Loans For People Under Debt Review | Legal & Debt Solutions - LDS (2024)

How to Get a Loan Under Debt Review?

It’s likely that you’ll have trouble locating a bank or other lender who will provide you a loan if you’re the subject of a debt review. This is due to the fact that the majority of large, established banks forbid debt reviews.

Table of Contents

However, a few alternative lenders do provide loans to people debt review. These include peer-to-peer networks, online lenders, credit unions and microfinance organizations.

Even if it’s difficult there are certain lenders who might be open to lending money to borrowers undergoing a debt review.

Alternatives to conventional banking channels include as follows:

1. Peer-to-Peer Networks
2. Micro-loan Organizations

    You can still apply for a loan while you are under debt review. Before applying for a new loan you must finish the debt review process as you might be charged with reckless lending if you don’t. This is due to the possibility that missed payments could lower your credit score. In addition the three major credit reporting organizations must receive information about your debts from banks and creditors. Therefore it becomes much tougher to pay off such debts once you start skipping payments.

    Due to the stigma associated with requesting financial aid many people are hesitant to do so. Even though getting assistance is never shameful many people are ashamed of not being able to pay back their debts. However, there are solutions to this issue. Going under debt review is one option. You can communicate with a professional in this way without having to expose your real identify.

    When you examine your debt a third party such as a debt counsellor looks at your finances and develops a repayment strategy based on your capacity to pay. Payments must be sent to the debt review organization instead of the creditor directly. After the debt review is finished you’ll get a letter outlining your debt obligations and the monthly payment due.

    While not having to deal with creditors directly is a benefit of debt review there are drawbacks as well. For instance, during a debt review you cannot bargain with creditors. Additionally, the debt review organization cannot assure you that you will be granted additional funds. Therefore you will need to locate another source of funding if you intend to keep paying down your debt. Contact us right away if you want to learn more about debt review. You will be led through the process step-by-step by our professional debt counsellors.

    You might be unsure of where to seek if you are a debt review customer looking for a loan. The good news is that you still have options even if your debt is currently being reviewed. In this piece, we’ll look at some of the lending choices available to debt review clients.

    Cash Loans for Debt Review Clients in South Africa

    Applying for a cash loan is one choice available to debt review clients who require access to money. These loans can give you the money you need to pay for unforeseen bills or to make a sizable purchase. They are often provided by banks, credit unions, and online lenders.

    It’s crucial to thoroughly weigh your options and pick a lender that provides competitive rates and fees when applying for a cash loan. To make sure you’re getting the greatest bargain, it’s a good idea to shop around and compare offers from different lenders.

    Online Loans for Debt Review Clients In South Africa

    Debt review clients who require loans also have the option of submitting an online loan application. Online lenders frequently provide a greater selection of lending options such as unsecured loans, payday loans and personal loans. Finding a loan that suits your unique demands and financial circ*mstances may be made simpler as a result.

    Researching potential lenders is essential before submitting an online loan application. Before making a choice be sure to read reviews, check the lender’s website and get in touch with the business to ask any questions you may have.

    Short-term Loans for Debt Review Clients In South Africa

    If you require a loan but don’t want to commit to a protracted repayment plan a short-term loan may be the best option for you. Short-term loans are smaller sums of money that must be repaid in a few months or less. They might be a good choice for debt review customers who need quick access to cash and have the resources to make regular payments over a short period of time.

    Any short-term loan’s terms and conditions should be carefully read and you should choose a lender with fair rates and fees. Making a budget and carefully planning how you will pay back the loan are also wise moves to make in order to avoid getting into more debt.

    Debt Review Payday Loans – What You Need To Know

    If you are a debt review client in need of immediate money you might be thinking about applying for a payday loan. Payday loans are small expensive loans that must be repaid in a few weeks or less. These loans can give you immediate access to money but they can also be pricey and put you at danger of sliding into further debt.

    It’s crucial to thoroughly weigh your options and pick a lender with affordable rates and fees before applying for a payday loan. To prevent falling into more debt it’s also a good idea to make a budget and carefully plan how you will pay back the loan. Remember that payday loans are not a sustainable answer to your money issues and make sure you have a strategy in place for paying back the loan and getting your finances in order.

    Unsecured Loans for Debt Review Clients

    An unsecured loan can be a viable choice for you if you’re a debt review customer seeking for financing but don’t have any assets to pledge as security. Unsecured loans are those that are not supported by assets like a car or a house as collateral. This indicates that in order to be approved for the loan you are not required to pledge any assets as security.

    It’s critical to thoroughly weigh your options and pick a lender that provides competitive rates and fees when submitting an application for an unsecured loan. To make sure you’re getting the greatest bargain it’s a good idea to shop around and compare offers from different lenders.

    Personal Loans for Debt Review Clients

    If you’re a client going through a debt review you might be thinking about getting a personal loan to help pay for some of your personal costs. These unsecured loans which are those without collateral as security can be used for a number of things including debt consolidation, home renovation finance and paying for medical expenses.

    But before you apply for a personal loan it’s crucial to thoroughly weigh your options and pick a lender with affordable rates and costs. This will ensure that you can afford to pay back the loan and assist you avoid becoming stuck in a cycle of debt.

    Create a budget and build a plan for how you’ll utilize the money from your personal loan to get the most out of it. by doing this you can make your payments on time and prevent overpaying. These actions will enable you to use a personal loan to improve your financial situation and accomplish your objectives.

    Loans for Under Debt Review Clients in Johannesburg Gauteng

    There are solutions open to you if you’re a debt review client in Johannesburg, Gauteng and you need a loan. As long as you have a strong repayment plan in place and can show that you are paying down your debts many lenders in Gauteng are prepared to deal with debt review clients.

    It’s crucial to be honest about your financial condition and to give the lender the required evidence when applying for a loan as a debt review client in Gauteng. This will aid the lender in comprehending your circ*mstance and deciding whether to extend you a loan.

    A good tip is to carefully weigh your possibilities and pick a lender with affordable rates and charges. It’s crucial to keep in mind that taking out a loan while undergoing debt review can be problematic. To prevent getting into more financial trouble it’s crucial to carefully prepare how you will utilize the loan and how you will repay it.

    No More Debt

    Debt review is intended to assist people in better managing their debt. You will be able to re-apply for credit after you’ve finished your debt review. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to borrow money while under debt review; there are many loans available that don’t require you to provide documentation demonstrating that you’ve paid off some of your current debt. You will need to wait until your debt review period is over if you do decide to obtain a loan though.

    Reviewing your debts is a step toward financial freedom. You won’t get any more unsolicited loan and credit card offers while under debt review. Additionally, you’ll discover that lenders won’t harass you regarding your finances in any way. This doesn’t imply that no one else will get in touch with you; just be careful not to let them pressure you into doing something you don’t desire.

    Your credit score will increase once you’ve finished reviewing your debt and you’ll start receiving better offers on everything from insurance to home loans.

    Under debt review and need car without deposit? Here’s your solution

    Here is an option for South Africans who are looking for cars without a deposit but are also under debt review: Rent-To-Own.

    For people looking to purchase a vehicle while paying off debts this service offers autos for a monthly cost with a minimal investment.

    Rent-to-own frequently offers flexible payment plans and is less expensive than full purchase. It also raises your credit rating.


    The phrase “rent-to-own” describes a type of financing where customers pay a predetermined sum each month in exchange for the right to own a particular item. Customers can sometimes spread out their payments over months or even years which enables them to gradually pay off the price of a product without having to pay the full amount right away.

    Lease agreements, installment sales contracts and rental car agreements are just a few of the numerous kinds of rent-to-own arrangements. Depending on the products being sold and the amount of money consumers are paying each month rent-to-own offers can be very different. While some businesses allow customers to pay off the loan early with flexible terms others demand that they wait until the full balance is paid.

    Unscrupulous Lenders

    The debt review procedure is governed by the National Credit Act which enables creditors to keep track of consumer credit accounts and take action to lower outstanding sums. Along with monitoring the law forbids borrowers from asking for loans while carrying excessive debt. This covers prohibiting borrowers from securing loans from licensed lenders like banks and credit unions.

    However, there are gaps in the law that let dishonest lenders carry on with their business while being looked into. These include:

    • A 30-day window must pass after receiving a notice of default before a person is informed of a debt review;
    • A creditor is prohibited from charging interest during the review period if it fails to notify the debtor of the review;
    • To contest a debt review, a person may ask for a hearing;
    • During a debt review a creditor is not permitted to impose or collect fees

    A person can file a complaint against a creditor for violating the act. However, the act doesn’t provide penalties for violations, making it difficult for regulators to hold companies accountable.

    Unscrupulous Sales people

    As the National Consumer Credit Act (NCRA) and the National Credit Regulator (NCR) both clearly state, it is strictly prohibited to sell consumer debt to individuals who are already undergoing debt review. Despite this, it is not uncommon for consumers in this situation to receive offers from sales people who claim to have the perfect solution to their financial struggles. These sales people often use persuasive language such as “I am here to help you” or “We can work together to find solutions to your problems” to lure consumers into making rash decisions. However, it is important to remember that these offers are not always as benevolent as they may appear and consumers should be wary of any offers that seem too good to be true. It is always best to thoroughly research any offers and consult with a financial advisor before making any decisions.

    Although it would seem as though these marketers are offering consumers a lifeline through debt evaluations the truth is that they are not behaving legally. Actually by failing to follow the rules laid down by the NCRA and NCR they are breaching the law and putting themselves in danger of being prosecuted. If you decide to take them up their offer you run the risk of becoming trapped in a cycle of payments that never ends and only gets harder over time thus making it much more difficult to pay off your obligations. By accepting this agreement you are essentially committed to a financial nightmare that is almost impossible to escape. It is wise to turn these offers down and rather look for trustworthy financial advice.

    If you choose to accept their offer you must be aware of the consequences. There are lots of dishonest sales people out there who are more concerned about protecting their own financial interests than that of others. Along with the severe consequences of signing a contract without properly reading the fine print you may also be liable for paying additional costs.

    Credit Provider Collections Agents

    Agents are being used more frequently by credit companies to assist in debt collection. However, a lot of customers are being duped by these businesses which occasionally fall short of their promises. Some of these businesses can even end up hurting consumers instead of helping them.

    Promises of quick repairs are the most typical strategy employed by collection agencies to win over clients. This entails reducing interest rates providing smaller monthly payments, and even eliminating fees. However, there are a number of reasons why these strategies don’t work.

    First, debt collection for credit issuers is frequently handled by outside organizations. Even though these businesses are meant to be independent contractors, they are nonetheless a part of a larger corporation. They are therefore subject to the same laws and restrictions as the parent corporation. And typically, those guidelines place limitations on the amount of time they can devote to a case.

    Second, collectors are taught to push aggressively and quickly. They are urged to apply instant pressure to clients even if they are aware that it takes longer for people to pay off their debts. They aim to finish deals as soon as possible so this makes sense. People quickly discern that they are being forced to accept less money though and this realization sets in quickly.

    Third, lenders of loans have an incentive to make lofty claims. They want to help in any way they can when they observe a client suffering to pay back their debt. They therefore make an effort to persuade the customer that they are mistaken. Unfortunately, this results in hollow promises and false hope.

    Last but not least the goal of debt review is to help a person’s financial condition. However, many of the strategies employed by these collection firms may hinder the consumer’s ability to accomplish that. For instance, lowering interest rates may result in more debt.

    Additionally, although reduced monthly payment amounts could appear enticing, they might lead to issues in the future. As was previously noted, having a high debt load can result in unwise spending. This may ultimately result in missed payments or loan default.

    Leaving debt review for the benefits offered by a single credit provider is foolish

    One creditor will examine your ability to pay off your obligations within a predetermined time frame as part of the debt review procedure. If the procedure is successful you are granted a discharge of your debts. What transpires, however, if you want to abort the procedure? Many consumers are unaware that leaving a debt review still carries a cost according to a recent survey by DebtFree magazine. These comprise paying back interest rates, late payment penalties and even litigation expenses.

    According to the survey almost half of those who responded skipped debt review without considering the repercussions. I didn’t consider that I was giving up the opportunity to appeal the verdict, one respondent informed DebtFree. Another person remarked: “I thought losing my house would be the worst thing that could happen.”

    The possibility that certain creditors would reject payments from someone who has been released from debt review was another issue brought up. The majority of lenders, according to the poll, will still take payments from clients who have finished the process.

    You will Not Qualify for a Loan Under Debt Review Anyway

    People who are undergoing a debt review “won’t qualify for a loan anyway,” according to a recent Money Magazine story. This claim can’t be true. Applying for a mortgage, vehicle loan, personal loan, etc. does not need you to provide evidence that you are making timely payments on your debts. In fact, lenders frequently want borrowers to show documentation proving they have paid off a portion of their debt. However, the majority of lenders do not believe that this proof is strong enough to support their decision.

    Lenders don’t want to give money to people who might later experience greater financial difficulties, thus this is the main reason why they require proof that you have paid off some of your debt. Even though you haven’t missed a single payment since taking out your initial loan you risk losing your property, having to sell it and owing more money than you did when you first bought it if you miss just one.

    Contact a debt counsellor right away to make sure you are aware of your true debt load. They’ll assist you in calculating your debt, your monthly payment capacity and your debt consolidation options.

    What Happens Next?

    With the end of the month fast approaching many people are rushing around trying to find the best deal on their home loan, credit cards or personal loans. But how do you know which products offer the best value for money? And what happens next after you apply?

    The simple answer is: it depends. If you’re looking to secure a loan there are several factors to consider, including interest rates, fees and charges, repayment terms and whether the product is secured against assets such as property or car finance.

    If you’ve already taken out a loan then it’s important to check the fine print to ensure that you understand exactly what you’re signing up to. For example, some lenders charge monthly fees for ongoing maintenance of your account. You may also receive additional fees for things like late payment penalties or overpayments.

    You may also want to ask about the length of the term of the loan – short-term options tend to cost less but you could pay more in interest over the longer term.

    And finally don’t forget to look into the affordability criteria set by lenders. This includes salary thresholds, deposit requirements and maximum repayments.

    Debt Review Completion: What Should I do?

    When we think about debt management we usually imagine ourselves sitting down with our bank manager or financial adviser and discussing how much money we owe and what our monthly repayments should be. But there’s another way to approach your debt problem, and it involves talking to your creditors directly.

    The only responsible route is to go through your debt review to completion and stick to the process. If you make one mistake along the way such as taking out too much credit or failing to pay off debts on time you could find yourself trapped in a vicious cycle where you end up paying even more interest than you did before.

    Once you are released from debt review you will be able take on more credit and hopefully would have learnt not to repeat the same mistakes. Should you be struggling during your review the best solution is to take it to your debt counsellor for guidance and advice on further managing your budget home to ensure you don’t fall into traps set by incompetent sales people and lenders who are not registered and aren’t looking out for your best interests in the long term.

    This process takes time as it is meant to rehabilitate their spending habits.

    Loans For People Under Debt Review | Legal & Debt Solutions - LDS (2024)


    Can I borrow money while on debt review? ›

    You will need to wait until your debt review period is over if you do decide to obtain a loan though. Reviewing your debts is a step toward financial freedom. You won't get any more unsolicited loan and credit card offers while under debt review.

    Can I pay my creditors directly while under debt review? ›

    The answer: Yes, you can pay your creditors directly while under debt review if you choose to do so from the start. A consumer in debt review has two options for repaying their debts, according to the National Credit Act: Pay your debt yourself, or allow your debt counsellor to do it for you.

    How can a person get out from underneath debt and become debt free? ›

    First, always pay at least the minimum required payments on your credit cards and loans. Then, allot extra money toward paying down more debt and saving according to your goals. A debt consolidation loan or a balance transfer credit card can also help lower overall interest payments.

    How can I get free from debt review? ›

    Two legal ways to remove debt review status:
    1. If all your debts have been paid up as outlined in the debt review court order or review payment arrangement plan. OR.
    2. If all your short-term credit agreements that have been stated in the court order or for debt review payment arrangement plan, have been paid up completely.
    Jun 14, 2024

    How can I finish my debt review faster? ›

    In most cases, getting to the end of the review process faster can be as simple as paying extra, either as one lump sum or by paying a little extra every month.

    Does Bayport offer loans to debt review? ›

    Depending on your credit record and affordability, you can get a loan of up to R250 000 to settle your existing debts. We can help you to manage your debt better and improve your credit score. As a Bayport customer, you can get a FREE credit health report from our website.

    What happens if I can't pay my debt review? ›

    Missing a monthly repayment under debt review can have various consequences, and it's essential to manage and rectify the situation promptly to maintain the benefits of being under debt review. If you miss a monthly payment, credit providers will terminate the plan and institute legal proceedings.

    How do I remove myself under a debt review? ›

    Once a debt review order is obtained, a consumer cannot simply terminate or withdraw from the process. However, they can approach the Court to rescind the order or request a new order declaring that they are no longer over-indebted. This requires obtaining a subsequent Court Order related to the previous application.

    What is excluded from debt review? ›

    Certain debts might be excluded from the debt review process, such as: Government or Municipal Debts: These often require separate arrangements. Maintenance and Child Support: Legal obligations that must be maintained separately. Medical Bills: Outstanding payments for medical services.

    Is there really a government debt relief program? ›

    There aren't any free government debt relief programs for credit card or personal loan debt other than bankruptcy. Many types of government debt relief exist in the form of grants and low-interest loans for specific purposes.

    Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

    While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds. The biggest grant the government offers may be housing vouchers for those who qualify.

    How to pay off debt with no money? ›

    How to get out of debt on a low income
    1. Sign up for a debt relief program.
    2. Cut expenses to free up extra cash.
    3. Take advantage of opportunities to earn more money.
    4. Use financial windfalls to your advantage.
    May 22, 2024

    Can you borrow money while under debt review? ›

    Any credit provider who extends credit to a consumer flagged as under debt review is deemed to be reckless lending. In this respect, you cannot obtain a new loan while under debt review.

    How do I get cleared from debt review? ›

    However, once the debt rearrangement order is granted, the only way to exit debt review is by paying all your debt. You may then apply for a clearance certificate. A home loan is the only special case – you don't have to pay off your home loan in full before you can apply to leave debt review.

    What is a 17.2 form? ›

    Form 17.2 accepted

    A Notification paragraph according to NCA regulation 24 (10). This letter informs all credit providers that the restructuring application was approved, and you have been declared overindebted.

    Can you use your credit card while under debt review? ›

    While in debt review, you cannot access further credit. You cannot use your store cards, credit cards or apply for a loan. Once you have exited the process, you can reapply for credit.

    Can you open a bank account while under debt review? ›

    You will not be able to open new accounts while under Debt Review, however you can open a new bank account. A difficult reality facing over-indebted consumers is their inability to cope with the various debt repayments in their name.

    What are the disadvantages of debt review? ›

    While debt counselling offers many advantages, it's important to be aware of the potential downsides: Temporary Credit Restrictions: During the debt review process, you won't be able to apply for new credit. While this can be frustrating, it's necessary to ensure you don't take on more debt.

    Can I settle my account while under debt review? ›

    The answer is yes, absolutely! Debt review is a proven, structured legal debt relief process, whereby a debt counsellor does a financial analysis and comes up with affordable payment arrangements on your behalf. Accordingly, you will be able to manage your financial affairs hassle-free.

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    Name: Corie Satterfield

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