List of cryptograms/Home media (2024)

Main article: List of cryptograms

Caesar cipherAtbash cipher A1Z26 cipherThe Author's symbol substitution cipherCombined cipherNumber codesVigenère cipherBill's symbol substitution cipherDipper's codeCombined symbol substitution cipher

Home Media
Gravity Falls: The Complete Series


Substitution Ciphers[]

The A1Z26 cipher is a simple substitution cipher decoded by substituting the nth letter of the alphabet for given number n (and back again). Several other ciphers used in Gravity Falls work by applying this cipher first and then doing arithmetic - decryption is then done by reversing the arithmetic.

The Caesar cipher (or shift cipher) used in Gravity Falls uses a shift of +3 or -23: you encrypt by applying the A1Z26 cipher above, adding +3 or -23 using modular addition (so 1-3=25), and then undoing A1Z26 to get a letter. You decrypt by doing the same backwards, adding -3 or +23 (so A decrypts to X, for example).

The Atbash cipher works like the Caesar cipher, only instead of adding or subtracting 3 to letters 1-26, you apply A1Z26 with a numbering scheme of -13 to -1 and then 1 to 13 (skipping 0), then multiplying by -1. In other words, you simply mirror the alphabet.

List of cryptograms/Home media (1)

In Journal 3, a symbol substitution cipher is used by The Author. The symbols are hidden on many pages of the journals. This cipher also encrypts some punctuation. The symbols for Q and Z used to be unknown, until the font CipherFontA was discovered from

The Author's SymbolsList of cryptograms/Home media (2)List of cryptograms/Home media (3)List of cryptograms/Home media (4)List of cryptograms/Home media (5)List of cryptograms/Home media (6)List of cryptograms/Home media (7)List of cryptograms/Home media (8)List of cryptograms/Home media (9)List of cryptograms/Home media (10)List of cryptograms/Home media (11)List of cryptograms/Home media (12)List of cryptograms/Home media (13)List of cryptograms/Home media (14)List of cryptograms/Home media (15)List of cryptograms/Home media (16)List of cryptograms/Home media (17)List of cryptograms/Home media (18)List of cryptograms/Home media (19)List of cryptograms/Home media (20)List of cryptograms/Home media (21)List of cryptograms/Home media (22)List of cryptograms/Home media (23)List of cryptograms/Home media (24)List of cryptograms/Home media (25)List of cryptograms/Home media (26)List of cryptograms/Home media (27)

Combined cipher[]

A combined cipher is a mix of two or more ciphers seen in the show. The first time such cipher has been used is at the end of "Gideon Rises." It's solved by converting to letters using the A1Z26 cipher, then flipping the letters with the Atbash cipher, and finally by using the Caesar cipher. Season 2's combined ciphers start with the Vigenère cipher.

Combined cipher without Vigenère

Number codes[]

These codes are solvable by taking the number beside a parenthesis as an episode number, and the other numbers beside them represents a letter in that episode's credits cryptogram.

Vigenère cipher[]

Vigenère cipher is a series of Caesar ciphers where each letter shift depends on a key word. Vigenère ciphers use a Vigenère square, like the one below, to encrypt the message. The square is 26 rows of Caesar ciphers starting with a zero letter shift. On each additional row, the shift of the letters is increased by 1.

Vigenère cipher

As Vigenère ciphers are a bit more complicated, consider the following example: we want to encrypt the message MABELEATSSPRINKLES and use GRAVITY as the key. We would repeat the key word until it matched the length of the message (in this case, GRAVITYGRAVITYGRAV). Using the table above, we match the message letter to a row and the corresponding key letter to a column and find the letter at their intersection on the table. For example, the row starting with M and the column starting with G intersect at S. The row starting with A and the column starting with R intersect at R. So using our message and the key, the we'd create the following cipher:


Note that any time the message is A, the cipher letter will be the same as the key letter and vice versa.

Another way to think of Vigenère ciphers is that each letter of the key corresponds to a Caesar shift number (A=0, B=1, C=2, etc.) and for each letter of the message you form a Caesar shift based on the corresponding key letter.

Bill's symbol substitution cipher[]

List of cryptograms/Home media (28)

In the book Dipper's and Mabel's Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun!, Bill tells readers "I bet you can't even figure out the code I've hidden throughout this book."[1] The symbols are similar to The Author's symbol substitution cipher. This cipher is also used by The Author of the Journals and Shmebulock.

Bill's symbol substitution cipher
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Combined symbol substitution cipher[]

List of cryptograms/Home media (55)

In the canonical copy of Journal 3, besides his regular substitution cipher, Bill uses another cipher to further hide his sinister teasing notes and messages from Ford. Many of the symbols are shared with Bill's symbol substitution cipher and the Author's symbol substitution cipher. The symbols decode to numbers, and from there use A1Z26.

Combined symbol substitution cipher
CryptogramList of cryptograms/Home media (56)List of cryptograms/Home media (57)List of cryptograms/Home media (58)List of cryptograms/Home media (59)List of cryptograms/Home media (60)List of cryptograms/Home media (61)List of cryptograms/Home media (62)List of cryptograms/Home media (63)List of cryptograms/Home media (64)List of cryptograms/Home media (65)List of cryptograms/Home media (66)List of cryptograms/Home media (67)List of cryptograms/Home media (68)List of cryptograms/Home media (69)List of cryptograms/Home media (70)List of cryptograms/Home media (71)List of cryptograms/Home media (72)List of cryptograms/Home media (73)List of cryptograms/Home media (74)List of cryptograms/Home media (75)List of cryptograms/Home media (76)List of cryptograms/Home media (77)List of cryptograms/Home media (78)List of cryptograms/Home media (79)List of cryptograms/Home media (80)List of cryptograms/Home media (81)

Theraprism symbol substitution cipher[]

In The Book of Bill, alongside several of the codes previously seen in the show and other material, there are also new codes introduced throughout the book. This cipher is primarily used in the Theraprism pages, but are also seen elsewhere in the book as a general-purpose alien writing.

Theraprism symbol substitution cipher
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Rune symbol substitution cipher[]

Another cipher introduced in The Book of Bill, this substitution cipher is made up of runes by the Vikings, originally put up as signs warning everyone to "throw Olaf overboard" if he ever tried to draw a triangle (representing Bill).

Rune symbol substitution cipher
CryptogramList of cryptograms/Home media (108)List of cryptograms/Home media (109)List of cryptograms/Home media (110)List of cryptograms/Home media (111)List of cryptograms/Home media (112)List of cryptograms/Home media (113)List of cryptograms/Home media (114)List of cryptograms/Home media (115)List of cryptograms/Home media (116)List of cryptograms/Home media (117)List of cryptograms/Home media (118)List of cryptograms/Home media (119)List of cryptograms/Home media (120)List of cryptograms/Home media (121)List of cryptograms/Home media (122)List of cryptograms/Home media (123)List of cryptograms/Home media (124)List of cryptograms/Home media (125)List of cryptograms/Home media (126)List of cryptograms/Home media (127)List of cryptograms/Home media (128)List of cryptograms/Home media (129)List of cryptograms/Home media (130)List of cryptograms/Home media (131)List of cryptograms/Home media (132)List of cryptograms/Home media (133)

Alchemic symbol substitution cipher[]

Using the font 1651 Alchemy Symbols by GLC, this Book of Bill cipher appears sporadically throughout both the book and on the the tie-in website. It seems to be primarily used by Bill himself in a few rare occasions.

Alchemic symbol substitution cipher
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Color substitution cipher[]

This substitution cipher, introduced in The Book of Bill, appears in some corners of The Book of Bill and in parts of the tie-in website.

Color substitution cipher
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Bros.' Secret Code[]

This substitution cipher, created by Stan Pines and Ford Pines as kids, appears near the end of The Book of Bill and occasionally in the tie-in website.

Bros.' Secret Code
CryptogramList of cryptograms/Home media (186)List of cryptograms/Home media (187)List of cryptograms/Home media (188)List of cryptograms/Home media (189)List of cryptograms/Home media (190)List of cryptograms/Home media (191)List of cryptograms/Home media (192)List of cryptograms/Home media (193)List of cryptograms/Home media (194)List of cryptograms/Home media (195)List of cryptograms/Home media (196)List of cryptograms/Home media (197)List of cryptograms/Home media (198)List of cryptograms/Home media (199)List of cryptograms/Home media (200)List of cryptograms/Home media (201)List of cryptograms/Home media (202)List of cryptograms/Home media (203)List of cryptograms/Home media (204)List of cryptograms/Home media (205)List of cryptograms/Home media (206)List of cryptograms/Home media (207)List of cryptograms/Home media (208)List of cryptograms/Home media (209)List of cryptograms/Home media (210)List of cryptograms/Home media (211)

Home Media[]

Gravity Falls: The Complete Series[]

Back of box set caseTwelve-year-old twins Dipper and Mabel Pines are sent to the sleepy forest town of Gravity Falls, Oregon to spend their summer vacation with their great uncle (”Grunkle”) Stan, a shady, carnival-barker-like con man who forces them to work at the Mystery Shack, Oregon’s lowest-rated tourist trap. Although the Shack is filled with hoaxes and fakes, the town itself seems to be hiding a paranormal dark side, with monsters and mysteries around every corner. When Dipper stumbles upon an elusive book hidden in the forest, he realizes it just might hold the secrets to understanding the town. Soon, conspiracy-obsessed Dipper and goofy, carefree Mabel realize they must rely on each other to survive their crazy, new world. Meanwhile, Grunkle Stan guards a secret of his own - one that just might hold the key to unlocking the deeper mystery that is Gravity Falls.beware cipherBolded letters.
List of cryptograms/Home media (212)List of cryptograms/Home media (213)List of cryptograms/Home media (214)List of cryptograms/Home media (215)List of cryptograms/Home media (216)List of cryptograms/Home media (217)List of cryptograms/Home media (218)List of cryptograms/Home media (219)List of cryptograms/Home media (220)List of cryptograms/Home media (221)STAY WEIRDBill's Symbol Substitution Cipher
D vrxyhqlu lv vrphwklqj judqg/brx krog wkh vxpphu lq brxu kdqgA souvenir is something grand/you hold the summer in your handCaesar
Bottom of box set caseList of cryptograms/Home media (222)List of cryptograms/Home media (223)List of cryptograms/Home media (224)List of cryptograms/Home media (225)List of cryptograms/Home media (226)List of cryptograms/Home media (227)List of cryptograms/Home media (228)List of cryptograms/Home media (229)List of cryptograms/Home media (230)List of cryptograms/Home media (231)List of cryptograms/Home media (232)List of cryptograms/Home media (233)List of cryptograms/Home media (234)PINES FOREVERBill's Symbol Substitution Cipher
“One Crazy Summer” featuretteList of cryptograms/Home media (235)List of cryptograms/Home media (236)List of cryptograms/Home media (237)List of cryptograms/Home media (238)List of cryptograms/Home media (239)List of cryptograms/Home media (240)List of cryptograms/Home media (241)List of cryptograms/Home media (242)List of cryptograms/Home media (243)List of cryptograms/Home media (244)List of cryptograms/Home media (245)List of cryptograms/Home media (246)List of cryptograms/Home media (247)LEFT AT TEETHBill's Symbol Substitution Cipher
List of cryptograms/Home media (248)List of cryptograms/Home media (249)List of cryptograms/Home media (250)List of cryptograms/Home media (251)List of cryptograms/Home media (252)List of cryptograms/Home media (253)List of cryptograms/Home media (254)List of cryptograms/Home media (255)List of cryptograms/Home media (256)List of cryptograms/Home media (257)List of cryptograms/Home media (258)List of cryptograms/Home media (259)List of cryptograms/Home media (260)List of cryptograms/Home media (261)List of cryptograms/Home media (262)List of cryptograms/Home media (263)LEFT AT CHECKERS
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“The Hirsch Twins" featuretteList of cryptograms/Home media (341)List of cryptograms/Home media (342)List of cryptograms/Home media (343)List of cryptograms/Home media (344)List of cryptograms/Home media (345)List of cryptograms/Home media (346)List of cryptograms/Home media (347)List of cryptograms/Home media (348)List of cryptograms/Home media (349)List of cryptograms/Home media (350)List of cryptograms/Home media (351)List of cryptograms/Home media (352)List of cryptograms/Home media (353)List of cryptograms/Home media (354)List of cryptograms/Home media (355)List of cryptograms/Home media (356)List of cryptograms/Home media (357)LEFT AT TRIANGLESBill's Symbol Substitution Cipher


  1. Dipper's and Mabel's Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun! by Disney Book Group. October 7, 2014. Published by Disney Press. Page(s) 127. ISBN: 978-1484710807.

List of cryptograms/Home media (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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