
SE6 4135%46458
SE7 773%25290
SE7 883%28236
SE8 392%31236
SE8 4131%45309
SE8 590%31237
SE9 150%17152
SE9 271%24221
SE9 354%18176
SE9 4100%34306
SE9 5102%35227
SE9 693%32236
SM1 1105%36288
SM1 257%19207
SM1 347%16181
SM1 497%33315
SM2 567%23275
SM2 669%23170
SM2 718%629
SM3 843%15104
SM3 949%17175
SM4 433%11110
SM4 571%24231
SM4 669%23222
SM5 1109%37362
SM5 289%30260
SM5 338%1384
SM5 446%1668
SM6 092%31185
SM6 797%33175
SM6 874%25214
SM6 990%31283
SW10 050%17214
SW10 990%31253
SW11 179%27205
SW11 2112%38332
SW11 367%23239
SW11 452%18126
SW11 578%27288
SW11 628%968
SW12 051%1786
SW12 834%12104
SW12 9108%37239
SW13 041%1473
SW13 841%1415
SW13 947%16103
SW14 758%20115
SW14 829%1077
SW15 159%20169
SW15 237%13115
SW15 361%21160
SW15 4102%35301
SW15 562%21192
SW15 636%1278
SW16 196%33261
SW16 272%25284
SW16 359%20134
SW16 480%27272
SW16 591%31366
SW16 684%29303
SW17 078%27523
SW17 681%2723
SW17 786%29319
SW17 862%21247
SW17 986%29346
SW18 166%22237
SW18 246%16118
SW18 396%33307
SW18 470%24274
SW18 538%13122
SW19 168%23232
SW19 287%30315
SW19 326%9103
SW19 419%759
SW19 520%735
SW19 671%24184
SW19 745%1597
SW19 876%26323
SW1A 0362%12359
SW1A 111%425
SW1A 235%12167
SW1E 557%19139
SW1E 615%543
SW1H 010%434
SW1H 93%115
SW1P 126%9111
SW1P 225%8160
SW1P 329%10176
SW1P 423%895
SW1V 162%21160
SW1V 295%32163
SW1V 356%19117
SW1V 485%29110
SW1W 06%220
SW1W 846%1691
SW1W 923%878
SW1X 020%717
SW1X 726%975
SW1X 818%627
SW1X 923%842
SW1Y 424%860
SW1Y 517%647
SW1Y 638%1381
SW2 1100%34205
SW2 279%27197
SW2 370%24215
SW2 490%31204
SW2 585%29245
SW20 042%14102
SW20 836%1292
SW20 973%25141
SW3 122%768
SW3 221%747
SW3 344%1589
SW3 418%635
SW3 561%21108
SW3 619%745
SW4 055%19103
SW4 693%32207
SW4 7182%62337
SW4 856%1991
SW4 952%18115
SW5 062%21134
SW5 9114%39273
SW6 199%34271
SW6 255%19213
SW6 337%13108
SW6 440%14100
SW6 553%18106
SW6 641%14112
SW6 764%22171
SW7 129%1051
SW7 224%888
SW7 350%1775
SW7 446%1690
SW7 534%1292
SW8 185%29293
SW8 295%33299
SW8 378%27153
SW8 480%27219
SW8 567%23111
SW9 086%29197
SW9 671%24149
SW9 7138%47384
SW9 8231%79459
SW9 9113%39324
TN16 243%1534
TN16 352%18166
TW1 139%1387
TW1 232%1148
TW1 356%19123
TW1 435%1289
TW10 526%923
TW10 639%13104
TW10 764%22127
TW11 028%1069
TW11 831%1090
TW11 930%1069
TW12 140%1488
TW12 234%1290
TW12 364%22113
TW13 4125%43504
TW13 5113%39285
TW13 678%27193
TW13 751%17111
TW14 042%14147
TW14 870%24268
TW14 9112%38335
TW2 545%15112
TW2 658%20147
TW2 747%16140
TW3 1151%52571
TW3 268%23159
TW3 3132%45453
TW3 480%27219
TW4 595%32279
TW4 665%22178
TW4 7105%36300
TW5 098%33328
TW5 967%23367
TW6 250%1760
TW6 368%2347
TW7 471%24161
TW7 543%15198
TW7 691%31340
TW7 784%28201
TW8 0103%35316
TW8 881%28169
TW8 937%13136
TW9 148%16130
TW9 243%1592
TW9 336%1254
TW9 452%18106
UB1 1134%45458
UB1 277%26368
UB1 397%33365
UB10 086%29253
UB10 840%14126
UB10 960%20172
UB11 1250%8512
UB2 4105%36550
UB2 599%34560
UB3 154%18288
UB3 2108%37404
UB3 370%24222
UB3 4118%40373
UB3 567%23178
UB4 074%25251
UB4 867%23248
UB4 996%33301
UB5 492%31356
UB5 5123%42414
UB5 681%27382
UB6 059%20212
UB6 753%18150
UB6 867%23368
UB6 992%31372
UB7 022%7301
UB7 7100%34273
UB7 854%19168
UB7 9123%42313
UB8 175%26363
UB8 246%16314
UB8 386%29561
UB9 639%13107
W10 483%28232
W10 586%29407
W10 6129%44470
W11 191%31264
W11 276%26170
W11 358%20108
W11 470%24231
W12 065%22351
W12 748%16427
W12 8185%63629
W12 963%21209
W13 0104%35282
W13 864%22127
W13 954%19193
W14 052%18178
W14 862%21254
W14 963%21251
W1B 126%916
W1B 234%1249
W1B 3933%31827
W1B 446%1615
W1B 544%1537
W1C 1405%13877
W1D 21675%57077
W1D 347%1678
W1D 4204%69194
W1D 5102%35118
W1D 683%28136
W1D 7187%64228
W1F 045%1592
W1F 751%17153
W1F 830%1078
W1F 924%858
W1G 0111%3846
W1G 614%516
W1G 715%512
W1G 86%29
W1G 93%112
W1H 130%1035
W1H 219%79
W1H 424%820
W1H 546%1649
W1H 614%515
W1H 763%21109
W1J 07%26
W1J 514%526
W1J 66%212
W1J 732%1180
W1J 82%13
W1K 141%1424
W1K 221%738
W1K 312%426
W1K 416%514
W1K 529%1037
W1K 659%2053
W1K 750%1746
W1S 125%894
W1S 213%429
W1S 333%1125
W1S 455%19113
W1T 129%10112
W1T 217%626
W1T 318%635
W1T 413%530
W1T 540%1498
W1T 621%716
W1T 724%825
W1U 148%1678
W1U 25%25
W1U 311%418
W1U 430%1022
W1U 521%722
W1U 655%1956
W1U 714%516
W1U 82%13
W1W 514%516
W1W 621%754
W1W 76%213
W1W 819%737
W2 171%24493
W2 2106%36262
W2 373%25167
W2 468%23177
W2 571%24214
W2 647%16237
W3 046%16127
W3 670%24311
W3 766%22288
W3 855%19226
W3 999%34218
W4 142%14114
W4 243%15149
W4 367%23179
W4 433%1167
W4 532%11137
W5 158%20168
W5 271%24278
W5 367%23213
W5 466%23214
W5 576%26211
W6 056%19298
W6 761%21248
W6 869%23297
W6 972%25362
W7 1102%35272
W7 254%18119
W7 374%25210
W8 440%1485
W8 523%883
W8 655%19129
W8 735%1279
W9 152%18147
W9 264%22187
W9 382%28302
WC1A 187%3070
WC1A 220%722
WC1B 313%542
WC1B 411%46
WC1B 584%2954
WC1E 619%749
WC1E 713%526
WC1H 039%1385
WC1H 858%2081
WC1H 923%874
WC1N 139%1375
WC1N 213%520
WC1N 321%787
WC1R 48%320
WC1R 510%314
WC1V 610%311
WC1V 738%1332
WC1X 047%1669
WC1X 837%1370
WC1X 961%21102
WC2A 12%13
WC2A 29%32
WC2A 311%427
WC2B 437%1356
WC2B 515%582
WC2B 6109%3727
WC2E 78%334
WC2E 838%1330
WC2E 919%643
WC2H 0330%112245
WC2H 7269%92350
WC2H 845%1574
WC2H 925%982
WC2N 4116%39226
WC2N 519%679
WC2N 6117%40223
WC2R 093%3273
WC2R 19%313
WC2R 2122%4128
WC2R 310%311

London violent crime rate rank

Crime rate ranking : 1. lowest crime rate out of 9 regions

London violent crime rate compared to other regions

The total number of "violent crime" is 196k, and this number has decreased by 23% when compared year-over-year in the period of August 2023 - July 2024. In the graph below, region are compared by crime rate and crime rate percentage change. Crime rate percentage change compares the region crime rate between August 2023 - July 2024 to the region crime rate in the previous 12 months. The size of the circle reflects the number of total crimes reported. The bigger the circle, the higher the number of crimes reported in the region.

-23.0% annual change, crime is declining

196k crimes reported

Crime rate percentage change

Crime rate per 1000 workday people

London violent crime volume

Number of crime incidents by month from January 2011 to July 2024.

London violent crime statistics in maps and graphs. September 2024 (4)

London violent crime rate

Crime rate per 1000 workday people compared to the national crime rate by year.

London violent crime seasonality

Total number of crimes reported in a given calendar month (1 = January … 12 = December) in the previous five years, i.e. from 2019 till 2023.

London violent crime statistics in maps and graphs. September 2024 (6)

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Other reports for London region

crime stats

property prices

population statistics

home energy efficiency

salary and unemployment

home features

energy costs

London violent crime statistics in maps and graphs. September 2024 (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.